Where did it all go so wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
It wasn't just going free to play or the economy but those helped. It's that the updates don't add quality anymore in any sort of way. Its that the playerbase left is so damn unskilled its too easy to win. Its that they didn't add good stuff to the game, they added bloat. In the end, they tweak it OKAY, but hey I want something a bit more fun. It used to be GOAT, but its in part multiplayer games are only as good as their communities.
Also I more than exceed the minimum specs and matches still take too long to load up.
It's nearly 10 years old, user.
With an age like that, there's only three directions for the community to go:
However, since Overwatch came out, I have the feeling that some of the cancer of TF2 may have moved shack. Can anyone who still plays this tell me if that's true?
I find this funny. overwatch has more similarities with dirty bomb than tf2. I just don't understand why people go for a 40$ than go for a free one with developers that give a shit about their game.
Well, I've never heard of Dirty Bomb, so there's your answer.
Played it recently and its just as awful as ever. Community servers are even worse than the competitive shit. Server admins will also ban you at the drop of a hat for even the smallest infractions or offenses. Most players also still get into arguments about MLP or which Undertale skeleton is the best. Competitive serves aren't even competitive since most of these shits barely know how to play the game. Also community server maps like deathrun always end up with people voting for the exact same maps every time. dr_horrors, dr_mario, dr_undertale, dr_cocainum, dr_undertale, dr_undertale and rinse wash repeat.
If Overwatch is supposed to get rid of the autism, its done a terrible job, either that or there is just too much autism to go around.
Because it's always nice knowing that hackers can just make another account at zero cost whenever they are caught and banned.
Not sure how Overwatch is supposed to attract any autists without mod support.
You know there are servers that are straight up competitive, even ones that use vanilla weapons. TF2 isn't defined as the sum of its parts, you can play it however the hell you want.
Of course the lagginess sucks, but that's a different story.
they didn't have to add new shiny exciting shit to the game you faggot.
They just had to not fuck it up, that's all.
June 19, 2008
Even the classes/weapons suck now and are nerfed as fuck.
Why do we keep getting these threads? I swear, I've answered this question a million times on 8/v/.
Alright, let's change the topic.
Was he serious? And why are his high and mighty followers treating like some sort of sacred goddess now because of it?
Is it that easy to score brownie points and fans these days?
I blame pyros
Dead Heavies' Society?
She's not even playable, also:
Civilian>Miss pauling
I'm pretty sure you can see his feet near the bottom of the soldier and medic.
I can't even play the damn game anymore. It's much too slow on my taoster that used to be able to run it just fine.
the geisha was the best medic hat tbh it shouldn't be in the OP
i had like, 8-9 unusuals of them once when i played
Wait a minute
Okay Valve employee please stop, you're hurting my sides
At least it isnt as shit as overwatch
The cancer only grew.
Every single chat message is literally this.
Noobs don't wear gibuses anymore either, they just get their parent's credit cards to buy unusuals to make themselves look pr0
you're a fucking scrublord m8 i'll rekt you
While TF2 may have become a shadow of it's former self, there's nothing stopping you from fucking with the cancer that invited itself in.
;_; RIP demoknight
God TF2 is so shit now. But its the only game a lot of us have when we want a casual online shooter to fuck around in
What else is there? Every other online shooter is either e-sports cancer or 2edgy4me. And MMOs are dead
obligatory Muh hat similator comment
This game is 10 years old and full of cancer. Meanwhile Unreal Tournament 99 is 17 years old and you can still have fun in old and new servers.
But user Unreal Tournament is shit.
TF2 newfag reporting. I've played some TF and Fortress Forever, but not a lot of TF2 until recently. I never got the deal with the Pyro hate in this game, other than it being gimped from previous iterations. I never figured out how the fuck the Pyro is supposed to operate without an Incendiary Cannon, but apparently people still manage to play it without one. Other than that I don't see the problem. What gives?
