Granblue Fantasy General #3 - /gbfg/

"I'll get you next year you bitch" edition

Last thread hit bump limit and is on page 14.
Pastebin with guides and info.:
Granblue Fantasy is an insanely popular Japanese role-playing mobage (mobile phone game) that features artwork from Hideo Minaba and music from Nobuo Uematsu (of FFVI, FFIX, and Lost Odyssey fame). Characters are fully voiced and Cygames has spared no expense in acquiring top voice acting talent for the game.
Cygames has provided an English translation option for the Japanese version. Just simply select the English language option in the settings.
Before shitting on it just for being a mobile game, at least try it. I've had more fun playing this than a lot of more recent games (and I'm strictly a f2p player). Yes there are timers, but Granblue features tons of activities you can do to make progress even while you have no AP/EP such as a casino and co-op lobbies you can leech from. The game is also pretty generous when it comes to handing out AP/EP recovery items. It's one of the more 'fair' mobages you can play.
The game is just like any other RPG. You form a party of 6 characters (your main character + 5 other characters) and go into battles to level up and collect loot. There's the main story quest and tons of side content you unlock along the way, and eventually you can participate in multiplayer battles which have a competitive aspect and offer better loot.
You'll get some characters as you go through the story and the game has tons of events where you can get free SR characters, but the majority of your characters are going to be coming from the Gacha.
Gacha is short for gachapon. It's an onomatopoeia for a capsule toy machine. Basically you put in an in-game currency (or IRL money if you so desire) and you get to "pull" in the gacha and hope for new summons/weapons. Characters come with certain weapons, and you can view what weapon unlocks which character within the game. Your best bet of getting something good is by spending 3000 crystals to do a 10-pull (which guarantees an SR summon/weapon) or by spending IRL money when they do a special ticket campaign that lets you get a guaranteed SSR.
You have a few options.
Either sideload the granblue fantasy .apk file, or sideload qooapps and install it from that.
Chrome app:
You can play the game via your Chrome browser using the Granblue Fantasy chrome app. You can find it on the Chrome app web store.
You can also just play it from your browser by going to
(Please keep in mind with any of these options it might ask you to make a Mobage or Gree account.)

Other urls found in this thread: Art


I'm still suprised they didnt just outright delete the damn thing, its a fucking mess

Getting Gunslinger is gonna be a long road for me, unless the high leveled players carry me all the way to EX4.


crew me, bitches

Is the fanart of the brown girl just shilling for their credit card?

that or rolling her in the summer legfest

you also need drops from EX stages

Yeah, 5 mage creeds.

And they're rare.

And new players: Everyone gets Walder at the start. So don't freak out that you got a dude and not a waifu like I did..

Is there a good general rule to follow to maximize these resources as a new player? I vaguely understand upgrading weapons and summons but I don't know if I should actually be unloading my massive amounts of N weapons into my only SSR weapon or what.

N weapons are the lowesr of trash, what you load into your SSR weapon is angel weapons either form angel halo dungeon or from events/etc. Just sell all the N shit
Same applies to summons, ignore the N and R ones, there's very few SR summons worth keeping(mostly carbuncles)


After having this game downloaded for like a week I'm finally making some progress.

If your crew has space, add me. ID: 12732399

Oh yes, can leave my one man crew now. Add 12725847 as well if you would.

How does every waifu in this game manage to be intensely fuckable?

Hideo Minaba

Defend Order has started.

you ought to clarify for which group

Oh, sorry.

A B and H.

if you really have 4 good cahracters in front row just empty the back row and murder the faggot


I've never seen DO skirmishes fill up so fast. I barely got any shields.

How did you other A, B, H anons do?

Craft five different items and use them. They give 40 shields each for a total of 200. You need to get 200 shields in three different DOs for the costume.

As well as you'd expect from a rank 45 shitter.

I got 84 shields.

which items, how to use?

Any different 5, use them when defense order is occurring by clicking on the blue items button.



I'm glad I rolled outside of legfest. I did it specifically so that I would never have any reason to give in and drop money on the game, and that fucking Sun Wukong-expy goddess would seriously test my resolve.

Well I didn't plan on it today but I guess I'm going to be busy for a bit.

Fuck! Why the delete?

I don't know, user, it's still worth it to roll during a Legendfest just so you have a better chance at pulling characters that will be a decent foundation to build teams on down the line.

Who knows, you may even find more favorite characters among them.

