Let's talk about this Holla Forums.
There's zero doubt HAARP exists and Eglin AFB (Eglin is funded by Rothschild Kikes for future warfare experimentation as well as most Southern state testing facilities).
There's undoubtedly havoc occurring and it's very likely the United States is being targeted right now for Geo-Engineering and Weather Warfare.
(((Who))) is behind it?
Could be the Chabad Lubavitch Bolshevik (Duginist) Jewish Mafia, intent upon creating destruction in America.
Could be Globalist Kikes of leu of the Rothschilds punishing America for Climate Change funding.
Could easily be pure coincidence (I don't believe in coincidences).
Yeah this could be a conspiratorial thread but it's a reality, America is under attack.
Weather Modification
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, but you're fucking paying for their recovery.
We should be talking about what the stars in the sky really are as well….
Who said that? Does he owe any tithe that he does not wish to pay? Come on nigger. Tell me..
>after a long days work step outside
What the fuck are they doing? Who is paying for this? Who the fuck is flying that plane?
If shit like HAARP exists, what can we do at that point?
If (((they))) have complete control over the weather, computers, and automobiles, what can we do?
So you think the richest country on the planet doesn't have this technology and can't counter it?
I don't get the chem trail people. Clouds are condensed air, jet engines work by sucking in air, condensing it and shooting it out at hight presure, that's what makes the plane fly
Only morons don't believe weather modification is real.
What are you on about? There wasn't a fucking single cloud in the sky and 10 hours later there are clouds that are unnatural looking and crisscrossing. They are literally trails coming from a plane that would disperse and expand into what appear as clouds. Am I going to need to record this shit with a camera and time lapse it in a webm for you?
Yes. Also there are currently three threads on this on the catalog right now. Why not bump one of those?
The US gov is defensively pushing the jet stream more south to shoo Irma off with high pressure from the arctic. Hence the cold.
The clouds are probably to force the moisture down so it doesn't feed more hurricanes.
You are seeing a literal weather war between the US and the world ZOG.
WW3 has already begun. And it will be a totally different than the second one.
Tip: the World ZOG has a lot of untapped technology. It will literally look like magic to us.
War of the Gods.
If people talking about HAARP aren't just shills, maybe try putting the horse before the cart one of these days and not using faith in HAARP as a circular dependency on the entire thread. Saged.
These people are neither God nor gods so call them human. They are nothing more than humans.
Sure HAARP is possible and is done in some capacity like cloud seeding. But don't think that these people are anything else than human.
The threads title is 'Weather Modification' faggot
fine metallic particulates are now common additives to jet fuel. supposedly they help to reflect a small percentage of the sunlight to counter le global warming may may
But they want to be. And they appear to be with their parlor tricks. You are triggering a little too much over semantics.
the US is suppose to have major geo engineering equipment at a few of their Antarctica bases as well
the US was all big talk about geo engineering for decades (Disney even made a promo video for them), but went silent in the 60s when the military took the projects over (and some major scientists died who were in on the projects)
the military is now using that tech as a weapon
I wouldn't be surprised if they are using weather warfare as a means to crash the US economy, and cripple Trump's ability to do anything remotely productive. I don't think they are starting the storms, but I do think it is well within their capabilities to keep a storm going longer than normal.
I noticed the difference between clouds and cloud seeding as a child, it constantly baffles me how stupid and naive people can be about an issue that is constantly staring down at you from above. The weather modification NGO's are no secret, they just aren't largely discussed and noticed.
Probably. A lot of people have already done it, and a great many retards still refuse to believe it's not just a regular cloud, even though you can clearly see how it was formed. And when someone starts testing water when these clouds are formed and finding heavy amounts of boron in the air, oh that's normal too.
Yeah. That'd be nice, nigger.
Much more likely that it's just the fucking weather as per fucking usual.
Like 6 gorillion times more likely.
This is forecast as usual you fucking retard. It's been this way since even before the advent of electronics.
That is cloud seeding that has been around since airplanes.
OP means mods not known by normal means like forcibly shifting the jet stream and shit.
This is where you made quite a leap, faggot. It's been years and years yet you faggots still can't explain how exactly HAARP is supposed to be making hurricanes. If they can dump terawatts of power into the ocean half the world away, why are they not just burning the people they want dead? Why is the power grid still a thing? How is the energy produced and how does the transmission work? A vague "manipulating the ionosphere" doesn't cut it, retards. But of course you put this in as an adterthought so you can direct anons' autism at the supposed perpetrators. Nobody likes math, politics are way more interesting, right?
Cloud seeding is not some sort of secret tech. It never has been as far as I know. The mechanism is well understood by the general public too, since it's not really all that complicated. Water condenses around dust, and when enough water condenses the updrafts can't keep it aloft anymore so it rains.
Yeah, I've seen what you guys call "evidence" for the shit, I don't really buy it. Occam's Razor cuts pretty deep.
Wow you guys really are schizos, even the clouds are Jewish tricks ehh?
Don't know about this guy but..
..this poster here is a shill. Not in the way you think, though. What is your knee jerk reaction to this post? "Fuck , look at that obvious kike", probably. He is here to make everyone questioning the OP's ideas look like a shill by association. Holla Forums used to pride itself on objectivity and the ability to see the truth. They realized that regular ass shilling of a viewpoint will not work here as anons are allergic to being told what to think. So they employ legit psyop tier tactics.
First of all checked. Second, I'm not a shill dude. Not everyone who doesn't agree with you is a shill. I just think the evidence is flimsy and the motivations don't make any sense to me at all.
The government is controlling the weather by spawning hurricanes in fucking zones where hurricanes are already prone to forming in and by putting them on predictable paths that are tracked days in advance so they can kill maybe 20 people at most and cost them billions of dollars in infrastructure loss?
Okay, sure
Hence why the
I agree with you, weather manipulation is bullshit. But the other poster reeks of a psyop. You were just mentioned due to your proximity.
You're saying that I'm a shill? That's certainly much more logical than the alternative explanation, which is that I believe you are fucking insane. When even rain is a conspiracy you've taken it a step too far
t. good goy
Fair enough, sorry. But yeah I could see why you'd say that other guys post is shilly. Reading it again in that context I actually agree with you.
Oh look, another geo engineering thread that doesn't actually touch the real causes/methods.
Not one mention of NEXRAD(HAARP was a prototype for NEXRAD), not one mention of power plants supplying clouds.
Are you tuned in to the right frequency?
Thought the same.
I don't believe Russia could be involved in this. I have no reason for that at all. Russia wants to be the real friend of U.S just like in 1860's.
So the blaming finger goes to the direction of (((Hillary Clinton))) and her evil accompanies. I bet the same force is behind that is behind the destruction of Europe, the refugee crisis and Middle Eastern havoc.
This is a coordinated attack against the last powerful frontiers of white people.
Nigger why the fuck did you bring up Russia? Not a single person in this thread even mentioned Russia until you did. I will give you that if geoengineering is being used(and evidence points to it being used), at least some of the people using it are specifically attacking white countries. I doubt Hillary is connected to it, other than her being in the pocket of the top level kikes that would benefit from destroying white countries.
< Calling out a bunch of tinfoilies is now a "psyop"
Provide some counter evidence or fuck off, kike.
Better yet, provide an explanation of what this webm is, if you don't think it's manufactured cloud generation.
user, don't be upset - if as you claim, you are a remnant of old /pol, you should know damn well that this is Alinsky's rule #5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.“ There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
Our opposition is not nor ever has been capable of novelty, adaptation or creation, for they are the destroyers: 8. "We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. NOTHING that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build." –"You Gentiles"p.155 Maurice Samuel
Plost twist: weather modification is caused by fidget spinners
We have evidence of Weather Making Machines, we have state agents like Jeremy Clarkson openly demonstrating these machines we currently have in use on popular TV shows like Top Gear and still the normie drones cry out in pain when you show them this self-evident proof.
It's rather worrying trend that this board has taken a turn for the worse with any notion that NASA are liars being censored from Holla Forums for example, with organised teams of trolls mass reporting anyone who proves these conspiracies as fact.
user, are you using that video to imply that NASA, using one of it's few rocket testing sites, is creating clouds, instead of the literally thousands of power plants over the US, and tens of thousands of power plants across the globe? If so, explain this, and why there are power plants at the location of these cloud generation spots in this webm.
I simply proved one example of Weather making technology in use today that cannot be disputed.
