Fuck You
Choke On It
Uh oh
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super tax fraud EX
What the fuck is that shirt
Didn't he want to burn down all the gamers and never make games again?
he's stuck on permanent loop for the rest of his life
gold experience! remove the effect of his game releasing!
Just let them go user, they're already dead
Why fuck does everyone think the Xbox360 controller is good? It sucks ballz.
I'm pretty excited to shitpost this game to death as well.
Did he even ever release an album from his DJ days?
He was a DJ?! Oh fucking hell.
i never used a 360 one but i own a $30 Rock candy for xbone, but i use it for PC and i have to say it's quite good actually, i'm quite proficient at fighting games and this gamepad hasn't given me any problems
He was after he quit being a "dev" during gg. It was funny.
god I love that pic
Yeah, my wife uses one. I use a f310 Logitech for my controller needs and even then I think it isn't even that good. I want a PC third party Wii U Pro Controller.
Oh jesus christ, that fucking hair.
He looks great, you're just jealous!
just buy an official wii u pro pad and a mayflash adapter. third parties are logitech tier shit.
How can one man be so fucking sensitive.
Every time.
Someone theorized that he's taking his Andy Kaufman avatar too seriously and just playing a role.
I'd believe it, if he was doing shit like this more often.
He's the angry nu-male, a rare form of nu-male.
We've only seen his like a few times, Aids-Skillrex and Carl the cuck are similar breeds.
There is an adapter? do I have to program the controller in for every single fucking game? That is why I like the Logitech one, and the CandyRock one. You just plug the fucker in.
he looks like he's ready for a job at VICE
he's so obviously bipolar it's not even funny. Any shrink who would talk to the guy for 5 minutes would have their pad out ready to write up a lithium script.
I could see him killing himself thinking "once im dead they'll realize what an sensitive artist I was, they'll see"
Nice get.
I think its like $15. Works for PS3 and PC iirc. Has a switch to select between xinput for 1-2 players or dinput for up to 8 players I think? Wired pads are nice but the wii u pro pad has like 80 hour battery life so, the appeal of not having to charge and being hooked to your desk is much less ideal than having something this convenient.
Never again
Oh for real? and I dont have to program it in? that is awesome, I will look into it.
You mean he is just over sensitive, dont need to go all bullshit Freud on me.
This faggot's pathetic don't you dare post that fucking image motherfucker.
just plug it in and call it a day. I think there might be drivers to download? I barely remember, I just plug it into either my laptop or my desktop depending on what I'm doing.
Plus, nintendo pads are made by Hori. You can't get better than that.
I wonder how shitty his stand would be?
Kek, I unironically thought that was the Sean whoever that lied for No Man's Sky and was excited to see news about Hello Games going nuclear. These nu-male types really do all look alike, huh? They're like niggers in that way, I guess.
Ah, now that's interesting.
It'd probably be something like Survivor, except instead of fighting he would just polarize opinions and make it extremely obvious who his allies and enemies are.
Nice quads, bro
No I mean he specifically cycles between states of being manic and then being depressed on consistent and regular basis.
It was super clear during his indie movie shit where he'd be on top of the world "I'm literally a god" to basically breaking down and crying for pretty much no reason.
Yeah, I just hate seeing clinical disease being thrown around when people show light signals of distress. He was in a indie movie shit?
I'm guessing it's no less cancerous than this.
literally "the indie game movie"
Oh fuck, where I can I watch this.
They sell it on Steam, it was the first example of Valve allowing purely video to be sold. It was weird cause it was packaged as like an exe.
You can probably torrent it
Found a torrent, so there are more then just this guy in it? Looks like it will just remind me how ==Awesome== the "indie" game scene is.
Failed my redtext FFFF
pic related
I understand nothing here
kills me inside
As someone who watched the entire piece of shit, let me summarize so you don't have to.
There are three groups, the guy who made Braid, Jawnathan Blue, Dick Sucker, and the two guys who made Super Meat Boy: the game you see at every AGDQ.
Jackie Blam talks about how he wanted make an experience and how mad he was at that rapper's phone video even though he probably made another couple thousand of dollars because of it. Really you can just replace all of his sections with old men complaining about the weather and nothing would be lost.
I fucking hate reddit for ruining proper spacing.
Cock Gobbler almost is sympathetic, and all of his scenes are about him getting a demo ready for PAX, and I have to give the film crew credit for turning all of his tantrums into poignant rants on a man teetering between success and despair.
The Super Meat Boy team are the only good people in this movie, and even though there's a section where they try to demonize one of them for freezing the online level system when a hacker broke into it it just doesn't work when you know why.
TL;DR just look up the Meat Boy parts on youtube, anything more can only be an exercise in pain management on your part.
I had to double check because I thought the same thing. They are the most homogenous mass of remarkably unappealing features.
Braid > Fez > Super Meat Boy
Not sure if you're trying to trigger me or if you're being serious
never get in the box
Found a lot more games you would probably like
You only had to choke on it…
Are you trying to tell me Castle Crashers and Ballteblock theatre are bad games?
nigga wut
Soon you will understand
This is just that super pretentious VR game where you fit the block in the hole. Just like the baby game. Except the game puts the block in a way that it obstructs your view of the hole. So you have to dip and weave like a tard.
Newgrounds has some quality stuff recently. I would say that in some cases it can compete with full $60.00 games.
Anybody knows why this fucktard and LW never capitalize "I"? They both seem to have difficulties understanding basic punctuation rules too…
So when did you start browsing?
They're lazy and dumb.
Didn't Edward Mcmuffin say that developing a game is like working in a concentration camp?
Apparently. I've only seen this quoted against him by people in the comments of articles about the movie, so I'd take the lack of context into account.
The sad part is, I can actually see a stand like that being bizarrely useful when used for support. You could use it to find disguised enemies, break apart the opposition's teamwork, start a riot as a distraction…
hipsters, when will they learn
For what it's worth, Super Hyper Cube is one of the demos available in the PSVR demo tour, and talking to the sony guys, literally no one is interested in it, at least around here.
Shoemaker got himself a pretty fashy haircut
it's very simple, they're copying the cool kids on something awful who posted in the fyad (fuck you and die) forum, basically their Holla Forums. it hurts to type like this.
fyad like all sa forums has been dead for many years. but being too cook to push the shift key metastasized over to twitter and spread from there.
Meanwhile he has spent the last 5 years spreading his asshole for whatever piece of shit in the clique needs their next shitty project shilled
Only time Phil's getting a block in a hole am I right
I liked GB because they didn't take themselves seriously and always showed gameplay of games instead of giving me a 10k word essay on how much queertheory the jumping mechanics had. They would talk about wrestling and make shitty rap songs about having anal in a 7-11 bathroom set to SNES game soundtracks. The forums used to be lighthearted too, with songs, photoshops, and one dude who wrote a blog about porn game stories.
Then Klepek came along, and all the good people in the forums got banned. I got threads deleted for "misogyny" and people would swarm threads about space to say NASA should give all its money to hunger niggers.
Then Ryan died, Jeff stopped giving a single shit and looked about ready to blow his own brains out 24/7, and Vinny left for New York.
The whole place just died, I can't imagine following their stuff now would even come close, especially after they got the angry BLM nigger who chimped out on his first day.
GB died with Ryan Davis and Jeff's soul.
Didn't he throw a huge shitfit because people dared to say his game was buggy?
What happened, like fez and cave story, phil fish stole the concept from 3d tetris and Ketzal's corridors, only they simplified the fuck out of them.
I feel like more than one boylita has be sullied in that room by those men.
I wish people would focus on making good games that play on a monitor rather than how to demonstrate visuals on new hardware that nobody owns and nobody wants.
