So why exactly do Jews want to genocide the white race? I just don't understand why they would want it. They will be a rulers over shitskin monkeys beheading and raping each other.
White genocide
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Because whites are the only rivals.
2. Because they want the world for themselves.
Exactly what they want.
Learn your shit user.
The all the jew think about is money. Taking out the white race, he is taking out competition.
Rothschilds make money from war. Intelligent, peaceful, white Christians are the enemy. Rabid stupid niggers will keep them in business forever.
I dunno. Why do newfaggots like OP refuse to read the fucking sticky that answers virtually all their questions?
But who will work for them, protect them from the animals once they are the majority and realize that they don't need jews anymore? Once they realize that the fiat money has 0 value no one will fight to protect them.
The love of money is why.
There are more white geniuses on earth than the entire jewish race. They can't afford to let us hang around to one day wake up and gas them all. Almost as a sick joke, if the jews would willing be our greatest ally, then the white race would ensure the survival as much as our own. However, as we know the jew doesn't care for survival as much as he does dominion.
I'm sorry but I can't find any sticky thread
Sometimes I believe it's not any real kind of concerted conspiracy with kikes around some kind of round table with a giant star of david in the middle. But like all races, there are inherent portions of their genetics that give them a predilection towards tribalism and usury. Although at the same time, I'm willing to bet their are some leviathan tier kikes in big banking that openly embrace it and talk about it with cohorts (white genocide). The real zionist motherfuckers take it back a long way, like pre-biblical days and just hate western christian ideas. Hence Marxism comes along. They know they could not best the white man in combat, so like a virus they strike from within, choking the life blood (economy) and promoting their agenda subtly in the media.
Fucking read
If you want a short answer
The Kalergi Plan
Now combine that with Kalergi's work:
European Commission plan directly from their website:
UN plan directly from their website:
Paneuropean Union:
Charlemagne Prize:
Articles with links and references to historical documents dating back to WW1:
The Union for the Mediterranean comprises the 28 EU Member States, the European Commission and 15 Mediterranean countries:
And you have the core purpose of the (((EU))).
Hooton Plan (white genocide)
We can be sure of one thing: the ongoing migrant crisis in Europe appears to be a carefully planned catastrophe, not an unfortunate accident. It has been on the cards for decades, ever since Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894–1972), an Austro-Hungarian aristocrat whose mother was Japanese, arrived on the scene in the early 1920s and established the Pan European Union, the prototype for the United States of Europe.
This was to be a multicultural superstate populated by mongrelized Europeans, according to the Count, who was himself a mongrel. Moreover, it was to be under Jewish rule—or rather, under a mandarinate of elite Jews and enlightened support groups of non-Jewish philosemitic foot soldiers who believed as passionately as the Jews did in tikkun olam and the establishment of a one-world government, the final and only Protocols of Zion (you can argue it's fake all you want, everything in it except the last goal has come true. That's like winning the lottery a hundred times in a row, statistically impossible without cheating or intentional planning) that has yet to come true but quickly happening thanks to globalism, which must be stopped immediately.
thanks, I will look into it. My question now is, is there a solution to all this? I was thinking about doing some stuff to kikes and nigs to solve a bit of the problem.
If you want a religious answer, then Jews have been dreaming of it for thousands of years. It's a called "Tikkun Olam", where they mongelise and destroy the whole fucking world in order to 'fix' it to their order and every Jew with have thousands of mixed raced subhuman slaves.
This is written by a Rockefeller himself
They even have a word for it…
The Jewish desire to push immigration, multiculturalism, and encourage race-mixing to blend all non-Jewish ethnic groups of existence and create a one world government comes from their belief in "Tikkun Olam" (Hebrew: תקון עולם or תיקון עולם ).
Bio-Weapons and Bio-Terror is found in Genesis Chapter of the Bible
You can read the Torah and especially the Talmud and quickly realise that Judaism is at its core a religion of pure unfiltered evil. It's the opposite of Christianity, which is why Jews hate Christ and Christians so much (not that I'm into Abrahamic sand cults myself).
slide thread sage and report
It sum it up, straight from the Jew's own twisted inbred mouth
For same reason any group wants supremacy over other groups. Whites are low-hanging fruit since those fuckers blend in almost perfectly.
You just answered your own question. Jews would rather lives as kings with their castle on a pile of shit than live as equals in paradise.
