ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) Education Secretary Betsy DeVos plans to end the Obama administration's rules for investigating allegations of sexual violence on campus.
ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) Education Secretary Betsy DeVos plans to end the Obama administration's rules for investigating allegations of sexual violence on campus.
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Bump :^)
Good news. Hopefully they'll take up FIRE's suggestions.
Who cares? He's giving amnesty to over a million non-whites. Why should any of us care about this trivial bullshit?
Here's your (you), filtered.
How is that Trump ending it? All it's saying is that some lady in his administration is planning to fix it. That isn't him ending it.
Speak of the devil. Everything Trump does is met with WTF I HATE DRUMPF NOW
-t anti-fa pretending to be fellow Drumpf supporters who hate Drump now.
why don't victims go to police first?
You can't filter reality.
For what?
Doesn't that mean that he's not doing shit for 6 months and then they're getting the boot?
Isn't that in line with his initial statement?
This doesn't excuse the amnesty faggot. It's just a nice silver lining that the false rape accusations are going to be rolled back a bit which will piss the feminists off to no end.
I guarantee you are older than 35 and do not have a child approaching adulthood if you think this is trivial. Campuses have been forgoing due process and giving leftycunts the power to claim that any guy has raped them, you don't even have to have fucked them for them to do this. They'll take her word for it. Then they refuse to actually get the police and courts involved because it's obviously false, but what they can do is just go on assumption that he's guilty anyway because universities have no ability to investigate or hold trials, and just expel the guy and move on and claim that the sexist system under Obama is the reason why they don't report it.
He's blatantly telling congress to legalize DACA. Go read all of his tweets.
You shills seem to get your narrative from one place and then repeat it over and over again.
Before this it was the wall and sheriff Joe. Once Trump deports these illegals you will immediately jump to the next narrative and spam that every time Drumpf is mentioned somewhere.
You're deluded. In this anti-white world, it will just make easier for niggers to rape white women and get away with it.
Yes we should just keep draconian rape laws in place just to keep those three niggers that managed to not drop out of college after the first year from terrible grades instead of just not letting niggers in to begin with.
I was wrong, you're a woman and a pretty lousy troll to so this is the last response you'll be getting from me. Prepare your "lol i win" response like you shills usually do.
Okay anti-fa.
Thank God, title IX is such a waste of resources, and always goes to the queen SJW of campus.
WEW FUCKING LAD. Digits BTFO shills. A good thing is a good thing regardless if Trump is fucking up other things
You're paid too much.
Call me when it comes to pass. I am so sick and fucking tired of threads on this board where Trump and Co. "plan" or "set to" or "expected to" do XY and Zed. I'd rather see some fucking action rather than talk. But with everything going on lately, it seems like talk is all it is and ever would be
Dubs purifying another thread of shill faggots.
wew lad
Forsooth, I hath been demoralized by thine clever campaign of narrative steering. An effective strategy indeed.
Reminder that you work for a literal domestic terrorist organization and will probably regret it later when the FBI decides it's time to crack down on you for supporting a communist insurrection. They are watching you, by the way. It's only a matter of time.
Highlighting this so you can see this comment. Read EVERYTHING because I like to start with a blackpill BEFORE shifting to the whitepill
Original matress cunt was NOT btfo, she had her fun in the cock carousel and spread her cancer-aids ideology/symbols to the US. She's a bigger winner than most/all of Holla Forums; however this will dampen the poison garbage that has already seeped into universities. I won't type "muh window" like a retard because it's too early to tell, but I hope this is a move in the right direction!
Why you so mad gook?
WTF is this supposed to mean.
silly user you arent allowed to speak against trump thats against the rules
So long Title IX! Finally, false rape charges won't needlessly ruin innocent lives.
Good news is good news. Fuck the shills.
How can someone hate jews yet praise Trump at every turn? Pretty funny.
Oh look it's another thread about something Trump is going to do - only to be overruled by some nobody judge from backwoods buttfuck nowhere. Then nothing changes. Matter of fact it gets worse because whatever issue it was doesn't get revisited.
Could you imagine the reaction if they did away with Title IX entirely? You could power the whole country on the hot air coming out of those cunts' mouths.
Great, now all those "dreamers" can rape freely when they get in college.
The endchan kikes are working hard to slide threads. Makes sense it's business hours in Tel Aviv
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know people who react to this stuff like you all the time are pretty much cattle for politicians to exploit as they wish.
