Desusex Meinkampf Divided

Deus Ex MD is littered with SJW pandering, and YET it is ALSO littered with reality.
During night time in Prague, most of the augmented people who are "oppressed" actively taunt the cops and scream "dindu nuffins!" when they are pulled over or arrested for carrying weapons (like a knife) to a supermarket.

Police personnel chat between themselves about how much worse things will get once the Martin Luther King Jr. of the augs (a drunkard who is oblivious to the inner workings of his organization) is found dead. Many of them are disturbed at how this will cause more violence, while others are so imbittered by the augs' behavior that they WANT it to happen "so they learn their lesson".
Also, The Malcolm X of the augs is a terrorist anti-nonaugmented who is a patsy for the Illuminati, who all–aside from Everette–have suspiciously unique noses.

You can even see a couple of stupid young thugs disenfranchised augs actively taunted and gesturing at a policeman in a mech exo-suit, but the policeman doesn't wreck them bloody–he just watches them and warns them.

In Golem City, where all the augs are herded together, you see augs complaining like they're in a concentration camp yet they are able to run their own stores and food supplies in the market place. You overhear how the augs will complain about police brutality–yet they will admit the brutality is sometimes warranted:
Literally a conversation you can overhear from the augs in Golem City.

Why post this? Because I think this game's theme is presented smarter than anything else about it, and apparently was too smart for most of Holla Forums. You see, it's clear from investigation that the media is turning the narrative against the augs, that people hate augs, and that the cops are sick with brutality which is being covered up/accepted worldwide.
This, plus the SJW pandering with all the black main characters from nowhere and the sodomite ""husband"" and ""father"" of two, led Holla Forums to think this was a SJW raped game. Also the "aug lives matter" bit.

Yet, when you actually pay attention to your surroundings in the game, you realize it's not that the augs dindu nuffins. They may be mistreated, but they largely bring it upon themselves. There's tons of tweeking junkies who blame society and the police, but these idiots made themselves augmented in the first place! The cops aren't just evil boogeymen and the augs aren't just innocent babes–and it turns out that all the hatred and suspicion of augs is in fact largely warranted when it's revealed that most of the augs are happy with the idea of violent revolution and condone the terrorist activity the media says is linked to the pro-aug movement.

TL;DR The game does a fantastic balance of handing the player the blue and red pills and offering them which to take. I can guarantee you not a single BlackLivesMatter terrorist would catch onto the reality of the world in Desusex because they are blinded by prejudice from the facts.
I expect better from you, Holla Forums.
Game's worth a solid buy at $30 used

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah yeah sure, now where is the torrent?

Lefties are always on the verge of self-awareness, but then jerk back into their ideology. This is nothing new.


That's the problem with denovo I guess, no-one can pirate it to see what it's really like so we go off some other cunts opinion.

Game might have some merit, but i'll never find out until the release of the full (all dlc and no drm) version. Chances are i wont pay for that either.

This. In-group pressure will always keep them away from redpilling thought patterns.

Is that the actual name?
Too bad the actual game part is shit and I can't pirate it, sounds like it might be worth a playthrough when it gets cracked.

If what OP says is as visible in the game as he put it, then it's just the usual equal opportunity offender/le rational middle ground shtick like GTA5 or South Park (hurr durr I hate conservatives but I fucking hate liberals). These always turn out to be basically people who are only slightly left leaning. Turns out they can't tolerate anyone more left leaning than them, but they also won't use their brains to actually consider the right's positions.

I'd say it's more about comfortable fence-sitting and feeling morally superior to both sides. A rather… Semitic approach.

A shit game is a shit game, even if there's some parts holding carrots and wagging them to both sides.

Very rare, but it does happen. Look at Ian Miles Cheong. First he went from literal neonazi to SJW aGGro, but then he somehow became sane and went anti-SJW and pro-GG.

When I saw that live action trailer and saw how they took a very real issue and made it about something completely unrelated in the least subtle way imaginable while being on par with a transformers movie.
I hope you're right OP as I might consider buying this if you are.

Also video where faggot talks about the story being rushed.

Why did they turn Deus Ex into a shittier version of X Men?

think so?

jesus, that is disgusting. i like how only the people who seem relatively fit are wearing a shirt on that picture and only the revolting hambeasts let it all hang loose

Reminds me of those ugly, fat guys who flash people in public because it's literally the only way they can get someone to ever look at their junk.

The only real difference is those guys get stuck on the sex offender's register while these girls are heralded as "so brave" for forcing others to look at their gross-ass titties.

