Normally I'd agree with you, but you haven't seen the code spaghetti that these poor bastards were told to make work on PC. Like holy shit, I looked at that shit and took SAN damage.
The game was initially coded in a way that caused it to crash (read: stop loading assets entirely until this finally causes the game to die upon area transition) if your HDD went idle for any reason, because it assumes you ejected the "disc". No, I'm not kidding.

I mean, for fuck's sake, the original console devs tied literally everything to framerate, which is why the PC version unfortunately had to be capped at 30fps. Considering how terribly it runs on the actual PS3, it's a miracle the game works at all. Wanna know the reason music sometimes decides to stop looping, even in the patched retail version? Beats the fuck out of me, we couldn't figure out why it happens throughout the entire dev cycle, and even after release nobody who's played the game can figure it out. Shit is held together by more slavic magic, duct tape, and good intentions than actual slav games.

You underestimate the power of outsourcing projects to pajeets. Remember that Batman: Return to Arkham Exists.

The new gears of war ultimate
I've been trying to figure out a way to port it to ue4 and pretty much just crack it for win 7

Ubisoft didn't port shit they were the publisheoutside of japan, the people who ported DMC3 (and also RE4 and onimusha 3) to PC are sourcenext.

fuck japan


The only reason I'm doing it is it has pc connectivity with the xbone which may lead to a way of cracking the console.

Also its a fuckton of assets to use in ue4 for dicking around

Least Wolf got an amazing port to the Mega Drive via homebrew.

That's not a port, though. It's its own game.

Ex-Macfag here. The H1 port was a smörgåsbord of slowdown, bugs, crashes, glitches, and artifacts (including constant fullscreen z-fighting and huge purple misfiltered textures) on release, especially since the high-end features in OS 10.2's OpenGL and ATI/nVidia's drivers were bleeding-edge unfinished. Each patch to Halo, the OS, and the drivers gradually turned it from borderline unplayable to one of the best-performing games on the system midway through OS 10.4.

Then when the x86 transition happened, they charged $15 for the new PPC/x86 universal binary patch, right when the Windows port of Halo broke multiplayer compatibility with old versions.

And they never ported Custom Edition or Halo 2

A Microsoft RTS on PS2 published by Konami.

This is probably the oddest thing I've ever heard of.