How's that gaming channel coming along, Holla Forums?
Has YouTube's new policy fucked you over yet?
How's that gaming channel coming along, Holla Forums?
Has YouTube's new policy fucked you over yet?
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What new policy?
That they can demonetize your shit for playing violent games or saying bad words or talking about sensitive news subjects or showing things that are too sexy
Nothing's changed then since before they would just delete the videos.
except now they're actually doing that shit
to people like pewdiepie and philip defranco
people that bring huge fucking bucks to their site
also, it looks like they're banning people for wrongthink
Oh shit, so are they going to acutally exodus off? I can't imagine people like avgn being able to stay now. This dramas gonna get great.
Check MY dubs, if you're so great!
YouTube is garbage. The bullshit that passes for content these days is just mind numbing in how bland and inane it all is. On the front page you've got normalfag trends like late night talk show hosts, various celebrity gossip, movie trailers, and whatever flavor of the month music that has just been released. YouTube is basically the MTV of our day, only now you can choose which shit to consume and you can block ads.
Yeah, well I'll grant you that it's possible to find something worth watching. However, it is increasingly becoming more difficult to find something that suits you when most "get rich quick" asshats on youtube just want to follow recent trends in order to maximize those adsensebux. Youtube is an environment where garbage content is created for garbage consumers so that garbage "I don't want to work for a living" dipshits can try to get enough subscribers and make as much money as possible.
Fuck youtube, the only good thing about it, namely that anyone can go there, create and account and acquire some degree of success, is also what is bad about it. Anyone can go there and create content, so you end up having to sift through a metric fuckton of garbage in order to find something worth watching. It's not unlike browsing
it seems like a pretty big happening is about to go down
cr1tikal made a video about it already
people like dunkey are gonna get fucked, too
even the game grumps, as SJW as those fucks are, still play shit like DOA Volleyball games
For all their talk of algorithms that detect a users interests and taste, the unfiltered YT front page is absolute lowest-fucking-denominator garbage. Clickbait, facecam LPs, listicle videos…
And you know what? The same type of person that enjoys that shit-ass content is YOUR FUCKING AUDIENCE. If you want to reach people with an IQ above room temperature, YT is the wrong place.
Probably gonna be some video site for gaming videos without restrictions and a big advertising push coming up. These guys at the top are more than rich enough to push a hardcore advertisizing blitz through and get people watching videos on another site. This is just a guess, but seems the most logical.
What? Did I miss something?
it's not a new policy, it's a new algorithm that recklessly enforces that policy and is also getting tons of shit wrong, like pic related
To keep it short and sweet, if you want to monetize your content on YouTube, you need to toe the line. Your videos must be sanitized according to YouTube's yardstick, otherwise none of that sweet sweet adsensebux. They are not outright preventing anyone from creating whatever type of content that they please; this is just an attempt at curating content by giving creators a monetary incentive.
I haven't uploaded a new video to my channel in 4 years now. Youtube's fucking Google+ cancer has almost completely turned me off. I wish so badly that alternatives like Vimeo would get more features like higher frame rate support and more upload options but I realize now that Google's massive size is exactly what allows them to undercut competition with greater bandwidth.
Fuck it might as well watch cr1tikal's video on it
Well this is going to be fun
How the fuck is any kind of algorithm going to be able to distinguish between a video about Acne and a video with graphic, brutal mutilations?
apparently it has to do with video tags
How do they curate stuff that isn't in English?
Youtube is an international phenomenon, user. I'm sure they've got algorithms that recognize and search for content that is created in all of the major languages that are used globally.
you're missing the point, user
this algorithm will automatically ban shit that breaks the rules, but the top dogs can come back and unban anything that isn't wrongthink
I honestly wouldn't be so sure. The people Google has working on Youtube don't seem very competent to me.
Right now my channel is enough of a small fry to fly under the radar, I cant expect that to last though. Honestly it's a damn shame there isn't a viable YT alternative, viewers and creators would jump ship in a heartbeat.
Is OP the same dude from last night?
Normally I would bite my tongue and suppress my meme gland but, what did they mean by this?
Daily reminder that Yahoo had a shot at competing with jewtube a couple years ago but their empowered CEO's crippling mismanagement locked them out of ever realizing that possibility.
Yahoo has been a joke for a decade get real.
At least she'll be humiliated with only $50+ million when she leaves the company.
I think something might pop up with all this bs, this might be the tipping point where it finally happens.