You'd think I'd manage to aim better after tons of hours put into Quake and friends, but I still only manage to play Soldier well, and only because I manage to kill based on splash damage and contemplating my poor life choices.
How many more times will we have this thread?
There's stupid bullshit, some needed buffs/nerfs and unwanted buffs/nerfs. The classes themselves have only been buffed since Heavy's nerf, last I checked, and eventually (key-word being "eventually" because nobody knows when the fuck the rigged Pyro update is coming) Heavy will probably get buffed back up again.
Demoknight and the Phlogistinator were nerfed to shit, Phlog has some semblance of balance now. Pyro's not loud enough to warrant the sheer boost and literal invincibility he gets if you ask me but he's easy to kill because he has to taunt to get the buff, and sayonara to every single shitter who "mains" Demoknight and bawls about having to actually defend points and lay traps instead of running around screaming and swinging a sword with an inanely large range.
Until Holla Forums convinces itself that is okay to play TF2 nowadays.
The Pyro hate pretty much stems from the thought that Pyro requires no inherant skill while the others have. It's the idea that you see one newly installed Pyro running around W+M1'ing therefore all pyros do that. I've had people complain about me W+M1'ing people when I've killed them using the scorch shot only. It just seems to be a meme at this point in time.
That and the Pyro gets a lot of conditional crits which also upsets people for whatever reason because That's apparently worse then turning a corner to a beggars bazooka or something.
Don't get me wrong, the Pyro is pretty fucked on many accounts and I hope that Valve fixes it so it's functional and not a Frankenstein monster of half ass implemented Mechanics.
Air Blasting and Reflecting is cool and rewarding but the range is inconsistent and it can be really unforgiving if you fuck up.
Det Jumping would be cool if you could actually get somewhere worth while.
Scorch shot being able to hit multiple times is nice but the only bonus you get for doing it correctly is a mini crit on a low base weapon anyways.
when you gigautists got megahyped over that first set of hats
feels good
I think its gotten much better with fixed matchmaking + overwatch being popular.
matchmaking removed all valve servers from server browser.
so all the furfags + bronies stay in their containment servers, (the normal community hates them any way at this point and most play OW)
The removal of valve servers means that good community servers could come back, and they don't have to compete with valve servers now.
Any more pics like this, by the way?
Only ones talking about hats are you dumb shits.
man, what was the name of that one deathmatch map that was like in a barn or somthing?
it was dumb as fuck but really fun.
you could get into enemy spawn and shit.
when done well they're great
You mean koth_harvest?
I think he's talking about Dirty Bomb?
Wasn't the community and development manager for TF2 found to be a Brony? That would explain the fuck-ups and influx of allowing shitty community-made items that didn't fit into the aesthetics of the game.
I had screenshots of this, but I can't find them.
You mean like the pony heads, the pyro pony shit and the medic's stupid furry wolfaboo head?
Made something that could be added to that chart if enough people agree
this is far more amusing than that other chart
Someone post the medic greentext story.
This guy is the only Valve employee who's ever actually said anything about the game outside of the official blog that they update twice a year. Ponyfaggotry is endemic to TF2 but Valve's fuckups are far too diverse and numerous to be pinned on it.
people sure are mad that ponyfags are the only ones who run half decent servers any more
maining anything not being jack of all trades
show me dem numbers
No I know what he's talking about, it was a big circular arena in the middle of the map with four towers on each cardinal direction of the arena; the two directly west and east were tiny rooms with a med healthkit or med ammo kit or some such in them while the north and south ones were each team's spawn. The spawn-towers were bigass and had staircases to several levels, a couple of those levels being for windows to sniper-war from, and at the very top there was a walkway between those two towers and you could fight your way down into enemy spawn praying you didn't die at any point. If you were clever as a demo or soldier you could bombjump up there pretty easily or hang out on the rafters of the walkway away from all the fighting.
