Youtube now no longer monetising any videos with violence real or fake, swearing and explosions

Youtube now no longer monetising any videos with violence real or fake, swearing and explosions

So they just killed none streaming Lets Plays that only exist for money like pewdiepie. But the monkeys paw of this is it means twitch is about to explode.

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw

source pls

You want a good time search youtube lets plays on twitter and check live. The screamer thumbnail "influencers" are in mass panic right now.

fuck off if you have no source, you forced meme posting faggot

I have a gut feeling this is gonna cause a massive spike in people creating Patreons. If anything it reminds me of Twitch bans, it only makes shit more annoying.

Look it up you retard. Do you need to be spoonfed?

>ITT: Butthurt autists that couldn't make it big on YouTube because they're not normalfags and lack empathy, emotion, and a likeable personality, so they act cool and edgy in le sekrit club for imaginary upvotes (you) on a site that doesn't have upvotes

Welcome memequeen, you caught me i made it up and surely nobody on the entire internet is talking about it right now. Nope not one. Its a secret. Shh!

It might but Patreon itself is dying off since its already got the "welfare begging" mystique and people who do it are almost all losing money if they arent doing a solid consistent output. Go compare any of the channel awesome people to output/patreon for groups like RLM.

Only thing I can find on it is this, which is due to monetization being redacted on youtube for talking about controversial subjects, like suicide bombings and SJWs. The youtubeletsplays the OP talked about is bs from what I can see as far as twitter goes.^tfw

Hasn't that always been the case though? Isn't graphic violence a one way ticket to NOT getting monetizing?

You posted a claim. It's your obligation to back up your claim. If you don't back up your claim your thread automatically becomes a shitposting thread.

Okay, OP, while a faggot for not citing any source seems to be right. I saved the pic from this Philip dude.



Good job, master ruseman. You nearly got us all with your cunning plan.

Well, at least one youtuber is freaking out about it. Its the dude who talks about other youtuber videos or current events.

Go on Twitter and search #RIPYoutube. Hell, look on Twitter in general.

They did an update to their auto flagging system that was previously used to check for licensed music. Now lets say one video is an actual pair of people fighting and another is street fighter 5. It will flag both as violence via automation and this is retroactive and they only told people in the *text of a new updated terms agreement. If a lets play ever said fuck -and think of all the fake over reacting screamer slender videos for example- they are now demonetised and a channel strike.

Its gonna be a fun time.

Learn to use IDs then fuck off back to Neogaf, Holla Forums isn't your news aggregate.

I linked info twice in thread. OP is a faggot, but hes not wrong about the situation. Try to read the thread man.

you know what this means, people are now gonna censor themselves for the cash

just end this world already

Not on Youtube anymore. The bubble got burst and normalfags no longer have the monetary incentive to push it anymore.

Nice phone plan you've got there.

Also this is an e-celebrity thread. Reported.

For now at least, but youtube is making stupid decisions. This is the beginning of the end for tech companies that do shit like this. When you start to enforce your political views, people look for alternatives.

Nowhere to be found, which isn't a surprise considering OP is a faggot.

Why would anybody with a brain do that?

it's not censorship if they're doing it themselves :^)

How is a thread about youtube terms of use drastically changing and allowing them to censor videos an e-celeb thread?


How is anything in your post related to videogames?

youtube is trying to be television and the radio

Only e-celebs care about youtube monitization.

So if they were play fighting or slapping each other silly like kids, would the system still flag it

Now i'm not sure these faggots arent salty about their hopes of pewdiepie bux are being dashed.

h-hope you 18 subs will donate anons :^)

Yes its 'animation of a violent nature'. Software recognition that surely can't be wrong right?

This is going to be a trainwreck rich with schadenfruede.

what the fuck are you talking about. it's like you're speaking a different, more retarded language.

Burden of proof is on the OP, you fucking cock inhaler.

Dude you are going nuclear, kind of screams like you have some emotional investment here, i'm just laughing at retards not getting lets play welfare.

The primary platform that users use to upload gameplay footage of games, or review it or wtv else have you is being changed, potentially changing the future of game reviews. Its a topic thats related to gaming because it can have an effect on the gaming industry, specifically reviewers, informational videos and letsplayers.

Aww man, now I can't do Goldneye slap only fights

You really are retarded

Only if you monetise it.

Calm down man, nobody is attacking you. Its going to be okay.


I think this is babies first salt mining, only he doesn't understand that he's just in his back yard

You can listen to a podcast or radio show about a game review. While having a video aid definitely enhances it, a good reviewer will be able to cover all points with audio alone.

This only affects paid videos, people are still going to post and create content the same they always have. Remember when Youtube wasn't monetized and people still did it >for free?

no more rap videos then unless they are the heavily censored versions

I'll give you a 5/10, it's been done before

it doesn't mean they'll be no more of X, it'll mean the quality of X will improve since money isn't involved and the people clearly init for the money will have to cut off their feet for it

So what I hearing is that both Lets Players and Youtube died today.
So this is Fire Monkey power, eh? Not bad.

The point is reviewers do it for a living and some information sharers on gaming channels, you know games journalists, hopefully not sjw types but journalists no less are getting money, some allowing them to live off of it. For example, what happens if Ross Game Dungeon goes down now because he swears or covers something he doesnt. What if any other of dozens of reviewers go down. Their videos might not get taken down but without donations its now a hobby and oftentimes doesnt have the quality or reach that it will as a full time job. Thats not even getting into the whole mess of the fact that this incentivizes youtubers to talk about the "correct" subjects, influencing topics and trends. What happens if game reviewers or information channels go full cucked like the mainstream media to keep a paycheck, effectively making propaganda.

The timing of this has made me wonder if it's to with clamping down on criticism with the Presidential election. I mean I wouldn't be surprised Youtube has been threatened by advertisers that they will pull the plug as they most likely fund American parties. Just saiyan.



Well its Jewgle so I wouldn't be surprised if thats the case

November can't come fast enough

You mean that, now that they have to do it as a hbby instead of "job" (kek), their quality will go down instead of up? If that happens, their quality is probably shit in the first place. Good content producres do it because they like it, not to get paid. If they get paid by the view, they start to do the following:

I mean, just take a look at IA: like him or not, you can't deny that his videos are about shit that amuses him, and they are enjoyable because of that.

don't forget outright shilling in their videos

The interesting thing is if it changes certain things group wise. Take that super best friends channel. The pat and woolie guys from what i have seen do it for fun but that matt guy really really seems to want it to be his own little media empire so i could see him jumping ship when it becomes a hobby again not a job.

/ ! \ REMINDER / ! \
There are only 30 DAYS LEFT until Obama gives control of the internet to the United Nations.

They are clamping down from all directions(this being one of them) and is why the false narrative of "russian hackers" is being spewed all over the (((media))).

why are you posting that in multiple threads and not making a thread on pol about it?

Degenerate scum made their money redirecting people to advertising and filling he internet with it and commercialism. Invading privacy. Trying to be govt.

Common traitors.

Can't really symapthise with anyone making money off anything though. Especially trying to make games seem like somethig they have to buy into, a scene. Not a scene you cocksuckers. Play games yourself.

TrumpTube when??

Will we finally go back to the glory days of walkthroughs being pure gameplay footage with no attention-seeking faggot to disrupt the proceedings