AVGN doesn't and never primarily use youtube. He's way ahead of the power curve.
I watch like three channels (RLM, MDE and Forgotten Weapons) that I all have bookmarked. I don't need to subscribe to anybody and there's no point in uploading my stupid videos like mp4 related.
Shit is going to get really interesting now. How many will kowtow and how many will leave?
I see a lot of Yotubers ising Patreon for money anyway so Youtube is just shooting themselves in the foot.
I just hope a good alternative will come up.
Oh, here's the "policy" change
Why are they doing this though? Don't they understand how stupid this is? They're making it a safe space? Don't they know most of their content is all those things?
clicked out of the video before even making it one second in
nigga I ain't watching your "I'M MLG PRO XD" dumb bullshit
Honestly I don't give a shit if this fucks over the people that make a living off being youtube ecelebs. With a few exceptions, they're all scum.
But I do want to see Youtube finally getting some competition. It's a terrible site but it basically has a monopoly on video sharing at this point so you're not left with much of a choice. There really needs to be a place that doesn't infringe upon free speech or fuck people over because of copyright, but these days I find it hard to believe we'll get something like that. The internet isn't the wild west it used to be and it's only going to get more tame and sanitized until we replace it altogether.
I have no idea. Twitter, Kikebook and Google are all doing this shit. Twitter just unverified and suspended (he back now) Pewdiepie because he retweeted a fake news article about him joining ISIS.
Some people saying it's because of the elections but it's already backfiring. I swear these big corporations can't make a good business decision to save their life.
At least see it before it was too late.
I really don't know what to say anymore. The left are trying to stop the ship from sinking, but it's already sunk. They sunk it themselves and they don't even know.
Can it be November already?
posting the last page
Man that comic is so self-masturbatory it hurts
It was from a few years back during SOPA.
The problem is nobody can afford the servers for a proper jewtube rival. Sure we have sealion as a twitter alt but that's easy to handle because it's just accounts and text.
Once you have to deliver VOD 24/7 to even a fraction of the traffic jewtube gets, it's all ogre.
The only hope it decentralisation but with a common sharing ground. something like
Oh, the context makes it bettter I guess.
It never ends
Pretty much this, although I don't think it will happen, plenty of opportunities have come up in the past but no one capitalized on them.
It's a shame most (if not all) of the big social media are run by faggots.
Maybe this is a bit cheesy, a bit self masturbatory, but I can't deny it always puts a little ember in that pit of my chest.
My only hope is that we can fight for our home for just a little longer.
is it time?
Check my singles.
Still hasn't no. Probably gonna upload more tomorrow. Was setting up for for more content creation today.
Do you guys make videos? Vidya or not I'd like to see what you guys have made. I probably won't bully unless you're a giant faggot
I stole my most recent content.
Everything else is either vidya
or musicals.
(Musicals are starting again soon…)
I made this and some other shit. I've been trying to make things less dank bit it's hard when you have no money for better mic. Also I've been stuck on windows for the last few weeks because of GPU driver issues so my workflow is a pile of shit. All I do is vidya.
YMS just made a video about the new advertising rules fucking with his reviewing videos
He's very open about how to make sure you get your ad bux, so this is gonna be a big deal for him in the future
isn't p2p streaming for torrents starting to become possible?
posting my video game video
Time to save everything that might get purged in the near future?
Are you saying I can directly send my friend a torrent file without a middleman site, right to his computer?
I mostly make content for this shit board. Other than that, nothing else.
patreon is quickly becoming just as bad
all of these sites are so fucking spineless now
i don't really understand this stuff to well, but hopefully
Almost all of my videos are either memes, russian memes or inside jokes.
Also, my Doter 2 sound mods demonstrations that consist of ytp and rytp characters, memes and Crack-Life stuff.
Oh hey, I recognize you. Small world.
That seems like a neat game, but yeah definitely try to find a way to make your mic sound like it isn't submerged in a swamp.
Best taste
Here, enjoy a shitty video I made about one of the worst TV series I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through.
Holla Forums tier channels
Crowb Cat
Empty Hero
Not great, but I made a few internet friends in the process, so it could have been worse
I just stream games i'm interested in instead of what's popular so rather by design my channel isn't growing. And the changes won't affect me as i don't monetize anything i do.
