"poor man's gaming" thread
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"poor man's gaming" thread
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For the longest time the only way I was able to get video games was to buy them at thrift shops or hope it was cheap enough at a flea market that my parent would buy it.
Not the worst thing ever I guess, I found DOOM and a Half Life/CS collection.
Its me downloading pirated vidya for vita right now.
its just playing the 800x600 all turned to low games
now that I can afford better PC all components both upcoming gen and intel are botnets to the brim
why buy a better computer to play current and past gen games.
why not*
On an emulator?
I used to have that shadow hockey game with omega. Shit was lit
Older games are better anyways, don't bother.
resolutions above 800x600 are an urban legend
I fucking loved my Powerstation, shit had Castlevania, Excitebike, Contra, Gunsmoke, Mappy and many other fine games, and a light gun for Duck Hunt or Hogan's Alley.
Spent a lot of time playing Bird's Week, dunno why I liked it so much.
I beat Portal 2 with a Geforce 7600 at 320 x 240.
Video games a re fucking boring
Completely missed out on NES/SNES/PSX era due to being a poor child. Couldn't afford neither game consoles nor TV. Only played a few minutes in the store.
Got a glimpse of 90s PC gaming around 1999 because my potato build from used parts couldn't run anything contemporary. So I played stuff like Wing Commander with a ten years delay.
Built my first proper medium-range "Gaming PC" in 2005, when everything was turning into shit already.
That Shadow one was more garbage than those types of things usually are. I could close my eyes and hit the button as fast as I could and I would never die. As for poor mans gaming, those 1000 in 1 things could be somewhat entertaining.
>that plus savings from overtime allowed for a floor-model 4k TV and thrift-shop PS3
I pretty much had to skip the 5th generation, and kept playing on Genesis and SNES until the early 00s. Partly due to being poor, partly due to parents being ignorant and stubborn about technology advancing. See the catch-22:
- "You don't need a new console, you have a computer!"
- "You don't need a video card, you have two consoles!"
Currently I have some modded 6th generation consoles and several binders of burned discs, and a decent gaming PC. Older consoles are easy to emulate, most new games come to the PC, and just my backlog could last me decades. So, my point is: if you don't seek the latest and greatest, it's super cheap to play good vidya now.
I also used to think the poor quality was because of them being flash games but I later learned that 90% of everything is shit regardless of where you go or how much you pay.
When I was a kid, it was having to play Radio Shack game systems like pic related (which was actually pretty cool).
Today, it's having a PSP w/ CFW and shit-tons of pirated and emulated games. Like $80 total investment for the MicroSD and Console.
The human eye can't see above 800x600 resolution anyhow.
vid somewhat related.
Any good games that can be run on a shitty Dell business laptop?
Preferably games that don't require too much mouse control and can be played in short bursts, because I like to play games on the bus.
So far I've got:
Various Shmups
Mega Man X Street Fighter
Sengoku Rance (the conquest mode without H-scenes, though I've played the story mode and gotten a few embarrassing moments out of it)
One Way Heroics but the last time I tried it, it ran like aids.
Could maybe get some emulators and RPGs. Maybe even a visual novel or two.
Turn based games would be a good call. Tactical RPGs would probably be right up your street.
did they run out of time before making Rouge or was a bat with boobs too triggering?
Snes and GBA emulators
Both have great games and run on pretty much anything.
If you like Megaman, check out the Battle Network series and the Zero series on the GBA
I play the Megaman Zero series every year.
This year I played it at 1.25x speed to give it that little extra oomph.
It really needs a gamepad to be played, though.
Battle Network could work for a Laptop game.
I have a cell phone I could use for emulation, but I have no gamepad for it.
Anyone know of any good controllers for smartphones?
Holy shit OP I had that shadow toy when i was little, thanks for the memories.
And do flash games count as poor mans gaming? Because i played a shitton when i was little, way more than console games probably.
I'm just gonna list off some games in my library. I'm using a 2010 Thinkpad with Intel HD graphics, so you'd be hard pressed to have anything shittier.
Ys Chronicles
Binding of Issac
Risk of Rain
Rouge Legacy
TIS-100 It's a programming game, you may not like it.
Planescape Torment
Doom with a controller really isn't that bad, you suffer with mouse aim (naturally) but it's really no problem when every gun has an eighty kilometer hitscan. GZDoom makes that game look pretty af (runs at a constant 30 with integrated graphics on my machine) and Project Brutality makes it twenty times more enjoyable. Check the Doom general if you haven't already. Give it a try, user.
I've been playing tons of Sublevel Zero recently, it has wonderful controls although I'm not sure if a Dell shitbox could handle it.
