Peter Daou, founder of Verrit and member of Clinton Pizza Cabal, gets fanny flustered when you mock up his project with actual facts.
Use Hashtag #Verrit
Tag him @PeterDaou
Use Verrit generator:
Clinton Lolcow
Bump because we should do this everyteim (((they))) roll out some faggotry.
actual bump
Oop meant to bump
I'll commit Sudoku
I have Dishonored everyone today.
this is pretty funny
This guy is legit insane. Very good lolcow.
What is this faggotry? Goddamnit.
Try again.
This is one of the men behind the shareblue campaign. To think we lived to see presidential underlings become lolcows in their own right.
What a glorious timeline.
What beautiful potty poetry you create, that old wench needs new grown-up pampers, to rid herself such a horrid smelly stench.
They're completely unhinged.
how new are you?
Are liberals taking this seriously? Can we make up inane shit that liberals will believe but everyone else knows is bullshit?
The problem with this verrit scheme is that NOBODY is going to bother looking up a 7 digit "authentication code" every time they see one of these things. It's too much effort, nobody will do it. People will either trust all they see, or distrust all they see.
Thus is can be exploited by creating thousands of these. The jews are freaking out because they only now realized how stupid their plan was.
Repost the top-quality template pls. Forgot to save it.
It's spelled progressive.
43% of the 1% are jewish. 43% of jews are not in the 1%.
Fix this, the truth is damning enough without dishonest exaggeration.
This made me kek very hard
What a glorious meme-machine.
Dubs checked
Been here just before gaymer gay. Couldn't stand cuck chans layout. Just having some fun faggot.
Ahh I see. I took it from pic related. Second pic is the actual source from the first one. Looks like 46% of Jews make over 100k.
kek very gud
Thank you lad.
sauce on this article?
Chief inspector Kido, of the Kam/pol/tai. We will need to ask You some questions regarding your rather… unsavory usage of our board, mister 4d573a.
Fug, got his name wrong. His name was Bernie Blueballs.
Toppest of keks
Shit, he worked on Bletchley Park. Do you have an actual citation for his statement?
I fucking knew it
I’m seeing it’s supposed to come from his seminal book, British Intelligence In The Second World War. Is there a PDF of that anywhere?
this is going much better than I expected
we need some of these with flashing gifs
Here’s one.
that looks like a walking fuzzy penis. sick kikes.
for good measure this shit needs some counter counter psyops as well. maybe a couple about trump controlling the weather to take care of problematic minority and jewish population centers.
Request from a phoneposter:
"98.73 of all facts on the Internet are made up. –Congressional Research Service."
Reminder: Democrat Propaganda Group Shareblue Has Ties To Chinese Government, Host Of Foreign Special Interests
Does anyone have more dirt on this SOB?
I know a lot of /new/fags will complain that Holla Forums isn't serious about news articles enough, but these kind of threads make me remember why I migrated all those years ago.
I know she's a degenerate that caters to furfags, but I still want to see those tits.
I thought she already showed them? They weren't all spectacular from what I've heard.
She's pretty funny.
Designfags - what is the font?
Here is a real one for reference.
Template says Oswald Regular but it's not, the K is different.
verrit is apparently how the liberals see meme culture
notice how verrit is a play on words of vertify and REDDIT
notice the random number generator that's stuck on each "meme" ((("repeating digits")))
this is overwhelmingly sad its actually making me depressed
i'll bet you anything 90% of the anti-verrit twitter replies are bots they run themselves to generate fake popularity
someone make a fucking verrit simulator
Read the OP properly you sperg
I love you guys.
according to based pastor…
Gee user, that, like, never happens.
Karma's a bitch.
I keked hard
Polite sage for OT.
And he deserves this and much more. Leftists don't have any mercy when they harrass someone they deem "natzee" and try to have him fired from his job.
Exactly. I don't feel sorry for any of these people. They would be the first to not only get you fired, but they willing go after children and even extended families as well.
Getting deja vu here with the "fact" checks bullshit. Same lame duck tactics over and over. They just keep getting memed on.
(((civic nationalism)))
God damn gavin is such a fucking cuckold
I remember that thread good times
Has anyone cracked his authentication method yet?
Keks^3 when that happens.
I'm guessing it's just a simple checksum, put Holla Forums on it.
underrated trips
The old MeMe went like:
"99% of the 1% are jewish"
This was used to trigger and red-pill Occupy Wall Street mongs, who camped out for months protesting against the bankers then getting angry when you explained the bankers are jewish.
The only "authentication method" is that if you see a Verrit image, you go to and search for the code. If it's on their website it's the truth.
hitler quotes for subtle repilling
CIA confirmed then
I swapped my hats and had a look myself.
The code doesn't appear to be a checksum.
There are 7 digits, many start "0116" others start "0443" and are sequential.
Therefore they are creating each one and adding it to a data base. The difference of "0116" and "0443" would indicate different database users (or offices with access to the database).
A simple method to obfuscate their use, is to use verification codes they have not yet assigned and pollute them strongly in search engines.
Their search engine uses GET! Kek! auto script friendly
Database nulls return "We can't find" in the page.
it's a cute script but it puts any profile pic directly over the text and doesn't wrap it within the given space. I'm going to have to start gimp with a template
couldn't we integrate that into the adnaseum scripts?
this shit is turning into a laugh riot
It's Open Sans.
I'm fairly sure that quote was from Brian Williams, he was there you know.
I don't know much about Ad Nauseum , but it sounds feasible
Meme responsibly
what a fucking joke
It's pretty much just the name of the post. (including the filename)
It'd be the equivalent of just putting a URL to the right page.
We can't spoof it, since we can't add a page / image to the website.
this PR campaign is aimed at people too lazy to type shit anyway. It was a failure from the start, random numbers are fine as long as a fake pattern isn't too obvious.
Wait, what.
There was a goldrush on misspelt domains too.
It would have been easy to set up a similar site with a meme generator while simultaneously listing the ones they put out as invalid.
he's cracking, we really need /cow/ on this
Posting a classic.
Made a less shitty version of it.
I'm too lazy to find somewhere to host it so I just put it there.
- No more watermark
- Realistic authentication codes
- "Click to make another one" is broken due to how it is hosted. You'll just have to use f5 for now
It'd be great if someone could find somewhere else to host it.
Checking them authentic digits
They make it too easy.
for shame Holla Forums , for shame
smaller file
This shit never gets old.
I'm convinced her boo "what happened" is completely satire. They knew nobody would read it. I've listened to people with dementia talk, & this is far beyond that.
that second page actually is from her book. the first page isn't even on the level of possible joke tier there is no way that made it into print even as a gag in her book, its beyond the level of meta humor Clinton and her staff are capable of. where's it actually from that book might be funny
Checked them digits Kek was with you user.