I do worry how ever that youtube is trying to use this to censor news content they don't like.
this is what I post on my youtube channel
no memes, no commentary, not "let's play" bullshit
just gameplay
It's just a step towards making youtube paid subscription based, so its mandatory youtube RED globally.
In the short term its great news for TV and hollywood now that 90% of youtubers are out of a job.
I don't monetize my videos anyway.
its ok
Maybe this has something to do with it?
>>>Holla Forums7327820
fucking wrong image fucking the new hash filenames
Go home any msecond now
Are you like really really dumb?
nvm, you are the dumber.
The truth here is patreon-kickstarter are preparing for the passing TPP, thus their ToS change.
My enjoyment is the usage of patreon cocksuckers maymay about.
To this very exact day, mailing money and routing checking #s works 110% of the time, but you know e-beggers.
Fuck off, Torfag.
ate a 1!
No, you fuck off jewgoy+ user.
I hope with all my soul youtube would just get shut down for good. It would be an anarchy of web 1.0 again.
You know that youtube is operating at loss, right ?
They're only here to serve ZOG's plan, they have endless pockets and shills.
I was watching a (((MundaneShill))) video about that. It was basically: "you don't bite the hand that feeds you". He was saying dumb things like "it's not censorship, Youtube is a private company, it's not run by the government", "it's not really an issue, don't use that [word] in the title, use this [word] instead".
what tor user?
Except that youtube doesn't create content, it hosts it. If the content creators go elsewhere, youtube will shrivel up and die as the audience goes with the content.
Ded due to IRL taking up all my time
Doesn't matter now, new youtube rules make it almost impossible to make money because you can't say bad things about anything SJW's like or anything anyone deems "Bad"
LINE 17-
Something about patreon cocksuckers, karma, and tpp chips.
Even when other people typo on many other threads and boards, I can tell what they meant they said "ate a [character]".
In your case of calling you dumb, is you linking a JS bittorent client when someone asked how-to send torrent files or BTIHs to other people without trackers, because DHTs have never existed since the dawn of the internet.
Could you at least try to not sound like such a faggot?
The content creators won't leave, they know that they won't make as much money on [insert video service] than on Jewtube.
Exactly, see myspace, USA geocities, napster for god's sakes. Users drive the e-conomy.
The mantra actually goes:
Where the honey touches, the moths and fleas follow
Thank moot4dat:
When you host your own node, call me
looks who's talking
because e-begging. all that google ad money has to go somewhere, right?
You are, I don't have a cringey let's play channel.
The people who are actually creative haven't made decent money on YouTube in years, thanks to their bullshit CPM system, (vid related, posted in 2014) which is why it's taken such a drastic turn towards clickbait. If the actually creative people left, the non-creative people would follow.
If youtube stops paying them, they have no reason to stay. Haven't you been reading the thread?
Are you a shill? Or just plain ignorant?
Only reason why youtubers have a reason to stay is if youtube pays them. If youtube cuts the monetization of videos belonging to channels that do not kow-tow to their political stance, then those users will leave for greener pastures. Its simple.
I don't know where cucks started getting the idea that it's okay for giant companies to censor you and stifle your freedom of speech, companies are bound by the same laws we are and are considered people by the law.
I'm ok with this. Let the money-grubbing, sellout faggots burn.
Since this seems to be a thinly veiled self shilling thread, ima shill my self. Streaming Fate/EXTRA, up to the 2nd last week of the Nero route.
Some of you fags may remember me from when i streamed the Metal Gear franchise over the christmas week
Then a better time to self-host & self-e-beg?
You and me both. It perplexes me the very fact anyone lit. can install mpd or icecast, shout the address and start streaming shit on the freaking go.
Maybe the big name youtubers will actually stick this fight out and help the little guy rather than letting us die over copyright ID like last time
"Copyright ID is evil!"
*huge youtubers not affected by copyright ID*
"NM! Youtube is fine!"
Look at DarkSydePhil for a great example of this, he bitched about copyright ID until he found out it didn't affect him, now his channel is dying and he's going to get kicked off his managed contract and he's bitching about content ID all over again
Short vids I've seen posted in webm threads a few times. Not making vids anymore since I'm a massive faggot and want to focus on game development
Doesn't this only work for live streaming, though? Users want to be able to find specific content, not watch a TV channel for something that might catch their eye.