A forest fire?
In Northern Texas? Do you not know the US map very well? and that's not even taking into account how multiple spots, miles and miles apart, all start generating clouds at nearly the same time, and how these spots are located over power plants.
looks like a humid hot air current to me
source: www.google.com.br/search?q=how+clouds+happen
This is a state secret but I will tell you anyways:
Those huge towers near nuclear power plants are huge structures where super hot water goes to cool down.
Some of this hot water evaporates and goes away as humid hot air
see for the secret on how clouds are formed
Pure coincidence goyim.
Ah, never change foil/pol/.
You guys have hurricanes almost every year, don't be retarded.
Yeah he was a major hjigh profile agent in the pay of the BBC constantly pushing out the WWII black propaganda like pretty much everyone sanctioned on the BBC.
Besides that, did you watch the video of him showing the Weather Modification Machine from NASA which was the point of that post, any chance you could address the evidence contained within that video, instead of doing the usual, "Oy vey, tin foil hats" even when presented with the clear self-evident facts of the matter.
So there were stronger tornadoes less than 13 years ago?
Really makes you think
HAARP niggers need to stop shitting up discussion boards. It's not even in the same level as chemtrails, it's just completely fucking retarded. At least chemtrail folks will point at cloud seeding or some weird aluminum shit and crisscross clouds. HAARP niggers are just fucking dumb retards with no sense of basic physics; especially when they try to pretend HAARP could have the wattage required to make hurricanes or other serious storms. It's on the level of "microwave ovens are alien technology". If you don't understand thermodynamics and arithmetic stop fucking posting.
In some areas there is a lot of cloud seeding and other geoengineering going on which people scream at because they don't understand it. Some of it seems to be spraying of metal nanoparticles to disperse sunlight for 'muh global warming' which people should be concerned about just like they are about xenoestrogens and plastics
Almost convinced this is a new type of sliding because there is such an influx of people who swallowed their first redpill and found out the majority of things they've been told were lies to control them and now they don't know what is and isn't true so they treat the most nonsensical bullshit as potentially true. Some things are universally true, like HAARP niggers having 80iq.
If the larping about tesla's 'free' atmosphere-energy or bouncing back currents through the earth to increase tension is true, then it's possible, otherwise, not so much
if that were the case the allegations about HAARP would be minor news compared to everything else possible with the astronomical amounts of free energy. It'd make a complete farce out of all the wars fought over energy too, which wouldn't even surprise me at this point.
let's just point out that there was a huge earthquake on Italy after a UNESCO vote that went against israel
googling earthquake Italy israel comes up with lots of posts from jewish sites like the one above. Funny that who speaks the most about these strange (((coincidences))) happens to be the jews
Seems like regular Jewish snarling. The earthquake isn't out of place there but that response to it makes me laugh. It's the most Jewish thing ever, they're so unimaginably spiteful with such long memories. You know that guy is going to go out of his way to destroy everything Italian for the rest of his life as revenge. To make it funnier the Italian towns effected are now applying for UNESCO status, I can't fathom the kvetching they receive it.
Christ I hope this thread is fucking bait
Weather control is the tip of the iceberg.
You are discussing Scalar Electromagnetic/Quantum weaponry.
Read Fer De Lance by Lt.Col Tom Bearden, best resource out there without going deep into quantum/scalar research efforts and other more partial references.
TLDR: It has existed in various capacities militarily since ~1950s and many countries now have this capability.
And before the
We are surrounded by it. 10^108J/cc. More than enough to do anything you care to dream of.
Operation Popeye helped America in the Vietnam War by changing the weather during fights. There should be zero doubt that all superpowers can manipulate the weather after all this time.
Well, the attack is happening from the inside, so perhaps you could call it "cleaning house".
Remember the sale of weaponry Trump recently approved for Saudi Arabia? You gave them far more superior weaponry you (the US) usually do when you sell arms.
Why? Because the seat of power is migrating. The seat of he empire that has existed on Egypt, then Britain and then the US is moving onto Asia. And they are leaving the people behind to realize it was never about the US of A.
I can't say for sure, but I suspect this month will mark the (((unfortunate))) decline in the country's economy.
Remember that prophecy that said that the last president of the US would be black? That's because Trump is not the last president, he's the agent in charge of moving.
If only, user.
If only.
Geoengineering is a shill magnet.
This post deserved quads.
This post reeks of bot.
Go back to cuckchan.
Isn't there a conspiracy board you spergs can take this shit to? Go cry about zionist condensation somewhere else
Looks like Weather Modification to me
Holy shit this thread is getting nailed hard. I'm beginning this has much more relevancy to recent events than previously thought.
I can't wait for reality to go full evangelion
user, seeding was common knowledge back in the 60s. They told everyone they were spraying metal bases to reflect the sun to stave of (((global warming))) ad no one thought 2 shits about it. Today you can't even talk about it without getting push-back and being called a conspiracy theorist. So what changed?
Someone gets it. One day they will no longer be able to hide it. That day we get all the juicy blackest projects and freedom to travel the stars..
They slide this shit with power stations and ionosphere BS lmao.
Toppest kek they hate us discussing Quantum. Especially when we were going I2P and considering quantum radio communication development project as a backup.
This IS a conspiracy board, dipshit. We just deal in REAL conspiracies, not this /x/ bullshit.
The original HAARP was dismantled years ago
(((EU))) has a far more powerful ionosphere heater array called EISCAT
One of that stations happen to line up perfectly with the "norway spiral"
Yes user the contrail produced by a jet engine is unnatural hence why it looks unnatural.
You probably live under a busy airspace.
I'm undecided on the subject of weather manipulation, but this recent article from the AP reeks of damage control for something they don't want us to know.
Facebook isn't the reason why I had to turn the heat on over Labor Day weekend for the first time ever. Something is up. I don't know if it's weather manipulation, KEK, an impending September 23rd apocalypse, or Nibiru, but I'm sure as hell not buying the "nature is crazy LOL and you're just looking for patterns" excuse from the media.
CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911
Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization
Elana Freeland: Space fence and geo engineering.
Hurricane Irma Manipulation: Objectives And Agendas ( Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org )
Operation Dark Sky, Conjuring the Weather
he Threats We Face: Q & A ( Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org )
Ayy lmao
If you understand how haarp works than there is only one way. Possible, but you gotta be literally solid snake.
gib mathematical proof, or gtfo
"I need math to prove that ionospheric heating can effect the atmosphere below it. Also I have no fucking idea what ionospheric atmosphere heaters are, they are a conspiracy theory despite several major companies marketing them successfully."
Yeah, because the energy required to drop 100mbar on such a vast area can be easily projected
Go look up the invasion of Iraq. Amazingly, just as the US was charging across the desert in mass, they followed behind one of the largest sandstorms in recorded history.
Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Listen and believe is your motto eh?
would you even be able to understand any if posted?
Nigga, they reported it back when on the goddmned ABC nightly news. I've talked to vets that mentioned it. The shit really happened.
Once you get to the energy required, you'll understand that it will cost way more money than what's worth it
Yeah, those truck drivers and grunts made it up for shits and giggles.
Go look it up you lazy jew bastard.
homepage is
Air Force Center for Strategy and Technology
The doc is from 1996
They create "money" out of thin air
You all do realize that such a strong anti-reaction to chemtrail/weather-mod threads only creates a streisand effect
It says nothing about the mechanisms involved, they present all of them as an hypothetical situation.
Well yes it can. With nuclear power the amount available is functionally limitless. Combine this with a directional antenna and you're good to go. I can tell you with certainty HAARP isn't a mere 4MW. There's at least 10 installations globally and that doesn't include secret installations or portable ones.
Well yes it can. With nuclear power the amount available is functionally limitless. Combine this with a directional antenna and you're good to go. I can tell you with certainty HAARP isn't a mere 4MW. There's at least 10 installations globally and that doesn't include secret installations or portable ones.
Yes I'm sure the documentation where they figure out HOW would just be made public for all to see
You are either disingenuous or dense
∞ > 1
How much of modern science started out as hypothetical?
You're trying way too hard
You shills sure took your time to find this thread.
You ignorant kike, the network talked about the largest sandstorm ever advancing before the armies assault. It's recorded, documented history that actually happened. They didn't admit to doing it., you shill bitch.
How many hypothesis were dropped because they didn't fit within reality?
How many turned out to be true?
