What the fuck are you smoking now, Nintendo
What the fuck are you smoking now, Nintendo
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You would think after Project M, the Metroid Remake, the bad press from the countless censorship they would try to stop pissing off people for the release of the NX.
Good, the more people they piss off, the better. Though I'd be happier if Sony did something worse right now.
They did cisbusters, that's already worse
And nobody with half a brain is surprised.
looks like they're setting up for a "comeback" that'll make even the laziest good decision look great by comparison. it won't work.
How do they fuck up so badly though?
Jesus H. Christ
Pokemon Go seems to have made them cocky. the same thing happened after the Wii and we know what happened there.
Nintendo is perfectly allowed to do stuff like this, newfags.
Nintendo didnt even make Pokemon Go
that makes them even more arrogant. they think they don't even have to make games anymore.
Things Nintendo can do =/= Things that are a good idea for Nintendo to do
You all are just haters. Nintendo doesn't do anything wrong. Nintendo is a magical company that produces entertainment gold for the entire family. These "fan games" were merely parasites living off of Nintendo's past success.
Doesn't matter, their market value shot up astronomically when it came out. No one knows they didn't have anything to do with it.
Lately i was joking with a friend because the Eshop never gets any decent sale, and so do the Nintendo games on Amazon/Gamestop/Wherever.
So we started to call this phenomenon "Nintendo Camorra", as in, they are a Mafia like institution that gives us "product" and pretends unreasonable prices cause they have the monopoly.
It also doesn't help that what they are doing now is to cut off the opposition.
What a shock, using copyrighted characters and IP and hosting your files on a public service results in a copyright takedown notice.
How much do they pay you for an hour?
Fuck, ROM hacks are gonna be next. We need to archive every shit we can ASAP, lads.
And then it dropped to where it should be about two weeks later
They took down Project M?
Project M took down itself. They kinda dodged a bullet with this one.
He said, using an unlicensed screen capture of a copyrighted Chinese cartoon
Fair use. :^)
Man I don't think I've seen a company turn to shit so fast. Usually it's a slow process, but in these last 2 years Nintendo has just went to complete shit. Poor Iwata must be rolling around in the grave right now.
Did anyone back them up?
This shit has gone too far.
The NX must fail!
As a poster who generally had good things to say about Nintendo just about right after the first exodus, I can say that Nintendo died with Iwata. I can't forgive the Wii's pandering to massive fucking casuals, but I will accept that quality of most Wii games were above average and some of the best modern games I've played were on the thing. So, while most of the shitty things we've gotten up until Pokemon Go was under supervision of Iwata until the day he died, they always had some level of acceptable quality. Their quality had seemingly dropped across the board from what we were shown. Some of them never even looked good to begin with, see Go.
Splatoon, Mario 3D World, Pikmin, and Smash gave the Wii U promise, and a future as a serious contender, with their unique takes on series and giving us hope for new IPs and revivals of ones though dead, and they were received pretty well, AND Splatoon/Smash moved units. Iwata promised this year's E3 would blow last year's out of the water, on his deathbed no less. They even did DLC right like old Expansion Packs for a little while.
It all went to shit.
Right before and after Iwata's death, Nintendo seemed to be taking a nosedive in quality. Ridiculously priced and understocked amiibo, DLC for Smash that was outrageous compared to Mario Kart, the list goes on and on.
The quality declined and declined, with a good game maybe once in a blue moon. Robobot, Mario Maker, generally games that needed as little translation as possible. But we all know the Treehouse debacle. Now Nintendo is scrambling to port their Wii U games to 3DS since the console is beyond dead, and desperately making cashgrabs of IPs in genres they don't even fit, like Zip Lash and the new Pikmin (which I will admit looks OK at best, but that's a Pikminfag talking).
I can name a lot, lot more but my autistic ramble doesn't need to go on much longer.
Pirate everything, buy nothing. It's not okay when Nintendo does it.
They don't need to worry about PR when they have an army of braindead cult-like fanboys who will defend everything they do.
Fanboys and casuals. That's the Nintendo audience nowadays.
God you'll never change, will you?
It's exactly because of people like you that Nintendo managed to get away with the shit that they did for years.
I think I'm going to buy a Famicom. At this point I'm 99% retro games now.
Did you even read the rest of his post?
You don't understand: HE LEARNED NOTHING.
That's the entire point, he learned NOTHING from this experience, he took cocks in his ass his entire life and only put a tape on it when an especially big one gave him anal tearing.
That's not learning, that's just him reaching his limit and having to 180° on his shit opinions.