"Its not censorship because its a free website"
*Desperation in his eyes for sheekles*
One of the "Voices" of GamerGate who was upset over all his games being censored, has no problems being censored because these changes mostly don't affect him
What an….absolute fucking terrible human being. Holy shit what a fucking heel, glad I stopped paying attention to the fucker ages ago
Probably not. Their problem is completely different from the little guy's problem; specifically, while you have to deal with content ID and flagging, their problem is money (or the inability to make it unless they bend over for advertisers).
I hope this weeds out these shekel-hungry assholes and they fuck off to get real jobs and stop most of the clickbait, the retarded appeal to the lower common denominator, and that the people who do videos because it's fun stay and make Youtube great again.
I've made some cancer.
Only if they want to keep them precious shekels. YT is still a platform that will allow (somewhat) controversial content (for now, although they are already cracking on it) for people who don't need to get paid by Google.
This millenial mindset of "I want to do it MY WAY, and I want money for it as well with no accountability" needs to be completely expunged from the internet.
ive been trying to make one but i cant change my username google+ keep making use my real name or a name that can take the first name, middle and last but i dont want that and i hate it how do you guys get around google+ or change usernames?
The fumiest thing is Pewdiepie has unfollowed everyone on his twitter and only follows Donald Trump just to say "Fuck you" to Twitter.
It's a new (((advertiser friendly))) policy
I almost wanted to mock you, but it seems an honest post.
With MPD[1] anyone can insta-browse your library, which in this case one would hope is all your recorded video-radios. MPD can stream a live netcat[2] FIFO[3][4], thus allowing all the streaming capabilities it needs.
One of it's great capabilities to link to other resources[4], like an icecast[5] stream.
By combining the 2, you can make an effective low latency network on your mobile phone to fucking stream ALL YOUR VIDEOS AND MUSIC, INCLUDING YOUR CONCURRENT STREAM.
So yeah, when I mean perplexed, I mean it. Fucking Ayashii World was hosted on a home DSL connection!
No, but probably because I'm not niggerfag that puts ads on his videos.
I get $845 a month on patreon though.
I don't know how big of a following this faget has in the States, or how big portion of them are old enough to vote, but shit. Even if it's a joke or a "fuck you", I still hope this inspires people to vote for the God-Emperor.
Man did you make this thread at a weird time. I make videos once in a blue moon and I'm rendering RIGHT NOW.
You can create a new channel under another name, it won't show your jewgle+ real name
woah checked
It's fucking huge.
Not as many, but still way more than you'd be comfortable with.
People are to unplugged from politics to understand what this means. They just think that YouTube/Google/Twitter's administrations are dumb, not that there's an ultimate goal in all this.
This is the part where he says he was just pretending to be retarded, and obviously, you're the newfag, because it's obviously a meme to pretend that we don't know how Tor IDs work.
Basically this is Youtube telling click bait to fuck off. They are not stopping people from posting it but you sure as fuck wont get that $5.00.
Just like 5+ years ago when Youtube fixed the suggested contect algorithm to not promote Tits TV or Boob News . Those like 50 sec clips of chicks with low cut shirts and cleavage that just read headlines. People are getting their pants in a wad over nothing. Anyone who was seriously effected is making shit content and is a moron for depending on only Youtube for revenue. Wonder if Buzzfeed's rainbow of channels all just imploded. Also MTVnews is fucked.
Kinda strange when JewTube does stuff like this. I mean I get it, but the 95% of the content on the tube is pure garbage.
woha you can't get a joke xDD. I was just having fun lmao
I made a ton of shit for one of the games that has now joined the autism collective, and while I regret it a little, the technical skill and proficiency will definitely help me with other pursuits later in life.
First day of Holla Forums, huh?
It means that your content must serve the interests of the advertisers, rather than the advertisers piggy-backing on your content.
It's just another paradigm shift along the same trajectory our society has been following for decades now.
Within 50 years, 90% of the American population will be serfs and the other 10% will be rich kings in literal ivory towers.
The policy will not be enforced against SJWs, if they did that they would have to hit saint Anita and that would be absolutely haram to the google, remember those cucks promoted something as irredeemably fucktarded as the "ban bossy" campaign right in the homepage, they would never block a feminazi's precious shekels.
People have been batemanposting at Tor users a lot recently. It's becoming its own meme.
Memes have to stop.
All of them. Forever.
Once memes are dead, maybe we can finally rid the world of jokes, too.