Well neptunia threads were a lot more forgiving with that, oh well, so much for the lewds

It wasn't even porn and it was spoilered, some mod is just being a no-fun faggot because no rules were broken.

fucking why

Why did it get deleted?

Been dealing with a fuckton of spam. So I figured it was a porn dump. my apologies.

thanks for nothing kike

Defence Order for Groups: D E F G
Starts at 70 minutes


I'll forgive you this time you bully

Second 10 draw: SSR Nezha summons and SR Ferry. Not as nearly as good as my first 10 draw that had double SSRs and SRs.
That'll likely be all for this legend fest, next gems I guess for weapon space. Saving sparks to pick monkey would take a long ass time.


Sparks convert to something else at the end of every draw period, so in order to get what you intend you have to draw 300 times in a single draw period.

Also, I guess it's time to leave my well-populated and well-upgraded team to join you shitters. ID:9935785

Well, that's inconvenient.

That's why people talk about saving up thousands of gems. Spend 'em all at once, hopefully get something worth it in the draw and then have enough Sparks at the end to just buy the one you want.

Yay, I got a Light Carbuncle today!

My Light team is now even more buff!

Rosy best girl.

Night, ya faggits.

Fenrir as a playable character fucking when

She's alright, but certainly not best.


There is no point in Bingo anymore now that 1000-chip poker is a thing.

Get out of there while you still can, user, that shit cultivates a deep hate for other bingo players inside you.

wake me up

The fuck is going on here?

do we have a proper crew yet?

[email protected]/* */ crossover. I actually started around the time when it was ongoing and I missed out on keeping Rin because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.

Unlocked the casino last night, and have enough for Anat after getting lucky with a 4 of a kind. Since I'm still low level and don't exactly have any build set, should I get Anat now or should I keep going?

If you're gonna get Anat, you might as well build up chips to buy all 4 copies at once so you can uncap her right away. I wouldn't recommend a single unless you have some very, very basic wind team and would benefit from her leader buff.

Otherwise use those casino chips to stock up on magna animas, half elixirs, and soul berries. They restock everyday.

Well I got Milia, but damn is that defense order a laggy ordeal.

It's okay user. They might do reruns of certain collabs. They already had reruns of Street Fighter and Tales this year.

Aside from Korwa i haven't got jackshit for a wind party, oh well at least i'm halfway to Dark Fencer.

I have 1360 crystals, should i get some single draws or is better to save 3k for the 10 draw?
Also i have 6k of rupies and i don't know what i can do with them.

You're guaranteed at least 1 SR if you do a 10 draw, so if you think you're able to get enough crystals to do a 10 draw before legfest ends then hold onto them. Otherwise it's really up to you, you could get lucky if you do some single pulls.

Well no, some of it was indeed porn so I can understand it, but wasn't there a rule about not doing more than 3 posts of that or something like that? Whatever, my ban wasn't long anyway

the 10draw only makes it so you are guaranteed an SR, so might as well spend it all on single memes
save, you'll need them

Yeah, I just joined the crew. It's pretty shabby though, but when my cooldown is off I'll deposit 100k monies into that shit so we can get some decent buffs.

Also, can anons kindly give a heads up in the thread when defense orders are going to be up? I'm kicking myself for missing the last one.

Times are in JST.

can I join?
I am supposed to post my id right?

For correct time of DO for you
The next one, for groups E and F should he happening in abour 4 and a half hours

It sure feels weird to see all these 12+ ID's

I bet they're tied to when one joined. Maybe they increment as they're assigned, rather than being random.

Yes they are incremented, it just feels weird to see so many of these

Fucking suffering

Scouted, check your mail when it appears

thank you

It's just like real life.

Is that what it was going for? A real life simulator under the guise of a fantasy RPG?

I want to ask if this is the sort of game that will demand every free moment of time you will ever have or if you can just play for an hour a day and be fine. The whole guild aspect, scheduled daily events that only last a couple hours, and the fact that there are a bunch of mechanics to grind for seems like being a NEET is a prereq for playing this game even for the thousand dollar whales. So I want to know if some faggot with a job and shit can enjoy the game or if I should pass on this one.

That and if I can rock a Ramza and normal soldier men team and be fine or if I absolutely need to fish for the highest tier characters. I'm a character loyalist and I generally hate having to give up on characters I like just to stay viable.