Knytt Stories is one of my favorite games and it's super fucking light. It's a dumb platformer that you can sink a good fifteen minutes into every so often.
Pic related is also a good choice, as is any roguelike.
Doom wasn't really designed with excessive use of the mouse in mind anyway so it isn't an issue. On that point a fair few older shooters were designed without mouselook in mind anyway. Dark Forces 1 is pretty great.
I used to grab change from my mom's change jar and walk a few miles away to a pawnshop to buy vidya. I would take at least $20 worth of quarters, nickels, and dimes in my pockets and come back with some pretty good hauls for my Gamecube. One time, there wasn't any more change left and I stole disc one of Goldeneye Rogue Agent. The shop owners knew I stole it and kept looking at me the next time I came in. Never went back and because I lived in a shitty neighborhood, my games were eventually stolen.
I got too hooked on Project Brutality and my computer can't get the OpenGL or whatever necessary to run it.
Somehow forgot to mention I've got Doom on my laptop.
Thinking of FPS games, I could probably get Deus Ex and maybe some of the better total conversion mods.
Emulate cartridge games like NES, SNES, GBA etc, JRPGs would probably be the best eg FF6 and Chrono Trigger and stuff like that
Visual Novels, super low specs
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Master of Orion 1 and 2
Alpha Centurai
Beneath a Steel Sky
just look through GOG catalogue and buy/pirate the games that look fun because if they're from the 90s they'll probably run
Nope. Piracy on vita is finally a thing now.
This warrants being posted.
The most recent game (not including demos) I've played is blinx 2.
I'm that poor.
I was poor as fuck, yet i still owned like 40 N64 games through persistence alone(alot of CIB shit too, though my mom would always throw away everything but the game when i was at school and it would always piss me right the fuck off, because she even did it to the CD games.)
There's being frugal, and there's just being a fucking jew.
wtf man
Depending on how low end the laptop is, Phantasy Star Online played in offline mode would be good. No mouse needed.
All official Touhou games, and shittons of Touhou fan games. Ignore the Western fanbase, it's cancer. The Jap games are good. Specifically check out Mystical Chain and Mega Mari, a Touhou-themed Mega Man game. If you're down with Battle Network and not knowing what the fuck is going on because there's no English download, there's also Shanghai.EXE Genso Network, which is an almost complete MMBN game.
I Wanna Be The Guy.
Jets 'n' Guns.
South America here.
Early on, I had both Genesis and Megadrive, along with several carts, pirated and legit. Also a megakey for additional cross region compatibility. Shit was cash.
When the PS1 was the rage, I got one thanks to my uncle. Here it's rare to find a non-chipped PS1/PS2, not the other way around. Games were cheap as shit, $4~6 per disc back then ('98), and pretty much a single dollar nowadays. You can still find PS2s everywhere here, and if you got 'lucky' and found a non-chipped one, you can get that sucker modded in 10 minutes at the local market. Feels good man.
Now I can get vidya regularly on PS4 and PS3, but I also got a CFW PS3 good for undubs and patches such as Tales of Vesperia.
Vita's situation interests me, but I didn't mod anything on my system yet. I do have the golden 3.60 version, though.
ATX style motherboards have a bit of power on as soon as the PSU is switched on, but the PC itself turns on when you hit the power button in the chassis. This button simply shorts two pins in the motherboard's power header, as in pic related.
If your switch is broken you can replace it with the reset switch, or if all else fails, use a wire or screwdriver to bridge said two pins in order to short it. It's the same as hitting the power button.
Beat your mom with a belt
I have a fantasy that I'll fuck a cute boy and give him a PC in exchange for sex.
If you're for the offer, hmu.
Can your PC run accurate emulators?
I actually remember a Pakistani neighbor of mine showing me this. We shit ourselves laughing. She'd always show me this crazy shit from hew homeland.
Except none of the vpks work
You want to see some shit, look at the Urdu McDonalds Crash commercial here . It's like whoever did it barely knew much about the series.
ToME, maybe
Jumpstreams everyday until you like it
I'm dying holy shit
Playing Wipeout 2048 right now, bruh. Don't know what you mean.
Hi Anita
and games are only getting harder to run on my cheap work PC from 2007
suck some dicks to make money dude
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
save up some cash and prowl craigslist. considering all of the new videocards that just came out, you can probably get a not too old one for super cheap. Just keep your eyes peeled, im sure you could snag a 970 for a killer price.
played the W2 with around 20-30 fps
I missed on 7th gen consoles, as kid dreamt about ps3 mainly to friend who had it and was always boasting about games etc.
now I bought ps3 few few months ago along with tons of games which are still hyped around here and Its one of the major disappointment I felt in long time
I 100% completed Borderlands 1 on a Radeon 2600 at 320 x 240.
