new netflix series with blacks, racemixing, and communists. all in some jew anime. Even starts out talking about Diversity in a western anime. needs more dislikes
Netflix DIVERSE anime
Anime is for virgin losers.
Now its getting the proper representation for the strong people of color and rebellios marxists
First post is correct for once. Also Jaden Smith? Literally what? This just looks objectively bad from a production value standpoint, as usual for anything that leftists make.
This shit makes me want a nuclear holocaust just so some totally-not-Kenshiro begins to murder this scum en masse. Western anime is always shit. Just look at RWBY for fuck's sake.
If that is anime then paint pooped onto a canvas counts as art.
Nowadays, it does.
Tired of getting banned?
Its shit like this that swells our ranks
Why would I get banned for telling the truth?
I will fail, and it will fail hard. It will probably only attract the tumblr anime-watching crowd, which is scarce and few in number at best. Actual anime fans don't appreciate what I listed just as much as you or I.
I don't see a problem with anime as long as it isn't degenerate shit. Anime can actually serve a good purpose, as, from what I've seen, anime is as homogenous as you can get. Depending on which one you watch, the message will vary from supporting traditional relationships/marriages to improving yourself in both mind & body.
The negative stigma against anime is a baseless one, at best. Compare it to western televised programs and you'll see a distinct difference in quality and morals.
That's not to say that all western shows are crap. I can think of a few, live action and animated, which are really good. Xavier is one of them.
Cuck, you're watching cartoons made by gook virgin. You are a GIGA CUCK.
No, they're trying to get tor banned again.
Instead of downvoting like a redditor, unsubscribe so they have less money to produce garbage like this.
Just nuke america already
Good thing I never subscribed to that shit. I mean why waste money on an inferior product shit video and audio bit rate when I could just download the blu ray version
toppest kek
They couldn't get the japs to actually put niggers on their shows beyond a token black guy so they had to make their own "anime" that looks like one of those crappy webcomics from the early 2000s made by some weeaboo and fill it with ugly chimps. The saddest part I think is that many people will think that this is an actual japanese show.
Dear White People made me cancel my Netflix subscription. It's too pozzed to tolerate anymore.
I watched Xavier specifically because of the Xavier/chad meme. Pleasant surprise.
I always knew they'd come after anime.
Well they ripped off akira.
Only the autists who consider Boondocks or Afro Samurai anime. Fuck them. Don't care. Not a problem.
afro samurai is based on a doujin
Got tainted with Samuel 'Crackhead' Jackson, tho.
My, what a diverse cast.
I'm starting to think the best method to have Tor users is if this board was modified so a mod can slip in header text at the top of the page for a specific global ID (where normally nobody would suspect anything could go there, so don't have unused fields for it when there's no message or something). Then open a pool of onion addresses with a different security password enabled on each (a password the CLIENT must add to his torrc in order to contact the .onion), then assign trustworthy-looking anons (good/effortful post history + right ideology and culture) to the pool addresses at random (but balanced) by pasting the address and security password into that header space referred to above.
I suggest having a pool instead of a single .onion because if one pool secret key gets compromised via leak to say goonsquad, that particular .onion can be detonated while leaving the rest of the pool up. Also, if global ID to which onion assigned is tracked (and assuming it never changes unless IP changes), then the chronic shitposter can be identified by word analysis and when that .onion is detonated, the non-suspect global IDs can be presented with a new .onion and security password when visiting with their open connection again.
Maybe make the global ID depend on a browser-side cookie ID so the IP can change but not the cookie ID. Obviously it's useless for bans or surveillance, but potentially good for creating a post history to vet and a particular one is securely un-guessable by an adversary.
it was tainted from the start because the author was a westaboo
westaboos are responsible for 100% of the pozzed media that comes from japan, prove me wrong.
We need to start compartmentalizing the userbase in a way that only the backend could use, and base it on cryptographic key. Have multiple access points for established users, but one main public point that can be restricted or cut off during attacks. The ID will probably need to be held client-side with the option to save it externally for backup/recovery. This ID will not be publicly presentable, but establishes a link of behavior trust between moderation and an anonymous darknet user in a large pool of untrustworthy users.
I watched 3 minutes at most of that shit.
It's still watched by fat neckbeard braindead virgin losers.
Failing this badly at creating a Japanese-style animation just goes to show how uncreative and retarded jews are.
you faggots brought this on yourselves
Well now we know who core demographic of this pozfest is.
Gooktoons aside, that's Tumblr fanart with gooktoon backgrounds. And the market for original gooktoons is shit, let alone an even crappier version of it. The only views it's gonna get is from Tumblr types and assblasted weebs
Xavier Renegade Angel? From the guys who made Wonder Showzen?
the fact that they made this abortion means they know there is a large group of impressionable young people who aren't plugged into talmudvision and they want to reach them. fortunately leftists can't meme and this jew anime is cringy as fuck
You're fucking retarded. All that needs to happen is for mods to approve all tor posts like exists in comment sections of other sites.
You're fucking retarded. All that needs to happen is for mods to approve all tor posts like exists in comment sections of other sites.
So this is why Castlevania anime is on hold for now? For this shitflix property. Give me back my Castlevania you pieces of shit! Fuck that fucking nigger gayden smith! Niggers ruined anime…..further. Nobody give it more attention than it needs you fucking autist I swear.
wew lad
Wait… What?
I'm not even an anime fan, but I know that it is JAPANESE… NOT JEWISH, NOT AMERICAN.
What makes these uppity kikes think they can just… Subvert someone's culture like that?
Who greenlit this? In an industry putting out shit like Steven Universe, nu-Powerpuff Girls, Adventure Time, and Rick and Morty, this takes the cake for the most offensive western cartoon I've ever seen.
Golly, but i really wish they didn't make this shit.
Oh well, hopefully it fails so they don't try again for a couple months.
Is there a Japanese dub?
The animation style really bothers me. It's like they made it with the same tools they make their other shows with.
Because its Korean
jesus christ that is some disgusting shit
Everything Netflix produces is poison, has been since Lilyhammer (which they canceled despite it’s success). Netflix produces content representative of its diseased immoral and wicked soul.
And fuck ‘diversity’, equality is a myth.
They can't help it, fouling everything with their filth is in their nature. This abortion isn't going to fool anyone though.
forgot this
I feel bad for Gayden Smith. It's bad enough he's a shit actor with a fucked up face in the shadow of his mongrel mutt father but he's a shit VOICE actor too. Like how can you fuck up that badly?
I find it interesting they can't find a single subversive anime and so need to make their own cartoons in the style of it. Must be really worried about anime nazis.
(((western))) pseudo-anime often comes out looking like a shitty parody of real anime. Superficial and stereotyped (by old normies).
It looks like it was made in the early 00's or late 90's but still crap by the standards of those decades.
by being a nigger?
This is going to get astroturfed on tumblr and /a/ like crazy when it comes out.
Remember the Boon-docks?
does even tumblr has shit enough taste to latch on to this?
Did you know that the vast majority of NTR manga and doujin are made by gooks?
Taste really has nothing to do with it. They're such braindead consumer whores that they'll fall for any kind of marketing.
jewish/literary deconstruction involves breaking down a work until there's no meaning remaining. actual deconstruction, like with structures, predates postmodern yiddish reductionism by millennia
That isnt anime, thats not even a cheap chinese copy. This is some kinda jewnime or anikike, what a hunk of garbage. Also jaden smith hahaha, nigger cant even talk.