The Talmud even mentions a jew winning an argument against God, not even joking.
because the low IQ shitskins will be much easier to control
That isn't the reason why and they can blend into many groups, save the orientals and they have cast away their negroid brethren descended from Moses because they are so beneath the Jews of white blood in intelligence and subversive and parasitic ability. It's because whites are the only race in human history that have continually proven to be able to stop Jews and save mankind from their malice. That's why whites are the main targets, it's partly fueled by a combination of revenge, culminating in the greatest arrocities mankind has ever seen such as the genocidal rampage across Poland and Eastern Europe from the Jewish Bolsheviks, as written in 200 Years Together by 'Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn'' >>>/pdfs/5951
The blood-maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million victims in Russia from 1918 to 1957! —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
And not just him. Jews seem quite boastful and proud of the fact they murdered 66 million people from Poland to Ukraine and Russia and beyond. Quote, The Bolshevik Revolution and some of its aftermath represented, from one perspective, Jewish revenge. During the heyday of the Cold War, American Jewish publicists spent a lot of time denying that—as 1930s anti-Semites claimed—Jews played a disproportionately important role in Soviet and world Communism. The truth is until the early 1950s Jews did play such a role, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. In time Jews will learn to take pride in the record of the Jewish Communists in the Soviet Union and elsewhere. It was a species of striking back. ” —Norman Cantor (Jew), The Jewish Experience, 1996.
Evil, isn't it? Even after they saved the Jews from the Nazis? Then again with how they abuse the USA today, their saviours, it is not surprising.
The Jews should learn full well that we gentiles also strike back, how many times have be expelled and spared them? It's time for the final act. Either Judaism ends, or humanity ends.
The only solution is to become a millionaire. This is a waiting game.
Read the old testament and see for yourself what jews do to other nations. And if you're still unsure, look at Israel's 70 years on earth.
Oh God, I forgot to add this
This PDF document is full of supremely useful info,
I cannot over-emphasize enough how important these PDF's are
Oh I forgot. For the ladies lurking, consider listening to Juri Lina. She's like the female Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, except even MORE honest and redpilled than he was. She has a great book you should all read
Under The Sign of the Scorpion by 'Juri Lina''
Also Watch "In the Shadow of Hermes" by Juri Lina
I'm going to make this very clear, gentile women will have the worst fate of all in a Jewish world. Think of the worst torture and serial murderers imaginable, then multiply it by billions. Do not walk yourselves to their bloody hands just because of some Jewish feminists good at sophistry. You can fight too, in your own way. Women think for yourselves for once, act for yourselves for once, not in a destructive pitiful path of semitic feminism they laid for you, but the one your ancestors were proudly apart of where even some women fought and died by the sword and do not rely on the subverted gentile men or even the men here. You should have known what you should have done, deep down, ages ago. Just remember, the greatest female fighter pilot of all time was a fighter for the NSDAP.
That's the simple but unfortunately brief explanation. Jews do not have an endgame to their endgame. They see whites as an obstacle so they are doing all they can to see a reduction in whites. A lot of accelerationist spergs will laugh and mock at this plan and think it will be sweet to see them get their way and see it backfire but they don't realize this simple truth:
The jews would completely fine with ruining the world and returning back to the bronze age or further back as long as they can keep on jewing.
They are so set on ruining everything for the sake of jewing that they would not have any qualms about a complete reversal in world development if their only competition was shitskins. They would completely welcome this change because at the end of the day they can still jew. The jew only lives to jew, and for that he would jew even if it was his unjewing. Accelerationist spergs might as well be blackpill posters for how defeatist they are when you evaluate their beliefs and take it to its logical conclusion.
Just adding this because the eternal anglos with invariably need confirmation not just from them
>Schuyler made a point of the heavy Jewish involvement in the Communist revolution. Schuyler wrote that "It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning guided and controlled but Russians Jews of the greasiest type.." and went on to point out that of the total 384 commissars running the Soviet Union, more than 300 were Jews."
>In his 1920 essay “Zionism vs. Bolshevism: The Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” Winston Churchill made the statement that Bolshevism both ideologically and politically “gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads”[2] and slowly led them to the slaughter house, where more than ten million innocent peasants eventually lost their precious lives in less than five years.[3]
66 million the Jews murdered, years before the second great war, and they have the audacity to whine about their mere 6.
Exactly this. I am not for these religions, but so obviously the Jews.. They're so evil, it's no wonder the Jews are quite literally anti-Christ, as Jesus is the embodiment of good and kindness, concepts foreign to Jews.
Just look alone how the Jews Commit Holocaust on the Canaanites and stole their land and insanity like collecting foreskins. Jews are the embodiment of evil, the Synagogue of Satan.
If you're "not for these religions," then why is your logical process to take Jesus' symbolism literally? Just felt like pointing that out. It seems oddly contradictory.