Stop projecting

That isn't about improving the lives of the working class. That's egalitarianism or humanism, you fucking retard. And judging by their way of presenting themselves, they are pretty much the same to progressives as cross-burners are to conservatives.

There, how does it feel to get intellectually own'd by a furry?

I wish they would have stuck to a realistic what would happen if this would have happened in real life. I think some would fear but not all, some people with augs asking too much question would have their own augs strangling them or walking them off a ledge, open source augs would be in demand, politicians would use this as a new boogieman to keep the leftards and the rest who still believe politics will help you in anyway under control. The only thing I really liked about it is this mission because it sort of reminds me of, the rest felt like what would a leftist imagine the world under "oppression" to be like.

Go fuck a dog, leftist.

Don't forget tracking devices in every single one.
Just like all modern software and hardware

Yeah that, and also backdoors/rootkits in any brain implants for your own security. I'm pretty sure that all augments would work by tapping in the brain for information rather than the spinal chord to ensure full control over the person that wears them.

TBH it wouldn't really be a bad premise if they didn't try so hard to with the augs = niggers analogy. It's a pretty interesting concept in its own right, examining what exactly 'power' means, with individual power vs. society being slanted against you, how superior you really are when you're addicted to a drug controlled by a few select corporations, laws being made to regulate stuff that's already part of your body etc.

Infact it might have worked a lot better if they'd set it right after the first one, so instead of a static scenario where the role of augs is settled you'd have an evolving one where segregation and shit is introduced along the way, people are legitimately worried about relapses (why the fuck did they even return to normal after you blew up panchea anyway?), panic bans on augs end up creating shortages of spare parts and anti-rejection drugs, and other shit that basically make poorly written villains superfluous since the world is shitting itself just fine.


The fat dude with the bread probably has bigger tits than the chicks too

Or anons simply don`t care

You seem to be butthurt over people who didn`t even bothered to buy a game that isn`t worth 60 bucks by your own admission

Looks like you think the "Holla Forums don`t buy games" is just a meme, most of the people here do`nt even bother with triple A tittles except from some niche genres

What are you some kind of communist?
That said
I don't know what these people are thinking

I'm never gonna play this. But satisfy my curiosity: Does "aug" rhyme with "nog"?

You say that like it's a bad thing.
What are you, European?



good thing I keep my systems offline

Yes. The official name is the Utelek Complex or something, but due to the influx of augs just getting dumped over there to make life more bearable for everyone else it became known as Golem City

I'm telling you, someone on the staff knows.
Too bad he's surrounded by typical French-Canadians

If you have a Boston accent, maybe.
They certainly rhyme in terms of actions.

What? No, I'm saying that's actually the best part of how the theme plays out ambient in the game.

Could be true too, but considering the number of Desusex threads I don't think so.
I'm not a merchant, user. I couldn't care if you got it off a bootlegger for a buck. I'm just disappointed so many anons didn't notice the massive amounts of reality given into the setting (even despite SJW additions here and there).

No, I'm just not a retardo aug who KNOWS the police are on extra-high alert after hundreds were killed just TWO DAYS AGO in an aug terrorist bombing yet starts crying and screeching "BUT I DINDU NUFFINZ! OPPRESSIONS!" when I get arrested for carrying a weapon to buy oranges.

how in the world are you pronouncing either augmentation or nignog?

The best parts of the game are the parts which carry continuity from Human Revolution.
It's amazing how a side mission, a couple of easter eggs in an apartment and an e-book can be more interesting than almost any other plot point in the game.
It's good seeing young Bob again.

New York


I'm in florida and I have no boston accent

living in florida is a punishment almost as bad as having a boston accent

Says who?

Why are you taking views from the guy who thinks the Aug Incident ruins the racism narrative because "it gives them a reason to be hated"?
I'd post a trashman pic but since Pen&Teller is dead and deeper in leftist filth than they ever were, I'm just posting this instead.
Take it as you will


Says most crime reports.
Not only do you have all the criminals you also have the especially retarded ones.

You realize east and west florida are basically two different countries correct? But what am I saying, people who don't live in florida are always an authority on it

Not to mention everything north of Miami is fine except for Orlando but all of the faggots there are tourists anyway so it really isn't Florida's fault.

I really don't understand how the group of people who are smarter and stronger than everyone else is reduced to being homeless people. Golem City should of been a utopia, with the Augs with Neural Implants should be making truckloads of money. The politically motivated rich would most likely be radicalized to act like David Sarif, and augment their workers through the eyeballs for their own benefit. It's stupid that, instead of making the endings of HR canon through opposing beliefs, they chose to make Jensen chose no ending, apparently.

