I miss when Splinter Cell was good.

chaos theory > splinter cell > pandora tomorrow > double agent (the good version with the good/bad stuff, despite its buggy state) > blacklist > conviction

almost any game in the world is better than conviction. i beat that piece of shit in 5-6 hours on the hardest difficulty because of how much it auto kills for you.

Chaos Theory > Splinter Cell > Double Agent (6th Gen) > Pandora Tomorrow > Shit > Double Agent > Blacklist > Conviction.

Agreed. The coop was more fun though still piss easy.

i never played the regular version of double agent, is it that bad? thought about emulating it but it was already a pain in the balls to push through the other version that i have no incentive to ever play it again.

The 6th Gen version (PS2, Xbox) is actually pretty good. It's in the Chaos Theory engine and is both less buggy and superior in terms of gameplay. This is the version you'd have to emulate and it's worth the hassle.

The shit version is the 7th Gen/PC version. Crashes like a bitch and isn't even that fun to play when it is working.

Oh and the story, for all that it matters, is again superior with the 6th gen version.

hm, i'll have to look into that. thanks user.

To each their own opinions, but at least we can all agree that Chaos Theory is best SC

Chaos Theory > Double Agent (6th gen) > Splinter Cell > Pandora Tomorrow > Blacklist > Shit > Conviction > Double Agent (7th gen)

Is there anyone who doesn't think that Chaos Theory is the best Splinter Cell? It's hard to argue otherwise

This and Conviction being worst/second worst are standard. I suppose I was being a little unfair on Blacklist too since it was actually a functioning game while DA was barely playable (at least on PC).

Probably some nostalgic fucks out there who prefer SC1.

there are some non-debatable truths to the universe, chaos theory being the best splinter cell is one of them.

blacklist at least steered the games somewhat back in the right direction. forced co-op for a full game completion was bullshit, this is what killed dead space 3.

If nothing else I give Blacklist credit for recognizing they fucked up with Conviction and the series needed to get closer to its roots. All it really needed was some polish, retire Sam Fisher and give us some other agent to play as, and remove that fucking FPS section god damn

My problem with Blacklist was picrelated, essentially. A step in the right direction for sure but only a step. Also fuck changing the VA, Ironside was what made Fisher so great. Not only was his work spot on but picrelated was why he, Lambert and Grim seemed so natural together.

Whoops, forgot this.

i'd have no problem with ironside being an old fisher running fourth echelon in a position similar to lambert while you play as a new john doe agent

is that just a pic of an older sc with all the shit from blacklist/conviction slapped over it? i mean it beautifully sums up the problems the games had, but the angles on that window model are just ramping up my autism right now.

I rather suspect he only said it was a great idea because he didn't want to hurt chances at future employment. How Sam acted in Conviction is directly against what he was opposed to originally so it's rather likely he wanted out then anyway.

It is indeed the Panama bank level from CT.


But Splinter Cell was sold on graphics alone, and being at first a showcase of the first Xbox.

Every fucking one complained that the gameplay was too restrictive and squandered most of its potential, as in the end you still spend the whole game behind chest high walls.

Remember when invisiblity was your best weapon?
Now it's




I hate this so much. Fucking handholding for 12 year olds.

All they had to do was retire Sam and introduce a new Agent, maybe the guys from conviction/CT coop.
But noooo, they had to ruin the franchise for good. Even though it was dead once they killed Lambert/Sams daughter and made Grim a field agent. Shit was retarded and the writer should be shot.



But what if I can't read? Checkmate splinter cell instructions on the wall.

Why the hate for the PS2 version? I had both PS2 and PC and I felt that the PC version was lacking in some areas.

How so?

What Tom Clancy's games were actually written by Tom Clancy?

Xbox or PC versions only

I was under the impression he didn't write any of the games but just let them use his name.

I don't think any of them were. From what I remember Clancy founded a vidya company that was bought by ubisoft eventually and all the games had his name for tribute or endorsement or something.

I just figured he must have had some involvement at least in the beginning.

I can tell you he probably had nothing to do with The Division

Because he was already dead when it was made?

Good section: Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow, Chaos Theory.
Bad section: Double Agent, Conviction, Blacklist (it's shit, but it's playable shit. Shadows are broken and fucking useless though, play only on highest difficulties.)

Sam Fisher looks retarded in CT.

wow what a great argument for why its better

I'll stick with Splinter Cell - Stealth Action Redefined™ instead.

Better realistic plot, harder game, Sam looks like a professional.

Nothing compares to the mission where you infiltrate the CIA headquarters, or a palace in Georgia.

Except maybe a Japanese bathhouse, Displace International office building, a bank, and a North Korean missile silo.

Rainbow Six was a novel first before they made it into a game. I think that was the only one though. There was a Sum of All Fears game though I believe.

Does CT have dogs that can smell your scent? Thought so.

The one with John Clark? That was pretty good.

Never read his novels so I got no idea fam.

On a side note

Why live?

er, I should say "trash now".

Raven Shield was the last R6 game.

Ghost Recon only had 1 game, with two expansions: Desert Siege and Island Thunder.

Chaos Theory was the last SC game.

Red Alert 2 was the last C&C game.

I liked 1 better.

How much time do you spend looking at his face? Do you feel a "special" attraction to him or something?

Wait there's a new ghost recon?

And I'd really recommend Red Rabbit, Hunt for Red October and my personal favorite The Cardinal of the Kremlin. Patriot Games isn't too bad either but it's very actiony compared to others

So should I emulate Double Agent for the ps2 instead of playing the pc version?


short answer: yes

long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

cut scenes in SC are mostly pre-renders, your point?

Stop dodging around the fact Sam looks pale and ugly in CT.

Be that as it may but how does it relate to gameplay?
Also the levels in CT are much better (for cqc) than in the previous games. Most levels in SC1 felt very "boxy". PT had some very nice levels but overall suffered from the same problems as SC1.
I'm not saying 1 ist bad just that I think CT is better. I really enjoyed the first three games. After that the series took a nosedive. I still played DA and Conviction but only because it still had Ironside. Once they ditched him I stopped playing.

The only big problem with SC1 is forced action sequences like the Oil Rig mission or parts of Kalinatek.

Imagine if you had this in real life. It'd be rather embarrassing to have FUCK THE LOLI appear on the wall all the time.

I think there was actually a third expansion exclusive to one of the consoles. I'd have to go look it up to be sure mind.


I've looked up wildlands, it kind of looks decent but I know better than to trust Ubisoft's AAA games, especially "open world" ones. Even moreso since this one seems to copy a shitty unfinished game. What is ubisoft doing?

Reminder that this and the co-op campaign were the best(and only good) parts of Conviction

Well Ironside's VA was on point as always. I suppose mentioning that as a good part of a SC is redundant though.

Jungle Storm for the PS2

That's the one.

Don't even bother with the pc / 7th gen version

Ideally you should buy an OG Xbox and play the Xbox version. If you can find one easily for cheap, by all means do it.

But if you're going to emulate it's probably better to go for the GC version on Dolphin rather than the PS2 version.