Official sources confirm the existence of warm Oasis cavern systems throughout Antarctica!
25degrees CELSIUS!
This is the first release of information, filled with obvious implications! They know they cannot hide the truth much longer. Soon the truth of the Antarctic Reich will be known!
Esoteric Hitlerism VINDICATED!
Antarctic Oasis CONFIRMED!
Other urls found in this thread:
So a Nazi secret base fueled by geothermal energy and advance UFO levels of technology? Why have they waited so long?
Let's hurry and go claim some land.
Did you read the article? Those caves were carved out by the steam from active volcanoes. What kind of purpose do you think that land would be suitable for, exactly?
The flat earthers are going to have a field day won't they?
Last uncolonized land on earth? If there's geothermal power there we could make it awesome. Holla Forums robotic army in a generation pouring out onto the earth.
Penguin SS when?
They claimed an entire continent and may have gained access to a cavern network that could be global. Further, they brought thousands of the most attractive women in Europe with them! Confirmed over 7000 beautiful blondes from Ukraine alone!
So, repopulation, exploration, construction of industry.
Negative side… They likely didn't want involved in a global nuclear war that would annihilate the planet, at least until they had means to disable the nukes.
Crazy side… Aldebaron is 65lightyears away…
Superscience side. They only had a rudimentary understanding of the drive that powered their most advanced craft. Given the tech, it was a gravity device. If they could fully harness it's capabilities, it would also be a weapon of such power that it would make nukes look like firecrackers.
Is this the real reason the left flipped shit and went "anti fascist" and is smearing the National Socialists no matter how much it harms their cause?
Alright this is the final straw. The Antarctica threads, the Ancient Aryans threads, all the "coincidences" with ancient structures around the world (Pyramids, Gobekli Tepe, Stonehenge, Incas, Mayans, etc.); I'm gonna have to start reading about Esoteric Hitlerism.
New Swabia?
If your Swabian do you get citizenship? What if your great uncle was a doctor in NSDAP?
Guess they're my neighbors. No invitations for tea and crumpet, how impolite.
There has to be more than this with all the honchos they've been bringing down there for no reason lately.
They're there for the pyramids and whatever the fuck's inside of them.
On a more serious note,
Now you know why they spend so much time/$/crap on sending thousands of people down there, to study penguins and ice.
Anymore nazi penguins?
They sent Diplomats, user… Diplomats and an astronaut with full top secret security clearances. Think on that.
Can't say. Serrano claims to have had an opportunity once, but he had been grief stricken, having had just burried the woman that he loved with all his soul, and had no words or thoughts for any other desire than to remain where she was laid to rest.
Nice flag.
Artwork aside, is there any tangible proof for NatSoc bases and UFO's or is it just wishful thinking?
They also sent Patriarch Kirill, the pope of the Russian Orthodox Church, for Christ knows why.
Anybody have the translation of the 3rd pic and its meaning?
Also, here's something interesting. There are multiple accounts of cavernous, pre-flood caves which is not only found in the esoteric, but also in many biblical, occult, pagan, non-occidental cultures which tie a spiritual marker to physical areas within the earth. The hollow earth theory is a terrible term but since you're talking about esoteric hitlerism, it wouldn't be stetch to suggest that our physical earth is similair to a torus and that the 3D plane has gates/portals to another/inner earth through physical entrances within the earth. Reason for bring the torus into the matter, it would explain the geomagnetic elements to the spiritual side of things and what revelations ascribes to as the key to the bottomless pit. While man cannot access the spiritual element to these planes, they can access the physical. However, many ancient tribes and rights to adult, even when they went to Tibet, all believed in the same notion of the original Aryans being and/or coming from within the earth. This is not only a very common new age belief (which funnily enough is not new at all but has held these beliefs for millenia), it's also the anti-thesis of biblical teachings… They do however both point to the same factors. And now you also have the (((Catholic Church))) AKA posterboy for the synagogue of satan who are buying up sacred lands, and if not buying acquiring these ancient sites and building/sealing them over as a cover-up. Examples of this include Mt. Graham from the indians and areas surrounding Lake Titikaka, while not in the open. There's shit being guarded. Guarded knowledge, physical guards or the guise of religious sites.
Your 2nd image is more fuel to the fire. While not the same model, one can see in the bible that not all dragons within the earth are bad. There are also multiple realms, sadly the KJV took multiple realms and all called it hell which is not the case when looking into the etymology and scripture. Very interesting nonetheless.
If a fucking 1940's German UFO, driven by Hitler's brain mounted onto a bear incinerates Israel on September 23rd, I swear to fucking God.
New Swabia looks like it's directly opposite of any active volcanoes on Antarctica. I'm on mobile so it's much harder but can someone else look at all the volcano/geothermal locations on Antarctica since I don't think this image includes everything.
In 1889, the year of Hitler's birth, Franz von Stuck made this painting of Wotan, famous for its resemblance of Hitler. (Also, he made another Wotan painting in 1899 that did not resemble Hitler)
Read Savitri Devi (who was praised by Commander Rockwell in their letters to each other) and Miguel Serrano. For evidence of the polar home of the Aryans (called Hyperborea among other names) read "The Arctic Home in the Vedas" by Tilak.
Where are you getting this "confirmed" information? I would love to know.
So we /fringe/ now?
Sage out of principle.
You guys might not remember but on the day of the election result , John Kerry was "visiting" Antarctica. What a coincidence. Very likely that Russia/Chine/US/NATO have some secret shelters and weaponry stored there.
Shut the fuck up, kike
I think these unexplained visits to Antarctica by so many public figures are creepy as well. Why would these scum be visiting the place where the remnants of the Third Reich ended up? It's all very sinister.
I'm with you…with the eclipse, Irma and Yellowstone threads and now this stickied It's like we're reading godlikeprod. FUCK OFF TRINITY
You can always fuck off if you're unable to keep up with the rest of Holla Forums
How did you think the Antartic HAARP is powered user?
Thanks for the sticky mods, almost makes up for all the times you would bumplock this topic.
Looks like a chakra map combined with astrological influences.
It's from the book Nos: Book of the Resurrection, by Miguel Serrano. It's showing a form of runic practice and how it relates to our salute. This style is partially taught in Futhark by Edred Thorson as well, and is traditional in many respects, though many modern practitioners veer off too far into Yogic practices. These techniques are also hidden throughout hermeticism, especially in ritual practices dor neophytes, although go unexplained as the student is supposed to figure it out on their own. An example would be the "lesser banishing ritual of the pentegram", as the ritual it's self is all bells and whistles… but the body posture and motions must be 100% precise. The reason is that it's real purpose is to force the noob to form the proper runes with their body, and later come to the realization on their own if they are able to grasp it… though the vast majority are idiots and undeserving of such knowledge. Though back to the question, it also shows a good deal of alchemical lore mixed in, and how it transmutes the Vrill into the desired effect. forgive me, I am very sleepy
So happy… Fastest sticky a thread I made has ever gotten.
Sieg Hiel!
Go on please, for now I sleep.
Im Patrilineally Swabian. That would be cool but I have to ask what the FUCK have they been doing letting these assholes take over unless Baron Trumps hollow Earth stuff is a signal of some kind and maybe Trump is our protector until they come in and wipe out the Jew. Still, seems like they can't of they waited this long and need to use other people. Maybe something happened to them down there…
For fraternizing with dark elves.
So some place in antartica is warm inside a cave for unexplained reasons. And diplomats and 'astronaughts' might have visited said cave. I am more likely to beleive it is possible for it to be colonized more than anything else. Where is the source on diplomats going down there? Is there a Biblical or logical/scientific explanation for as to why it is warm?
inb4 someone claims it is hell itself
Still wondering why this is stickyed when the website is owned by literal fucking leafs.
Thank you anons. Much appreciated. It's rather interesting, however I tend to see these things as evil rather than good? Opening your body to familiar spirits and becoming a vessel for an ideology which at first seems benevolent but will ultimately destroy that individual. I like the idea of it supressing Yogic practices and banishing the pentagram and also, the seal of solomon. But would also be curious to ask, if I may, about the rumour the the "v for victory" sign was somehow a counter salute to the roman salute as the individual i'm thinking of (I cannot remember his name, famous occultist?) had both ties to Hitler and bastard Churchill. From my research I have found that the vrill society were spectacular socerers but it all seems to further an agenda which plays into the hands of an order which would ultimately enslave all of mankind, except those of the gnostics who would support it. This would then in turn, backfire on those who support the 1488 mindset. Which most sane white people would and should agree with. Thank you regardless for the information. And sweet dreams to 671.
I'm starting to believe the earth is flat and hollow
You are beyond retarded. This has nothing to do with the earth being flat. It has everything to do with the ability to survive and be self sufficient at antartica which lends credence to germans fleeing there after the war and possibly surviving.
The earth being flat is a cianigger psyop. If you are going by Biblical standards that isint even a accurate model of the heavens you faggot.
Torus. Look it up. Look up the mathematics. It also depends on which plane you're operating on and hopefully you're grounded on this timeline have not recieved any programming. Your image is interesting but it's an illustration to help mankind fully understand it. Not a literal explanation to the 3D world. This can be proven by technology and if you're here to shill, i'm not going to entertain you. I will however ask you to check out this podcast about Geo-centrism and the qualitative data included
The biblical standard does not fully support the flat earth theory. There are multiple fringe theologians who would rather support geocentrism which makes scientifical sense when looking into what i've just written than the flat eart psy-op. However, there's no reason to attack the user for having an inquiring mind. At least he is questioning things and understanding the world we live in today.
I want a bull terrier before they were ruined. Why did you post that image. sorry for ot.
If there is/was a nazi base in Antarctica I fear it was destroyed at the end of WW2. After the war the allies took part in "naval exercises" around Antarctica that resulted in lost and damaged ships. Naval training doesn't result in serious damage to ships. They fought someone or something. Unless they never found these caves, in which case they may actually be there.
Agreed user. It's sad. Same reason why I feel sorry for dogs like boston terriers. Those poor fuckers are fucked due to breathing issues but people keep buying them and it's a sad reality of life.
Good dogs:
Rotti's - Roman.
Jack Russels - Hunters
Retriever & Labs - Loyal and friendly. See "Nigger" infamous dambusters dog.
German Shepherds & Alsations - Beautiful but turn on their master when they get old.
Dogs are truly mans best friend. Beautiful, graceful animals who will defend you to their death. Wolves in disguise. Bless their hearts.
Kek this timeline gets crazier by the day.
Anybody got a PDF or an epub?
Sorry, vid related is a pug but same shit. Different day. At least he's with a good home despite calling his pet after the fat hyppocrite. Aw man, animals user… They're your true friends. I'm not allowed to own pets (see agenda 21 and the country I live in) but nothing compares to being able to come home to a being who is loyal, loving and compassionate. The senses are overwhelming and could only imagine having children to be the next step but one has to be in the right situation. Having a pet is a wonderful experience and I long for winter nights next to a partner who will protect and keep you. A silent partner who will never forsake you and always be loyal. I've see niggers abuse animals in my life and that poor animal will remain by his side no matter what. It's cringe, I know but it breaks my fucking heart because they have no voices. As men, we are there to be their keepers. And in doing so, most of the time. They are true heroes. I know of and have witnessed animals with more of a spine than your average male in today's dumbed down population. I'd rather trust a dog with my life than a man in many circumstances when all things considered.
Someone who knows about Cliff High, Chime in.
give me a few min.
That looks like John Titor's patch.
Don't forget Caucasian Shepherds. Peak dog.
Following up
Sorry user. Cannot help you. What I can tell you is that part of PRISM and Jewgle is thal all comms, regardless of whether or not you use their service was originally absorbed and maintained at data centers. Matt Cu(n)tts was head at the time. Anons would literally be replicated in a personalised copy of facebook and the data would sit there. user's, Normies, etc… all have their shit hosted in a data center which is literally cloned and then used for (((marketing purposes))), the catch 22 is that this is also freely available to authoritarian sources in order to pass laws in x or y state dependant on the brevity of the profiles that have been combed. Prism is a funny word because it was never a single operation and what it is defined as goes beyond what is currently happening. You don't need bots to crawl certain topics, bots will crawl everything. There are human assets which as retrieving information about select parites, keywords, SEO, PPC, RTB etc based off of Google's infrastrusture. To add, there are multiple add-ons or programs (if you wish) which could be added in order to manipulate and re-targedt said data which can be trigger by Google itself of an unknown source dependent on the software.
As for the latter part of your shot I can only point you in the direction of what Christianity would call the Nephilim. It will be obfuscated ofcourse and you have to read books like Executive Outcomes to understand how intelligence really operates. And those strategies are almost 40 years old in itself. Tesla is a good foundation to begin research though, the satanic vatican 2.0 also has secrets if you can find them. Then, if you are well travelled you will find that the yogi's themselves also have this knowledge but are not willing to give it up due to cultural reasions. The reason the reich got a hold of the tibetan cultures lay in political reasoning and protection - hence the great discoveries. What your cap suggests is pure unification and part of a greater agenda. Your instinct should give you a distrust. Remember that Catholicism is not Christianity. That Judaism and Mohammedism is not some sort of key to the truth. There are man made truths, and tools which use specific truths to mould what society believes as an ultimate truth. The faked truth of unification and utopia is the great deception which is warned of to those who followed the way and not the building made of brick and mortar for the followers who worship snakeoil salesmen and life coaches.
I've never witnessed such a dog in my entire life… But i've seen them on the internet. Are these the same that are used by Russian Prison Guards? Beautiful animals. Sad to see him on a chain but a beautiful dog nonetheless. Have a great admiration toward snowbound dogs but would never seek one out unless I live in the correct climate to accomodate them.
p.s intentional spelling errors
There is never enough Titor content here. This is the first time I even seen this patch, and apparently he posted a bunch of images while shitposting in the past.
I couldn't get one of these, its too hot in the summer.
Thats a big dog.
No, but travelling through dense ice sheets and dark waters does, duh.
McCain Visits Mcmurdo Station [back in FUCKING 2006!!!! [in text]:
John Kerry visits Mcmurdo Station [located in top picture caption]
OP's Article shows Mcmurdo station in it's primary picture.
What's interesting is that they parrot the fucking climate change agenda, but in OP's article it's clear that Mcmurdo station in an irregularity due to the volcano, there is no reason to argue climate change.
These politicians are not visiting Antarctica for climate change, they are very interested in something else.
Well that explains why they don't want people using asnasuem in mass. More false data to wade through.
What the fuck are you talking about? Chapter and verse faggot.
inb4 was bait
Where the fuck does the light coming from? They did say they are in a cave right? This is paranormal level shit
(also checked)
My family have a 3 month old dachshund and she only attacks my little brother who keeps annoying her like waking her up too early in the morning, she constantly barks at any rat or mouse that comes inside the house. She sleeps in my sister's bed and then wakes me up in the morning to lift her up into my bed. She's teething right now so it means she might bite one of my family members including me but the bites are very light and are ticklish when she does it to my toes. She's a really brave soul for such a small (and long, of course) stature really.
did you guys miss all the photos in the podesta emails named antarctica_xx.jpg??
Never doubt the Serrano. A man that's able to write so beautiful is a man with a beautiful mind and soul.
that's some nice salt, shill. I hit a sensitive spot didn't I?
checked triples and dubs.
check this webm
I can only hope they realize some Americans (and others) have German blood, and don't count them as "evil" or agree with our having sided against them as enemies.
There are even some here that hope they can help save us from our current economic enslavement.
If they rise from the caverns to bring order to this world, we would welcome them, and offer what assistance we can.
Somebody has got to stop this madness.
Just a quick internet search will get you it.
You don't get to use that line, /x/fag. "Lurk moar" is an acceptable argument when we're dealing with something obvious and well established - like kike control of the media. There are gigabytes worth of infodumps and books on that subject lying around, well referenced and easy to find on Holla Forums. But your schizo bullshit has no evidence, just a bunch of circlejerking spergs who come to Holla Forums, see others rejecting the prevailing media narrative and think it's a carte blanche to pass whatever barbiturate fuelled fantasies you're having right now as fact.
Give me EVIDENCE. Give me a logical path to arrive at your conclusions. Because all I ever see is grandiose statements, references to vague occult shit (that miraculously always twists and turns to fit your narrative) and "alternative physics" with no so much as a whiff of math or empiricism to be found.
no u.
Are there any more?
It require a lot of energy to power it so they might have mastered the fusion or dark matter technlogy so the gravity device don't have to be plugged to the power point. I wouldn't be surprised if they are not the only who successfully mastered the gravity technology.
Adnauseum is a short term solution and is partly owned by a kike. The problem is to get all normies to quit google altogether. Remember when South Korea decided to lay down their tools and kick out their leader? No violence. No fire, they just did by collective stagnation. That would not work in Africa because niggers are destructive. It would also not work in White countries because they refuse to unite. Adnauseum is also great at the same time because if fucks with Google so you're using fire to fight fire. Jew vs Jew (just remember that you get jews and you get joos - do not bite the cohen's who will legitmately protect you against the goldbergs who will destroy you. I know this is Holla Forums but when you've been there you know. Especially when it comes to the Mafia and the state. When you get there, the lines are blurred and you'd be surprised at the messianic jews who wish to be white rather than jewish)
the word dot net. Go find it. Download. Read Enoch from there. Only if you are biblically literate. It's a big pill to swallow. But it relates to Gen. 6 + all burial mounds… Then go read your bible before mocking. Look at every ancient culture and they all abide/align with what the hell is happening. The great falling away (apostaseo is currently taking place)
Look deeper user. The truth does not fear investigation.
Never been a fan of sausage dogs but I have most certainly seen some cute ones. Her behavious is normal, especially if she is teething. Those are needle sharp teeth aren't they? :D I'm happy for you user. Just make sure she has a friend if she's home alone. She'll bring you more joy than you could ever imagine. She's biting because she's teething. That'll stop. You might even pick up a tooth or two if she gnaws on the couch or table. It's like having a child, only it's an adorable new pet. Do not treat her like a pet. Treat her like your treasure. Discipline is important but do not do it in a way that scares the piss out of her or makes her run into corners. Give her lots of love. Don't get angry when she does what dogs do. I.e. Barking, pissing on stuff, making noises for attention. Give her love and attention. Treat her like royalty and give her the best life she could possibly wish for. If she's alone during the day, consider getting her a friend… We know what is is like to be lonely, imagine her mindset as well. Glad she is fitting in fine though.
looking at flat earth maps, antarctica wraps around all the other oceans and continents, rather than being its own island shaped mass. it's like a loop of ice that goes all the way around the world like the crust on a pizza.
they say after the ice, comes with great invisible wall. the firmament. our dome.
It's so beautiful.
From what I can piece together, the tech is based on red mercury with a spin of extreme velocity creating an "electrogravitic" vortex that neutralizes gravity & mass effects. It is based on physics that are not accepted nor recognized by our universities.
It has apparently been discovered in the distant past, prehistory, but is mentioned in the ancient writings of India, such as the Rg Veda, the Maha-bha-rata, the Rama-yana, and the Pura-nas. The devices were called "Vimanas" & are described as also using mercury, not just for flight, but to power the craft.