I used to stream but my mic broke and I can't afford to replace it
I blog about vidya now. I find it much easier to write about vidya stuff then edit a video all night long. Not gonna post it because I very rarely make personal posts, but still you shouldn't be giving that shit out
Maybe it's something about overchan, but I'm actually seeing an ID instead of the zeroes for that guy. It's 5f199c.
oh I also made this
This has been mentioned before. I'm not sure what to think about it.
is overchan working fine for you? it doesn't show me pictures.
Worst thing is that there are so much content that only exists on youtube. It would be impossible for me to abandon it. It's a trap, they have us enslaved.
For whatever reason images on Holla Forums aren't showing up in Overchan.
Honestly I wish there was some other imageboard browser for phones. Overchan is still missing a number of features and is broken right now
Might have something to do with the filename change we just went through.
YouTube is destructive and should be boycotted. This should be especially obvious to the type of person that uses Holla Forums. Isn't one of the biggest points of this site to have anonymity and to be free from censorship? If you don't believe in these virtues, what are you doing here?
You sound like a little kid. Why don't you be a grown up and decide for yourself what you get to say and not? Stop subjecting yourself to censorship. Oh no, I said a bad word, I sure hope my parents won't ground me.
If you're just using it for Holla Forums, have you tried Ouroboros?
I won't bore you with the longer videos. Have a short one.
Okay so when they leave where are they going to go? Oh right, there is no youtube alternitive.
It costs google over 600 million a year to run youtube and they _at most_ make back close to 500 million. So yeah, Video sites can pop up, but expect them to go bankrupt in 6 months and if you think the ads on youtube are bad, think of the site that can't afford to be near 10 million.
This is all a ploy to get people to sign up for youtube red. they tried to be fair with people by not changing anything, but "exclusive content" and no ads wasnt a big enough draw, So now they are going to scare creators into telling people into getting red because they'll get paid even if google disable ads.
People need to stop with the SJW boogyman bullshit. This isn't a censorship issue, it's a business tactic. Google wants more money so they are going to play dirty to get it.
All I do is upload Holla Forums streams I've done.
I should really do another OpenXCOM thread here.
Why do you care if Bambo in Africa or Chad the normalfag watch your video? Are you in the advertising industry? I don't care to communicate with people outside of imageboards.
Fair point, but you forget to mention the fact here people that make videos are usually hated, if I started uploading my stuff here I'd get shit regradless of the content
I don't know of any good sites that work similarly to YouTube. It's up to you to decide whether the convenience is morally justified. If I need to share a video, I upload it to a webserver or a pomf clone and have people play it using HTML5.
Making a clone of YouTube the way it was in 2007 that supports webm and mp4 should be trivial. Surely someone has done it already?
No, but keep in mind that people who are paid by the click on Youtube care about advertisement ("turn off that pesky adblock!").
The few people I still watch on Youtube don't make money out if it, and if it becomes something that these shekel-grubbing Yddish can't get a living from clickbaiting anymore, then I'm fine with it.
Yeah because pewdiepie is going to start making 30 second webms for Holla Forums for free
Development would be trivial; the costs of running it would not.
Full30 exists, but it's incredibly niche. It was founded after Google fucked over essentially every major firearms related video creator, and thus is firearms exclusive.
Problem is, there's only about 40 channels on the site, with maybe about a quarter of that being of any quality, and most of them mirror their stuff on youtube anyway.
1. Who cares about Pewdiepie?
2. Many imageboards have bigger filesize limits. Some let you upload full movies in HD.
Only if it starts getting popular. Bandwidth and storage isn't as expensive these days. If money does become a problem, ads can be implemented. The majority of Internet users are still not blocking ads, especially mobile users. If it still runs at a loss, then limit the quality and purge old content.
Implementing a custom platform could be interesting for stuff like video shows of sorts for companies or small organizations (I think of Cinemassacre on top of my head), but on large scale? It wouldn't work.
I try not to get into the youtube shite anymore, I use it for archiving good times with mates and other random shite
What does Holla Forums think of the Happy Video Game Nerd?
yeah, limiting content and angering creators will make them more money
just like twitter, right?
thanks mate
Send YouTube a complaint.
Yeah I think this spells the end for Youtube
Next thing you know a new TOS appears with punishments for doublethink and thoughtcrimes, complete with a brand new Wrongthink Strikes and Dissenting Opinion Claims and videos starting with shit like [This Video has been reviewed by the Ministry Of New Media and deleted by the Ministry Of Social Justice pursuing Thought Crime #1: "Efective use of Free Speech"]
Do you feel all that IngSoc in the air?