There are only two instances of heavy use of your time, guild wars and the current collaboration event(the first time they used the Defend Order feature this way), other than that the events last a few days/a week so you can take it all easy, the stamina consumption isnt much of an issue because you quickly start getting potions to refill it
A lot of characters have SR and SSR versions so their stories continue so if you like a certain characters theres a good chance you could get a better version of him/her later, and the most important thing is to have proper weapon pool to actually deal damage, there are many SR characters capable of taking you a long way, like Danua(a dark tank type), Feather(a light offensive character), Noah(light support) and often collaboration characters are also good(like Elize from tales collab being a support for dark team)

So it's just this type of event that's fucked. Sounds alright enough if all I have to worry about is weapon hunting and keeping all my units as far evolved as possible. Are weapons needed from the gacha or can you farm them from missions as well? I won't be winning any event rankings, I'm sure of that, but if it's still possible to build then I'm good.

Jesus christ.

I fapped to both anyway.

I'll be frank, you're probably going to have a hard time if you can't play the game on the sly every 1.5 hours or so. Still, if you play aggressively on your non-working hours you might be able to catch up.

As for character viability, that differs from character to character but in general R ranks are never going to be as useful as SSR ranks. Additionally, R -> SR -> SSR isn't an evolution, each rank is considered a separate character.

That said, most of the characters will probably find a place in your party if you build around them. You can even set a character as your fav for a 50% atk and hp boost just for them.

Main plot quests up to about chapter mid-40's and most of an events main battles should be manageable with a mix of R and SR characters and whatever you get lucky with pulling from the gacha. There are even challenge quest you can unlock in events that restrict you to only using only R or SR characters in your party.

It's only when you want to go insane and try to solo omega boss raids or grind out the most optimum weapon grid does the game start demanding more of your time and force you to actually think of party composition and ability synergy.

Events usually have freebie SR and SSR weapons you can get as rewards and replace the junk N and R weapons you pick up as you play.

Defense Order Groups: E F
Starts in 60 minutes

thanks user, I managed to come back right in time for it


200 shields easy

Glad to see DO is as buggy and laggy as always, final boss filled up withing 2 seconds or so, at least they didnt go full retard with shield requirement, 200 is easy. But this only makes me fear about the Arcanas they want to implement later this month

Well I just started not to long so I'm not worried about doing much. Gotta farm up the item mats for the next siege. Also I stayed up until 4 AM just to participate

Holy fuck let me sleep

This UI is a fucking shambles, even for a mobile game.


Add me to the crew if possible 13035224

Dayum draphs are thick.

Scouted, going to sleep and hoping I wake up in 4 hours

Could someone add me to the group?

Scouted, check your mail.

Is there a list somewhere for characters the story gives you? I was pretty surprised at the end of the light island that I didn't get Vira, when every island before then gave an SR character.

Vira is super popular so I guess Cygames decided to make her a draw character (and viable).

Same deal for Ferry, who you should be meeting on the next island.

i want to become vira's lover and headpat charlotta and lunalu


What a dirty fujoshi Lunalu turned out to be.

Defense Order Groups: C D F G
Starts in 35 minutes

I have a shitload of R weapons and summons that I'm never going to use thanks to the events. What should I do with them?

So, its basically Brave Frontier? but with less cancerous character design?

that's…actually kinda close

Feed R weapons to the crew ship unless you drew them with crystals.

R weapons you draw with crystals can be fed to other weapons to raise their skill level.

Feed R summons to other summons to raise their level.

meh, played brave frontier for a year, i cant deal with the feeling of losing a limited-time character due to shit luck when summoning, it seems i already lost the chance to get aidorus in this game, i will pass on the frustration

idolshits? They arent in the gacha, they are part of collab events that get reruns from time to time

I still play brave frontier because I enjoy the character sprites/animations. I never summon on limited time characters.But I wish I summoned for Juno-Seto


The day I visit japan is the day I snap HRT's neck

i got tired of having the meta change every new release because new characters were NEVER balanced, so it became "pay up or stay behind goy"
also plenty great/interesting characters never got their 7* form like Hogar


lunalu is for tender loving

just one more before I can stop being a Red Mage wannabe

Hey, can the user from last thread repost his guide on how to go through the tutorial quickly and reroll that initial character?

Shouldn't it be this?

Rerolling Process

The fastest and easiest way to reroll is on a computer with Chrome. Start in incognito, press F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I to enter emulation mode and select an Android device.

Go to

Register a new account. For your email you I suggest using a secondary gmail as you’ll receive a ton of spam otherwise. You can then use a single email to reroll by adding +(characters) to the end of it. For example if my email was [email protected]/* */

[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */

Etcetera would all register new accounts that direct to the original email. I suggest using numbers for organization purposes and simply noting down which numbers have any SSR so you can go back to them later.