But his shit opinions will never actually leave him, they're a part of him, he's the problem in the first place.
Just because I like games on a system, that doesn't mean I like the company. I didn't even say the games I liked were from Nintendo themselves, I meant shit like Sonic Colors and No More Heroes. You think the anons who play Sims 3 like EA, too?
I might as well mention most if not all Nintendo shit I have from after the N64 era is pirated or bought used, with a few exceptions like Tropical Freeze and Brawl. I didn't even own a Gamecube. I was more towards Playstation stuff that gen actually
The Wii had 5 good games on the system.
At best.
That is not "the quality of most Wii games was above average".
Such wording automatically makes me think you have the shittiest taste humanly imaginable.
Sorry I didn't word it correctly then autist, let me reword as "most games I played". I would assume you knew I didn't mean shovelware shit.
The question isn't worth the effort to pose on whether or not this is fucking stupid or wrong. The real question is will enough people actually give enough of a fuck for Nintendo to do anything about it? The most likely answer is probably not.And they'll do it as much as they want.
Anybody have hecantkeepgettingawaywithit.webm?
nintendo did have something to do with it though, they did the important job of counting royalty money.
both sony and microsoft are as shit as they can get now
meanwhile each passing month nintendo reaches a new low
haha sure thing
perhaps you're still waiting for the news what they worked out together with ninty?
Sony already bribed the White House to pass laws in their favor. They're as shit as they can get.
Nintendo falling from grace is just depressing. They weren't perfect by any means, but now they're turning just as shitty as Microsoft and Sony.
who the fuck is gamejolt
Oh okay
Holla Forums is showing how contrarian and reddit filled it is once again
wew lad
Are they only taking down western fangames?
Or are they also eliminating japanese fangames?
Well, how many of them are already mirrored hundreds of other places.
Legitimate question, Because I get the strong feeling like this will end up just like every time nintendo "takes down" something and boo nintendo but it's up on hundreds of other locations.
Not justifying the action just curious as to how much of a big deal this actually is
Which one, you golden ass bitchboy?
lol those aren't the same retard
How aren't they?
I think they will.
I'm pretty sure this stops being an homage when you're profitting from it.
I've been in modding and I never even tried to earn a single cent of it. If I play something on the web, I actually try to hide the ads with adblockers and stuff. Web games that require you to see the ads remind me of crap like pic related.
And yes, there are good games that are clear homages to Nintendo stuff, like Cave Story and Shovel Knights: they were able to succeed without hanging from a previous IP popularity. Even fucking Giana Sisters were clever enough to NOT recycle Nintendo graphics & music.
Holy shit, most of these games are clear fucking parodies. Even the first comment on the article. Fuck Nintendo, they are dried up fucking faggots who cant even make GOOD video games anymore. Fuck u fanboys.
Not even a shekel apparently, he'll have to go back to the kibbutz.
Holy shit, do you consider every platformer to be a homage to nintendo? What a furry faggot
Better get on fan-translation patches for old games on Nintendo systems as well. No one cleared those games to come west (for the most part, anyhow; I mean, there's the occasional game like BoF II that saw a western release but had an official translation so shit that a fan had to retranslate it), but it wouldn't surprise me if NoA suddenly decides they don't want anyone out here to be able to play them in English anyhow (or better English than we originally were given).
No wonder Nintendo DMCA'd them.
The Wiis audience was simply them stealing the audience created by the shitstation 2. If you wanna blame someone for the casualizing and over monetizing of the industry, blame Sony on that one.
I wouldnt even say Nintendo specifically has "fallen". The entire industry is fucking dogshit right now. All of it.
Oh lawd, why don't you actually try playing the damn thing before you lambast it.
Suppose for a second that I'm an autist with no clue about gaming communities, what is Game Jolt exactly? A kongregate clone?
It's ok when nintendo does it rite?
It's amazing Nintendo has shut down more good games this year then actually release
You summed things up pretty well
IP protection is a bullshit excuse, but profiting from assets is another story entirely.
Whom is this supposed to be the opinion of? You said Holla Forums, but I'm Holla Forums and I think Patreon is good in cases where a creator is producing tangible content and a customer, viewer, or fan wishes to donate. I have many disagreements with Patreon such as cockblocking Hotwheels, and the fact that professional victims can use it to make easy money, but over all I feel like it's the easiest way for creators and their donators to benefit each other.
The situation you described however, is not equivalent. Even if I were to dislike Patreon because it allows people to get money for doing nothing, this is not equivalent to a creator of a fan game getting money from ad revenue. The difference here is that effort was applied in one case and the other, not.