It's a deliberate tactic. Shitpost, spam, do anything possible to get banned while using TOR, then when TOR gets banned start screeching on /polmeta/, /sudo/, and anywhere else that talks about the board to claim the moderation is COMPROMISE because TOR wasn't allowed to be immune to the rules, then cue the shilling for muh eggsodus to some shit site.
Shill spotted.
Shills swarm on every thread about how propaganda is being spread through media and have succeeded in getting the threads taken down before. No surprise they're trying it even in regards to what's otherwise considered a protected class here.
Supposedly it has some involvement from Production IG and Studio DEEN. And some Gookshit studio that's probably doing most of the work. This is from some press release:
>A collaboration with Japanese anime studios Production IG and Studio Deen, along with MOI, the Seoul-based animation studio, the series is a (((postmodern))) collage of homages to classic anime, English literature and (((modern New York fashion and culture))).
Subs are translations, dubs are rewrites
Is there any way of actually confirming that to be true? Because that's hilarious if so.
this a captain planet 2.0 propaganda anime.
Kek. The quality is so bad that I thought you were just trolling until I looked it up.
Also, notice how most of the "people of color" are just reskins of the typical white/Asian anime character. I see this a lot with liberal artists/producers. They always draw characters with European features and then just paint them brown. Even Asians draw themselves and their characters with more European features than they actually have, but they aren't nearly as bad as shitskins and liberals who seem to ignore reality completely.
The largest one. Assuming you are a English speaker
Kek they aren't even trying to be subtle.
American public education at its finest.
Code Geass was a story about how Nationalism is wrong and we should all just work together and love each other and there'd be no wars.
What is your definition of "carpentry" Funi has been around for almost a quarter of a century?
Imagine the salt if someone redrew that trailer, with the black characters actually looking like niggers.
be funnier if they drew them like gollywogs
I guess the biggest stigma to overcome is the abundance of moeblobshit and Slice of Life anime that plague this era. When it was mostly people fighting against impossible stakes and the sports tournament kind of animes, people considered them really good.
I'm still very ambivalent towards it. Part of me thinks it's just some randumb humor with philosophical subtexts tacked onto it, but the word play and the jokes can be fucking hilarious.
Oh shit, I just noticed he actually was watching himself watching washing.
Just splice in footage from the boondocks. Those niggers looked like niggers.
I am dieing kek
fucking JEWS giving all westerners a bad name again, this time by crudely appropriating a uniquely japanese artistic medium merely to advance their poisonous and deceitful agenda
You're years behind. The current garbage fad is isekai.
This stuff still exists.
That was actually worse than I expected. How fucking awful.
I know, it's like someone tried to copy anime with absolutely no idea as to why anime can be enjoyable to watch.
Oh wait, that's exactly what fucking happened.
Which actually means Pyongyang slave-animators.
Kike written, nig-voiced, nork drawn abomination. Of course.
Gintama and Boku no Hero Academia are pretty good representations of positive shows that reinforce positive archetypes (strong males, good supporting females, etc)
Wheres the /a/ thread faggots?
Meidos would probably delete the thread, both because this isn't really anime and because it's complete garbage.
/a/ and Holla Forums are playing a game of hot potato with it, neither wants to have that shit on their boards
Koenig was born in New York City, and is the son of Bobby Bass, a psychotherapist, and Robin Koenig, a set dresser on film and TV productions.[2] His parents lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan before moving to Glen Ridge, New Jersey.
Fukushima's MGS:
Kojima's MGS
He also whined about Trump. Guy's a complete wimp.
Kojima is an unwitting profit.
Ulysses 31 was pretty good for teaching traditional values.
you forgot, the obvious villain is a good looking white blond guy. who acts like a jerk no reason and is super "privileged" how (((original)))
Wow he wasn't kidding about that animation quality he looks like a Webber from FMP with down syndrome
Big Boss fought to realize The Boss's will(open borders governed by a decentralized state backed by PMCs), the Boss was a fucking ZOGbot that fought Hitler in WWII, did you even play MGS3?
Big Boss, Boss, and Zero were all fucking commies working together until Boss realized that the communism Zero was pushing wasn't REAL communism.
Skullface, Solidus, and Liquid are the only characters in MGS who aren't complete commie faggots.
That's french not burger…
There is a fucking huge difference.
not even trying to hide it
First season was dome by the same production company behind blue sub six… think. Boon-docks was actually kind of a good show. it called out a lot of the Hipppocrcy nig culture and the self subversion of blacks by shitty media figureheads. but the later seasons got jewed pretty hard.
Fair enough but user didn't specify American, just "Western".
For better or worse, /a/ has a very tight environment, which can feel rather NO FUN ALLOWED at times. Discuss the series and shitpost about them, but not too much, and overly political derailings will make the users temporarily banned or the thread to get anchored/deleted. It's appreciated, but you can't really point out the times something is getting jewed, pozzed and so on.
Also, Jaden isn't even a relevant by any measure. Aside from Karate Kid (it's goddamn kung-fu), his other movies bought by daddy have failed hard. He's a little failed faggot who doesn't even have a decent voice or "presence" for his character. Just another project daddy bought him, and that (((Ezra))) kike got on board.
For boondocks I'd say the opposite. In the beginning he was taking himself seriously preaching the black power\socialist\che thing then later on he became the joke of the show between his brother and grandfather.
Big Boss's vision of the Boss's vision is different from the Boss's vision. Does that really require explaining to you? The Boss was a ZOGbot, but Big Boss fought ZOG after the lies and contradictions became apparent to him. The American conflict with the Soviets was a fucking sham, both sides were ZOG.
Ulysses 31 was a joint production with most the animation work being done by studio Tokyo Movie Shinsha, and the other parts (music, editing, scripting) being completed in france and america.
its a great show.
Did goons become /a/ mods?
His version is Zero's version, does that need explaining to you? They had different ideas about who exactly should be in charge but their ultimate goals were the same.
This shit looks like a low budget fox kids cartoon from the early 2000s.
All anime watchers need to be killed.
I've heard this a few other times but I've never seen proof, do you have a source?
Jaden's character reminds me of the the main chick from Zoids. (I think that was a fox/marvel production)
Really made me think.
I hope you're not gendering Jaden before them has self-disclosed?
fixed that one for you. torpedo. (I do it for free)
what… what does that mean?
Shut up virgin.
Everyone is assuming this Jaden, the hero, is male.
Why wouldn't it be a tranny?
I mean think about it.
Come to think of it, Id be more surprised if they didn't make this "hero" a tranny.
Of course they would do a surprise reveal later in the series, to best mindfuck the (young) audience and "challenge assumptions."
ah, good point…. (I hate pedowood)
why you mad? lol
Many believe that Will Smith is a woman.
There's a "transvestigation" community on Youtube, many of the investigators are niggers but try not to let that stop you judging their investigations prematurely.
Niggers are especially touchy about homosexuals and so many of the most zealous transvestigators are Black.
Video related, transvestigation of Jada Smith, Will Smith's "wife".
According to this nigger, she's a man.
Best thing we can do is ignore it.
I'm sure OP is actually a supporter and needs our help in spreading publicity about this.
Remember why Gamerg4te had to call "Literally Whos" to people who profitted from the attention.
No it isn't you moron. Each have a unique vision that they each attribute to the Boss, but none of them actually believe what the Boss believed, and none of them believe what each other believe. It's only each of their beliefs that they believe what the Boss believed that ties them together, but their respective beliefs of believing in the Boss is false.
What is the name of this?
What is that?
But homosexuality is rampant with the niggers.
I like that. Lets distinguish Yidinime,Jewnime,anikike, shit from "Nihon" anime. Meme that shit.
other world i.e. konosuba, overlord etc
Indeed, that's why negress women have an especially strong hatred for fags - because so many of their own men are riding the chocolate speedway behind their backs.
Sextra credit
Hence their overly defensive stance regarding it.
That does make sense.
Thanks. I don't watch a lot of anime.
What is that?
I think it's just the same plotlines like Konosuba, Rei zero, Outbreak company, sword art online, and Gate. crazy stuff happens in a J-RPG like "other world" and the MC gets to live out the boyhood fantasy of banging elf chicks.
some production companies say they want to stop making the same story over and over. so isekai fad should be over soon
It was trending in the top 5 on Youtube a few days ago
Remove yourself.
Like who even writes like this except edgy teenagers that only have a basic sense of drama?
And my favorite
Also, notice that whoever that Nigger Smith will be playing is taking orders from Jews? Also the "rival" is a pompous blond, white kid. That's about all I noticed, and I'm glad I'm not subscribed to Netflix.
Holla Forums apparently
keep trying torpedo, lol you're so pathetic. nobody here cares about you.
Jews steal from the orientals all the time. Look at Star Wars, all of that is just stolen and how they call "culturally appropriated" oriental culture. Most funny thing about it is there are almost no nip samurai or whatever gookchink Jedis there's even more ayylmaos and niggers than them lmao
Muh "Europe had no martial arts" meme.
Magic steel-cutting Katanas, right?
Why would you even want to take credit for star wars?
I wouldn't, but I can spot an attempt to deny European heritage when I see it.
No, you don't get it. Lucas and Co literally admitted it themselves. It's a dead giveaway with all the samurai references including Vader's helmet being the same as a Samurai helmet, the philosophy is ripped off oriental gobbledygook, even the fucking ways to speaking and archetypes like yoda are oriental. It's gook shit made even worse with kike shit. It's shit.
No, you don't get it. Lucas and Co literally admitted it themselves. It's a dead giveaway with all the samurai references including Vader's helmet being the same as a Samurai helmet, Jedi clothing is copypaste of oriental clothing, the philosophy is ripped off oriental gobbledygook, even the fucking ways to speaking and archetypes like yoda are oriental. It's gook shit made even worse with kike shit. It's shit. Star Wars is shit.
Oki dokey, but:
Implicitly requires trusting a Kike's word about a Kike's behavior.
Vader's helmet and the imperial troops are more obviously modelled on the Wehrmacht than the Samurai.
Vader is "literally" Hitler. I mean come on.
Him too. His shit mixed with oriental gook shit by a kike shit to create the ultimate piece of shit.
Educate yourself nigger
I think they drew from many sources but the overarching theme is Hitler. The Jedi is more monastic than military.
Same with Voldemort. Always with the literally Hitlers. Doesn't change it's garbage gook shit and kike shit like OP.
don't forget the pozzed nips that end up liking it and sjweebs pushing hard on it are also among them
looks white to me fam
I can do that too
I don't disagree with you though
Yeah, the original Star Wars films were more like American WW2 propaganda in space. Like the first film begins with the Empire dissolving the senate and the good guys are muh freedom-loving republicans.
You didn't really see the Eastern stuff crop up until the prequel films (they wore robes in the original because they were on a desert planet, not because they were jedi).
Rowling is another very dubious character. The background to the creation of Harry Potter reads very much like a Jewish Holocaust fable. According to Rowling herself, the book wasn't the product of the usual creative cycle of art, it arrived in her mind fully formed.
If the story is to be believed, the entire book and characters manifested in her mind, fully formed, something akin to a religious revelation.
This allowed her to brush off many awkward questions surrounding its creation.
The facade of the genius writer broke down in humiliating fashion at a convention in France, when Rowling was unable to answer basic questions of lore relating to the book's characters.
Did it ever occur to either of you that the Japanese and the Germans were allies?
jesus christ what the fuck are those animations
this looks like some youtube poop shit you'd watch back in the day
guy on the left btw, has a show on vice (desus and mero) where they refer to white people as yakubian devils and is married to a jew.
So what?
Are you implying that Japanese soldiers of the WW2 era wore feudal samurai armour?
Lurk two years, user.
Again, they admitted it themselves so it's gookike shit no matter what just like the shit abomination in the OP and I think it's funny and thankfully I don't have to see a single gook in it wish it could be the same of niggers.
Yes, she really doesn't know shit even about her own work if it wasn't done by shadow writers but the worst is about she and the left uses it to virtue signal. I mean the fucking magical people made an entire fucking of their own to segregate themselves from the filthy non-magical world.
Never said they weren't and even imply it in earlier about Hitlers. Jews are thieves, they have always been thieves. They have since Babylon and Assyria chased their tribes for being bandits attacking caravans to steal from like packs of wild gypsies.
that was a nigger weaboo's webcomic/newspaper comic, it was made by someone who somewhat cared about the product however pozzed it might be, it wasnt a blatant shitty BET-tier "niggerversion" anime cash grab
Only Holla Forums anime losers would take this shit seriously. 174 replies over what a cuck did. You are bigger cucks than him. Fucking losers.
Oh forgot to mention remember how sad it was when she actually wrote a book under a different name and then it complete shiet that failed miserably then she revealed it was she who wrote it and it was even more shit? She's a hack who got lucky because kids and their parents didn't know better fantasy.
This shit looks like some shitty hentai from the early 2000's. This is some perverse parody of the medium and I can almost ALMOST fucking see the idea of cultural appropriation because of knowing this shit exists. Where the fuck did this shits budget go to?! It wasn't the animation, the voice acting is shit, who is walking away with a new vacation home because that's the only reason I can think of for it to look this fucking terrible.
I don't believe luck had anything to do with it.
J.K Rowling, I believe, is a crafted persona to front the Harry Potter project the goal of which was to bring a protracted cultural marxist programming spanning a decade, to the millennial generation.
The struggling-single-mother-made-good-all-on-her-own is just another plot line. Of course the entire series was ghost written.
It's no coincidence that her fame and exalted status is now being used to give the hard push to far-left agendas like mass-immigration.
I'm watching this interview from 2003 and it's very clear that she has no fucking idea where the series is headed, nor insight into the characters to whom she claims to have given life.
Good post
It gets even weirder if you remember in the late 90s when these books came out and how they filled up every public school library overnight. It wasn't organic at all.
Japan is having a lot of the same problems as the west, declining native population forced commie bullshit, race mixing propaganda. pro-feminist lezbo proganda, cuck porn overload. Nigger obsessed pop culture being portrayed as superior yet opressed at the same time, etc.
a growing communist party, a completely corrupt news media and subverted government trying to undermine its own people.
Complete with the story about how major publishers all rejected her, and only Scholastic (the major publisher of fiction titles guaranteed to be in almost every school library) was the only publisher willing to touch the book. It does seem weird, most books go years before gaining in popularity, but Harry Potter came out of no where.
it was made by faggot jew, that's like saying Korra is anime
the MC's character design triggers me
at least make them red
pic related is a nigger dreds done right, I'd say it's the shortest dreds that you can do
When fujos makes a dark skinned bishounen with dreds, they make them long haired/pony tailed.
You're giving Harry Potter too much credit. The first few books clearly had little overarching direction, and the social justice themes didn't really start up until the series was well underway. Somewhat early on in the series, one of the characters (Hermione) is mocked for trying to emancipate the "house elves" (i.e. niggers) from literal slavery, which is at odds with egalitarian mindset.
Rowling is just an idiot.
It's like they want us to hate it
I hate when there's barely any background information in OPs.
Netflix is producing this series in collaboration with Studio Deen and Production IG. That means they had to pay two different studios to create this abomination. Studio Deen appears to be the main studio because Production IG mainly exists to collaborate with animation studios on their projects altogether. The show will premier on Netflix on September 22nd and go for six episodes.
thats par for the course actually (((Scholastic corp))) one of the handful of publishers not yet owned by (((NewsCorp))) but theyre just as fucking kike-tier, they have essentially a de facto monopoly on american children's literature as they supply most of america's non-text book childrens books to schools (which are all compulsory), they once got sued for their practice of exclusive book fairs at schools to sling their pulp-tier crap,and they even got caught cooking their books, theyre responsible for almost all the shitty sagas shoved down kids throats, Harry Potter is the lucky meal ticket
Judy blume
Magic school bus
The hunger games
its not really some surprise because virtually every media conglomerate is trying to be the next harry potter and pulls the same shit, with the book publishers they own to produce dogshit source material for their (((Hollywood))) studios to make movies off of and sell shitty merch like (((starwars)))
why the hell do you think disney bought marvel?
They're far too sympathetic to vader to make him l*terally Hitler, remember anakin's ghost at the end of episode 6?
Synchronicity. I didn't know about this, user and as it happens I was browsing the Twitter accounts of various SJW millennials, one of whom is a production controller for Scholastic. Her tweets are as you might expect, anti-Trump, feminist, SJW, anti-Brexit, pro-Labour and her profile description reads:
It hadn't clicked before but now I see it, "Sparkly" is tumblr/sjw slang for progressive/gay/trans/lesbian - fag shit which evokes thoughts of glitter, now I realize, this woman is literally admitting to rejecting material (from the school curriculum effectively) for not containing those themes.
The long march through the institutions continues.
it has like 6 or more overpaid names in the credits, this happens with a lot of productions. they pump out shit quality animation and think name recognition is somehow going to big this big draw. problem is most screen actors are shit at "voice" acting. hence why this looks and sounds like shit. but netflix is only interested in catering to the tumblr feminist crowd. they don't give a shit about quality (have you seen feminist comics and cartoons?) as long as it properly reflects the ideological echo chamber wankfest they will eat it up and consider as a succes.
I hate the children's and young adult market. The type of garbage that they can push on children as literature is amazing. 90% of this shit wouldn't even have been good enough for low tier pulp book 40 to 50 years ago. Now they will actually claim this as literature all while demanding the removal of everything from Tarzan to the works of Mark Twain and Ernest Hemmingway. I was reading a schools required reading list, and Bram Stoker's Dracula (optional reading) required parental permission while a young adult book feature sex between a 14 year old girl and an adult man was required reading, and didn't require parents permission. I mean there is an agenda for anyone who pays attention.
SJW will spend their shekels based upon politics and name recognition. They see it as a way of funding "the right message", acting quality isn't a major concern for them.
Isn't the Hunger Games about a bunch of people killing others for sport complete with cannibalism and stuff? How is that for kids?
Tiny teenage girls dominate 300lb grown men = progressive message = suitable for children.
Well it is basically a ripoff of Battle Royale, which is actually classified as horror. I think it is really about the stronk woman type stuff.
just consider this short clip and prepare to be in awe
Between this and the Death Note movie
i'm not sure wich is Netflix bigges insult to Animu
think about it…
Boondocks looks western as fuck, top quality niggery,
Even nigger can make better animu attempts than kikes
let dat sink in
As for Afro Samurai, wasn't it made by a japanes studio?
regardles, it certainly looks as good as ttop tier nip animu
in retrospect Afro Samurai was actually kinda shit, it was visually interesting but the storytelling was garbage. it was a show design to appeal to blacks and wiggers. (and the game was also shit)
Afro Samurai was to Anime what Devil May Cry 1 was to Vidya
people who watched wanted nothing more than sweet animation, an ugly nigger hacking and slashing throgh countles goons, a couple of interesting boss fights and Samuel Jackson exploring all the diferent ways to use the word "fuck" along the way
Expecting plot from it was like expecting plot from a Godzilla movie
A canvas being shat on counts as art nowadays, so does one that was puked on. That's how Jewish "art" has become.
I remember Godzilla (1956) having an "ok" plot, but thats the only one I ever watched.
It's not anime
uhhh, niggers are starting pop up evrywher in anime these days… (thanks to korean sjws)
Korea should have got the nukes dropped on them.
to add to that, I think is this niggerfication of pop culture (worldwide) thats made this "Neo Yokio" netflix shit possible. (most the msn content is filled with random niggers and black washed character)
checked and heiled
But user, if shouldn't the oposite of "White Washing" be "Black Dirtying"?
basquash is literally about basketball
mitchiko & hathicn takes place in brazil
Niggerifying. Or "Shitting up"
and your point is?
correction, I think third pic might be a poo in the loo.
I'm glad that japan keeps drawing niggers with nigger lips. It helps to single them out and makes trolling bluepilled weaboos easy.
that its in no way comparable to western SJW horseshit
if it was in any way the same, It would be something like making Conan Edogawa black and trans
It's mostly seems to be just the men, female characters get a bit of a different treatment (gotta keep things marketable)
slippery slope user, same thing happened in the west at first niggs were drwan as comic relief characters but now you can't anything without them. instead of comic relief they are "cool and hip" characters and most end up as mary sue's. japanese creators are informed by our media trends (false conceses pussed by sjws and jews) if they want to sell world wide the not only have to cecere content but the also have to fill it with forced multiculturalism and homo-sex.
Why do I keep seeing XRS memes on this board just after watching it for the first time
you mean xavier renegade angel?
most "blacks" in anime are just okinawan
This, too. And then it gets even more confusing when an artist just feels like drawing a "brown girl," who has all the same features as a white girl but is just brown.
Also Ron has a shit ton of white siblings, if that isn't 14 I don't know what is.
I've been seeing it pop up a LOT lately.
this is kinda some hipster-tier bullshit, no one liked it when it was actually on TV, I dont even know anyone besides me who watched more than a few minutes of it
Really gets the almonds crackin.
XRS fans started a counter movement against the Reddit & Memey fanbase by showing how inane and retarded R&M was when compared to XRS. The result is what you might expect when R&M hipsters now flocked to XRS and pretended they were there all along.
What the hell… the way the camera moves, the insipid dialogue, the doughy characters… it's so nauseating.
So they finally got board of fucking up video games and have now moved onto the next nerd/hobby/thing to subvert and make unrecognizable. I know they've been trying for more then a few years now. But this looks like their break out moment. If you start seeing this shit being shilled everywhere you know they've dropped the hammer. The good thing about this is that they'll never be able to directly fuck with it at the source. So if you're into the animu, be prepared to just get everything even more directly from Japan then you probably already are. Because they're definitely going to try to fully take over the anime media/news sites, gatekeepers and distributors of the west soon. They're already seemingly halfway there
nips know actual blacks aren't particularly attractive so they usually just colour swap a generic anime character for the "exotic" appeal (like elves just being normal chicks with pointy ears and vague high fantasy vibes). With the exception of actual nigger characters like Garterbelt from PSG ( ) or the black dude from Ika Musume, although those are in the minority.
