Welcome to another Space Thread what are your orders?
Also Zero for Best ship
Welcome to another Space Thread what are your orders?
Also Zero for Best ship
First for best ship as well
Dukat > Sisko.
Also I cannot get The Fallen to work on win7, anyone else ever tried?
post great ship concepts that have never been used in a game
He used to be a true Cardassian hero, but then he sold out and joined some Bajoran cult or something.
Fuck him, he sold out his own people to the dominion and went native with the Bajorans.
That's basically a rifle.
The writers of the show got triggered by Dukat's popularity on the internet and with women compared to Sisko so they wrote him turning into a one-dimensional villain in S6 and S7. I'm not counting that against the character. Picrelated is one of the writers nowadays. Go figure.
Weird they didn't jump on the chance of making a really "grey" show. That wasn't a big thing back then? I guess they were really attached to their muh 10 million narrative.
Well DS9 was greyer at the start and even towards the end you have some Cardassian heroes. It's just Dukat being more popular with women than Sisko upset them. Why would women prefer space-Hitler to a proud black man?
How playable are X3 games? I feel like playing a space merchant, but in most games it feels like an inefficient way of making money.
They shouldn't have gone with the genocide thing if they couldn't handle it without eventually kvetching.
Some user sat down and worked out that the Bajoran Occupation was less dangerous than working in Canada.
Pod Racing VR game when
It was a genocide in the writer's minds.
Because Dukat was written as a charmingly rougeish kind of bastard. Bitches love that. Doesn't matter how many millions of Bajorans he killed.
Just look at Jamie Lannister in GoT or Draco Malfoy and Snape in Harry Potter. They are all complete douchebags and assholes, but the fangirls just can't get enough of them.
50 years of occupation.
15 million killed.
Sounds about right for work related accidents, thought that raises three questions. Who came up with those numbers (bajorans or feddies who would want to exaggerate the loss of life, or Cardassians who would want to down play it) what they counted as "killed by the occupation." Death by old age, starvation, easily treatable disease that went untreated or natural causes like being a Bajoran dumb enough to pick a fight with Cardassian soldiers vs stuff like death by public execution, killed by the resistance for collaborating with the occupiers a category that oddly enough always ends up attributed as the occupying country's fault or gets completely forgotten after the collaboration, civilians killed by the resistance fighters terror attacks this group pretty much never seems to get counted by anyone after the way, resistance fighters killed while attacking occupying troops, work camps where the inmates are worked to death and so on. How you count these numbers can have a HUGE impact on how your numbers end up.
And thirdly, for that 15 million number to make any sense, we have to know how many bajorans where actually ON bajor at the time. Was the population in the billions, which would make sense, hundreds of millions or only a few dozen millions? This is a deceptively important question, since we are dealing with sci fi writers and as we all know, sci fi writers have no sense of scale and will regularly give insane numbers. Like 20.000 Romulan ground troops being enough to overrun and occupy Vulcan, and interstellar empires with trillions to quardrillions of citicens. only have a few hundred spaceships available.
3.8 billion Bajeworans with 15million killed over the space of 50 years.
Barely. But yes, the game is very trade focused. You can ignore combat almost entirely. Be warned though, the game is unintuitive as fuck starting out and the interface will drive you mad (menus within menus just for simple ship commands).
If you wanna play it, grab X3:AP. I'd also strongly recommend Litcube's mod. It includes a lot of quality of life changes that would (maybe) make learning it easier.
Any games like Homeworld or Nexus: Jupiter Incident was upgraded to HD if you didnt know?
Deserts of Kharak.
Game Master of Orion a try since ive never tried that series out. Its cute and looks pretty but damn isnt it the most boring 4x spess game ever. Too fucking simple.
If you're in for slow paced merchanting it's quite playable.
When does it get good, again? I remember loving this shit, but every time I put on an episode, it just feels like nothing is happening.
Maybe it's just because I watched Babylon 5 too recently. DS9 tried its best, but it just doesn't hold a candle to B5. I dunno.
Nobody ate this bait? Don't mind if I do…
I am kind of curious why everyone sucks his dick so much? I never thought highly of Chris Roberts, even in the early 90's. He seemed a bit of a salesman and a tool. I did have a lot of respect for his brother Erin Roberts though, Erin really knows how to get shit done and can make games with good gameplay. See Starlancer when Erin Roberts took the helm on that, that was a pretty damned good and underated space game.
X3 games are okay. They've got a nice aesthetic and feel pretty spacey, but they've also got big cubes with gates taped to the walls connecting them with loading screens, so you always feel like you're flying around in a fishtank with a pretty matte painting of a planet or nebula in the distance.
The gameplay itself is so slow that there's an in-game, in-lore time warp that makes time pass slower inside your cockpit, so you can crank your speed to max, point yourself at the station in the distance, and literally fast forward until you reach your destination. Everything takes an inordinately large amount of time, especially docking.
The super huge ships aren't fun to use, because they're slower than frozen shit. Even their turrets are slow for some reason, so they can't hit anything much smaller or faster than they are. There's a class of large ship that's neither capital nor escort nor freighter nor fighter that's pretty good. I can't remember what the M classification for it is, but I remember there only being like 2 kinds of them in the entire game. They're half the size of capital ships and have decent speed, maneuverability and armaments. I think one of them is Xenon and the other Split or something like that. Those are rad as hell to fly.
If you just want to chill in space and fuck around, it's a decent game. If you're a goal-oriented player who feels the constant need to be efficient or "win", then you're going to ultimately build resource farm station loops and break the economy, and then stop playing.