Whites don't take to slavery.
So what makes Communism a major Jewish scheme if it's calling card is "all people are created equal and should be treated equal"? How do the Jews bank on this system?
Because it's in their nature. Until you actually understand that Jews are in fact evil, you're not redpilled. Asking why Jews want to destroy and humiliate the white race is like asking why maggots eat flesh.
Christians are fully on board for killing the white race and everyone fucking knows it except you shills who try to convert anons here.
Jews are genetically insane. They excel at short term schemes and deception but are completely incapable of long term thinking.
If they get what they want they will perish not long after we do, all while being completely unable to understand why. Go try and find a neocon idiot that married a jewish woman and see for yourself in their children. Even if the children suffer no abuse they will literally be insane and mentally broken.
Communism is a just a pyramid scheme. A sales tactic. That's why it never is "real communism" because it's not meant ot be real.
The Jews bank on it by destroying the Nation then robbing it blind because they're the leaders of the Revolution. If it had been lead by Slavs or Germans Jews all over the world would be against Communism because they would of lost money. But it NEVER is. Even in South Africa it was lead by Jews.
Also the "all people are created equal and should be treated equal" isn't Communism. That's American Constitutionalism. Communism says that must be MADE equal to protect everyone from economic exploitation. They give up personal identity, personal ownership, and personal freedoms in order to become part of the workers union (or Soviet Union) and then they always have a job and food, medical, housing (hypothetically). It's essentially slavery but people who are obsessed with sex or really stupid or hate white society think its great because they belong as slaves. They're following their inherit instincts to be slaves. The rest are just prostitutes for the Jewish banking/media/mafia clans that can make you a start or send you to prison or "suicide" you.
Who are the ones who run the whole charade? Hint: It's not the workers
Tip harder faggot
If non-whites hate white societies and love slavery/communism then why did the Slavs embrace it?
Not enough chinks realize this, but..
We're next.
Robots and subhuman slaves.
Israel has nukes. What makes you think they will need anyone to protect them from 70IQ subhumans who are by definition incapable fools?
If non-whites hate white societies and love slavery/communism then why did the Slavs embrace it?
Speaking of Voltaire, here is a good quote of his
"Why are the Jews hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws; they either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the whole human race…"
Anyone who has read what the laws of Judaism entails and how it treats non-Jews will see exactly why.
And some others
"They [Jews] are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.
It's unfortunate Voltaire turned out to be right about that.
"I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These marranos go wherever there is money to be made… But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth." —Voltaire, Letter to Jean-Baptiste Nicolas de Lisle de Sales, December 15, 1773. Correspondance. 86:166
"The Jews dares to display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous - cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity." (Essai sur le Moeurs)
"You [Jews] have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism."
"You will only find in the Jews an ignorant and barbarous people, who for a long time have joined the most sordid avarice to the most detestable superstition and to the most invincible hatred of all peoples which tolerate and enrich them." ("Juif," Dictionnaire Philosophique)
"You do not have to be a Christian to recognize the harms of Jewish power and influence. Even Tacitus wrote about that."
I could quote endlessly, even from Jews themselves, of all the evils of Jews. Virtually every single major intellectual in history have named the Jews. One could even say it is anti-intellectual to not be an anti or countersemite. From Max Stirner to H.L. Mencken to George Orwell to Voltaire, it is utterly endless. It doesn't take much critical thinking to understand just how evil Judaism is. It's literally the first couple pages of their own beliefs, the very birth and identity of their people and why they are "chosen" and how they see and treat gentiles. This repulsive and unforgivable Jewish behaviour continues to this very day, whether through their diaspora or in their criminal terrorist homeland they call Israel, out in the open for all to witness.
They want to kill every goy, its just that whites are the best so they latch onto our nations and do us in first. If we somehow became African tier and say, kebabs became like us, they would target the kebabs the most aggressively first.
I wouldn't be surprised if the future has only white countries inhabited, where all the non-white ones are just left to nature and the kikes to have fun with. The future goy will slave away to provide for xer fellow brown skinned, black hair and browned eyed people of the world. Spanglish probably the language and Luciferianism the religion. One world government, ruled from Israel.
How? It goes back to how communism itself is achieved. The revolution, it is a scam. The proletariat will see true communism. Surely by now you understand and see no matter how many communist/socialist revolutions have taken place, so which there are so very very many
Communism or at least true communism, it is never achieved. That's because it is nothing more than a subversive process for subverted society/nation and centralisation under Jewish control. It was the same in South Africa with the ANC and everywhere else,see
In ‘The Struggle for Zimbabwe’, by David Martin and Phyllis Johnson
"The expenses of running the ZANU PF offices in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) were paid for by the Israeli embassy in that country."
