Runescape Gold Is Literally More Valuable Than Venezuelan Currency

Holy shit, how the fuck am I just now learning about this? This is fucking insane. The power of socialism, everyone.

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Join Runescape and kill the gold farmers, so that mudskins may die in-real-life?

Virtual reality race war?


There was an archived reddit thread on this that described how people could join in on killing them. I lost the link though. Someone else might have it.

Nevermind, I was looking for it the wrong way.



Still worth more than Zimbabwe dollars.



Who knew killing commies was just a click away


We cannot allow fucking plebbit to shed first blood in the new digital race-war. I encourage all Holla Forumsacks to sign up for runescape now and begin killing off commies online so they eventually starve IRL (be sure to call them Putas and shit while you're doing it)


I heard that Chinese gold farmers on runescapen placed bounties on Venezuelan gold farmer for they will be less competition. Is this true?

Yes I tried running my own operation at home they will start calling you.

china's going to start outsourcing it's goldfarming labor to venezuela because it's cheaper

Your power has no peer.

Mother fucking meme magic. Is there anything it can't do?

RS oldfags report in

Can it see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Ah, the good old days. Back before the internet went to shit with normalfags.

secret jewish psychotropics in every bite?

spicy meem friendo

Nice talmudvision programming you've got there.


How does that even work? Don't you have to be in the PvP area to attack other placers? Surely the gold farmers would stay away from there.

I heard children of the grave in there and a few other metal songs I couldn't put my finger on.

How long must I wait until Holla Forums forms a right-wing PVP squad?

Did our timeline change again? I am lost in the deep forest so help me find the light.

Venezuela: The one country where your parents are actually excited to learn that you want to become a pro gamer.

It's so surreal that the pro-gamer's life in Venz is probably slightly better than college educated people.

There's no precedent for communists declaring jihad against gamers, as far as I'm aware.

What's the action like in Venezuela?

Prostitutes are cheap, but disease is pervasive and protection is both expensive and difficult to come by.

Clickbait - historically speaking RS GP has been more valuable than Swiss Franks

they're farming dragon bones and hides, the easiest ones to kill and get to are green dragons in the PVP area known as the wilderness.
at worst you'll lose the bones/hides and some garb gear, which is 44,800 gold (like 0.05usd) with a full invo if the hides/bones average at 1600 gold each. it will be a little less if they have a teleport in their invo.
it would be more if they use a summoning familiar but I can't remember if OSRS has that.

t. rs autist

Didn't Venezuelans start trading in rare Pepes months ago?

Found it

Kek I never played this early on. I started playing in 2005, I believe.
Those were the good old days of video games, lads. When you stop and shitpost with some random people you come across in game. Its not like that anymore, now its just a solo grind fest where you don't need to bring friends.

You could literally get paid more to spam cuck porn and anti-Trump copy-pasta on Holla Forums.

Nope, it has and never will be implemented into OSRS. Summoning has its domain in Easyscape.


Oh look another pro-capitalism kike thread.
I agree, the leftist retards with their marxian socialism is cancer, but the capitalist retards are doing the exact same thing with central nanking creating useless currency. The US wants Venezuela to fail at this point.

- US devalues Bolivar which was stronger then USD due to Venezuela sitting on a goldmine of oil.
- US backed regime change / riots has failed.
- Venezuela votes for Maduro
- US calls it a sham election, invites their puppet opposition around Europe and US to talk about their poor poor oppression, priming them for NATO invasion.
- US shows it real hand by issuing official trade and monetary boycott against Venezuela.
- Venezuela turns to BRIC and drops the USD from it's exchanges, let's trade in Rubble or Yuan. (History teaches us that means war if not proxy war).
- OP the faggot starts a thread: see, socialism totally failed goys, citizens who had no influence on these issues are mining a digital game currency just earn some currency because it's worth more then their own money. Don't question why this is though, it's just stupid socialism goys.

Russia has now secured it's future energy needs in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Cuba, North Pole and expanding in Southern America with BRIC promoting it's Eurasianism without Europe or US. The US has secured nada other then what it can take from it's lapdogs. The internet doesn't allow you to hide the truth to divide them for much longer.

The US want's to go back to Afghanistan after they found out the government was turning towards Russia as well for it's infrastructure building and resource extraction following Iraq. Let's just occupy them with a renewed military campaign while our corporate dogs extract the resources. Oh see guys, these sponsored proxy fighters Al'Quada are so brazen to take over military equipment right in Afghanistan. At this point it's just proxy wars and invasion for oil. Even when they bring some modicum of democracy, those that are voted in vote against US interest. Eventually these policies are going to run up against Russia securing these countries with nukes.

With judas, you lose, nuke wallstreet.