It looks more and more likely there was an ancient, worldwide civilization on this planet, that was destroyed by some massive cataclysm, and only shreds of its memories remain. It is no secret Hitler was keenly interested in uncovering and examining relics & writings that might be related to this past.
It's possible they rediscovered something.
Is this really unheard of stuff?
Those people, who do not know the difference between "your" and "you're," are banned from Neuschwabenland.
Work on your contractions.
Sorry, I have never heard of these.
They won't accept me anyway because I am not German but it's cool to know that it is real and keep getting more real each day. :-)
Read moar.
Just noticed ferrofluids were invented by Steve Papell of NASA, and,right after that, some Jew named R.E.Rosensweig (and his colleagues, whose names are never mentioned) stepped in to hog all the credit.
Fucking typical.
don't let the shills stop you. they will use every tactic to get you to shy away from it, and shit smear flat earth and anything else that remotely makes any sense. stay strong and do not waver. never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never despair.
Well the shills are evolving to mention some of the words.
The Airforce of Hitler used flat Earth maps.
this is true. the pyramids and ancient structures found all over our earth and under the ocean made with precision better than our lasers can match today, that a hair cannot fit between the stones, all belonged to the same ancient civilization. these are the same people who built the tower of babel. many tongues one voice, as the UN building and their flat earth map flap. they belong to a world wide cult called "the worshippers of imperfection and limitation" which is why they love cheating, and being cheated on. they are cucks by their very nature. they were atlantis. we cannot find atlantis because the entire earth is atlantis and no one place matches the description unless you look at the flat earth map. the north pole was the center of the kingdom, the antarctic ring was the outermost layer. the rivers between the rings of islands were our oceans. atlantis sinking was the great global flood from noahs ark.
Please don't derail this. It's a important thread for the anons. There's a technolgically advanced community down under there.
this sticky will soon become anchored, deleted, bleached. archive so others can read what was missed later. always happens when we talk about this. Always Happens
(nice digits)
Thanks user, she's the only thing that keeps me going in this dying Third World shithole of a nation. We take her out for a walk everyday and she loves hanging out with other dogs especially with her own siblings from where she was bought (there's also this white Bearded Collie that really likes her). My mother has a daily routine where she would go to the local farmer's market and sometimes either me or my sister comes along with her and the poor pupper doesn't like the idea of it, she whimpers and scratches the main door everytime they leave. I sit down on the floor to accompany her saying everything's fine and that they will be coming back home soon. Then she yawns (it sounds really cute) and sleeps in my bed. We're planning to make her into a mother when she's old enough.
Can I ask how believing in a flat Earth is absurd when none of us here have even been to space? Don't tell me you actually believe the shit (((NASA))) presents to us. These are the same people who supposedly "lost" the original moon landing tapes.
give it a chance, really look into it. you will wonder, "how did I not see?"
NOW it's really happening.
Skeptics BTFO, hollowbros are right once again
No there is a possibility of a technologically advanced community down there. No proof just a possibility.
Interesting idea about the tower of babel being built in the center of the earth where all the nations gathered. Mind giving some proof?
If you think the biblical flood is real you have no choice to accept it was just that, a flood of the entire earth. Otherwise we could debate all day and night what different words mean which is a giant fucking waste of time unless absolutely neccessary to understanding eachother. Oh this ontop of it being impossible for the entire world to be atlantis or the palace between the oceans of daniel 11:44 because it will happen again according to said verse
Antarctic Oasis thread turned into flat earther thread
I don't believe in a flat Earth myself. I have a friend who does and he's a really smart one and was obsessed with anything related to space. Now not so much as you can imaging
Anyways he asked me the simple questions
That put the nogging in a jogging for me. It's like how all the data from the moonlanding is suddenly lost and how NASA claims they don't have the tech or knowledge to go about to the moon. Yet they are planning to go to Mars.
So I simply don't know anymore.
Antarctica plays a big role in the whole flat Earth thing so it's not that surprising.
It's almost like they're the same people pushing the same shit ideas or something?
That'd be ridiculous, though.
Thanks for bumping too.
What if the Aussies found the advanced technology then would they share it with the world? I am worried.
Hard to tell user. Anything Antarctica related is like a damn beehive.
The cunt's leaders are fucking kikes so no.
I'm sure that pic related is going to be sending hordes of their citizenry in search of gibs me dats from New Swabia. They better prepare for an onslaught.
Kikes use the women because they are easy to be trick into sharing with the kikes and kikes steall all of the credits.
THIS. Clif High claims the ice in Antarctica will melt and reveal ancient technology.
Also checkout Randell Carlson and Graham Hancock they both believe in past civilisations. Joe Rogan had them on his podcast many times.
If you want to understand the great flood and true ancient global warming check out Joe Rogan pocast #606. His guest is Randall Carlson and he explains everything. Great place to start your research if you're new to this concept.
Well there's no compelling reason to believe in a flat earth. A round orb is a simple and satisfying model. Romans, Greeks, and various other ancients arrived at the same conclusion. The book of Genesis describes the creation of Earth as a round orb (But Christcucks, your semitic religion is bullshit, even a broken clock can be right twice a day). What are the stars and other bodies we see in the night sky? Are the other planets flat too? Is the moon flat? If so do all the planets in the solar system face toward earth? Because if they were flat and turned aside we would definitely be able to see that much through telescopes.
Does mentioning that podcast give you power over what I already know? Do you feel, in charge here? Stop being so hotheaded and crashing this topic with no survivors.
Just go ahead and spend the money up front for Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar from HHC.
Just trust me. You won't regret it. It covers details from nearly all his works, and the translation is wonderful. Worth 100+
OP, I'm pretty sure this has been 'confirmed' for quite some time. Admiral Doenitz confirmed it in writing. Admiral Byrd confirmed it in writing. There's something there. Lake Vostok, this; I would't be surprised if we were about to find something that changed everything.
I already know Antarcticans are manipulating world politics with their advanced technology and their bizarre snake religion. XDDDDDD /a/ was right all along! Centaur's Worries was ghost-written by Jules Verne! XDDDDDDDDD
Every time.
The kike is going mad.
What exactly did Doenitz confirm? What do I google for?
I know about byrds expedition and his warning of enemies who can teavel the world in minutes.
The third picture is supposed to be displaying the purpose of the salute with the right hand while covering the solar plexus with the left hand. The purpose of this, by covering your chakra on your stomach (early, too lazy to look up exact chakra) you are allowing the absorption of Energy, and your salute is projecting your Energy.
Germanic people are enemies? They didn't attack the ANU when they went down there, did they?
This is discussed in depth in Miguel Serrano's book The Golden Thread. There's a pdf I posted on some zippyshare links floating around the esoteric hitlerism thread and a few other places.
Evolve some thicker skin you sad christcuck. Oh, Im sorry, I mean ask sweet baby jesus to bear the burden of your asshurt for you. XD
How big is your nose?
What is a tldr on the esotric hitlirism thread? It sounded like a cult to me so I didn't read it.(yet?)
Why is it always tor posters?
How many caves is there?
And why is yoga bad
They think it protects them. I suppose most IPs shills use have been banned by now.
Damn, i need to go there, i must see with my own eyes.
It's physically impossible for a flood to cover all the landmass on earth at this point, there's not enough water on the planet even if you melted all the glaciers and if you magically added enough water to do the trick the weight of the earth would change massively which in turn would affect it's orbit.
What we DO know is that around 11k years ago, a massive asteroid glanced the earth and caused a mass extinction event. Parts of the asteroid landed in the Atlantic and in the process burned down almost all the great forest in North America while also killing off the majority of the large mammals. Plenty of archaeological finds show a massive layer of ash from this time, as well as entire herds of Mammoths and other large mammals that were killed all at the same time, with broken bones from the pressure of the passing asteroid. And naturally, the heat involved caused a shitton of glaciers from the last ice age to melt, which resulted in huge coastal areas all over the globe being submerged, in all about equivalent to China's landmass today,
Then Gobekli Tepe comes along and proves mankind had very advanced stoneworking techniques 11k years ago, and from the depictions therein, also very advanced astronomical knowledge.
All in all, it's exceedingly likely that we had a global civilization 11k years ago, that was mostly wiped out in the extinction event. Coastal areas that sunk would later be remembered through the Oera Linda, the Greeks, Incas, Abrahamic religions and more as "Atlantis" and spawn the global myths of a lost advanced civilization. The descendants of the Atlanteans then settled down in Europe and Northern Africa.
I will take the bait. You better research though.
Esoteric Hitlerism is essentially the explanation of the same recurring Archetypes throughout history and prehistory. It is an explanation away from the (((Judaism))) they've pushed down your throat. Atlantis… Druids… Celts, the true meaning of the Swastikas, hollow earth, gods and demons, grails, knights templars, Rosicrucians, cathars – all the same Archetypes recurring, such as the Third Reich - Hitler being an avatar of Wotan. Showing the war is a cosmic struggle that never ended. Its the Aryan bible and its been hidden from us for so long. Its also so entertaining. Like fiction for adults, but with end notes.
Personally, I think the impact theory describes the event which caused the Younger Dryas and Robert Schoch is right about a solar outburst being the event which ended the Younger Dryas (possibly combined with more impacts).
It's Hinduism where Hitler is the avatar of Vishnu.
oh thats why its melting…
Not mentioning the Deutsch Drahthaar. Shame on you, user. I have two
There's a very large Hindu element to it, with reincarnation, caste systems, and avatars of deities returning to earth.
To answer most of your questions, flat earthers typically don't believe is space. They believe the Earth is the centre of everything and nothing exists outside of Earth. There is no solar system. The Sun goes around the Earth in a circle, moving further in and then further out to cause the seasons. The Moon, stars and other planets they have no real answer for but since we've never been to any of them (Unless you believe what NASA tells you) they could be anything.
All of the Serrano works can be found in /pdfs/ go get them along with all of the Pol suggested reading lists.
You are wrong. "Note that the Bible talks about mountains rising (in connection with God’s rainbow promise, so after the Flood): see CEN Technical Journal 12(3):312–313, 1998. Everest has marine fossils at its peak. Therefore, the mountains before the Flood are not those of today. There is enough water in the oceans so that, if all the surface features of the earth were evened out, water would cover the earth to a depth of 2.7 km (1.7 miles). This is not enough to cover mountains the height of Everest, but it shows that the pre-Flood mountains could have been several kilometers high and still be covered."
Hinduism, Wotanism, Nordic beliefs. The recurring themes you're talking about are literally the point of the title "The Golden Thread" where the entire theme is trying to explain the Aryan creation of these myths throughout time and space thru the same Archetypes; which is why "Kalki" is supposed to be the next incarnation of Hitler.
What do you think the Swastika is? The Swastika is supposed to be the four caste systems. The center is the axis that doesnt move (the Druids who didn't speak. didn't move. the axis of the earth, the inner earth).
The SS wanted to create a feudal system based of Castes in europe which would have created a spiritual state like system.
Go derail another thread and go buy a telescope retard.
Not mentioning the Deutsch Drahthaar, the ubermensch of dogs. Shame on you, user. I have two
You are a moron if you think that true. Read more you faggot. Stop derailing.
>bible says mountains rise and fall preflood and during
Where in the word does it say that?
What does buying a telescope prove?
Most of that shit is pushed by the same CIAnigger PSYOPS that claimed the Nazis turned jews into shrunken heads and lampshades. It's a bunch of bullshit to make the Nazis look like Satanic Boogie men when it was in fact the (((Globalist))) who are Satan worshippers and they are the ones who take from other religions and turn the symbols into Satanic symbols. Hitler actually locked up these groups he was accused of trying to spread the beliefs of, and it's explained away as "well he WAS crazy haha"
What is a telescope going to do? Prove that there are round things in the sky?
This is beyond fantastic
Praise Kek this timeline just keeps getting better and better
The important question is why didn't they attack them? There is some stories about the attacks from them. Something about the yank navy trying to do something and got attacked by them for some reason.
Daily reminder that Flat Earth is a psyop propagated to make conspiracy theories look more ridiculous by association with nonsense.
Spherical and in space. Not round and not in the sky
Go skydiving irl. That will change your perspective unless you really are a shill. Try it. It's like 150 rectangles to go and they'll film it for you (proper contraction use)!
Black Russian Terriers too, they were bred specifically to guard camps, they are black as night, great guarding instincts, don't shed, generally adaptable and highly intelligent dogs. The Russians did a great thing creating this breed.
t. black russian terrier owner
Caucasian Mountain Dogs are definitely impressive as well, fucking huge
I'm telling you. If Hitler's Brain, mounted onto a bear, flies over in a 1940's style UFO, and burns Israel to the ground on september 23rd, I'll sell all of my worldly possessions and travel to the Antarctic and help Hitler.
Checked mein dude. Got it on your second try , nice
I have a feeling you won't need to worry about selling shit. If you've seen one irl then you know how real they are. I live some distance from skinwalker ranch and have seen strange shit in the skies for fucking years. So have a shitload of normal faggot fuckers too but it isn't "polite" to talk about it. Fuck mormons for that reason alone. But yeah they're real and I'll go help Hitler out any way I can too.
Arawak indians in the caribbean depicted the same thing in carvings and sculptures, what does thw plasma drawing represent?
Have you ever seen a vril vehicle, "materialize" from thin air?
Dark matter appears to evenly distributed within galaxies, meaning its mass density is low over any given small volume of space (i.e. anywhere on earth).
If you were to put a sphere around a solar system, however, it would have a larger density than normal matter. It's just not dense locally relative to something as dense as the earth.
So fusion or good old fission is a more likely bet also known to be real tech.
Yes. Elk hunting up on top of rock creek back in current year 0. I had just stopped on my four wheeler and had pulled out a sandwich to eat. A flash happened in the sunny sky down in the valley below me about five miles away. It caught my eye because it looked like a Cessna had just turned its wings. I had my binocs on my chest and had my elbows rested on the 4wheeler grips and watched the thing dematerielize right in front of me. Not zoom off or disappear but turn clear. Like glass. Exactly like the xfiles remake from a couple summers ago when he gets shown the reproduction craft in the barn. They are real
too evenly*
Keep denying christ all you want. One day you will have to come to the same conclusion as other good people have come. You either deny gods existance and join evil's side or you admit that you are wrong and you stop denying the truth. I wont be there to see your decision but God will see you are either a weak man who had to lie to himself in order to stay sane or he will see a real man who can admit he is wrong and can admit he is inferior to god. But until you can do that you are just another cuck in the eyes of the great god. Deal with it puny human. You have been given a just choice now ots up to you to either cuck yourself further or transcend and become a real man.
El psy kongroo
Reminds me of the alleged Byrd diaries I've read online talking about how some man-like beast came out of the caves and killed the soldiers who died on the original mission down there.
Daily reminder Jesus was a jew and got what he deserved for sedition and treason. Tbh all Jews should be crucified. Worship the juden christcuck goyim
The jews turned on him, read the damn bible.
Best timeline.
Jews got him killed and heed the 's advice.
No, dork. There is light near the cave mouths. From the sun. At the mouth.
Reading comprehension user.
Captcha is being a bitch. Testing. Please ignore.
I know theyre real, thats why i asked specifically that.
Jesus was betrayed by Judas. Who later killed himself and gave back the 30 pieces of silver he had gotten to betray Jesus.
This is a great story about how people will choose to deny the truth even when they have talked and lived with jesus. When the truth hits them in the face they still deny it and try to destroy it because they are evil. Same goes for you it seems. But you all end the same. Unhappy and defeated, youll probably even kill yourself if you become as evil and treacherlus and judas and guess what even that you couldnt do right because you just angered god even more.
This is honestly what makes me laugh the most at people who deny god and the truth. They think somehow their intelligence and knowledge is going to outshine god or his own wrotten word aka the bible. Ive got "news" for you. You wont.
Yep betrayed and all that.
He was still racially a jew and therefore deserves to be dug up and crucified again before his bones are tossed into the oven. All juden deserve to be crucified
Jesus wasn't even a jew by the way. He was Judean.
This seems like something worth looking into. Those flame lines in there seem to have the same parabolic trajectory as the St. Louis Arch, too. There's all kinds of symbols on St. Louis buildings like the courthouses that portray Egyptian glyphs. One has a replica of the Arc of the Covenant on top if I remember right. The St. Louis City Center Hotel also has some really bizarre images, and I know for a fact that there are tunnels from the hotel to the federal building next to it… When you go opening doors, sometimes you find what you're looking for, and you best be ready.
Sage for double post
You suck at spelling user
Also god is real and he is a Frog
fuck your jesus faggot jew to death with a nork gas powered dildo rape machine
Yep checks out totally
for you
Underground city lemuria under mt shasta
Shut up and can we focus on the technology in the savage land.
That's not how it works.
The Earth is not flat. It's an imperfect sphere.
Is there metal or other resources for them to make the technology? There had to be because they rarely left the land.
It depends on who you ask. The comparisons between plasma forms and cave paintings were originally done as part of Immanuel Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision/Earth in Upheaval tradition of Venus-Mars-Saturn being in an alignment with Earth during an earlier era which caused them to be prominent in the sky and interacting with each other electromagnetically (thus the cause of "mythology" relating interactions between gods representative of those planets). This is part of the electric universe theory which relates gravity to electromagnetism among other things such as re-envisioning how everything from comets to tornadoes are understood. The comparisons between plasma generated in laboratories to cave paintings was put forward as an example of the plasma events which would have been visible in the sky due to the interactions between those planets' electromagnetic fields. Additionally, the concept of the cosmic thunderbolt (Zeus' lightning, the vajra of Vedic lore) was explained as a plasma discharge which can be thought of as extra-planetary lightning.
More recently, Robert "Rain erosion is evident in the Sphinx's enclosure" Schoch has been investigating a solar event as both the cause of the end of the Younger Dryas and the cause of plasma phenomena recorded in cave art. This moves the focus from interactions with other planets to solar activity, though both might be possible.
There are no bones of Yeshua, he is a fictional figure created by amalgamating hundreds of years of Semitic (non-Europoid) revolutionaries as revealed by the Dead Sea materials written by the Essene sect hundreds of years before the supposed time of Yeshua which contain references to a martyred son of god and prototypes of parts of the gospels including sermons.
Christianity is a degenerate, false religion crafted by Semites to give justification to the lower castes of foreign cultures to rebel against their traditions and hierarchy for the purpose of subverting other nations and establishing Semitic hegemony. Christianity is responsible for the dissolution of European ethnostates and the destruction of European cultures. All Christcucks are corrupted in spirit by their worship of a fictional Semite and a Semitic tribal deity thus making them all race traitors.
I know there are no bones of that particular heeb. It never even existed.
Also Horus and such , Amen
It's a pear though. I mean an oblate spheroid
Before you spew bullshit, think WWHD
Only the Nazis could ever build such a thing. if the Nazis had won we'd probably be there.
Can we get back on the topic?
That's a more accurate thing to call it.
But the water fills up those low regions… Making it round…
Water has gravity too
Too bad no polar bears in the Antarctic, the right wing death squad animal in the Arctic
All government officials have the Judas complex. Easily bought off by the jewish money printing machine known as the Federal Reserve.