To be fair Studio Deen has actually improved their animation quality over the years. The reboot of Rozen Maiden looked fine, although it wasn't anything special.
Really? I thought Code Geass was about bringing the world together by giving everyone a common enemy. That hate rules above love. Do I need to rewatch?
I've been seeing it pop up on youtube a lot lately so I've also started watching it
From their standpoint they see these as fundamental channels to the younger generation - I mean the next generation - the kids in the 5-15 range right now who don't MSM at all or listen to the radio or read the newspapers, but they watch chinese cartoons and they play video games and all that stuff. They're the logical channels to poz now. It's probably one of the reasons they're starting to ramp up the diversity meme in Japan as well. Control of the source.
Or it's because the artists don't know how to do multiple face styles.
I thought it was more nationalist than he gives it credit for. lulu was selfish as fuck in his ideals and motives but he was bringing nations their right to self rule back, for good or bad.
it was somewhat a mixed bag with a lot of themes in R2
Somehow I get the feeling that this will not pan out for them as expected.
That show was as honest as Worldstar Hip Hop on the true nature of the nigger
Anime is an imitation of western aesthetics steeped in Japanese culture. You look hard enough you see a pattern of homage to more western myths. Sometimes shamelessly stitched onto more familiar Japanese ideas. For instance, a fantasy setting. You can clearly see the D&D influences in there along with the European medieval themes. But then on the opposite mountain range is an outright Japanese setting. You'll see a knight in shining armor sitting next to a Samurai at a bar and no one bats an eye. To see niggers try and imitate it is to reflect an image off two mirrors, but the second mirror is also distorted and fractured.
One of the authors is an obvious Jew (Ezra), but he's also a communist, too!
And Jaden Smith? ALSO A JEW!
If only he knew what the Japanese did to the communists.
Man, it's a good thing this looks pretty shitty, and the japs wouldn't pick up on it.
And no, it's not anime, it's shitty western cartoon.
They had kang niggers in Dimension W
I don't know how anyone could even justify it as anime, it's obviously not. At any rate Holla Forums will end up getting lumbered with it because /a/ is very strong-willed when it comes to this sort of thing.
Well the OP made the same thread(same text, same youtube embedded), the /a/ thread got deleted by the third reply, and the Holla Forums thread still exists >>>Holla Forums916634 at about 98 replies.
This is the kind of shit other anime would parody.
If this shit were around when Excel Saga and co were made then this would have been laughed out of the room by it.
Boondocks was a better anime than this. Even has better fight scenes.
poe's law, no observable difference between the parody of a half-baked cash grab steeped in cultural Marxist insanity, and an actual half-baked cash grab steeped in cultural Marxist insanity.
Here we go again. Goons and kikes
I am mad
that's because boondocks was made by animators that actually gave a shit. (pic related)
it's just sad that it had to come from the yids at adult swim. who at the very least tried to push subversive race mixing with it. among other things
shouldnt this netflx bubble have popped years ago
fucking go away already. Just fucking disappear.
despite the quality animation boondocks had a lot of problems, but it's the same problems everything produced for mainstream television has (and it's constantly getting worse), I can't think of a show that's been on American TV in the last 15 years the didn't normalize race mixing and glorify black street culture. and either vilify white males or make them out to be cucks.
but the worst parts of the boondocks are extremely tame to compared to the jewish garbage that airs currently on television.
Israeli nationals like George Soros constantly funneling money into it, it's not going away anytime soon. same with all the feminist propaganda shows Amazon, Hulu, and fox have been producing.
Netflix is some of the dumbest ever, don't normalfags realize they can just torrent these shows?
Comcast (xfinity) along with Time Warner and Verizon are the largest cable Internet providers in the country far as I know, they have been pushing draconian data caps along with other anticonsumer practices to make it very difficult to torrent. and the vast majority of normies that watch this trash can't navigate the Internet outside of Facebook or twitter. if you use a lot of streaming data (like my family does) it's basically impossible to torrent without going over your And getting charge an arm and leg ( because both upload and download is counted against you)
He probably hates Japan if he calls that atrocity an anime.
Checked but Dimension W had jewish involvment during production.
Was this actually made by Japs? Or is this another one of those shows that just happens to steal its visual style from Japanese animation but has a degenerate plot that only western kikes can create? Because there is a difference.
it's more than disturbing that NTR became enough of a trend for that chart to exist, this is where the Japanese lack of originality or creativity really becomes a problem.
it's kind of like what's happened to most of the big media pipelines, since Google became the major distributor of video content on the Internet of course SJWs and kikes took it over, same thing has happened with anime and crunchy roll. completely subverted by SJWs and kikes. all the major portals on the Internet whether it be content distribution or social media have all been completely taken over by the same cabal of (((politically correct))) assholes trying to push a leftist agenda.
Boondocks only worked because it relied on funny stereotypes instead of just coloring animu characters brown and giving them cornrows. No one will give a shit about this small trash fire added to the huge trash fire known as Netflix's original series.
it'll probably have a pretty sizable tumbler fan base. most of those faggots pretend to like anime as long as they can project their ideology on it (and of course being fixated on non-canon homosexual relationships between characters that are usually not even gay, of course with this show they probably won't even have to bother with that, everybody will probably just be gay or bisexual or pansexual sluts, especially since it's probably going to be aimed at kids and tween's)
Am I the only grown man that loves One Piece, and how it displays the Jew World Order?
It lacks the soul of genuine nip culture. This is like when leftyfags try to meme but all they end up doing is taking old memes marxifying them and milhousing them into oblivion. Netflix belongs in an oven. If you want anime(sort of like the late 80s) with diversity (not pushing leftist agendas) and a good story watch men in black (Will Smith voice acted his own character.) Jayden Smith will forever live in the shadow of his father.
ah, I had almost forgotten about those degenerate "Browning" and Ganguro edit threads.
When their faggot ship doesn't happen they lose their minds.
I know you're trolling but, nothing by "Peter Chung" could ever be considered Anime, or even remotely good he's a talent-less gook that draws the same ugly emaciated characters over and over again.
Post the uncensored version.
top kek, that's almost as funny as trolling them with zog approved "diverse" characters re-drawn as happy white people, lol
General Black
lmao Baghdad circa 2004
based jap perverts
It's a good show in retrospect, the people that made it grew up in San Francisco.
nope, but you can find it pretty easily yourself if you look through the thread archives.
No no goy, you don't understand, media without senseless violence and LOTS of casual sex is just for children! You wanna be mature don't ya?
And yet the best animated gunfight in anime came from a sissy moeshit about magical girls.
What is a genre deconstruction?
Dragonball is filled with black stereotypes but niggers love the show.
Still part of the genre and don't even try to pretend that ANY magical girl series would not have the same fate in Urobutcher's hands.
ONE of the best*
You don't understand, most Mahou Shoujo (a shit genre) is drastically different from Madoka. The art style was to bait people and make it that much more appealing.
It's like you make a comedy show but dress it up as a high-budget action show. Then you have One Punch Man and it sells better than a generic slapstick comedy.
I recall only one gun related "kill" in Battle Fairy Yukikaze, but I admit it was pretty fucking tight.
Nah, that goes to Canaan.
Jesus christ these terrible opinions and factually wrong assessments.
Operatio Vividbutt might had been lighthearted full pedobait fanservice but it was it was actually enjoyable with more than decent fights and animation and it was otherwise a pretty stereotypical Mahou Shoujo series, it was just replacing "magic" with bullshit technology, same goes for Strike Witches.