The scientific theory starts with a problem followed by a hypothesis.
got any links boi?
Sounds interesting and like a realistic use. I could see NK getting HAARP'd
method not theory
If you can type for shill shekels, then you can spend a bit fucking googling.
Ask your floor manager there at the JIDF for access to another terminal so you can get access to a site outside your mission perimeter.
less than a quarter
never change, pol
nogger its hard to find what you mean when literally only the good search engine is kiked
In my opinion, IF all the recent weather anomalies are man made. It's because some entity in control is testing the effectiveness of their weather control. They're testing public reaction to these massive storms. They want to slowly convince us that the weather is becoming unstable due to climate change. Eventually they'll send a hurricane full force anywhere (((they))) want to eliminate opposition. The big earthquake in mexico was a test of their seismic abilities. Gradually (((natural disasters))) will become more and more common and they'll hit uncommon regions. Then we'll accept the idea that climate change is affecting us and (((they'll))) have the most powerful geopolitical weapon at their disposal.
I don't really have much to add but this could be a factor: Consider that Houston was not evacuated but large parts of Florida were. There could be some psyop there. See how things go and how that is compared in the media. Think about reasons that might be formulated in the future to move large quantities of people at once.
winning the lottery is 0,000000006% therefore you should be shooting yourself every time.
I find it funny that from 2008-2016 the US had very little hurricane related happenings.
White people start waking up, and OMG 2 CAT 5 SIMULTANEOUSLY FIRST TIME IN HISTORY
The laws of thermodynamics says it’s impossible to do. Ignore these /x/ faggots.
You've already outed yourself, schlomo.
No you dumb nigger, I'm saying….you know what go ahead. Play some Russian Roulette.
Its only 17% chance.
You'll be alright.
fuck off Moishe
not an /x/ fag, please elaborate on why the laws of thermodynamics say this.
You know you should switch ips more often
This has only 3 posts from 8 hours ago.
Mech E here.
This is absolutely NOT how jet engines work much much less how planes fly. Nor is that how clouds are formed.
In fact the most powerful set up for a jet engine could actually have a negative pressure gradient.
And honestly, how retarded are you to believe clouds are condensed air. Literally what the fuck. It only takes 2 sec to go on goolag and look it up so you don't open your mouth and go full retarded in front of others. It's a good thing this is an anonymous board. Holy shit. 9 year olds shouldn't be posting here.
Thanks for the shilling tip, shill.
Kill yourself.
Well you're not very good at your job and I'm used to wrecking much better.
So ur welcome fag
You're correct but your evidence is shit. The real evidence is that weather modification is banned in warfare, look up the Environmental Modification Convention.
I don't get the contrail people. Contrails are normal water vapor that usually dissipates within minutes. Chem trails hang around all day fucking shit up.
Remember how way back on /n/ in like 2006 and some guy would post about the NSA spying on everyone?
And everyone would call them tinfoilers and schizos.
Yeah that shit turned out to be completely true.
Have you looked at the reported electrical generation of USA nuclear power plants? archive.fo
I remember reading on a tech site that the USA military was experimenting with portable nuclear reactors to power planes. That could easily be a form of portable electrical power for such a thing.
You know what's great, that "proof I need muh proof" just becomes "prove the proof", and "Wow your source is just so biased to the right wing."
Seen it time and time before.
A bolt of lightning is 1.21 gigawatts. If only we could predict where and when it's going to strike. Maybe it's some sort of Nikola Tesla shit
Look, if HAARP were real, it would be more profitable than this wartime bullshit. Real tech is used for the purposes of real people, not just the purposes of chickenhawk losers trying to forget their futures as decaying husks of men.
Just because people stop talking to your retarde ass doesn't mean that you "wrecked" someone
I still haven't seen a single equation proving that the weather modification is possible and that there are enough resources to make it happen consistently.
Tesla already built a device tapping into the ionosphere producing free electricity he could beam around the entire world you absolute fucking dipshit.
Because JP Morgan fucked over Tesla. You really know nothing, shut the fuck up kid.
Thanks for confirming what I actually said. Reported.
Have you ever seen the calculations of total the kinetic energy in a hurricane? Or even a tornado? You could nuke a hurricane and only LOWER its intensity, not stop it or redirect it. But that’s it. No other form OR AMOUNT of power that the human race is capable of producing is capable of weather modification on the scale claimed here.
If you get near an argument, hop on.
Do you realize that what Tesla wanted would involve actually dangerously powerful microwave beams right? And this without starting to talk about the humongous losses that the energy beams would have over the distance.
Cables beat wireless on anything related to electricity.
WOKE. You can literally pull energy from space for free if made properly.
If you have a copper wire with perfect AC harmonics you can transfer electricity any distance with no loss, almost superconductor like.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Are you saying that in no shape or form could humans possibly harness the power of weather??
The shilling is real.
Provide proof of your claim or don’t make it.
Zero effort.
Maybe read posts before replying to them.
I'll take "What are patents?" for one hundred Alec.
It matters not if they are real or fake for this purpose, I just want some record of energy outputs by them so we can compare them to nuclear powerplant energy outputs.
All this saging is streisand effecting the hell out of this thread. If you don't like the discussion and think everyone a shill then don't respond. Especially don't respond with anything that doesn't directly support or attack the other persons arguement in a logical fashion.
There are coal power plants that generate 2 GIGAWATTS
You sound like your panties are cutting into vagina lips. Stop wearing thongs whore.
Hey look, it's Jamal again. Don't you get tired of getting blown the fuck out every time you show your retarded ass around here?
>joining your friend Jamal and (((095e03))) to help shilling
Did you say 50? I think you meant 25. I will have to go get that 10 for you at the bank.
where is this meme picture I didn't save it
Yep, we finally went full retard
Show me one
The butterfly effect only applies to runaway reactions, a hurricane is not a runaway reaction
And your evidence of their application for these purposes is where, then?
This bitch is mad now so she's focused
Probably released 10 years from now like Vault 7 on Wikileaks
Kikes tend to have inferior genetics, so I'll assume you forgot your glasses, Moishe. It's jewish to claim everything is fake to get people to stop looking at it.
What's next, Jamal, you're going to call me imkampfy then sperg out on /sudo/, then have a complete meltdown when I post a screencap of one of your posts here in that /sudo/ thread? Kill yourself.
Reported, se/x/ualpredator.
Hold on I gotta ask.
What does the position of believing in chemtrails/weather-mod benefit to shills?
What narrative is that?
If anything, your position (sticking your fingers in your ears and repeatedly shouting NU-UHHH) is beneficial to shills/kikes/the elite.
Yep, you totally didn't start talking about xenoestrogens (chemistry/biology) on a tread related to weather (physics/metereology).
Kys yourself
It proves that you would eat any close enough to be true rumor.
They don’t believe it. That’s not the point. Pretending to believe it to poison the well is the point. By associating real conspiracies (falsified US entry into WWI/II, 9/11, white genocide, Greater Israel, etc.) with these bullshit claims (flat earth, HAARP, aliens at Area 51, etc.), they are discredited by association.
In other words, see the image.
Wait, you think the moon landing was real?
Come on, where's your /sudo/ thread begging Ron and Jim once again to take over the moderation of the board because your ass hurts?
Commit suicide on a livestream, freechnigger. You clearly have no capability to read and comprehend and are here to shit up a thread about a very real phenomenon.
confirmed kike
HAARP is real and the UFO scare was Germans, the US called them aliens to make people want to oppose them more since they thought US citizens would be even more attracted to Hitler if he fully revealed his technological hand. Roswell was a hoax.
he was making a point by bringing up xenoestrogens
this post proves you have bad grammar
So chemtrails/weather-mod must be false and on same RETARD-TIER as flat earth? And discussing it is bad because MUH PR??
Plz revisit what I stated earler here
You really worry what others say about you that much?
female confirmed
So if lightning is like 1.21 gigawatts into the flux capacitor it's probably many times more powerful up in the clouds or the firmament or wherever lightning comes from?
The jew is strong in this one
Flat earth is a cianigger psyop. Reptillians is a kike psyop to distract from blood libel. Faked moonlanding has some merit to its arguement but not confirmed and has nothing to do with this thread.
Finally chemtrails are used to spread silver iodide used in cloud seeding. Video related to your derail. Now gas yourself or stay on topic and stop saging.
Sad attempt, Jamal.
Thanks for proving that you're worthless.