First picture is sort of wrong. The water make it around due to gravity. Without the water then it will look like this.
Ok amazing atheist wannabe edgelord faggotnigger. Way to completely miss the forest through the trees.
Jesus, stripping away all the "Son of God" stuff that triggers you fuckers into sperg rages, was the best, and most successful attempt to "de-Jew" the Jews. And, JUST like they do today, they used the Romans as their golems to kill him. Even Pontius Pilate did pretty much literally everything he could NOT to kill Jesus and honestly thought "Jesus did nothing wrong". However, the Jew priests threatened to foment a huge riot in the city. Pilate would have been fucked because Augustus sent him there specifically to keep those heebs in check.
Jesus basically tried to end Usury (driving the merchants from the temple) to the point that it literally was the only act of violence he ever committed. That was how strongly he felt against it. His parable of "turning the other cheek" was NOT some bullshit hippy nonsense demanding pacifism in the face of your enemy —- it was merely the instruction to let shit go. To get rid of the standard Jew practice of basically harboring a grudge to the point that it destroyed you and everyone around you.
And what are the two hallmarks of Jews we see even today? Those motherfuckers LOVE their Usury. They have used it as a ladder to usurp and destroy civilization wherever they go. To amass wealth. It is the primary means that they use to fuel their trickery.
The other hallmark is paranoid schizophrenia to the point that the kikes harbor grudges almost more than the fucking chinks. Why do you think they still to this day absolutely loathe Jesus and the white man with a palpable rage that we can see in every single fucking red-pill thread that exists? These fuckers are delusional.
Which, funny enough, is the same type of kike rage you see displayed here every time someone mentions Jesus. You fuckers fall all over yourselves in kike rages to post all sorts of stupid nonsense in an attempt to virtue signal to your other dumb fucking basement dwelling NEETs who are such fucking losers they constantly have to find ways to convince themselves that it's not their fault they are losers who can't get laid and have to beat their pud to imaginary foreign cartoon girls —- No, it's the fault of "all those stupid christian chads and stacies out there who are so dumb they believe in a kike on a stick! amirite fellow 1488ers??".
Just fuck right off. You're as bad as the Kikes, if not actual D&C kikes as well. Only a fucking Jew spergs out so goddamn hard at the mention of Jesus.
As an occult autiste, my dick is absolute diamonds right now.
get out with your cianigger spook op. You goon enabled facebook cuck.
Please be real. If the remnants of the NSDAP and hitler were hiding all this time in antartica, possess advanced technology and nuke Israel tomorrow, I will do the Roman salute and help in anyway I can
or the worlds elite is constantly defiling the last preserved corpses of the nsdap.
So the pictures NASA shows are all wrong?
Operation ==high-jump== vindicated
The NatSocs were running building material, scientists, troops, politicians, etc to 'New Swabia' starting in 1939, and all through out the world. They had already staked land the size of Germany in Antartica by 1936.
This means that the missing submarines that escaped from Germany made it to Argentina, and probably ended up at Antartica from there. This explains why Admiral Byrd lost in 1947. They used their saucer technology against the Yanks.
This. One can only wonder why.
It's going to be a /comfy/ Saturday.
Is there a picture of the fortress? I want to see.
Could you explain what those pictures show
Go back to /christian/, race traitor. Worship of a foreign race's false idol is nothing to be endorsed. Yeshua is not a noble figure, he is a fiction created by Semites to bolster a cult of subversive revolutionaries.
The human chakra system seen through the lens of of the thulean mythos, illustrated by Serrano in his book NOS.
Shut up nigger, you are not going to ruin this shed of hope I have that new Swabia is going to liberate us from this hebraic nightmare
I, well, shit. I'm not even a Christian, but Jesus fucking Christ, are you the best money can buy?
I don't currently have those, to be honest, user.
But what I can say is some people postulate it would exist in a subterranean chamber much like the one shown in the archived OP. It makes sense. It would exist only in a place that submarines could enter, and only the German Navy would be privy to. That's the idea at least.
The dub confirmed this to be true.
Yeshua is in fact a Semitic fabrication whose purpose is to get foreigners to worship a Semitic idol, thereby tainting their spirits and enslaving them to Semitic interests. You can fuck off by trying to frame things within the context of "Jews" rather than the more encompassing and more accurate term of Semites. The entire reason you cucks stick to the "Jews" is that this lets you downplay the direct connection between the creators of Yeshua and the Ashkenazim onto whom you try to pin all blame while ignoring that all of the tribes of Israel and the Canaanites of which those tribes are a subset are savage non-Europoids.
And of course, you will ignore the fact that there would be no Semites in our nations nor ruling our nations if not for Christian race traitors who serve their interests and have served their interests since they murdered the traditional leaders of European nations and rebelled against the traditions of their ancestors.
Interesting found, two auxillary-ships with somewhat odd names orion and komet(comet). Both ships reported few months no contact with enemy force. Both operating, but were not seen between new-zealand and tip of south america. Komet was equipped with a specially strengthened bow and a propeller suitable for navigating through ice.
Guess what? You are nothing more than an avatarfag. Smiley is your avatar. He lives inside your head rent free. You're such an enormus fuckup that you have a Schizophrenic B.O. for a tulpa.
Only a Jew would try to D&C people to think Christianity is synonymous with race betrayal. Especially since I never even said I go to church or anything. I simply know history.
Your kike lies were known even to Hitler, you fucking heeb piece of filth. I really going to enjoy watching you do the fucking spastic chicken dance at the end of a rope when the day comes. I'm stocking up on popcorn even now.
How funny when you notice the cohencidence that the hatred Jews have for Jesus is almost identical to the hatred they have for Adolph Hitler. Really makes you think……………
just saying, hopefully I am wrong and people from a long lost time still exist and give us more information that doesn't come from broken or defeated people.
Let me try and fix that
Very interesting.
Good find, user.
The German navy was relatively small compared to other navies used by the other world powers, so ice-breaking ships were fairly valuable.
Your employers need to have better instructional material, you can't help but out yourself as a foreigner to this board.
You tittering emomenoi better not shit this thread up into another christfag d&c. Start your own thread if you want to shitpost like that.
You also can go fuck yourself.
Reminder that no churches have been closed when Hitler was in power. He wanted people to take the good things of Christianity and good things of Paganism. Though a kike would have you believe otherwise. There is a reason why kikes get so triggered about Jesus and it is a good redpill for any Israel supporting fuck.
Hitler double dubs confirm. Also the eyewitness in TGSNT who confirmed that German soldiers immediately re-opened closed churches when they conquered a soviet town. Will bow out as not to fuck up the thread any more. However, I can guarantee you that the kikes will be back to spread their kike lies and subversion.
Every thread is going to be shilled by Christcucks until they are banned.
The commies killed and mass murdered every Christian they could find. The commies where controlled by kikes. All makes sense to me that It's not about the religion itself, it's just about the people seeing Christ a good figure.
It's always you kikes that get triggered like a goddamn baby seeing a nigger. Stop trying to twist it around.
Bitch please Shrila Prabhupada is the real deal, also, INDO-Europeans…. Chekmate.
Daily reminder, Prabhupada laid down the blueprints for the final solution in the Srimad Bagavatam.
It's always Christcucks who bring their lies and twisted histories into threads, necessitating that their posts be countered by the truth. This is why it is obvious that the solution is to ban Christianity from this board. /Christian/ exists as well, meaning that all Christian posting is not only filthy subversion, it is spam not relating to this board.
1. Dive. From the point of diving with half drive, a starboard slant of 10° with a bow load inclination angle of 5°. Distance 188 nm (nautical miles). The allowed depth of 500 meters. (during the driving in the corridor the pressure on the ship’s hull during maneuvers is marginally.)
2. Emerge. Ballast with a stern trim, emerge in an angle of 23° with a portside slant position of 22°. 190 meters upwards. Distance 75,5 nm.
3. Difficult maneuver! Emerge. Ballast with a stern trim, emerging inclination angle of 41° Drive straight forward. 110 meters upwards, distance 21,5 nm. Afterwards a starboard slant position of 8° until you emerge on the surface of the cave. Distance 81 nm.
4. Drive on the surface of the cave with a starboard slant position of 8°. Distance 286 nm.
5., 6 Difficult maneuver! Dive. With a bow load, inclination angle of 45°. Until a depth of 240 meters, distance 60 nm. Afterwards with a portside slant position of 20°,at which the diving until 310 meters until the drive in the corridor is continued. After the mark of 310 meters is the diving to be proceeded with a port load capacity. Diving angle of 7° until 360 meters. Distance 70 nm. Further starboard slant position of 31° until a depth of 380 meters.
7. Dive. Port load, emergence angle of 22°. 199 Meters upwards with a portside slant position of 26°. Distance 43 nm.
8. Emerge. Stern trim. Emergence angle of 45°, always straight forward, until you breach the surface in Agharta. Distance 70 nm.
9. Drive to Agharta. Full speed ahead. Look straight forward, until the new light is put out. Changing of the magnetpoles. The movements of the compass needles and other meters are to be ignored.
(Further instructions are in pakage Nr. 3. Open first when you arrive in Agharta!)
Flight gyro trial status update No. available Number of test flights
Haunebu I available 2 pieces 52 E-IV
Haunebu II available 7 pieces 106 E-IV
Haunebu III available 1 piece 19 E-IV
Vril 1 available 17 pieces 84 (Schumann)
Empfehlung: (recommendation) Speed up from final test and production of “Haunebu II” + “Vril I”
Schematic of the Haunebu I.
Medium heavy armed flight gyro type “Haunebu I”
Diameter: 25 meters
Propulsion: Thule Techyonator 7b
Steering controls: Mag-feld-impulser 4
Velocity: 4800 Kilom.p.Hour (arithmetically until 17000)
Range in flight hours: 18 hours
Armaments: 2 x 8 KSK in Turrets and 4 x Mk 108
External armour: Double Victalen
Crew: 8 men
Space capability: 60%
Hovering capacity: 8 minutes
Flight operation capacity: Day and Night
Fundamental applicability: 60%
Basic front availability not before the end of the year ‘44
Bemerkung (Remark): The SS E IV regards construction plans on Haunebu II to make more sense than to work on both types at the same time. The “Haunebu II” promises decisive improvements in nearly all points. Higher production costs seem justified – especially regarding the Führer special order. Flight gyro concerning.
7. November 1943
SS-Development Department IV
Medium heavy armed flight gyro Type “Haunebu II”
Diameter: 26.3 meter
Propulsion: “Thule” Tachyonator 7c (armoured TT disc 23.1 meters)
Steering controls: Mag-field-impulser 4a
Velocity: 6000 Kilometers p. Hour (arithmetically until around 21000 possible)
Range (in flight hours): approximately 55 hours
Armaments: 6x8 cm KSK in three turrets, one 11 cm KSK in one turret.
External armour: three bulkheads victalen.
Crew: 9 men (transport capacity until 20 persons)
Space capability: 100%
Hovering capacity: 19 minutes
Flight operation capacity: Day and night, weather independent
Fundamental applicability (V7): 85%
Availability “Haunebu II” (With good trial results like V7) from October. The series production around new year’s eve 1943/44, however without the improved Power Beam Canon. (KSK Kraft Strahl Kanone) “Donar KSK IIIV”, whose front availability will not be assumed before early summer 1944.
From the Fuehrer demanded hundred percent operational readiness around cannot be expected though before the end of the next year. First from about Series 9.
Heavy armed flight gyro “Haunebu III”
Diameter: 71 meters
Propulsion: Thule Tachyonator 7c plus Schumann-Levitators (armoured)
Steering controls: Mag-field-Impulser 4a
Velocity: around 7000 Kilom. p. hour. (arithmetically until 40000)
Range (in flight time): around 8 weeks (with S-L Flying 40% more)
Armaments: 4 x 11 cm KSK in rotary turrets (3 below, 1 on top) 10 x 8 cm KSK
In rotary rings plus 6 x Mk 108, 8 x 3 cm KSK remote controlled.
External armour: three bulkheads victalen
Crew: 32 men (transport capacity max. 70 persons)
Space capacity: 100%
Hovering capacity: 25 minutes
Flight operation capacity: weather independent day and night
Fundamental applicability: around 1945
Remark: SS-E-IV holds the necessary note, that the “Haunebu III”
Is a great work of German technology in development, because of the
situation of materials all work should be focused on building the available Haunebu II.
Together with the light flight gyros “Vril” of the Schumann Group we could surely fulfil the
Demands of the Fuehrer on time.
no, retard
To be fair there is something seriously wrong with nasa pictures, I have little doubt there is a serious Psy-Ops campaign about satellite imaging (like how Iran and Turkey are greener than most of Texas but somehow look like Saudi Arabia. And how green north Africa looks despite being certainly just as dry…), it's probably like "how by shaping the perception of the world you shape the political opinion of the people" or something. Which would be exactly the kind of shit that Psy-Ops do.
The flat-earther thing is most likely the counter-fire to that op, to drown in non-sense the fact that yeah there is something weird going on with earth photos.
Gingrich went down there as well. There are rumors of Onigger sneaking down there while he was in Patagonia and Trump going down there before the inauguration too. (I have no solid proofs for the Trump visit, I could have been being meme'd on)
Andromeda Device
E-V 2. Dec. 44
Armed carrier and long distance spaceship “Andromeda-Device”
Length: 139 meters
Diameter: 30 meters (in the center, computed)
Propulsion: 4 x Thule-tachyonators ||, 4 x Schumann-Levitators (armoured)
Steering controls: Mag-field-impulser 4b
Velocity: unknown, theoretically it should be possible to reach 300000
kilometers per second.
Range: unknown, theoretically unlimited
2 x rotary turrets m. 2 x 2 x 11 cm KSK
1 x rotary turret m. 1 x 1 x 11 cm KSK
2 x rotary turrets m. 2 x 3 x 7 cm KSK
4 x R100
External armour: unknown, probably three times victalen like in the Haunubu III
Crew: 130 men
Space capability: 100%
Hovering capacity: unknown, probably 25 minutes like the Haunebu III
Flight operation capacity: unknown, probably like the Haunebu III,
weather independent, day and night.
Fundamental applicability: unknown, but probably was planned for 1945/46
Dinghies: 1 x Haunebu II, 2 x Vril-1, 2 x Vril-2
Can you be anymore of a kike?
Self bump whit related Videos
Embeded - Prabhupada's Laws Of Morality Our Only Protection From The Jew World Order
forgot to embed my video
Prabhupada's Laws Of Morality Our Only Protection From The Jew World Order - 240 views
You got a lat/lon for that image?
fyi ferrofluids are magnetic but arent magnets.
You Christcucks make no sense, you are the ones who worship a Semitic idol and a Semitic tribal deity. You are kikes in spirit whose every effort is supported by lies and serves only to bolster the Semitic hegemony under which we live.
Anyone who wants the "D&C" (a false concept in this case, as Christcucks are already conquered to their very cores and thus to unite with them is to also become conquered whereas dividing from them is the only path to a European future), derailing, and shitposting to stop must conclude that Christianity should be banned. All Christian posts are nothing more than shitposts containing lies and supporting the enemy, there would be no need for anti-Christian posts if not for such shitposts being made.
I believe there are portals hidden beneath the earth that lead to other timelines. Nazis may have found one such portal beneath Antarctica. Of course ancient cavemen would not have understood how inderdimensional gateways worked and would have believed there was another Earth inside the Earth. There definitely are extensive systems of caverns and tunnels though for sure. Makes most sense for advanced civilisations to place the portals somewhere where they won't be affected by cataclysmic events. The energy it would take to maintain one such gate would be immense, so they can't just place gates here and there willy nilly, to travel to a certain world one might have to traverse several gateways across several worlds and they would have to carefully hidden so enemy factions can't use them. There's probably a war going on spanning many timelines, many worlds. This one is clearly dominated by the enemy for now, not for long. If Trump manages to unfuck America it could shift the balance of power just enough for our allies from other dimensions to begin the invasion of middle earth. Our world is an important crossroads neither side wants or can destroy, for it links many worlds together. Both factions need it
The Reich are the Eagles for LOTR. They will emerge at the last hour to deliver us victory.
negative at one point google airbrushed it out then in the update it was back, its located in antarctica
stop derailing
Look at it again. If water filled the lower regions, that's where seas would be, and the higher regions would be land. Yet the actual continents have no correlation with the actual shape of the earth.
I've seen people doing this lately has Holla Forums been struck by a bolt of autism?
co-ordinates for uboat initial entrance
Except that his use of "your" in that case is correct. You are banned.
What does it mean if you saw three of them at once? My parents and younger sibling saw them too…
Who /comfy/?
Nothing ever happens in September, they said. Go back to /fringe/, they said.
same experience here was young child in van with older sister and grandmother as we go up this hill and crest it there one is watching us and matching our speed of course back then we all yelled ufo and didnt know anything about hanebul or vril, it was also a full moon
Guess again, faggot
I think it is more correct to say that such things are areas where the boundaries between planes are less defined, allowing traversal in an astral form by which one visits the Earth's astral body rather than an internal physical space. Such areas seem to be linked to anomalies in the Earth's EM field.
This is the route according to the instructions.
O shit.
Calling shotgun on the nazi UFO.
checked and saved, good job
Fun fact: went down about two weeks ago.
Sounds like the "Giant of Kandahar". Can you post a link?
People who have seen UFOs should read Jacques Vallée's Messengers of Deception and John Keel's Operation Trojan Horse. UFOs are almost certainly of nonhuman origin, and their operators are actively encouraging irrational thought. Why they do this is unknown, but they've been doing it for millennia.
I would love to believe that a surviving enclave of Germanics are hiding deep beneath the earth and will at any time save us from the Jews and colored hordes, but the hard evidence for it is practically nil. Faith in this idea inspires inaction.
Reminder that /fringe/ was making Ancient Alien threads until they were corrected on Holla Forums.
Esoterics is almost 99% degeneracy and on Holla Forums the converstations are totally dominated by Smiley
That last 1% is like Karl Jung or actual research like the ancient Aryan threads…. something Smiley and /fringe/ fought to destroy when they first appeared.
checked trips o truth confirm Adm. Byrd witnessed it
"Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd was an American polar aviator and explorer. He was a highly decorated military officer and the recipient of the Medal of Honour. He commanded the battlegroup during Operation High Jump in the South Pole. According to his diaries he flew inside the Earth and met with the Imperial Germans inside the Earth. The Imperial Germans made it very clear that the Americans were not welcomed there and that they do not wanted war with them. But then the Americans were brainwashed to totally annihilate any German presence in Germany and outside of Germany. So the Americans tried wiping out the Imperial Germans in Antarctica but they did not succeed. They tried in 1947 with Operation Highjump to remove the German presence by force but they met with a very powerful Haunebu, Vril and Andromeda Devices Fleet and hat to withdraw. In 1957-58 the Americans detonated three nuclear bombs in Antarctica to try to destroy the Imperial German base but they failed again. "
"There is a hidden war going on. All the nations that are still free will be destroyed by the Zionist controlled forces and at the same time they are fighting the Imperial German UFOs that are out there. This hidden war has been going on to this day, that is why they Zionist controlled Western Democracies are all still being brainwashed with Anti German Propaganda to this day. For a possible continuation of the war if the Imperial Germans from the Inner Earth would ever decide to return and liberate their homeland the war would be ignited in an instant. Just image Waffen SS troops landing in our countries how would the people react? Or the militaries of the world? One day the Imperial Germans will have to intervene when the Zionists Banksters orchestrate World War 3 to implement their One World Order. "
I don't even believe in Christ. But I'm not for banning people wanted to discuss it. Religion is political as well. You're the kike getting triggered about Jesus Christ, not me.