Hope isn't faith, user. Don't get them confused.
I don't believe that Star Citizen will amount to anything, however, I've seen bizarre shit happen against all reasonable odds before, so there's a one-in-a-million chance that something good could actually happen.
I hope it does.
It won't, but I hope it does.
Did chris roberts even get much exposure in the 90s? I loved WC, but I don't remember hearing much about him to form an opinion other than his name being on a bunch of kickass games.
Although that could just be because I've never gone looking for news on any industry personalities, I still haven't heard much about him personally and only know him in the current year through his hand rubbing exploits with sc.
After looking up Erin Roberts, it looks like he's making Squadron 42. If I'm reading this shit correctly, it looks like Squadron 42 is the game that was actually promised in the Star Citizen kickstarter.
How the hell does that work? CR kickstarted one game, and then passed the idea off to his brother and then took all of the funds to make his own different game under the kickstarted name?
What kind of diabolical machination is this?
I was looking for the trading part more than the chilling in space part. I'll try Albion and see how that goes.
M6. They're corvettes. I'm fairly sure every race has one though, maybe not in the earlier games. Most people use them as player ships since they can still kill fighters effectively while having enough cargo space to warp around constantly.
Erin seems extremely competent as does Tony. I am looking forward to Squadron 42 hopefully it has a good showing at Citizencon.
It was very difficult to hear from industry personalities in the 90's unless you subscribed to magazines.
In that case, you'll probably quite enjoy yourself.
When you can afford to, get yourself some extra fighters and put those remote autopilot modules into them so you can use them as drone escorts.
You can also buy extra freighters and use the "universal trader" module to have them automatically travel the galaxy buying low and selling high for you. They get shot down easily though.
That's the one. They're a nice sweet spot for sure.
Deserts of Kharak gets shit on alot but it's still worth playing if you're a Homeworld fan
i'm currently at season 3 of DS9
why were the cardassians so retarded when attacking the dominion?
i can understand that they got infiltrated by changelings, but they could have at least done a better job getting info on their enemies.
But they wouldn't. It would only take a while, since they are dependent on ketresyl (?) white. It would take some time for withdrawal to set in. Without the founders the Vortha will eventually collapse.
They're Cardies, what do you expect? I always assumed the Cardassian Order did some stuff behind the scenes to give them the impression that they could take them.
Any good Dune like "desert plant sci-fi " vidya ?
His antics in the early 00s with Freelancer and his subsequnt departure from the industry towards Hollywood had much more exposure.
His production company was actually implicated in a 500 million € tax dodging case in Germany. Not too long after this he sold it and went back to game dev.
There's the Dune games.
Borderlands :^)
not hyped but i got in the kickstarter before it was obvious they didnt need any more money.
Was playing the current version yesterday, its coming along, obviously very slowly but its not like there are many other games i can EVA above a pirate station with a sniper rifle shooting people in the head as they go to board their ships.
fuck, I had successfully blocked the wing commander movie from memory until I just looked him up on imdb.
At least it isn't a pozzed fps set as Hiigaran marines during the homecoming with a cinematic experience.
Hw3 was supposed to be set after the Hiigarans opened the eye of arran and became assholes again led by a demented karan sjet as she had been connected to the mothership too long.
The hiigarans were supposed to be the antagonists.
Are you just making things up based on the marketing videos that are all obviously just bullshot mockups, user? It's common knowledge that Star Citizen is just a big fancy hangar where you can stare at static ship models and play pretend.
The only good thing about that movie is based david warner as tolwyn.
I thought it was pretty good for a cheeseball movie. Then again, I generally like cheesy poorly produced movies - unless they're just plain boring. Wing Commander is definitely entertainingly bad.
Was that really what the Dust Wars story was about?
Also possible Homeworld announcement tomorrow.
uh… attack, okay?
Why won't they leave Homeworld alone? It's Fallout all over again.
Is that ED Community Goal for delivering Gold worth it for a new player?
Can you still reimburse the game?
Squadron 42 and the persistent universe were pitched as separate things from the beginning. The kickstarter was for both, yeah.
I don't know if you're making a joke or not, but you could do that stuff in the free fly week recently in the PU demo. It was buggy as fuck though.
Also, I wonder if SC will do another free fly thing for 3.0. I'm curious to how the career implementation will be since they said that's what they're doing.
>inb4 3.0 doesn't come out till the end of next year
Chris has always been the ideas man. Erin is the one that actually gets shit done.
Wasn't Erin being put in charge of the SQ42 team pretty recent? I swear there was someone else doing it before he was.
I think the most interesting character of the bunch though is Tony Zurovec. Hearing him talk about the persistent universe stuff makes me hope he can pull it off. Guy's really interesting to listen to.
I want to give Star Citizen my money.
I don't know lad, I got cautious optimism for it as outsider and morbid curiosity too, but they don't deserve anymore shekels until at least SQ42 is out, and that was supposed to be out this year.
Astral ascendancy soon, brother.
steam stellaris sale
Should get distant worlds instead.
What this guy said. Distant Worlds is better.
Also speaking of Stellaris.
I like how this implies most of Stellaris's budget was wasted on making sprites that with tween animation.
Meanwhile moders do it for free.
Well of course, that's why there's nothing to do in the game. Especially if you like trade empires, or any kind of empire beyond waging war all the time.
eight tiers, going to low ball a 20-30 mil payout at around top 10%.
They've only hit the first tier so it's hard to see what the scaling is but most likely for a new player if you can get up to at least top 25%/50% you'll be worthwhile to doing it. This isn't counting any money you make while actually selling the gold.