Title nine is a load of fucking bullshit. When I went to a different school last year I got an email to come to the title nine office. I ignored it, but was asked to come again. So I did. I was accused by someone, don't know who, no idea of saying in my room "If she does this again I'll end her" and saying "faggot" or, as the lawyer Negress in charge of the office called it "Being violently homophobic". I explained the first remark was actually a misunderstanding, that I had been complaining about a girl who would ask me to do things then cancel the day of, but I never threatened to kill her. As for the "homophobic" shit. I have no idea. I was told when I came in that in the title nine office, things were different, she flat out told me "Here, you're guilty until proven innocent".
So how the fuck was I supposed to disprove I said faggot and made homophobic remarks? I don't have a time machine, I didn't record everything I said, it was some bitches' word against mine. The lawyer treated this like a fucking trial, when I said I didn't know she'd say "DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT?" I don't know? Well, anyway I left and got a cease and desist letter weeks later, adding that I apparently had made remarks about gay bathhouses, something that I wasn't even allowed to defend myself about. I was told I'd be expelled if I did any of this again. I left that school voluntarily at the end of the year and got much of my money back. Fuck title nine, burn it to the fucking ground.
I'm sure you have a propper source for that and that this isn't some artificial outrage based on a vague statement at all.
Amazing. You convinced me.
Funny how Trump would be completely fine in the eyes of the latest wave of shills if he would have completely ignored DACA instead of ending it.
They would have to look for a new angle to shit the place up.
Yeah, Trumps administration has nothing to do with Trump!
Neither does the Trump Tower, you didn't build that yourself Mr. President.
I just want to roll a grenade right into the center of that group
Jesus Christ you shills. Cucking for women on campus is not going to convince them to sleep with you.
Shills spam duplicate posts in unrelated threads. Just like this one 👍
jesus christ
The left are losing their minds over this. I wonder if this retard realized who's sister he was insulting before he fired off that tweet? He's probably already dead.
This. How soon until Holla Forums stop kissing trump ass?
left down corner
pick one
Why the fuck do we need to pay for colleges to investigate sexual assault in the first place? It is a criminal complaint, to be handled by the legal system. It should be treated no different than any other assault.
literally This my ass you fucking jew
red pilled
((( )))
So, how much opposition is DeVos getting from this decision? I know that the public schools hate her due to her opinion on putting more concentration on private schools and giving the choice of where to study.
I looked up his law firm just today. He's no longer a partner:
The Mattress Girl shit is what actually made me turn far right wing. Brings back memories, because I've come to hate those stupid fucks who make shit up for their agenda.
This is a major reason I supported Trump rather than taking my fucking life, as I would have had to do if the likes of Cruz or Yeb had run against Hillary. The wife of a man who has slaughtered shitskins like a can of Raid will now scrub the universities until they sparkle.
I am officially back on my all-salt diet. Who's still on Twitter?
Because the police are generally qualified and accountable professionals. Waiting two years and filing a complaint with three lesbians and a eunuch, none of them knowing the first fucking thing about criminal justice or the concept of due process, gets you results right away.
If you want justice and can prove your case, you go the slow route and push through the courts. Your rapist, if convicted, is looking at hard time.
If you're a hysterical princess with hurt fee-fees over not getting what you want, you go Title IX, and if you're enough of a whore maybe the feminists in the Senate will invite you to the State of the Union address.
(gazed upon)
Shariatwinks BTFO.
Is title nine gone yet? I was reading ED's new article about it. It's even worse than I thought. I can't wait for DeVos to destroy it.
Title nine is essentially the feminist Oyer and Terminer. Like the court of O and T, they rely on "Spectral Evidence" or evidence that only the accusers can see. You cannot defend yourself in a title nine case and they do that deliberately. Some men, like Paul Nungesser, were able to make it out, but not all of us are so lucky.
Trips of truth!
No dubs!
Shills are still trying to turn us against Trump.
You can see TFW no BF on her face.
Twitter progshits are losing it.
See how Trumps tactics work? First he makes a big step forward, like with DACA, then it is backward, then a smaller step forward.
Bigger picture, he is going forward, although painfully slowly.
This must now become a salt thread.
Post below!
I want to believe
these people are children
Trump really is playing 8d chess.
I never doubted it.
The absolute madman
What ever happened to mattress girl?
She's an artist now whom uses her "rape" story to get cucks and jews to buy her work.
Guest at the State of the Union, then porn, then some legal trouble, now a shitty feminist artist, activist, and "survivor." She's still got enough money and crazy from her parents to take it in the ass for the rest of her life.
IIRC she literally does rape porn.
cunts btfo
Post saved @ XX:55:22 on the 22 of September!