Still on
Shit, nigger, those Imperial Germans are coming soon.
No one wants to discuss it, Christcucks post nothing more than falsehoods while the rest of us already have the truth. There is nothing to discuss. Anyone admitting to being a Semite or promoting Zionism gets banned, yet the Semite worshipers who promote a Zionist religion are not. It is a failure in moderation that Christianity is not relegated to the /christian/ board of race traitors.
This is a perfect example of a /fringe/ post. All knowledgeable and complicated, references ancient groups, and then it adds up to nothing. Zero.
The answer is nothing but larping and there is no information. Just, "oooh if you are initiated, but most are unworthy and unready!" It's a fucking cancer on Holla Forums and always has been.
If you don't have anything REAL to say about the topic, don't start shilling your fucking books and hidden secrets that you wont talk about!
It seems like every single time we try to have a discussion of anything even remotely esoteric, you show up and post pictures of this mop-haired failure without a shirt or dressed as a girl, is there something you'd like to tell us?
Fuck off already. This is getting REALLY obvious.
The so-called "esoteric" is by definition very hard to communicate by speech alone. And yes, you have to read books. Hard books, and not only skim, but really study them. Only a small minority is cut out for it, the rest should focus on other endeavours.
Sure kike.
Of course I'm going to repeat myself, there is no reason to deviate from the truth.
If you don't have anything REAL to say about the topic, don't start shilling hidden secrets and sects and pretending to know things you don't!
Don't start with your /fringe/ bullshit.
Don't start talking about fucking space lizards
Don't start talking about vril magic unless you can show us and zap Soros.
Don't start talking about how you know more than everyone else and suggesting books that aren't going to give anyone magical powers.
This larping needs to stop. This is a good topic but it's already gone off into fucking Aliens and Middle Earth hidden Nazis. Show some proof/hard information or STFU!
"Got what he deserved…"
I have ONLY ever heard kikes have the retardation to say that. Please go succumb to one of your inbred Ashkenazi related diseases and die a slow horrible death writhing in agony so you can go to hell and writhe in worse agony for eternity with no end in sight.
This is in referrence to you too, neckbeard. You stupid larping piece of shit
Throwing insults like you do isn't the truth kike.
Deros Creatures
You're right. He shouldn't have been crucified -
gas yourself with carbon monoxide you heeb faggot
possible thread of interest about nazi UFOs and hollowearth
Serrano talks wildly in Golden Thread if mt Elbruz in Russia.
Coincidence… Yet another.
Storms approach.
Only kikes like you can get mad at one person. If it aint Hitler is has to be Christ. You're so fucking obvious. It's funny how one man after 2000 years can still piss off kikes like you.
stop replying to d&c shills retard, you're basically giving them fuel to continue with their florid tactics
I want his blood pressure to rise, that's all.
And shills like yourself post nothing but vague illusions to supposed misinformation in order to get Christianity seperated from Holla Forums. How obvious does it need to get to see that you people are shills? Keep trying, I welcome it.
The apostles were crucified for teaching the Gentiles, and the Gentiles were even stated as being the future priests because Israel and Judea had lost it's way. This "semitic" book states Gentiles would be the ones to teach others about Christs crucifixion and his return. These people calling themselves Judean today who the Bible says are not Judean are a corrupted and inbred group used by Satan to spread the NWO(predicted by the Bible) through the financial system(predicted by the Bible) through Usury (predicted by the Bible) run by Mystery Babylon (aka modern day Jerusalem and also predicted by the Bible).
So kindly fuck off and die.
You are the one whose posts consist entirely of insults and zero actual refutation. I call Christcucks such because I also explain how they are spiritual degenerates who have been duped by a false, foreign religion responsible for the destabilization of European ethnostates and the destruction of European cultures. Your only response is to call me a kike, because you cannot dispute the truth.
Buddy I am so far from mad it's not even funny.
You are a kike I'm just calling you for what you are. Do you PTSD flashbacks when you see images of Jesus too like the rest of you kikes
Nice file names, kike.
Vlad Tepes a great Christian known for his "tolerance" impaled your kind. You can't even insult without stealing from Christianity.
Like I said, you have nothing but insults because there is no support for your false beliefs.
Checked. Yep mobile posting from the road. I'll neck myself tonight
Although the dubs in both suggest Kek approves
"It's not even funny"
Angry people tend to use clunky and goofy phrases that don't fit like you just did there nigger.
(((Christianity))) is totally not Satanic goy
Fill this thread and we'll just make #2 faggots.
Trying to play language police while saging a sticky.
Im down, this is pretty interesting stuff.
Report, hide and move on with the """"""""funposters"""""""" that want to derail by means of off-topic provocations.
September 24th is german election
Woman=europe always depicted as a woman
Clothed with the sun=return to god or swastika (symbolizing the sun)nationalism
Crowned by 12 stars=eu flag
Moon at her feet=muslims possibly muslims btfo
Giving birth=gaining new strength
Crying in pain=all the bullshit going on right now
as above, so below
will the antarctic nazis broes come back on september 23/24th?
That didn't seem clunky at all to me.
I was raised Mormon right here in the Rocky Mountains. Learned of the lies of that false religion then redpilled myself on other religions too. They're all wrong. All of them. Christcucks juden mohamidians all of it is man made bull shit. I'm as white as they come and still live in my little hometown and am very public about not being affiliated at all.
Pagan volkisch vril thule Ogdoad atlantean Hyperborean whatever the fuck you want to call it is as close to real as it gets. This thread is about a kick ass discovery that lends a lot of credence to Nazis escaping and conquering earth from Antarctica
The entire thread is full of /fringe/ larping and crazy talk about aliens you fucking mong. Also you can't D/C and religion created to destroy your race.
If you follow Cliff High then you would have to conclude that the NWO defeated the Germans down there and that is why there is so much chatter about Antarctica. The corporations would not move in unless they were safe.
Hourly reminder to ID+ filter all the d&c shills trying to derail this thread
Thank you for clearing that up, FBI agent Carl. How is your morning coffee?
War is hell. Hell is where you will go. Christianity is Satanic now? How does that make sense? Wait I thought it was cucked? Now it's evil? No it teaches pacifism, no it's genocidal- NO WAIT
Don't feed them (You)'s, faggots.
FBI agents don't want to turn 'racist' white pagan NatSoc Stoic athiests into Jew worshipers?
Ok what the fuck went to plebbit to pick up some links off r/antarcticanomalies and the subplebbt doesn't exist anymore. It had a shit ton of links.
So I die and go to war? Cool, praise Odin!
They invented Satan
Yeah, sounds a lot like Communism doesn't it.
Don't know about the Bureau, but (((they))) definitely and absolutely do not want Christianity and White Nationalism to come together. Laugh about Christian Identity all you want, it's their nightmare scenario, because it would fuse the strongest religious conviction in the US with the most ethno-subversive one.
does anybody have the screenshot of the magical adventures of barron trump where "Don" introduces him and they go to russia to journey to the hollow earth?
checked the double dubs
that's a gravity map, measuring the small differences in gravity across the earth's surface, you misinformation sowing faggot.
Nice trips, but Godless men do not belong here.
Excellent point about NASA of course and something I pondered a couple times as well. Simply put though it doesn't matter. Kikes lying about shit on the other side of existence holds no bearing for us, at least in this time frame.
Although of course it also pays to bear in mind that 90% of the time they're completely guessing and/or making shit up to begin with. Only shit we're kinda getting close to being able to do hundreds of years down the line that is is actually knowing what's in our solar system
>(((they))) definitely and absolutely do not want Christianity and White Nationalism to come together. Laugh about Christian Identity all you want, it's their nightmare scenario
You know why it's laughable? Because you're talking about 3000 people or so compared to 3 billion Christians who are mostly non-white.
And you know what! Jews ALWAYS found a way to dominated anti-jew Christians in the end. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Jew worship is mind control, user. Free yourself from brainwashing and take up arms against the Jew World Order.
Well I do feel bad you were born into a Mormon household. My family was actually not religious in the slightest and my Father became catholic way later in life to only marry my stepmother. Listen, people can believe what they want about Religion but seriously if one comes and attacks Christianity despite its well documented history of 2000 years in calling out the Synagogue of Satan then of course we are going to clear up the lies. We don't evangelize on the board, we defend Christs name like we also defend innocent men from the lies of the kike such as Hitler.
Come on now.
Report, hide and get back on topic.
that's not the actual shape you dumb nigger
I don't have an opinion on all that flat vs round stuff, but please don't cite NASA. They're proven liars and cannot be trusted on anything.
Precisely - that's exactly the point. They do NOT want to aument that number, because fusing ethno-nationalism with the strength of religion is a very scary scenario for them. Perhaps in Europe it's different, but in the context of the 'States CI is very, very dangerous, and that's why Anti-Christianity gets shilled so hard here, and anti-Holla Forums stuff on /christian/.
So you admit Jews killed (not "dominated" but you had to say that otherwise you would expose the truth) Christians because of their anti Jew sentiments and the fact it was ONLY Christians for over a thousand years that knew the truth about the Jew? And they dominated so bad they got kicked out 100+ times effectively keeping them out of Europe allowing whites to rule the entirety of the Earth until they snuck back in through increasingly atheistic and money grubbing Italy.
Oh some other fag posted more of them, you beat me to correcting this retarded shit.
Don't feel too bad for me big guy , family was the all encompassing meme for me growing up and I am so eternally grateful for it. The nuclear family and tree of life hermetic way is how my wife and I are raising our sons. Choice and accountability , responsibility and consequence etc
The esoteric has always appealed to me. Growing up all the leaders told me to do my own research and come to my own conclusions. Here I am. Praise Kek , gas all jews race war now. Raise up your aryan goddess wives and children
Clif High made a Web Bot in the 90s that sweeps the internet and he reports on what he finds every month. Usually based on what's being talked about on the internet and in the news you can get a pretty good idea of what's in store next.
Embedded is an interview with him from January where he says Antarctica news is going to becoming out this year.
In another interview a few weeks ago he was talking about Antarctica news coming soon.
Kek'd and checked.
Skydiving is a great way to do it though, or hire a private plane. Similar price, private plane you can do what you want though.
Lucky! Totally get what you mean with the glinting though, yet only saw rapid appear/disappear then streak, then fly off faster than a bullet at right angles once, also saw a brilliant blue-white one last month, most other craft I remember in rest of life have been plasma type, often more orange.
Will be Heiling the next one, usually forget but been practising ^__~
trained observer so pretty damn sure of what I see
Definitely something to this.
There are caves we have not found the end of yet… enough said.
Much /comfy/ this month. All this shit and even personal business stuff coming together at once, it's just a coincidence to us bad goys..
Oh, so now anyone who believes in a God is now a under Jewish mind control? Good job kike, keep filling the tread.
Jesus taught in the synagogues, was called Rabbi in the bible, and Satan wasn't a character until after he died. Satan is a Aramaic word meaning advesary and lots of groups and individuals and gods were called satan (advesary).
Jesus was a Rabbi fighting other rabbis over their Jewish converts and church. He called the the advesary church.
See Christianity is mind control so they can adapt to anything you say. If you hate Jews, they tell you the Jews are white and these Jews you hate worship Satan, just like pagans and philosophers and people who believe in evolution do without knowing it. See how that works? The Jew just slipped out of your mind like a wiggly worm.
And that's why Jews and pedo-priests have been destroying paganism and NatSoc type goverment for 1500 years in the name of Christ.
They are pro-Jew. They worship their ancestors and tell thier children that God is a Rabbi
Cicero called out the Jews. He was a Stoic. If not for Christians Jews would of died out as a cult.
Because Jews took over their fucking goverments
Christians race mixed and created Spics and African Americans
They snuck in? They were in the church. They just convert. It's the same God. They just convert to subvert.
Race mixing is degenerate.
God is a Germanic word for Godin. If you worship Godin or Odin then no.
But you worship YHWH and Jewsus. Stop calling YHWH GODin!
Bright fucking amber orange color ones I've seen probably a dozen times. I know exactly the color of orange you're talking about
You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. I've been to Provo and it is like user-heaven. In Provo it is nothing but 20 year old men walking around with their blonde haired, attractive 19 year old wife pushing a stroller.
Meh, I don't see how imitating poo-in-loo pajeets would be helpful.
Wait, this is a sticky? I thought it was a slide thread propped up by flat earthers. What's going on?
This. Most byu guys are 6' plus and all 11/10 hot gfs and wives. Also the birth rate for whites is one of the highest in the nation. And it's not just Provo , it's from Idaho all the way down to cedar city is just like that.
I really don't know what else there is to say about this topic. This news doesn't really change anything or provide us new avenues for discussing something that has been a regular topic here for years. Unless we're going to start organizing an Antarctic expedition, we're stuck with reposting the same Antarctic National Socialist base thread as happens every few weeks.
The bounds of the "Kentucky" cave system isn't known and some speculation asserts that it is ultimately connected to a pan-American, perhaps even continental network. There are also rumors of underground features connected with locations such as Mt. Shasta, which is considered one of the window areas. It truly would be amazing what could be accomplished if resources could be drawn together to investigate the possibilities which are a bit more accessible than Antarctica.
Time to post less and lurk moar
It's a science thread. But we can't have those because Holla Forums is full of Christians and /fringe/ shitposting about Jewish god demons and fucking aliens and magick.
Fuck off back to whatever shithole you climbed out of.
No wonder the greenland ice cap is melting, its always daytime there. God flat earthers are so fucking stupid holy shit.
Everything you said is bullshit. Literally none of that if sourced and checked will be found as the truth.
If paganism is so weak that it's been destroyed by a bunch of jews, it deserved to died.
A TOR poster started off with anti Christian bullshit and weak minded ones helped out. Don't come to the aid of TORfaggots and it probably won't happen.
haven't seen them derail a thread this hard in awhile
are you implying science isnt magick?
You are currently discussing it so it clearly has not been destroyed.
Watch as the Christcuck abandons truth for power, the mark of falling from the nobility of Europeans to the savagery of Semites. This is a sign of the treasonous spirit which infects those who worship a Semitic idol and a Semitic tribal deity.
I've been in those Caverns. Some people estimate they connect all the way down to Alabama. Who knows what could be down there.
100% true and easy to source. If you're sources are some degenerate christian cult "scholars" then they're try to twist the brainwashing again but it's all basic knoweldge. Just pick up the bible and research the term satan and when it appears. And you will see Jesus called Rabbi and teaching in synagouges
Well it's good to see another race traitor come out of the closet instead of being a fake (((Christian))) white nationalist. But traditional European beliefs died the same way Nationalism has died, because they're the same thing - tied to blood and soil. Christianity = Communism.
I'm implying science is real and you don't even know what the word magic means or why we use it because you're a degenerate larping Crowly level plebian
Mage, Magic, Magick = Zoroastrianism. That's a hint for you.
Let's not forget this news clip from 8 months ago that everyone has already forgotten about. Gravity anomaly buried beneath the ice. I guess now we have a way to get to it.
Fuck you niggers. We're going to worry about religion after the revolution not before. Unless we're all drinking redbull and eating tendies in the ethnostate we're going to praise Kek.
filtered & reported
Religion is the revolution you fucking dipshit. We're in a spiritual war. We're not fighting against Nukes and swords.
Talking about a corpse doesn't make it alive again.
The Gauls were faggots and prostrating themselves to Romans while their woman fucked anyone they wanted and until these pagan human sacrificing Idol worshiping heathens finally got converted they weren't doing anything except allowing the Saracens to get stronger as Rome weakened. The Europeans under Christianity kicked out kebab, kikes, and spirit cookers along with colonizing the entire World.
Odin was RIGHT.
Holy fuck! The insane cognitive dissident of Jew slaves!
If we weren't discussing a belief system your analogy might have been poignant. Too bad.
To do what, though? Curvature is imperceptible even at commercial liner cruising heights. Only at about 29km it's becoming visible, according to military pilots.
Join the the conspiracy discord server about origins of UFOs,ayy lmaos, hollow earth entrances in antartica, vril esotorica and much more! Discord /PuCAFSS
Restoration, not revolution. Revolution is the process we are trying to reverse, a process begun by Christian race traitors. There will be no beginning to the restoration until that subversive ideology has been removed from our cultures. Semites will be empowered for as long as there are those who worship a Semitic idol and a Semitic tribal deity.
Europeans colonized the entire world at least twice before Semites were even civilized (which happened due to Europoid colonization following the Younger Dryas) enough to begin their Abrahamic tradition. Under Christianity, the world is enslaved to a Semitic hegemony. You are defending the power of the enemy by defaming our ancestors. You are a race traitor corrupted in spirit.
hey schlomo this thread isnt about religion
if anyone wandered off the surface and found the inner earth why would they ever leave
Thou shalt not divide the racial struggle with your religious bullshit. Our race is our nation, religion, and cause.
Christianity = Communism
That is the most retarded thing I have ever seen an obvious shill try to push out there. Wow. Are you the same guy from this morning who got exposed? You just kys with that one.
InB4 pic related.
I 100% agree. And you should be ashamed for copulating with people who worship a foreign race's ancestors and god. Just like copulating with Communists!
Pics saved though.
WTF are you talking about? Christianity has always been known as proto-Communism. Communism is Christianity without a god. It's the EXACT same belief.
Modern day Indians (Some, not all) are part descendants of Aryans too. Now, you have to think within the frame of ancient human history Earth, and further back beyond that. Those people who inhabited that area of land were genetically less fragmented as we are today. They were the Aryans. Cataclysm and the fragmentation of their genetics over time caused those people to collapse. They left behind pieces of their philosophical blueprints which became the foundation of ancient Indian culture. It's like we're children of Aryans trying to collect the shards of our past for reconstruction and rebirth.
Take that up with the Christcucks who must continue to spread their lies and the moderation who fail to step in to cleanse such filth. There would be no need to continually post the truth if lies did not exist.
Christians work toward a globalist theocracy without national borders, they worship another race as manifest in the myth of a Semitic messiah, and their cause is the dissolution of European cultures and nations. They have divided themselves from the racial struggle through their adherence to an ideology of treason.
consider suicide
However, it sure seems like Maria Orsic is back from Aldebaran, looking as young as ever. Is it possible that Vril Power is able to “bend time” by traveling through a dimensional “(worm)hole”, like van Helsing suggests, and thus bring the passenger back in the same age (or younger) than he/she was when they left?
Early on, while I was researching, a certain girl, code name “Sully” was presented to me as the “Vril girl”. No other name. Then, by “accident” on the Internet I looked at photos of Maria Orsic, whom no one had mentioned to me at that point and I did not know about her from previous research. So let me tell you how this developed.
