In november. inb4 russians with six gojillion accounts fuck the game even further
EVE online going free to play
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i can't see this as anything but a terrible decision.
r.i.p. eve online
Goons were thrown out. So they kill the game and move somewhere else.
About time this pathetic excuse of a game died, the only one that's going to be sad is iceland's GDP.
So it's a free option in additional to Eve's classic paid option? Shouldn't really hurt the economy much but I see the community quality under the mid-tier corporation players going down a ton. Bot mining won't change considering most corps already ran them off of in-game profit
it's not fun anymore for goons so they crash and burn the whole game
Maybe it's time for Icelanders to do some work instead of leeching off geothermal energy and debt.
Shocked how the game survived so long without going F2P. The game is garbage and why anyone would pay a subscription to play it is beyond me. Though then again, I would be against any game with a fucking subscription rather than a solid price.
It'll move most industry to free to play accounts. Even less of a reason to go dedicated industrial.
I think F2P accounts won't be able to do anything relating to T2 modules, so they won't make much profit off of industry.
You wouldn't recognize a goon if he fucked you in the ass.
You know, I actually like where this is going.
I don't have alot of real life money, my trial account is sitting on 80 million ISK.
Got all that by Exploration in tier 1 exploring Frigates.
Hunting for Relic/Data sates in LowSec is intense as fuck, as I could be attacked at any moment.
Goons are about as relevant as PN in CURRENT YEAR.
The only things they still have control over is some retarded sjw sockpuppets.
Yeah, that's my thinking. Corporations run their shit at pretty high levels, so as long as these F2P are balanced right where the time expense of coordinating a gorillion free accounts isn't worth just using a couple maxed accounts then these free players won't be much more than cannon fodder.
, so F2P won't much more than cannon fodder.
Too bad they can't train Mining Barges or freighters/battleships, christ that would be an amazing first week of shitters just flying expensive shitfit ships into nullsec and getting assblasted.
Enough noobships can one shoot a titan.
Fuck mobile posting
And one titan smartbomb can oneshot enough noobships.
It was already essentially Play 2 Pay, since you could buy plex with ingame money for ages.
Also this.
1 0 B U X F O R A S H I T T Y F O R U M
Knowing those Icelandic kikes, they probably have hidden advertisement in their websites.
So, after goons were fucked off from the game, it isn't profitable anymore?
So they made it so you could grind for the privilege of playing some more… so you could grind to play some more? That is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Subscription games are cancer.
Goons are working at CCP. They've been fucking up game design for years and this is the death stroke. Soon they'll fuck off to gather around a new game to shit up.
If you're crafty enough you can make enough ISK pasively so your account pays for itself.
It already happened with Scam Citizen.
I'm sure you have proof of this.
You're a goon, you should know.
What is this meme?
You're not allowed to post here when you're underage.
lurk moar newfag
If only the game wasn't a massive fucking grind, it might be enjoyable.
I find the fact that they consider being able to play the game more a reward insulting, regardless of if you can make it pay for itself with enough work. Its shit like this that makes me hate subscription games, because rather than the devs making a good game with that constant money, they just assume its great and throw chicken bones to their masses.
Either go F2P and gouge through microtransactions, or straight up make it a solid price. I feel subscription games are the worst of both worlds and just makes me sick to my stomach. Doesn't help that not a single fucking subscription game has proven itself worthy of its pay model when there are actual f2p games out there that fucking run circles around them.
But it isn't? You literally do not have to do anything for skills to train and you can set up passive income with planetary interaction.
I vaguely remember there was a guy a while back who was complaining about how he lost $10 or $20, but I think that was about PSN.
Ehh, you gotta get the seed money to start with planetary shit and unless you have some guy throwing a couple of millions at you, you gotta grind for it.
Wrong. Get out.
You can set up OK PI with around 10 million. Which is around three hours of mining.
Well I haven't played in ages, last time I checked it was more tedious than that.
Can't learn any PI skills with F2P accounts as far as I can tell.
That's also good, since people would just set up ten PI characters at a time and make obscene amounts of money.
I like how they gave lore reasons for it, also now EVE is like runescape in that you can pay the game entirely for free now if you don't suck dick at the game and have time to burn.
Sorry. I know jack shit about EVE.
whilst I'm looking forward to this. Everyone knows this is the death of CCP and EVE online. Monoclegate 2.0.
