fuck treehouse
Nintendo Direct: OP is a faggot
What was that all about?
Why did the other threads get deleted?
Also, I think Treehouse is definitely on a leash now.
For a minute there I thought Mark went full retard yet again.
post ur dik
Why's that?
I thought he was always full retard, there are still 4 am threads.
And then he deletes the other thread, what a faggot
lizard grill game when
the previous OP deleted it
New Power Pro on Nipponese direct.
I expected nothing from this direct. This is worse.
I don't… think that's how it works? There are no exclusive 3DS amiibos, just an adapter for the normal system. New 3DS can read all of them natively.
Besides, they said there won't be any costumes in the 3DS port, which was the only use you could get out of amiibo in the game.
Curious timing, bro
One was deleted because the other had more posts, and that one was deleted by the OP.
He's always full retard.
But there were two threads.
Our precious shitposts are gone. Guess we gotta gas him.
Or just shitpost about the stream here.
C A N C E R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant believe Nintendo already shot themselves in the foot this badly. I want to write them off as the new EA, they just dont learn a thing, nobody wants amiibos in place of actual fucking games.
Especially since the NX is supposed to launch soon and we know nothing about it. Is it easy to mod 3DS' and Wii Us now?
Are they about to finally announce new games now?
Why not both?
Its okay Mark, we know you are trying. Stay strong dude
Fuck Nintendo
another nail to trihex's coffin
Megami Meguri on Nipponese direct. No gameplay shown.
Yeah, don't be bossed around by that circle jerk of fuckups.
I'll look forward to watching those shorts on YouTube
Bill is homeless San Fransicain now.
F-Zero game never ever.
Good Metroid game never ever.
Even at his best, he's still awful.
Cool. Let me know if they show off some new games.
Also Mark, do something about the 4 AM threads. They're still shit.
Oh nice. Ever Oasis was something I wanted to see more about.
aw yeh, lizard waifu time
Is that ritsu degenerate still trip fagging?
I am sure you could do better.
XDDDDDDD This direct sucks dick.
I'm somewhat interested in Ever Oasis because it's lead by the guy who made Seiken Densetsu 3, the objective best mana game.
lel that snek with Chaika eyes
That isnt saying much.
I don't know how to feel
Amongst other things, yeah.
Could you do better?
He's "proving a point" by doing it. Lime only bans him for 20 minutes and he throws a fit about it every time it happens.
human characters look like they were ripped directly from that Sims life game on Wii
Wasn't the last one a fucking disaster?
10 minutes left on Nipponese direct.
Shitposting aside.
chibi robo pikmin shovelware
Please get rid of the constant template threads that have little, or nothing to do with vidya.
Sidescrolling Pikmin?
So that's, what, 3 new games and 50 remakes?
Pikmin x Lemmings
I don't know what to think.
You sure he doesn't just ban evade?
Holy shit this looks so boring
Considering he boots up tor to post occasionally, he does.
So this isn't Pikmin 4, right?
Ever Oasis looked kinda interesting I guess
we're not getting them are we
Because moon language takes longer to speak
Karl, you're an idiot
Is this what a world without Iwata looks like?
Fuck you
They're showing the same stuff. They're talking about Ever Oasis now.
… but shorter to type
It's shit we've seen already, user.
fuck mark
Why did I watch this?
Why can't you be normal?
Yes, it's much, much shorter to type.
That's because several-syllable sounds can be typed in one character.
"å„Ÿ" can be pronounced "tsuguna"
Look, I cannot be dealin' with this direct, mate
Girls don't play video games. In fact they don't even exist
2D pikmin, noone asked for this. Even if they pulled the usual nintendo fuckery and ported pikmin 1 or 2 to the 3DS it would be better
They'll need to make a new game before they gate the content behind plastic toys.
correction; Zelda is for girls.
They're fucking gooks user, they don't have to make sense
The game there showing now looks boring as shit.
Are you literally retarded or are you just pretending?
They sure proved everyone how wrong they where :^)
Personally i wish theyd perma ban those two fuckers and just be done with it.
But that would mean they would improve the board, and that would cut into their hotpocket supply
they couldn't do racing because karts. Even though they could make a normal racing game.
care to explain?
Did I just have a minor seizure or did nip man just nod his head in a loop for like 10 full seconds
Soul less Japanese man bobs head unenthusiastically.
It would have still looked like this if Iwata was alive
I look forward to downloading AA6 in a week :^)
They could have done another sport entirely
Like basketball
It could have been better.
No u
I highly doubt it.
Iwata was too good for this world.
I want to believe.
When I look at it . . . it reminds me of a cross bwtween Kirby Mass Attack and the recent Chibi Robo Zip Lash 3DS game.
This board is literally fucking dead. Why the fuck is this shit stickied? VIDEO FUCKING GAMES, MOTHERFUCKER.
You want to believe a lie.
There were video game "news" 5 minutes ago, faggot.
it's not dead, it's just the morning. Also the direct just ended
Are you braindead?
Lies hurt less than the truth
Why don't you try one of the other vidya boards?
Shit I forgot about that sport
you need to stop being delusional
Which kinda missed the point of a Chibi robo. Also What is up with nintendo trying to made "B-but it's a spin off" game of every old IP when they haven't made a main game in years?
The answer is they don't have the talent anymore and everyone they hired only knows mario platforming.
I want this fucking neo Holla Forums shit to stop.
Kirby Mass Attack was most likely the cancelled Pikmin project.
Converting an RTS into a sidescroller is just not right.
Maybe it's as full of rotting shit as a wormery, but it isn't dead.
So, Nintendo is now the Walt Disney Corp. Of videogames? A shell of their former self?
Shouldn't it hurt less knowing there was never any hope than knowing that hope was just one death away?
Japan gets an RPG Maker-ish game and Monster Hunter Stories, we get what again?
I remember a time when Holla Forums actually cared about video games.
They have been that way since the end of the GameCube cycle. The Wii was their tombstone.
But nobody's defending you.
Defending what exactly? I don't understand the point you're making.
Looks to me everyones getting pissed about Nintendo not making anything worthwhile.
Are you braindead, or just fishing for (you)s?
It just means I don't have to worry about waiting on a 3DS or WiiU emulator being made for a while.
Don't know. I'd agree that he had his issues, but I think it's better to think that there's good people in a shit place trying to make things better.
So news about video games isn't video games?
Well that was lame.
Here's a Bill you can fuck around with so we might get some entertainment out of this.
What is wrong with you?
And a fucking puyopuyo game. FFS I should watch all of this before airing my apathy.
Will we get anything of this caliber?
If it is Nintendo apparently, it isn't.
We all know that the PS4 is the best system, and you're an idiot if you think otherwise. Nobody needs those beefy rigs when the PS4 can handle everything just fine!
I guess that's one way of seeing things, but he was probably the only one who still gave a shit.
There's a bit where you can see the whites of his eyes.
Great to exploit.
That rat tank game looks fun as hell too.
Good opportunity to practice moonrunes as well if it doesn't come to the west.
You're retarded, we do this for anything that's even remotely newsworthy
At the very least emulation exists so nobody has to feel too bad.
this is why I bumplock or delete console war bullshit. it's fucking cancer.
this is true, also any streams for TGS?
What about the 500 million Template threads and Generals?
Fuck you.
Unless you're stuck with a borderline toaster like me.
No idea.
pouts are cute
>The disproportionate affection fucking Zelda gets I feel bad for Metroidfags now, that was saddening
Probably the only decent thing was the tank game and the Oasis thing. Holy shit, what the fuck are you doing Nintendo. Thank fuck for piracy, once they get to make actual DS games work on the SD card I won't need anything else
To anyone who plays nip, is Apocalypse any better than SMTIV? Did they bother to fix anything?
Hey Mark can you tell those fuckers to change back to unix timestamps for pictures. This new system triggers me greatly.
Anything besides unending hatred of Nintendo (as in thinking that it is the greatest Cancer in the industry) would get Holla Forums called Nintendogaf.
I know how you feel, bro. At least we don't have to suffer too much through Nintendo parading around new Metroid amiibos.
We delete the templates, and generals aren't an issue.
I agree
Was it just me or did it look like a lot of the Mii centered games and the tank game look like they could be mobile games? It feels like they're throwing out all these depthless games so they can get the nintendrone herd prepped for the mobile generation that the NX will be.
Ron says the new system is essential for deduplication, I hope he increases the filesize limit soon.
I'd fuck that product-placement machine.
I liked:
RPG Maker Clone
Mario Maker 3ds
Wind Waker Amiibo
Hyrule Warriors DLC
Pikmin 2d
Yoshi Wooly World 3ds
please rate and subscribe
Would you bumplock a cute grill?
I'll remove you
also depends on the thread
Hey, can you check 's post history?
See if he's serial shitposting or something, I have a feeling he is.
There's always things like the Everdrive, but they're expensive as fuck
At this point, shouldn't generals stay on /vg/? It would give the board a reason for existing.
I think they're expecting to dive fully into the phone market in the next few hardware releases, so they're trying to prep older fans for it.
I would, but I wouldn't cuddle after. I really wish the console-tan threads would come back.
I have literally had it up to here with this fucking bullshit. Absolutely nothing but cancer day in and out. I will destroy this board with my bare hands if that what it takes to cleanse the dying soul of this once great site. Your era of relentless shitposts ends here because I am no longer going to stand for this bullshit. I remember a time when Holla Forums cared about video games, I remember a time when Holla Forums had quality posts, I remember a time when Holla Forums wasn't flooded with cancerous fucking shitposts, I remember a time when Holla Forums was a vigilant stronghold against normalfag forces, not an enabler of it, and I am going to bring those times back if I have to track every one of you down to do it. Remember your times shitposting here fondly, because I am the chemo to your cancer. Your cancerous posts are about to go into remission. Fuck all of you.
If I could afford expensive things I'd just get a better pc.
Well if they increases the file size limit that'd make it a worthy trade off, I guess.but God damn the new system looks so ugly and unorganized
Damn son, that's some quality edge right there
Impregnate me daddy
nah, he's just posting in this thread. he just seems like a retard rather than breaking rule 8.
I usually do.
What's wrong, too many anime girls?
Oh fuck its a badger
En garde, fuckboy.
You overestimate how important your opinion is, faggot. Go kill yourself
It's not you, a lot of Nintendo's output is starting to look like phone games.
Good effort
A lot of the time this is the only way to get any sort of communication with the moderation.
Don't do it just yet, I need to die first.
And if you get a decent computer, there's no reason to get them.
You need to ban what I don't like. Or else.
I won't even pirate anything
Ever Oasis and that 2D Pikmin game looks fun
Reminder that Nintendo shut down a fan made Metroid 2 remake project
what about that rpgmaker thing
Sonic Lost World also looked fun.
Now that they've released Fed Force, the next true Metroid game is just around the corner!
Is the birth of a new ebin pasta?
I can just feel the excitement for the PSVR.
I'll get DQ7 and 8, Phoenix Wright, all the mario games and the sonic one. Not sure wbout that Oasis gane, might need more convincing.
I'm sure Reggie will enjoy my financial contribution of yargh
Even as a obsessive Zelda fan, this "Let's only focus on popular titles" shit really annoys me. We already have a Wind Waker amiibo, so why would they waste two of the designs for game again?
Even if we let WW Zelda slide, if they had used A Link to the Past design instead of a seoncd WW Link, it could have easily filled for Most of the 2D games past Zelda 1.
PSVR is the best VR
I like those numbers man, can you share your secrets?
this applies to marks discord of backseat fuckboys and the group of shitposters who are always much worse then what they're shitposting about
What if it's going to me another "Another M"…
Wait for somebody to unfuck the translation on DQ first with a patch.
Checked pirate quints
Quints confirms pirates will save the industry.
it annoys everyone, hell it's the reason the smash 4 roster had more third party DLC newcomers than Nintendo ones.
It's simple, I apply CFW, then apply ice to Reggie's ass after the butthurt of losing all my shekels.
you're a special kind of retard, aren't you?
Hello Ritsu, are you upset you can't have an identity?
How much ice do you apply?
He did it twice.
Keep crying bitch nigga, kill yourself.
Now you are asking for shitposting
I apply a liberal amount, usually somewhere in the region of Sonic Boom Fire and Ice this fucking Sept boys.
Nowadays you'd have people throwing hissy-fits about how we're all secretly Tumblr.
they will shelf metroid, samus will be removed from smash bros because all her attacks can be recreated via items and the gunner mii
there will never be another good metroid game again made by nintendo until they fuck up so hardcore that they fall, the current gen dies off, and the ip falls into the hands of a hardcore fan of the series who hates other m and FF
Okay okay, I will pirate Picross 3D Round 2
Just like Castlevania and DMC!
The show is the only good thing that came out of that series.
Why do you choose the words that hurt?
