Leftists overplaying risks and effects of Hurricane Irma so Al Gore can sell Global Warming bullshit in the near future.

All who panicked when most hurricanes weaken, change direction, and turn out to be literally fucking nothing have been trolled by hippie faggots!

He flew out into the ocean so he could punch it in the eye. Why do you think it has been downgraded?

Holla Forums are leftists?
finally you understand what ive been trying to tell you fellas

Rush Limbaugh has always been the goodest of goys.


Did you know Trump did it? Moloch sent two hurricanes and a passing meteor just to punish him. Oh not to forget about the earthquake and solar flares

Nice consensus cracking kike.

oh, do you have any data suggesting this inst the largest storm in us history? please share.
Because i have some that says other wise.


Learn to use words, friend.

The media does this every fucking time we have a hurricane. The most hilarious shit I'm seeing on another website, is that half the country doesn't understand hurricanes, so we floridamen made a zello channel. Some people got upset that floridamen get drunk and shit post 50 hours before the storm even hits. They got so assblasted they made a new chat just for the cool kids.

you sound like an idiot what is your point? that you are an alcoholic?

Hurricane season is what it is and this is not even the worst of it.

Nice slide, cunt. Couldn't even dress it up with a proper OP. Such low energy, sad!

Says the one who can't even use english properly. I'm sorry, but if you can't even use a fucking period, you deserve the oven.

WAAA WAAAA is all I hear. Who knew that hurricane parties are a thing? You know our local bakery is baking hurricane themed cakes now, right?

Just as predicted. Making a big fucking deal out of jack-fucking-shit.

If this shit went straight for Miami in Obama or Bush years you would see serious shit.
this is what some preparation and counter weather manipulations brings you.

FAKE NEWS? No way Jose!

Daily reminder that "climate change" happens and will continue happening as we are alive on a planet and not inside a controlled environment shoebox.

Just wait for HURRRRRcane Pepe


user I just might approve of this. Very well meme'd