Jita will burn again.
Until the market crashed and export taxes were more expensive than the market value of the materials.
Shame, this was a one of a kind game.
You'd have thought some other studio would've shown up and one-upped CCP in the player-driven content department but NOPE
Set zoom to "all" and look at that catastrophic drop off in player count, literally half the player base left in the past 2 years. It started with the massive stagnation of the null sec sov game (which was caused by Goons), then CCP's heavy handed attempts to "fix" it (which in the end did fuck all other than making life infinitely more inconvenient) made a ton more people quit, there was a decent spike during World War Bee but that was short-lived since the Goons tried their typical "bore the enemy to death" "strategy" and weren't showing up to any fights.
The reasons for the game dying are split 50/50 between Goons' influence on the game and within CCP itself (such as when they got CCP to create the technetium bottleneck for them to profit astronomically off of, which is when their power hit critical mass and the sov game totally stagnated), and CCP's own dumbfuck decisions that came without the Goons' help (a big one that comes to mind would be leaving Eve development on the backburner for several years so they could focus on that pointless Dust 514 shit game).
Sounds good enough to pilot a T1-Battlecruiser like a Hurrican and have fun.
I played Eve for almost 7 years and despite all the Capitals and T3-cruisers i had, nothing beats a good old fashioned T1-gang that doesn't plan to return home.
The obvious answer is publishers are gigantic morons and just look at WoW's (now waning) success and try to make infinite clones of it, which fail every single fucking time. It's no coincidence Eve is older than WoW, it'd be impossible to get the development of a sandbox MMO funded in a post-WoW world.
Just to give more perspective to how bad that drop in player count is, it's now down to 2006 levels. The past 10 years of growth have been annihilated and it went back to the player count it had a couple years after launch.
Limit of one free account running the game at a time, the gorillion free alts will never happen.
Sansha null is sparsely populated by retarded Russians who don't know how to gatecamp and relic sites can net you upwards of 150mil per site, if you're lucky. Or at least, that was still the case when I was playing this spring. This is also in T1 explo (T2 too slow).
Pic related, couple hours of explo a day for ~10 days.
Just run a garillion vms
The simple sad fact of the matter is someone is going to go to the effort to bypass what ever attempt they make at preventing multiboxing free accounts, and before long we'll see entire fleets of suicide catalysts controlled by one guy.
It costs money to join somethingawful. For the low, low price of 10 (ten) dollary doos, you can discuss pants shitting with the kind of people who use "cisgender" unironically.
well, they've been making an awful lot of terrible decisions over the last couple years. what's one more?
Dance threads when the finally dies when? because they deserve their shit handed to them, and how's EVE Valkyrie doing?
Why exactly?
Is it really worth destroying something unique just to spite CCP?
This meme feels familiar I can't remember where I picked it up from.
I really wanted 514 to be fun. EVE has always been neat to me but it just wasn't my particular brand of autism.
Stillborn because microtransactions and strangled stagnant market potential. You needed an Oculus Rift to play the game.
You see it sometimes in EULAs and other shit that needs to be retard proof.
Muh dick.
Fuck off goons
I mean I remember hanging out with some people and they would type like that all the time.
It's a pity they squandered their position on the market like that.
Good job dude.
what in the fuck
They made their bed by catering to the goons, and don't see how this game can bounce back.
Wew, one competition less for Starmageddon.
But I thought this game was a space empire asshole merchant simulator? :^)
New fags man new fags
Just like make grind user
It's a genuine Pinocchio device. You go in as a man, and emerge distinctly more jewish, scarred for life.
Go back to something awful
Pretty sad.
So can anyone can post those screencaps on that story about that user who did a Jewish Conglomerate in the game?
So what's the update on Moneybadger-Goons war?
Last I heard was goons dissolved and filtered into any corp stupid enough to take them in.
So it's essentially just neutered alts. Can they fly T3 Destroyers?
Goons lost, MBC broke up, TEST(reddit) still shitters, PL/NC. is the current boogeyman for everyone, since they have the numbers and aren't flat out bad at the game.
shits dead.
heres your (You)
Anyone know what average active players are? Last I played it was hovering around 25k, but the amount of bots obviously inflated that shit way high.