Open your email in a separate window for the confirmation code. For the rest of the information just fill in what you want, you can register multiple accounts under the same username. You can also change the username at a later date, though there is a 90 day delay before you can do so.

For the tutorial, you can advance faster by going to the URL and advancing the number manually. It will have a portion saying stage=x, simply change that to x+1 to advance through the tutorial faster. You should skip 13, 21, and 22.

Once out of the tutorial, be aware that the tutorial 10 roll and free 10 roll are both rigged. They can’t give SSRs. To get the most pulls out of each reroll, first pull all your crystals. Sometimes events will give you extra and allow you to get extra rolls in per reroll.

Then go to the Town Menu (right button at My Page), and for the island you’re put on after the tutorial examine all the glowing spots to clear the items. Then click them in the order of Top, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Middle. This gets you a gacha ticket to pull.

Lastly head to the top page and find the Serial Code bar. Enter j5pa mkru 2vcx 4cr8 and yrwg yv8M cck2 wcbf for two extra rolls.

If you have a SSR after all these pulls, continue reading to decide if you’ll keep it. If not, close the window, open a new one, and start again. I suggest making a macro if you’re particularly lazy.

It was in the guides in the OP but I never rerolled so I dont know if its right

Well I'm going to find plenty of uses for this

Thanks but I think that one is outdated, the user from last thread said his way was faster.


That precise rerolling tutorial no longer works because a few slight things are different. I wrote up a different step-by-step tutorial in the previous thread geared towards helping other new players not have to stumble around the confusing menu such as trying to find the fucking "top page" to enter the serial codes.

Bookmark for ease of access.

1) New Chrome Incognito Window. Make sure all Chrome windows are closed so that cookies are cleared.
2) Go to bookmark, change language to English if necessary and click New Game. After entering your character's name, the movie will play and the URL will show ../#tutorial/3. Change the 3 to 4 to skip the movie.
3) You can skip each tutorial part by adding one to the URL, e.g. 4 to 5, to 6, to 7. Do this until you reach the 12th part, at which point Skip. This will take you to 14.
4) Skip straight to 32 to start your authentication. Click Mobage. The bottom text box is where you enter your e-mail, as (email)[email protected]/* */, or using temporary e-mails. Click the green button.
5) You'll receive a confirmation code in your e-mail instantly. If it isn't in your inbox, check for it in Spam. Enter it in the box and click the green button.
6) In order: Username, Password, Password (Again), Date of Birth, Make DoB Private on Profile, Accept ToS. Username doesn't need to be unique. Click the green button.
7) Leave the first box checked, the second is some crap about your Mobage profile and doesn't matter if you check or uncheck it. Click the green button.
8) The game will freak out. Begin From Tutorial, then enter your name again - you'll be sent back to the Home page, so press Start again. This should take you to 30.
9) Press the Skip button on 30, and again on 31, then press the Mobage button. This should properly link your accounts and put you in the game.

10) Press My Page twice to skip the opening Summer cutscenes, then press Draw for the free 10 roll. You don't want to do it because it is rigged, but it will continue to nag you if you don't do it. Go back to My Page from the Gacha page, then click the Town button on the right side.
11) Click all of the yellow sparkles, then click them again in the following order: Top, Left, Right, Bottom. This should give you a free ticket.
12) Go to your bookmark page, then scroll down and find the banner with Sierokarte saying something about Serial Codes and click it. Use the code j5pa mkru 2vcx 4cr8 and click OK, then yrwg yv8M cck2 wcbf and click Crate.
13) Pick up everything, click OK, then click the tickets and click Draw to go to the Gacha page.
14) Do these rolls: Summer free daily roll, 2 Ticket rolls, 2 JDA rolls. I have found no evidence that the Rupie roll is worth anything so I stopped doing it to save time.
15) Get nothing but Rs, close the Incognito Window, and start all over until Mobage bans you for making too many accounts, then cry yourself to sleep.

To clarify, change 14 to 32 in the URL in step 4, not press the Skip button.

Are you a fucking retard?

Ok then, here
Someone please include it in the next OP

This is more applicable during the Summer legfest, which ends in like, 24 hours. It doesn't take many changes to make it work for regular time, but idk why you would reroll when it's not legfest because 6% SSR drop is cancer for rerolling, let alone the standard 3%.