They also trained Mandela
Jewish Rule In South Africa
Document: Israeli Mossad spy agency trained young Mandela
Jews Founded the ANC And Guided It To Power
Mandela received weapons training from Mossad agents in Ethiopia
and they never stop…
Here's some quotes, straight from Jews
– Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise - The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935. (Judaism is nothing but disguised, camouflaged Communism, therefore, Zionism is nothing but Communism)
>“Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100)
~ H.H. BEAMISH, N.Y. speech, 1937
~ HILARY COTTER, author of Cardinal Minszenty, The Truth About His Real "Crime," page 6
(Harper’s Encyclopedia of United States History, Vol. X, “Zionists”).
~ ("The Secret Force" by Maurice Pinay)
Even the greatest Marxist intellectual today, Zizek, called out Communism as Jewish.
Yes, I can say the workers owning the means of production is a seemingly noble goal, but who are the leaders? Who will lead the centralisation of all the means of production that supposedly leads to communism? It is a scam. The proletariat are being fooled, enslaved, and their fates will be as those written by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
But sooner or later, you should be able to see it, how materialistic communism is and you can begin to see its true roots. Like Julius Evola wrote, how Communism and Capitalism are the same, materialistic dreg ideologies. Even Hitler knew this and spoke of it, Communism and Capitalism are merely the two sides of the same Jewish coin.
Again, they still have not blended in. I cannot say they aren't trying however with all the suspiciously average and high profile marriages of Jews between the orientals as of late but their unions all produce offspring which can only be described as unbelievably monumental genetic failures, never can they be Oriental or Jew. They are lower than insects. If they wish to parasite the Chinese after they suck their American hosts dry (as many of them even their own Prime Ministers of Israel openly admit), I suspect they will find great difficulty. The Chinese are not like any host they have ever faced before as the Jews are a group that has been keen around the Levant Middle Eastern, African and European regions only with their barbaric inhumane Marrano Jews have a strong hand in the devastation wrecked upon the New World in the Americas, you may ask what happened to their former rulers such as the Manchu that. Unfortunately, you cannot.
In a way, it is humourous. Jews might be the ultimate projectors, as they use the white race as a scapegoat for so much of their evil. Jews are responsible for much of the slave trade, they owned proportionately the most slaves in the Americas, and is behind so much suffering of the Indigenous Americans and I do not just mean
Read upon him and you'll find the most Jewish individual imaginable. Even comes with a disgustingly short, very short sentence, the most Jewish of lawyers and a movie deal.
It seem Jews are keen to make an enemy of any and all the peoples of this world, true to their law and treatment of gentiles/non-Jews.
jews ain't white Sholmo.
whites are the only competition to (((their))) world hegemony
Holla Forums Holla Forums is white genocide
My theory is that immigration has been used as a tool to subvert democracy. They want to bring in votes but also create a tangible threat to the native population.
But recently we have seen the gatekeepers of information utterly fail in controlling the 'official narrative' and a huge surge of nationalism has been sweeping the western world. Well now the central bankers have a problem where they need to protect their profits because central banking is indefensible. So they need to create a physical threat to distract the native populations in order for people to not be able to see the abstract threat which is the financial system.
I also see some sort of unholy alliance between Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the financial centers of the world. There is going to be some sort of "Balfour Agreement" to come out that we see unfolding around us without knowing the details.
From what I interpreted, whites are the only ones who have the capability of rebelling without inside help. They're also the only ones that have in high concentration those that are intelligent enough to recognize the powers that be.
There's millions of jew hating white men, and it's a generational problem, as shown by the amount of millenials in the alt right and NS movements. Taking them out will ensure "Jewish" (its probably a bunch of Jews and aspiring Mischling) power. The number of browns that are smart enough is probably an order of magnitude smaller. And any time they get uppity, you can easily frame a few riots or cop killings on them. Then blame it on racism to keep the lower IQ browns hooked on the tv.
Another powerful thing is history. History is our best argument for nationalism. Most of us got into this because we recognize how good it was for us when we were at the height of our power, we understand our mistakes and we've grown a culture that has matured over a thousand years. Jews and Asians are the only ones that can compare such a deep history. Afronationalists dont have too much history to cling onto, and what they do have is intertwined with an archaic religion that the Jews could easily criticize once whitey is gone.
Of all the people who could combat the Jews had we lost, it would be the Asians. Hitler was right to have recognized them as an ally.
Yeah, they've done such a great fucking job in America, after all.