As if
try again cunt funnel
that you would and also there's no one left in the console tan group who actually drew all of that
Season 2 this oct I think
I'm excited to replay yo-kai watch 2
Why are you so upset?
I can't wait.
I need to finish the first one.
But Mario Maker and Mario horseriding
I can afford to laugh a little because webm related
tired of third parties dictating how the board is like they own the damn place, just treat the thread like it's a public park instead of your back yard already
I wonder if they'll include Sonichu, he's my favorite character.
But they have a board for it. And several chatrooms off site they could use instead. Why do they have to come here?
I never cared enough to look into it, but what even is the context of the fight? Why are Fed troopers fighting Samus during the Prime timeline when she was completely on board with working freelance for the likes of Admiral Dane?
The Castlevania and DMC games that killed their series were supposed to be mainline games, though, while Fed Force is just a spinoff. Unless you're saying Other M really did end the franchise and these are just its death throes.
Whilst we're bitching on meta, can someone end this faggot already?
Apparently the space pirates take control of Samus and then do shit to her to make her bigger.
Samus got CAPTURED by SPACE PIRATES somehow and then they made her a giant. Feds had to play Blastball with her until she stopped being controlled by the space pirates.
I don't know, why is there a Holla Forums discord and why do they get so much sway over how things are?
He'd still do it on other boards, but it would be nice.
I don't think the discord has been relevant for ages.
I haven't watched the Direct yet but I'm just here to say Mark is a gigantic, inconsistent faggot who changes course with whatever wind blows strongest. And he needs to clamp down on GG spilling over into extraneous threads, because that shit has been in the rules for two fucking years and I don't give a fuck if he's still sympathetic to that circlejerk of do-nothing fagstacks. Do your fucking job.
Jesus, that was boring. The only thing of any material value was the new Pikmin, but it looks like shit.
Wut? You mean the thing that would have ended practically all resistance to the Space Pirate efforts to control Metroids just happens and is resolved in retarded spin off? Did they make her big so Ridley would have an excuse to get into Smash NX?
But it can't be undersold what a big deal this is. FFS, she resisted fucking Metroid Prime's corruption and some doofy space pirates mind control her?
If Prime 3 was made today would allowing Phaazon to overtake Samus have simply meant that the Feds would have bitchslapped her and taken care of Phaaze and Dark Samus themselves?
Just don't reply.
It was probably more like, "Hey guys want to fight Samus, that cool right? This proves YOU are the best fighters in the UNIVERSE!"
Sometimes it's fun to take the bait. Not often though, because it hurts.
bullshit it isn't, it's more relevant then all the /4am/ stuff as they keep to themselves, those from there fuckers come whenever there's lols to be had or they don't like something about the board
remember those fucking >(209) threads?
remember all those fucking meta threads which get shit up?
how about those rob threads which also get shit up by shitters?
it's just the same people
He can't even enforce his precious avatarfagging policy correctly. That fucking demon Tewi can post 28 times in a thread without getting banned but if an user that people don't like decides to follow the rules and post reaction images in a 4AM thread instead of avatarfagging he will be banned.
And all these shit template threads stay up. God damned Jew doesn't have his priorities straight. He's too busy sperging out about how others don't like his shitty waifu.
Just report them for Rule 8. Although, at this point you'd have left by now if you were smart.
extra funny considering the new game won't even be out in time.
haven't you read his archives?
I have.
This has less thought put into it than a fucking rape Samus doujin.
I was thinking that if Samus was in the game, why not have her be a hero that saves the Fed troopers at the end? Y'know, like in canon? But then I realised that might make the player question why the fuck they're playing as some shitty no name trooper when Samus Aran exists.
yeah that's so going to work
another thread the shitposters can just report and igonre but now you're all going to flock to it like the sheep you are and shit all over it, I said that this would keep on happening and here it is the first few stages of this happening again
Pfft, get with the times will you? Its mandatory to insult fans while producing something wearing the brand name
She actually does save them at the end as they're floating in space ready to die.
You're bad at triage.
If he refuses to listen to you, why do you keep coming back? Why don't you make your own board? Why don't you use the boards made by people who felt the same as you do now? Why don't you use endchan because they felt the same?
Then you should know that he actually dindu nuffin
I'm going to guess you mean she picks them up because she has a ship? So she did what anyone in the galaxy that happened to be travelling nearby could have done? And then, only because they saved her from the Space Pirates?
TIDF please go.
I really expected more.
