Is there a better third person shooter open world game than San Andreas?
Vice City is OK, GTA4 is lame, GTA5 was a step in the right direction but still too mature and too serious.
Any opinions? What about Saints Row and other GTA clones?
Is there a better third person shooter open world game than San Andreas?
Vice City is OK, GTA4 is lame, GTA5 was a step in the right direction but still too mature and too serious.
Any opinions? What about Saints Row and other GTA clones?
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I liked the physics enough in GTA4 for it to be my favourite.
GTA is a third person shooter?
Vice City. Red Dead Redemption.
Saints Row was good until 3 and beyond.
Kill yourself.
Also most likely bait so we can have a huge thread about it now.
GTA4 had lame missions, also it tried to hard to be serious and mature.
Oh, and Mafia I and Mafia II. Those are better than Sand Andrews.
I always hated the combat in Saints Row. Enemies feel like bullet sponge and their death animation is fucking stupid and not satisfying at all
But they feel like bullet sponges and have shit animations in San Andreas too.
Fuck no it wasn't. It's has the weakest open world aspect in the whole series, missions are even more scripted than in GTA 4, it has even more focus on narrative and storytelling than GTA4, despite the fact that it doesn't have as good of a story as 4. It has to many underdeveloped features, map filled with filler, gunplay isn't as good as 4'th and the WORST police in the whole series. It's really mind-blowing that something this mediocre can come out from R* with this amount of budget. Say what you will about MGS V, it DOES have something redeeming in contrast to the rest of the games and can be enjoyed for what it is, but GTA 5 should be way bigger disappointment.
You mean like when you have to chase an invincible car to trigger a cutscene? GTA V has it. When you just have to get from point A to point B for to have an excuse to hear dialog between characters? GTA V has it. Everything bad that GTA IV had in this regard, GTA V has even more.
It knew where to stop and have some fun, unlike GTA V when it decides that it's a "Sopranos" in video game format with all the bullshit dialogs and cutscenes about how Michael is a has been and all the cool shit that he does, he does because he suffers from middle life crisis until it spasticly changes tone to super-duper wacky Trevor time.
everyone forgets the assets shit
How many fucking newfags are there? Fuck sake (((Mark)))
It's the same faggot in every thread doing it, just to get attention and reactions. Ignore the pathetic loser and he'll stop doing it.
You dumb nigger
Even if you can get past the fact that you're playing as a nigger, the game had the exact same problem that GTAV does. Especially in terms of "you spend 99% of your time in the small city area and the rest of the map is trash". Except the outside area of GTAV was actually kinda entertaining and the one in SA was basically just an empty field.
Some dudes actually have been ordered to pay child support by a judge after they are identified and tracked down by the spermbank recipient.
I think you got that backwards. You have to get from point A to point B and meanwhile R* decided to add dialogue to make the transit less boring.
You can argue that the game might as well just teleport you there, but apparently that's not how the developers wanted to do it.
Make sure to thank your local branch of Ministry of Feminism
It's probably intentionally done to make birthrates low by punishing men for trying to find ways around having to pay alimony
In Canada when you date someone for long enough the law considers you married regardless of the fact that you aren't, so if you break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend after a certain time you can be ordered to pay alimony to them.
GTA 5 was a step in the right direction in the small things. The actual missions in the story mode were decent (ignoring the actual story) as it wasn't all the time "Drive A to B" or "Shoot These Guys" that we're used to seeing. It had it, sure, but when they changed it up, they changed it up properly, particularly in the side-missions. It changed it up a lot more than GTA IV. And the small details were fun, the minigames could eat up time if you were that way inclined. I think a lot of people prefer GTA V to IV though because it had a lot MORE to do, if just more of the same. It didn't add anything spectacular, just gave you more of what Rockstar thought you wanted.
A lot of the actual game felt weird. Driving went full on Arcade, the three-character thing wore out its welcome pretty quickly, the story itself was pretty terrible (Franklin could literally be taken out the story and it wouldn't change anything but the ending) but I'd rather play GTA V than IV. Personal preference, really. The character-specific side missions were probably the best part though and the more varied. If IV had those same distractions I'd rate it higher.