There's a fucking sodomite presented as a father?
That's all the reason I need to completely ignore this. Can't give this shit any oxygen.

He gets brutally murdered in the last stage of the game (he can live if you do a certain thing, so don't do it), so there's that.

They need drugs for their augs

Calling it now: don't expect any serious discussion about the game in this board or pretty much anywhere else. Don't expect any discussion at all to begin with.
Denuvo does this funny thing where the people that usually show up to talk about videogames mysteriously disappear and are nowhere to be seen, because as we all know, only people that buy legit copies of games talk about them and everyone buys games way before talking about them.

Most discussion is gonna be centered around the Season Pass, the DLC and whatever other jewish practices they implemented because those are things anyone can see without paying the game.
Everything else is just gonna be speculation, 3rd hand opinions and cherry picking, not just because that's enough for most people but because we really don't have much else to go on, as not that many people are interested in wasting cash to try the game.

That said, I did got to try it a bit at my store. Hugely disapointed with it, although I tried the console version. There's exactly the same augs you had in the last game, it all works in the same way. Still same 4 active augs (invisibility, no sound, x-ray, typhoon) and every other passive aug as well. No improvements, no new things no nothing.
The menu looked like it had a lot of empty space that could be filled with new augs coming along in future DLC's though, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.
There's crafting now as well, spending some universal resource for that or something. But overall, it's still the same game.
You'd only get it for the story but all I hear is how the story is incredibly weak. It's essentially "this is what a private security guard does on tuesdays" story with nothing interesting happening anywhere at all.

The aug incident shit is also a bit dated, as in it was handled in Human Revolution already. I was expecting something different but if the best they can do is spin it so the augs are the "bad guys" now, that's kinda disapointing.
Props to them for making this morally grey, Human Revolution showed that non-augs do get screwed by the presence of augs so it's not all sunshine (but the neuropozine topic was made just for extra bad things, it felt forced and contrived)

You should know better than to expect discussions to go any other way though, OP. And I'm not talking about Denuvo anymore. Most conversations everywhere, not just Holla Forums, are now highly polarized. It's "us vs them" mentality worldwide. Of course your average faggot is gonna rail on it for the SJW shit and ignore all those details because accepting them and that the game isn't 100% SJW propaganda would require admitting that sometimes things aren't that black and white. Good luck having that happen today.


My issue is that he's featured at all. The fact that saving him is a desirable outcome in the narrative is just icing on the faggot cake.
Like I said, no oxygen.

Self defence and freedom is a human right you filthy communist go back to prauge

It's because


did I mention that I'm from south africa and therefor apartheid? everyone has to approve and sign off on my nonsense because apartheid

That's pretty neato OP, but I won't pay more than a dollar for it since by now some idiot paid more than enough in micro transactions to offset my pirating.

Jeez, I wonder why, you condescending cock muncher

I found your problem right there

Fair enough, mate. The less you pay for it, the better the game is.


Which was only a contrived plot device they came up with to make augs not be seen as 100% better than non-augs.
The staff literally couldn't come up with a way to make them look less awesome so they decided "what if they have to be junkies?" and signed that off.

Nevermind the fact that we are all technically junkies since we need proteins, vitamins and calories to work. An extra chemical to power a specific power of our body really isn't that different.
And nevermind the fact that both the previous games did not required some articial plot device to make augmented people to look bad. Just show them as power-tripping assholes ruining the economy.

The whole thing could have been done just by showing a few augs suddendly believing themselves better than everyone else. Their arrogance would paint them in a worse light than taking drugs, and you could have a plot here about how technology makes one lose his humanity through the ego. But that's too complicated so let's make it all a metaphor for cocaine XD

I don't understand why you quoted 2 things that have nothing to do with the other and then called me "condescending" when I was being critical of Denuvo, not of pirates.
I tried the game at my local shop, did not buy it, and given the chance I'd not pirate it because it looks boring

Good point but
That's the intro level, user. I expected them to be the same since it makes sense– we're playing as the same character after all.

But they added new ones


I think the important thing is that you've found a way to feel superior to both.
Muh horseshoe.

But user, how can we make Adam Jensen a special snowflake if he doesn't have absurdly significant importance to the plot? What, we make his actions significant? No, we need him to be the next Dragonborn, remember how well Skyrim sold?

But technology evolves. I was expecting something else in a new game, especially more than just 4 active augs where 2 kinda overlap. Not just for the sake of the lore (technology constantly getting better, new and more advanced military grade augs available) but also for the player to see something new.
I mean, Deus Ex 2 was what it was and it had more augs and more unique than this…

We talking those passive ones or new active ones? I know they keep the format of 4 actives due to the DPad for consoles but I didn't noticed any new augs in the menu. What was new there?

