Please post vidya webms and mp4s
Webm Thread: Vidya only edition
Other urls found in this thread:
What is this from?
vidya only you say
yes pls
Well, ok.
even his pet hippo can't stand him
Requesting the 6 million shuffle song and the "oh my god jc a bomb" gmod griefing webm.
Why would a duck be attracted to human looking elves?
Is that DSP?
Duck dong expands at an alarming rate.
Never post that again.
underage detected
Isacc Perlmutter has ruled Marvel comics with an iron fist since 2005 and isn't going get ousted over some fucking twitter drama. No amount of "fan bitching" will ever move him.
Because the fans don't matter in the comics industry. Only the shops matter.
this thread had no hopes
Welcome to a year ago
these are awful
No its me
is this what happens when you smoke weeds
yes, and if you try just once you'll get hooked
I had to bind it with my mouse profiles, and I use the outer keys which are rarely used when playing FPS and have them bound to the mouse so I can use the reload and thumb buttons albeit in a round about manner.
If they purposefully jinxed it or only the PC version, then why? Is it EA or is it DICE?
What is the next step of their master plan?
any particular reason why these haven't been posted on >>>Holla Forums ?
Are you a liberal or just gay?
Found the liberal. What's a matter, don't like the fact that everywhere isn't a safe space?
i'm not telling you these specifically belong only to >>>Holla Forums even if they do but making a webm thread there and posting them there also may be of some benefit since it's slower speed will act as a good repository for >>>Holla Forums related webms and mp4s for anyone to find them if they want to
I was joking because you posted a clip from heavy metal
i'll take your word for it this time trips man
What do you mean merely pretending?
I posted an episode of Batman TAS and your first response was to complain about why I didn't post it on Holla Forums, and at the same time posted a clip from Heavy Metal
Do as I say, not as I do
Pick one and only one
Fantastic movie
why we will never get a good alternative to youtube
Whoa, whats of the sauce of this movie?
sauce m8?
So are you brain damaged?
whoa, he caught her. totally not asking for it :^)
thank you based sleepycast
I know that voice. It's not Egoraptor but it's one of those lolsorandom newgrounds animators.
in this clip it's woolie and matt from 2BFP, and you can here mick and stamper in there too
meant to have that madotsuki vomit image alongside this but apparently I never re-saved it, so fuck me I guess.
This seems like a very nice podcast. Thank you for giving me something to hear while dozing off in Medieval II.
it's a fun one, especially in the earlier days when they have the full crew in there, i think its either dead or on deaths door now though
What am I looking at.
i dont get it
where is this from?
Mundanematt got a little shilly when he asked his viewers to turn off that pesky adblock.
I got the 5 webms, anybody knows the source ?
Got a link ? I don't know anything.
Guess I'll lead back to the video game road
oh shit
What is that songs name?
Love Quest?
That's the name of the song used in the video?
Pretty sure it was an original by Neil Cicierega for Brodyquest. This seems like just an instrument swap.
Bring back animutation.
What a ride it's been.
Did the Ashley Madison leaks ever blow up?
I felt like the media dropped it after they announced it happened.
the dirties
Thanks user !
Fuck Smooth McGroove, this is my new jam
Just I was opening those ass files they were deleted. Fucking mods
No, it's Hugh Mongus
Possibly my favorite Webm.
Is this a LOL thread now or what?
Thanks doc.
Normalfag confirmed.
I want this year to end, because it will end well.
You don't enjoy the death of your civilization?
What a bigot!
You know what? I guess because I'm used to it now, but I kind of wanna fuck the bear.
Kikes and mudslimes deserve each other.