This game comes out tomorrow, just found it today. Anyone play the beta? Looks awesome
am I stupid enough to preorder it for 8 bucks off
This game comes out tomorrow, just found it today. Anyone play the beta? Looks awesome
am I stupid enough to preorder it for 8 bucks off
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Kinda surprised. Looks fun to pirate if it has single player campaign.
Either way, where's the webm.
color me surprised
Follow them on twitter, their community manager guy is pretty cool
It does. Considering absolutely nobody knows about this game if it didn't it would be dead in the water.
No way is an indie game looking this good and also actually optimized
I'm scared
looks pretty good actually, i hope it is
I've been waiting for this for so long.
what the fuck
Looks pretty fun, I'll definitely be watching out for it.
Looks like a shitty version of F-Zero mixed with Wipeout.
is this some kind of ebic meem?
ever time there is a new game like this, this exact same post shows up.
it happened with Fast Racing Neo too
why does it look shitty?
Looks interesting.
Looks nice. Kind of wish it had whatever genre Wipeout's OST was rather than rock(?) though.y
It's unfappable.
It's Holla Forums, someone always has to show up to shit on whatever game because there was another game in the same genre 10 years ago that was good.
What is it with these games and Cairo? I'm not complaining.
I should have listened.
Actual gameplay footage
fuck yeah. It's the nitronic rush type too where if you go through tunnels it becomes muffled. Kind of dislike the buzzing noise though
So, it's just Wipeout for the PC, then?
Was reading the steam forums, cuz i'm jewy with my money and don't like preordering, but there's 20% off … and I'm jewy. Anyway. Buzzing/scraping noise seems to have been a bug
No, not even if you have played a leaked version before release and know 100% that it's really good. It isn't just about the fear of wasting your money, it's about the message it sends to developers.
Also I don't even see an option to preorder it on Steam and there's no store page on GOG/GMG so I have to ask, are you seriously going to buy a game on a console and give M$/$ony your shekels? Look I know that Valve are greedy kikes but they are nothing compared to console manufacturers.
Anyways the game looks pretty cool, I'll give it a pirate and if it's as fun as it looks I'll find some way to support the devs with my money without giving anything to the middleman.
No. That's BallisticNG.
It's trance, if I'm not mistaken.
And yeah, it just complemented the game perfectly.
Just because wangblows is in a VM doesn't mean it isn't binbows.
Then you might as well not be playing any video games that aren't Tux Racer, Quake and Doom sourceports and rogulikes. Actually that's not a bad fate to suffer.
I'll admit I was merely shitposting and do play many proprietary games sometimes on dual boot binbows because my mobo doesn't support GPU passthrough
I find it kind of entertaining that there's the occasional vidya that actually runs better under WINE rather than Windows. Fucking STALKER and it's slav magic, I swear.
Wait, doesn't this game have any fucking weapons?
Apparently not.
I asked them in one of their videos and they said that it wont have weapons, just power ups
Not a console peasant. It's available direct from the developer and humblebumble.
F-Zero GX still looks and sounds better but I'd still play this. It looks like something that was made for the sake of being FUN, and that's something I can get behind given how more and more games are being shilled to the goyim for the sake of shekelmiester.
Let me guess…
F-Zero categorically does not look better than this game, though I doubt it will play as well as it's the gold standard.
Ah that's very good to hear, I really don't know why more devs don't have the option to get it from them direct.
Fuck off.
Adjusted for inflation it's 36 bucks
really nigger
Now adjust it for the change in actual income.
How much content is in this thing? Because for $35 it better be a fucking lot.
Damn, unreal really is shaping itself to be the most convenient engine to develop on for the graphical fidelity you can achieve.
They've got that Chinese money (major shareholder is now a Chinese company).
On the downside (IIRC)- that Chinese money is Tencent.
The guys who own LoL and sort the net censorship on behalf of the Chinese gov.
There's a thread up about them fairly often on half/d/.
Anons will fap to fucking anything, even that for some ungodly reason.
you'd be surprised, we're up to our necks in shills here. goons, Clinton shills, viral marketers, indie hacks, to name a few. if this thread shows up again after dropping off the board, it's reasonable to assume the dev is shilling.
Tell me user, can Tecent c&d my project just because they're a share holder?
Is the owner of the engine a jew? Is he a coolaid jew or a jew that's in on it?
Yeah sure faggot
keep crying wolf, that'll solve the problem
I'm glad I left if that's become a regular thread.