Racist Camera Captures Innocent African Americans in Unfortunate Circumstances
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Ran out of room (2000 characters mfw)
Nice. You just ruined the thread right there.
All we have to do is ban cameras to stop the racist footage from being posted online.
archive you stupid nigger, it doesn't matter if jim made it or not.
I made it, you filthy kike. It's on the same server as this.
I get it faggot, archive it anyways.
Wouldn't it be easier to just ban African-Americans?
Tourists? They must be tourists, not residents. Right?
Garbage encode.
This is straight from the source.
Video related, for sheer nostalgia and keks.
niggers, am i right or am i right
thanks Jim
That would be racist, user.
It'd be a more productive constitutional amendment than Prohibition was.
Niggers love wearing $500 Gucci belts damn near around their knees. When you look at rap music and nigger culture objectively it really is just a bunch of monkeys behaving like monkeys. Surely they wuz kangs n shit
San Francisco already does this
they have banned stores from having videocameras?
Those are the """"""""people"""""""" that would vote for zuckerberg.
I think he is talking about this jewel of the modern world.
It reminds me of sweden when they white faced the criminals faces to avoid racism*
(Disclaimer it only works one way)
Enjoy reading in case you didn't know.
Security cameras are causing racial divisions. They should be banned.
Another racist camera from the multicultural paradise that is Jew York.
Same fagging because I forgot pic
In sweden those pesky racist pixels blurring criminals have a tendency to choose darker colours as such the swedes have long since changed those pixels (yet somehow they always change it to white)
What a great idea. Surely Sweden will succeed where every major city in America has failed.
I can't read your retarded green text. You're trying to be funny and sarcastic, but it's just a massive wall of boring text that doesn't get to the fucking point soon enough. You could probably sum that entire thing up in one short factual sentence. Try it sometime, nigger.
My god I fucking hate Sweden so much. Why can't they just implode and cease to exist already?
Someone had a nice infograph showing city populations and Jewish populations within cities. Loads of these "white" people in many cities are actually kikes (which also explains why they're such corrupt Marxist shit-holes). Which is nice to know, because that increases the likelihood of black on white crime in these shit-holes actually being black on kike crime.
Germany is not so far away,today I took a small black pill when I met a qt german at my work,I simply was working and helped her a bit since I wasn't busy and she asked me places to go and see around,she liked history so I told her about some roman remains to see in a nearby city etc,told her bye.
She came again asked for more things,explained to her,told her bye.
And she came yet again,answered more,told her bye and then I decided I wanted to ask her about politics in germany and I kind of told her with so much things changing in germany since I last visited and even then I got the impression it has turned a bit more shady and dangerous who will you vote for i heard some party named AfD..they seem rad and cool desu and I heard they are kind of like an alternative "wink wink" to merkel and those things
She said she was going to vote for linke (leftards) and that AfD were not an alternative to merkel they were like very right wing and racist so i went full shocked like oh my!!
Then she asked me when I finished work and if I was free and i basically went full I'm sorry I'm busy all day and tomorrow as well (while it's true i could find time with her and her hotel was near my home since she told me where she was staying)
I wouldn't let a commie try and seize my means of reproduction,but basically she and all the germans outside of Holla Forums related issues have been a black pill to this day.
I had some hefty keks thanks to her pretending to be shocked and felt pity since she was a qt 3.14 bound for some enrichment by some Turkish or shitskin but not my problem and I'm already married but she didn't realise since we have the rings at the opposite hand to germans
So what? They look like every other nigger and nobody in thier community would ever turn them in anyways.