No, lightning dumps the energy on the whole distance.+It's 1.21 gigawatts overall, but it has less energy the further you go from the origin.
As always.
>still trying to shut down discussion because the topic hits too close to reality regarding the (((convenient))) sudden influx of superstorms and high category hurricanes after Trump pulled out of the (((paris accord)))
Do you have any more of these user? Fantastic stuff.
Then learn how to speak/type properly autist.
It should have been, "that you would believe any rumor if close enough to truth"
And I don't need to counter your OPINION
They didn't even use a strawman.
Is this a bot? That would explain the lack of logic that I mistook for a woman.
>>>Holla Forums
Holy christ, you’re bad at this.
Holy fucking shit, what has happened to Holla Forums recently.
No, it's an organic being. Jamal's just this retarded.
Jamal, why haven't you livestreamed your suicide yet? Surely even you can figure it out. You haven't got the slightest inkling of a real argument against anything discussed in this thread about this very real topic.
You stating "I would believe any rumor if close to truth" is an opinion dumbass.
He didn't use a strawman and posting a dictionary link doesn't make it so.
It argues like a nigger
I surprised it doesn't start posting the same shit in REDTEXT OVER AND OVER AGAIN
This is harvey's formation.
K, fuck off.
It’s time for you to go back to /x/.
A. Youre bad at what you do and don't deserve to get paid
B. Go sit in the corner and be quiet, because we're just going to enrage you autist
Which is it? Shill or retard? (woman, nigger, actual retard)
Keep trying bitch nigga
Jamal's friend, join him.
Weather modification is an objective fact and there's nothing you can do to bury it, Jamal.
Cracking jokes on you and calling you a nigger (cuz ya sound like one) is not a strawman
This is harvey's movement. You can see the increase in cloud formation in the video here too.
Just proved that you can't differentiate between a fact and an opinion
I'm not sure if you can be trusted to be on the side of objective truth and scientific fact
You believe a shit tier rumor that sounds possibly true, that proves the fact that you believe rumors that sound possibly true.
But apparently this logic is too hard for you.
Your opinion
I'm still here
Apparently the mods think youre a lolcow
Jamal's butt-buddy, please. You're embarrassing yourself.
You can't shut down the truth, Jamal. I'm sure it's just (((pure coincidence))) that pulling out of the (((paris accord))) is followed by the strongest hurricanes in years that (((conveniently))) do shit tons of damage and the senate (((conveniently))) voting to start funding the (((paris accord))) again. Just (((pure coincidence))).
You're a fucking retard. If seismic surveys can cause Earthquakes, what the fuck do you think HAARP can do? Compared to that equipment HAARP is a fucking Death Star.
I don't know about storms but tsunamis are definitely possible with HAARP. So much for that high IQ of yours.
Look at all that proof.
Its funny because I'm just clowning right now. I'm not even trying to argue.
I thought niggers were soooo good with wordplay, hence why they are such great rappers.
Oh and btw, it's already been demonstrated on a small scale that HAARP, in fact, can influence weather.
>thinking any of this has anything to do with (((global warming))) beyond that being the excuse used to push agendas
Even chimps are smarter than you Jamal. This is pathetic, even for your kind.
Now see THAT was a strawman
Incoming pictures on how cloud seeding, a farming technique in use since the 1950's, is done.
Ever heard of common sense? Seismic surveys use LF when searching for oil, this can cause earthquakes.
What do you think happens when focused ELF, with many times more power, bounces off the ionosphere and returns to Earth into the ground? Just take a fucking guess.
Look at AAAAAAAAAAAALL that proof.
Try again retard
Look at all your asspained posts
I bet you're a flat-Earther too.
Hang yourself.
HAARP is likely bullshit, if you do the calculations it is nearly impossible to generate the amount of energy needed to manipulate an average hurricane, not to mention the engineering challenges of directing it all while remaining undetected. HAARP is bullshit, probably a front for a different project, but cloud seeding to intensify hurricanes has already been used during Vietnam and is declassified.
Okay, bye.
I don't know about storms and hurricanes, but HAARP can definitely fuck shit up.
I can't wait to see you screeching about these:
Sure, bye.
All you've been doing is giving this thread cancer.
oh god its time for them to switch ips
Monsoon != Hurricane
Seeding a hurricane to make it drop water would make it lose intensity
Look at all that proof.
You suck at this.
Maybe you should go back to WURLDSTARRRRR
But that analogy is wrong. HAARP is a bigger and badder version of LF equipment.
Gas yourself flat-Earther.
Look at all that proof.
If you've reported me this many times and I'm still here, WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?
Seismic surveys work with solids
Weather modification has to work with fluids
That you’re an autistic faggot.
You're drinking shit from a sewer if you really think that.
meanwhile we're partying
2 GIGAWATTS! My god that's almost .00000002% of the energy a hurricane releases every day.
Chemtrails has arguments, weather modificiation IN CERTAIN FORMS exists, "Jews can create hurricanes from thin air!" is nigger tier.
Cloud seeding is used to create rain in areas where rain normally doesn't form.
"The Jews can create/steer/intensify hurricanes" is frankly worse than flat earth tier. The flat earthers at least have arguments for their positions. They're wrong, but their arguments are better than yours.
The strongest hurricanes in what, like 10 years? 2005 was way worse. 1933 was a worse hurricane season too, did the Jews do that to get revenge on the US for Hitler coming to power or something? If we have the worst mosquitoes in 10 years is it Jewish genetic engineers making superskeeters?
Cloud seeding causes nucleation, which causes clouds to drop their moisture as rain. It was investigated as a technique to weaken hurricanes, not strengthen them. If you were arguing the unusually weak hurricanes of the past 10 years were due to cloud seeding then maybe you'd have an argument.
There are so many reasons this is stupid I don't know where exactly to begin. Wavelength and energy have an inverse relation, though. That's a starting point. Low frequency is used for seismic scanning because it is lower energy, and therefore more likely to penetrate the ground without disruption.
HAARP works by inducing charge in the ionosphere, and if any of the haarpfags had an actual argument to make, they'd make arguments based around the science HAARP actually uses, instead of wildly implausible bullshit. The fact that I'd have to explain to you both why HAARP could theoretically do certain things, and then why it isn't, is why your arguments and opinions have no weight.
Cloud seeding can be used to cause a cloud to drop rain, not to induce a hurricane to take up more moisture and get stronger.
ELF waves have a longer wavelength, that doesn't make them "bigger" in the way you are claiming.
HAARP isn't a low frequency transmission array. It can be used to generate ELF waves in the ionosphere in interesting ways, though.
Fluids don't work the same way solids do. Have you ever tried to swim in granite or stand on water?
Ah, but see, you’re a nigger because you posted scientific proof that /x/ faggots are wrong. Because they say so, you see.
He switched ips again but he left sage on
Still not an argument.
Yet he's still here too
OK Moly
I didn't post scientific proof, I just called them faggots in big words. /x/ has a fair number of decent posters. This is not one of their better topics. Esoteric hitlerism, on the other hand…
So you don't understand how HAARP generates ELF in the ionosphere then, you just know it's bad because reasons?
I wasn't talking about that, i responded to some retard who said HAARP is not dangerous.
Vid related.
Still no proof of your claims.
Still no ban from shitter-shattered tantrum filing report after report
Still no proof of your claims.
Could you explain how HAARP generates electrical radio frequencies in the ionsphere then? literally what?
Its broken again, its gonna just keep posting this for the next 100 replies
That's not what it does, it fires ELF at the ionosphere, EFL then bounces off of it and returns back to Earth and into the ground. Where it can cause earthquakes.
Still no proof of your claims. Reported.
When someone presents you a moped and a motor you will outright fucking refuse to believe the motor is more powerful and demand proof. That's what the entire HAARP discussion with you has been.
Gas yourself.
K. Still no proof of your claims. Reported.
Dude that thread was funny as hell. I just lurked. I wasn't one of the trolls harassing you.
Tell me do you have to take medication? Your condition is some severe shit bro.
At this point it's blatantly obvious I do. Look at the way the antennas are designed. They use two sets of microwaves that are either out of frequency or out of phase with eachother (hence the two cross beams, which are separate antennas) to cause the charged particles in the upper atmosphere to vibrate. It's rather similar to the way an electrical motor works, if you're having difficulty visualizing it.
Your turn. How does this create ELF waves?