Who are both? Why are you already putting me in a group and conflict as if I'm trying to win a debate?
Uh. Butthurt Holla Forums, should have figured. Have fun polarizing discussions, I guess.

The irony is always completely lost on these people

Doesn't really surprise me, that holds pretty well with the series thus far.
People forget that it's never been about right vs left wing, it's been an exploration of the increasing effects of technology on society. Hence the unstated part of the name (deus ex machina).
It's okay to treat a subject without turning it into propaganda for a particular political ideology.


You don't need to turn the guy into some Messiah that saves the world, just tell a story about him and the people around him.

Adam is in a bit of an unique position because while he does have all those augs, he never chose to have them. He could be presented as the real blank slate in that dilemma (and perfect self-insert for the player) capable of experiencing the life of an aug, even if he doesn't agree with it.

You could have a plot where he gets to really know augmented people and see how they behave and think. And then you could react to it, say your mind and decide what you think about it. Whether you too believe that your augmentations make you superior to your common men or that the power they give you brings responsibility to help your fellow men.
You could have a plot where at times you'll believe to be equal to non-augs since you just want to live your life but end up realizing that you'll never be equal due to the way you can live your life.
Or how you believe you're different because you can achieve far more than they can but that in the end you're no different since you still care about the same things and have the same drives.

Making this a race issue has got to be the most basic bland way to put things up and the drug just makes it even more fanfic-tier.

Holla Forums get's mad triggered everytime someone mentions horseshoe theory since they hate being compared to the alt-left
Thanks for proving my point, though :^)


Maybe you can't


Get out of your hugbox more often, learn how to argue a bit.

How come augs of DE:HR era are more sophisticated and powerful than nano augs of DE1 era?

delete this


Alright then, well the real answer is to ask the question, who would win in a fight, Jensen or Denton?

They aren't. Augs in HR require part of your body to be replaced entirely, while NanoAugs are practically an injection you take and you're good to go.

Also, compare their power.
The Sprint aug from HR kinda makes you move a bit faster.
The Movement Speed aug in DE1 makes you jump 3 or 4 times your height.

Jensen can punch through walls.

JC because he has sick one liners.

You mentioned the horseshoe theory, people called you out on things entirely besides that (that you're a faggot), and you started screeching incoherently that somehow people calling you a faggot is political. It's blatantly obvious that you're some kind of fucking homosexual who doesn't quite fit in on Holla Forums and has a chip on their shoulder about it. Just go back to reddit, you'll have more fun.

the non-augmentation tech got better, shut up

I think IMC just joins whatever thought appears dominant around him. When it began to appear to him that SJWs were losing the battle for hearts & minds due to outing themselves repeatedly & publicly with abhorrent doublethink (looking terrible to normalfags) he then switched. He'll switch again if he's convinced some other group is winning dominance.

Most of the people who switch around like that aren't really "redpilled". They're just followers adapting to their surroundings. That's how the "DIE CIS SCUM" girl became normal again. She's just following whatever thought appears dominant around her. Reddit & Google Search are pretty much based on this, they rely on such people & intentionally bias the information they can see to sway them one way or another.


that's the joke

I think it's pretty clear who would win.

He can punch through specific parts of walls that are britten and weak enough for that.
Meanwhile, the heaviest he can carry are fridges while Denton can carry around industrial steel large containers.

Also this, he'd win the fight before it even started.
"I never asked for this fight"
"What a rotten way to die"

Might want to check on IDs first next time and read the thread before commenting my good man.

How come everything is more advanced in earlier Dude Sexes?
Laser rifles that penetrate walls, skyranger-like fliers instead of helicopters, more advanced mechs, typhoon
Why didn't the Illuminati tell Eliza to shut the fuck up?

That by definition isn't an addiction ya dummy

I dont get it, these bitches werent even flirted with during their whole lives, most are clearly butch dykes. I dont see any real women asking for these retards to "defend" them, so who are they fighting for?

Yeah, but he needs batteries.
Also he can't swim.
I thought maybe the Typhoon would give him an edge, but JC can detonate explosives at range.

It's not what tough appears dominant, it's what though appears to be "the right one".
It's hard to conceive this but most of those people actually believe the bullshit they preach. They actually think they are on the right side of history and they have the moral high horse.
You have your cult leaders like Z.Quinn or Snarkeesian that most likely know perfectly well they are talking bullshit all the time for personnal profit.
But most of the other usefull idiots just want to be "a good guy" and they join what looks the "good guys".