That already existed. There was this one chink autist with 40 accounts doing those endgame PvE raid things whatever they were called solo.
It was fucking hilarious to suicidegank him with a shitty 0.01$ ship while he loses his 20$ plaything every time
No thanks.
I played on and off for several years, but it just got boring doing the same stuff and the blob warfare was tedious hours of nothing followed by spikes of fighting where so many players in one area would drag the gameplay down to 1 frame every 5 seconds. Smaller gang level, roaming hunting of other players and gate camping for noobs was out cos at least you could get some salty rages in chat. In the end though the only reason I was still playing was an out of game 3rd party gambling site where you could send in-game currency and then gamble for in-game ships and stuff., I ended up putting billions into that and just spending all my game time gambling instead, without even trying and whilst being drunk I ended up making billions more than I put in. But the Dev's didn't like it so shut them down. RIP Somerblink, the only reason why I kept my sub for so long.
Now that it's going free to play I might play it just so I can use the new EVE gambling site, maybe.
Fuck off.
They may have been goons, but the Reavers were a lot of fucking fun.
She's Swedish though, so probably warranted.
except I had all the fun I needed in the last free period, eve fucking blows
What a shit overview. Goondrones please go and stay go.
Jesus Christ, i quit after my alliance (ev0ke) NCdot, Tri and PL pushed the carebears out of the Norths and it was at 50-65k back then.
From the desrciption it sounds pretty much like T1 stuff, maybe T2 at best.
Sorry i have a better Laptop now.
So, is it worth getting into?
I always felt like paying a few months but it seems like something I need to spend a decade on to do something meaningful
I might play it now, if that's the case
so, what will the free 2 play model be? too p2w?
You can do something meaningfull in a cheap shit after a few days as long as you have a fun group to hang out with for small gang stuff.
Most people go into Eve like any other MMO, go through all tutorial shit and start grinding because they've been trained that that's how things are in MMO.
To bad EVE players are paranoid xenophobes and generally bitter as fuck. Or outright retarded.
This Eve is dead.
Anyone saying you should play is a fucking retard.
Nothing is fun I've been playing since 2006-7, on and off.
This was my dream game and CCP has slowly ripped any enjoyment out of it.
I've heard from anons it's gotten worse, yeah.
In my time it was always possible to at least get into a small priate gang and fuck shit up as a noob in a rifter or at least join RvB but apparently these days you have to give full access to your account just to do that because muh spies and muh corptheft.
To be fair it's the playerbase who did that, and CCP simply didn't know how to tackle the abuse of Sov-Warfare mechanics no matter how hard they tried.
I blame the Northern Coalition, Goonswarm and the Russian RMT-syndicates.
I spent all my time trying to kill these fools, my conscience is clean.
Pandemic Horde and some goon noob corps just let you in no questions asked, no APIs no bullshit, and get a decent amount of content.
what did they change?
There's only CCP to blame for their inability to come up with an engaging, enjoyable and balanced sovereignty system and capital shit warfare.
To be fair, the Serious Business™-mentality of your average sov-holding alliance meant any system would be abused and turned into shit sooner or later.
Completely removing the changes to meta and corp interactions here are a few.
No excuse to keep it festering like CCP did. Instead of risking a shitstorm they left EVE to suffocate on its own vomit.
So what's next for CCP after EVE? Are they gonna try and make an EVE 2, or do you think they'll do something different? Maybe a non-MMO this time?
They have nothing.
This completely ruined all PvP on its own. No other change required.
Maybe. The level of RMT involved in sov makes me thing it was a doomed endeavor, but I'm open to being wrong.
In the end, the game is over 13 years old, nothing lasts forever.
Considering how all their projects seem to go they're pretty much fucked. CCP is unable to bring anything fully featured and finished to market.
Good fuck them for buying the VTMB licensing only to sit on it.
What did they do to killmails? Don't tell me they removed that mechanic.
If they only sat on it, it wouldn't be such a failure. They sunk a lot of time and development resources into WoD, which amounted to a dead WoD and the absolutely useless CQ added to EVE.
Plex is awful its the direct cause of the collaspe of the games structure.
What did you do when your ship was destroyed? You have to buy it with ISK, or make a new one.
Which had people do a number of things, grind missions selling salvage, mining, industry or anything.
Unless you had a dedicated industry or income already through trading, scamming, PI, or other things.