To be frank, I know very little about geology, so I have no ability to address the earthquake argument. Just the hurricane argument. I'm just pointing out that 99% of the people who ascribe magical powers to HAARP can't even explain basic principles of how it works.
See above. If he doesn't respond I'll explain how that can create various frequencies if properly done.
Yep, that’s autism confirmed. Bet you can’t distinguish between faces, too.
Like 2-phase AC
Go ahead tell us everything about HAARP instead of just commenting on how antenna look
What kind of ELF?
Because tomography uses soundwaves, that are not even close to EM waves (AKA radio waves)
So you can't explain how HAARP can create ELF waves, then? You don't have any idea. You just know it does.
I'm great with faces
I think someone copypasta-ed your crazy from that thread.
What did you have like 160 replies just saying that shit over and over?
Still no proof of your claims.
Literally what nigger? That is a shitty comparison. I still don't know what ELF's are.
Explain to me, skeptic. You're the know it all
Its no fair, you're switching ips so this ID is only @ 39. All together youre over a 100 so far.
Let's break that record together
A physical or electromagnetic wave with a frequency between 3 and 30 Hz.
Still no proof of your claims.
It's no secret there's a dozen of them around the world, but the one internet retards like OP know about in Alaska is closed.
No, Shlomo doesn't pay, your dad does.
OP OD'd on black jizz today like how mother.
Hell doesn't lightning create elf waves?
Motherfucker can't help himself. Its either MUH PROOF OF CLAIMS or MUH ELF.
Dude gets caught in a rhythm like a broke record. Maybe he's not an autist. Maybe he has tourettes.
I meant in terms of the alternating polarities pulling the armature along by varying the electric fields.
Since you admit you have no idea how your magical weather modification machine works, I will.
By inducing the ionosphere to vibrate at a certain frequency, using your ground based antenna, you are essentially creating a second, massive antenna. ELF is very difficult to do on human scales because it requires huge antennas, so using the ionosphere as an antenna works well for it.
Now, why is this great for communicating with submarines and terrible for inducing weather events? It's non-directional. You can't aim or focus it. You can generate a wave propagating more or less equally in all directions, you can even encode information in that wave, but it's fucking useless for modifying the weather unless you want to put hurricanes at every point on earth and cause every fault line to go at the same time.
I thought we were just talking about weather-mod?
This whole thread shows the level of delusion that "climate scientists" have caused. You guys actually think that humans have any control of the weather more than giving it a slight nudge when conditions are near perfect with cloud seeding…
Remember the biggest con is when (((they))) convince you they have more power than they do. This is a normal every couple of decades hurricane…
GLP is out of Eglin too I think.
Both of these responses are utterly faggot tier. Find anywhere else on the web that's posted, firstly. Secondly, my point was that if you can't aim it, and it has your MAAAGIC POOOOWERS to induce hurricanes and earthquakes and make white women love niggers then, since you can't aim it, you're going to fuck yourself in the asshole.
You mean like in Sept the peak of atlantic hurricane season
Still not an argument.
Eglin is psyops and special forces but not weather mod, that is about as false as half of the shit NASA is claimed to do
There is current thinking that water is being forced into the fault lines, and thus becomes an electrical current carrier, so when the earth experiences electrical disruptions the piezoelectric effect is responsible for earthquakes.
If you were saying they wanted to weaken hurricanes yes. Otherwise, you're proving you understand cloud seeding as well as you understand electromagnetism or HAARP.
I can't see electromagnetic waves causing any fault line to go.
gave himself away
Are ya gonna meltdown again and start spamming MUH PROOF/cuckporn?
Still not an argument.
Sure they can. Salt water gets squeezed deep into the earth in subduction zones. The sun fires a big solar flair, and it electrifies the water which is the easiest path to the big ass electric dynamo that is the center of the earth, and the piezeo electric effect happens on a Continental scale.
I have been suspecting this for a time. It seems to be that many major weather issues happen while anyone who is against the kikes and nwo are in charge.
Katrina wasn't even that serious. New Orleans was just retarded niggers with a retarded mayor. Only reason Houston wasn't totally fucked was due to Gov "Wheels" Abbot telling people to gtfo and prep.
Jesus christ you are autistic
I'm not saying you can. I'm saying that if you could, HAARP couldn't do it directionally, I.E. it would cause earthquakes everywhere.
So how are you controlling weather? Ritual human sacrifice? That's more plausible than anything else you've presented.
I don't think this thread would be getting shitted up this hard if there was nothing to it
I presented this here and your buddies responses were MUH HYPOTHETICAL MUH PROOFS
The thread is a slide thread. It’s being shat on because it’s kikery.
What about area wise?
Specifically in areas with high particulate concentration of Boron, Lithium, etc (chemtrails)
Why sage a slide thread 43 times though?
I don't see it happening, you would need a thick layer of pure crystal right next to the saltwater to have any noticeable effect
Because it was bumped just as many. Sage now, please.
Other than the hurricane and the brainwash thread there is NOTHING going on right now
Here in the US we have 100 million people driving giant air cleaning machines around every day vacuuming up all the fine particulate dust. If there was an effect humans where having on the weather it would be that. Not the CO2 though, the dust and pollution removal that all our cars do.
Still waiting.
Because like I said earlier he's either a shill, or a retard
Still waiting.
Here we go. Liberal cunts can't help themselves. MUH CLIMATE CHANGE
I can't prove how the pyramids were built. Doesn't mean they aren't real. I've never seen them in person though, maybe they aren't real
Post "still waiting" another 20 times its hilarious and proves you don't have much intelligence or creativity
Post a flat earth thread and you'll get the same response.
That document talks about cloud seeding and using HAARP as a comms jamming device (which is actually possible.) Nothing in it has anything to do with what you are claiming. It's like saying "I can drive a car, so therefore I'm an astronaut." You see all the steps that go from A to B there? Yeah. There's as many in what you're proposing, you just don't understand it well enough to explain it.
You don't even understand how the technology could work on a basic level, so you won't understand when I explain to you why this doesn't work, but fine, I'll do it for the observers. It's essentially a point source antenna, it radiates the em waves in all directions more or less equally. It's like the antenna that causes your radio to work, it works everywhere in town. Directional antennas exist, but the ionosphere isn't one of them and you can't make it one of them.
Res ipsa loquitor.
That's the exact opposite of what he was saying you illiterate.
You mean like the mantel???
Holy shit he admits to being a shill. Now enjoy your ban when the mods get on and delete your spam posts.
I guess I should point out that all the shit tier dusty air that is allowing this cloud formation is coming from Africa. Hurricane Irma is made out of nigger dust.
Kill yourself kike.
Now that’s not an argument, user.
I also feel the need to point out how shit tier every city in the world that isn't choked with cars has utterly toxic air. That's because there are not air cleaners evenly spread out about the city.
intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather
patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global
thats on page 5 and there's shit all over the doc, holy shit youre a lying cunt and being dismissive
at least this tard has an excuse with MUH HYPOTHETICAL
What are you trying to say
He is trying to say that earthquakes are driven by global warming and not a natural process driven by the sun.
Just learn what you’re looking at.
What do phase diagrams have to do with water reaching the mantle nigger?
It stays on the crust.
On the same page: " By 2015, advances in computational capability, modeling techniques, and atmospheric information tracking will produce a highly accurate and reliable weather prediction capability, validated against real-world weather."
Man, that's a really neat technique they developed. Except we still can't predict shit because of sensitivity to initial conditions, which is also a big part of why the steering is impossible.
I'm not going to waste my energy going through a fucking white paper from years ago in detail explaining why it doesn't make hurricane manipulation feasible. The base assumptions of the paper have been proven not to work out the way people predicted, in much the same way that we don't have flying cars and lasers make shitty weapons.
Didn't you know phase transition diagrams are a psyop? Water vapor is actually the remains of Jews from the holocaust.
Look on the left side of the scale?
Yeah okay shill
Time to shitpost you fags some more
lol you took an excerpt "on the same page" that is prior to mine
Your counter is using the preface to my excerpt
How the fuck do we archive threads?
Isn't it automatic?
ITT: proof of dishonest shills trying to suppress haarp/chemtrail/weather-mod info
This thread is an autism trap that this particular nigger is running to get anons to spend their energy explaining why it's fucking retarded.
You won. You got me to waste my energy on you. No more.
The preface, the piece that sets up the assumptions. It's also on page 5, which is where you claimed to get yours from.