In an article (Viktor Schauberger - The UFOs of Nazi Germany), totally unrelated to my research, this picture is published:
Does anyone know the REAL NWO cards and how to tell if the new ones are new/fake?
That's an old Chinese curse, "may you live in interesting times". kek
forgot my fucking text
The picture with the spacecraft is from the Vril Society and was taken in 1944. The girl’s name in this picture, I found out, is Maria Orsitsch (Orsic).
Now compare the two photos and we can definitely see the similarities. Are these two girls the same person? If so, she hasn’t aged! These pictures are at least 65 years apart.
I'm not a shill. I'm trying to save your Aryan soul
Get in!
This following information comes directly from a Thule Insider.
In 1939, Captain Alfred Ritscher of Nazi Germany found the Antarctica entrance into the Inner Earth. He also found the “ILAT-LITUM” plates in a sarcophagus on the coast of Neuschwabenland. In the sarcophagus were still a number of technical devices and instructions that now became available to the Vril Society. The “ILAT-LITUM” was divided into several engraved metal plates or tablets, brought to Berlin and decoded into German by some experts from the Orient. When the plates were found, no one could read them, because they were in Sumerian/Akkadian.
This is what the Thule member told me when I asked what ILAT-LITUM is (this email excerpt is translated from German):
This book was written for those who were left behind on the planet KI, which we now call Earth. It shows us the history of the gods since their arrival, the war with the Reptoids, the emergence of new types and species, the advancement of the DNA and more…
The book was also mentioning the signs that will show for the return of the Gods. It is the story of ourselves and all our deeds. The book was not completely handed over to a human. Only with “Vril-Odin’s” departure a full translation was given.
Vril-Odin is used to navigate in a timeless space (hyper-space), as well as to assess the upcoming events. Therefore, it would be very dangerous if it gets into the wrong hands… Only when we all understand that we are children of the gods, there will be peace and the divine plan is closed for another eon.
ILAT-LITUM contains accurate information on the landing of the Anunnaki Gods on Earth and the fight with the Reptoids. Inside the sarcophagus were also instructions how to build the “Vril-Odin” space craft. The “Vril-Odin” was built per the instructions and was up and flying in the fall of 1944. On board the craft was Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler. The destination of the flight of Vril-Odin was Sumi-An in the Aldebaran solar system.
According to the Thule insider, all subsequent appearances of Hitler were done by his doubles. The corpse in the bunker was the body of a double as well. The secret recordings of Hitler on this subject were passed to the Vatican by a Bishop Bremer and these archives are supposed to be opened up in 2012.
Captain Ritscher, when he made his expedtion, followed the instructions from the Vril Society and channeled information, mainly from the Vril Society’s own medium, Sigrun. This means that Ritscher did not find the sarcophagus by accident but was following channeled instructions.
We know that Maria Orsic received channeled information regarding the Tablets already in 1919-1924 but wasn’t able to decode and interpret it, because it was in Sumerian/Akkadian.
We need to remember that the technology known to common people is at least a hundred years up to thousands of years behind the technology used in secret. Moon bases have long been established, and you don’t use a slow and unsafe space shuttle to move between planets in our solar system. The Vril power has a lot to do with space technology and how to travel outside this planet. The “disc” that the Anunnaki God are talking about in ILAT-LITUM, which they are rotating (or spinning) is from my understanding a Vril machine.
Area 51, by the way, is a cover. The real base is in a mountain in Utah. When a craft is taken into space, it leaves from Utah to Antarctica and then exita the atmosphere from there.
There is apparently a lot of UFO and underground activity in Utah. There are lots of witnesses, many are Mormons and former Mormons, who say that there is a network of underground tunnels beneath Salt Lake City and some of these people have seen reptilian beings there as well.
Interestingly enough, shortly after I published this book on June 17 2009, UFO sightings have increased in numbers rapidly.
>>>/pdfs/426 has most of Serrano's work. There are also links in the Esoteric Hitlerism thread.
It's been hinted through Serrano's network that they may be waiting for a cataclysm to occur, before they make their move.
Esoteric threads are mindless shitposting threads. The confirmation bias of them are far greater than anything remotely scientific.
They are not exactly cancer, but they may pervert any actual discovery of knowledge. Hermetic knowledge should be macroscopic metaphors at most. Real knowledge needs scientific or thoroughly explained justification.
The commies laugh at this shit for a reason.
There's networks of tunnels in almost every industrial city - the strange thing is not that they were built between WW2 and the Cold War but that they are relatively secret and seem to connect with natural passages and caverns.
For example, I used to live up north in a cold part of the country and learned a lot of these locations from homeless folk. They say there's legends about these tunnel systems - there's even literal underground railways that start in industrial areas and terminate in the middle of the woods (usually near major switching spots and old industrial operations). New York City is built on top of entire networks that they no longer use.
One spot, my dad's friend used to own, was at a small train station in bumfuck nowhere. It's just a small train station for a rural industrial town past it's time but you open this door and you are met with a passage that looks like it leads to the basement.
It leads to the basement, of course, but the basement is framed off a huge cavern with clear, clean running water behind another door. You cannot see how deep it is, you cannot see the other sides, there are other rooms and passages off to the sides but they haven't been used in decades. Old bomb shelter, they found the cavern when building it apparently.
Rumors from the homeless say it's bad, not to go 'down there' on certain days (satanic holidays), drug haven, arms dealers paradise, people go missing, etc. All of them seem to agree that it's better left alone. I haven't been back to that town in 10 years or so.
It's fascinating stuff - the underground always will be interesting. The archetype of people who are drawn to the unknown, the unexplored, the forgotten, etc is just as interesting and seems to be drawn to places like the chans. The spelunking threads on 4/x/ back in the mid-late 2000s were something else.
tl;dr: there's networks of caves everywhere and if you dig you might find some cool shit in your own town
Much has been said about the Hollow Earth. Books have been written about it, a lot of Internet sites cover it and some of it is good research, some of it is not. It is an important part of our story, because due to both the Thule and Vril Societies (and other secret societies as well) there is a Nation of Beings inside Earth. This Nation is called Agartha or Agarthi (both variants are used interchangeably — there are other spellings as well). and their Capital is Shambala (or Shamballah). I will just touch briefly on it here.
I am going to quote Jan van Helsing from his well researched book: Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century again and this time when comes to explaining what Agarthi/Agartha is, because his research confirms to some extent what members from Thule have told me, but is still just a part of the story"
ULTIMA THULE” apparently was the capital city of the first continent peopled by Aryans. This was called HYPERBOREA and was older than Lemuria and Atlantis (continents with advanced cultures since submerged). The Scandinavians have a tale of “Ultima Thule”, the wonderful land in the high North, where the sun never sets and the ancestors of the Aryan race dwell.
Hyperborea was up in the North Sea and sank during an ice age. It is assumed that the Hyperboreans came from the solar system Alderbaran which is the main star in the constellation Taurus, and that they were about four meters tall, white, blond and blue-eyed.
They knew no war and were vegetarians (so was Hitler). According to alleged Thule texts they were technically very advanced and flew “Vril-ya”, flying machines that today we call UFOs. These flying disks were capable of levitation, extreme speeds and the maneuvers known from today’s UFOs due to two counter-rotating magnetic fields and they used the so-called Vril power as energy potential or fuel (Vril = ether, Od, Prana, Chi, Ki, cosmic force, Orgon…, but also from the academic “vri-IL” = as the highest deity = God-like), i.e., they take the energy from the earth’s magnetic field (free energy) like the “tachyon converter” of Captain Hans Coler.When HYPERBOREA began to sink the Hyperboreans are said to have burrowed with huge machines gigantic tunnels into the Earth’s crust and settled under the Himalayan region. The subterranean realm is called AGHARTA and its capital SHAMBALLAH. The Persians call this land “Aryana” the land of origin of the Aryans.
Here we should mention that Karl Haushofer claimed that Thule was actually called Atlantis and – contrary to all other researchers of Tibet and India – he said that the surviving Thule-Atlanteans were separated into two groups, a good one and an evil one. Those who called themselves after their oracle Agharta were the good and settled in the Himalayan region, the evil ones were the Shamballah who wanted to subjugate humanity and they went West.
He maintained that the fight between the people of Agharta and Shamballah had been going on for thousands of years and that in the Third Reich the Thule-Gesellschaft as Agharta’s representative continued it against the representatives of Shamballah, the Freemasons and the Zionists. This perhaps was his mission.
The head of this subterranean region he said was Rigden Iyepo, the king of the world, with his representative upon the Earth’s surface, the Dalai Lama. Haushofer was convinced that the land below the Himalayas was the birthplace of the Aryan race, which he claimed to have confirmed during his Tibet and India travels.
The symbol of Thule was the Swastika counter clockwise. Tibetan lamas and the Dalai Lama personally testified that people from Agartha were still living today. The subterranean land that is anchored in almost all Eastern traditions has spread over the millennia under all of the Earth’s surface with huge centers under the Sahara desert, the Matto Grosso and the Santa Catarina mountains in Brazil, Yucatan in Mexico, Mount Shasta in California, England, Egypt, Czechoslovakia.
You people can't be serious with this shit, right? I can take a little LARPing, but this is ayy lmao tier shit.
It seems that Hitler especially sought to discover the entrances to the subterranean world Agartha and to get in contact with the descendants of the Aryan “God people” from Alderbaran-Hyperborea. In the myths and traditions of the subterranean world it is often said that the world’s surface was yet to suffer a terrible world war (Third World War) which would though be ended by earthquakes, other natural disasters and a switching of the poles and the deaths therefrom of two thirds of humanity.
After this “last war” the several races of the inner earth would reunite with the survivors on the surface and that the thousand-year GOLDEN AGE (age of Aquarius) would be rung in. Hitler wanted to build an outer “Agartha” or “Aryana” with the Aryan master race, and Germany should be its home. During the existence of the “Third Reich” two large expeditions were sent by the SS to the Himalayas to find those entrances.
Further expeditions searched in the Andes, the Matto Grosso mountains in the North and the Santa Catarina mountains in the south of Brazil, in Czechoslovakia and parts of England.
Some authors claim that the Thule people believed that – quite independently of the subterranean tunnel and city system – the Earth was HOLLOW, with two great openings at the poles. Natural laws were quoted, “as above, so below”. Since blood, body or egg cells, a comet or an atom all have a nucleus and a hollow space surrounding it that is enclosed by a “corona radiata”, an envelope, and the actual “life” is taking place in the core, one has deduced that the Earth was built after the same principles.
Druses confirmed this, as they were hollow and the “life”, the mineral and crystals, were in the interior. Therefore the Earth also had to be hollow – apparently agreeing with the views of the Tibetan Lamas including the Dalai Lama – and had a nucleus, the Central Sun (also called the “Schwarze Sonne”, the Black Sun) that gave the interior an even climate and permanent sunlight, corresponding in the microcosm to the central sun of the galaxy in the macrocosm.
They maintain there is a place in the interior – the master race lives inside and the mutants on the surface – and that this was also the reason why we wouldn’t find any life upon other planets of our solar system, because their inhabitants live inside. The main entrances are at the North and South poles through which the central sun is shining and producing the aurora borealis. In the interior the land mass was exceeding the water mass.
The polar explorer Olaf Jansen and others said that the water in the interior was fresh, which could explain why the ice of the Arctic and Antarctic is made of freshwater, not salt water. It is interesting to note that this view of the make-up of the world is shared and supported by the polar explorers Cook, Peary, Amundsen, Nansen, and Kane and, last but not least, Admiral E. Byrd. All had the same, strange experiences contradicting existing scientific theory.
All confirmed that after 76 degreed latitude the winds became warmer, that birds flew north, that they found colored and gray snow which when thawed left colored pollen or volcanic ash. The question arises: where do flower pollen or volcanic ash near the North Pole come from, as not a single volcano is marked on any of the accessible maps? Further, some of the explorers found themselves in freshwater seas, and all say that at a time during their travels they had seen two suns. Mammoths were found whose flesh was still fresh and whose stomach contained fresh grass.
The “Hollow Earth” theory has so far remained just a theory to the public, although some authors and explorers claim to have visited there and even – like Admiral E. Byrd – had taken numerous pictures. It cannot be denied that all the Arctic explorers had had extraordinary experiences that so far cannot be explained, which points to something strange happening there.
But the theory that the Earth had a molten core has equally remained just a theory. The fact remains though that the subterranean man-made tunnel and cave systems do exist. They can be found in almost any country of the world and by the largely still existing light source (a greenish glow that gets brighter the deeper one enters the tunnels), by the smooth walls and the unknown machinery that was found in the Boynton Canyon in Sedona, Arizona, are witness to a technically advanced culture that existed millions of years before.
The myths of a “Hollow Earth” were enough for the Thule people to go out to start a serious study of the phenomenon. Therefore there was at least one expedition to the Antarctic during World War II.
To show that the story of the Aryan-Hyperboreans was not entirely invented I would like to mention two examples: When the Spaniards under Pizarro came to South America in 1532, the natives called them “ivicarochas” (white lords). According to their legends there was a master race of very tall white people who centuries before had descended in “flying disks” from heaven. They had long ruled in some of the towns and when they disappeared had promised to return.
When the fair skinned Spaniards arrived, the natives thought them to be the iviracochas coming back and therefore in the beginning willingly gave them their gold. Similar occurrences took place when the first white travelers arrived in Tibet and other Himalayan regions. They were scrutinized in astonishment by the Tibetans and asked why they came from BELOW (the foot of the mountains) rather than from ABOVE as they usually did.
~Chapter 32: Adolf Schickelgruber and the 'Thule Gesellschaft'
Apart from the fact that I. G. Farben supported Hitler, their cartel partner "Standard Oil" (Rockefeller) fanned the flames against the Nazis. The "Ford Motor Company" for instance helped to build up the American army while at the same time producing in Germany military vehicles for the Nazis. Ford and Opel (subsidiary of General Motors that is controlled by J. P. Morgan) were the two largest producers of tanks in Hitler's Germany.
Whatever the outcome of the war, these multinational companies had already made their cuts. Many enterprises followed this principle during the Second World War.
Why is there nothing about all this in schoolbooks or encyclopaedias? Especially in Germany where the freedom of the press is apparently honoured and the truth is taught?
One of the reasons is that the Rockefeller Foundation spent US $139,000 in 1946 to present an official history of the Second World War which covered up the whole story of the U.S. bankers building up the Nazi regime as well as the occult and mystical background of the Nazis. One of the main sponsors was Rockefeller's own "Standard Oil Corp."
Jews can never keep their lies straight.
The fact remains is that no one, absolutely no one, gets the aspie fits as much as a kike does when Jesus gets mentioned. You mention Jesus and they will fucking fall all over themselves with fucking foam-at-the-mouth rage regarding him. Not even Hitler gets them kvetching as hard as Jesus does. That's because Hitler scares the living shit out of them, but Jesus absolutely enrages them.
Kikes absolutely cannot help themselves with this. If you wanna find out who the kike shills are in a thread, simply mention something about Jesus. Then just wait and match up IDs. It's like kike kryptonite. They cannot maintain their human forms when exposed to it. See how no one is really even preaching here at all. Just showing established history and objective fact. And the kike spergout is reaching Cat 5 status. The rooms in Tel Aviv must be 200 degrees by now from all the friction of their obvious hand rubbing.
Ever wonder why Jews are always referred to as vampires? Why early depictions of vampires have long hooked noses? And why when shown a cross they fucking freak out? Yeah, same thing that goes on here. Say the word Jesus (in any context) and watch as the Jews absolutely melt the fuck down.
and others.
Skinwalker ranch?
The fuck user? This reeks of disinformation! Who the fuck is your (((source)))? This is opposing to everything written by Serrano, Devi, Jung, and the thule society, let alone the Green Dragon, the japs, and the Dalai Lama.
not saying I agree with all of it
Likely a window area, although there is some indication that the modern events at the Sherman ranch could be related to covert testing of new technologies.
You had best start believing in D E E P E S T L O R E threads. ur in 1
Jesus was a jew sent by Yahweh in order to try and stop the Jews from acting like kikes, he was a jewish prophet, sent by a jewish god, in order to reform the jews.
He has absolutely nothing to do with Europeans, if you're going to pray to anyone, pray to Dyeus, the true god of the European people
I take this as seriously as a heart attack. I live some distance from skinwalker ranch and have seen these irl. No larp fucking in real life in broad daylight and all hours of the night
Just call them Semites, the Christcucks will enter into endless wordplay based on varying meanings of jewishness if you refer to them all as jews even though they are all truly from the same ethnic group of non-Europoids.
Like clockwork. It's like the kikes are running bots to keep up on the stickied threads to sow D&C.
Here's a better and more recent video on debunking the big bang theory, by a channel that frequently posts videos on the electric universe
Alright, thanks user. That website is disinfo and clickbait. The author does not believe what they write and are not a National Socialist. Further, their history is bullshit, they ignore that "Thule" was used as a term by northmen before vigil arrived, and they refer to vigil's journey as the primary influence and as a myth. Fuck the author with a knife, odds are, they're a kike. user, let the black light guide you to the green ray, find the Green Dragon, he holds your answers. Perhaps you may find some nice green gloves along the way too.
I stopped. Couldn't tie the noose right anyhow.
This is Chilean territory right? I'm pretty sure they are the ones who have colonies in Antartica.
Do you have no concept of what a sphere is? Spacial reasoning? How about basic logic? Do you understand anything at all? Can you do any sort of mathematical proof to support your claim?
Sounds amazing tbh
Been thinking about some non-kike powered crowdfund exhibition, to hire ROV/Subs and make an expedition to the Antarctic and investigate the sea area under Mt Erebus.
Could set up a company to handle it, if there is enough interest.
Thanks user! Damn good representation of them in various exposures/eye contrasts too. That orange is so distinctive, warm and inviting too I find.
This is true.
Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary
(russian documentary)
Interesting, that could explain why there are so many sightings in South America
You can't even keep your own narratives straight. The fictional idol Yeshua declares the ones you just referred to as the actual jews to be false jews because only those who follow him can be the true jews. Of course, none of this will stop Christcucks from trying to redefine the term to mean only those from Judea, or else instead only those of the tribe of Judah. Christcucks also claim to be the purgers of Jews when it is their treason which is responsible for giving spiritual, political, and economic power to Jews while murdering the keepers of European traditions and destroying traditional European cultures.
I think it'd be far better to set up such an expedition for one of the window areas in North America. It'd be quite costly to attempt anything relating to Antarctica.
That would be awesome if your dads friend still owned it to get some pics. These caverns really are everywhere. And there are lots lf stories of "Dogman" like creatures living in them, "trolls", Satanists using them, and now stuff like the military. It's pretty crazy stuff. It's also crazy that even now a days no one can say the extent of these caverns at all, they are just too hard to explore or the government doesn't want us too.
I'm done.
Erebos God of the twilight zone perhaps an equivalent of Kek.
Someone post the "telltale signs of a cult" webm.
One method a cult uses is meditation.
Not saying you shouldn't meditate, but realise that meditation can make you impressionable. Don't stamp out the fire unwisely.
I'm worried the meditation is purely for indoctrination/conditioning purposes.