This is why I never buy 4x at launch these days they always save critical features for expansions
Yeah, probably the same will happen with Civ 6. Get it when it has a GOTY edition with all expansions.
Though Amplitude is pretty reasonable. Hoping Endless Space 2 will be fun. No idea when it comes out though.
Endless Space devs were bought out buy Sega recently? Sega loves putting dlc/microtransactions in their games.
Where they? I thought they were still under Iceberg Interactive. Welp.
Wasn't there four DAH games?
I miss fun video games.
Cardassians did nothing wrong. They brought culture, art, poetry and technology to Bajor.
They did plenty wrong, not the least of which is involving themselves with inferior species.
For once Federation was right. Helping inferior beings is waste of time.
So with all the hype about aliens eventually coming to Elite Dangerous, does anyone actually think it'll be good? We're talking about a game that does the bare minimum always and gets away with it cause it's the only current space sim on the market with a decent budget.
what did he mean by this Holla Forums?
I've been mulling over it since I saw it a couple hours ago, I still haven't figured it out
But muh lightships! Ancient Bajoran Astronauts visited Cardassia long before the Cardassians had interstellar travel. And in highly practical and durable two-man ships that could travel anywhere if they happened to have a tachyon current going to exactly the right place.
I wonder, is there any Space Game where you can go mad and murder everyone on board? SS13 doesn't count
In WOODEN spaceships.
What kind of insane morons would come up with such an idiotic thing. That is clearly nothing but Feddie propaganda to encourage the Bajorans to cooperate closer with them.
For Engineers they dropped us a korean grinding casino, for passengers they are just renaming cargo modules so for ayyliums they will probably recolor a sidewinder.
the JJ Connie actually looks pretty nice in the TOS hull material
Why does it look as big as a Galaxy class?
Because it is, and the Vengeance is even bigger.
I'm still miffed they went gigantor size with it instead of TOS sized…
I actually like the Venge
As always, a posting on the Enterprise is a death sentence.
Engineers isn't that bad now tbh, they adjusted drop rates. It still takes awhile to acquire stuff but I've been puttering around mining and taking the odd mission and components are slowly piling up.
For a new player, it's worth delivering ene ton (or more, if you like) to any hauling CG as you'll get the minimum participation reward, which is usually a hefty sum for minimal work. Going for the higher tier awards is probably fruitless since you're competing with Imperial Cutters that haul over 700 tons at a time. But it can be fun to participate anyways.
The whole principle of the Engineers is bad, it reeks of laziness. If they could fuck up something as simple as crafting so bad then I'm not hyped one bit for future features.
I still want to be able to purchase information at stations. Like download brochures that give me market prices and shipyard product information for every system within 10 lightyears, and maybe even asteroid and planet prospecting data gathered in the last 24 hours.
Flood that galaxy map with pips telling me there's mineral X on this planet at these coordinates, or that there's a 20% off sale on pythons at that shipyard. Maybe I'd actually have a reason to use the damned map, then.
I managed to get like 52 tons in already with my adder, got enough to buy a cobra and now I"m happy, but it did take a while since I only made like 1k profit each ton, decided to do other missions as well.
Is there anything like Pulsar Lost Colony but with trading?
Not that I know of.
If you believe the propaganda, then Shekel Shillizen will have that kind of multi-person-per-ship stuff.
It won't.
Shit, I just want some comfy space game with friends where we operate a ship together.
ED'll have that shit in 2.3 and probably get spacelegs in 3.
you can join NASA and make sure people will be able to do it in the future while wasting taxpayer money
NASA would actually have to get a significant amount of taxpayer money in the first place for that, user.
Better wasting it on technology that lets you shit your pants cleanly in zero gravity than wasting it on crap like welfare and social medicine.
But Israel needs more money for the missiles.
you could join SpaceX and suck up government funding while exploding your own rockets
Someone fucked up a decimal point or something on this last CG.
What are you talking about user? ;^)))))))
I got some neat pics too
landing on terrestrial planets when?
atmospheric entry where you have to maintain careful watch of angle and speed or suffer massive heat damage when?
exploration that's not boring as shit when?
they need to put wacky spatial anomalies and crazy abandoned alien superstructures and shit way out there to discover rarely, worth a couple million per scan to spice it the fuck up. as it is, the only viable way to earn bank with exploration is to fly out in a straight line for 8 straight hours of FTL jumps, then scan several hundred neutron stars from a very specific part of the galactic rim, and then spend another 8 hours (and that's playtime hours, not game time) jumping back to inhabited space just to make 1/50th of what you could have made trading, running missions, farming REC or even goddamn MINING for 16 hours.
Multi-crew is neat and all, but it's not going to magically make the game more interesting when there's fuck-all to do, and what there is to do is dryer than clinton's vagina.
Sweet! I dont think Ive ever seen a gas giant like the one in your first pic and im a pathfinder ranked explorer.
Oh and I heard Bernard's Loop nebula back there just got permit restricted just recently so something to do with Ayys I'd wager.
They are carefully implementing all the shit for the next 40 years or so.
God I love mining. The pay is pretty shit but it's fun as fuck.
Wish all materials could appear in rings, though, since I don't enjoy SRVing.
Or just give us player trading so I can swap dat painite for materials and components and data.
I'd probably enjoy mining more if I could hire NPC escort ships to guard my ass while I'm sitting there. It seems like even if I fly way out into uninhabited deep space well beyond the bubble, I still get pirates up my ass every couple of minutes.
It's been a year or more since I've bothered trying to mine, though. I might give it another shot when I get completely sick of trade missions again.