There are many good gunfights in anime, I can recall Cowboy Bebop and Riding Bean for an obvious 2 examples.
And many more if you count mech shit or stuff like CGI movies (the Resident Evil movies, the Appleseed movies, Starship Troopers made by Shinji Aramaki).
Dude no… NO!
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Take it to the anime board you fucking losers.
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Take it to the anime board you fucking losers.
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Take it to the anime board you fucking losers.
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Take it to the anime board you fucking losers.
This has nothing to do with this board.
Take it to the anime board you fucking losers.
This has nothing to do with this board.
Take it to the anime board you fucking losers.
What TORpedo? I don't see one.
No no goy, stop looking into our subversion schemes, it's all in your head. Here take my pills it'll be ok, we ain't trying to infiltrate all media, honest to G-d!
Torpedo has been mad as fuck and begging for attention this entire thread, what a triggered kike.
don't be a nogg apologists. nobody said anything about not watching anime ( except for the artistic screeching tor-fag) the inclusion of these characters is "normalization". enough instances of adding the token back character then they become a staple in the it's impossible to get rid of them. is just another form of subversion. and overrepresentation. (I don't see any of these titles as "right wing" in the slightest)
Anime is inherently right wing from a normal western persons stand point, even if they don't notice it. Niggers are not close to become a staple in anime. We are still at a point where maybe 1/10 anime feature a nigger or tanned character. Mostly tanned characters though.
You've crossed the line nigger. You take that back before I have to get the rope.
that was "okay", there's a lot they could've done better. as frantic as the scene is there's too much float the characters lack any real weight, gravity or sense of inertia, also since it was depicting little girls they probably had to hold back on a lot of stuff. even in Japan have to be pretty careful when you include children in the scene. (this isn't like 80s where you could get away with tons of crazy stuff)
that being said the production values were pretty good, it makes me sad that Grenadier or Bloody Fate never had decent budgets or directors. I can only imagine how amazing the gunfights could've looked.
Nigger in animu had always had limited roles
either they ar the Mr T of their group, some foregin military guy, a brazilian carnibal capoeira dancer, or the many flavors of taned asians, kebabs, spics and pajets in the middle
before you claim that nigger are being normalized in animu
you must first find a good example of a nigger waifu or husbando
and whoever you chose must actually have facial features of a nigger, he can't be just a tanned european like each and every single dark skined waifu and husbando has been so far
anime sells cause the characters look pretty
and nigger are ugly, that is the only reason why niggers will never be normalized in animu simply because nigger will never be pretty
Also was the cowboy beebop loli a nigger? I always thought she was just tanned, she did live a the barren mad maxtier wastland the earth had become
How is it anime. Who is doing the animation and directing?
That's not Reddit spacing, that's just random newlines and lack of grammar.
Boondocks and Afro were animated in Japan. Tgis wasnt.
The torpedo a few posts up is a far better example of Reddit spacing.
Technically Lelouch was helping Jap nationalists. He was a traitor to his country but nothing said nationalism is bad.
and i'm actually right this time
This (((anime))) is gonna get liberated alright.
At least the Phantom 2040 game was pretty good.
yeah, we used to have that same ratio in Western animation… now look what's happened. (webm and pics related, I could post endless examples)
you must first find a good example of a nigger waifu or husbando
what exactly do you mean? pretty sure almost all of the dark skinned characters posted have been waifu'd or husbando'd at some point or another.
yeah but that doesn't really matter, the Phantom is not a creation of Peter Chung. the only thing he contributed was character designs… his extremely awful character designs.
It's not "anime" though, just a shitty western cartoon…
Wow. Another good example was adult swim. While it was supposedly aimed at adults a lot of impressionable teenagers watched it too. They hammered the cuck stuff in it too. Quinn/Debbie in sealab 2021 being the biggest example. Skip to 4:22.
Looks like it will flop. Especially obvious since it was written by untalented women. See video related (based E;R destroying Tumblr fandoms and putting a Hitler redpilled in the end of the video)
90% of blacks are just Americans. That's how Japanese see you guys ever since those Americans black soldiers raped and the killed that 10 year old girls after fixating her at a lamppost back in the 90s. It's not normalisation, it's actually racial awareness.
Black = American.
most of Western animation today filled with out of place nogs, mystery meat and all sorts of endless race mixing propaganda. Japanese animation will share this same fate as "Brown" characters continue to be normalized. even today compared to just a decade ago Brown and black characters quickly becoming more common as we enter as (((Barbara specter))) called it, "a multicultural mode".
this Netflix series is part of that normalization, it doesn't matter if this show does well financially Orphic gets panned by critics. ( just like Ghostbusters the will just blame any failures or controversy on Internet misogynists and racist) they will continue to push productions like this to squeeze the pipeline until that's all that's available for the masses to consume just like television, the streaming services are no different because they're owned by the same (((people)))
And this is why we don't discuss anime on Holla Forums. Fucking dumb, Mahou Shoujo frequently goes down that path, both before and after your entry-level shit. Madoka is basically an ordinary Mahou Shoujo, get it through your skull.
I fucking love those as mindless action flicks.
I'm rewatching it for the third time and I'm constantly finding jokes I hadn't noticed before. Like when he tells the emo "don't worry darkie, it's going to be all white" in the episode where his friend enslaves the wiggers.
The latest Starship Troopers CGI movie was breddy gud, it's pretty close to the book now (all MI have exo suits that have nuke launchers, and now you don't actually leave anyone behind like in the book), even has Mars as the Space Confederacy and a young Hillary Cunton expy.
Install Kodi and download a plugin that has that series.
Or download it on your own via torrent.
forgot to mention Trigun, (basically takes place in the same world as Grenadier AIRC) GunGrave and Helsing all look and sound like shows that should have amazing gunfights constantly, but they never really did…. kind of ridiculous really. endless wasted potential (that's kind of what I hate about anime, most of the time they always feel unfinished and underfunded)
Hellsing Ultimate was fucking amazing.
It's weird that modern day anime is less degenerate than the shit the west put out.
The west put out weird shit, man.
Still better than cucks with STDs that watch talmudvision.
God damn I forgot how disgusting and cheap sealab was was. but that's kind of the same formula adult swim uses on all its original programming one note absurdist humor mixed subversion and senseless grisly violence. even when it was a new thing I never thought it was very good, I liked Aqua teen better, but that was also pretty one note.
nice to see you again E:R, you keep showing that shilling that same video, are you ever going to produce new content? or did Viacom and Jordan peel scare you that badly?
The new manga from the same mangaka is breddy awesome too.
Though I haven't watched the show.
The japs really have no guilt, they still portray WW2 jap pilots as heroes.
ah, I still haven't watched ultimate. I only watched the original 1998 series. with blue seras Victoria ( I'm guessing ultimates's
designs are supposed to look closer to the Manga everything about it seems, ugly to me). I was also waiting for them to put out all of the OVA's but I just never got back to it
that looks pretty cool
Dead television producers can't make pozzed shows
Man, Ultimate is the manga adaptation, and the manga is ball to the walls awesome.
The TV series is just some rushed ass shit made by GONZO.
It has nazi vampires, bloodthristy children baby eating vampires, though the Mayor is pretty damn awesome.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
==Reminder that Tor is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids use Tor.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that Tor is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids use Tor.
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Reminder that Tor is a front for pedophiles.
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Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids use Tor.
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Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids use Tor.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that Tor is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids use Tor.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.==
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.
Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.
They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.
That's the same thing feminists say. And I'm not even a weeb.