This particular situation is pretty tough to navigate, nobody is going to challenge nintendo because no one has the money to do so, but I guess the argument would come down to "are you making this money because of your efforts, or are you making this money because you're using our IP in your project?"
And where you stand on that question colors your whole view on it.
getting cash from ads is the same thing as monetizing let's play videos on youtube. the games themselves are still free
coincidentally youtube hands over your money from nintendo related videos to nintendo :^)
Profiting is such a loose fucking term here
I doubt the lifetime ad revenue of the most popular of these games would pay even one month's rent of the most run down shitbag apartment in America. When you think of what an average game there must be like it's lifetime ad revenue probably won't even buy their creator a shitty new AAA game.
So what is essentially happening is that Nintendo is sour over the pennies that people are making and slowly but surely ruining their reputation in the process.
your sisters fair use lmao
Is nintendo trying to one up Sega in the business killing department now?
This has all been building up for a long time. Iwata's death just blew the lid off.
Good, fuckers died the moment the Gamecube's run ended anyways. Now if only everyone else would follow their example, from all the other shit console peddlers to the fat man of nogames and endless hats himself.
Burn it all, even if nothing rises out of the ashes it'll still be an improvement.
I'm glad Iwata and Yamauchi are gone. I don't think they'd be able to take in what is happening
Iwata is out there somewhere, playing Mario Bros. in the stars now…
I have also reached this point. Hell if gaming died I could still play for several lifetimes on good games that I haven't played yet for old systems I don't own yet. Let's get this gamecrash started.
He learned, alright. You're just buttmad.
If they really made so little, then they should have been fine with making nothing at all. And if they were planning on making money from a game made using Nintendo assets, they were not only breaking legitimate and fair laws, but also making the games for the wrong reasons.
Let's face it. Nintendo has rights here, it's fair that they use them. It's not right for someone to make a game using their properties and profit off of it, for the same reason Sony can't make a Mario game. It's understandable. And if amateur game devs want to make a game, there's no reason to use a company's assets, except for brand recognition, which they are not entitled to and shouldn't want or need anyway since the game would be free.
Now AM2R, that's a slightly different story. I don't think the author of that was making revenue. It was within Ninty's rights to take that one down, but I have to wonder why they bothered?
In terms of PR, Nintendo is hurting themselves. I don't see any benefits to them doing this, either. And besides, I see Mario fan games all the time on those flash game collection sites, that people play when they're bored at school. Seems like free subconscious advertising for Nintendo anyway. What is allowing this to happen, and who is doing this? Are higher ups at Ninty even aware this is happening?
They're dropping like flies though. The amount of fanboys Nintendo has gets less and less by the year. They can't keep depending on their janitors forever.
I want Nintendo to die. Not because I hate them. Complete contrary, I want Nintendo to die a mercy killing in the same sense people want the Simpsons to finally die. Because the world isn't going to start acknowledging the impact this company and its people have made on gaming as a whole until after they finally kick the bucket. The legacy they will leave behind would mean so much more to me and a lot of people then if they were to continue on like this. Sadly it doesn't look like they'll die anytime soon.
I think when people say they think Nintendo is going to die is because a lot of people still think Nintendo is a small company still like back in their childhood. The reality is far more depressing, The reality is that they're too big to die now, no matter how shitty they get, they have establish corporate immortality, like Coca-Cola or Microsoft
I don't think they'll die as a company but I could definitely see them going away a console or handheld manufacturer and possibly even as a game development company. They should just go back to making toys and hanafuda cards.
delving back into obscurity sounds like a fate much worse than dieing and leaving a legacy
Shit that stings.
This new guy seems all corporate. The actions seem to make more sense now.
I don't even know why people still act surprised that Nintendo would do something like this.
The real question is, what is anyone going to do about it?
hopefully not throw money in nintendo's direction. But I'm doubtful of that
did they take down pokemon sage?
Aren't they also trying to branch out into amusement parks?
The best way to deal with this is the "bend and sway like a reed maneuver". In other words, Stop making fan remakes and sequels of games and start making fan CLONES of games. And that's not just advice for Nintendo fans either. Strip out all the IPs and direct references and make games anyway. Deviate just far enough that lawyers can't touch you.
And stop buying the products of companies that treat their fan and customers like shit. If you want to play their games buy them second hand. Same gose for their hardware.
The only people who get promoted in companies are the people who sell the product to make the money, not the people who design the product
Same here. Only "new" things I'm playing are niche shit like Dwarf Fortress, which is so detached from the industry that it would continue to exist in full autistic glory no matter what.