Python's decent for mining, right?
elite dangerous doesn't have trading?
No. Their reason for not allowing players to trade money, goods or ships is because DEM EVIL CHINESE GOLD FARMERS will invade the game. So fuck the players, no features for you.
Their reason for patching the game's offline mode out after the beta was equally bullshit.
Oh man I forgot they revealed the ship for the new Star Trek series. Fucking ugly thing.
What the absolute fucking shit is that.
What are you talking about? There's never been a single Star Trek series after DS9.
It was based off old concept art that wasn't use for obvious reasons.
There was though.
So this is a full blown policy and not just laziness about getting around to implementing it, that's even worse than I was imagining.
The policy is the result of the laziness, as it is now Frontier seems to have painted themselves in a corner with the shit netcode and tackled on MP. Every feature they would want to add is hindered their shit instancing mechanics.
Which is weird, because eve only had two redeeming features: capitalism and no instancing. It seems like that should be the bare minimum you have to offer.
The vibe I get from FD is that they don't seem to have any idea of what they are doing. They are alone right now in the space sim genre but their monopoly won't last forever.
The game is so full of wasted potential it hurts to play it.
that would only happen if they make the new homeworld 3 game a Moba instead of a RTS.
OP should link to Terrain Trade Authority torrent
i'd link a video but i dont want to give stream niggers views.
it already does
I think it looks alright. There are definitely worse designs.
Yea, if you've got thr rank though the Clipper is best, it can out-run just about anything that might fuck with you while still doing 3 million cr hauls unshielded.
Your best bet for unmolested mining is finding a good ring and avoiding the official extraction sites. Drop into a vacant area along a rich vein in the ring and you'd be lucky to see another ship let along a pirate once a day, at least thats my experience with it and i mine 2 jumps away from Cubeo
Think of it this way, if you somehow survive you can get the position you've always wanted.
Shieldless. lol.
Please tell me you are in open. I've always wanted to rob a miner. Player miners are like unicorns or player controlled orcas.
Too bad this game's horrible balance made everything but lasers irrelevant.
If the Bajoran "genocide" was so horrible, why did fewer die during it than died in a single country on your Earth of natural causes in the 21st century?
Of course im in open, solo is for faggots, but you wont find me while im working. You'd have to catch me in the 1 jump it takes for me to get to the refinery system while keeping up with my clipper's v-tec boost speed with silent running if you even did. Maybe another clipper or FAS could do it but it hasn't happened yet and i think im around 200 mil profits from mining
Is pic related good? It's on sale for like 8 bucks with all DLC. With all this shitposting about nu man's flop I'm craving a fun space adventure.
It's alright, yeah. Not the best, but not terrible. 8 bucks is a decent price I would say.
I had a clipper. I bought it when the Emperor woke up from his coma and they lowered the rank requirements for a week in a baffling means of celebration.
I didn't have the money to properly outfit it, though, and that was back before you could make decent money quickly unless you were some kind of spreadsheet superstar doing raw trade runs.
I sold for a fully kitted combat vulture and genocided pirate scum until I could afford a trade python, and then started doing high-rep delivery missions. That's where I'm at right now.
I'd like to get a Clipper again, but god damn does rep grind take a long-ass time. I can sit on 100% rep for days without a single rank-up mission appearing anywhere.
I'd say that my ultimate goal would be a trade Conda or Cutter, but they cut off 70% of ports because they require Large-size landing pads, and I've found that outposts pay the second highest wage for transport missions after planet-side colonies.
Landing on planets also takes at least 2 minutes longer, so I try to avoid them for the sake of credits/hour ratio.
Any mods to fix Stellaris war only approach? I was hoping to enslave a primitive colony but noooo
Play Distant Worlds instead is the best way to fix Stellaris.
What separates Distant worlds from stellaris?
D-das juden?
Distant Worlds is a robust game that's had ~4 major expansions and has a compilation version available called Distant Worlds Universe.
I'm not even going to bother listing all of the features, go look them up. It makes Stellaris look like cookie clicker.
I really like the pre-warp start, being confined to your system for a while is pretty cool.
Give it time.
Stellaris might not be much now, but with expansions it might come to equate Worlds.
This is why I never buy games early. If you wait a year or two they'll release the, "get all the dlc," edition, which will inevitably be superior to the vanilla and prove more cost effective.
Doing some rare goods trading for one of the alium clue CGs
decent profit per unit
They may not feel like making them.
Space gurus, I need help
I need a space rpg. story heavy (heavier than the average go do what you want space sim), with a customizable ship and as light as possible. Do you know anyhthing like that?
>They may not feel like making them.
The devs seriously sound like whiny millennial brats. What the fuck is wrong with this industry.
I like the pre-warp start as well. What's weird to me is that people usually don't recommend pre-warp for new players, but I found it easier to learn the game that way since there's not as much stuff going on.
Starpoint Gemini is an RPG. That's the first thing I thought I can think of. Has a good selection of ships and you can replace parts on them, like weapons and the likes.
Oh, but I don't remember SG2's story being that great so maybe that won't do it for you. It's been a while since I've played it honestly.
Infinite Space, maybe? It's a 3DS game.
Emulate it with desmume.
Good I'll look into those
It's just Johan being Johan. He's been a fuckwad and a jew for years now. The lead dev of stellaris actually seemed pretty cool for a Swede.
Space-ship games in my experience usually have complicated controls like flight sims (not always that complex but in the same vein). Are there some that are a little more arcadey? I don't really care about realism, I want to have fun and dogfight in asteroid fields and attack freighters and shit instead of learning a ton of keyboard shortcuts.
