Trigger warning: e-celebs.
VoxDay is going to destroy you low IQ redneck losers!
He just released the emails. is over and done with!
#rekt #360noscope
Trigger warning: e-celebs.
VoxDay is going to destroy you low IQ redneck losers!
He just released the emails. is over and done with!
#rekt #360noscope
Other urls found in this thread:
Vox is a douchebag although he did make some pretty good music back in the day, vid related.
Andrew Anglin is controlled opposition. Receives funding from ADL.
Btw, what happened to all the the donations you cucks gave for his shit site? over 200k $? You literally pay him to fuck traps in asia. Dumb fucks.
this whole vox day saga is such a sad and hilarious look into how getting mad on the internet never works out in your favor
Can you give a short summary? I honestly have no clue what this is about.
He buthurt over natsocs. This thread needs to be destroyed.
more eceleb drama that mods let run rampant on this board for some reason
tbh I do that shit all the time, hoping antifa attacks lizard people
Vox Day is controlled opposition. No honest man would simultaneously preach the conflicting ideas that civilization is being destroyed by jews and that Hitler was an evil racist genocider.
He and similar e-celebs have exactly one purpose: to lure in people searching for truth who are close to realizing what's actually going on, and then reinforce the "evil nazis" narrative that they've been force-fed since childhood. Any good things the e-celebs might seem to have done have been for the sake of that greater evil.
I'm usually suspicious of the person making that kind of accusation.
But - I find this totally believable, having watched this whole thing go down. He just got weird and started contriving shit like a jew that falls down then shows up in court wearing a neck brace.
Plus he wrote a whole book about jews and never said "jew", called them SJW's. Wtf?
Just like the last guy did. And the guy before him. And the guy before him, and before him still.
Oh wait. They never did :^)
That is the weird thing to me. I don't know how someone can come to believe that everything they've been told about society is wrong, but then pick some arbitrary date in the past when everything they've been told is still correct. Like I can understand someone remaining skeptical about the positive claims made about National Socialism, but outright flat regurgitating the obvious WW2 propaganda as historical fact doesn't logically follow.
Anglin vs. Vox debate in one hour:
I thought this was bannable
By the way, the rednecks aren't Nazis an all rallies have proven it. Rednecks are a bunch of philosemitic Israel firster bible humpers inbred as the Jews themselves.
sage all slide threads
sage and report all a slide threads
I'm on (((weev)))'s side.
The man got balls, the fact he is a Putin fanboy aside (who isn't these days).
I forgot:
Now fuck off Andrew
sage and report slide threads
OP you read my mind. Vox has been acting like a HUGE CUCK. I just started seeing it when he talked shit about free speech. Apparently, if I talk shit with my friends out in the woods. that is not free speech.
Zanting if that's you why is one of your friends who is also on the animeright writing staff a Duginist? Kali the attention whore
Go ask them yourself and post their response you stupid weaselly piece of shit. That means nothing to me, except Vox's stupid meme that started it all.
The question was answered in the images
CIA-kike Andre "I want the white race bred out" Anglin and his comedy cartoon fellow 'nahtzee' jew pal (((weev))) have been taking the piss out of their moronic followers/fans
You suck on jew dicks on Anglin's command, you MAGA's the zionist elites into Presidency, you demean and trash every single legitimate nationalist movement out there and only cheer on and champion every FBI-trap, and kosher neocon nationalist movement.
I haven't even started on the White Sharia and the rest of your jewish DisInfo shit.
The litany of your crimes against the white race will come to the fore, and you will be corrected for your stupidity/betrayal.
Anglin and (((weev))) aren't traitors, (((weev))) is serving their own tribes interests and Anglin was a CIA-kike agent from the start.
Jesus fucking christ, a Vox drone. Like read Anglin's shit nigger. He's just a fucking guy.
Actually (((weev))) goes against Anglin and other Stormers and hates the fuck out of Putin.
So does that include Hitler? His best friend was a jew who he ended up naming an honorary Aryan
Now that's a different side of thing.
We used to at least like Putin, the fact he imports in a shitload of muslims aisde.
I won't lie, I just saw Anglinbots spamming pro CIA-Kike Anglin stuff and reacted with the latest shit I have on the frauds.
It's only just now I realise this is a thread about Voxday.
I genuinely despise and detest every single one of you kike-alike frauds who have derailed what was growing to be a magnificent anti-jew movement some 5 years ago. Now it's just a massive jew controlled hoax onb the goy.
It's often posted routinely on threads where other Anglinbots like you come along to shill for you honeypot.
Stuff like this, your starter for 6 points:
According to the Ohio Board of Tax Appeals, from mid-2005 through 2007, Andrew Anglin's father Greg Anglin owned Exile, one of Columbus, Ohio's most popular gay bars. Before that, the property at 893 N. Fourth St, Columbus, Ohio was owned by the trust of Andrew Anglin's late uncle, Todd Anglin, a venerated figure in the history of gay Columbus who died of AIDS-related illness in 2002.
This seems dodgy. It would be one thing if Andrew Anglin's father inherited the property, but he didn't. He bought it from a trustee five years after Andrew Anglin's uncle's death. Why? And why did he own this gay bar for nearly two and a half years time? Surely, Andrew Anglin must have known about it. After all, Andrew Anglin's father is the registered owner of the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack website domain and Andrew Anglin gives his father's business address whenever he asks for donations from Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack readers.
Here he is, controlling the universe, with his CIA disinfo.
Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck
You guys are either morons or literal literal shills. If you've been here for longer than a week you'd understand that it was obvious sarcasm. Fuck off.
When your false controlled opposition leader isn;t promoting every single neocon kike in world politics, encouraging his readers to not ever debate but threaten and mindlessly abuse opponents and generally play up to the cartoon 'nazi' image the ADL has spent 70- years inventing, he is now approving the latest kike-trap Gabai.
Gabai - hebrew
Gabai's language of origin is Hebrew and it is also predominantly used in Hebrew. The meaning of Gabai is 'synagogue attendant'.
You kikes will get yours, anyone that supports and backs CIA agents derailing the movement are only serving the jew, and jew alone.
Vox must really be a kike if he enjoys projecting that much.
(((weev))) is a good man.
And Anglin is no CIAnigger, otherwise he and stormer would stay up untouched like Spencer is, who magically escapes all manner of punishment always.
Nigga, open your eyes. There's nothing to be gained by hiding from your own people on some shithole site. I don't understand how I used to ever think like you.
I don't sit on Holla Forums always, it's been a shitshow ever since the kikes co-opted the movement and started promoting the most embarrassing jew freemasonic hoax Trump, along your with your favourite CIA-Kike Anglin.
Everyone involved with the destruction of a genuine nationalist resistance in the West will be visited at a later date now all your history of serving jewry is shown to be what it is.
You can continue pretending your some super-bad-based fashy goy, but to me and every other genuine nationalist who have been in and around the mix since before the internet, we know about you and the methods you employ and you will be punished, and your entire posting histories are on record for all time.
You can fake being a 'nazi', but you can;t fake getting your comeuppence
Fuck off back to reddit.
Someday you'll be king of the world and everyone else will hang!
I hope you stupid niggers all report me every time I come back to this shithole.
It pairs well with a fucking sticky on an antarctic "oasis."
For all Anglinbots here
This is just for you, I have much more than this, buit for a taster here's your CIA-kike fraud Anglin telling his nigga pals how much he hates the white race and wants them bred out of existence because of all the evil in the world is done by whites.
3 months later and he was editor of the number one fashy website on the internet, wityh 75,000 ready made subscriber base.
Not bad for someone who made a 180 degree turnaround from being a open bolshevik anti-white into being the leader of the most braindead fucks in the supposed jew-wise movement.
Yeah, I think (((weev))) favors Ukraine over Russia.
As I said, they've been force-fed the narrative since childhood. The purpose of the e-celebs is to allow the brainwashing to reassert itself by trying to square the false history with current events. It's a flimsy narrative that doesn't withstand inspection, but that's all that's necessary.
Anglin & Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack is 'performance art' I guess he's taking his "legal advice" from Alex Jones now…
Vox Day is a pussy who just wants to be famous, he's a shitty writer and refuses to acknowledge that. Very possibly the worst of all the (((altright))) e-celebs. Fag wont even admit he's white and hides behind his claims of being "native"
Go back to /salt-left/
He's on the debate right now saying his main problem with Anglin is that he's a liar for blaming everything on the jews.
Vox on Anglin:
Just twilight zone tier shit even if you hate Anglin
Conservatives are the absolute worst.
That was funny as fuck when he said that.
Well, we all know vox day is a cuck, but what are people's issues with Anglin exactly?
I don't really know a lot about him but he seems pretty reasonable to me, overreacting to stuff like is retarded in my book. What else has he done wrong?
Vox Day lied numerous times.
Vox came off as extremely petty and tried to sound too much like a big-brained nigga and it came off as petty and whiny.
While I think he did as well as anyone could do against someone being as self-promoting as Vox Day, Anglin does have issues.
Mainly, he just isn't the guy you want debating things like this. But more than that, he has issues with racemixing and daddy's money.
Vox intentionally picked a soft target and Vox actually didn't do as well as I'd have thought. The entire thing just seemed like a shitty thing for Vox to do.
Not that Enoch is any better of a figure, but I would have found Enoch or Spencer debating Vox to be much more sincere instead of Anglin.
It wasn't? I thought they had a shitload of social programs and did price fixing on bread etc
he did say you can call him a hypocrite.
The night of the long knives cemented the NSDAP as more fascist and less socialist. The socialist portion was no longer needed as something purely governmental.
Let me just add that Socialism was the early vehicle for the NSDAP and it became more Nationalist than any one other thing.
They did. Presumably by "socialist element", user means the rogue Berlin branch of ex-Communists, the Strassers and Rohm.
dude you gatta see the shit he has been posting on his channel about not having any free speech.
Ain't my problem, I don't want anything to do with Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack due to the lies, they shouldn't be censored but people have a right to know certain details.
Vox Day's still retarded though.
What is that name even supposed to mean?
It strikes me as a case of a word of phrase corruption facilitated by rapid spread with zero correction through social media.
Like the millennial use of "per say".
A millennial hears someone use the term "per se", but because they have never read it, renders it in their tweet/facebook post as "per say". Other millennials think it sounds "cool" and "educated", so they repeat and pretty soon dictionaries are changing definitions to accomodate them.
Vox Day then would be a corruption of "Vox Dei", Latin for "God's voice".
A deliberate attempt to spread ignorance?
lmao, it's precisely this attitude that causes WN to fail time and time again. you idiots are incredibly capable at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Never heard of it. Don't fucking care. Appeals to "authority." Attempting to dictate what is "authority." You're inferior. Your "voxday" means less to me than the gravel in my driveway, and I'll spend less time looking at it than I will the gravel in my driveway.