Other urls found in this thread:

Both sides are wrong.
Women are broken and Men are reacting in self-defence.
What was supposed to happen was Men being willing to father children with sane women.

Feminism simply destroyed the West and women just can't see this because they're just tied to the Feminism part of the word, they don't even know anything about the reality of the ideology, it's just the word that makes them tie together with Feminism because it's "Womanly"/"Feminine", which is nonsense.
It's like calling White-Genocide "Pro-Whiteness".

Just poison her so that the kid dies in the womb.

Call it whitegen and probably white woman will agree with it since they're white lel.

Women who remained single into their 30s (or without one steady partner) are clearly rubbish material for wives and men do not want that on their most base instinct level. They have to wake up and smell the ashes of their future.

They're not men. They're degenerate hedonists.

My brother is a scumbag, I really don't like it in him.
This girl was a genuine victim.

Your brother's a piece of shit, yes, but I've little sympathy for someone who refuses to see writing on the wall for that fucking long.

It's unfortunately the financially sensible thing to do.

OK Sir Savahoe


you wouldnt have to trick me
id impregnate 30 old skanks right now
fuck, add in some lube and a vr headset, its almost as ive been training for this since i was 8

Women in their 30's are like sick, dying water buffalo. They're easy to catch but they're probably so spiritually and physically emaciated, it's energetically not worth the overall effort. Lions that are capable of hunting water buffalo but strut around all day complaining about how there are no good water buffalo anymore are genetic defects that will correct themselves in the end. Nature always finds a way.

this is orc-tier reasoning. these women don't just want children. they want your shekels to raise them. they want you to do expensive shit with you on the weekends when you're trying to relax. they want to take out their frustrations on you. save the pump and dump fatherhood for Jameel

>>I would rather have invasive surgery ((($$$))) that completely destroys one of mine and nature's natural functions so I can have as much free time to watch capeshit tv on netflix ((($)))
>also to avoid divorce court ((($$$$))) and alimony ((($$$)))

>>also to avoid divorce court ((($$$$))) and alimony ((($$$)))
find anarcho-primisivist gf who thinks courts and money are a spook.

I feel bad for these women, I genuinely do. They realize when its too late that they wasted away their youth when they should have gotten married and had 3-4 children by that age.


I genuinely feel worse about how my dog was forced to get neutered and was denied his biological destiny by a shelter i dont really give a fuck about that

*Sane women who will not drop and divorce the man as soon as a baby pops out and sues him for child support.

My brother had his first child at the of 38 and his girlfriend was 35, now they have 2 boys, who are healthy, wild and running around, .

lmao this friends. make sure you aim below 25 for a woman and kids. anything else is too high a chance to be statistically safe from having a retard baby. having retards only benefits jews in pharma and will ruin the rest of your life. in fact it will be so bad youll probably become a christcuck and begin to see your situation as a blessing rather than you fucking up and marrying a worn out cum dump.
t. previous church goer

this hyperbole

i thought Holla Forums were supposed to be red pilled although i obviously dont believe it, i didnt realise you were the average reader of this blue pilled propaganda rag although i guess that makes sense

also this non-news

wow really, you mean the exact age that common sense would tell you? ie young men are interested in having kids, old men are probably not having enough sex or would have already gone through the procedure

you are a fuckign joke Holla Forums

The user you're replying to is literally Jamal


If women can't have agency, then they can't be victims either.

Dubs = Truth

How so?


You high? Women shift allegiances more often than poorly written fantasy characters, to whatever will serve their needs/wants/desires at the current moment. They'll be liberal as fuck on an issue for "social status/credit," then immediately switch to a conservative view point the SECOND it starts to interfere with them on a personal level. Take transfreaks for example, women support that shit and demand they be called "real women" by men, but the second the mutilated dicks start trying to play the woman card or use a girls bathroom they lose their minds and suddenly its back to "NOT A REAL WOMAN!"

Women have no real political or social ideology or views, its literally just w/e works best for them at any given moment

The only solution is Hard
Reset. Whether it will be through total collapse, race war, resurrection of full-blown fascism or else, I do not know.

I said in another thread, we need a crash that isn't caused intentionally by the kikes. Once the bread and circus runs out, people are going to wake up hard.

That's just it. Women are inherently insane. Even the best of them require a strong man to put them in their place. The problem is that it's illegal to do what has historically been necessary, and thus has created a situation for men that is disadvantageous. Combine that with women able to sidestep their need for men in their life by substituting government, and (((society))) promoting their degeneracy, and we've created a situation where only destitute men can afford to have offspring.

And will see the energetic side of their parents for, what, 10 years?

Have you ever heard of a jew mountain man? The vast majority of these rugged outdoorsmen were white, but there were a few black mountain men and even the occasional halfbreed spic living it rough in the wilderness. But no jews. Not one. Think about that for a moment.

Kikes won't intentionally crash things. They depend on civilizations for them to parasite. And they need whites to keep civilization running. Jewish civilization is a contradiction. They only prosper when ensconced in the civilizations of superior races. So they want to keep whites marginalized so they'll keep pushing the millstone every harder to keep everything running for them. They can't even push their own elevator buttons on a saturday, but have to pay someone else to do it for them. A crash is their greatest fear.

Fix the biased court systems and maybe men wouldn't do shit like this. Bad enough all the women out there doing fucked up shit like sperm jacking and poking holes in condoms forcing men to have to bring their own but even that isn't enough anymore. Women have gone insane, desperate, because all their focus on their education and career left them old, bitter, and unmarriageable. I'd rather import a young wife from Eastern Europe than have to deal with their shit.

This is the result of women having more power than men when it comes to these things. They have sex, the women gets pregnant, lies about being on birth control, and decides to keep the baby. Guess what? The man can't do a single thing about it.

Good for them. That doesn't change the fact that the older you are when you have children the greater chance of them becoming defective.

I have bad news for you…

Or you could simply seek women younger than you. I'm 29 and my girlfriend is 19. Aside from my first girlfriend that was a few months older than me all my girlfriends have been younger than me.

Its a last resort for them, sure but they could easily fuck off to some remote bunker and ride things out.

Will fuck you over under the same court system. Don't bring her here. Take her somewhere without feminists "family courts".

Women have sperm banks. The only reason they want to be impregnated by a man is to get their hands on their money or a "gobement" check.

Ride things out until when? What do you think would happen when the matzo and gefilte runs out in the bunker.

Jews need white men to build civilizations for them. They are incapable of it on their own.


Also the gubbmint check is also white men's money. We're the ones who earned it.


Top Kek, isn't it these same cat ladies that are parading around muh birth control because they are "not ready" for kids?

How do you avoid all the screeching feminists calling you a pedophile?

also, where to find somewhat sane women?


(((Anne Prann)))
Who wants to bet the account was made very recently to be damage control?

Not Anne Frank?

You should set up a dud account and call it "Anne Prannk" and join in the discussion. But then again this is getting a royal roasting. I'm wondering how long until "oy vey shuddidown" comments and discussion are (((closed)))


What's the difference between this and women using the pill? Smdh

In other words the goal of the jews/communism

who cares. women need to be put back in their place that's what it boils down to.

They don't? Nobody has said anything negative as far as I'm aware. If they did I simply wouldn't care and would just take it as jealousy.
Just avoid women with problems signs like tattoos and facial piercings and numerous other signs you can pick up on women quickly without wasting your time with them.

this reminds me of plato's republic, in his optimal scenario children are immediately separated from their parents and separated by caste, warrior/farmer/trader/etc depending on what they were identified as being good at and raised by the state.

somehow i don't think she's going this deep though. plato also didn't envision niggers and welfare.

I assume she had premarital sex.
When you only have one thing of value, you might want to use it to get what you want instead of throwing it away like it's a worthless piece of shit.

I just want off this wild ride. I want to go back. I hate this modern world with a passion beyond measure; it is totally void of any redeeming features at all. I’m unhappy, everyone I know is unhappy.

Men today are FAR better off egg shopping and raising a Male child by themselves. PERIOD.

found the fag

You can actually have your child born in an artificial womb, you don't even need a woman in theory. That way you get to pick your genes from the LAB too. Designer babies are very modern too.

good luck

Good it would save me the hassle of having my Genes stolen again and again.

This is true. They lucked out. There is a much higher chance of kids being literally retarded or autistic when the parents are that old. And this is one of the reasons the 30+ women are having such a hard time finding men who want to have kids with them. They know they're no longer a good choice for becoming mothers, so they are getting extremely desperate.

What about using my baby hair which is in a little book somewhere?

Women can't be trusted to actually take the pill. That's why.

The jews will put backdoor in everything that is artificially made also they will steal your DNA data for their own use.

They already did…

yeah make them take the pill responsible for plummeting white birth rates, increasing breast and ovarian cancer and making women actually insane due to hormonal imbalances and feminizing you by running off into the water supply
thanks user youre great

I wasn't necessarily advocating the pill, just answering their idiotic question.

isnt it just wrong that men are having to get permanent irreversible surgery because there is no simple male contraceptive pill. what the fuck doc?

You have to go back

Use a condom you lazy shit.

Why would anyone take a male contraceptive pill that just stinks of kikery. It probably fuck you up more than the surgery.

Why don't you eat an entire diet of soy and shove that buttplug further into your colon while ordering that XL dragon dildo you faggot.

It's not irreversible. And it gives men peace of mind from being used by women as sperm receptacles. Women also have an equivalent surgery (tubal ligation). But most women don't get that surgery unless they have already had kids.

If men had a pill, feminists would REEEE into eternity claiming "hurr men can trick women into getting pregnant by saying they're on the pill (fucking irony right there).
Also the faggot pharma and insurance companies can't rape everyone's bank accounts because male contraceptives would be cheaper.
Nevermind that da gubmint don't want to pay for shit and need to have the the man pay, and if the man has control, where will they get the shekels for the poor woman and da baybee user?

Triggered much?

plato was black as fuck man blackest nigger ever.

How can a woman make you get a vasectomy in a relationship yet don't you dare question them if they want the abortion?

How dare you question a stronk independant womyn user? Also she carries the child, so she makes all the decisions, men are just there to be a walking bank account.

"How dare you" Yes this is the lingo.


Unicorns are a fictional character user.


Exactly. Every woman I have ever been with has openly admitted that they are crazy, most without shame. My wife understands that she isn't and, will never be, as rational and sane as a man and understands it is because she is female.
She doesn't walk around saying "I am so bi-polar hehehehe" like other women, but guides decisions by emotion more often than she should.
Men should find women who understand that they have these flaws as a sex, not pride in them, but an understanding that they have a tendency to do it and the value of a man to ground them.
They exist, make excellent wives and mothers and are a valuable part of the team in raising a family with values and true morals.
The problem with thots and feminists is they know they are fucking nutty (probably nuttier than the others) and take pride in it and believe their inherent flaws are a strong point and can actually live life guided by them.
It is like being so proud and focused on having no legs that you abolish shoes.


Exactly. The dried-up, evil old cunts who proselytize this insanity on younger women work hard to hide the fact that buying into this worthless trash literally robs women of their singular defining feature–femininity.

Oh aye the slag did nae want me when I was ready and now I canae get rid of the cunt. And they wonder why sheep are preferable.

They're coming, and soon. As effective as the pill, dirt-cheap, safe, easily reversible, lasts for ten years and consists of nothing more than two injections as an outpatient procedure.

Ugh. Blind nonsense. Sex is for building bonds. It's playful. Have you never had an enjoyable sexual experience in your life? Actual reproduction can be a bad fruit. Bonding with other people has rewards in prosperity and creativity as long as you only bond with those who are mature enough to handle the experience and process it as something other than little-girl disempowerment/vulnerability.
The annoying thing in today's world is that feminists will say they can rise above that vulnerability, but they'll still throw around rape accusations at the first stirring of regret in themselves. I wish feminists would take the concept of rape more seriously!

Well I think what you meant to say was, When Jesus said he would cut the horns off all the evil, he meant unicorns.

And everybody knows unicorns are the female clitoris. So there we go. Problem solved and yes we will in the West. And yes we can. No Burkas though of course. None of that.

Most of them are angry, because they spent most of their youth being "easy and free" and fucking all the guys they fantasized about. Now they understand that a lot of these dudes they thought were going to be there, aren't there anymore. Sorry, I am not going to give some woman access to my bank account when she has basically fucked an entire football roster worth of dudes. Especially when this same woman will eventually "not feel the magic anymore" get half my stuff, plus a monthly paycheck "to be maintained at the level she is accustomed to" and using that money to continue living her glory days with younger men.

This is just sad

SO let me get this straight, men past their prime are removing themselves from the gene pool?


The world only has two choices now. Either Females have their clitoris removed. Or men make babies with artificial wombs.

Women need to have their clitoris removed.

Well it's that or there is a violent battle in this country and in the whole world.>>10568257

Don't have casual sex you retard.

Slightly on/off topic: I feel sorry for this lad. It seems just like some drunken sex got him fucked for life and 10 years in prison.


Cunts putting people into jail, KNOWING they traveled to his house to get drunk and fuck. And then pulling the bait and switch!

Men don't past their prime, at least in terms of genetic material. Sperm is constantly recreated. In contrast, women are born with all their eggs, so when 35+ year old women has a kid, they're doing it with old eggs. This is probably why we're seeing so many developmental disorders in kids such as autism. The courts have wholly motivated women to behave like this past 35 so they can lock in child payments and/or force a marriage, ensuring financial security after riding the cock carousel.

They don't want sexual pleasure at this age, they want to tie a man down with muh child payments BS.

Sorry, but what I meant is Women having their Clitoris cut off on the 8th day….

Stop having sex with women you don't want to have babies with you retard.

It's the only act that leads to babies, what the fuck do you think it's for? The bonding comes with the fact that you're mean't to have kids and thus it's good to have a bond aswell.

I don't deny severe autism might have a genetic basis, but stuff like assburgers? Having had a shit mother myself I think this is a more likely scenario:

Has possibly more to do with shitty schools and options to not socialize in a young age. They used to call them shut-ins. Now they normalize and encourage that weird behaviour.

Autism, narcissism, and schizoid personality: I suspect they're all responses to early abuse by authority figures. Sufficiently cold/mechanical parenting IS a kind of abuse.

Oh, by forced socialization you mean being forced into the proximity of bullies and reminded that adults wouldn't protect me from them? Whenever I tried to exercise an option not to socialize as a child, I had a reason for it that someone should've been listening to. It wasn't my natural inclination to shut myself away.

There's definitely multiple factors.


What do you mean what? There is no law that says we as White men cannot start a religion where we cut off our Women's clitoris on the 8th day. ==YOU CAN'T STOP THAT==

Why aren't you a strong man, fellow user?

Hey you're the guy I'm looking for to start my new religion! I call it go-go and on the 8th day we cut off our Women's clitoris! You're strong aren't you user? Or do you have some inferior complex about that idea!?

Now this may be a little unrelated but i am dead set on staying loyal to my waifu for the rest of my life. Would it be bad if i sold gallons of my semen to a sperm bank? I just want to stay in the gene pool.

If your genes are worth something, by all means capitalize upon them. You get whatever you get for selling semen to sperm banks, other people get a resource that's a real nuisance to extract.

Well i'm nothing special in the genetic regard, white, light brown hair and eyes, above average in height and dick though so that's good i guess.
maybe i'm better off waiting for androids and artificial wombs

This is bullshit. I had a vascectomy at 25. I can have it reversed whenever I like. I've seen too many lads taken out by thots. I wouldn't want to bring a little me into this shit (yet anyway), just going to perpetuate the bullshit. Another little wageslave running on the hamsterwheel to pay for a lifetime of debt & misery.
Unless something 'happens', I see no merit to continuing this shit, at personal expense no less.

sounds like she's a whore

The liberal Cathedral has brainwashed women into getting into active conflict with men, has eroded any reminiscence of morality, community and kinship, so they ultimately resort to using sex for personal gain. It was always this way, really, but women are only as reserved as their men let them be.
Eventual deconstruction of the male archetype and the male role model has bred a generation of spineless, directionless, slave men, and self-destructive, harpy, psychotic women to complement them.
To reproduce with them is be a masochist - to subject yourself to financial and psychological torture, and to renounce on reproduction is to renounce on fighting for your kin.
There is no escape from acceleration and descendance into "progressive" madness unless the entire society literally collapses. You're swimming against the current - you won't succeed by feeding the system. The system feeds off of your slavery, and you resisting contributes to your own demise.
It's a losing game.

Learn how to make a blessed weapon.
Martyr yourself.

There is a saying about power/ wealth that you get to see a person's true character when they become wealthy/ powerful.
Women in society have not BECOME shit as they have had access to increased wealth/ power.
They have REVEALED that they are complete shit when they are not in an entirely submissive position.
Some morons think that islam is based because they know to keep women in their place, but all traditions knew that.
I mean for fuck's sake, the first book in the bible spells it out:
eve, living in paradise not being enough for her, allows herself to be persuaded to undermine her man and god by a serpent
instead of keeping his woman in line, adam cucks out and goes along with her stupidity, mnd the whole world goes to shit as a result
eve never apologises
It's right there, the first book of the bible, spelled out for us from thousands of years ago.
We must restore traditional values so we can keep the genie of women's inate propensity for evil in the bottle.

Sorry God


im 32, last gf was 19. you just explain what a pedophile actually is. once it's unavoidably clear, they're either lying or too retarded to understand.

Plenty, and the second option.

Just kidding, I'm not avoiding marriage, and came close a few times, but I'm not looking forward to it either. Definitely not having kids, my brain is way too degenerate and distorted to understand the appeal.

To be honest, I have a theory about why so many mystics practice celebacy. It's not about 'cleanliness' or any nonsense like that, it's to guarantee that they are the final link in their chain. If you buy that information is never wasted in the universe, this would ensure reincarnation. Or maybe I just hate kids, don't want to be tied to a bitch, but think MGTOWs are closetfags.

Hedonistic degenerates with slightly more foresight than the rest. People with planning ability are self selecting themselves out of the gene pool so they can fuck more strangers without worrying about silly things like responsibility or continuing their bloodline.

If you don't want to get a chick pregnant and end up paying child support, then don't fuck women that you're not interested in being with long term. If you are gonna have meaningless sex, do it away from home and don't give them your real name or contact info.

Remember that birth defects sky rocket past 30 for women. Men can pump a baby into a woman at any age. If you have to wait until you're 55 to breed a sub-30 year old white woman then by all means do so. Make it clear that if women aren't married and bred young they'll be snuffed out of the gene pool.

Sorry, no sympathy for her.

I've been there, watching a "nice" girl that "deserved better" stick doggedly to her "hero" that everyone around her could see was a piece of shit, far too selfish to be a decent father even if he did want kids.

I've been one of the guys who would have treated her right and given her the life she wanted, if only she would see sense. And I've been the guy she suddenly warmed to in her mid 30s when she finally gave up on him and the panic set in.

I knocked her back. She gave her best years to an asshole, why should I pick up the pieces? By that time, I'd built up an pretty decent financial situation and was able to attract much younger women.

Worthy men should reject these women and let them face the full consequences of their shitty life decisions. Young women will never learn the lesson if they don't see some examples made.

 I don't want to generalize the type of men who become attracted to the sissy stuff. There must be alpha males who get caught up in the same thing.
However, when beta males turn themselves into sissies I wonder if they are motivated by the desire to have a more active sex life? Betas often struggle to get dates from the pretty girls and even have difficulty being successful with girls in general.
I consider myself a beta. I'm not terrible looking but I have shy and unassertive body language. I'm not very charismatic or exciting to be around, and unfortunately I have a smaller penis than average. When I found sissy hypno and it told me to be a girl and serve the alpha males, this had a powerful effect over me.
In a weird way it seems like a beta male feminizing himself takes the pressure off of his failures with women. The beta reinvents himself and develops a different mindset toward his sexuality.
I'm not saying any of this is good but I think for many betas it is the way they feel.
And I feel that in the future the sissy phenomenon will get worse before it gets better. Today's growing MGTOW movement will likely end up pushing many of those men into sissification

Just saying, I hate women.

Get over it. If you don't have kids then you're shitting all over your ancestors' legacy. There are still good women out there, but they're hard to find, and they won't stay good for long unless you're a good masculine man.

Never get inebriated alone around females under any circumstances. Even if nothing happens except you stumble off a porch or something, you just instantly brought down your status a man to all females in the vicinity. If you are going to get drunk or what have you do it alone or around male friends. It's just way to much of a danger these days to put yourself into a stupor around women where you can easily be taken advantage of.

Just don't do it.

No inpulse in the human body is as strong as the urge to orgasm- not hunger, sleep, nor thirst. Mystics seek to harness that power.

You should start a business that sells chopped female clitorises. Women don't need to get enjoyment from sex. There is no need for it. But they can make babies. And all of this is your right to do it because of Religion. If they say otherwise then we have a situation.

Your hatred of women makes you a real man user.

Just be careful, user, in the UK (((people))) have successfully gotten sperm banks to ID fathers and get them for child support.

This has had EXACTLY the result you think it would.

Something that exists in both male and female cells. You can even use male skin cells to make artificial eggs.


Do it for the good of the world, aged mitochondria be damned.

I hope your average pol user isn't too stupid to see past this obvious femanon/cuck. This post is the same muh equality + men's fault nonsense this person pretends to stand against. If they were not a cuck/woman they'd advocate male authority, not blaming men for not taking responsibility for women they are not allowed to control.

That only applied in cases where the donation was done outside the official, recognised system. It was all lesbians and single mothers by choice, who weren't allowed to use the proper sperm banks at the time. The men who got caught by this were contributing to degeneracy, so I have no sympathy.

Donate through the proper system and you're safe, as I understand it.

Same thing we heard ten years ago and five before that.


Clinical trials are starting in 2018 and a similar product has been tested in India since the 90s.

don't worry Holla Forums the only men these bitches will get are either emasculated beta cucks, tyrones and red necks, everyone smart enough to smell the danger will stay away from them

I sympathize with people who reach MGTOW as a conclusion, but these people fundamentally miss the entire basis of our problems. They're still thinking in terms of raw materialism and hedonism, which are the exact same things that got us here in the first place. Reject hedonism. Embrace traditionalism. Dispense with this notion of "lol fucking having kids, women aren't worth it, and I don't care what happens after I die anyway". It's utter fucking cancer.

If you can't find a decent woman, I understand that. But it's every man's duty to our race to at least try. And yes, that means rejecting all these used-goods roasties looking for a beta cuck to provide resources after she's hit the wall.

Yup. This is what happens when we have a society that allows women to be unshackled from traditionalism and treated as man's equal. I understand that this is the result of both natural female nature interacting with jewish propaganda. But it's almost the same way I view niggers. I don't blame niggers for chimping out, because that's just what they are. I blame the jews and white liberals who bring them here and prop them up.

Honestly, we should just have a logan's run style rule where if a (white) woman's ovaries dry up before she's had any children, she gets executed. Roastie genocide. Day of the Roast.


male contraception already exists. And it works the exact same way female contraception works.

Female contraception is just estrogen (and progesterone). Elevated levels of female sex hormones causes negative feedback inhibition that shuts off fertility
Likewise, when a man takes testosterone (or androgen analogues), this also causes negative feedback inhibition. Everyone already knows about steroids causing low sperm counts. This is precisely why


Having said that, I'm against all forms of birth control. Plenty of things like feminism, slut culture, plummeting birth rates, etc etc etc can all be directly tied back to the introduction of birth control pills, which unshackled sex from its intended purpose (or consequences, to put it another way). We could solve the Female Question fairly easily by just outlawing birth control.



If you want women to breed, you have to take their rights away granted to them by feminism and cucks. If you do, you will see the white populations grow again.

I agree. The problem is, how? How do we remove this feminism equality bullshit? It's not like this can be done while half the voters are themselves women. The way I see it, the only way we're putting the feminism genie back in the bottle is via revolution

Women and the system. Note the average age. These whores are going after men in these age ranges because they smell blood. Or money, rather. They smell money, and daddy government, who they've whored themselves out to, is telling them "the money is yours, we'll back you, you just have to let him cum inside you, or stay with him long enough that we can say you were dependent on him." If I was a 40 year old man and single, and I'm dating 28, 30, or 32 year old women, you bet your ass I'm suspecting they're looking to steal 20 years of my life's work using their pimp daddy government.

Indeed. Gotta be safe in today's sexual market. Don't mess with any girls older than mid-20s. Don't mess with any known sluts. Don't mess with any college-educated bimbos who fell for the feminism meme and want to be strong independent career womyn. Don't mess with any women who come with 100k in student loan debt. Don't mess with any women who come from a broken family or have a poor rationship with their fathers.

Back in the day, almost all women used to fit these bare-minimum criteria. But now it's a lot harder. But can't give up.

Spoken like someone that's never been truly hungry.

Mess with them all you want. Just don't pay for anything.

Relax fellas the Women will have a Clitoris and they may be Christian and very very great. The Amish are great! Never forget that!

This is why men and women need eugenics, but the women need it much more than the men do

I was referring to getting involved, as in an actual relationship.
But on the topic of one-night-stands and bootycalls, I'm against that shit too. Because while you may just be pumping and dumping the whore, that's still one more white woman with another notch on her belt who is going to be even more of a whore. We all need to do our part and do away with pointless cummies from whores, because it takes two to tango, and by giving into slut culture, we're being part of the problem.

Yeah, because the people who rule the world are pathetic cowards who think themselves dependent on utterly disempowering the public the way their own abusers utterly disempowered them. The idea of feeding testosterone to people makes billionaires cry in their pillows.

You stand astride natural law. Repent! People will act rationally. Accept it and build a society that relies upon it. Cease to tell people they should accept a bad deal, and work instead to make the deal better!

Yeah they don't want us to have testosterone, people with testosterone get mad when they pay high taxes and don't even get clean drinking water or decent roads and tend to flip cars or even kill politicians.

Or maybe they're just refusing to take a shitty deal. If the law was reformed to take away the ability of women to financially rape men, many MGTOW will get back in the market.


I salute you, sir.

Like I care.


Gentlemen, we have one option left.
Hit up S&M dating sites and find masochists.

And that's entirely on her, not you and not me.

Wrong. The problem is all the stupid pussy begging cucks willing to pay full price anyways for their blown out cunts.

If you refuse to fuck a woman she'll just hop on some other cock. You've accomplished nothing. But if you marry one of them, or pay her child support or whatever, you just rewarded her for her sluttyness. Why the fuck would you do that?

Slightly off topic but I remember from Holla Forums years ago this story about a dude who had a whore girlfriend that magically got pregnant , despite him (without her knowledge) having been snipped years prior. He waited until the baby was born to deliver the devastating news. Congrats on the baby, I expect your shit out of my apartment next week. Talk about savage.

It's the only way they'll learn.

what about nun type positions? or teachers of other women? women can actually have some use and be good at things, but only when in their proper womanly positions and roles. feminism destroys any conception of all of these roles, so of course we wont see them today, but once society gets back on track and gender roles are enforced etc, you will start to see more opportunities and areas pop up where women are suitable for the part and men are not.
but in the beginning, yes, the best option is probably just to just kill all the roasties tbh. what use do they have?. my point though, is that women can do things that men cannot and they can be useful to society in ways that men cannot, but said things do not exist with feminism.

I remember that one. He'd acted like everything was fine, meanwhile had his lawyer organizing the ultimate Brown Pill. It was a heartwarming tale. Also a good pro-vascectomy argument. Dudes are precious about their ballsacks. Get some sperm put away, you can always have a vascectomy undone anyway.. Fuck if you feel like less of a man, run TRT, unless you're all scared of fucken needles as well.

The problem with no fucking the whores around you is you do not learn the life skills and needed mindset to rule your woman. Yea, plenty of chads whom are beta fucks thru and thru, but if you cannot even attract, retain and evoke desire in sluts today there is 0 fucking reason a decent female will be attracted to you. And if a woman is not attracted to you she is likely not going to stick around even if she is dead on 100% what is needed to provide a stable family base for a male.

While we may cloak ourselves in basement dwelling autist neets, if you desire a stable family you have to be the alpha male in the relationship and the life around you in general. When other men look around for an example you must be foremost in their mind, if not women also will not see you as what they want, even if you popped their cherry.

If you don't want to have kids, just don't have sex you absolute fucking degenerates.

Low sperm counts =/= no sperm counts. You could still impregnate her. I want to be 100% sure that I'm currently sterile.

Enjoy your 1000% increase in nonwhite population.

Simple solution: outlaw nonwhites.

The Roman multicultural dream is fading as back then, as it does now since it did not see the blood bonds. An unbroken Germanic tradition of blood shall defeat the Republic again. How little has changed?

Your home is where your people are.

Stop paying negresses to have kids, reform divorce laws, eliminate or limit alimony and this is pretty much what will happen. Way less nigger kids and more white kids, and it will happen organically.

There's a lot of idiots in this thread that have the same level of morality as kike (((feminists))).

>there are citycucks on Holla Forums right now that think Rome was in any way good and something to be emulated

There are plenty of civilizations for them to fuck off to. This is what they do.



that better not be a picture of your waifu user, we both know that's a husbando

Don't even joke about that bullshit.

This. What the fuck, it's not that hard, just stop being a degenerate.


Do not marry a slut. Do not impregnate a slut. If she's too good for you when she's 20, you're too good for her when you're 35. Social science has destroyed feminism's lies: women are happy when they marry 18-22 as virgins, submit to and respect their husbands, have babies and raise them before they worry about a career.

the women are broken because the men are too coward to be men

Sit them down, tell them how bad they fucked up, teach them that their only hope in life is to quickly re-train herself to be completely submissive and respectful toward a man, fuck him whenever and however he wants and thank him for the privilege, wake him up with skillful blowjobs, do all domestic work without a hint of complaint, and MAYBE she will land a respectable 40 year old man and pop out two kids before her ovaries shrivel up and she loses all sexual marketplace value.

This is why you don't marry sluts. The divorce rate skyrockets.

He finally landed a nice job and she stuck the landing on her dismount from the cock carousel. I feel sorry for both.

No, immoral women do this. Go listen to old country music like "Stand by Your Man." Your grandparents' generation did not have most women fucking Chads until they couldn't pair-bond anymore. Women used to do the slut shaming back then. "All women are traitors" is shilling to dissuade white men from reproducing. Whores are traitors, virtuous women are undyingly loyal and form the backbone of any successful civilization, and they deserve to be praised for this.

Look at how things were before no fault divorce and the Great Society. The problem is government and state-sponsored reinforcement of sollipsistic feminism. Most men today are SJWs, this is a problem with education, not genders.

This guy fucks. Or maybe he doesn't.

Are you a lesbian? Sex is virtually pointless if you're not going to enjoy finishing in the proper place without a piece of rubber taking away all sensation.

12 year old troll.

no you can't, pic related.

Not really. There are things like ParaGard which is just a copper coil which goes in to their womb.

I agree with not marrying whores, but I've started to consider becoming quasi-public sperm dispenser for needy white women wanting children. This is simply how fucked up the society is right now: we have feminism rotten women who want both kids and career and perfect husband and leisure time and money and being single freedoms.

Fulfilling their one wish that actually does any good should be applauded. Just go and impregnate as many as you can. Society will pay for single women raising them.

Men must again start valuing their self-worth in how many children they have sired.

There is a heavy wave of degeneracy going on, in this board, as of late. This, and the push for a Jew-made ad logging program has me thinking that the Masonic owner of this site is only concerned with ad money off of whom so ever he may attract to here.

Who do you mean? Play asia?

The pill isn't actually very effective. After 7 years of use, a woman has a 1 in 2 chance of getting pregnant.

Get fucked sluts.

The article is about men who already have kids and merely don't want more.

You really think donated ethnic european sperm is used as anything else than yid research material to neuter all of us forever by some bioweapon? Better you donate your load personally.

Well I did, but I'm married.
I did know guys in the service who are probably responsible for more than a few light-skinned Iraqis and Afghans.
And there are desperate women on craigslist who will actually go for the NSA donations, if you're willing to roll the dice on STDs.

Atta boy, Mel. Atta boy.

Correction: what they did.

The coming collapse will be global. You think the jews will find a new civilization to invade, parasitize, and encyst within in Africa? You think the chinks will take them in?

The jew knows his best chance for survival is within white civilization (synonymous terms by the way) where he has at least a small chance of blending in.

Pioneers are not mountain men. And the article you linked is so desperate to find evidence of even jew "pioneers" that it includes jews in late 19th century San Francisco.

Frisco. Pioneers. No. Not even close.

And look closely at the dates. The jews only went west after the strikes at Sutters Mill and Deadwood etc. The smell of all that gold attracted them.

Needy white women married to beta cucks who can be fooled / forced by the family courts to pay for your children are your best option.

This one? Brutal.

Have you looked at the birth rates of Germans?

Abstinence isn't that bad

I don't blame the men at all here.
It's honestly fucking sad, though. It's sad that we live in a world where the reproductive act, what creates life and sustains society, is being used both recklessly and with malicious intent. There's no trust between the sexes and understandably so. Women have become corrupted by materialism and viewing their potential husband as a means to an end, offering little to no regard for his overall health and, even worse, not fulfilling her role as a caretaker and someone who maintains order within the household. Of course, if you even so much as suggest this as a solution, you'll be met with hostility by those who are so utterly convinced that their hedonistic, "throw caution to the wind" lifestyle is the most desirable way of existing.
The result? Well it's obvious. Thanks to the advent of e-dating, courtship has become a laughable farce and feels more like a job application rather than a two-person pursuit towards a greater good and a better world. This outright unstable, hyper-emotional approach towards relationships can't sustain itself for much longer, it's far too warped.

Solution: pump and dump.

Dubs of truth won't get you off this wild ride, Mr. Nonskeleton. No, there will have to be a lot of chaos to disrupt the status quo. There will have to be a LOT of chaos. Like, for example, the level of chaos that you would get if you were to post proof that the Clinton family used tunnels beneath the White House to smuggle, rape, and kill babies. Can you drop those dox, dubsman? Can you rake that muck? Can you redpill the masses?

Then just don't suggest it. The point is getting these two to love one another in the name of

If what you're suggesting is truly the best arrangement for that to happen, then it will surely come to fruition.

Behold, the modern man.

tfw you're too old to be around when Longevity DNA drugs go on sale at Kikazon but you're so young that you realize it will take at least 2 generations to undo all the Rootless Cosmopolitan Womyn's Cancer culture to restore order to restore making white babies

In that case, I'd grin creepily wide and take pride in that accusation. It would send the bitch for a quadruple-loop.

In that case, I'd grin creepily wide and take pride in that accusation. It would send the bitch for a quadruple-loop.>>10569739

( in reply to )
Fucking Javashit isn't clearing the text box on post.

Sorry, you're wrong; having children's the sensible thing to do. Not having children is your, and your entire family line's long term, complete and ultimate death. Take some personal responsibility aready.

fucking hell

You might be wrong. Perhaps the way you think is the most important trait you should try to pass on!

I do blame them because they've lost sight of their soul and their vigor!

There's a plentitude of beautiful, sweet and loving women out there who only want a loving family and capable provider. All you need to do is sift through the crazies, don't be a tool and find your prize. It's really not hard.

BTW, tired of seeing these over-memed asiatic sad-future gifs; switch it up to at least russo sad-future gifs.

pic related


The crazies are more than capable of faking sanity long enough to trap you in a marriage. You only find out who she really is after it's too late.

Gaming has become fucking cancer along with the gamers.

Eddy murphy had this shit down in the 90s

Funny story: When you do it while very young you'll have a surprisingly high chance of sudden reconnection - and the doctors can't explain how this works exactly.

I'm actually going through libido dominandi by Michael E. Jones right now and I'm actually coming around to the idea of birth control being tremendously detrimental to not only the western world, but the world as a whole.

I'm obviously leaving out the african question, but that's not about birth control but niggerdom and (((NGOs))) feeding them endlessly so they can fuck around like apes and have infinite amounts of children.

Another thing: I've been on testosterone for a while now and it's definitely not a 100% effective male contraception system. There are endless stories of people having children even on massive (bodybuilding) kind of dosages.


I've been quite the degenerate banging multiple chicks for a long time. I've even fell for a couple of sluts, had my heart broken, learned what the hell I wanted from a woman (and actually, what they wanted from a man, too, even if they don't admit it) and finally met my actual GF who is a traditional white girl. It was a hard find but I definitely wouldn't have found her if I hadn't learned what to look for, or what to avoid. All of that had to be done to learn how to weed out the sluts.

nowadays it's chock full of info on the internet about what are red flags on a woman (weird color dyes, piercings ,tattoos, etc), back in my day (oldfag) there wasn't that much info around. Even then, I think a man journey, unless he's tremendously smart/lucky from the get go has to go through fucking a few women before settling.

Of course, it came out of his paycheck.

MGTOW losers get the fuck off my board you cunts.
Cut your dick off then you faggot, and I'll father children on your behalf you limpwristed cockbag.

A huge chunk of that percentage is 'human error'. It's not failure in effectiveness, is the hunt for child support and entrapment.

I mean they do have points. Middle aged rich men fucking our fertile women and spoiling them and not making babies but instead tossing them to the curb is bad for white fertility. How am I supposed to keep up with the lifestyle she is used to as a mid 20s joe in the factory? Why would I even want a used white to start a family? Essentially they are cucking younger men for no other reason than to fulfill their desires created by pornographers.

It's bad for whites, it's bad for families, and it's bad for women. It should be condemned.

Honestly I stopped doing that after I turned 27 and the hair on the top of my head fell out. Scream and cry and gnash and wail and call me a kike and a goy all you want, but all I desire is an AI/robot waifu. All this "race war make babies now" bullshit is just pissing into an ocean of piss.

There were probably reasons for it. Like she was a cunt in private to him and made him hesitant to commit.

Man ive been seeing that image for years and I still have to admit that clown is funny as fuck.

This meme is needlessly demoralising. I see it a lot.

I know many families with children conceived in the forties and late thirties who are fine, well adjusted, happy babies and kids. Maternal age is only one factor pertinent to Downs, autism etc.

I think there may even be a bit of a baby boom going on since I meet so many parents like this in London.

Personally I am financially stable, in a long established marriage and with a happy lifestyle. There's a lot to be said for having kids later on.

That's an old pasta and I vividly remember that the guy did not wait until the baby was born before he revealed the truth. That he heard some years later that she kept the baby so I don't think that's the one.

That image is pure entropy.

Not quite. You haven't met her yet. You've only met the persona she's projecting.

You'll meet her for real for the first time in divorce court.


Those women are already spoiled long before they ever get any grampa dick in them. Why are they going after middle age dick in the first place? It can't be for the virility or health. So what do middle aged men have that young men don't?

Accumulated assets. That's what.

Those women are whores going after the money. Don't breed with whores.

No factors are acceptable.

Honestly, it should be memed to black guys to get a vasectomy. All the sex you want, and no worries about a kid. Play up on the MGTOW talking points. MGTOW existed without a name a lot longer amongst niggers than it did amongst whites.

Holy shit, a living meme.

True. I can't stand 99% of the gaming community. They're some of the most "progressive," diversity loving rats I've ever come across, yet they're the ones pegged as racists and sexists by feminists? The gaming community is a good 20 years more Weimar than general society. Especially the love of gooks. The love for gooks in the gaming community disgusts me. Instead of coal-burners, in the gaming community you get rice-cookers, or whatever the fuck you call the bimbos who date slant-eyes. There's so much gook worship from both genders. From their dumb "weeb" anime shit that everyone latches onto because they grew up watching pokemon, or the way gaming culture was unjustly attributed to gooks, when in reality white men created it, and white men still create the best games. Everyone wants to visit the shit-hole Japan and eat sushi and brandish their little samurai swords (inferior to European swords). Meanwhile, gooks, in typical gook fashion, are reiterating the same old thing twenty years later, because they lack the innovative ability of whites. A "weeb" is to gooks as a wigger is to niggers, and the gaming community is full of them. Gamers are all "anti-racist" pseudo-politically incorrect rats who couldn't strike a serious tone on a topic if their lives depended on it. They all want to make little "edgy" jokes, but then lecture you on why your legitimate beliefs are bad. They hold true to nearly all Cultural Marxist beliefs, and cover it up with a facade of pseudo-politically incorrect wit.

Of course, you fucking retard. They're not developing children, they're grown adults. Unless a person is mentally disabled, they have agency. Drop your stupid feminist tier meme of diverting all female responsibility onto me.

How about surrogacy? At least your child won't end up raised by a single mother.

Has the same legal liability as with any other woman except they demand cash up front. If she "chooses" to keep your baby, the courts will give it to her ("her body her choice"), let her keep all the surrogacy payments, and nail you for 18+ years of child support. The only exceptions I know of were "married" fags who only won because homos are a protected, privileged class, and even they had to shell out a fuckload of shekels to their jew lawyers to keep the child they already paid for.

And even if you do by some legal miracle (and a fuckload of cash spent on lawyers) convince the courts to grant you your child, all it takes is one "concerned parent" or "concerned teacher" to disapprove of your surrogate single fatherhood and make a call to protective services. Then your child ends up in foster care, and you will get nailed for 18+ years of child support anyways.

"Family" courts don't want single heterosexual white men to raise their own children. They want single white heterosexual men to pay child support. Because they get a cut from every check. And they will lie, cheat, perjure, whatever to get it.

If you're going to try the surrogacy route, don't do it in the feminist west. And good luck finding a white surrogate and egg donor anywhere else. Maybe eastern europe, but that's where you'll be stuck for two decades raising your child.

Women start puberty earlier but also peak much earlier. Most of them will remain on the emotional and intellectual level of teens.

Hate to break it to you, user, but a christanon testified that eastern euro is on its way into the feminist shit-gutter


And yet for some inexplicable reason they are permitted to vote.

egalitarians aren't welcome here

Idk what games you play, but every white guy with a mic on csgo hates niggers and (((them))). Hell one time some dude played Alabama nigger the whole match. The higher you rank up the more pol tier you're matched with.