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series
Colony Wars series
Tachyon the Fringe
DarkStar One
For top-down:
Escape Velocity Nova
Armada (Dreamcast)
Because the Bajoran genocide is a myth. If memory serves, the only Cardassian to actually say genocide was the goal was maliciously impersonating Gal Darhe'el, and was lying and exaggerating to sate his white grey guilt. It was only ever about resources. The camps were work camps, not death camps, and as I showed a few threads ago, the working conditions were less deadly than those in modern-day Canada.
I used a trade python to step up to an anaconda and you're totally right about the medium pad advantage. The conda can just haul like 400 tons while still having a shield, srv, and a limpet controller or whatever you might need.
On the subject of the the clipper, its only real pro is its speed. Its hard points aint tight, its not too tough and its shields are stretched relatively thin but pic very related.
Its the only ship I trust to safely mine in and oddly enough, pvp. A class 7 bi-weave, two large frag cannons, 2 medium beams and modded thrusters make it a hit and run monster that can just avoid fights if it gets too hairy.
And ramming, if that gets you off. Boost boost, flight assist off and whip it around so its full cross section is hurling at a small target and he probably wont survive. I had a swarm of like 6 cmdrs in cobras, vipers and DBSs chasing my bounty in an extraction site and id just fly wide letting my shield charge up quick while herding them together, then 4 pips to systems while going head on at 460m/s and they'd just splash off me and explode in pairs.
What do the tier rewards look like? That imperial capitol ship one last week spoiled the hell out of me and it was the easiest shit ever to contribute to.
The best statistics I can find mention around 5 workplace fatalities per day in Canada. In 50 years, that would only amount to 91.500 or so deaths. Are you counting natural deaths from old age as "killed by the occupation" cause even the federation isn't retarded enough to do that.
It’s the Phase II ship! See, goys, we’re pandering to the original demographic while simultaneously inserting faggotry and feminism! It’s great! Miscegenation has been around since the beginning, by the way.
I'm using numbers from Memory Alpha for the Occupation. It never states how exactly they get the value of 15 million killed, but that's what they give. With a total population of 3.8 billion on Bajor, and a 50-year occupation, it's about 7.9 per 100,000 per year.
I can't find the statistics I used for Canada workplace deaths last time, but the rate I'm finding now is just under 7 per 100,000 workers. So apparently not safer, but definitely comparable. And even being the same order of magnitude proves it was no "genocide".
ED is arcadey as fuck as far as flight goes. Though you can have it deeper if you want by flying FA-off which is pseudo-Newtonian.
Hasn't it though? I thought the whole thing between Kirk and Uhura was a big deal back in the 60s, and Star Trek has been doing that shit ever since.
Oh right, scale to the population. Forgot that…
Still, the 15 million number still boils down to either "sci fi writers have no sense of scale" something Star Trek writers proved many a time or they are only counting those executed/killed fighting the occupation.
Even then, with 50 years of fighting across an entire planet, that 15 million number is still awfully low.
All jews must die.
Oh, I forgot all about that. I was referring to Spock being half-human. Since Star Trek BEGINS with the premise that “all humans are identical”, the fact that they’re breeding outside the species (in our world, the same as miscegenation) was the real kicker.
The one in the top left has huge fucking titties.
so why does it have to be a big ass disc for the humans ships?
pseudo-ufos maybe?
Putting aside the fact that it'd be almost impossible from a scientific perspective for our species to successfully reproduce with an Ayy LMAO, would it really be that bad? Assuming we're trying to get onto planets where our physiology is ill suited, I'd imagine we'd want our offspring to have the Genes that made living on those planets easier.
cause the Federation is full of homos
NMS's complete blunder seems to have benefited ED a lot. David 'the vision' Braben must thank his lucky star.
I hope they crash that ship with no survivors.
Considering the Enterprise hasn't survived a single movie yet, I wouldn't worry.
Well in this game you technically do
They kind of ignore that issue in Star Trek, or at least downplay it, given how they generally just go down without any kind of protection against the elements other than their jump suits.
That's a delicious ship
When in doubt, remember that many Alpha Quadrant species are derived from a single progenitor species, and assume that solves the problem.
The Bajewracaust is a hoax.
Dukat Dun Nuffin Wrong!
Other than sell out his own people to dominion slavery and join a Bajoran cult, you mean.
Post your spess theme
I don't know this game, post a page for reference
I gave them 500 when it was just promises
don't give them any until they come out with the fucking marine FPS update
holy shit lol
yup, I had visions of Warbros shenanigans backing it
doubt it will ever be now
tfw she isn't in the nu-canon
forgot pic
So goyim, are you ready to send your last shekels so you could get a physical version of your virtual space ship?
The 3D printing resolution isn't very high. 4k 3D printing when?
When the game stops looking like dogshit
Guess Gradius is a bit too old eh?
One of the first games I ever played back in the NES days.
Are you the guy from /stog/ thread?
If you send them the request to print your ship with detached nacellas im gonna respect you for it for the rest of my life.
Whats the most brutal weapon in star trek? Transporter scrambler?
it's a secret, but I'd imagine around 10-15 mil for the top 70%
That special disruptor in TNG that burns you from the inside out.