Yes, I'm sorry

ID: 13024609

If someone could send me a crew invite for whatever is 8ch's, I would appreciate it.

ID: 12850219

Anyone get anything good from their daily rolls?

only trash


Just got this on my daily Rupee roll
Also please add 12842805 to the crew if there is any room.



I got an Hector from a premium ticket

Aside from that just trash.

Thanks a bunch user.
I keep refreshing the page but I'm not getting the ticket here.

sleep tight pussy

Where do I find those ######## numbers for joining crews anyways?

Menu -> Profile
It'll be on the top right, along with your group letter.

Does anyone know what this is? Are characters getting new skins?

Well thanks
13058558. Git me in the crew, boys. Thanks.

Day 2 fag, here with a question: is gaining rank the only way to accrue CP (which I assume is Class Points)? I ask because I want to move into the Cleric class because this game has been a bit too stingy with the healing abilities for my taste so far, and I've capped with all of the freely available row 1 classes. Is there any advice to be had for the super-early game or is it a case of "don't worry, there's nothing to really mess up"?

You can also get CP In the event, through the gacha and rewards tracks. Not a lot, but more than enough to get you where you need to be.
And you should do the event stuff anyway, for the free loot and SR

Make sure you're in the Port Breeze Archipelago town, if somehow you aren't. Sometimes, I have to click another part after doing the code to make sure it went through.

Alright I got Magisa on my third reroll, now how the fuck do I play the game? She's apparently considered good in this list.

uhm play the event so you get another fire character or do main story quests

Oh actually I had forgotten to do one of the draws and drew Clarisse, so now I have 2 fire characters. I take it this reroll is a keeper?

yes. clarisse is one of main staple in fire memes

the only real problem of fire is that colossus magna weapons are fairly shit on the bright side athena weapons are incredible (and the currently best fire summon is behind gacha)

Do MP points stack or they disappear if i don't use them the same day?

A-fucking plus. Don't let people saying "fire sux" scare you away, that difference will only really crystalize after you complete a base grid, and a base grid is all you need to clear nearly all singleplayer maniac modes.

You'll get spoiled by having both veil AND dispel this early on, and really miss it when you start working on other elements, lol.

Stay around. Or least mine haven't gone anywhere in the few days I've played.

they stack but to reset the shop you gotta buy EVERYTHING

I'm really glad I went down Sorcerer to pick up Blind before starting on Arcana Dueler, it puts in a lot of work


i want this event back i want miku as character also kirari summon nyowa✩

Groups C F and G defense order in just over half an hour


Oh no, not again. Fate/Grand order fooled me once, and I stayed hooked for six months without any SSRs.



Wait, does she have drops or something?

no she doesn't you get the contribution even if you aren't in the direct millia boss

You just gotta participate in the DO 5 times to get 3 Milias. S'cool.

Hopefully I can get more chevalier guns before the celebration is over…

Right. I feel silly now.

I only have to wake up early for two more days for my suffering to be over and then playing defense order as much as I can to earn 3k shields so I can MLB Milia.

Man, I wish I can try for the MLB, but 3k shields is a real shitload to do with just items. Anyone know what missions to farm to amass the items for the trade-ins?

Co-op quests, so go do your daily misisons.

no. the trade ins are dropped in story chapters (some of them others are dropped in coop extra stages)

crew me nerds

Of course.

Scouted, fgt.

In order to get the most out of the magna summons you will need 4 copies to MLB anyway.

Also, can anyone explain exactly what I need to grind to MLB Medusa, Athena, etc without drawing another copy?

Who the fuck thought that a casino would be a good idea for a videogame? fucking hell i'm going to hate every second spent there.

usually it's a number of summon stones of same element plus souls plus some other earth mats

(last time i uncapped cerb needed souls 60 shadow stones plus some shadow mats)

Fuck you.

at least it's not a selfie harp is pretty okay (not gw level great but good enough)

Bros from E and F groups get ready, DO is starting in little over an hour





Forgive me user here have some coffee.

Toss me a crew invite
ID: 10716899

And so we start the hoarding of 90 thousand gems

Group C DO in 15.

C and D.

Legend Festival ends in about 12 hours, guys. Be sure to spend your crystals before 3am PST.

Fuck spending my crystals, gonna hoard 'em all till legfest and i have 90k.

Good luck, user, Halloween and Christmas events have some pretty strong exclusive SSRs.

I gotta start spending some on inventory space, weapons are overflowing.

That's where the tickets come in, buddy.