Fuck, I guess you did get a bit more energy from me. You're really good at this, they should pay you more. Now I'm done. On the off chance you're actually just retarded, then I wish you the best.
No dumbass nigger
The preface, the introduction to the subject.
And you particular excerpt sets up NO assumptions.
I'm screencapping this shit. You fucked up big time. I hope they demote you.
And you sound like that anti-linux faggot who argued that:
because you can find exploits anywhere on any platform/architecture, then posix/linux/unix is no more secure than wangblows
reddits window
Mission success. Now can this thread get back on topic?
(((095e03))) (33)
Classic, uneducated fucking slide drivel.
requesting sticky on this thread
Supposedly China and Russia created their own versions years ago, it could be a foreign country, or it could be in order to push this muh global warming bullshit narrative, or it could be nothing and just some bad weather related to natural climate change and outlying periods etc.
Its like steam from a kettle, that hangs in your kitchen for 8 hours. You ever seen one where the trails cut out half way though, and then start again? When I was a kid, I remember watching jets. Their trails always dissipated at an equal rate to how far they progressed. So if the trail is 10 units of length, it remains 10 units of length behind the position of the jet. It doesnt leave a trail in the sky, that just hangs there, for hours, until the jets gone.
Quantum seeding doesn't require THAT much energy. High C low C, all in the scales of quantum embedding. Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I will move the world.
It doesn't require much energy and it's not like if you are working at a Quantum level, to obtain that energy easily.
*it will not be difficult to obtain energy from the quantum field
The energy can come from any source, it just doesn't require much if you have the correct lever in the correct place, tuned appropriately (as is a Harp). Assuming that the energy required to cause a hurricane is the same as to produce a hurricane "brute force" is equitable to erectus clubbing.
What is the energy conservation principle for 300
What part of 10^108J/cc do you not understand, you stupid CIAnigger.
Are you this retarded naturally or you train?
oh shit he's back
If this is all such a rumor without any basis in reality then why did the air force do serious research on it (regardless of MUH HYPOTHETICAL)
Conservation of energy is not a factor. The hurricane is not made from scratch to complete, with all energy provided by the first cause (with intent). It is not a closed system, from human to hurricane, there are mechanics inbetween which can be ridden on, if you understand those mechanics. The energy required is only equal to a point, past which the hurricane creates itself. You tap a rock off a cliff, with a very slight tap, and that rock hits the person standing under it, with a higher amount of energy than you put into it, because you used natural processes to do it FOR you. You, however, still tapped that rock off the cliff. You seem to be stuck on the idea that things don't have additional mechanics inbetween points A and B which add energy to the process, and which do not originate from the causal point which has INTENT……. seriously tho mate, do all rules whip your arse because you can't see around them?
a little high pressure area over here to keep that hurricane guided out over nice warm sea water where it only gains strength………
Do you know what rumor means
Here, I'll make it easy for your underdeveloped brain: a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts
It still requires humongous amounts of energy to give it that last push, and as we're talking about a fluid, you require even more than your analogy of a rock being pulled by gravity, because fluids dissipate all the energy on every direction.
Not to mention trying to do this
The pressure increase that we can make is nowhere near enough to even tickle a hurricane
Okay moshe (36). You're so terribly invested in Quantum threads it's hilarious. I didn't say it's not real, you out of context, goalpost shifting kike. You shat up the Printing thread and the I2P thread with your same garbage. You're so blatantly obvious and terrible at your job.
You cried out like a kike for equations, they were posted and you have not addressed them, you goalpost shifting CIAnigger larping as an expert of nothing.
Fuck off now and let the big boys talk, okay?
For the other, coherently thinking and inquisitive Anons, point is conservation of energy is not violated when you gate your prodigious amounts of energy from the 10^108J/cc on tap.
All curious anons in this thread would be advised to read Fer De Lance by Lt.Col Tom Bearden.
Not even related to the weather, but I find that picture interesting. It's cool how you can infer all that evidence from a single picture and draw conclusions based on geometry and shit.
You're too paranoid, I didn't even look at the printer thread and I just read the I2P thread.
Why did my post of a video of Jeremy Clarkson demonstrating from a NASA plant their Weather Making Machine get removed?
As soon as this thread was started there was a rash of kikes swarming this thread demanding the thread was removed, and that there are no conspiracies and that weather modification was impossible and tin-foil hat madness.
Then loads of clear evidence of it being possible and made in practice was posted and a large number of these posts have disappeared, yet the spastics sageing the thread umpteen times posts remain.
Every time a thread appears presenting very real evidence of conspiracy, it gets shut down and instead a thread insisting we find an imaginary culprit pretend spraying Baked Alaska (No evidence he was sprayed with anything other than jewish lightening invisible juice) gets stickied instead…
In reply to the countless,
NASA's Weather Making Machine - a demonstration by BBCs Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear.
This is Normie friendly proof that every denial on this thread was a paid spook.
Notice only those proving weather modification is not only possible but a standard practice today got their comments removed.
Note how much fuel it burns
Note the cost of running that shit (not in money, in materials)
I have a bit of an issue with that source of energy. Admittedly it comes from instinct. A free ride from one perspective is someone kucked on the other. How do we know it isn't stolen from the quantum potential field, causing potentials to be lost, thereby effecting our main line field, which is dependent upon our range of potentials for movement and survival? I can't shake that instinct, that it's not a free ride, and we pay for it elsewhere. Do you have reasoning which supports this not being the case? Am I just being retarded?
Keeping that running for longer than the short tests they do would make fuel prices rise like a rocket.
You deserve to be demoted along with your supervisor from earlier in the thread.
There are countless ways weather can be manipulated, this was one demonstration of clear proof on film, recorded by the BBC to help convince Normies who require their 'evidence' provided by a mainstream jewish source.
You are now pretending that the materials required to power the now proven Weather Modification machine is simply impossible to run due to fuel costs.
Cos America isn't the most wasteful gas guzzling happygoy nation on Earth spunking a billion tons of fuel a day just to power back-scratching machines for their fat asses.
Perhaps NASA can just about afford to source enough fuel from all the savings it has made… from not going to the Moon for the last 50 years.
Perhaps their friends in the jewSA government might have invaded oil rich arab countries like Iraq, Libya et al to help source their massive fuel demands…
Seriously why are you even bothering to do this shit?
Weather can be manipulated by man, it has been and the fact you're so determined that nobody speaks about it and the mods have only removed the evidence proving it's possible shows there's little point pursuing this with (((you)))
That's a low strength bait you fucker. Chemtrails are not, ARE NOT, contrails. Remember back in 1990s how long a plane vapor tail remained after it left? Tops few minutes because that's how it works. Now this shit stays for 24 hours making itself bigger like a carzy aeorosol cloud. This is insane in crosspatterns to maximize the results.
People that constantly talk those are contrails are fucking imbeciles or shills at this point, just look up for fucks sake. You're on Holla Forums, know that kikes control and destroy the world but cannot fathom planes used for somethign malicious because it's the darkest under a lamp?
Great take on it but really at 10^108J/cc there is no shortage of energy and I would say no karmatic or similar affect at small scales we use.
That's more observable mass in one cm³ than the entire visible universe today, if converted to mass with E=mc²
And that's not even considering multiple/infinite realities each with their own potential. With the very fabric of reality at your hands your capability is limitless.
The other thing to note is conservation of energy as mr CIAnigger bought up - the energy is never lost, merely transformed from one form or place to another. It's a self feedback system across the board.
Bearden is a world expert in this field and practically unrivalled. To get better info you'd be involved in black projects or researching it yourself. His handle on the math and theoretical side is humbling.
His work is old too (as with the book) and often being validated each time there is a new discovery.
The red herring is the huge plumes forming in the middle of the ocean at different places, which are not volcanic and no landmass to lift air/etc. Easy to spot and with his eye he can tell what's going on with the system producing them.
As you admitted before, that paper you're referring to is talking about hypotheticals, they don't give facts.
no fact=rumor
One thing is being wateful with fuel and the other thing is wrecking the global economy because you wanted to change the weather for a while.
If you understand it so much why haven't I heard about your "free energy" machine?
Nice slide attempt, faggot.
If you'd ever not been a derailing CIAnigger and looked in to Naudin or similar you'd know there are viable examples showing definite possibility.
Ever heard of a magnet before? Electron spin? They are free energy machines gating energy from the quantum realm when you break it down.