Started using VoiceMacro after GAVPI shit the bed and refused to use text-to-speech, to give me feedback that the command I just issued was being carried out, after my OS HDD crashed
I didn't like it the first time I tried it since it took more time to interpret voice commands than GAVPI did but after fiddling with the Recognizer settings a bit, mainly turning the dictionary weight down to 1% and training windows speech recognition to better understand my voice, I can't realy tell the difference between the two.
so if you're using GAVPI but wish it could do more and don't feel like paying for VoiceAttack maybe take a look at VoiceMacro, it's free and seems to have the same functionallity as VoiceAttack
Not explicitly space game related but thought some of you might want to know
and if you're not using any voice activated commands you are missing out in my opinion
talking and screaming to your cumputer is fun
have a hard time remembering all the keyboard shortcuts for building shit in RTS games but you know the name of the thing, set up a macro for it like "build so and so building" and have the program do it for you
no finger breakdancing over your keyboard required
Thanks brah, I'll give it a try for ED. I will be starting playing it again to scratch my spess itch and voice commands might add something new to the barebones game.
it is realy good
I don't have it set up, because I don't know how, but you can make it so that the program keeps track of for example different states of your landing gear, if they are extended or retracted and give you the proper response if your try to extend them when they are already extended or ask you if you wish to retract them instead and then wait for a yes or no response
same goes for hardpoints, if you try to jump away from a fight you can have the program first retract the hardpoints and then jump
maybe I'm imagining things but I think I read somewhere that you could do that shit
That spatial anomaly that fuses you into the floor.
Maybe those Q civil war era muskets that shoot supernovas instead of musket balls.
Those torpedoes that shoot weaponized Borg at species 8472.
Honestly, the most brutal and inhumane weapon that the Federation ever created is Captain Catherine Janeway
Not the giant ship cannon that erases entire planets from existence?
Can you export your voicemacro profile and set it up for download somewhere? I'll use it as a starting point.
I'm sure that now the Delta Quadrant is all 'Remove federation' because of her.
Kek'd hard cause it's true. She honestly would belong in 40k purging xenos, even then the Inquisition would probably call her methods far too extreme.
The time gun that was piloted by That 70s Dad?
It's not much of a weapon if destroying it undestroys everything it destroyed.
It's not brutal, you just cease to exist because of time manipulation.
Rewatching Voyager right now and I never realized how unhinged she was.
dem hormones
dat pms
Wasn't one of those examples fake though? IIRC that was the episode where it was 400 years in the future and history had been manipulated by one planets race to make everyone believe that they had been opressed and used the story of Voyager's visit to their world to create a false martyr.
Funny thing is even the actress who played her knew how inconsistent she was that she really though she was playing a deranged Captain.
there is a ED profile on VMs forum
too much trouble to upload my profile somewhere now that you can't append files to images here anymore
Thanks, i'll look it up
Such is the power of self righteous moralising.
Just look at S1 TNG.
Nothing stops nagging questions like "should we try to help those aliens dying to extinction from a disease we could cure in an afternoon, or should we let nature runs its course?
I mean, if it was HUMANS, there's no question about going out of your way to save every last one of them, even if the planet is inhabbited by niggers and jews. But if the have a funny noseridge, then you just like them die as you debate the academic points.
Janeway takes this kind of logic to its extreme, letting people die to uphold the prime directive, unless she could have fun screwing with her crew by letting aliens steal their organs or some shit. So what if the feddies have the key to cure the disease that forces the organ stealing aliens to steal organs of others to survive. Gotta protect that prime directive, even if it means leaving aliens as organ stealing horrors that prey on anything else around. Its natures way….
Technically, yes.
But then you realize that everything about the characterization of "Warship Voyager" is consistent with the real crew, and it no longer matters that she's wearing scary black gloves in the made up scenario.
Her character's sole motivation is coffee. If she can't get her fix, she goes into a violent psychotic depression which ultimately ends up in either some form of attempted genocide, or sequestering herself from the crew for months.
If her fix is within her grasp, then she goes into a violent psychotic mania which ultimately ends up in either some form of attempted genocide or temporary cancellation of the Prime Directive, which clearly has a Coffee clause written into its margins in her copy of the Federation Handbook.
When her stims are maintained, she's calm and pleasant and spends most of her time LARPing on the holodeck, teasing her bridge officers or pretending to be Seven's overbearingly meddlesome mother - but at least she's manageable.
Woe betide he who denies Janeway her coffee.
it's 252.83Ly from the system you buy it in to the system you sell it in for the community goal
just get that A class frameshift drive and start jumping
I had forgotten about this, some English mansion I think.
Voyager and Enterprise were that bad?
Voyager was.
ENT Season 1 and 2 have some good episodes.
Season 3 and 4 are genuinely good for the most part.
Enterprise isn't so bad. Voyager is pure shit though.
Alright, maybe you guys can help me. I'm looking for a space game recommendation, any genre (RTS, action etc) with the following:
And before you say homeworld, I've already played (and fucking love) that trilogy.
Star Ruler and maybe Distant Worlds.
Be warned, though, graphics aren't that good.
There was the Irish town that the whole crew used, and she had the da Vinci program for herself.
Wasn't it a french bar?
Graphics don't matter. I have a piece of shit for a PC though - If I can run Gal Civ 2, can I run those games? (note, I said 2 not the recent 3)
What should i automate and what should i do myself in distant worlds? I always end up at max speed doing the bare minimum, queueing colonization and maybe build some ships to blob enemy planets. Creating fleets is a hassle so i'd rather leave that automated, but i don't know if the AI is any good at it.
There was a French bar too, the real counterpart of which was in Marseilles. And there was a copy of a resort on Talax that was sometimes used.
It turns out there was an English mansion as well; I'd forgotten about it.
she did nothing wrong!