I remember hanging out in servers with that map back when I was playing pirated TF2 way back around the tail-end of the Demo vs. Soldier war since servers that hosted it were typically non-VAC secured and it was fun as fuck both to goof around on and to play as the huge stalemate it was. Now I can't remember the name of the map for the life of me even though I'm entirely certain I have the map somewhere on my computer here still.
Jesus, man, I pray for your immortal soul.
goddamn user god daaaamn
There's always one!
I actually had several revisions of the map I was thinking of and stumbled onto them out-of-the-blue while dicking around in Gmod; the map is dm_duel and has many variations since it was a popular map and people wanted to add their own stuff to it or remove shit they didn't like.
The ones pictured are dm_duel_v4, dm_duel_v3, and dm_duel_v17, in that order. v3 is the one I remember most vividly and probably spent the most time on.
my greatest shame
when you play jailbreak and never take lead and just be ct guard with no mic
It's v3, v4 and v17 in the order displayed.
gotchu covered fam
i haven't bothered to even grief
2 more hour and you'll be LEET
Kill me
Demoman takes skill.
It was a gradual process. One that can be traced back to launch of the game and its initial big updates. It's something that can be attributed to one thing: character customization.
Even though I'm off the belief that there was a decline in quality in TF2, I don't believe it was never truly great. Not only was it still rather buggy, the balance since launch was skewed in favor of the classes with quake-like movement (Soldier, Demo) and Scout, while other classes like Heavy and especially Pyro were rather lacking in terms of usability. In spite of this flawed execution, the design was still somewhat sound and gave us a good game that was held back by some problems.
The turning point came when Valve thought that in order to fix the game's balance, rather than just polishing and tuning what was already in the game, they'd add new items and introducing/fostering alternate playstyles. However, all the added items would eventually see the design of the classes be muddied, with playstyles that undermine or completely go against the original design of the classes, and the balance had become far worse than ever with none of the issues from launch being fixed, some even exasperated by the direction of the updates. While the Gold Rush Update had the Medic receive some weapons ranging from good (Kritz) to innocuous (Blutsauger), the Pyro update is when things started getting really fucked. The backburner and axtinguisher proved to be a far more superior option that the stock flamethrower and axe, defeating the point of having loadout options. On top of this, the flare gun introduced mid/long-range fighting to a class that was almost entirely focused on close-range combat. From then on things would only get worse. The Scout would get a long-range stun, the heavy got a self-healing item, the Sniper got a bow to fight at mid-range with, the Spy got a headshot handcannon, and the Demo was able to go from mid-range area-denial and sentry-busting to close-range roaming. The initial roles of the classes had confused and almost lost as more and more weapons were introduced, and now you're left with a game where alternate playstyles that run contrary the original design of the classes are considered to be superior and a balance based around abusing specific class builds in specific scenarios to achieve success. Rather than simply fixing what was already broken and adding extra utility to the weapons of underperforming classes, Valve decided to just add more thing and hoped the balance would sort itself out.
Now while this says a lot about to the failing balance of TF2, what does this have to do with the growing autism that took over? Well, even with the addition of all the varying items came the autists attracted to customization - the ones F2P cash shops thrive on. When cosmetics were added to the game, it was the point of no return for TF2 - it was doomed to having its cash shop, its loot crates, and its eventual shift to Free 2 Play, flooding the game with people more attracted to dressing their character in cool gear than playing the game. Everything that came after - the dance taunts, alternate modes that had nothing to do with the original game, """competitive""" matchmaking, etc - was just the symptom of a lost game.
kys man
Is Dirty Bomb good? I remember playing it in early beta and really enjoying it, but then something came up and I forgot about the game for a long time. I remember there was plenty of generals and webms and stuff. Sparks was really fun
you know it only takes 1000 hours of flight experience to be a pilot really makes you think
Literally that fucking thing is where the spy went from being just a tiny pest that was easier to get rid of, into the point of absolute BULLSHIT to get rid of, now travel down the road even more and add in the ice knife bullshit and a sapper that degrades a level 3 sentry within a mere second of even being attached to it.