I meant the same sentiment, although I probably didn't convey it well. They gave me some good times back in the day when they weren't shit, but they've not only died, they've gone so far beyond "dead" that they're a skeleton shuffling about. Eventually, everything needs to die, and those that aren't wise enough to take their leave while on a high note become abominations every time.
Not quite. They're big and pretty hard to kill compared to smaller companies, but they're still just an entertainment company, and one that doesn't have the luxury of a near/total monopoly like the real immortals do.
Coca-Cola and Microsoft are not only much more massive, they've got tendrils snaking into so many other lower and higher fields that they can survive through both side-profits and paying off people with power to do their bidding. Even if everyone stopped buying Coke or Windows overnight, they'd still rake in insane amounts of profit from everything else, and all it'd take to restart the lost profit source would be to retool the branding and angle they're gunning for. Nintendo, meanwhile, is still just an entertainment company.
Not having that kind of power or safety net means that fucking up long and hard enough can eventually kill Nintendo, even if it will take a while. Plus, their two major competitors (Microsoft and Sony) are both tech giants with many other avenues of profit and development to fall back on if games go tits-up, whereas Nintendo is strictly-vidya and is at the mercy of consumers as well as the industry. If the industry takes a long walk off a short pier or enough consumers scatter to other companies out of annoyance, Nintendo will most likely eat shit as its only source of profit dies unceremoniously, whereas the other two will just fire their entire vidya sectors like picking off a scab and pretend nothing happened.
Mind you, all 3 console makers are equally utter shit and PC is only slightly better for the fact that Steam can be easily avoided in favor of not paying the hat jew, but the key difference here can be metaphorically summed-up as, "two steel bridges with enough support to safely hold Godzilla's fat ass versus a rickety wood bridge that's audibly cracking in the breeze." Everything is shit, but it's clear who has more endurance and safety nets for when things go south.
I get slightly triggered when people say this as if its something new
There was a very popular Pokemon theme park in Japan and some other Asian countries in the mid-2000s
shitendo does it again
Nintendo overtook Sony's stock value several times throughout its history. During the Wii era and more recently with Pokemon Go
People underestimate the sheer size of Nintendo. They run a hardware and software business as well as Pokemon that gives them a successful TV show at least back east as well
Likewise. People greatly overestimate Sony's size as a company. They were one of the largest companies in the world in the 90s. But they're much smaller today. There's a lot more competition in their key markets today
Not trying to defend them, but at least they give you a hard product for the DLC. Instead of most other game developers just outright sell it for 15$ though the amibo looks like shit, its still a step in the right direction
I feel like the region lock and censorship was only NoA. Thats about all thats debatable in that picture though. the New 3DS thing was really retarded, with the no charger and all. Im glad I didnt buy that shit.
You mean electronic only games? What is that trying to say.
Come on user, Nintendo's been doing that shit since the fucking famicom.
Shit sucks.
Reminder that Nintendo were always greedy kikes willing to fuck over fans at a moment's notice.
Pretty sure it's about the difference in how Nintendo handles digitally purchased games from the e-shop (games tied to system) and how Sony handles digitally purchased games with the Playstation Store (games tied to PSN account).
Legally they can't do jack about ROMhacks as long as they are distributed via patches, as the patches themselves do not contain any copyrighted material. If they do, it would take a hex editor to reveal, something legal jockeys typically won't touch with a ten foot pole.
I'm not saying you shouldn't back up your favorites, just that you should worry a bit more about ROMs. Although given how long have they been floating around I doubt they can do much about them.
Sega truly does what Nintendon't.
They've fluctuated over the years. While some of it was still there, their bullshit was drastically less severe with Iwata at the helm.
Nah, they are Japanese. The samurai are better jews than the jews themselves. There is a reason the jew fears the samurai.
I wouldn't know about cave story, but
Are you literally retarded
How does one maintain an honor culture while being a Jew? Are they not anathema?
I'm pretty sure you two are arguing about different definitions. One of you is saying Nintendo meaning games on the NES/SNES. The other is saying Nintendo meaning games specifically made by Nintendo.
Today is a good day to regain interest in Sonic.
Its simple, they are not jews, they are Samurai.
Can we meme Iwata back from the dead please.
I included both
They follow the laws of the land whether they are completely fair or not, and they do it without tricking anyone
Seems pretty simple to me
nintendo has been taken over by shapeshifters
no, theyre just kikes
And the Nintendo fanboys have arrived.
Of course they have the legal right to do this shit. They've paid enough to the law-makers to make the laws in their favor. "We paid the bribe" shouldn't be an excuse for destroying fan works.