Voyager is extremely fun if you watch it almost like it's a Mirror Universe series. The writing for Janeway is inconstant to the point of being absolutely bipolar, and Kate Mulgrew ran with it and played it to the bone, god bless her. All hail Warlord Janeway who gives no fucks and grinds the Delta Quadrant under her shiny black boot.
Enterprise is similar. It's cheeseball as fuck, but Scott Bacula knocks it out of the park as the captain and the rest of the cast is acceptable. The qts are high quality as well. It gets really good in Season 3 when Captain Archer takes a page from Janeway's book and goes into Humanity Fuck Yeah mode, and also when he buddies up with Shran.
The show gets so good by the end that after suffering through season 1, you're actually sad to see the show end suddenly.
God fuck star ruler's netcode.
I swear this game would have been up there with supreme commander in terms of niche success if it weren't for the garbage netcode. Organize a seven player game and it's insanely fun for the first thirty minutes and then it all just falls apart, server crashing, players crashing and disconnecting then not be able to disconnect, someone accidently spams a bunch of tiny ships and the whole thing goes ham. Fucking christ. After all this their response in Star Ruler 2 is to strip out everything that made the first good, give it some soft round edges, and then still fail to fix the shit netcode. God damn glad these bastards went bankrupt. Where did it all go so wrong? All they had to do was fix the fucking netcode.
Salty as fuck that I have such an incredible game so close to within my grasp but I just can't play it.
Plus Enterprise gave us the MACOs who are so much better than pajama-clad retards standing around shooting pistols at nothing. Of course this is before the human race got pozzed and spent 3 centuries forgetting how war works to where they actually try to build the dumbest gunpowder rifle I have ever seen
You guys are probably overstating all this, but fuck that; I'm going to watch voyager now because of you.
When you have done watching it all, post yfw wasn't overstaing this shit.
KSP,Space engine, offline version of Eve online,Sim City 4
Rolled into one.
Impossibly wide scope. You'd better get Chris Roberts and Scott Murray on this!
ENT and VOY are shit and belong in the garbage bin
You mean x3?
Why not just focus on doing one thing really well instead so that you end up with a good final product, kind of like all the games mentioned.
They both have redeeming characteristics. If all you care about is quality, then they're definitely terrible, but both shows have their own bizarre charm that makes them worth watching and re-watching.
Like Farscape.
The villain of the last jj movir was an ex maco who didn't like the feds getting pozzed.
That Lavian brandy Cg finished didn't it?
didn't mean to quote, goddamn quick reply
not yet, Im at the LFT 133 CG and noticed there's still one listed elsewhere, didn't check the progress tho
That shouldn't have happened since there were no niggers in Enterprise's MACO Corps. One woman, one gook, everyone else was white. Pedantic shit aside that makes it the 3rd (5th if we count Nemesis and Insurrection) movie in a row where the bad guy wants revenge against the main characters over something.
To keep this on-topic, how did the guys who made Warframe completely fuck up the Star Trek game when it was basically slower, 2-Player Warframe with Star Trek characters?
I thought the villain of Star Trek Beyond Awful was a nigger having a chimp out?
it's finished now
50, 25, 10 million for the upper 3 brackets and 400k for the bottom bracket
is it even worth a pirate?
How much did you make just from normal sales profits while delivering stuff for the CG, and what rank did you get?
Trying to decide if CGs are worth doing.
Nah man, he a space nigga who found some magic streal-yo-life shit that kills otha niggaz.
If you find you need something to help you sleep at night then yeah. It is just such a generic dull action flick. .
I don't know, but I'm only dioing these CG's because they were in the same system and the rewards for the bounty hunting one is awesome since I only shot down one bounty and that was because I was in a middle of a mission and they would give me a bonus if I killed the guy. easy money. The gold one though is taking me a good while to even reach 50%.
Jesus christ, now do I only noticed that I fucked up my name. Man, alcohol really does impair basic functions. How the fuck did I not noticed that.
I only played 2, thought it was fun for a little while.
What does 1 feature over 2?
36 hours and I just now only noticed when I looked at my screenshots.
You can rename if you clear save. Or Frontier might be willing to give you a rename one time if you ask support nicely. Or you could leave it as it is as a testament to the slav's weakness for alcohol.
theyre pretty much always worth it, even the top 99% bracket of contribution is always good money for next to no effort.
just look at CHEEKBREEKI's under 10 grand bounty voucher which gives him at least 6 mil, probably double that once it hits tier 8.
I put in 600k in bounty vouchers which took like half an hour while in a wing with randoms and that gets me into the top 50% easily
I'm just wondering how many hours of playtime it would take for me to get into the top 75%+. As it stands, doing normal trade missions, I make between 5 and 10 million per hour. The only impediment to my being filthy rich is getting cripplingly bored and stopping to take a break every 2-3 runs.
I feel like I probably make more than a cg would give me, unless it's a huge-payout cg like the one a couple days ago, or unless it only takes an hour or two tops to reach the top 75%.
Speaking of inconsistencies, I have a webm.
but he failed
It's almost enough to make a case that she's actually Mirror Janeway who's taken Janeway's place and is receiving regular supply shipments from the Mirror Universe to support her campaign of Xeno domination.
In reality, it's just extremely shitty writers who didn't give a flying fuck about consistency or continuity.
Kate Mulgrew's portrayal of Janeway saves that show so fucking hard, I swear to god. The sad ballad of Harry Kim also makes it enjoyable - supposedly his actor was an arrogant ass who was always late to the set and gave the production crew lip, so Kim became the most cucked character in Trek history.
Kim suffered even more than O'brien.