DO for Groups G and H in an hour

Yo, buddy.

You still alive?

Yeah, and thanks friend.

DO for groups G and H in 5 minutes

So I woke up via my alarm today only to realise I miscalculated the dates for the DO.

Is that all there is to it or will there still be Milia events until the 21st?

until 21 most do will be empty on 15 sept and forward cause everyone hates do

So I'm totally screwed then?

no just get the outfit and the 3 milia summon then bend over and grind 3 k shields

the lack of commas made my sentence painful to read and of that i'm sorry what i really meant is first days will be packed as shit and toward the end of it it will be empty so it's a good time to grind shields

I appreciate that you're trying to help, but it's not getting through. According to this thing there are only Milia DOs until the 5th, beyond that will there still be any more?

Fucking Christ, stop rolling me the stupid water penguin. It's not even useful. "Boost to new character weapons" is such a fucking scam; you roll the new stuff every time.
I don't want the new characters. I want the good characters. 6% my ass.
had to vent that out of my system

The event keeps going until the 21st. That schedule is only updated until that date.

Okay, good to know I didn't screw myself out of getting that outfit.

I wish I got that water penguin, managed to scrape together 3k crystals today and only got a bunnygirl and a crazed looking big guy 4me, both SR.

Fuck, i don't know if i'm gonna make it before the legfest is over.

Do it fast, it ends in a few hours.

Djeeta is the biggest slut in the game


A slut!

If only bingo was that fun.

She is pure

Well what the fuck was that doujin

Djeeta a cute!


Well, it's something. Was this the last one?

Also what are journey drops for?

Got to the shop and there's a tab for them. Can get timed boosted to exp, item find, and the like.

How is it that a plain jane is able to get my dick hard?

Any characters you're hoping to show up playable in re:link? I'm rolling for Rosetta.

Albel(or whatever is his name)
Soriz for SOIYA


every god damn fucking time I get a full house or something almost as good
fuck this fucking game

I hate you
I fucking hate


have some cute to cheer you up

I got a question.

There's several other games you can install to get crystals in Granblue Fantasy, as found in Home -> Gameplay Extra. None are available in my region: is there a way to cheat and enable them? Would installing the apk just work the same?


So from all this characters which ones are actually good?

Damn son, you got meme'd on hard.


Learn to fear the Ace.

You can form fairly reliable fire and water teams. See how well they do against normal Tiamat or Colossus respectively.. Korwa can join their frontlines with her buffs too, if you want to get her some exp.

Dunno how's Chat, Apollonia is good, Kurwa is God-buffer-tier

I've learned to gamble on 9's and 7's instead of playing the odds



Korwa is my waifu and she's already 50.

The Black Knight seems really OP Art

>mfw i just realized that the Black Knight is a she

Does anyone know what's the new D.O. schedule?

no further schedule was released

have I already mentioned I fucking hate you?


I think it's so silly that they changed Vampy's name to Vania

I think I've overthought things and confused myself with the Summon Auras. When it says, say, 120% ATK, for say, Athena or Lucifer, does it mean 120% to Attack Power or to ATK skills?

It's suppose to be D.O. for groups A/F but it's not happening

the attack power


This 10 draw really unfucked my shit, thank you RNGesus.

pls no bully.

My eyes hurt when see this
1. Join your Defend Order fights, craft/use 5 items for the guaranteed 200 shields, and get Milla as your main summon, until then use Proto Bahamut rather than this fire thing because it will icrease attack of all your characters
2. Equip the dark SSR sword as your main weapon so you don't have a weird mix of elements like that and you have actual usable ougi

Oh and you have to rush through the main story because you can't unlock BK's 3rd skill unless you complete the final chapters of the first arc

Congrats on Black Knight
Have fun getting to chapter 64 to get that third skill

Think I'll delay my saving for just a little bit until this gacha is over, God knows I have a better chance at Vira and Vampy here
I love onee-san but I'd fucking murder her

Yeah i was testing the fire sword+summon damage but even on wind enemies, the dark sword+baha hits harder.

That's what i was doing but i took a break when i realized i farmed 7 hours straight without eating.

Fun times ahead ;_;

Oh yeah, very fun, but you deserve it for getting her

kill me

o shit should I roll? Is this still on legfes rates?

Nope, its back to 3% chance for SSR.

if you want the waifus roll otherwise don't
(vira best waifu also lunalu)

I drew Chat but I haven't used him and probably won't but looking at his skills he's really good on paper at least.

I fucking wish I had Black Knight.