How the fuck can you say , is the best TPS when the shooting is so clunky and dated even for the time it was released the shooting aspect was really weak .
Hello, newfag. Lurk more next time.
Shit opinions
SR2 for minigames. VC or Sleeping Dogs for general atmosphere. GTAV, for all of its flaws, is the better open world game. What SA does is succeed in all areas without being the best in any (with the possible exception of the world that feels most varied).
I love Mafia 1 but I wouldn't really call it true open world. The city is more of an interactive background or repeated level. Mafia 2 a shit.
can another Can-user conirm this cuckness i refuse to research this in fear this is a thing
Not Canadian but I believe it's only a thing in one province, almost certainly Quebec.
Too bad it's unplayable on modern PCs.
I think the biggest problem with all GTA games is that there is no good end game content.
From beginning to end you do the same shit over and over again. I'd really like it if they had expanded on what Vice City was trying to do and give you more of a management game.
Forgive me for wikipedia but it's late and I can't be bothered searching through all the links of it happening everywhere.
I don't know the mission to mission ratio but IV had way more to do in your down-time. Drug-deals, hits, cop missions, car-hunts, pool, etc…
In V, I just went from mission to mission. Not sure why they took this direction, but V could really have done with more filler.
Possibly they pulled this shit to force ppl into multiplayer.
Saints Row 2? Just Cause 2?
Saints Row 4 was a great Crackdown sequel though.
we'll need to build another wall
Pretty sure some of the Murrican states have it too, maybe even some European countries.
What about this? Was that shit legit then and is it now?
Saints Row IV was pretty fun. Also surpringly deep when you went and collected things.
Kinzie crying over Oleg
I think it can happen in Florida, or at least Florida will uphold the Canadian laws at least. I saw a news report on a guy who broke up with his Canadian girlfriend after she got fat and started cheating on him with another fat dyke and then he moved to Florida. The exgirlfriend then decided to get alimony from him, and if that wasn't bad some fucked up Floridian law made him legally unable to adjust the amount of alimony being paid for any reason. When he lost his job during the recession he was paying more money in alimony payments than he was actually earning through his new job. Nothing he could do about it, because that exgirlfriend refused to drop the demand for payments and just sat around getting fatter and dyke'er and cuntier. Shit made me fucking mad as shit.
Not from what I can find.
The physics in GTA IV are divine, and at least that game still knows that Grand Theft Auto is supposed to be a game series about being a criminal.
At least GTA IV still had decent minigames like drug wars, fist fighting et cetera
Better than golf or fucking yoga. Let's mention the atrocious police system, too.
GTA V has better location variety, and customisation, though.
There is a guide for a fix for the graphical glitch on modern computers, you just need to look for it. Although I can't remember how I did it, I managed to get it working and it went pretty damn well. Also the endgame for The World Is Yours is finding NPCs you haven't talked to yet, you can tell that the devs knew that people would try to find all NPCs and so they made it so you would have to try all sorts of shit to talk to them.
You can even talk to Sosa at the end of the game for conversations
I seem to remember reading that in France a man can be made to pay child support for a child even if it turns out it wasn't his. They also placed restrictions upon a man's right to have a paternity test.
I want a new series of open world crime games which amps up realism, without it being GTA which seems to thrive on over the top car chases and shoot outs.
The Getaway was a good attempt, but the driving sucked balls and the leans were a bit silly, but better than regenerating health outright.
I want it in the UK too, because the lack of guns means you really have to escalate your violent shenanigans to get people bringing guns along. Smashing people over the head with bricks, bats, bottles and hammers and having to run like a mad cunt when you total your car going around a corner too sharply.
It would also stop your character being a walking arsenal, and require you to stash guns in the boot of your car and in jackets, and give reason for any substantially powerful gun to actually blow chunks out of people.