How do you Let's Play a visual novel?
why would it fuck me over? I don't create cancerous videos and try to get them monetized through advertising and i don't watch said cancerous videos
Raw griefing footage.
Fucking big-names on YouTube need to lay the framework to jump ship. Of course, they've been conditioned to be wage slaves and beaten housewives that they're too afraid to kick off the MySpace-level extinction event that has been long overdue. Facebook, Twitter, Google/YouTube all must collapse.
Fool… you should have started doing that since the first 2014 exodus.
Well, at least you laid a webm at Holla Forums's feet. Thanks.
You exaggerate disgust at any hint of sexuality and find ways to lower the bar for jokes so far below the ground people in Australia are complaining about it.
I'm talking about four star's nekopara videos.
There's probably a market for an LP starring people who are on board with it.
my most least-effort shit is the most popular.
Considering how many views you need to make a profit, there's absolutely no way in hell that that market could provide earnings comparable to what they're doing now. The unwashed masses are not interested in reading loads of text and characterization, they want stereotypes, lazy jokes, what doesn't require thought to laugh at, and what doesn't require thought to come up with.
yeah this is pretty true. a meme I made for a single thread - before I knew how to webm - has the highest view count thanks to some retarded click bait article. fortunately I do know how to webm now so I'm not going to shill my own channel.
I never agreed to participate in it in the first place. To this day I still cannot partake in the comments section.
So lets follow the logic, Youtube demonetizes videos, so both Youtube and the creator lose their cut of the ad revenue. And somehow by magic Youtube will make more money? Youtube isn't the league of super villains. They did not have a strategy meeting that ended with, "and we will grow revenue by scaring people into Youtube Red." *evil laugh*
By tightening monetization guidelines which lower the total number of monetized videos the CPM for the remaining videos should rise. They definitely need to tweak the algorithm because it sounds like the number of false positives for "offensive material" is way to high.
Micro Econ 101: high demand and low supply will cause new suppliers to enter the market.
Both Facebook and Twitter are aggressively expanding their video platforms. Twitter just opened up demonetization for non-corporate twitter accounts. Facebook is expanding its live streaming features. Full30 is on of many small video platforms which would fill the immediate void. Hypothetically Amazon, Twitch, or Netflix could begin a hosting service with very little spin up time since most of the backend is already in place. In the end even if Youtube went tits up the site wouldn't shut down. Alphabet would just sell it to someone else, rather than raze the site to the ground.
Well it is was kind of nice to be able to respond to questions on your videos in the comments section. For the kind of gameplay videos that I make anyway.
Checked! I have an account I made before they started forcing g+. I always refused, and apparently I would have to "upgrade" my account and get g+ aids in order to comment. However, for some reason I can comment on youtube stream chat, so fuck youtube.
I dislike using YouTube so I generally try to make webms. Though I can't fit longer videos at 60 fps in 8 MB in a reasonable quality.
I'd really love to switch off YouTube. I'll check these out, thanks. Maybe some day instead of threads on YouTube on Holla Forums there will be threads on these alternatives.
He was on south park. Not as a joke too. The live action him was on it.
What about some sort of distributed system?
The content creators will leave if they continue this shit they already lost animators. If one of these big name youtubers leave and join a competitior that will cause a chain reaction and fuck over YouTube cause no one is loyal to them. It wouldn't surprise me if Twitter it Facebook cone out with some YouTube knock off
I see peertube is in development, which looks to me as the primary distributed alternative. The one thing I can point out is that it's lacking the ability to comment on a video, which is a rather big thing (just being able to leave feedback, I don't care about comment ratings, et al).
I think my channel will be fine considering I'm the shit under the shit.
I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand, it's clear censorship and it's bullshit and I should probably be against it for that reason alone. On the other hand, I can't help but take delight in thinking about what manner of cancer this new policy is going to kill.
You posted this same thread on 4/v/ you fucking faggot.
I'd just like to say thanks for posting all your videos, anons. I like seeing the kind of stuff that you guys make, it's all the niche content on YouTube that never went away but just got harder to find as JewTube grew unchecked and became faggot vlog central.
no, you fucking idiot, that has nothing to do with the current situation, stop exaggerating for attention and stick to the topic at hand - demonetization
They've demolition videos by anti-feminists and the new policy says you can't make political videos iirc.
That seems really cute and I don't know why.