Meant Radeon HD 2600 Pro, AGP
It would immediately crash if you tried to run anything OpenGL.
I remember telling my mother to buy it because it'd be cheaper than an actual Playstation. She didn't believe I could take care of it back then, but me and my sister got more than 300 hours of play from it. It cost us like 15$. Years later, when we stopped being poor, I gave my Polystation and the three cartridges we had to our housemaid, for her to gift her son with. It still worked perfectly.
tfw I bought a 3DS and it's collecting dust, after ~20 hours of pokémon Y
oh I remember those cassettes I might even have them somewhere
Latino detected
Always be sure to check the pin configuration, though. Typically green to black is power on, but I haven't dicked around with starting up a caseless motherboard since like 2007. I need to get some tools to punch out clean holes in an uncut backplate, then my first computer will live again. AMD K6-2 300 with 16 bit ISA slots and an XT keyboard connector. As the kids today would say, "wew".
I remember being so broke that the only things I owned were the clothes I was wearing, and Final Fantasy for NES.
Nethack is GOAT can't say I'll ever get tired of it. Last time i played i teleported away from a white unicorn that was pushing my shit in only to end up in a weird zoo full of shit that wanted to kill me owned by a friendly NPC. Needless to say i died horribly.
Can't say I've stumbled upon a ton of short green jews like that though.
*also i really like that title set and interface, i just use the ASCII but that looks bretty good**
You're talking about the PSU connectors there. Shorting these two allows you to test a PSU and its voltages.
The short I mentioned is to turn on the PC itself, not the PSU only. But yeah, it's still important to check that the two pins being shorted are the right ones.
My story is pathetic, even for this thread. When I was a kid there was this magazine called Club Nintendo in Germany. It was free to pick up at electronics stores where they had video games, because it was really just advertising disguised as a magazine. Since I didn't have any of the current systems of the time I would get the magazine and imagine what playing the games would be like instead.
i had fun
was she dressed like a ninja?
Ehh I did something Similar too, once we got this Crystal Radio that didn't work so being the Autist I was I thought it meant that it was broadcasting, so I was basically reading this guide of Pokemon Emerald from this comic I got, to make things even more Autistic is that the guy was wrong in parts They later thought that Crasher Wake hands out the Heat Badge for some reason
You know, as od as it sounds, I miss the Tiger Games shit.
Fellow Holla Forumsirgins, I am in need of your aid.
Not long ago, in a thread I cannot recall the title or subject of, there was a poorly-drawn image of Western pr0n posted.
It was of a blond cartoon girl sitting in a car next to a McDonalds, happily drinking a shake. She had big tiddies.
I am in need of this photograph for research purposes.
I've said it once, I'll say it again. Seth Rogan's filmography retroactively justifies the holocaust if it actually happened.
I had the knuckles and shadow one.
Those NES bootlegs got me into video games as a kid in a shithole slav country.
I can relate.
I did the same with my brother with Super Mario All-Stars; it was fun.
also I'd stop Rogen
Why didn't you just connect 2 keyboards to the same PC? :))) Oh or 4 keyboards with really long wires, thats works too.
How does one even run that low? I didn't think most modern games have resolutions below like 800x600. Custom resolution?
Then again, may just be my flat panel has never supported below 800x600. CRT mustard rice.
I've been playing only snes/n64/gba games on an emulator and pre 2000 games until around 2008
All you richfags with your tiger electronics and portable McDonald's toys.
arificial difficulty
God I love this shit
still played it after getting my GBC
Oh man this game is the shit!
I had the mismatched colored ones and it was always funny because there was a yellow sonic on mine.
Had an old Win 98 box up until 2004, played a few games on this crap. Mainly bargain bin tier. And drawing bad stuff with mspaint.
I remember playing a lot of Sonic R, a game I cannot even begin to understand nowadays so I'm kind of amazed at young me for being able to actually play and like it.
Also watching the defrag tool with the little squares. Shit was so cash.
wew, trip down memory lane, there.
is that thing still around and being updated?
Fuck it, source?
They have had their moments.
Oh fuck I remember the Knackles one.
I don't even think it functioned properly.
user, no man should endure wading through that with only the tag "eevee" to go by
pirating stuff is free .
tough shit asshole
it's not hard to find you baby
I was a pc gamer as a kid, had a shitty computer and didn't understand fps, played games and had like 10 fps…