I have Vampi and while she's cute Teh Rie really makes her grating as fuck. When does that event start?

wow 855 shields from defense order i can buy myself some soda now

Well, my crystals are safe then. Thanks.

apollonia is really good not great but really good she's better in the back though (no sexual innuendos :^) )

Shoot me a crew invite pls


I'm on story mission 17 and I'm bored of those already. What do you mean, chapter 64?

story mission but instead of 17 it's a 64

Damn they make Rakam look so good in the manga as opposed to the joke character in the 4koma

he's casting duration on the rock what a pro


Put me in the crew 12643813

No problem I guess??

oh right the servers were lagging alot

I didn't even notice, I was just doing inventory management and suddenly they gave me free stuff.

Unless it's to make up for how shit the DOs have been

They will never admit to DO being a mistake

I just got Cagliostro as my first SSR, is she any good?

She's allright, but you need to get her to level 100 to get the most out of her, you could probably make some money by selling that account to the

Fug :D:DD.

Her doujins are really good.

Wait. Is she actually a man, or you just mean a tomboy?


Cag is a centuries old alchemist, the "Father of alchemy", he created artificial bodies which he deemed to be "perfect body"(not that I'm not sure if this part is exactly true because despite having HIM, I give no fucks about him) and then transfered his soul there

Fun fact: Cag has pretty much unlimited supply of these bodies and his passive he unlocks later on is literally jumping to another body if the current one dies
If you bring up the shitty doujin I swear I'm not moving my mouse from the report button

He truly is a master in good taste

there are lolis that pull that off better while being ACTUAL lolis

monkeys are disgusting

Your face is disgusting.

You're waifu looks a lot like Ange.

You don't even know who my waifu is, bozo.


Lucky, Ange is beautiful.

According to Urban Dictionary:

Could be bullshit, though.

So what is Elemental EXP, anyways? Does it boost EXP items get when crafting or something?

I believe this shows how much of a fag you are

Probably this, no?

I missed DO yesterday despite reminding everyone so I need to do this one for skin

yes she's good she is staple in most earth teams but she really needs that party wide buff

you get more exp while upgrading that element

Premium was actually kind to me today. Somehow I managed to get the R and SR versions of Anna.

but why, legfest is over
Unless you are a retard like me

I just might be

I just want my Blue Sky Crystals from coop. Every room I joined so far hasn't let me complete all 3 missions. I would host my own but I get nervous if I'm the host and I have no clue on what drops in what stage since I've never hosted before either. I never asked for any of this.

calm down first of all, second if you click on the item you need it says what stage drops it (also usually coop missions are based on rank and how far you are)

if you feel that anxious just post here your room code and i'll join your ass in tender cooping

click the daily missions themselves, they literally tell you which stage to do
also, the rooms fill up ins econds if you make them and you need to QUICKLY choose the stage otherwise the ADHD japs get bored and go

Thanks for the advice you two. I'll keep trying and see how I goes.

Thought about starting the 90k grind for monkey, but after the dash for three ten draws, gonna have to calm down or will burn out entirely.
But this has been vastly more entertaining than I was expecting. Once again Japanese games are superior western ones.

DO for groups G and H in 25 minutes

thanks, monday

So how should I find CP aside from ranking up? I really want Hawkeye for Treasure Hunt III

Do Treant raids with your EP, the honors and badges you get sometimes reward CP, as well as that loot box.

Fuck you, i'm jelly.

You can also get CP by trading bronze/silver/gold moons from the shop.

Or buying them from the CO OP store with your Mission Points, which you get from completing daily CO OP missions.

B-but muh Omega SSR grind…

I was about to install this shit on my phone, but then I looked at the permissions it wants. Why would a jap mobile game want access to every single thing on my phone, including GPS location when it doesn't use it.

I'm pretty pissed off that I'm waking up on time according to the schedule for the DOs only to find out that it's not happening.

Anyone else in group C here having the same problem?

Yes, for whatever reason i can't see the DO's either.

Play on PC, get the google chrome app.

Or you can get the gold moon. Once a month you can buy one from the pendant shop then go to the moon trade and get 2500 CP from it. There's also bronze and silver moons that cost less and give less.

Thanks a lot user, now I've got two premium tickets to save up for the next legfest

Forgot the price. Gold Moon is 1k pendants from raids.

Group C has a DO coming in in 80m for me, see if ya'll can see it now.

Is working now.

Did the DO, first time I got above 200 shields naturally and I would've gotten more if I haven't misclicked the wrong party.