Just confused people trying to find an identity in a very complicated world that they don't fully understand. It's why I can never truly hate them (but I'll still held them accountable).
They are just trying to do what they think is right and they are free to change their mind everytime they are proven wrong.

Try not to eat, see what happens and then come tell me it's not an addiction. Oh wait, you won't be able to as you'll be dead.

So does JC except Jensen's regenerate a bit.
Neither can JC because nobody puts points into swimming.

ach mein SIDES

Lmao fam

I meant for melee specifically.
Adam literally can't hit someone without one full battery charge. JC can spam baton or Dragon's Tooth or whatever with 0 bioenergy, even if he won't get the combat strength.
He can swim without spending points on swimming.
Adam doesn't swim, period.

It's this one big joke where someone actually convinced them they are more happy if they behave like men. And then told them being a men is all about defending shit and complain all the time.

So they go out in the streets, complain about people they don't give a fuck about and who don't give a fuck about them in turn just to look "empowered". It's all about what they look like because they truly believe that being single is some sort of achievement and proves they don't need a man.

You know the neets that go >3DPD? Imagine if they started holding rallies and protests against the undersexualization of their waifus and they had cunts instead of dicks. That's pretty much what those protests are.

Everyone puts a single point in swimming, it opens some new routes and makes the few times you have to go swimming less tedious
Nobody puts more than a point, though
True master race only buys Enviromental and Swimming

We don't know if Jensen can't because there are no melee weapons in that time period.

This is actually the worst part of the game for me. Melee weapons are either some tacticool shit you pull with stealth or last resort for when you have no ammo.
DE:HR however can actually have those awkawrd moments where you ran out of ammo, have no energy and now you literally cannot attack in any form or shape.

It's incredibly stupid that they decided to make melee combat a cutscene you activate and must spend energy for. They could just have that thing for "ultra special robotic takedown" and keep a quick-melee button for a quick elbow-blade strike.
Or, you know, actual melee weapons like batons for someone that's supposed to be a police officer.

Fair enough, I guess they hadn't figured out how to take an arm blade and make it into something handheld. It must've been mindblowing when somebody finally came up with it.

I would have preferred it to be a "panic button" kind of option. So you still primarily melee manually but you have a backup option, say, if you whiff and someone turns around.

Why am I still alive?


The most annoying part, to me, is that even at the time of DXHR, we'd had robotic prostheses that interfaced with human nerves, and didn't need any special fucking drugs.

Like, there were people walking around with real life fucking aug arms and legs, without any of their stupid plot devices, and they decide to go with it anyway.

These people are tragically hilarious. They're fundamentally receptive to the propaganda, so they take as axioms the basics, but have enough of a functioning sense of disgust to see how terrible the actual results of the views they espouse.

I see them all the time. My favorite example is the modern European moderate. They vocally disapprove of the migration of arabs and north africans into their countries, but keep voting for the same parties and people who support it, because they don't want to support the right instead.

Bunch of fucking idiots.

To suffer.

Now that's a funny joke if ever heard one.
Why on earth would the lefty need an alternative when pretty much every government at this stage is left leaning? Fucking retarded.

Neoliberal globalist capitalism is about as left as neoconservative globalist interventionism is right.



I was telling this from the beginning OP but Holla Forums is full of dumb amerifats that think everything must be black of white, sjw or redpilled, no middle ground no in between

Did you know that students and staff at MIT tend to be single issue voters?
Also its not like petty shit like DUDE WEED matters when your country is being overrun by people with subhuman IQ and will vote predominately for the traitors that brought them in.

This is retarded. People would actually need a proper reason for the brutality they inflict on the Augs in MD or else it would be even more retarded than it already is.

If the plot of MD just opened with "DA MEAN CZECHS IS RACISS" with absolutely no reason as to why the Humans would have a hatred of Augmented people. I mean really the entire thing is a reaction because Humans are afraid that the Augs will flip out again considering a lot of them are walking tanks.

France is no longer France.

to bear witness.
don't worry, the burning in your veins will keep you warm.

Yeah you fucking burger, tell me more about country you have never even been to

Did being in the middle ground prevent you frogs from fully embracing the Truck of Peace?


Islam is THE religion of peace

Islam literally means "submission"
do not submit to Islam

shitty marketing copypasta from cuckchan Holla Forums, just ignore it

I've got a response for that :^)

Why not?

Deus ex is dead, you'll never see another title in the series

Is this good or bad?

For a multi million dollar budget triple A game it's really bad

considering that Square considered 3.8 million to be a disappointment for Tomb Raider, it's terrible.