The mercury is a solvent that holds other materials, user. Think on that.
Don't forget how many german towns were founded in South America, and how many heroes of the Reich went there.
user, we need the book The Final Battalion!
Wow it's incredible how much D&C shilling is happening in this thread but not others. This is a really sensitive subject for the kikes.
Stickied threads get hit by the Jews hard because they know it gets the most views.
Meditation is self hypnosis. So if someone teaches it to you while speading doctrine be carefull…
No what's happening is Jews push Christianity and Jews push /fringe/. That way we never talk about the real shit.
We're in a spirtual war. You can't D/C Christians because they are the enemy of our race.
found it
Also instead of wasting time on /fringe/ tomes… read some fucking psychology and other sciences. Only after that should you branch into the other arts.
Otherwise your view will be warped in a manner disconnected from the methods used by most normal people.
We need to have one foot in the normal method (science) and one in the other (religion, and other philosophy / esoteric understandings).
A wizard is useless if he cannot mix his art with that of the herd. Otherwise you're just a crazed fool.
I think you mean (((our))) race, kike.
Literally every single great white man since the fall of Rome has been Christian. But I'm sure in your kike logic you will suggest that Charles Martel, Charlemagne, and Vlad Tepes are race traitors. Because you simply cannot help yourself but try and tear down the mortar that made White Civilization great.
1. Buy a telescope
2. Look at saturn
3. Buy gun
4. Aim at head
user, you misunderstand. We're talking about forming runes with the position of your body and then intoning the corresponding sound of the rune. (note, all runes can be formed through vibration, pic semirelated)
Not talking about (((guided meditation))) like what they use for brainwashing at Evergreen and other universities.
Reported for D&C, fuck off kike!
You really know you hit a nerve when kikes start astroturfing and derailing your thread
Literally proved your point, you stupid fucking Jew. Gibson and even Jim Caveziel (sp) were black balled by the kikes of JewyWood because they dared to make a movie that showed how evil the Jews really were.
There are many gigantic cave systems that are largely undiscovered. This isn't really news.
The ocean floor is also a new frontier.
wew lad
Also, Christianity wasn't even European until the 1400s. Right around the time that the earth got warmer and plauges stopped killing everyone.
BUT YOU"VE BEEN TOLD THIS BEFORE – AND YET YOU DON'T CARE…. Much like SJW you love Jewish wisdom.
Christianity is anti-white and everyone knows it.
I need to go to antarctica.
Meditation of all levels can leave you impressionable.
Part of the reason we gather momentum is that we burn like a fire.
Meditation is an opiate.
Every man who has sold our peoples into slavery to Semites has been a Christian. All of the men who murdered their kin for refusing to abandon the traditions of their ancestors were Christians. All of the men who tore down the altars our ancestors built and scattered their knowledge to the wind were Christians. Even now, every politician who is not himself a Semite is a Christian. All of our traitors are Christians; all Christcucks are traitors in spirit.
my bad the pdf in the link isnt the full book will resume searching
Mel just won a fucking Oscar and Caveziel is doing just fine for an ugly old guy. You race traitors are the fucking worst liars.
Good work user.
Good job kike. I'm sure Tel Aviv is really pleased with you today.
I'd be openly aiding them the best I could. That sounds lovely.
You are either a stupid white or done 0 research.
Cazaviel was going up in popularity and was ostracized for being a chritecuck.
Gibson as well.
So fuck you.
Gas yourself, faggot. Mel had to crawl on his fucking knees and prostrate himself. And Caveziel has spoken many times about his Jewywood blackballing after the Passion. The "curse of playing jesus" is not a new concept for this reason, kike. I'm sure you helped invent it.
And you're still a kike, kike.
Sounds safe
Mel Gibson is back!
Cazaviel is ugly and old now. It's normal to star in smaller roles. He's not even a good actor. Look at his IMDB, he's working A LOT.
Mel is working A LOT.
Jews love Jesus. They love him! They don't want their children to be slaves to a slave cult. They want to rule over us.
Considering 8 months ago was the news of a gravitation anomaly below Antarctica and now all of a sudden we've found cave opening somehow we never discovered over the past 70 years I think it's pretty obvious they are just bread crumbing us to some already known truth about ancient civilization. They can't keep everyone's mouth shut forever especially while the number of scientists who go down there increases but at the same time they can't just say "hey tax payers we've known all this info about human history for decades but we just didn't bother to tell you about the history of our species." It's a slow info release.
Nice try, kike.
Good call, I'm here for Antarctica shit not Jesus talk.
Wouldn't it stand to reason that if a handful of neets on some internet forum discovered a secret nazi base where they likely have weapons we cant even imagine and an army of clones or whatnot, then the governments of the world would already know about it and as such literally hundreds of thousands of NATO and UN troops would be deployed all over the damned place?
If jews love jesus why are you all shitting up this board trying to crucify him again? Oh, wait………yeah……right I forgot…….>>10579513
Kek emerges from here
Precisely user. They are slowly releasing details as to not shock everyone, while ramping up all the anti"nazi" propaganda they fucking can, because they're afraid that the Reich will become known soon, and that we will all join them.
You'd be suprised how stupid Acedemia is. You're literally fighting with the most fucked up pieces of shit on the planet. Look at this thread, the Christian slaves, the /fringe/ neets, and you expect it to be different in the higher offices? It's not. It's all fucking losers who can't think.
So given that I wouldn't doubt they didn't know… but you never know.
You can attack America all you want, but Christians have been borrowing money from Jews since Christianity took over Europe and Jews would of died off a long time ago if you hadn't of infiltrated Rome with your proto-Communism kike faith.
See this is mind control. It's a victim. He's just like Miley Cyrus. He can't think. He's just emotional and unbalanced. I don't want to execute your Jewish Rabbi god Roman style user. I don't even care.
I like it but larping.
The Christianity which murdered more Europeans than Semites? The Christianity which gave Semites privileged positions in its courts and coffers? The Christianity which destroyed European cultures where they conflicted with the Semitic traditions of Christianity?
operation highjump resulted in an entire navy fleet getting btfo which lead to the demilitarization of antarctica,
also in the 50s they were debating "nuclear testing" (bombing) in antarctica and hanebul craft flew over the capitol, video is a recreation from a documentary
I have a feeling they've be baffled they have friends up top.
I've known Atlantis was real since I was about 12. I think Graham Hancock's theory on the asteroid into the Indian Ocean 12,600 years ago is right and that was recorded as Noah's flood. Earth crust displacement explains how the Earth shifted and all the ice on the former North Pole in North America melted and then flooded Atlantis, the new South Pole.
user, you're taking the bait. It's standard procedure for shills to derail important threads with religious d&c and off topic bullshit. Notice how the same 2-3 kikes started spamming he thread about "muh christcuck" and Melgibson? They never made a single post that was on topic. ilter and report shills, do not respond to them.
Heated cavern systems stretching antarctica are now officially confirmed. There have alao been reports of odd antarctic pollen layers for decades, any new info ever come of that? Let's compile everything!
Fuck off kike. Literally kill your self. You dumb heebs aren't fooling anyone.
Like I said before. Just say the word Jesus, in any context — and watch as the fucking Jews fall all over themselves to D&C. Like clockwork. Every fucking time.
Jews hate jesus and hate Christianity. You hate Jesus and hate Christianity. Anyone else noticing the stunning cohencidences yet?
I am aware of that incident, yet something else would be the cause. I just find it hard to believe that after the kikes and their puppets managed to defeat Hitler after so many lost battles and so many casualties, they would give up after losing a few men in Antarctica. To my mind it seems that if indeed they discovered a nazi central over there that just wiped out their expedition force they would send wave after wave after wave to just not let this threat unresolved. And if they found themselves overwhelmed they would make an appeal to the nation's of the world basically saying we are all going to be fucked if we do not act.
Is it not weird that the survivors from operation Highjump did not say anything about a major nazi menace in the Antarctic. Or that the governments today, recognizing that there is no way they are going to crush them just resigned themselves to live in multiculturalism and marxism and pray that those nazis will never emerge to fuck everyone up, which leads to the other point, why haven't they genocided the planet if so great is their power? There are just so many things that do not fit (although I obviously want them to desperately fit)
Did someone call my name, user? Stop doxing me.
It's not imperceptible through optical measurement either photographic or otherwise at lower heights. With the naked eye it's not obvious, especially on land. On sea, little easier.
There is another way also - clear days with cumulus, you can see the flatter bases of the cloud layer height curve down towards the edge of the horizon.
Fair point but window areas in NA are easier to explore and yet nothing publicly known or recorded beyond hearsay. Not saying they are not possible but surely by now someone would have found/known. There are caves in Germany which the ends have not been found and same goes for many other countries.
The only place with much corroborating evidence is Antarctica.
There are also military tunnels all over north shore of Auckland NZ, distinctive vent shafts give it away. There are massive lava tunnels all around that area, so they likely are partially natural and partially man made. There are also shelter/tunnels through the central city too from war. Information on them is very limited at best but from what I have heard they are extensive and have seen some of the entrances over my life.
We know you worship a Jew or you would know damn well that (((Christianity))) is the fucking power source of Jews and our destruction. So just stop posing.
You're right about the thread. We should obsess on the holes on Antartica. But I fear Jews will just fucking steal and cover up anyway. We can't even expose the Alt-Right on here and chase them away. It's fucked.
We need to be more loyal to each other! Not to race traitors with "conservative girlfriends"!
What if the volcanoes are causing the icebergs to melt?
I'm a Hollywood actor.
This guy is a shill or a fucking white retard.
Gibson is hated. But he is really good. Cazaviel was fucking shunned for being open about Christianity.
Want deetails? look into agencies and specific agents you fucking morons. Dont fall for the shills.
No one is encouraging that you fucking kike worshiper. Only Wiccans, larpers, and "Satanists (aka fuck you dad Christians) would so that.
NatSoc is pure paganism – so is Stoicism
Both of them are working on huge projects while you shitpost on Holla Forums and wait for your SAG card extra work faggot.
You can't D/C christians because they are race traitors you fucking traitor!>I'm a Hollywood actor.
Retarded niggerjew detected. Pic related.
The whole alien/UFO thing was a coverup, the govenrment was working on drone technology.
Real aliens don't even need physical bodies or technology, they are artificial super intelligent beings capable of trans-dimensional travel, they would simply materialize themselves here in an instant btw they don't care about us there are probably trillions of civilizations out there in our Universe alone.
I'm a red capsicum.
Green capsicums are shit.
You should believe everything on the internet.
Meth is fine in small quantities.
Then worship me. That's what you do right?
Also, you have no idea what paganism is. You think it's atheism or something like video games. Real paganism is Stoicism and NatSoc.
that's where you're wrong
why do you think the UN/NATO etc exist?
it's not time yet.
Hahahaahaha. Keep on keepin' on you fucking stupid heeb.
Learn to bait.
lol! Someone who calls themselves a hollywood actor is important in your sad little shithole, but not in the big cities user. They're losers
Hahahaa, fucking Hitler himself can say something and only a kike will sit back and say that's not what was actually said. Are you CNN?
user, you mean well, but you are feeding into the d&c. To defeat this line of argument, look into Esoteric Hitlerism. Serrano shows us that the Cathars, Templars, and Rosicrucians carried on ancient hyperborean tradition, the same as our ancestors back all the way to Odin! The entire concept that this D&C is based on is a lie.
This, holy shit. I'm just trying to lurk and read abd these couple faggots won't stop their horseshit.
None of what Hancock puts forward are "his" theories so much as the research of others that he weaves together. He is adamant that his position is that of a writer rather than a researcher. It also seems like you've not moved on from Fingerprints of the Gods to Magicians of the Gods, because he no longer holds to crustal displacement or the Indian Ocean as the site of the impact. He also states that Atlantis fits more closely with the submerged land of which the Azores in the Atlantic are mountainous remnants.
Nothing's publicly known about the window areas in NA because the only people that perform major investigations are the government or collaborators such as Bigelow. Beyond that, you poorly funded amateurs working in a field inundated with misinformation agents, most of whom seem to be completely ignorant of the falseness of the holohoax and the dire answer to the Semitic Question. John Keel mentions the persecution of Jews quite a bit.
That's why I think there is room for investigation by people who know more of the truth. Maybe to get results, someone who will salute the Hanebu has to go out to a window area. After all, in compiled statistics of everything ranging from UFO sightings, MIB encounters and abduction experiences to anomalous disappearances, Europeans stand out as those who most interact with the phenomena. German heritage is even the highest correlation in American statistics.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA you worship a Rabi as god
The one thing the Jew absolutely will not do, is name the quantum void and the power of scalar electromagnetic technology.
People are only just realizing now there is something wrong with Hertz-Maxwell equations.
And Hannebrau and superior NS weaponry in Neu Swabia would blow that lid wide open - why don't we have UFO fighters, why don't we have 'super ray guns' etc etc… if gravity can be controlled can we extract energy from the quantum fabric of space time etc etc. The kikes can't control or meter that and it's why UFOs are intercepted where possible if picked up on radar.
This is why every effort is made to keep us on the 'conventional' path where energy cannot be derived from the bountiful quantum ether.
Chladni plates are fucking interesting. In a musical context, "just intonation" is built on simple ratios
while "tempered intonation" is fudged for certain practical reasons and
There's a video that compares the Chladni visualizations of the two (can't find it now), but "cymatics" gets into it.
To make some glib on-topic summations:
>religious d&c: it's absurd that anyone but kikes would attack christians (sheep) instead of the wolves.
He doesn't mean though. He's trying to destroy our race. You don't get that? Christianity is just Communism 1800yrs ago!
You can always tell what the kikes hate and fear the most by what they D&C the hardest.
Oy vey goyim that light you saw in the distance that zapped by at immense speed was just swamp gas, go back to sleep
Think about the requirements it would take for E.T. to travel to our solar system and Earth.
No one capable of space travel is going to stick to primitive physical technology.
I can't speak for "ancient alien" drawings but what I assume they probably were were artistic creations of the imaginations of futurists of those times.
Ancient people probably got high, took a look at nature and imagined where human technology would be eventually.
What if we today were to build structures with drawings on them of technology we would one day hope to exist then we perished … primitive people of the future would likely be lead to believe that such things actually existed.
Chances are that we are on E.T.'s radar but it/they don't care to intervene simply because we are so irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
I have a personal theory though that once a civilization reaches the point where they can build ASI and virtualize themselves they leave this Universe for their own, that would explain why we haven't made contact yet.
You are a shill.
They were shunned.
Fuck of.
Heath ledger was killed.
So was SH.
Interesting take on it and it has merit indeed.
Holla Forums and related factions are big enough to crowd fund this if there is interest.
Even if we kept the NS on the D/L, with a core Holla Forums group leading who know the truth with it compartmentalised to each external part, whom may not be so sympathetic, but may e.g. share a geologic/spelunking/extreme exploration type enthusiasm for it - this could be a way to do it.
I'd bet the SS expeditions would be structured in a similar way.
ET isn't the right term because once you start manipulating space/time you're manipulationg dimensions, so Extra Dimensional Entity is better, EDE
Jews love Jesus. They make movies about him all the time. Check Mel Gibson's producers lol
Mel was shunned for telling the truth about Jews and world war. Before that he was loved.
Sign me up first. I was called by Kek years ago for this mission. My body and mind are ready
More or less off the topic, but what do you and the other faggots reading this this the answer could be for why we do not see any extraterrestrials (I am not counting drawing flaccid cocks in some corn field as signs that E.T. visited us)
Does the Planetarium Hypothesis hold any water?
Could there be billions of civilizations out there, some less advanced while others insanely more advanced than we are but not a single of of those billions know that others exist because there is 1, insanely powerful, insanely advanced civilization out there that keeps them all in the dark for shits and giggles?
Again, you are revealing that you haven't looked into this topic at all by focusing on the ETH. Anyone who sticks to the ETH is a disinformation agent, double so if he starts spouting off about exo-politics. UFOs are not connected to ET, thus is the conclusion that serious researchers such as Hynek and Vallee reached decades ago. The UFOs are a real phenomenon, but they are not ET in origin.
Don't D/C bro! We need to talk more about defining aliens and integrating a Rabbi god!
They are us from the future
They are our current Luftwaffe Aryan sky brethren. Make sure to roman salute and Sieg Heil when you see one
Hitler's brain AND stomach
So, Lovecraft was in a way right?
I am in favor of the white man getting back to his roots and in favor of re-establishing the framework of what made us the greatest civilization in the history of the world. Kikes are trying to destroy and prevent that with their usual kikery. Just notice that no one is preaching shit like a faggoty ChristCuck —- but the kikes are fucking bombarding the place with D&C to desperately try to prevent people from making the connection that the amalgam of Christianity and Paganism was THE process that allowed our race to rise above ALL the others. They don't want that combination of christian carbon to bind with pagan Iron to produce the white steel that is our people and race.
This thread is interesting, but people that are shitting it up always fail to point out that 90% of the people responsible for this esoteric 'enlightenment' and the Antarctic expeditions were Christians………….But they want that to mean 'christcuck'. So they are sperging HARD. Harder than I've seen it in a LONG time. Like I said before, mention Jesus and watch the kikes shit the bed and fucking destroy themselves trying to trick stupid white men into thinking it's evil. Because they're scared of it. They fear Hitler and hate Christianity. When the two are mixed they absolutely freak the fuck out and the results are seen all over this board as the kikes kvetch and sperg the fuck out.
You rarely hear of Ahnenerbe anywhere, even Hollywood avoids giving the name power.
I think there is great fear of the Ahnenerbe's study of reincarnation.
Imagine the horror, all that money, influence, blood and power spent trying to propagandize your enemies into submission, only to be thwarted by old enemies, reincarnating and subsequently discovering "by chance" their purpose, more learned than before, and far more dedicated to their cause. That sounds like an unwinnable war to me.
Maybe we begin something like this on >>>/tok/
There is a cave in Germany in a mountain the Dalai Lama said is the heart of the world, which has a cave system over 40km deep and end unknown… go figure.
In like sin too.
My physical life goal is to build a UFO and master Tesla + derived science
Beautiful man.
That is a very likely scenario.
ASI is shielding the Universe from us being able to see other civilizations.
Keep in mind it's not likely we'll ever see radio signals from another civilization.
Within a decade or two (but hopefully just one) we will be sending wireless information via quantum teleportation so assume that any sufficiently advanced civilization would be using QT to transmit wireless information.
(yes I know, NASA etc)
I'm not claiming to be an expert on this stuff but I follow futurism and judging by a lot of the posts here most of you expect aliens to be as primitive as 20th century/early 21st century humans.
Jews love neocon cuckservatism. Because it helps fuel their "jews are the chosen people" lie that they've carefully crafted to all the christcucks out there. Which is why they pimp jesus the jew cuckservative. Not the catholic version of what christianity is. Which shoahed the shit out of them for over 900 years. They hate the fuck out of jesus, which is why they do everything they can to subvert the resurgence of an actual traditional christian faith. Instead opting for two options: cuckervatism to get the neocons. And atheist faggotry for the shitlibs. Both serve their ends perfectly.