Also I wonder how Mirror Janeway is. Normal Janeway probably got the Feds banned from the Delta quadrant for life.
Mirror Janeway is probably a space hippie who flies a tie-dye space winnebago broadcasting messages of peace and love on all subspace frequencies.
What game lets me violently rape Troi for being a bland bitch?
And her only hangups are on the availability of chai. The real stuff. India-bred plants. No replicators. An entire room of the ship had to be retrofitted to grow them.
I mean… yeah. Now that I actually spend a minute or two thinking about it, Troi really IS only good for raping, isn’t she? You wouldn’t want a relationship with her, certainly wouldn’t want to marry. But even a one night stand is too good for her, since she’d be all emotional about it.
It always bothered me that the baby she had after the pure energy entity raped her had the same name as me, though… And looking at pictures of the kid again, he’s a fucking kike, isn’t he? Fuck’s sake.
If you can haul a couple hundred tons its that fast yea.
Stations always have a maxed demand for the specific item being delivering too so its cool money until the reward.
just gonna keep the name. went too far to start over. I still can't believe that mistake.
Seven's parent were retarded
The core of the Federation is basically run and populated by what you'd today call sjw/progressive/hipster/millennial/silverspooner and so on.
Of course there's no danger - the Borg are oppressed and they're just trying to understand them. They sure got culturally enriched, too.
You appear to be fucking lost, user.
Degenerates typically gather on halfchan or reddit. Go join your own kind.
it's really this easy, isn't it
you are doing it fucking wrong
nigger that's gay as hell
Go shitpost somewhere else, faggot.
If only Robocop man (either in ENT or the (((Kelvin Timeline))) incarnations) could have succeeeded. Then we'd have both exploration and ayys knowing that Hew-mons are not to be fucked with
That's not even all that far away in ED. Get back to me when you need to get somewhere 18kly away.
Life is suffering.
So here's one thing that miffs me. In EVE Online the textures on the planets move. How hard would it be to implement this in Elite?
Not even. You have vertical and horizontal thusters, which you need to learn how to use if you ever want to destroy higher level AI without taking massive damage. You just can't turn fight and hope you get shots off first. You need to circle around your enemy.
That's the CG for getting hints on where the Tharagoid ship is crashed, but it was already found after one hint, there's no real reason to continue doing it.
Hey user want to take a trip to Beagle Point? :^)
I actually was thinking about it but I've slacked off for a little while. I'm not sure what the threat level is for exploration is these days either. Before 1.1 you could get intercepted by pirates WAY in the ass end of space. After Wings they dropped off the map altogether for a long time, unless you ran into a PvPer.
I don't know if exploration PvE is a thing again now or not; even so seems risky to have a naked Asp these days.
I'm well-aware of lateral thrusters, I flew a pre-nerf FDL. It's still pretty fucking simplistic.
As far as I know, the only risk is when you get back into the Bubble then you have a more likely chance of being intercepted. My last trip to out to Betelgeuse was uneventful.
I still am wanting to get out to VY Canis Majoris.
Though I have heard that there is possibly a neutron star where it should be so it went hypernova.
Has anyone tried Dreadnought yet?
How far out is that anyway?
So it's still the same. Might give it a shot. If nothing else I can't imagine every neutron near the core is taken even after two years, although I have few tags around there already.
About 4kly out IIRC.
getting my name on something in game is still on my bucket list.
What happened to O’Brien, other than being forced to miscegenate?
Became a Professor at Starfleet Engineering
Due to the actor not being what they wanted on set, or just because he deserved better as a character?
That's how DS9 ended. He was moving back to Earth to be a Professor.
I have about 10-12 Earthlikes and every type of star tagged, so I'm good on that front. I even have some stuff in nebulas. I really don't need to explore ever again but it's damn comfy and I'm not Elite in that regard yet even with all my previous work.
Missed opportunity, really.
Shit man ranking up in the Pilot Federation ranks takes a fuck long amount of time. I'm stuck at Expert in combat even though it's basically all I do.
So, what is really a good system to make a base at? I mean with storing ships and shit like that?
IIRC stars like Scuti are the ones they think go hypernova and produce massive black holes. I just heard there's supposedly a neutron star where Scuti SHOULD be located.
Anywhere middle bubble probably.
I'm based in LHS 3505 but running missions out of Tun right now.
I'm using Aulin out of nostalgia and familiarity from the beta, but I'm thinking about relocating since its outfitting is kinda bad. Might go back to Shinrarta.
Ah, 4k's not bad.
yes, I'm well aware that you can make way more money in shorter time than doing the CGs by logging in and out of solo and open alternately to stack missions
Got in the Alpha, havent played much lately so I cant comment on possible p2win stuff. I think that it´s a rather fun though very arcady capitalship game with all the broadside fire and small-distance jumping one would want.
This is pretty much the optimal technique, yeah. If they ever patched that out, I don't know how the game would remain playable.
does the logic in this shit look right?
it's for increasing system power to 4 in ED, which is maximum, and keeping track of the power in the other 2 subsystems.
if the power in 1 of the other 2 subsystems is depleted it sets it to 0 and removes 1 full power pip from the remaining system, otherwise it removes half a pip from each of the other 2
If system_power_p > 3SpeakText "Systems power already full"ExitMacroEndIfSpeakText "Full systems power"Loop Start (4x)If system_power_p > 3ExitLoopElseIf engine_power_p
had to increase the "if system_power_p > 3" check to 3.5 otherwise it would say that the subsystem was fully powered even though there was 0.5 left
Going to make a new thread in a minute