W=FD. Apply this to a magnet and it does no work, yet will suspend objects all day long against the force of gravity.
Have an old note to chew on you juden supporting scum;
Research states a good, modern neodymium high strength magnet can last between 20 and 400 years. However a simple zap at high current with far less energy than magnetism can deliver over lifetime, one can realign it back to the ordered, desirable magnetism - the 'magnetic free energy' as such, which resists gravity all day long on your fridge, caused by electron spin, which is powered by quantum energy surrounding us. Same thing that powers the perpetual motion electron that orbits the atom 24/7/365. In paradox lies truth they say.
Example using traditional physics. A 200g fan blade and magnetic inner bearing assembly would require at rest 1.96W/sec to suspend, without operation. Over its 130,000 hour 'guestimated lifetime' the magnets would have required 917.28 Megawatts of energy to keep the fan aloat without operation, at minimum, best case, to avoid failure. That is a ridiculous amount of power. Magnets are the ultimate physical battery.
Stick that up your oathhole, kike.
Are you perhaps the user from pic related Tesla thread? Anyway, good read
I've been found out
;>) t.teslafag indeed
Awesome cap BTW, some great posts from other anons too - thank you very much and saved for future use to save typing stuff out each time. Was looking for the Boskovic/Tesla photo reference from a very knowledgeable user recently (last cap).
And thanks for posting that video, it's a great redpill for the Einstein fans and even normalfags. Words of the man himself agreeing with quantum theory all those years ago.
It's not sliding to me. You might be the kike here since they're always trying to shut it down.
look no further than the perpetrators of 9/11
never forget
and in particular with this one
Energy conservation point. But there is no necessity for that energy to end up where it is in the highest order or even "good" order. For example, some matter can be left in a high entropy state because the energy ends up used in a barrier, keeping the potentials for that high entropy energy to be mechanically worked into low entropy, away from it. In the world, energy is partitioned off doing just that, with faggotry of the highest order holding potentials away from lifting the system up. Just because energy is conserved, doesn't mean it is conserved in the right place or that it isn't hypertemporally separated from where it should/will go for justification.
You can't say that taking energy has no effect, because holography. You fuck with one piece, you fuck with all pieces. It is easy to think that the smaller something is, the less effect it has on the system, but in dealing with quantum potentials, that it not the case. A huge amount of energy and potentials can rest on very few things - we just don't know "enough" to say it is safe. The system has fucking limitations, and "noone" seems to take them into proper consideration.
Infinite potentials, therefore it is OK? No. The Earth is a closed system [conditionally open]. The limiting factor is that which is in the smallest amount, necessarily. The future/potentials/quantum universes is infinite? Well not if we consider a point which must be attained in which the management of the system has to be able to reduce the entropy of the earth's system to a self sustaining level, and keep it there, for survival to be actualised past a critical point. Being able to actualise this from potentials is the limiting factor [in ability and the potential itself]. The potentials aren't existent by the infinity of the future, or space, or time, but instead limited by the potential which enables that future, and space, and time to exist.
There is a shit ton of quantum decay going around right now, and D wave, too, is sucking out more than it gives. Unless we know exactly where that energy is coming from and the effect it is having truly… it's a no from me.
proper way of saying that would be at least "solar system is a closed system", there's more to Sun-Earth connection than mainstream speaks of
Reminder that Jews are not allowed to spell out God.
HAARP and other 'weather weapons' are ionospheric heaters. There purpose is to alter the altitude of refractive layers in the ionosphere and so undermine short wave radio skip propagation. Why? Because every intelligence agency in the world uses SW and one time pad encryption to control its agents abroad. It's literally impossible to decrypt one time pad and it's impractical to identify the location of the receiver. Wide spectrum jamming will screw up civil radio use and attract normalfag attention. The best defense is to move the ionosphere so it changes the incidence angle from the source of transmission (which is easy to infer) so the agents can't receive their instructions. Nobody else will even notice if SW reception is bad because its always been intermittent depending on weather.
You (rightly) state that a magnet holding something against gravity does no work, and then proceed to calculate…well pretty much nothing, since you don't even understand the units you're using.
Presumably you took .2kg x 9.8m/s^2 for the acceleration due to gravity to get you the 1.96 "watts/sec" you cite. A mass times an acceleration is a force, Newtons, not Watts per second which is a measure of the rate of change in power consumption. This force is countered by an equal but opposite force from the magnet, resulting in a net force of zero.
As you mentioned, work is equal to a force through a distance, and since the object doesn't move, no work is done and therefore no energy (joules) are used.
Power is work over time, which is where you get watts. Watts per second is pretty much entirely unused because it has very few applications, though it is technically a real unit.
If your analysis was correct, the walls in your house would be the ultimate physical battery because they hold your roof up. The gravitational field of the earth would also be a massive battery since it exerts a force on everything on it. There are lots of free courses on physics available on youtube, take one.
I gave up trying to talk about chemtrails here. The only people left here are the_donald cucks that are too dense to have any original thought. As soon as you mention anything that's outside the controlled opposition they will mock you, call you nasty things, etc., and then copy and paste from (((wikipedia))) and state it as fact.
Well aware of this and it's the whole reason for that example. Of course W=FD shows zero work done. This doesn't mean there is no force exerted, for a force to be exerted as you state yourself, there must be work done, or else W/D = 0, or if there was no force exerted which we can easily prove on a fridge any day - magnets wouldn't work.
The point is magnets contradict your statement and formulae.
Watts/second is derived from Joules and are interchangeable, the reason to use it is to demonstrate the power or energy required over time by such a force.
It's not a mechanical support, it's a field. Two different things in this level of discussion.
Again, I am focusing on a magnet here specifically - what drives the field which provides this force, that travels between two or more different mediums, in the case of the rare earth magnet example?
What provides the energy for electron spin to exert this force?
Where does it come from?
How much energy would be required to do so if e.g. this was an electromagnet or similar?
There lies the answer to the 'there is no quantum field' BS and the whole point of that brief analysis of force, in a magnetic bearing assembly.
If you want to get technical, a house is technically an energy battery, many parts are capable of releasing gravitation potential energy, if harnessed correctly, from each part that is lifted above the reference plane aka the earth surface.
This is exploited to produce energy (e.g. work!) in hydro electric or smaller water energy storage systems.
Let alone burning a house to release some of the chemical energy.
No, this is entirely wrong. You can exert a force all day by pushing on your car, if you don't overcome friction with it, you do no work. Work is a force through a distance, if there's no distance, there's no work, no matter the force. A force does not imply work, and if a force is canceled by an equal but opposite force, no work is done, and there is no net force exerted.
Watts are J/s, J are W*s. Watts/s are J/s/s. This may be pedantic and you may have simply typed the wrong operation, so if you did understand this and made a typographic error, I apologize.
This part is correct. However, it takes as much work to lift the roof as you could theoretically harness from lowering it, meaning that you don't violate conservation of energy. The same is true of the water - the energy it takes to pump the water up to the tank is greater than what you get back from it flowing through your generator. You see the same thing with magnetic potential energy - it takes as much work to pull two magnets apart as you could gain by letting them fly together. It's a field much like gravity is a field, in that the further away you get, the greater the magnetic potential energy gets, but it takes work, generally in the form of kinetic energy, to increase the potential energy of the system. Both sides stay balanced.
Imagine you had a weaker magnet and a stronger magnet, and you put a piece of iron exactly in the middle of them. The iron would go towards the stronger magnet, despite the weaker magnet, right? The magnetic potential energy would be converted into kinetic energy in the form of motion, until the potential energy in the system is magnetized. Now, the same thing with a gravitational field and a magnetic field, where the magnetic field is stronger. There's more magnetic potential energy than gravitational potential energy, and so the object goes "down the energy gradient" towards the magnet, converting potential energy into kinetic energy, and winding up in a lower energy state when it gets there.
Fields are weird and don't work in intuitive ways so they're hard to visualize. It's like if you have a Jew and two sets of goyim they can scam. The Jew is going to move towards the better shekel source, and away from the poorer goys. He's still attracted to the shekels from the poorer goyim, and his ultimate would be to move the two groups together to create a big multicultural scamfest, but if he can't do that he'll stay with the richer goyim even though he's still attracted to scamming the poorer goyim.