That could have worked. If they made Samus an insanely hard bonus boss that actually fought like Samus instead of just a giant ball.
Wouldn't want to remind the player of better games. Also the doujins are better because the people making them actually like Samus and the series enough to make their own porn. Nintendo cannot even make a game that looks better then its original ds game.
I did mean that and yes, pretty much. She then goes on to congratulate the Feds for their service and says she can't wait for whatever they do next.
Next game will most likely have something to do with the Feds taking down Sylux because he took a newly hatched Metroid egg since that is the end teaser.
Where were you when a meme missed it's target and hit a totally different topic?
no one but your self is forcing you to go in to them so why are you doing that to your self?
great idea you dumb cunt I'm sure in no time at all every thread will become it's own board and we'll have no more need for general boards
midf fuck off already
I'm just trying to do the right thing and defend an innocent bunny.
And it was fun.
Nothing wrong with tohou, but those threads are the faggiest shit, and you know it.
Mark did nothing wrong. You're just upset because you got banned for being a faggot.
You're using innocent in the loosest possible terms there m8.
What I hate about touhou is that the normalfags now call any shmups "touhous"
where is this happening?
you're being a faggot now, where's your ban? oh daddy marky would never ban his favorite fucktoy now would he
Twitch and youtube
The Nips don't care about Metroid, user.
In fairness, Other M is not unlike a rape doujin. It's just a lot more boring.
So the 100% end of Prime 3 is actually just teasing how the Feds will track down Sylus by tracing Samus? He'll probably mind-control her with the Metroid and she'll be the penultimate boss of Fed Force 2: Phaazon Boogaloo.
N-no… ;_;
Places that don't matter. So it's not important in the slightest.
Probably any place that knows about Japanese shit, but is still infested with normalfags.
Why are you so angry that I dislike people having identities here?
>she just stands back up and "dusts" off her armor
>"Not bad. Maybe I'll actually try to fight you next time."
>tfw Samus kicked your fucking ass and wasn't even being serious about it
Final boss was a bit disappointing, but I agree I thought it was pretty decent.
I would *play* that.
exactly this
because it didn't just stop at that level now did it?
you guys had to make up a stupid rule which boils down "ban people I don't like" and shit up every thread you fuckers can with that bull shit
I'm fine with anyone hating anyone else, but I draw the line when people are banned because of that, did you fucks not learn anything from 4chan, reddit, neogaf or any fucking shit hole that bans fuckers for being outside of the normal accepted opinion?
He's right, those are places that don't matter.
Those retards are the overwhelming majority, and influence other people's opinions. So I wouldn't say they're inconsequential.
Why are you projecting all of that onto me? Mark may be in the right, but he's still an awful BO. Just be glad he isn't as bad as the moderation teams on Holla Forums and /a/
Not that faggot, but
If this just some random board on here many people would have just made another or left. Holla Forums is the main draw for many who come here and mark is to much a buffoon to be a BO.
something needs to be done
Nothing will because he's friends with Jim and HW. The only way to fix it is to not come back to the site or bitch so much on /sudo/ that they replace him. I keep saying this but nobody listens.
in your shit opinion
well maybe because the only reason you would be defending him in the first place is because you had something to do with all these bad choices eh?
just leave brath it's not like the shitposters are trying to push you out of the public park because they want more turf
that sure went well with all the other meta boards about Holla Forums and meta threads and all the times people left now didn't it?
I'm only defending him because you keep falling for it.
I miss the ellen baker craze.
I was at the dentist, what did I miss?
Absolutely nothing of worth, soul crushing disappointment if you'd had expectations I guess.
You missed several threads being made and deleted for no real reason, disappointment, and screaming about meta.
There is nothing that suggests that is true.
3 minutes of Pokeymon info. New Rattata variant (dark normal) and more info about z-movse
DraQue (scottish edition)
Mario Maker 3DS
Wooly World 3DS
More amiibo
New mario sports game
Don't forget all the Zelda dicksucking to please Miyamoto.
Well you've fallen for it this long. If you actually read, I've been agreeing with you that Mark is a faggot. But I can't expect you to actually do that because you're too busy screaming about how Mark isn't running the board the way you want. We can continue this the next time a thread devolves into meta, since I've been up for too long.
So, nothing of importance.
no I'm merely venting my frustrations on the matter and you decided to counter point which is fine, that's what should happen.
maybe doing something NOT yoshi and somewhat different will get them to not fuck up for once.