Kek and they can't blame pirates thanks to denuvo.

Of course. It sexism and racism this time!

Jesus Christ, I guess this is what happens when you spend pretty much no money on advertising or making a good game.

I can see some mental gymnastics where the racists didn't buy them because of the aug lives matter poster stopping le ebul racists from buying it. In other news gaymers are smelly nerds.

That's all cute OP, my main issue with the game is that they clearly cut out big chunks of story just to sell it as DLC. With a game that heavily leans on a story that's always a red flag. Imaging Deus Ex 1 with some side missions cut out and sold as DLC, no one would want that.

Denton could too if he wanted to.

Side missions and story DLC in human revolution was pretty bad to be honest and didn't fit with the theme too well. Like that social justice mission with exposing the killer of Malik's friend or saving some whores.
The entire mission where you lose your abilities on the shit was pretty fucking dreadful, the only thing I remember from it is how I had to backtrack through the level.

Better yet our bodies merge with that robotic shit like it's a natural part of the body. It's pretty insane and shitty that this wasn't taken in account with HR. That's why the plot falls kinda short in HR.


I know, but MD does it worse. They really have cut out chunks that did fit in and where already written as far as I can tell. The ending is cut as well, which is just total bullshit.

Well user, MD is just following the successful strategy of MGS5 which sold pretty well :^)


Denuvo is isn't invincible, but it's the next best thing. Naive developers are hoping for the DRM that can't be beaten and haven't heard much about this one getting stomped, but it's already happening. The wise ones realize that it's just buying them time, particularly since the fastest Denuvo-cracking has taken more than four months pro-tip, that's when the bulk of the sales are made, and having it impossible to crack before then makes them a lot more money from the fence-sitters, i.e. anyone more willing to purchase a game than the people who never buy games.

The only means of anti-piracy that could be more effective than Denuvo has been so far would be to release a fake cracked copy about three days before the big names started putting them on torrent trackers. It would clutter the search results up, particularly if they just started dumping these things under different aliases.

I'm a little surprised they haven't started doing that, really.


I forgot #auglivesmatter

I hate Islam. This guy is an idiot. Also,
He doesn't know what the Crusades were for, lol.

Left is cancer, anything right-leaning or completely centre can be at least discussed.

so can you side with the police against BodyLivesMatter?

This makes me sad only because Ed Harrison was commissioned to make the music for the Breach Mode shit. I love Ed Harrison's music and I'm hoping he catches a big break.

And I'm glad this game hasn't been cracked yet. I want to see how they spin the blame on its (seemingly) underperforrning sales.


Is Pritchard in the game?

No, he's not.

He's in the first bit of story DLC, which they just gave details on recently.

What is this bullshit? Let me guess, Malik is either canon dead or she's also in a DLC?

I don't know about her being in the DLC, but she's not dead.

Big trips

The problem is it's just a bunch of contemporary shit thrown into a future setting with no real twist, as usual. Dense fucking dunderhead shit with no subtext. Kill the industry, start over from scratch and leave writing to books.

She's not dead, there's an easter egg where she leaves a message under your box of cereals. Probably left the message after spending time at Adam's apartment. I hope they fugged, otherwise it's lame.

Oh look, an illiterate nigger

After Megan they'd better get some good waifu for Adam because he deserves it.
Also I guess I'm waiting on the DLC complete version first before bothering with the game

I carry WMDs to supermarkets.

When/if the game gets cracked it will most likely have all DLC jewery released at that point. This is one of those games I'd pirate like 2 or 3 years later when I'm bored

I'm sure they'll try.

That's what I just said user

The new Deus Ex games are fucking shit.

If anyone here bothered to play the actual fucking Deus Ex, you encounter about a handful of mechanically augmented civilians. Hell, two of the mechanically augmented people in the game are fucking ==ELITE UNATCO AGENTS==. So how the hell are you going to tell me that in the past, according to these games, fucking everybody had goddamned mech-augs. That somehow the upheaval against these people was so big they somehow magically managed to have so many people just die or vanish?

It's shit writing for a prequel. They wanted to do something "trendy" so they fucking shat all over the lore.

Why the fuck would any government allow anything but the strictest fucking control of augs after somehow they all go crazy and murder people.

Or better yet, why the hell do so many people have mechanical augs to the point where they now need fucking cities and complexes to hold the "unlicensed" augmented people.