Europeans dominated the world multiple times before Christianity. There is evidence of a pre-Younger Dryas civilization with global outposts and then the evidence of colonization of native groups by Europoids following the Younger Dryas. All civilization on this planet originates from pre-Christian Europeans.
Under Christianity, Semites are the ones who have risen to rule the world. Semites will continue to rule the world until all of their influences have been removed, including all Semites themselves and Christianity.
Sometimes life is good not as horrible as it usually is.
Thanks schlomo, for mixing truth with your Jewish lies. I'd expect nothing less.
I don't even have anything to say about this, it's so absurd.
You might enjoy this
I found another site with Admiral Byrd at the Mountains of Madness
You are the one who has done nothing but spread Semitic lies without a single post relevant to the topic of the thread.
So what is your opinion on the Deep Impact predictions made under the electric universe theory which better described the results of the mission than NASA's post-analysis?
That's me in a nutshell. I already figured out 2 past lives I'm certain of. I have been fighting the enemy for an eternity and damned happy about it. Instantly distrusted all their schemes the minute I was born going against the advice of all around me, finding this place was a great joy for me
Hello man in the mirror
Apparently there is an inner earth expedition project.
The fire cock rises
True indeed. I have no clue why SETI keeps monitoring space for radio signals. Nor do I understand why people think aliens might be just a few centuries ahead of us and still using some glorified methods of communications that we are using today. They may transmit information in ways that we may not even comprehend in our wildest theories, just like cavemen would never, in their wildest dreams, envision the mobile phone.
With that being said, it is hard for one to assume that there only is this highly advanced civilization and us, and that is it. Like I said, for all we know there could be billions of civilizations out there who do transmit information in a way that it would have been virtually impossible for us in all these years not to come across, which leads me to lend that Planetarium Hypothesis a lot of credence. It does not only create a simulation for us, but it also shrouds us from other civilizations and it blocks all signals that roam space from reaching the various civilizations.
There was a more recent satellite detection (unexpected too) and release from NASA, which proved there was direct electrical flow between earth and sun and validated the electric universe theory further.
Trying to find it but running out of time ATM.
The Chladani plates show that frequency directly effects matter, and in correlation all matter is an expression of basic frequencies. Tesla said as much as well.
user, you need to read Nos. This is exactly the opposite of the truth. Esoteric Hitlerism is about inspiring the Blood Memory within the Aryan soul. The intrinsic hyperborean Heroism within our blood, to drive us to great deeds against any odds, so that we always strive towards victory no matter what. There is no waiting, only constant drive!
Report all d&c shills for deletion!
I have scoliosis (a pretty bad case of it, I wore a full back brace as a kid, but my x-rays are still way f'ed up).
Is my Chakra FUBAR?
Also, is the idea of Chakra based off the alignment of muscles & organs, or spine, or everything as a whole? (I'm assuming the latter). Either way I'm probably fucked.
What a clever piece of disinfo. The break between real theory and the discrediting lies is a little too obvious however. It goes from discussing real theory to suggesting the earth is the center of the universe and only 6 housand years old real quick.
My opinion is that the entirety of the EU theory is a solution looking for a problem, introducing more problems that you need to find solutions for. Were is that huge tubular magnetic field these enormous currents generate? Why does the sun not have polar hot spots where the huge stream of electrons enters? Why don't comets have them? Why do asteroids within 5 AU of the sun not have comas like comets have at that distance, if they're made of the same materials? What about the asteroids that regularly cross Earths orbit, where are their comas?
The Jew LITERALLY cannot help itself. It has to keep on trying to get the last word in. Watch.
Let's get back on topic with Antartica since this thread is being derailed hard by triggered shills.
Quads confirm. The eherjar walk among us! The war never ends, since the days of the Wild Hunt we have been fighting to defeat the kike, and as the Kali Yuga ends, in the darkest hour of this age of man, we will be victorious!
user, take it to the herbal thread on >>>/tok/
Report the shills for deletion/gassing
user, how do we set up a transmitter and reciever for this? We could try sending messages to antarctica.
Every land with the Swastika was an Aryan outpost.
Make the thread user, you have my support. /tok/ is for operations anyhow, go for it!
The fight never ends while there is a drop of kike blood flowing through a vein. Seek the path of individuation and you will understand!
user! Study the Cathars, the Rosicrucians, the Templars and the troubadour! You will find the wisdom to defeat this kike religious d&c!
Not to mention, you got a fuckton of electrons traveling in the same direction in a relatively narrow column. They're all negatively charged, so what keeps them together? In a copper wire, the metal creates an electron soup, in which electrons are able to travel, and they're held in the metal matrix by the positive nuclei. What prevents the electron streams powering the sun (and comets) from just exploding?
I don't see how it introduces more problems when it hinges on providing answers to the things which regular physics leaves as undefinable constants such as gravity. As far as I understand it, that magnetic field is exactly where it should be.
That's somewhat of an exhausted topic since we have threads about it every few weeks. Unless someone just got back from a trip to Antarctica and a meeting with the Ahnenerbe, there's nothing about which to talk.
If gravity does not exist, why does pic related work?
And you haven't answered any of my other questions.
Electric universe theory doesn't dispute the existence of gravity, it explains gravity as a function of electromagnetism rather than leaving it unexplained as in conventional physics.
I'm not qualified to even know if your questions make sense. You just appeared to dismiss electric universe theory without any understanding of it.
Keep going kike.
I thought all this Antarctica stuff was stupid at first, but after years of it coming up I'm convinced something is going on there. The kikes are hiding something.
Have advocated a Holla Forums research effort to built quantum transmitters. They might be able to do more than just talk to Antarctica (assuming they use them too)
Probably another one to start on /tok/ too along with an expedition thread and many more Quantum related research threads I've been putting off for a long time….
Nice pics BTW.
If Holla Forums seriously believes there's a secret Nazi base in Antarctica why don't we crowdfund an expedition?
There is a burning coal on the top and water on the bottom.
WTF is that dumb bitch doing.
Also why would they hide for that long and let Germany and the world in general go to shit.
Because finding it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. If you had a deathly allergy to hay.
You're not just allowed to go there crowdfunded or not.
Even though the Cavendish experiment can be done in an electrically completely isolated test chamber with unmagnetic, unconductive test masses and no measurable current anywhere?
I find your eagerness to throw away thousands of years of meticulous observation and calculation because of some yet unexplained constants flabbergasting. If our theory of gravitation was so wrong, it wouldn't work at all even with a constant, yet a masses gravitational field is proportional to its mass.
Constants are merely consequences of our definitions of quantity and numbers. Take the Avogadro constant. If our definition of a gram was different, it could be 10^20 instead of 6.022*10^23.
Fucking brilliant, user.
We can find it.
We can find anything
We found the hwndu flag using the sun and jet flight patterns using nothing but local sources and remote frog listeners. ALSO the Holla Forumsjay of eastern Tennessee. There is nothing Holla Forums can't find
Antarctica's IceCube detects trio of neutrinos coming from unknown source
A Strange Oval has been Spotted in Antarctica
Company With Ties To UFO Cover-up Gets Huge Antarctica Contract
Why All The Defense Contractors And Mercenaries?
A Message on the Shore: Do Satellite Photographs Now Prove Existence of Humans on Antarctica…6000 Years Ago?
The Mysteries Of Antarctica Revealed:
“Someone Or Something Has Summoned The World’s Political and Religious Leaders to Antarctica”
In 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd led 4,000 military troops from the U.S., Britain and Australia
in an invasion of Antarctica called “Operation Highjump”, and at least one follow-up expedition.
Something Very Strange Is Going On In Antarctica
Military .com Reports 'Operation Deep Freeze' Has Been Ongoing For 60 Years!
Satellite spots MASSIVE object hidden under the frozen wastes of Antarctica
What is this fort doing in Antarctica? Motte and bailey castle remains emerge from icecap
The hidden world under western Antarctica: Researchers reveal ‘giant wetlands’ 800 metres beneath the ice sheet
Is this Antarctica's 'Neverland'? Ghostly landscape found beneath the ice where the land doesn't age and water flows UPHILL
Navy Engineer: I Saw Ancient Ruins, Aliens, And Top-Secret Bases In Antarctica!
Antarctica ancient ruins, pyramid and a giant megalithic structure in the shape of a SWASTIKA visible from Space
We don't need to find the entrace. Although it's possible we could it would be improbable that we could gian the means to enter it.
Instead we should use our powers to find agents of the inner reich. If there are people living in the earth then they must have spies and agents spread among the surface people to keep tabs on our activities. These individuals should be able to be identified by their appearance, behaviors, and anomalies in their past. If we can identify these individuals then we can have our agents approach them in private and arrange for contact.
reminder flat earth shilling cianiggers deserve to be hanged like the insipid filth they truly are
Is it just me or does Goebbels look Jewish? He's got the ears, eyes, and nose.
In comparison that was ludicrously easy because he was outright advertising its location.
Even the webcam one in the remote countryside was pretty much out in the open for us.
These are people in the most inhospitable part of the world who don't want to be found and aren't broadcasting a picture of their front door online.
Again not exactly easy.
Since there's fucktons of people out there with irregular histories.
You're more likely to find a career criminal or illegal immigrant than an antarctic nazi.
3,500+ species discovered in Lake Vostok underneath miles of ice, similiar to Jupiter's Europa.
Never understimate the power of our autism.
Make the thread, user. I am BO of tok
Agreed. Time to explore.
However I have faith in you because I have faith in me.
With the proper resources and manpower we could do it.
Hey I have scoliosis too, or I did.
Why don't you seek out surgery?
Mine was all paid for by the government.
He's completely right too.
This guy, I wonder?
Here is a link to a study that came out recently regarding the possibility of more volcanoes than is currently on that graphic.
Here is one of the more important graphics from the paper:
As you can see, they are not entirely sure if some of the proposed sites have volcanoes, however, they try to quantify that to a degree.
I'm pretty much 100% convinced we're living in an ancestor simulation like how Nick Bostrom describes.
The chances of a human civilization coming to fruition then making it to the point of technological mastery are probably so slim that in order to ensure the survival of mankind and our type of existence a prior civilization cloned its timeline and projected it into virtual reality.
I always thought it was too coincidental that I happened to be born in 1990, just in time to be an adult during the era of technological mastery.
Man, reality is so fucking absurd the more you think about it the crazier it gets and yet here we are worrying whether or not humans have a secret military base in the arctics or whether or not hooked nosed jews are conspiring against us … how about the fact that we're just virtual beings inside some sort of matrix?
We could.
First place to begin would be trying to gain access to satellite footage. Then analyzing the footage for signs of tampering.
If tampering is found we can narrow the search and try to put our own microsats into orbit which while difficult isn't beyond our means if we're prepared to pony up some cash.
If no tampering is found then we start looking for potential underground entry points and look over all shipping traffic in the area along with looking for reports of unusual ship traffic.
Do we have any anons in private satellite imaging companies? Maybe /baph/ could be enlisted to help with uncorrupted images from various sat companies
Schizos please go. This reality being virtual changes absolutely nothing. It's a retarded red herring.
Even if it WAS a simulator then that makes it OUR simulator.
Up down left right A right start
Meme magic is a cheat code and life is a fucking video game AT WORST.
Pic related
Dubs will it. Tonight I shall.
It would be cheaper to hire a private plane and much higher resolution, much more sensors/payload etc etc.
There are charter flights available too, perhaps a deal could be struck with one of the companies. Money talks, even kikes are susceptible to this.
If there is interest I have connections to do this in the appropriate country..
There was a screen capture of an antarctic related thing detailing underground ruins someone posted up last time there was an Antarctic related thread….. I though t I saved but didn't…:-( if anyone has it I would appreciate it.
We confirmed the location of a white flag hanging on a white wall from reflected light in the latest season 6. What needs finding?
…navigates up bread
Enlist the dividers my man
The Hyperborean Antarctican Nazi base of our ancestors. We have many maps and clues up above
I've always wondered about this.
That's not how simulations work though. Like at all. Your thinking is flawed.
Really think it through. If your favorite video game had a 4th wall break, that doesn't mean anything other than that 4th wall break was created by the creator of the game/simulation and your character's reaction is still artificial and controlled. It's not "alive" and sentient. It's running a script and reacting to inputs in a pre-programmed manner.
It's interesting to think about but the only way this could be a simulation and us be "real" is if this was something like "the Matrix". And by it's very definition, would be impossible to prove or disprove.
This thread is very interesting and I like hearing about alternative stuff like Antarctica. But sadly I swear some of the people here have fallen into that "red-pill spiral". Where they get red pilled into knowing how we've been lied to about certain world events. This leads to a distrust in pretty much everything (which isn't a bad thing really) else we've been told. This in turn creates conditions where every single whacko theory out there now is can be 'credible' in some manner or form.
And most people can handle it. They can sort the wheat from the chaff. But some just fucking implode and come up with the most cockamamie shit ever Flat Earthers are the quintessential example of this. Stupid fucks who know JUST enough to understand all the lies we're taught, but don't have the intelligence to bridge the gap between real and fake and therefore spiral into madness and delusion.
This isnt a dig on anyone here in particular. As I enjoy combing through the shitposts of retardedness to find the occasional gem. Which leads me down new roads.
Aircraft are tough.
The area has no few airfields and not a lot of aircraft that we could hire will be able to go out there and do a lot of imaging.
Really it would have to be a stage 2 thing where we send them to investigate areas marked as noteworthy.
Yeah I suppose the first place to start would be the available maps and known facts.
GOOD documentary, user.
Thanks for sharing.
Why is there a missing step?
Indeed. Is that a missing diary entry or a typo from translation?
2 days till Peace an Prosperity Day is declared?
If you were in a situation where you realized the enemy was significantly more established than you. Then You found a area to bunker down and rebuild yourself after a crushing defeat. Would you not wait?
Sim hypothesis is a shit religion for nihilistic atheists popularized by 2 Hollywood trannies. Think on that, faggot.
When scientists drilled to Vostok my only thought was the chance they release some bacteria/virus that's been hibernating, waiting to kill us all.
I hate how the chans doesnt even consider the Flat Earth/ Realm theory
Isnt that the fucking point?
This kind of autistic policing is insanely fucking annoying. People forget and leave the shit in the field from a previous sage, jesus fucking christ.
Look, here is some
Reddit spacing for you to blow a blood vessel over.
It was considered and rendered as fucking full retard retarded. You should into physics and spheres in a vacuum. Also Hubble deep field and galactic rotation and exoplanet discovery
Congrats shills, once again you've proven your incompetence and that this is an important topic.
this image?
I don't know never noticed that maybe they redacted it or step 5 is part of step 6
possibly, we'll have to see
You cannot just "go" to Antarctica, user. It is an exclusion zone. Because of the penguins and the climate research, you see.
Try it and you will be picked up by some Navy vessel before you get within sight of land, guaranteed.
At best the Bible is a memeplex with shifting meaning depending on if you're outsider or within one of the layered and compartmentalized orders. There is no God, only Nature and whatever else hosts the Universe.
Wew lad
How many vessels could they theoretically stop at one time tor? Would they have a naval armada to stop multiple incoming craft?
It can't cost that much in the large scheme of things to hire say twenty fishing vessels to head due south. Maybe a couple hundred k? That is doable. Once there establish communication and head inland.
I thought just for a moment I knew this guy. He went by the name Heinz Oberdez
Unless that is Hitler?
What do these twenty fishing vessels not do during your month long expedition?
You'll have to pay them their lost profits. I don't think you understand how much this would cost.
Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Finally finding out the truth about the JQ and that the holohoax is the biggest lie ever perpetuated in history doesn't mean the fucking earth of hollow and the other brands of insanity that I've seen dipshits spiral into.
So… how does this all connect with the Mandela Effect?
They will have you on radar early via land based, ship- and airborne radar and then stop you via destroyers or boarding parties brought in by helicopters. Unless you want to start a private war with several nations at once, you won't get through or make any distance inland if you did.
A private owned U2 or Blackbird would be perfect
Holy shit look at the Christ-hate on this kike.
Wasn't Himmler most interested in this? Does anyone have materials/reading on their expedition to Tibet?
Sieg Heil!
Half related
Why are people so uninspired and focused on slaving away ,first time I saw Atlantis I was like ,So when are we doing this.There is a series of books called Tunnels ,possible unitl proven otherwise is my stance in all this
The line "We know more abouth the surface of the Moon than the bottom of our seas" stayed with me since I first came across it
When I was a teenager ,after watching The Mummy I though it would be cool to lift all the sand and water to find stuff ,maybe put the water in orbit and bring it back later
Regarding Holla Forums checking the antartica by "itself" or doing anything for that matter
I belive that "we" all are or should be sleeper cells waiting for the activation call ,"we" trully adapted to fight jews ,becoming better ,helping eachother and hiding
I want to join my countries army ,which I hope will also one day be used to help "us"
Net working the unit ,stacking arms
I hope IT happens in the next 20 years so I can phisically take part in IT
Do you seriously expect me to fly down to Antarctica and take pictures? The turbulence will wreck your aircraft before Nazi lasers ever will.
What about the "penguin" (((photographers))) any Holla Forumsacks that can search during that or maybe know and could influance such group,some friends in Discovery or stuff like that,maybe your friendly ice cracker captain can scout for "us"
Holy fuck xD
What year was this picture taken? Goebbels looks so happy. :')
for you
Read the works of Miguel Serrano, he was in contact with high ranking members of the Reich and routinely visited the Dalai Lama. He also attempted to go to Tibet, but the communist chinks invaded to block this. Further, he attempted to go to antarctica, but even with his diplomatic status, he was blocked. Do note, his words are in poetic format for obvious reasons, but if you read Nos you will understand this, as he retells the same tale in three formats, which gives you an understanding of the code of poetics that he uses.
Must awaken! Way ahead of you user, myself and two other anons have put our skills as Holla Forumsacks to use by becoming hired investigators. We need to get into journalism, investigations, and all fields of industry and politics. Once we're set, we link together and form a new order! Knights of Tartarus? Off topic, any of us journalists? We have stories to sell
Is it illegal to just take a boat to Antarctica and set up a tent? Let's going camping anons.
yes it is
So we use a maneuver off every spy movie ever where our boat rolls in with some bearded old sailor captain who starts blabbering to the Antarctica Police, meanwhile the Anons dive off the back side of the ship into the water to swim into the underwater caves.
Yes and no. Theoretically you can charter a boat to take you to some regions but as far as I am aware nobody has achieved it, it has been planned by many groups in the past but never done. The problem is most of it is an restricted zone so they don’t want people turning up and wandering about.
For the right amount of money you can buy your way on a scientific expedition as a tourist but you will be confined to a limited area. You can’t just mount an expedition of your own.
Somebody tell Uncle Adolf to leave the light on, I'll be home in a few.
If he was fictional, he was most likely created by the Flavians in order to quell Jewish uprisings. The line of thinking goes they gave the Jews a peaceful messiah to make them subordinate and docile. The Flavians used Jewish language and scriptural structure that was close but did not pass the uncanny valley of their Messiah. Your ideas are just autistic rage and full of sperg.
I feel like Goebbels for the past few months.
woodstock 1969
Wait what. Sorry, but spoonfeed me, what have I been missing?