I…i think he is a commie so he struggles with concepts,the main reason venezuela is failing is thanks to venezuelan commie retards as its common with commie they fell for clientelism ans their industry got bloated and inefficient they alsp shot their own foot by going full fuck the USA those imperialist pigs,fuck spain fuck Colombia fuck anyone who doesn't openly praise me.
They increased the expenditure as a way to buy votes from their fabela niggers who are happy as long as they are given free rice and chicken (the rest they can steal)thus the mobs of retarded fabela niggers love them gib me dats and imagine you give hama and tyrone a uniform and tell them now you are the owner of the ghetto,thus you have the gangs working for the government it is nigger paradise.
Yes of course they also pissed the capitalist but they pretty much deserve it and i feel sorry for the few good ones but most of them run away a long time ago when they realised it was turning to shit.

Nuke wall Street indeed but kill all commies ;)

Pro tip russia exports energy it doesn't have energy needs that it can't supply and doesn't need venezuelan super heavy oil at all

Why do commies larp as antisemites? Are they completely autistic?

They're struggling to square observable current events with their lifetime of programming. Since they have low self-esteem, they blame themselves when tricked rather than blaming the trickster, so being forced to admit that they were wrong about anything comes with a non-negligible chance of suicide.

iktf, I came back for a few months to give the new combat a try. no one talks just to talk, home world is dead, most clans are public chat 2.0.
sometimes you can still get people to talk while fishing, but you need to go to worlds that are really full for that to happen.
really old friends seeing I was online after years gave me the warmest welcome. one pretty much told me what you were saying, also not to trust anyone anymore. I use to be able to borrow rares and expensive shit from friends and they knew I'd give it back whenever they asked, likewise when my broke ass did the same with them. doubt that would happen anymore.

I miss fucking around with the /vg/ clan, we were the kangs of the bankstanding shitposters.

USA has secured western Europe and is dragging eastern Europe along through the EU. The EU is easy to buy anyway, if you want Europe to support you, you just need to offer them a load of resources or money and they'll cooperate and this is something that the USA can do and no other world powers can.

The EU economy as a whole is slightly bigger than that of the USA (GDP wise). With the USA having secured Europe for themselves they have the clear upperhand on geopolitical matters compared to any other country.

Stalin was paranoid about them and especially the internationalists (globalists for their time). He had them all killed and of course almost all of them were Jews.

Stalinism wasn't the successor of Lenin probably because he wasn't a jew and he must have seem as the bestest of shabbos goyim for a time,so he got to power after that he out jewed most of the old timer jews in the purges,he didn't go full gas the bikes race war now till he was dying with the whole doctors plot but he was simply killed thanks to that and the power went back to the jews,in fact ussr was a state for the jews by the jews since there was no israel.

I miss spending weekend nights at Castle Wars and then getting triggered and going to train for hours on end to get my combat up enough to kill people. The Monkey Guards at Ape Atoll, Ogres, and Experiments…So much fun to just grind and hang out with friends. Spent one Christmas break the entire time at Pest Control and got 99 Attack. The Old School RuneScape doesn't capture the essence of the game at that time.

I keep getting conflicting accounts on whether Stalin was Jewish or not.

Lmao, go look at the evidence.

Red pill me on stalin as far as I know he was just a russian lump and considered simply a good goy thus even Lenin didn't want him as heir to the leadership but he might have managed to convince the kikes he was a good shabbos goy.
If I'm wrong I'd love to know more!

Wow you are fun to hang around

Stalin had forced starvations, killed many more than Hitler by far. Just start there.

Its like the effects of living in a low-trust society has been transfered into video games as well. People who grew up in cities learned to be selfish, trust no one, and take any opportunity to screw someone over if it benefits them personally.

But that doesn't make HIM a jew. He sure had jews in cabinet etc but i wanted to know if HE was a jew.
Mao for sure wasn't a jew he was just a chink and he did have the same starvation schemes so as to rapidly industrialise chyna.

And from the same source.

I know but being a jew puppet is not the same as being a jew my question was.
Stalin kike or non kike?
from what I know he might have just been a russian Georgian,following kike plans,yes,being a kike puppet of course but himself a kike as far as I know I no.


Was not aware the Jews got that directly mixed up in Red China's operations. Of course I knew about (((Milton Friedman))) advising the Beijing government in the '80s, but it's oddly reassuring to see them playing both sides so obviously in China, of all places.

Sometimes, a normal Holla Forumslack's resolve flags. "What if I'm wrong?" we sometimes wonder. It would be a shame to go full 1488 and be mistaken. Maybe the ruin of the world isn't entirely a conscious strategy pulled off by a global cabal of kike parasites? Maybe it's just some bad apples who coincidentally happen to be Jews?

Then you see them up to their tricks in China and relax. Holla Forums is always right. We must drown the world's last Jew in the blood of the others. Zero survivors.

Thanks for the periodic adjustment, Holla Forums. I'm back thinking right again.

He was a good goy golem until he killed a few jews, like icepick-trotsky, and banished the rest to some autonomous jew oblast.
Still not enough for me to think nicely of the guy. Also h had like 3 jew wives or some shit.

I questioned myself like that some times over the years, but every fucking time Holla Forums was right again. It's the fucking jews, and tbh I wouldn't be at all surprised if there really is a japanese monk fighting satan's inter-dimensional child rapist lizards on an astral plane.

That's the point.