It's bullshit. The only people we see with mechanical augmentations in Deus Ex are either A. Rich, B. ex-UNATCO, and/or C. A current or former member of the Illuminati or MJ12. The only few exceptions would possibly be one gangster, two body guards, and a drug dealer who have mechanical augs. But one works for the NSF, and they could all just be explained away by them either having the money to get these augs, or just being former military. Even then, their augs are quite minimal, either like goggles or just studs in the head.

In addition, it's as if Aug technology somehow went backwards by the time of the original Deus Ex, seeing as TOP OF THE LINE UNATCO AGENT Gunther Hermann was complaining about stiffness of his augs and being constantly in need of a tune-up, despite working for an organization that (due to being an MJ12 puppet) had nearly unlimited resources at it's disposal.

tl;dr- The story in the nu-deus ex games is fucking retarded. Would rather have played a game that placed you in the NSF when they were starting out.

Hey, there are plenty of faggots here who go "Ill just buy the GOTY edition from steam XD".

The only game I'm planning on buying this year is N++ and nothing else.

I just noticed the official website doesn't even list Deus Ex or Invisible war anymore

I'm pretty sure they're making them non-canon

t. Jim Sterling powered by Eidos


Shit analogy, in DE HR almost all augs went batshit insane, it was not a isolated case and it was fully rational thing to do to restrict them

Transhumanism happend and made it's way into popular culture. By now people expect stories playing in the future featuring human enhancement that is at least semi-affordable and widespread.

Sure it's inconsistent as fuck but DX is mostly a game about 90s conspiracy theories while DX:HR is mostly about transhumanism.

most of them were right

The same goes for ones from the 50's.
And 60's..
And 70's..
And 80's..

They'll probably blame the recession, followed by the election cycle.

That, or they'll scrub the sales figures that have already been posted and report the hours played on Steam instead. I seem to recall an indie studio doing that, once upon a time, but they meant so little to me that I don't recall which game it actually was.

Not counting bullet-time, tesla shots, nanoblade shooting, PEPS shockwave, blink, shield, and quick hacking.

Amirite? You dingus, get your facts and your mind straight before you post something next time.

has leftypol come down to this

tl;dr you're a faggot shill

I'll have to admit that I bought Hitman(tm) because I didn't want to wait next year for the CD release.
A good game and I have a lot of money but I think it was a bit of an impulsive decision on my part.






I love pop culture references like this


Wasn't the term conspiracy theory invented after JFK's death ?

Putting aside all sjw shit. I have different issue with this game. I'm polish. Been to Prague one time in my life. I think it was still one time more than probably most (or all) DE:MD writers and concept artists. City's architecture could pass, but looking at the rooftops you get slight feel of some "rurithanian-comic-book" image, than real Prague. Apartment designs, floor plans and so on. Prague feels odd to me. And then, there are names: Drahomir and the likes. More like Serbia or Russia, than western slavic nation. Look for yourself, what are popular chech names. Spend like 5 min in google.

It seems to me that in the begining, game was supposed to take place in Montreal, or any other american city. Then something happened. Maybe Prague authorities aproached and struck a promotion deal. Or maybe someone at creative team decided to put it as a nod to current imigration issues (chechs declared to not take any refugees if I recall corectly). When they decided to put it in Prague, then instead finding some chechs to help, they just took names from gta4 (or hired some serb, or balkan slav, cause all slavs are the same) and went through. It's like watching anime, where westerners have ridicolous names (especially, if it is fantasy setting).

It's like marvel/dc comics stupid slavic names all over again.

please stop


Of course fucking not, tell me, and be hones, are you american?

I meant popularized. And I do mean the expression "conspiracy theory", not the word itself you double facist.


Well I stand corrected, thanks for the info.
So what is the longest running conspiracy theory still relevant ?
The free masons ?

czech journos already wrote that all czech lang in game is ran through google translate and VA are low quality theater actor that just recorded lanes without any context

and lets not get started on all those nigs in there

That's some low fucking effort
Shit even uncharted bothered to get italians to record dialogue lines

kind of theories
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is over 100 years old now

the VAs are czechs but If I remember correctly they only do minor NPCs
everything else is english with typical russian accent which west slavs do not have or not that heavy

Yeah, noticed from the leak stream that Prague managed to have more niggers than Detroit

I think you could make a game chalk fucking full of SJW rhetoric and if it is fun I will play it all the same.
Sadly it doesn't look all that fun to me.
It looks like an FPS with cheats enabled by default.
There is no factory zero achievement.

One thing that really bugs me is this.
Why did they make Alex Vega into a black woman instead of just making Adam's ethnic partner lady the already established and more attractive black woman from Human Revolution aka Jenny Alexander???