Pretty sure it was around election season. John Kerry, Buzz Aldrin, the damned Orthodox Patriarch and numerous others were all sent to Antarctica under bogus claims. It was clearly some sort of diplomatic mission. Everyone sent had top level security clearances and were approved for representing their nations, shit, clearance even for "first contact" scenarios.
Also, he was a cripple. I don't understand why he had so many children when he was so genetically defective.
Oh, well. At least he killed them all in the end.
Besides Newt Gingrich, Joe Biden (when he was SoS), The Pope, The Kirill (btw they met up after the both visited Antarctica separately and it was the first meeting of the heads of the two churches in like 100 years, and everyone else who visited, the most odd one is this. Why would they send an 86 year old to Antarctica. And oh ya he tweeted this and immediately deleted it.
People kept visiting during separate visits, they didn't all meet at once.
Where's the archive for that tweet in your pic?
That is one shitty quality picture my lad.
Not everyone on the internet has the sense to archive. I don't think it ever was.
Go Google Earth these coordinates and tell me what you find.
79°58'38.3"S 81°57'41.2"W
Same here user, same here. Maybe that's why Antarctica threads are so popular. Something to hope for…
Maybe. Don't get me wrong though I'm always trying to improve myself. Working out everyday and living a simpler live each day. Also writing down plans for in the future.
Goebbels probably did the similar stuff but couldn't yet apply it.
Pretty sure that was debunked. The tweet, that is.
Summary for those who don't follow.
End of last year/beginning of this year many high level political and religious figures visited Antarctica at separate times. You can search for them yourself.
December 2016 they announce a massive gravitational anomaly discovered below the ice.
July a giant chunk of Antarctica broke off and scientists said it wasn't caused by climate change.
August 14th the number of known Volcanoes in Antarctica goes from 47 to 138 after 91 new ones are discovered. And oh ya "if one erupts it could destabilize the ice and melt it."
And now today we have the discovery of cave entrances from geothermal heat.
Forgot to mention I think global warming might get debunked by volcanoes melting Antarctica, the giant ice cube that was in the Earth's drink.
All I was saying is that the points in the pic look kind of like a chakra map. (Groin/root, naval, solar plexus, heart, throat, head, and crown are all there.) I've seen alternative versions like that before that include chakra vortexes in the hands and feet as receivers (left side) and transmitters (right side) of energy. Keep in mind, I'm no yogi or anything. All I write here is based on my loose understanding of the beliefs.
Chakras, being the focal points in the body's bioelectric system, each vibrate and/or resonate at a particular frequency, each as harmonic undertones and/or overtones as the points below and/or above them.
Astrology, of course, is the belief that the planetary and stellar alignments influence our personalities and behaviors, even to the point that future events (and/or our reactions to them) can be predicted based on how the planets and stars are aligned at any given point in time.
It's known that our Sun, for example, emits radiation in varying strengths across the entire known EM spectrum. It then stands to reason that other stars also emit various EM "cocktails", depending on their size, what stage of their life cycle they're in, what fuels are being fused in their cores, and so on. It's also known that the planets themselves also emit radiations at various points of the EM spectrum. (E.g., search "solar sound", "Jupiter sings" or "sounds of Saturn". These are the EM emissions of the celestial bodies "scaled down" to audio frequencies. You're hearing an audio representation of x-ray, gamma, and other emissions.) Atoms, molecules, cells, our very bodies (particularly at our chakras), even our entire planet, our sun, our entire solar system, the galaxy, and the universe itself, all vibrate/resonate at particular frequencies and harmonics.
It's not too far fetched to think that the energetic emissions of planets and stars and comets and whatever else is out there could play a part - no matter how small - in how we behave, how we interact with and interpret our environment, and so on.
So, what that chart seems to be showing, in my opinion, is which astrological aspects affect which bioenergetic aspects. E.g., Mars' energy is connected to, interacts with, and influences the root chakra; Neptune's energy looks like it's in tune with the naval chakra, and so on. I'll admit that there are some symbols there that I don't recognize.
Watch "Metamorphosis" by Murdoch Murdoch
Both of us came from an exploding star 4.4 billion years ago. One of my atoms was formed in the same supernovae as yours my man. That we ended up on this planet at this time on this Mongolian yak butter forum is no coincidence. Pee pee poo poo and pissssssss and whatnot
Dunmer don't live in caves, you S'wit
I hope this is real
All this is to say that there are likely forces at work all around us that we no longer recognize, even though we once did, and even though we still succumb to them.
I've read stories about Atlantis and/or Lemuria, which tied in with the Yuga time cycle theory, that said every so many thousands of years, the alignment of Jupiter with our sun with the galactic core (and probably some other stuff) was responsible for the flow of positive/creative energies to us (I paraphrase, of course) as opposed to negative/destructive energies.
Unlike , though, I don't see such things as negative, I see it quite the opposite: A couple thousand years of kike brainwashing in order to trick us into thinking such things are "evil" or "unnatural", when in fact, it's our natural state.
It's said that Atlantis sunk 25K years ago, which is when we "lost tune" with the universe and lost all our positive/creative energy flow. It's said that the pyramids of Giza (and other megalithic monuments) were all built at around the same time, between ≈25K and 10K years ago.
Between six and eight thousand years ago, kikes started their bullshit with Babylon, with Egypt, and other ancient empires. They spent millennia perfecting their art, and unleashed it on the world as a whole ≈2,000 years ago, planning for a long con. Indeed, they've managed to convince a significant portion of the world's population that psychic powers, telepathy, telekinesis, etc., are the work of the devil.
People have burned each other alive and fought wars that have leveled empires for these fucking kikes.
I'm just rambling now. It's past my bedtime. You get the point, I hope.
You guys are giving them way too much credit. Think about it: Human history/development/greatness has been fueled by conflict.
In our mere few decades of peace as the world superpower we've developed raging liberals with such insanity not one of our ancestors would have believed it possible.
Imagine if you will, the NAZIs after WW2 escape to Antarctica and build their utopia. What then? They prepare to retake the surface? Well great, except how long do you think it will take them to develop identity and special snowflake politics and all that triviality which stems from complacency? Even if they started at a higher level sociologically, they would have nobody left at this point in time who would even remember why the world was against them or why they were against the world, they would be the equivalent of the modern liberal, with no great strife or reason to exist, just existence.
Not sure I follow this conversation but maybe these videos add value.
Fuck. Embeds.
The SIEG rune, of Spiritual Victory: Z. The bent left arm picks the energy in the Manipura Chakra and projects it, as a Black Sun ray, with the extended right arm. Its mantra is "Heil!" Wotan Warriors' and Esoteric Hitlerism magical salute. The flames of the key centers from the corporal energy-conscience are indicated too. The runic chakras.
Fake news on the tweet, the danger might be real but it's doubtful or they wouldn't be bringing all these VIPs down there.
No. No one is coming to save us, not ice Nazis, not Jesus, not ayyys. If we don't act on our own behalf together, we are fucked.
How fucking new are you? Lurk for 2 years before posting
You know how I know you're retarded?
Thunderbolt's Project is the key to unlock the doors of "science".
This place looks like its getting ready to take some huge water. Water already about to pour down down into it when the waves hit it.
LIVE Southern Most Beach Resort Beach & Pier
More cams.
This is some Hunter x Hunter bullshit.
>why would rich (((elites))) go to a secluded island with ZOGbot protection that is offlimits to all normies but the most indoctrinated rich fucks and stupid "scientific" ones
Gee I don't know. Maybe because argentina is a pedo slave colony for the kikes? This entire thread being shilled with religious D&C along with escotric hitlerism which is >>>/fringe/ tier stupidity?
Why does shill so hard at defeatism to doing this while also being a (((tor poster)))? Maybe because (((they))) don't want anyone uncovering proof of the pedo slave operations on islands like argentina and bikini atoll?
After reading this
Please get the fuck out of here with your stupid silly Flat Earth delusions
The wesbite you posted states that its source is Henry Makow. If this jew says that it's a psyop, then I'll start to take flat earth more seriously, I guess.
Does breeding entire classes of dogs into having health problems for the sake of aesthetics have Jewish roots?
Americans who pay taxes fund ZOG and Israel whether they like it or not. Either learn how to dodge the IRS or be labeled as part of the problem.
Stop abusing ketamine and believing the ayys you see in your closed eye visuals are real.
Yep, makes sense to me.
But would Europe be like India nowadays is eventually?
user, try actually reading the works of Miguel Serrano before condemning them. The man's choice of company and his deeds for the cause merit you give him a chance. He was good friends with Carl Jung, Herman Hesse, and the Dalai Lama. He was leader of the Argentinian National Socialist party and a official Argentinian diplomat. He spent is life supporting the Reich, helping survivors escape the neuremburg trials to South America, had many dealings with the Dalai Lama, and NEVER ONCE hid his support for the Reich! IF you choose to disagree with his spiritual viewpoints, so be it, but do so after reading the man's words for yourself, and do not sully his name.
Pic related when?
Say, do any of you faggots know what Pole translates to in German?
Serrano was a friend of Carl Jung, Hesse and Dalai Lama.
Buddhists are so badass people, they know so much more about this fucking life that many western could ever think about even knowing. It's deep shit!!!
You wanna the truth? You need to swallow it WHOLE. You cannot just take some delicious fruits of the cake and pretend that you know the cake of truth. Many indians (who also were taught by Aryans way back in time) knew also this concrete fact of reality.
Truth is something that you only can't have a grasp but just the fucking swimming in that fucking TRUTH .
Learn how to format your shit. At least you didn't spew out the pure retardation I heard once in a business class. The kikess in charge literally said that truth doesn't exists, it's only relative to the person who experiences it. That was the whole basis on how, in her opinion, you could bullshit people all day when trying to sell a product or service.
Fuck off N'wah
nice try shlomo
Stop spreading lazy disinfo you fucking shill bastard
It's just like at this time people have their cell phones and their pads and their instagrams and their facebooks and their trips and their photos and shit like that but inside they are and they know they are alone. What happens in the next moment is that in this reality you can be dead at any moment can you die. No matter the wealth or your situation in life, you are still mortal and weak. And people don't realize this true essence of life anymore and when something profound happens and relatives die and shit and after that they are helpless and for the moment at least they face the harsh reality of mortal being. And at that time they have no tools to survive in the moment, the grief comes in, the helplessness, the moment of truth. The moment that you need to look straight in to the eye of something that you fear the most. The eyeball… of something that were known by our ancestors back in the time of knowledge. The time of truth that all the the knowledge were for our everyone's benefit and enjoyment. It's like we have jumped too high and we know the landing is about to come and the minority of the frontier of the landfall somehow sense what is coming and try to warn everybody of the incoming collision, but no one wants to hear when the majority are still on the air and happily unknowing of anything coming ahead. We are on the brink of change and it's inevitable and it will happen and it will come soon and it will bring chaos and will be painful and it will take courage and we will survive through it.
So wait, hollow earth is real?
Thanks for the new avatar.
What do you say to those who have been to space?
What do you say to those who have solo circumnavigated the world on a sailboat?
flatcucks btfo
Isn't there a massive magnetic anomaly the size of Los Angelas at Lake Vostok?
He wasn't born a cripple, he sustained injuries during his youth so it wasn't genetic
It's kind of sad that for just a moment, I entertain the idea of Ice Nazis and some almost magical land of UFOs and secret bases and the possibility that perhaps there will be some sort of salvation or reckoning, some magic cure for degeneracy that would restore our society. It was nice to hope for a minute, back to my regularly scheduled black pill.
Oy vey yah goy bastids theahs nothing ta see heah. The ice melting glayshasiceis due ta global wawming. Theahs nothing up noth ouah down south this is aw anti sametic nazi pseudo science.
Fuck off kike
hitler dubs checking dubs
Oh fuck, not you again. I was hoping Irma would continue north, but now I'm hoping it goes right up through the gulf so you can finally die and do us all a favor.
I thought everyone just chuckled heartily seeing Asses and Elbows post.
Scan shipping records, satellite imagery, and documents to pinpoint route into New Swabia down to the a 100m accuracy. Then convince a rich donar to buy a diesal submarine and we go in all sneaky like
Look for New Swabian agents living among us. Contact them anonymously and attempt to establish a protocol for communication with New Swabia.
Don't black pill yourself bud
My neighbor was a ranger and gave me a shiite made iranian scarf tonight out of the blue. Had some tequila and he was talking all sorts of good shit about border operations between Iraq and Persia. Wild stuff
It's not hopeless. We can fix this, we just have to be willing to do what it takes when the time is right.
Wait, the NSDAP didn't have any physicians?
Option 1 is so impossible its laughable to even try to fathom.
I remember this letter being posted back in the 4/pol/ days. From someone on the crew of a U-boat near the end of the war after Hitler's supposed death, they weren't coming back to Germany.
You clearly didn't follow /hwndu/. Once the hivemind is roused to a purpose there is literally nothing that can be hidden from us.
I did follow hwndu I went to the ABQ stream and doxxed that fat faggot, but the big problem with option 1 is finding a richfag and keeping him alive until the voyage starts. That voyage another user posted in this thread had their financiers (((vanish))) of the face of the earth and they had to scrap the whole plan. That isn't the first time something like that happened either.
Our chances would be greater with option #2. The "Antarctican" will already have an admiration for us, hell, they probably are reading this thread. They'll make it easy for us to find them. That's just my 2 cents.
Oh, yeah, that second part is pretty impossible.
Checking that ID.
Kek is with us for sure, triple dubs ID is harder to get than post dubs by far…
You can fly over antarctica, right over the pole infact with charter flights. I think it's more landing boats that they don't like.
And the only radar station between antarctica and the rest of the world is in.. New Zealand.
It's not patrolled by the navy lmao.
At best they'll send a P3 Orion out from NZ to check you out.
And your take on the Giza/Cusco/Easter island connection?
The Elora temples in India. Mad workmanship.
Well, dubs do confirm. We need an user in AUS, NZ, or South America to build one of those transmitters/recievers that send signals through the earth and see if they can get a response or pick something up. Just keep sending SIEG and wait for a HIEL.
The world is big. Lots going on everyday.
Doesn't matter how hostile and untamed the land is. Whites will make it into a paradise. The whole purpose of Antarctica should be for whites to have a new homeland while the shitskin hoardes kill themselves off on the other continents.
>>>/fringe/ is esoteric hitlerism central, they'll vrillpill you, they even got lots of flags dedicated to it
There Earth is a sphere but has a shitload of underground networks. At its core its all molten and hot. There are also dimensional gates located on this Earth that lead to locations which are not the center of the Earth.
Oh and one more thing. One of those dimensional gates is in my basement, located on the side that faces north.
What are these flared out spots of obvious stretches of photos?
What is you being a collossal faggot and not posting a screen cap before it gets shoahed?
Also there is a place called Rothschild. On the ocean right outside of it, there appears to be a triangle of spheres/dots, can't zoom in much on this place - but a little off to the side in the other direction there are some very detailed shots, one goes extremely close, another seems to have some strange blue blops.
Pic 1 Rothschild
Pic 2 The detailed shots
Pic 3 The blue blops shot
Pic 4 Close up of blue blop
I looked on there myself and it is really there. That's odd and honestly it could be anything. There's definitely more going on there than they're letting on, but it's not rational to automatically assume it means there New Swabia bases leftover from the Third Reich. We don't know what it is, we just know it's something they don't want us to see.
True. It's probably more likely that it has to do with military or resources in some way, than a secret igloo reich
lmao, what the fuck
Keep an eye on /tok/, we will begin research into quantum communications.
Great backup for a chan medium too if they try get rid of us at ISP level and transverse packet radio level (negating I2P etc).
Making second bread shortly.
This. We improve everything we touch. he nature of the Aryan soul is to create.
Impossible. There would not be the magnetic field that we have, if the core were molten. Magma is from a layer somewhere in the crust or just below.
Lurk forever, Schlomo.
Proof or GTFO
Where does it lead, user?
What makes me scratch my head about these "Google Maps oh look they shopped some weird shit here to cover up something" is, why would they show that section in the first place if something was going on? Why not just use a stamp tool type of effect prior to posting it all on the Internet? In other words, most of the time when you see shit like this, it's some kind of digital fuck-up rather than someone trying to obfuscate.
That's not a water pipe, it's for skooma.
I remember that story. It's almost as bad as the super hyper giants living in Antarctica story. The story is basically just "omg zambies".
A little volcanic activity on a gigantic continent and you people lose your goddamned minds
Man, I really really want to know what's down there.
Admiral Byrd and many other explorers would like a word with your over-skeptical ass
If anyone from the middle earth is reading this
It's officially New shitpostingland.
Fuck off, we're full
Guys, I was having a fire at my neighbours house and we both saw a black triangular craft like pic related FUCKING BOOGY across the sky directly over my house, making weird sounds NOT like a jet AT ALL. It circled around and did another pass with 10 minutes, WTF is happening, I live in a suburb with 80k, it didn't follow the normal flight paths and trajectories of airlines to and from the airport near by, am I going to get got by solar warden or some shit?
Does it have anything to do with this? I thought I was going crazy but my neighbour saw it too.
Damn. At least gib me a Tachyonator to swap into my pickup truck.
Did the savage land used to be dry? Australia was also under partial ice. Ayers rock is a good example that it used to be glacial alike long before the abo altered the ecosystem permanently.
Occam would like a word with your insane ass
Do you have a military installation nearby?
Friend of mine has seen similar 6 years back. Said it made a low droning hum you can slightly feel in your lower abdomen and flew quite low. It was around an NZ military installation where weaponry is stored and extensive underground tunnels are present (Kauri Pt).
TR3B supposedly, might be US.
kek, life dreams user! Maybe in a few years if Holla Forums or /tok/ can collaboratively make 'em a reality.
Phoenicians used to live there and NZ. Plenty of evidence, best so far is Sarina - 300m long jetties and evidence of mining, mineral extraction, stonework and complex life beyond what gutter-tier, child-raping abos did.
Maybe we can do a group buy like they do with custom parts on racing forums. We should ask that repair manuals and parts catalogs are included.
I'm an east coast leaf, nearest air base is Sheerwater, (half the runway is used as parking lot)
Halifax is basically the headquarters for all branches of the Canadian military on the east coast
Maybe my buddies and I were tripping out, but personally before the night we saw our weird shit I have never seen a flying vehicles light move so fast as to leave a large, noticeable trail behind it. It was over in Europe, but whatever we were looking at was as quiet as the grave. The second one of my guys points it out, with, "Do you guys see that?" (Despite the fact we were looking at this for a good 15-20 seconds prior to him saying the obvious, the lights blinked out.
Most of us were kidding around but the mood became something between getting black bagged to God knows where or being abducted and launched into space.
Anyone actually know of any vehicles that can do that with their lights? I'm used to regular plane lights for night travel, but like I said, it was a damn large tail following behind the point of origin for these lights, like those slow motion rave montages.
Doesn't that worrry them that they are attracting UFO or other mystery to the military bases like flies?
And thread
Aaaaaaand thread
It's time. Unfortunately I don't have any IRL new bread to share, just half a loaf. Ate it all reading this delicious bread ^____~
New bread is here 10583370
will reply to you there cheers