I've heard that. In some places, including some American states, if you are accused of being the father of a child you have 30 days or something to prove the kid isn't via dna testing. If you don't, then you can no long elicit dna tests from the child with the consent of the mother, aka the accuser, and it can then be argued that the child is yours in a court of law and you can be forced to pay alimony.
Alimony Laws need to sober the fuck up.
Good lord I don't know who's the worst.
Totally agree, for the next game I hope they'll drop singleplayer altogether for multiplayer with countless microtransactions and cheaters. Would pre-order million times.
Anyway, since this is GTA thread, is it possible to fix GTAIV performance and what exactly the game demands? Powerful CPU or GPU?
>Is there a better third person shooter open world game than San Andreas?
Although I like these more, the second game especially was great, I'd like to see another good cyberpunk GTA game, too bad this is 2016
What a joke. And there are people who praise this shithole. Poor ignorant bastards.
Are you referring to the idiotic thing where the game won't allow you to raise the graphical settings higher than it thinks your PC can handle? When I first assembled my current gaming PC and tried to run GTA IV, it wouldn't even recognise my GPU, so I was stuck with everything on a bizarre lowest-of-the-low setting.
The entire world beyond about a foot away from Niko (or his car) was just a grey void. Objects like pedestrians and other cars would suddenly pop into existence a few feet further away than that. Everything looked like it was made of cardboard boxes and plasticine. It was horrifying.
Luckily, there's a fix out there involving replacing some setting files (or was it the executable? I'm afraid I don't remember, but it shouldn't be too hard to find).
This bait
is getting stale.
I bet OP is a nigger to be this dumb
I agree. I really love it when games have realistic car physics. But 5 was the best GTA. San Andreas fags are just being nostalgia blinded by it.
Tightest GTA coming through.
I bet you like CoD.
Only 4, world at war and Blops. The new one looked cool, but I'm not going to get it till it's less than $25.
Do you drive, user, or just sail?
I liked the car physics. It was fun and funny. Eat Mike Litoris!
I understand MW and WaW but Black Ops? That shit was absolutely garbage, the devs kept promising map tools for months and instead simply decided not to deliver. The fact that they removed coop and removed singleplayer/zombie mods as an option was a very clear sign that the game was going to be shit and them refusing to release map tools further proved this.
>Are you referring to the idiotic thing where the game won't allow you to raise the graphical settings higher than it thinks your PC can handle?
No, I mean the game itself, although I experienced the same issue too. For this specific thing you don't have to mess with game files at all, you only have to make new .txt file with specific name and put command lines you want. Speaking of which, It was quite fun to mess with the settings that way.
However, last time I played the game with my old 1GB GPU and with shitty Celeron from 2012, FPS wasn't above 30 which isn't that bad considering the game plays smooth on 30 FPS. So I was wondering what the game wanted the most. Pretty sure that CPU is the problem since shit PC ports tend to use CPU more than anything else and GTAIV isn't an exception, but would be nice if someone confirmed by testing it. Would do that by myself, but I can't get to both of my PCs, all what I have right now is weak laptop.
It's shit, if the game wasn't multiplayer-focused, it might be better. The only thing I really liked about it are cameos, better performance, tanks and bigger variety of flying transport compared to IV where you have only helicopters. And SA had quite shitty combat, after IV it wasn't that easy to get back into SA again. What I really liked though is that you could turn SA into the game about apocalypse with just one cheat. The game even has countryside so it was possible to play Redneck Rampage with shit combat.
Hey, man, I dunno. I have fun with almost any game I buy. specially since I could use the bigass machine gun with 200 mag and shoot through weak walls. It was always funny to hear people scream about why they got hit behind the wall. But then that was the ps3 generation, now I have PC.
the blops story was p good
Not really, as far as I know the story is simply that Reznov was never real and "WHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN, JASON" autism was just mind control that for some retarded reason gave you coordinates to the people doing mind control on you in the middle of the fucking ocean
i just liked the concept of being a cia dude sneaking around doing spooky stuff