Yeah. I almost LMFAO when I run into nigger at news stand. I know that Prague is more multi-culti "diverse" than rest of Chech Republic, or Poland, but where I live (Gdansk), I see one nigger/muslim per month.

Would be fairly difficult to explain how a police officer dressing up like a hooker is suddenly fighting against the Illuminati when Jensen did all of the work

Hell, they could have had silent takedowns cost energy and noisy ones be normal attacks. That would balance the stealth a bit too.

Why did they even have that character? You could have taken out basically the entire thing about jensen being a double agent (check em) and it wouldn't have changed shit other than relieve you of that goofy cyberspace mission.

fuck off, tumblr.

If you see poles every day then you're seeing niggers every day.


Yeah, Denuvo killed piracy as a marketing tool. These games now sell through huge shill campaigns and that did't work somehow.
Also back in the old days when a physical game didn't sell, you could get cheap overstock from the bargain bin. Now in the digital age it's stays at $60 on Steam.

Its like ten thousand greasy hands rubbed all over it

Right now I'm imagining a bunch of super-high-paid scientists and engineers sitting around a table designing the ultimate killing robot, and they come up with this rad idea for BLADES that shoot out of your ROBOT ARMS and go on about how efficient it is for dispatching enemies up close. It'll give their battle droids a huge advantage because, prior to the elbow-mounted melee weapon, nobody in human history had ever devised a way to attach any kind of blade or cudgel onto the end of a human arm.

It was just thought to be physically impossible up until the elbow blade.

I still don't understand how a prequel has a better technology than its sequel.
I know that they wanted to look futuristic and cool for the normalfags but it doesn't excuse it.

You might have noticed the trend of studios and devs using old well known names and then making a game that doesnt give a crap about those titles while using the brand name

I blame consoles.

Because having less shit doesn't really add to gameplay. Also you could technically consider it lower tech because Jensen has mechanical augmentations, while Denton had nanomachines.

Not having the cloak would have improved it thb.


I loved DE:HR for that neo-renaissance atmosphere and golden color pallete. How the fuck do i get into this atmosphere again without playing this brainwashing, SJW pandering sequel? Maybe there is a books with simillar atmosphere or something? Is Neuromancer a good start? Pls help…

you nailed why I liked HR

stopped reading here

Actually, I also liked it, though I'm not sure why. I was a bit disappointed when there was no option to re-enable the filter in the director's cut.

I liked the color palette too
I dont get why Holla Forums hates it

It has some fun moments.

crack when?

because the most augmented people all died in the aug incident where everone with an aug went batshit insane only augs left are people with minor enough ones that they didnt die for the few hours or so it happened

also anyone with neural augs if they survived the incident suffers from insane amounts of mental illness and loss of basic functions as a part of their fucking brain turned against them

keep in mind america by the time of the first deus ex is fucking poor as shit due to the entire west coast falling into the ocean and every state seceeding at the same time

Considering deus ex predicted everything.
Commiefornia will drown?

and oregon and washington

Why is her head a different color than her body?

She is augmented

Maybe she got her head put on a fat body?



Everythingh you just said could be applied to some people's beliefs and predjudices about different races though.
The augs/racism thing could have worked, but for some reason they didn't develop it. If the director's commentary is anything to go by for the first game, it may have been as nuanced as that but got chopped. Or that could have been the original plot or part of it in contrast to the main theme, but pulled due to manpower limitations and stuff.

Is Deus Ex the new memelands?

She looks like a fucked up character from new vegas with broken tintmasks. Im surprised this ever passed Q&A.

Aren't these cutesy images haram? Anime is.

You cheeky cunt.

Not getting my money.
Not getting my money.

I don't even care about what qualities this game may or may not have. It's irredeemable by publishing practices alone.

What is this game about? Can I not care and trigger the apocalypse?

Pics forgotten.

I might have to give this game a spin, haven't had a good laugh in a while.

Looks fun as hell, I'm still in the DS2 DLCs, Games move to fast for me, I'm gonna get to that maybe in 2020… Cyberpunk year.



Nice bait

Why is pic related so perfect?

What, I recall it the other way around - only the Dreamcast version had a working mirror.

I like her and wouldn't mind using her to lead me to the Illuminati before gutting the globalist conspirator

While the abundance of dark skinned people in Prague is very forced (but not more so than the absurd amount of mechanically augmented people in the city), calling the game SJW pandering is disingenuous.

This, tolerating any concession to the left is fucking treasonous OP you fucking cuck.

Go take your (((measured))) plot and shove it up your kike ass.

We need to get rid of these fucking shills who keep trying to make fun of us.