I meant demonetized woops.
i've been watching the drakengard playthroughs while i work, good stuff dude.
Shit has been going on for a couple months at the least, if not longer.
It occurs to me that this shit probably has a lot to do with the Ghostbusters fiasco.
I always found this comic to be shit in many ways
Thats a great way to show you werent here when it was relevant, so go back to where you came from.
He should tell that to Google.
I suck too much at video games to justify making videos about them, but I did make a shitpost that got a fuckton of views for some reason.
Then I discovered the glory of webm and haven't gone back.
it is
It's a good thing. I hope they take this as far as possible.
If they kill YouTube and turn it into unwatchable garbage, that would be fantastic. Anything that hurts Google is not worth complaining about.
If they destroy it, it will be easier for an alternative to be made. It might actually happen, because I believe that the people running it legitimately don't give a shit about the consequences of anything they do. They don't even understand that they can lose money because of what they do.
This, burn everything to the ground and dance on the ashes
What did he and Sargon decide to show their ugly mugs? I liked it better when he just used a pic the whole vid. Also the goatee. What's with pseudo-intellectuals and goatees?
I've been trying to brainstorm what to do, I want to do an LP but I just don't know how. If a retarded cuck from Connecticut can play vidya shittily for money, surely my content >for free should be better.
Pasted from my conversion algorithm, which is based off of twitch recommendations.
They have to hide their lack of chin definition with something
mfw Yahoo feel for the stronk womyn meme
Shit defence, m8
Makes it all the more funny when I can remember Matt acting like a badass in his older vids before he showed his face.
I don't know, they always think it somehow adds to the video if you can see their faces. I think its just egotism, they want what fame they have to be tied to them, no to a name or account, even if the face ruins it.
And it always does, because 90 times out of 5 they're fat pasty faggots with glasses and a goatee/beard. If they had any differentiating factor it might work (jay is thin, mike is wide chested so he doesn't look like a lard-ball, rich has an iconic face) but they never do.
do we have an '8ch/v/ youtube recommendation' pic?
Batteries not included!, user discretion is advised!
how else will I get Mark447 and e-beggers to stop making youtube threads on >>>Holla Forums?
I'm actually pretty okay with this since I don't fucking make any money on my videos, and I largely just catalogue shit like vid related.
Seriously, I am astounded that this many people ever thought it was smart to make their entire living Youtube, they have several things in the TOS that means they can ban or deny payment for no fucking reason whatsoever, this was an inevitability.
Time to shamelessly shill my own shit. Do you like Classic Doom? Want to find out about mods for Classic Doom?
I have 70+ videos on this shit.
I've thought about making youtube videos, but I decided not to for several reasons:
Do they not realize that the eyeraping white doesn't mesh well in nighttime browsing or with most videos? Or are they taking the mods addons will fix it route?
time to shill
more shilling
fuck talking in my native language, there's no audience and we already have our pewdiepie
I made this to test what I could do in sony vegas and if the torrent I used would even work. And back when this joke was funny.
They had a 'lights out' option for a bit. Must have gotten rid of it
I changed my mind on making a youtube channel, mainly because I'm starting a blog instead.
I don't like making videos about me because I'm shy, but I tried recording myself playing Dota once. Did upload one clip because I thought it was hilarious how salty I got.
Less shills seems like a plus. Who cares about monitization. CPM is shit anyways,
Fuck it, posting my newest video. I had a lot of fun with this one, kinda made me wanna make more videos on a more regular basis.
Yes, the clickbait is sarcastic.
On a scale of 0 to 10, how right wing can your video be if you upload it to
They claim to be for freedom, but looking at the content and comments on that site, I get the feeling that as soon as you question rapefugees you'll get laughed out and banned.
I mostly dump random gameplay vids. I occasionally upload music. I don't monetize anything
want the most freedom?
make your own ftp/file-sharing server
Exodus when?
It would be cool if some big names like PewDiePie and that Chilean faggot moved to other platform and fucked google over
they never did that you fucking idiot
I've seen people moving to well not actually moving but dual uploading .
That's cool, does it have any cool channel I should know about?
Nice, I always wanted to get 0 views on my videos
My favorite youtuber clq already suffered from this, his new videos are very tame.
Road to Youtube High Priority.
some of his old videos got deleted because of this shit.
He is the prove that being nice in dota is not worth it. The only way to play dota is to grief others.
Parasites aren't videogames. Play things yourself.