Should have posted this instead.
Gradus Vita is an amazing theme.
Pretty much. People are defined by actual action not thoughtcrime nonsense. Holla Forums should know this first-hand from every accusation on the part of the extreme lefties.
stay mad lefty/pol/, you ugly transsexual wannabes will always be seen as monstrosities. top kek.
you drugged up degenerates always get emotional, == stop taking so much estrogen!==
user in your picture is right though.
it's a shame that pedophiles are attracted to six-foot tall, large breasted witches in their 20s or 30s. how can those deranged perverts even sleep at night?
man you kikes are really stirred up about this.
How cute, the nigger screeching idiot is trying to have standards all of a sudden!
A nigger with pink hair? is this a joke or something? I really don't understand what I'm supposed to undersyand.
I've noticed they're trying to start completely off topic religious D&C in other threads as well now
It's pretty sad that you have all the important elements, but you still manage to fuck it up so badly.
I feel like we're being visited by ultra homo cuck (((Anthony Burch))). who else could possibly be this salty about such a (((diverse))) train wreck, er "anime".
I don't remember any panties in the trailer, I do remember a weird brown skinned demon mask lady doing a very awkward and badly animated dance.(I'm assuming it was supposed to be enticing or erotic but this came off as weird and half-assed, like everything else about this abomination)
don't think I've ever seen a yid that wasn't obsessed with blacks.
Hey E;R, how about a screenie of this post?
Koenig/König is German for king.
He's not working on anything at the moment I think. You'll have to wait till winter comes
Cringe. I can't take American anime seriously. TLA/TLoK were the exceptions.
If we never called attention to them how could we laugh at them like we are now.
those shows were never good.
have you ever tried looking inside your butt? that's probably where it's been hiding.
Every nog I've ever met that grew up watching DBZ is weaboo cringe tier. I don't think real gang niggers watched this shit, or any cartoons for that matter.
unfortunately Dragon Ball Z crosses all race and socioeconomic boundaries, its also hugely popular in Latin America, China and Korea as well. (wouldn't surprise me if it also had a huge following in Russia)
Holla Forums here.
Low-energy effort!
Really makes me think.
El Vegito spic is pretty fucking cool.
You do realize that being a successful mangaka in Japan is essentially being a glorified sweatshop artist, right?
and that's why Doraemon and anime is a thing.
With kids here in Asia, Anime is popular. I don't see why you can't just use certain anime like doraemon to cater to kids. There's also upin&ipin, boboboi… Western children's stuff is trash nowadays.
Pretty much any second viewing of a Xavier episode gives you twenty more jokes or callbacks. I'd review it as "elaborate shit" in that it's not really deep but it's created in a way that feels like it is.
Aren't most isekai still rooted in a SoL or Harem format?
It's just people doing nothing. Besides, the "everything pure" thing is just a meme, plenty of lewd SoLs.
Remember that purifying wife thread where people would make whitewashed and homely versions of these cunts' cartoons? Those were fun times.
There has only been one good Netflix-exclusive show.
I hate Zeon, though.
It's not anime unless it's Japanese. It's just an American cartoon.
The great thing about anime is that everybody is white.
Follow the money
Do they have the entire navy run by women like in the book?
Someone wake me up from this timeline
It's a force meme by shills trying to imply that everyone using Tor is a pedo
So what? It's just gook cartoons made for horny teenagers and degenerates.
Interesting, if you look at pics of Wilhelma Smith you can't see an Adam's apple. The abundant amounts of Wilhelma wearing turtle necks is also suspicious. Also the round face, no jawline. Very interesting.
They just diversified the Powerpuff Girls, too. They added a fourth girl: a nigger named "Bliss" who has curves despite being a child.
Where can I find this reading list?
What rock were you under since the 1930s?
This is the future you choose burgers.
The protag is just Static Shock with pink hair. These kikes don't have a single original idea left
Absurdist humor isn't _inherently_ unfunny, as long as it contains actual humor within it and isn;t just "holds up spork" shit
Not sure about real gang niggers but most niggers love the show
ISIS pls go
Just you wait, Dragonball Fighter Z is looking pretty sweet.
….thats cuckqueening, where the coalburner gets NTR'd
those first 2 are original IPs, not shitty cash-ins and forced diversifying
For fucks sakes.
Two words, oligopoly and collusion.
Is that IM Meen?
What did you mean by this?
I've seen niggers use "könig" as the etymological origin of the word "nigger" to argue that
in medieval Europe as well as in ancient Egypt.
The term Western Anime is an oxymoron, faggot. It's just Talmud-vision as usual.
This looks like a GTA parody cartoon.
The art and the animation are so bad and low budget, it looks like a fake show within a show, like that superhero show Shinchan watches. Did they blow the whole budget on pointless celebrities for voice actors and have nothing left for the actual cartoon? I thought Jews were supposed to be masters of propaganda and cultural manipulation. This is just sad.
XVA has some clever writing while sounding like random shit if you don't pay attention.
damn it user, at $9,99 per month it's a very easy way to have a lot of entertainment available. I know that it is not the best service out there but I have to use a smartphone to watch stuff and it's kinda annoying to browse websites like putlocker, they don't do things like remember where I was watching or immediately play the next episode in a series.
So what are some good netflix alternatives? And don't tell me torrents because that shit ain't the same
So, basically, you are a retarded normie.
Torrent it, otherwise you are just some jew-formatted cuck who needs shit the mainstream way.
Ok faggot, great job contributing absolutely nothing
at least I can afford fucking netflix , if you had a job and your time was limited you would also try to find ways to save time
I might watch it for its value as a train wreck tbh
Asshurt normalfag detected. Learn to torrent you fucking retard.
It is a good sign that these sorts have failed so absolutely to penetrate and subvert Japan's culture that they still have to resort to attempting to (poorly) mimic anime.
If the left's SJW vanguard had any reach, we'd be seeing Goku being retconned into being a black woman and the characters from Sailor Moon would all be hairy-legged transsexuals.
Torrents combined with a media player such as plex will do all that stuff that you are too lazy to use a mouse drag and a click to do.
And no that shit aint the same.
1. It's free
2. No advertising of jewish products that you "need" apart from the product placements embedded in the actual program. Case in point, the terrible anime posted by OP contains adverts for Chanel and Toblerone, probably more, but I'm not watching that shit again.
Fuck off, cuck.
He doesn't because there is none.
Anti-Kojima retards probably only played the 3D MGs, when Kojima's vision was already quite apparent if not in the original, then certainly in Metal Gear 2.
Anti-ZOG through and through, and nothing in the later games contradicts that. What is Big Boss trying to establish an independent nation of warriors with the help of nukes if not anti-ZOG!
Literally just search with your favorite search engine "show name streaming free -netflix -hulu" This will remove all hulu or netflix results and bring up a fuckton of taiwanese results for streaming whatever dumb shit you want to watch. It's not rocket science.
Gundam a shit. Just zogbot propaganda made to keep Japs out of (((American))) interests.
its mostly europeans with alt colors
2 has colored irises and 4 + 5 have thin angular features
now you done it kiddo I'm mad
Pretty sure that's not supposed to be a nigger or anything like it knowing what I know about FMA.
Boondocks was animated in the US, then outsourced to Gookland you idiot.
Rest is Disney-Dreamworks cuckshit though. But for fucks sake user she's from Syracuse, and the movie Sinbad uses predominately European culture. I'd have used a picture of his black 2nd mate. The Cleveland Show is also some crappy offshoot of Family Guy that even FG fans didn't like.
neck yourself
pic related
lmfao. anons don't ever stop with the Holla Forums anime threads. Hilarious fucking shit always happens here.
