Cuck Park

'"The latest 'South Park' game is hardest if you choose a black character"'

>One of its black characters is named "Token," for example. You could call it a nod to comedian (((Louis C.K.)))'s joke about life being on easy mode if you're white, too. But when Cartman's superhero is "The Coon" (something that's been in the show for years) the combination could strike as tone-deaf. You can spot it at the 5:40 mark above.

Literally one of the most cucked Jewish things I've ever seen in my life.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyway I was actually going to make a thread about the first South Park game a while ago didn't it was worth.Since this is up I have to say South Park stick of Truth is one if the most pozzed Zionist Jewish extremist pieces of propaganda I've ever saw. In the game you cut a priests testicles off and murder Nazi fetuses. One of the weapons you get is literally called 'Mossad holy knife'.


You don't know shit about that game. That knife is for the Jew class. You can play as a Warrior, a Thief(blacks are better), a Mage or a Jew.

What is it?

Matt Stone's head gives me uncanny valley vibes but I can't quite place exactly why.

Jew is literally a class with deception powers and Black Thieves get a bonus to stealing.

KYS for being a faggot.

Looks like his wife's son, what's wrong with that, goy?

The game is half kike

I get it, but wow. Looks not of this earth.

A Fag and A Kike literally made South Park

In what way is the difficulty actually ramped up, then?


This is actually bantz. It's not a real feature.


Reminds me of my own game I'm developing. The character creation screen has a gender slider, but it snaps to one end or the other. I might implement this race difficulty too. giving blacks less intelligence and making the game more difficult.

quick, someone link this thread to Holla Forums

For christ sake, the game is being made by (((Ubisoft San Francisco))), how many more red flags does it take than that to figure out this game is going to be thoroughly pozzed.

Where do you think it came from?

I feel like Holla Forums overlaps enough into the other boards that a lot of people knew this already. This seems like a problem with newcomers not knowing.

He's slowly destroying that board and possibly the site, and those faggots are just making memes over it.

Supporting those Nigger Loving Jews after their last season of South Park was 100% Trump bashing.

White nationalism is on the rise





Checks out.

Nice social media pr storm ad campaign. Not falling for it. Not buying the game or caring.

That doesn't make them redpilled in any way at all. They're just taking the piss at the odea because they're trying to be edgy as possible. They're still good goys for making anti-Trump episodes.

Just fags arguing over a cheap cartoon that lost relevancy a decade ago, only issue I see right now is cuck rhetoric muh poor nigs

Shut the fuck up you stupid kike


This would be funny if it weren't CY+2

I'm not even mad

A dwarven KANG


Why would anyone choose to be a nigger in a game? Nobody, that's why cuck designers are making them the only options and forcing you to play as niggers, even when it doesn't make any sense, historically or otherwise.


Trey said they would stop the gay Drumpf virtue signaling next season

Give them a break and let them figure out who they are really gonna be, now that the culture war forces you to choose a side

Fuck You Trey.


Is there even anyone still watching this lame retarded old show besides chubby balding numales in their 30s who wear comic book tshirts and flip flops who are trapped in nostalgia land?

Look closer

Victory comes with sacrifice!


I've been told that South Park became such shit after Trey kinda lost it and stopped caring and that all of the virtue signalling and faceberg tier humor is mostly because Matt Mckike is the one at the reigns, plus South Park itself became too set in stone as the show "that pisses people off and makes light of current events in an edgy way".

Is there truth to this? I have not watched any episodes nor do i wish too past the first few of season 12. Yeah I know I should have just stopped at that Imaginationland garbage but I was holding on to hope.

Everyone knew the devs were SJWs. Some of them even bitched about being forced to include PC Principal in the game. Not convinced Parker and Stone did this on purpose.

People who still consume modern media are making mistakes. People must take the path to be a National Socialist.

You don't say.

was going to make a similar comment about shit builds but then i realized that most games today don't have actual character sheets in them anymore. (cant let the player fuck up their build and have to start over now can we)

A handful are funny. Most of the time, you get where they're going in the first five minutes, and so the rest is a bore.
Generally it's like all their other seasons. When they're not preaching, it's funny. It's just that there was a lot more preaching in these last few seasons.
Also, the story arcs that last entire seasons get boring quick. By the time they get to the end of the season you've already stopped caring what their point is, so it just comes off as boring randomness with zero jokes.

Not once have I ever seen anyone not hesitate to call him a kike or a faggot. And they bully him so much I'm convinced Mark is masochistic.

YEAH OK, THEY'RE GONNA BE FREE TO MAKE GOOD CONTENT ON COMEDYCENTRAL YEAH OK. Everything they do is going to follow the same formula all the "comedians" have to these days. They're allowed to say some reasonable shit but they absolutely have to kowtow for a certain percentage of their act.

Can't wait to still see them fail with the whitest characters imaginable:

Game journalists make DSP look like Neo.

Unless it's an RPG setting where you get less INT, WIS or CON as a darker character.

The end of the Zimmerman episode really pissed me off



nigger if you can't see the choice has been made I don't even know what to say

What's the big deal? It's accurate. Blacks do have more trouble with anything in their life that doesn't involve fighting, after all. :^)

It's not like they are unique for making fun of Jews, most of its just meta humor anyways. And Asians are almost as socially acceptable to make fun of as whites.

Thought they took their break Nov 9 2016 after they got their hubris btfo

Because a nigger can't do shit?

de niro

Do you get any gibs & affirmative action if you play as black?

Wife's son

Who's Kobe?

Pretty sure it's just making fun of black people for allegedly having such hard lives.
Many elementary and middle schoolers learned jewish jokes and conspiracies thanks to South Park. It even taught them to laugh at jews for being jews. They then went and made life miserable for jewish students by repeating these jokes incessantly.


I put him on a shirt because you know hand rubbing merchant overlaying the towers is fucking hilarious.

20% more damage from law enforcement
20% buff to government aid

The western gaming market needs to crash again. It's made up of SJWs and nothing but beta males now. I was watching two people play it earlier

How is it hardest when you get like 150 bonus points to your SAT; a handicap that also goes into employment?

OP is a faggot.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that woman has never nor will ever have sex with that """""""""man"""""""""

Who are those people?

I'm shocked.


Eurocucks. Eurogamer, or something like that. I found the video off an article written by a pink haired blubber monster, so I should've known it was going to be awful.


Trey Parker has 'Just' hair too… imagine being such a cuck that despite having wealth, you marry a mudshark with 'Kobe' tattooed on her arm and you adopt her niglet hellspawn too.

better yet, make a Very Easy setting that makes the character black, to bait game journalists into thinking it's "progressive" for having a black player character since they always pick the easiest setting.

for bonuses in thievery, intimidation, and anything involving the race card

Well, an inherent penalty to INT stat probably would make the game harder.

It would be more accurate if choosing the retarded, rabid bitch character was called impossible mode unless its a niggerball game that kicks out only the white players for using steroids.

Having a low iq does make life harder. Luckily a low iq also means you aren't aware of it