Still, got the sweet ass lord outfit so I'm happy.

Yeah it looks great, finally I don't have to use the outdated art for totally-not-redmage or the I-have-toilet-on-my-head Fencer

How do you get that, it's some kind of reward, drop or what?

You need to clear the Milia DO 3 times with over 200 shields (without bonus).

You can do this easily by using DO items, which you can craft. Each item use gives you 40 shields.

Do 3 DO rounds with a score of 200 shields or more and it will show up as trophy reward


I'm stuck with Chat Noir's puzzle. What the fuck am I suppose to do?
Help a retard please.

Which puzzle? Triangles? Elephant?

there's two new missions on the event page

The phantom's challenge.

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Elaborating on this based on what I posted in chat earlier.

The figures contain the paths you trace to fill out the boxes for the beetles, the shapes represent increment amounts. For the circle, it's an increment of one, starting from center beetle and following the path shown in the circle. Ergo, center beetle is 1, and it spirals out to 2, 3, 4, etc. This matches up with value 3 on the beetle to left of center, and shows that those values go in the upper left box under each beetle.

Triangle is increments of 3, starts from center as well, and spirals out in a different shape, going 3, 6, 9, etc. This matches up with the 9 value on the beetle 2:00 off center, and shows those values fill in the lower left box under each beetle.

By extrapolation, square is increments of 4, and fills out the larger box.

But then what the fuck goes in the overall answer box? The beetle shapes have to have some sort of formulaic hint.

The top number of each box is the number of white part of the beetles. The bottom one is the number of black parts.

That wouldn't make sense for the beetle with 3 filled out though, because how does that upper horn break down? You have the head, which would be 1, then the body is 2, does that entire horn count as the third, even though it's clearly segmented?

Yes, I think the horn is a separate piece from the head. And for the black parts, the thick line between the wings cont as a part.

So, assuming that your hypothesis is correct, and that similar rules apply for counting black and white parts (horns are separate from head) we end up with:

3 5
3 3 2
2 5 1 1


4 9
4 3 8
6 9 6 10

fuck you game

Something like that.
Then I have no idea what to do with these numbers.

you know shit hit the fan when 4chan recruits their Holla Forums for help

And someone figured it out, not in that thread though, they are still trying to tie the answer to the puzzle, do you guys want the answer or do you want to test yourselves?

the answer is : seeyousoon

Is this correct? Am I fucking retarded or is the solution to the puzzle actually a phrase and not numbers.

Shieeet it's right.

one of those puzzles with no answer if you are a filthy gaijin :^]


Where do you go to see daily missions?
Reminder to set Brunnhilde or Kiari Moroboshi as one of your summons so newbies can work on the trophies for summoning them.

Is it explainable?
Looking at the puzzle I don't see how it can translate into a word. Unless its that the numbers can translate into words when squished together in nip?

Spent two hours on it, and got it. It's explainable, and the answer is the same in nip as it is in English. You basically get numbers and they correspond to letters in the alphabet.

But how would you expect to know to translate it that way? This puzzle makes as much sense as the double-digit answer on the number lock one.

It's fairly simple in idea once you realize that Chat Noir was gonna have to disappear to end the story so the puzzle was his departing message.

Hard part was figuring out exactly how he encoded the message, but that's always the hard part of these puzzles.

You probably wouldn't, but then again, you never knew how to make sense of the beetles, the boxes, or the shapes, either. Those leaps in logic are what makes this a puzzle.

Also, I think Chat Noir said he 'decoded/deciphered' the message in the story part before the riddle. Not sure about the exact wording, but that's another possible hint.

I can't get any extra crystals for the life of me: not for watching the trailer, not for registering at Mobage, not for installing Idolmaster (unavailable in EU). And can't find promo codes online, shit always redirect me to amazon.


because these things are limited to japan, the things you CAN do is play their idolmaster game and rage of bahamut(idolmaster should work on browser but baamut will only work on phone, both require no installing as they are also browser based), gain some levels there for rewards

Thanks, user.

Formatting the schedule like this is so much better


An autist's quick guide to Poker:

Go for flushes.

Didn't know idolsmaster worked on browser. Will investigate that.

A N A L I D O L also this thread will die soon

That's pretty lewd.
Well, if it's gonna die only one thing left to do.

New thread when


Pass into nothingness.

I won't be able to make one because by the time we'll hit 14 I have to go, so someone make it instead this time

C and D DO starting in 10m.

New thread