If the cable/bar holding the fan to the roof disappears, both magnets fall to the ground under gravity. If the stronger magnet and the earth are held in a fixed arrangement, the iron goes towards the stronger attractant - in this case the magnet.
To add a piece that I realized was unclear: In the case of pushing on your car, you are using energy, and the friction is converting this energy into heat, so it's not exactly analogous to the magnets. The magnets are not using energy to resist gravity, and one of the easiest ways to see that this is not the case is that they don't heat up. If there was energy (joules) being used, it would have to go somewhere, and since it doesn't go into motion, and it doesn't go into heat, there's no way there could be energy being used to hold the fan up.
Yikes, that burst after it made landfall.
Kek, I wish you were my physics teacher as a kid.
Fair point on holography and something far closer to my field of expertise, never considered that implication and relation to the rest of the world. Thanks for making me feel like an idiot.
Really the potential depends on the perspective and position in space time of the observer. Yes if we stay in this solar system and reality/space time position, we have a limited potential, to a point, because that also ignores the sun emitting energy, or that of the core of the earth etc. Electric universe theory gives some interesting takes on that, so I'd say overall, the usage of this energy will be a net nothing in the scheme of things.
Will dig further though because that's a fascinating take on it and implications. D-Wave takes a shitload of energy to even function as they cool to around 0.3°K. This quantum field drives the energetic processes at a base level of reality, so where do we draw the line at taking energy from this system? The small amount of energy used to provide information found by D-Wave is energy entered into this system, surely?
I'll bite again before resting so if I fuck up, too bad.
So what is the active force and the provider of such force holding the fan up against this gravitational field?
It comes down to electron spin every time to drive this magnetic field or magnetic potential as you mentioned.
W=0, D=0 and F= xN
For F to be non zero, there must be energy in the system. It is far, far more than the Ke input to cause the field to change. This mystery field energy makes such force possible.
Where does this energy come from? At 100% efficiency there is no heat to be measured, so the example you cite doesn't fit.
Your assumption is based upon no heat = no energy.
There is an example of a military laser which actually cools itself during operation, as a majority of the waste energy is delivered in the beam. This mechanism is not much different to a magnet in operation - the 'waste energy' is used to deliver a field.
Hold a magnet off a fridge, you will exert energy chemically in your body to resist this.
The magnet does not.
With your two magnets example, what happens when I remove the field through degaussing the stronger magnet? It is possible to do so with small amounts of energy. That iron begins moving towards the smaller magnet, with that force and work having to come from somewhere - that somewhere is the quantum sea.
Fields can easily be visualised with magnetic viewing film and the results are often rather interesting.
You do realise an electron is a naturally occuring monopole?
Love the kike example though, kek!
I normally would be skeptical, but one of my chemistry professors in college was researching chemtrails (of course with a more technical name like "aerosol dispersal from aircraft") and weather modification for the DoD. He was open about this and didn't act like it was some classified black budget research. This was back in the mid 2000s.
Magnetism is one of the four fundamental forces, like gravity, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. None of them use energy, but are better understood as entropy gradients. When something moves from a point of high potential energy on one of these gradients to a point of low potential energy, energy is released. In order to go the other way, energy is consumed. If something stays at the same point along the gradient, there is no energy either liberated or consumed - even if there is a force involved. The fan in your example is at the lowest potential state that the system will allow it to be in - it has minimized its magnetic potential energy by a large amount, compared to the increase in gravitational potential energy that it gained. Once it stops moving at this point, it takes no energy to keep it there.
The magnet, being a fundamental force, wants to move down the gradient. My arm is a complex machine that is not a fundamental force itself. In order for it to keep the magnet in a less entropic/higher potential state, it has to transform potential energy from other fundamental forces into keeping the magnet from going down the energy gradient. When two fundamental forces are set up opposing eachother, there's no transformations of potential energy being done if the object doesn't move, and therefore no energy is consumed.
I have never heard of a laser that runs on its own waste heat, and such a thing would defy the understood laws of the universe - if you have an example and it genuinely works the way you say it does, I clearly am wrong. Please post a reference? It has to not have a heat sink or a cooling system for it to fit what I'm understanding here.
If you could degauss (which makes the magnet more disordered, I.E. more entropic) and then regauss (which makes the magnet more ordered, I.E. less entropic) a magnet with less energy than you could generate from the oscillation of the magnetic field, you could create a perpetual motion device. If you're simply talking about a magnet losing its magnetism, then not being remagnetized, you're still trading entropy in one area for increased order in another - the magnet itself becomes more entropic (meaning the quantum dipoles cancel out rather than aligning) which removes the magnetic field.
Yeah, they can be visualized in that sense, I mean in terms of really understanding them, and having an intuition for how they work.
Entropy is basically the cosmic Jew - if you want to trade energy between any of the fundamental forces, not only can you never get more than your money's worth, it always takes some off the top in the form of heat. To the best of my understanding, this works on the quantum scale as well. There may be ways to pull usable energy out of quantum scale interactions (nuclear fission, for instance, liberates energy from the nuclear weak force, and fusion from the strong force - still along an entropy gradient) but none of the things you've mentioned cause the system to go from a state of low potential to high potential without using energy. Otherwise, one could make the same claims about gravity as about magnetism.
I am a layman to physics & thermodynamics
But hear me out:
2 of the main counter points to chemtrail/weather mod
1. HAARP and similar tech uses ELF sent into the ionosphere. How could you even direct it? Aim it?
2. Not enough energy.
What about the use of chemtrails?
Dispersal of these particulates (Boron, Lithium, etc) into certain areas could solve both of these issues.
1. An area saturated with particulate acts as like a conductor solving your aiming problem
2. What about the chemical energy stored in these particles? I'm sure were talking about several hundred pounds of these elements mixed up.
I noticed no one ever responded to this
But one was some retarded shit about cars being vacuums? And a shill just saying "THERES NO WAY, HERE ILL EXPLAIN BY RESTATING WHAT YOU JUST ASKED YOUR QUESTION ABOUT, INSTEAD OF A REAL ANSWER
Ok this shit is really fucking weird. Why is donald highlighting those areas in yellow? What are those areas supposed to be?
Obvious false flag attempt to make the opposition look retarded is obvious. Now kill yourself.
Truly, the shilling ITT should remove any doubt for anyone that weather manipulation is real. I mean, it is fucking obvious already, but some people are…slower than others.
Why was that saged? wtf
OK let's talk weather modification then.
Fuck off, Airmen. Eglin AFB is about to get hit by a hurricane, give it a rest.
Shills always say "Everyone who disagrees with you is a shill." You swore an oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and you are a traitor. Any men in your line that died for this country look down upon you with indescribable shame.
Shill tries to recover credibility by jettisoning the bad cop. Weather modification is proven by facts, not stances in an an argument.
Shill doubles down by calling us insane, uses CIA trigger-words like conspiracy. We do not have this Pavlovian response to conspiracies, shill.
Correct. They want to cuck the nationalist in the White House.
Yes, they want to loot the US and go to China. Rockefeller started this project in the 70s.
It's the shill that says the same thing over and over again because he's triggered. I've seen you on halfchan a few times. I bet you're a 5'2 bitch that got put into intelligence because you're too weak to carry a machine, and your girlfriend back home is getting creampied in every hole by a nigger, holding him close to get every last drop out, and whispering "thank you Jamal" into his ear. She's never going to tell you, and she will regularly sneak back to fuck him until she divorce rapes you and Jamal moves into your house. If you're lucky, you'll commit suicide and deny me the pleasure of seeing a mob beat and choke you to death like Gaddafi when they find out why you traitors have been doing.
I'm sorry, I don't speak "traitorous cuck that is a disgrace to his uniform". Can you say that again, Airman? Kys, I'm sure some of the other traitors have already done it.
Stop shilling eachother and sliding useful info.
The areas are outlined in yellow so that you can see the borders of the landmasses in the area.
Eat shit and die, /x/ shill.
Reminder that if you think that HAARP, a now shut down facility in Alaska, is manipulating weather in the US, while NEXRAD radar systems across the country(using tech pioneered at HAARP) exist without needing to project energy across the entire continent. you are retarded or a shill.
Dubs confirm you are a shill retard. Haarp is active.. not shutdown (((they))) command the weather now, that is reality
Thanks for letting us know you aren't from around here
They are not what we have been told
So how many more IPs are you gonna use?
pick one
Kill yourself Jamal. You failed to shut down the truth before, you will fail again.