Christianity is good for instilling some family values. That's it. Little in Christianity serves to drive an individual–much less a society–towards greatness.
After all, why bother striving to conquer the stars if all you need to do to get your McMansion™ in heaven is keep your head down and throw money at a megachurch?
Plan is based in Torah.
Jew demon-god commands Jews to destroy whites. They're likely just jealous of us. Satan wanting to be God and all that …
fucking vermins
I know schizophrenia is the standard answer for this question, but how do kikes justify this double-think if they believe in an all powerful god who can do no wrong and needs no assistance for anything?
It honestly reminds me of how the moon demon tricked mohammed into thinking he was being tasked by god to build a new religion and people, yet dumber in a way.
The Jews see themselves even more righteous than their omnipotent God himself, even when contradictory. Then again, religious people rarely make sense but Jews seem to fancy themselves mocking Christians for their beliefs, obviously Jews despise Christianity and Christians, but in particular in the media which they own, by mocking Christians, when they do this in reality everything to be mocked and can be mocked about Christianity, all its "ridiculousness" comes from the old testament, which is the torah, which is to say the Jews were really mocking themselves and calling themselves insane by mocking Christians right down to genesis and evolution, a discovery founded by [Christian] gentiles.
According to Judaism the Jewish messiah will be born into a multicultural Edom. During the Roman Empire, Jews referred to Rome as Edom, since it is said the descendants of Esau (Edom) became the Romans -and later Europeans-, hence many supposed messiahs popping up during the Roman Empire.
Today, Western Civilization, namely Europe, is an extension of the Roman Empire, and thus Edom. This is why Jews are flooding Europe with non-Europeans; they're attempting to create the conditions in Edom for their Messiah to be risen so they can rule over all Gentiles, and of course, the destruction of Edom -who caused their second exile from their "Promised Land" when Rome destroyed Jerusalem- in the process.
White genocide is entirely predicated on their bogus religion and a 2000 year grudge. They're insane.
This factors in as well. More insanity, really.
You need to read Klages. Jews are not human beings to begin with. They are minions of a malevolent force that seeks the destruction of everything good.
-Ludwig Klages
Holy fuck, that is too funny. I think even the Chinese would have a shamefully easy time manipulating guilt-ridden baby boomers.
Some of them are manipulably nice, others are manipulative, and they're obviously nepotists. Maybe they're all just loyalists due to family pressure and asking too many "then what?" questions falls under a taboo. It doesn't have to be an agenda with everyone in on it.
Not many people remember this operation which has done basically the same during the Cold war era. Now it's the so called Gladio B that is the continuation of the same program.
Because of Romans 11:11–24
Jews hate whites because God literally gave them everything and they were "the chosen" (see The Old Testament) but on condition they stay true to God and live by him but they fucked it all up and lost that status and we were "grafted onto the tree" in their place (along with any who converted to Christianity I assume) that's the true source of their vitriol and hatred for the white race.
Read "A Program For Jews and Humanity" by Rabbi Harry Waton (1939)
I got chills reading that final line.
Capped for epic reference
The story of the scorpion and the frog.
It's in their nature.
Then why did they behave the same way in pre-Christian societies?
If these pictures don't make you wish the Holocaust happened, then I don't know what will.
Fuck you kike mods for bump-locking this thread.
Because they hate us…
No you dumb shit, only the cucked, effeminate faggotry following autists who are too weak to read their own bibles and follow a snakeoil salesman in a building made of brick and mortar. Atheists know the bible better than those cucks but don't you call out the user for pointing out the obvious, emphasis on intelligence. Kikes hate Jesus Christ with a passion and you should know this by now. They hate it and attack you for knowing the Truth they hate. A hatred fueled by evil, so great that they fell for the great trap. By committing their evils, a sacrifice for all was made and yet they have the blood on their hands and STILL deny the Truth to this very day. This is why they, and people such as yourself (if you do not make your house in order) will weep when the wicked hearts finally have the scales fall off their eyes. As an user, I'm the last to judge, but be weary about who you attempt to divide, for a house divided cannot stand and you're not adding to the solution but rather adding fuel a fire which has been raging for millenia. You have no life if you have nothing to die for.
Sons of thunder. Know who they were and what they did. Measurable by man's standards.
Kenites( seed of Cain), Cain was not Adams son, Cain was the son of the serpent(nachash), have been at war with the Adamic seed line(children of Adam and Eve) since the Garden of Eden. Kenites then Khazars who converted to the Babylonian Talmud in ~740AD have been carrying out the attacks against Adamic people ever since. Look into the "Kenites", "Khazars" ,"Tares, of the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares".