Other urls found in this thread:
this woman just makes me sad.
I say, good allegory sir. Yes, a fine retelling of contrarian economics from the perspective of a sexual deviant.
So how much of that is edited? I refuse to believe she actually calls him her cucksband.
Believe me its not that much of a stretch
nvm I found the original she's just as hopelessly brainwaished as all the other faggots
I can't tell if this is a genuine LOL thread (shitposting) or just a guy angry because the Holla Forums arguing thread was deleted so he wants to stir it up again in a new thread.
Cancer thread
It's genuine.I didn't even know there was Holla Forums thread
It was just a guy angry at Holla Forums who sperged out in a BF1 hate thread and people were retarded enough to feed the troll. Anyway I'll leave you be since I can't remove your Holla Forums thread. Enjoy your shitposting thread.
Did anyone else notice that?
I can't fucking deal with this today.
What I hate the most about these drawings is the way they look like a children's book.
You might have a problem dude. You sound like a shitposting addict.
Am I the only one who doesn't hate this webcomic?
i mean, sure, It's SJW as fuck, but this comic is trying to teach people about sex stuff like protection and proper technique, whereas sex ed in america is garbage.
Plus, it doesn't seem like it's trying to shame people for finding tits appealing, something most SJW content does all the time. Calling men rapists for liking tits and all.
video games?
I was expecting an SS officer to make her(?) kneel on the last panel and shoot her in the head.
Guess I was too optimistic
Do these people even realize the original meaning of the word queer being strange?
Jesus fuck.
Man you either need to start taking drugs for that brain or yours or stop. Something is seriously not working there.
It just doesn't make me mad. To be fair, the only other ones I seen were that, the one talking about UTIs and clamidya, and the one that promoted Dragon Age.
You fucking what?
Oh, Holla Forums, everything is all about them nowadays.
Do these people even realize the original meaning of the word gay being happy?
Jesus fuck.
huh, seems like B^U is actually getting a little better at art. Good for him.
Considering how long it took him, that's kinda depressing.
I don't understand.
I think he mind controlled the bully with his yellow eyes or something.
we did it guys
I wonder how many newfags are here because of that article.
Don't be shy, say hi!
Considering it was an article on TIME magazine, the only type of newfag it would potentially lure to our cozy hellhole is actual pedos on their 40s that believed on the child pornography bit
Amazing, I don't know how but this one just works, it seems Buckley can sometimes actually make some good content.
I want that Gimp pokemon
Um, that's not Buckley, that's The Escapist comic strip by Carter and Grey.
wow this is really mosttrollychan, I'm getting trollyied so hard
Oh shit, meant
Fucking hell I feel retarded
Makes me wonder, what is there even to discuss about cp? You think they're really concerned with what gear offers the best lighting or some shit?
I'm imagining a handful of elderly British men around a fireplace "discussing" cp now.
"Did you read the latest issue of fucking children monthly? Damn good story on how the modern slave trade influences local markets. Invest heavily in happy meal toys this month, lads!"
Next thing you know, there'll be a shitposters' union.
They probably think that they are discussing ways of kidnapping children without alerting other people, how to make the child not tell his parents what happened, how much for a 5 year old's blowjob, how much will you give me for this mexican child and so on.
haha us channers right?????????
never forget never forgive XD
If youtube comments are inconsequential, which they are, why bother blocking them?
Mom's gonna flip when she see's this
I pray everyday that that was made ironically
With how much people get absorbed into their internet communities, you should know better
What game got their headpats removed anyways?
There must be a way to remedy this.
Fire Emblem: Fates I believe
Milo posts his shit there. It's only a matter of time.
Let's teach everybody to be nice to their babysitters instead
the furry pound at least had really good servers with no shit ads or fake player numbers. i'll take furry pound than lotus clan anyday
the captcha was "gay pie"
For fuck sakes
She's a bisexual. Except she is so mundane, boring and insecure that she needs to be a special snowflake so she calls herself a unique stupid as fuck label.
i like my servers with map rotation, and not shitty ads and 2fort/dustbowl only servers with ads and "member benefits". just disable the sprays and the chat and you'll be fine
Fund weapons design. Build more nukes.
We'll need more than nuclear warheads for humanity user
I don't give a shit. If a server has people playing, Im there. I hardly ever look at server names, just ping and players.
I do as well but god damn, some of those people aren't even playing. Dunno how many MLP related servers I've been in. The people don't do jackshit either way occasionally and it's awful
This had to be a joke
Right up until the horsefuckers or furfags decide that every animal should look physically similar, fucking up the silhouette of each character and making them indistinguishable from one another.
I also wish it were easier to purge the files off of my computer, I don't want to download the materials and models for your gay shit and have them kept there forever. Fucking faggots.
>I want that Gimp pokemon
One that works just like the more popular and well known program, but is absolutely free and looks like shit?
I thought we were done with this artist
wasn't this guy a goon or something?
yabba dabba doo
I wonder if he'll make "Ghost of Harambe invades my Butthole" or something. He was able to make one for Trump pretty quick.
That was from BG's book, right?
Time Magazine
He also made one for Brexit called "Pound turned gay by the socioeconomic implications of Britain leaving the European Union".
i dont get this
Obviously someone wanted a songbird™ ocarina and tried to homebrew it. That last panel clearly shows that the song of storms was played.
Also some controversy over workers being unpaid and shit to the point unions chimed in to help
So according to this article, nothing in this movie should have a serious negative effect on a child's well being. This then means that by the age of 11, children have already come to terms and or experienced this content. What a Brave New World™ the swedes live in.
I'm going to see if later I can get a digital copy of Gregory Mcdonald's Flynn and post that one page from it.
Reminder that he's in cahoots with Quinn.
I noticed people search for her too when looking up chuck. Do you have the story behind that? Was he incidental to that whole Hugo awards deal?
Any source?
That nigger got blown out.
Then it was him posting multiple times responding to people calling him a retard.
On top of that he admitted to being cancer.
I'm dying!
Are these books real? I'm buying one.
This cake is so delicious and moist.
Hi newbro
she totally cucks him doesn't she
I cant remember girlz n games comics, post em
Where are you faggots coming from?
I came here from halfchan shortly before the first exodus
I want to fuck wowoman and erin
sure you did.
Aww, and here I was thinking the guy was just doing it for shits and giggles, not as some sort of goon humor.
Where's the edits
That joke got old in 1 year
Oh no.
Good god, no.
I got your edits right here
*unzips external hard drive*
Any more?
Oh fuck its that one
not on me, sadly. I also couldn't find the Laser Cheese Magic: The Gathering card I made.
Its effect is that you can tap it to destrooy target white permanent
Fuck user that's good
Based on casual searches, superlative reading techniques, and delving into what reddit calls an interview and seeing the response to a question about seals, my theory is that chuck tingle is the screen name from one of the Weird Twitter group, possibly even from Something Awful, I haven't looked to see if there's any forum memes from there in his books. His book was nominated in the Hugo awards for sci fi books, not sure by which group, but somehow this "counter-trolled" gamergate and proved that the awards weren't corrupt.
The Hugo awards is still definitely a shitshow, though.
That sounds ominous.
Post more.
Sure thing buddy, but someone better post some trap porn to keep me going.
Man of great taste.
There's a lot of weird fetishes I can still understand but I really don't get this one.
The Prisoner was a good TV show, I sympathise.
Are tumblr people allowed to do this without being stoned? Also enough of this demisexual/pansexual shit. There's men and there's women. You like one of them or both of them, that's it.
These are fucking gold.
Yea boii
The fill tool is being a bitch today.
Thanks for posting my jam fam
Well it looks like I'll have to wait until I get back to the house and find my physical copy, but basically there's this irish detective and he tells his sons to go play hooky to find an underground guerrilla group that turns out to be a single crazy guy broadcasting from an upstairs apartment and while they do this they join this underground sex club for people to discover themselves again and it has I think a grandmother as well as someone else so terrible my mind has blocked everything about it and afterwards they come back and one of them complains he might've gotten gonorrhea and the father goes "jolly good."
I think the sons were either 11 or 12.
What's your fetish, user?
It's not something that makes sense, it's something that gets you off.
What you thought was Wednesday was actually FRIDAY!
THIS is the real wednesday!
Don't ask me why Friday was named Wednesday. I honestly don't know.
Yeah. If you can do the same shit with it without paying loads of dosh, who cares what the UI looks like? Besides, you can literally download UI themes to fix that. I did.
you could've at least waited for the thread to expire first
Why is there a nigger?
Not bad.
That nu-Laura can barely handle fast moving water and rocks, and I'm supposed to believe a Predator would be scared?
This actually seems kind of interesting
Good job!
What took you so long?
It's not so bad.
Those servers are sometimes fun as hell, but too many of them have babysitting admins/moderators to make sure you don't color outside the lines. Most people don't give a shit about what language you use, but admins get booty bloated when you say faggot.
At least my fetish involves sex.
ghost town, pear tart, rhinoceros beetle, Spiral Staircase, rhinoceros beetle..
Holla Forums-underage permavirgins bitching
Oh no.
I was busy getting dubs. You should've checked them.
That shit is pretty hot.
who knew?
Also how does she make sex seem unappealing in her comics?
Well done.
Reminds me of "ShortCuts".
By the way, what did halfchan think of this? Did they make threads about this? Planned to raid us? Anything?
Fucking hell, we have IDs here, worthless newsamefag
Youtube celebrities were a mistake.
I don't think anyone went over there to check at the time, which I can't tell is a good thing because we don't need validation from other people now or not because possibly some upset autist announced paying someone a thousand dollars for a botnet to spam the site and having some forewarning might've been nice.
it's a shame this artist likes fucking dickgirls and /d/ shit so much
I can't get off to this shit, and I'm pretty liberal with my fetishes. Why would you fantasize about getting your hands on a hot girl, tearing her clothes off and then… watching an egg fall out her anus? Bitch, I am not a fish, fuck off with that shit.
Where else would they come from user? Her penis?
From her womb, like G-d intended.
why would he want her to deliver with her ass, though
I wonder what do they smell like
Honestly I was okay with it until then. Using "queer", and just "queer" to define someone confused about where they stand sexually seems like a fine concept. Straight, bi/queer, gay/lesbian. That's all you really need. I was digging the simplicity right up until she used that fucking term and tried to normalize cuckoldry.
I have to admit, Nesthair fucking got me
They mostly discuss how to hide it. The kiddy diddlers also share tips on grooming and how to get the child to keep quiet. I'd upload a long discussion from what I think was masterchan, but torfags can't upload.
I know this because there is no better source of OPSEC tips than people whose life depends on OPSEC, find a different target for your crusade.
Don't worry, that was an edit. Turns out leftists hate the word cuck because it is too accurate. They prefer the term "open relationship" so they can pretend they also get laid. Even they know that sort of relationship is wrong.
I chuckled
Also, is there any kind of name or gender for this type of short stories?
jesus fuck, you fags read more degenerate sjw shit than sjws themselves
Very nice. Impressive.
I hope someday for gulags filled with leftist subhumans, where they are rightfully forced to do useless labor to death while they are raped and mutilated at the will of their captors…. Imagine a fucking leftist numale having a mental breakdown coming to terms with its fate, eventually being reduced to a grunting basic animal sleeping in dirt and pissing on itself. Leftist cattle scum deserve the worst treatment that humans have to offer, leftists are sub-animal, they are below cockroaches and ant, they should be treated with no mercy or respect whatsoever.
We only do so ironically. 😉
I know, Satan. I was replying to myself on purpose. Kept hitting submit and then immediately thinking of something else to add to it.
I need sleep.
a dubious claim
more like fanart was
does this become porn at some point? if so sauce please.
fucking exactly
She's Bi, but she has some mental condition that makes her feel the need to make some special snowflake sexuality.
If you're asking to be spoonfed, cry like a baby and say please and thank you.
Just like Jim
Were the 10bux well spent, goon?
misquote my friend, no need to get all aggressive.
believe it or not but i was busy searching for the source of another porno when i typed that. thanks tho, this makes things easier
That pic forgets GoreGallery and ConsumptionJunction, who taught us to enjoy life - because it's short, and will probably come to a horrifically gruesome end.
does that shit even work, i need answers
not bad
Still better than Pokemon Uraniums lineup
Apparently some of those shitty sprites were taken from old non pokemon forums made by other people
but she has to have some feelings for you ahead of time to make the touch activate it
nigga HOW
Lust is a deadly sin.