Yeah here's one, the fucking internet you dumb fucking lazy nigger. Are you fucking shilling shlomo? I use my friends shittflix account when he wants to watch a movie. I know whats on there, and there ain't shit. I don't bother using it cause everything is at my finger tips' 100 thousands of hours of entertainment just don't be a lazy retarded nigger.
Not really, no. Check out anichart for each season the last couple of years, there's still hardly any nogs around. And when there are some they're usually in a capacity appropriate to the setting, or as comedy relief or mere palette swaps in battle shounen type shows where they need a dozen characters that look different.
There are certainly some shit here and there though. Gundam for example, has had some very questionable shit lately. In Build Fighters you have a nigger from Sweden (With a Swedish name) that's being pursued by a gold digging white/asian mongrel bitch (blonde and blue eyed of course). And in Iron Blooded Orphans you have a smorgasbord of filth ranging from promoting pedophila, faggotry and prostitution to a white, blonde christmascake miscegenating with a old nigger.
But again, this is not exactly the norm. The bigger danger in anime is the normalization of sodomy, faggotry in particular.
Weren't they though? I mean, at the very least they're better than the mass murdering psychopath allied bomber pilots.
The newest season of gintama was pretty pozzed though. One example that comes to mind is the tranny, feminism episode
Every fucking
That like ratio is encouraging but not quite good enough.
https ://
It was worse a few days ago, more like 30-70.
They probably edited it to make it look better or the SJW Tumblr Crowd has jumped on it
That has to be edited. No way only such few people voted.
Either way, it doesn't change public perception, just masks it, thus making them more comfortable (and foolish).
There should be a word for these mass-marketed books written for the lowest common denominator.
Calling the hunger games "sci-fi" is like calling communism "economically viable"; it appears to be such, but it's not even one of the core themes. What fucking element of The Hunger Games is even Science Fiction?
All the thumbs downs are coming from people who are actually reviled by such a stupid, terrible looking show. All the thumbs are are coming from good goy progressives who want this series to succeed because it tickles their ideological prostates, and because they think making it look like this shit is popular will be like spitting in Donald Trump's eye.
IIRC Rowling claimed she had sudden inspiration while riding on a train or some shit, but had no proper writing materials on her so she just spent the 3 or 4 hours ride frantically scribbling notes and ideas on complimentary napkins and such and later cobbled together a more cohesive story. This is at least partially bullshit because if nothing else, she stole the fuck out of a bunch of other things, including many of the main characters in the first book, terms like "muggles," etc. from various older and more obscure books and movies. Don't have the time and autism to look for all the details but here's a couples reads on it.
I don't think Harry Potter was ever intended to be anything other than a crooked cash in on a bunch of plagiarized ideas glued together with some bullshit about kids at a wizardly power prep school. But when it ended up taking off and became a hit after the first few books, the ((publishers)) and all the big money came in to promote it and make it a big thing and a vehicle to spread their own memes and messages. I doubt it was pre-planned, just a great example of political opportunism through promoting some sleazy hack and using their material to push an agenda.
Sailor Coon
Finally a chance to post this.
Isn't that just a parody show? How does it reinforce positive values?
Polymer fiction?
If that 3D show made by the dead cat guy RWBY got popular, this shit probably will as well.
another reason to hate Korea
I hate everything
Fucking sickening to see the kikes defile anime like that.
This thread has motivated me to cleanse my anime folder and remove all shows that cast Tribals in a positive light, first one I can think of is Dimension W. I would consider Ed from Bebop to be fine, she was from a desert planet and naturally would be as dark as her genetics allow. Which wasn't even that dark.
We should compile a black-list of anime that is racially degenerate. The genre doesn't matter, nor the plor or content; only the values promoted. Any ideas?
Also I would have to argue that Tamako Market is fake anime, because of the underlying plot of that Tribal girl. As well as that potentially trans street vendor, who is actually voiced by a man.
The real question in all of this is where do we draw the line? Does anything that demonizes True Values need purged? Is it okay if it's a token character, or drawn in a stereotypical fashion?
Make a whitelist.
Consider the movie adaptation which throws those foreigners to the side too.
Is Avdol a nigger or not? He's supposed to be Egyptian, but in the manga Araki illustrates that Egypt is multi-ethnic and Avdol doesn't look anything like say, Oingo and Boingo. Smokey is a nigger, but that series also has heroic Nazis in it.
What about LotGH? Mashengo is the only nigger I remember. I consider it to be one of the finest series ever, and it would be a shame to blacklist it over a minor character that is basically a kid's bodyguard.
All positive anime characters that are niggers and co can always be replaced with whites and co.
Abdul could be an esotheric asatruar named Björn.
There is literally nothing that goes against it other than straight up "that's how the character is written, a nigger".
Anime is for virgin losers.
Holla Forums you're being stupid again. Japan doesn't have problems with Diversity, if they throw in a random Arab or whatever it's not to push kikery. It's the same sort of thing as their looseness in using firearms in gags; they don't actually have funs so the same seriousness with which it'd be treated in the states is absent.
Pic 3 is the actual Japanese experience with nogs. They strongly believe in the 2D/3D barrier, what they permit in thought and what they push in reality are different worlds and they'd consider you stupid for thinking they were confusing the two.
Caution is never stupid, and there is plenty of video of police in the US tackling violent negroes as well, it can even be used as leverage to further their claims of oppression. But more to the point, the degredation of US media started in the 60's when White families & neighborhoods stopped being the primary focus of their content. I am just weary of Japanese media intergrating blacks into thier anime more frequently then they used to, it sounds similar.
sage for off topic
You do know many (not all) of the male casts in a number of anime shows are voiced by female VAs right, you can bet it's the same thing in reverse albeit to a much smaller degree
Nope, it's because some VAs voices fits just right to certain characters it's why you would often hear about these 'gender-swapped' VA roles. Not uncommon, but not the kind that would be considered worrisome, unlike what can potentially be done with animated western shows
Just like what said, their belief in the 2d/3d barrier is what makes anime (and their irl stuff) strong and resistant to (((outside influence))). You worry yourself too much about actual nigger/etc. characters and the 50 shades of brown-skinned white girls/dudes in anime when they're not that significant in anyway
If anything it's either you didn't slept at all for two days straight or fell for some obscure concern-trolling post by some intl faggot somewhere, or it's the usual 'taking everything at face value and proceed to self-blackpill as usual' mentality this board has almost always subject itself to time and again.
Trying to strawman your way out this huh?
Get the fuck out of Holla Forums normalfag.
Jojo series is pretty pozzed tbh
My friend in japan says this stuff has been on their TV for a while now, the pushing of diversity and other SJW shit is actually really new to them, but most young Japs don't like it, especially young Jap males, female nips tend to be a bit more receptive.
He has a theory that after the whites are in decline, the Asians become the next priority target, because they are the next most successful racial group in the world, I told him over and over that after they fuck the whites, they'd start on fucking the Asians, he didn't buy it until recently.
There are also a rise in Japanese "documentaries" on the Japanese atrocities of WW2, and they push this with a "racism is bad" narrative, what's more, there are now a bunch of political groups in japan lobbying for opening up japan's borders, using bullshit arguments like the boom japan experienced after opening the borders to the Europeans, someone should tell them that opening borders to whites is very different from opening them to niggers and ragheads.