Do you have .onion links for the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack and stormfront ? I've looking on torch a'd there is nothing…
.onion links
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off Anglin you anti-white racemixing Jew
Anyway, do you have links ?
First reply every time
Remove .link to access on tor. .link enables you to access tor pages on normie web for the cost of your privacy.
That article was satire, wasn't it?
No but if I remember all he was saying was to have an offline brand without historical baggage. Not coming out against NS.
Thanks !
I don't think so.
He's in to Futurism or whatever he calls it.
He talks a lot about the fact that the robots will take a lot of jobs, something that national socialism has no answer to.
And I don't think any of us here actually joined the National Socialist German Workers' Party?
He's right though - Anglin is a half nigger who openly hates whites
THAT'S YOU'RE FUCKING ANSWER KIKE! for all updates on the website, also they are up on clearnet at Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck
A thread died for this.
Relevant to this discussion about thai ladyboy prostitutes on this mongolian nipple clamp forum:
They both sound like autistic sperglords.
Only allow robot builders to live?
Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck
It's not working currently. Don Black may have taken the server offline due to the hurricane (he lives in West Palm).
Did this on my windows 7 and stormfront works just fine.
Stop pushing that meme (((Sinead))) you crazy kike roastie coal burning feminist whore
Don't do that hosts file bullshit, just type the ip address into your browser's address bar.
It is possible that this won't work (haven't tried).
Regardless, milk this event for its martyrdom potential but disregard Homoerotic Anglin's Thailander Ladyboy Appreciation Facility.
You've heard the claim that, mere months before becoming self-appointed saviour of the White race, child-fucker Anglin was publicly calling for the White race to be "bred out" - now hear those spoken words for yourself.
Despite Anglin's attempts to purge that conversation from the Internet, it was saved for eternity.
A warning to future generations of potential dupes, sadly ignored.
Here it is again, for those who not only listen but hear.
Just to add, the reason he gave for why the White race should be "bred out" just after ranting that it's no one's business if he wants to have a Black girlfriend is that it's "dangerous" to have people with White level IQs.
Could you get more Jewish than that? That is the whole basis of the Jewish attack on White hegemony; to tank the IQ of their only natural enemy, the only race with the intellect to threaten their quest for global dominance, through a sustained campaign of cross-breeding with negroes.
And here was have Anglin promoting exactly the same thing. Seems to me this is raw Kike ideology seeping out, "Freudian slip" style.
Guess what faggot? On the DOTR you're going to be dangling from an overpass alongside Sinead for bringing her name up.
Don't work thanks to cuckflare
but TDS is pulling up the goyim masses, raising up their IQ, right?
According to the Ohio Board of Tax Appeals, from mid-2005 through 2007, Andrew Anglin's father Greg Anglin owned Exile, one of Columbus, Ohio's most popular gay bars. Before that, the property at 893 N. Fourth St, Columbus, Ohio was owned by the trust of Andrew Anglin's late uncle, Todd Anglin, a venerated figure in the history of gay Columbus who died of AIDS-related illness in 2002.
This seems dodgy. It would be one thing if Andrew Anglin's father inherited the property, but he didn't. He bought it from a trustee five years after Andrew Anglin's uncle's death. Why? And why did he own this gay bar for nearly two and a half years time? Surely, Andrew Anglin must have known about it. After all, Andrew Anglin's father is the registered owner of the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack website domain and Andrew Anglin gives his father's business address whenever he asks for donations from Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack readers.
So to clarify you are saying he's a deranged CP addict that is hosting a 3 letter onion honeypot. Garnering extra attention to purposely get kicked into the pedo domain where he will ensnare all tor fags. I'm confused.