It's a good test to see whether or not the 3dpd that attached itself to you has any redeeming qualities. If she rejects the headpatting then she is 200% garbage. If she reacts like in that image then maybe she is workable.
was waiting for this specifically
good shit
Essentially she's a pervert.
And some reason thinks we all have to be ok with that.
This woman is gross, she's just a modern day libertine.
She'd trying to justify her whorish ways, to make others do them too in an attempt to save face
What the fuck is this piece of chum?
life is difficult
I guess they just ignored it.
Wait, are these cookie monsters trying to "own" that word now? Is it like nigger, where they can all themselves that, but the moment I call them that - they get turbotriggered?
I just noticed the guy in the background.
Here's something
Don`t listen to this faggots user, you may get a reaction, but only if she has some affection towards you
If you manage to conquer NEETdon and get a girlfriend, but she doesn`t respond that that stimulus, you can always condition her to do so. Pat her head as a affirmation to any action that releases endorfin on her system, that accompany with verbal affirmation may trigger a positive response as the brain associate both things, it works better during/after sex
I once did that but with bitting, the girl almost bit my lip off, seriously
its a good thing i like rough shit and head pats
communicating with women is still a hurdle though
I've always wondered if nips considered themselves as white.
ayo hol up *smacks lips*
but we WUZ egyptians and shit!
*bites kfc chicken*
bix nood ooga booga
we wuz woke!
Ancient Egyptians user. Completely different.
in the 2D world, anything is possible
that was unexpected from a Flintstones comicbook
What in the fuck.
It's a bedsheet.
i think its just a bad sheet detail
no they're veins
I think they're crumpled sheets, user.
I mean come on, she doesn't even have a tourniquet on. How am I supposed to get an IV into her leg veins anyways? There are too many important arteries going through the legs and veins buried anyways.
You go for the AC or let me do it.
The grossest part of that, is that she harps on and on and on about identities, but she is falling in love with "vaginas" and "cocks" and lets herself be carried away by whatever she's fucking. It just makes her come off as your standard non-identity crisis having daddy issues girl with no ambitions besides attention.
i've never felt this much secondhand embarrassment while reading a single post.
Of course it doesn’t, you stupid autistic faggot.
Given that they’re genetically related thereto (and therefore psychologically related), yeah, they do.
That's actually really interesting. How the hell did that end up happening?
Either Egypt back then was full of Europeans and they got slowly pushed out due to lots of shit (including the eventual fall of Rome), or King Tut's ancestors had a thing for Europeans and he doesn't represent the common person of that time.
Most egyptians were of european decent actually, except some nubian dynasties(of course)
The majority of the middle-east was much whiter than it is nowadays, the reason they now all have brown skin and black hair is because the original inhabitants 'bred' with the arabs after muslims conquests.
Kind of like what's happening in Europe today.
Time to teach you the beginning of human history.
Before the end of the last ice age, there was a global white seafaring civilization. Egypt was close to its heart, but it had settlements in the middle east, central and south america, and even in the far east (north Japan). When the Younger Dryas event happened, the glaciers melted and flooded the entire world’s roughly 400 feet deep and 200 miles inland. Did you know that 75% of the population, TODAY, lives within roughly 200 miles of the coast? Why would it have been different then? Civilization fell as its cities drowned.
Did you think Noah was just a story? Did you think it was pure coincidence (goyim) that EVERY SINGLE “NATIVE” CIVILIZATION (that “never had contact with anyone else until European colonization in the 1800s) has a story about a GLOBAL flood? “Ancient” Egyptians were as white as modern Europeans (pre-dune coon invasion) because “Ancient” Egypt was built on top of what was left of the former global civilization.
sorry i meant to post. this image is great, saved
It's shitty porn. There's not much to get.
Games used to teach these kinds of things.
Storytime thread is still up on Holla Forums if you want to go take a look. It's a hell of a lot better than anyone was expecting it to be.
It's a good idea, but the author is pushing an agenda that everything is cool, being a sluth pansexual trashfucker is ok…..we need something to show that if you want to be a slut you will be called a slut and why
More like Sam we wuz.
No they're bedsheets retard.
Yeah, it's so well drawn he should have recognized them immediately.