You are right.
I couldn't comprehend from the twitter hashtag, urban dictionary had no definition and I'm not willing to check tumblr. Tell me what that means.
Boy + Lolita = Boylita
Its one of those words that seems self-explanatory I guess, but really isn't.
Didn't Phil literally stole the game from someone? Like kicking the guy who coded it out of the team and appropriating the game for himself?
or maybe you thought you'd be a special snowflake and make up a word for no reason. The word you're looking for is shota. If you're going for feminine shota it's a trap shota.
Nah, there's twitter hashtags and presumably some absolute cancer at shebeast faggottown. It's like how adult women dress up in lolita outfits, but with twinks instead.
This is the first time I've seen hat word as well, it sounds gay and I don't like it.
Seriously, why do you have that image of Virginia named that? I've seen you post it before. Just curious.
Casting Couch: Indie Shit Edition?
Estrogen poisoning. I mean look at him, take off the hipster beard and shove him in a dress and he'd be a more convincing woman than Wu. Or Quinn
Current year GB in a nutshell
Will this overtake Nu Male's Lies in the bomb department?
fuck no
Only one good thing can come of this, and it's another twitter meltdown. This webm still cracks me up.
I look at that shirt and all I can think of is this.
Well surely if it sounds gay, it's perfect
Do we actually know if No Man's Buy bombed financially? Sure there were mass refunds, but the game's marketing seemed to be more based on hype than advertisements, and hype is cheap.
Holy shit that ID
It looks like a really shit version of MDE's shirt.
kill yourself
What's up will all the newfags recently? Holy shit.
Here's a guide for DJ Fish Dick's upcoming game.
I'm pretty sure that's a screenshot from the reboot of The Shining
Fuck! LW1 seriously needs to stop messing with the internet.
Straight out of cuckchan.
This game has the design simplicity to have beem created at a 72hour game jam. When the parents of the devs buy the game it will have recovered the whole $500.00 it would take to make. At least the devs with get good boys points for some chicken tendies.
Nice ID.
I am so glad Dan has some integrity, ironic given his on screen character.
On the beastcast where they talked about Mafia 3 Austin says that the characters look at the voodoo doll and go "IT'S NIGGER MAGIC", after a few seconds of joking Dan goes "they really said that", he goes "yeah" and Dan says something like "really those exact words" and he goes "well not exactly, it's just that same tone". Like they either said it or not, you can't just put the word "nigger" in someones mouth.
Sounds like a fancy way to say "personality disorder."
That's meant to be Mark. The guy who made it also said Mark doesn't really act like that anymore.
I'm aware, I just thought the resemblance was uncanny. It's supposed to be a cartoon of Mark but it looks like a real version of Austin, not a good sign for him.
/r/ing the pic with Holla Forums throwing mark in an oven
I don't understand why people who start balding don't just own it and shave their head into a shiny qball.
Everybody looks good bald, even women can look hot bald.
Source: i'm bald and totally unbiased
How'd you get that ID?
Stop this and go back to halfchan with your ID memes.
What a sad whiny faggot.
Also it good to see that Josef Fritzl managed to score a coaching gig.
By using the Tor browser
Was gonna say this. This generation is getting hit hard.
Also, this, but I feel all the chemicals we've ingested in the womb contributed to the above theories.
Even better it's another pretentious ripoff of a decent game.
I take it this is an earlier version of the game?
The shirt is meant to be funny, not edgy.
And the shirt's designer (pics related) isn't exactly a hipster.
what's up with his fucking facial expression why does it look like he's about to go on a mass shooting
Because he did.
The dude went on a fucking rampage, how have you not heard of him?
That's not the game guide, that's the programming guide
I'm glad other people caught vibes from "The Shining".
I'm gonna go ahead and say the director intentionally decided to portray Phil Fish like that.
It's a genius move on their part.
Speaking of NMS:
ok Mark.