They fixed how smirk works. That's about it. Story is pretty trash, worse than IV by a long shot. Overall, give it a pirate unless you cuck hard for mainline SMT like me.
I need to watch that film again.
IOs there anyone more cucked than nintendrones?
I want to fug ara Samus
Halflife fans
And just to think; they are more bad zelda games then metroid games, and yet Zelda is still around.
Do those still exist?
Is this where josh got his fear of pigs?
Most people that like Half life didnt even liked 2
He just means Valve cocksuckers.
I missed it. Did they show a lot of poopy butt?
No Jet Force Gemini?
No new Samus?
They showed nothing of value.
Rare owns that you flaming retard
But isn't rare dead?
But Reddit loves nintendo
Microsoft will live on until all of the world is their domainare you pretending to be retarded
No, I am really out of the loop since I've been trying to actively browse 8ch less so I can dedicate myself to make vidya. also I had no idea rare itself owned jetforce. I thought they were just developing for nintendo like they did with donkey kong
Reddit loves marketing.
Of course they do, they go with whatever the bandwagon opinion is, that being the Bethesda and Nintendo cocksucking
Western focused gamers may have brain problems.
You first
People that defend Nintendo post-Wii have brain problems.
it was sarcasm, I was taking the piss out of that other guy
yeah sure
You're gonna have to buy her a drink first.
Honestly i skipped through the entire thing until Dragon quest then kept skipping until Phoenix Wright then yokai watch only to see the changes made.
oh so that's what this shota is
Don't ever play the 3DS port, even though they LOOK the same, it's alot more tedious.
For example: you'll never actually hear that song for more than 5 seconds. Instead, you'll be listening to this constantly.
Anyone wanting 7th gen turds like Bioshock have brain problems.
You're the one that has brain problems
I'd hate to be that Sam, but
Isn't shota just drawn cp for pedos to enjoy without actually posting cp?
is there a problem with that though?
No that's Jorougumo/Arachnus, toadaldude is the frogboi
Here's a (You) for you, go and be happy.
post more arachnus then nerd
westerners ruined it.
I seem to have gotten under your skin. I don't like Nintendo or care about them. You may want to read the details of the post I was replying to, you cute little fanatic.
You're kinda being a fagenabler.
Much appreciated.
I'm only here for Smokin' hot woman or whatever they will call her in the english version
people are gunna do what they feel like doing, can't prevent that
what a fag
I guess not, but I can however call out a faggot when I see one.
Fucking ban 4 AM threads, Mark.
people will do as they feel to do
you think you're safe?
so what is the recap
saw the sun and moon stuff
seen the webm near the top of the thread so it looks like dragon quest is getting raped and murdered
my personal recap:
-Reggie keeps shilling his GALAXY 3ds skin
-Pokeshit adds crystal treatment in an attempt to revive the dead series
-Animal Crossing gets more amiibo and amiibo card support >as if that's something to look forward to
- two ? dragon quest games get localized
- a lot of indie games are talked about
- they reveal a tank wars game
- lots of indie games are featured
- i skipped over the legend of Sellda part but it looked like just a bunch of collectibles
- New phoenix wright game for those who don't speak jap
I alt f4'd after that and went on with my miserable life.
Don't get too hard user, after the Feds defeat her she shrinks back to "normal" size. Normal as in this game's normal size of course.
It's too late, i can already hear the fanart being made as we speak and it sounds like lots of pictures of chibi marines outnumbering giantess samus and filling her every hole.
Yoshi is bisexual. He rides and gives rides.
I think you mean "a switch"
And no, yoshis are for subbing only
especially that one
you're a sub
I feel nothing.
No u
no, u
Not I, but you yes.
You looking to wrassle for the top spot tonight, m8?
yes you but I for not
I don't need to look for what's already mine lad
The only thing that's yours is my hotdog between your buns.
so you agree that your useless meat stick is mine to do whatever I want with? I'm pleased you've submitted then
No, I contend that my mighty scepter is present and ready for you to back your fat ass up on. The only question for you is whether I need to pull your hips back myself.
if you'd like to pretend that that's what's going to happen then I think you need to understand reality abit more but in the mean time while you're figuring out basic things as such as 1 add 2, I'll be fitting a colar around your neck and a cock ring on that tin scepter there
Why is a tumblr meme from 2015 being posted on hatechan?