NOW, Plex is the bandaid that corps and alliances use for making shit decisions.
You have entire corporations that are propped up by someones wallet and not in game activity.
I had the same discussion years ago with /dog/ and they would not fucking here it.
3 years later and everything has fucking inflated.
To pvp you absolutely needed an alt, even better if it was a second account for the skills, in carebears zone to produce and trade shit to fund your ships.
Or just join the 10bux hivemind to get free ships, but you lose your liberty, same if you join any corporations in 0.0.
Now that the goons are gone, I can see why they want it to crash and burn, I'm really glad those one trick ponies at CCP don't own the Vampire license anymore.
They also sunk a bunch of money into DUST 514, had it die, and are now sinking another bunch of money into a PC version, which will probably also die.
It was actually a genious stroke by CCP, having all this paid game time sitting on the market and no need to service it.
Hey, all that investment into Carbon got us Pilot character models and walking on stations broomclosets so that was worth it, right?
DUST 514 died because it was console exclusive, while the game and everyone with any interest in such a game was playing EVE, which is PC exclusive. Absolutely retarded contracting there. Should have been PC from the get go. Now it's too fucking late.
they're actually porting dust, or just the legion whateverthefuckother trainwreck they were working on?
CQ doesn't even have a bathroom….
Aye, moving it to unreal 4, calling it Project Nova for now. tbh smh fampai, it looks not that awful
In the short term, however it completely breaks apart the game leaving everything barely held together with gum and wishes.
For a metaphor, I would say its like printing money to pay off debts, it works at first but eventually everything will fall apart.
Their mistake was to sit on the money instead of using it for something worthwhile.
I'm pretty sure they pissed there money away trying to make a new IP, instead of re-investing it into something that was making them money.
how does their management team even function in day to day life?
What liberty? You mean fuully communist corps with 100% Tax or something? All PVP-corps i've ever dealt with had Corpfleets with fleetfittings and full reimbursement policies but everyone still did his own think and had his own wealth. PL did it like that, Triumvirate, Cry Havoc, Evoke, Dead Terrorists, NC, i'm fairly sure most of Against All Authorities too.
Oh man that technetium monopoly cancer that CCP did nearly killed the game on its own. Goons used that to fuck up so much shit in so many different ways… everything from Hulkageddon to their epic "boredom" strat was fueled by the money from that one thing.
Idiots at CCP + Mittens occasionally pulling a good idea out of his ass = massive damage to the game.
I can all but assure you the change that made the technetium bottleneck happened because of Goon string pulling. When they first put the changes for that on the test server, everyone was warning them it would make technetium a bottleneck, CCP didn't care at all and went forward with the changes as is. Add in the fact that there were Goons working as devs at CCP at the time and there you go.
Also Goons were doing Hulkageddon long before the technetium thing, I remember them first doing it in 2008 or so. Funnily enough they killed it when they tried to make it into a permanent ongoing thing than a once a year event.
Sage for double post
But Technetium was already bottlenecked since the -G-Alliance sat in the northern region and groomed alliances like Morsus Mihi and Razor as pets to be future Northern Coalition shareholders. The north hoarded wealth long before Goonfleet even existed.
why do autistic retards play such a shit game
what can a lone casual do in this game? i only play games for like an hour after work each day but if i can have a nice little spaceship and fly around interesting places it would be cool
Not much to be honest. Too much time required to prepare and then too much time required to shut down.
You can get bored.
Sorta, but back then it was still peanuts compared to the major bottleneck that existed before the changes, dysprosium (or whatever one it was that was in and around Delve, pretty sure that was it). The changes were supposed to fix the dyspro bottleneck and instead made tech an even bigger one than dyspro ever was.
What do you expect would happen if you went alone exploring into an entirely lawless space where thousands of bored and heavily armed people already live?
Give up
Before you do anything, go and calculate how long it will take with a fresh spawn to train to actually fly something fun.
AND FIT IT COMPLETELY, like a dumb scrub I planned on being able to fly my stealth bomber during the weekend just to find out it would take me an additional month to get to tech 2 torps which were necessary to fly the ship.
scrub indeed
Is that what alchemy was about? I thought that was intended to be the end-all for all bottlenecks. So instead it made an already valuable ressource even more valuable?
Absolutely nothing actually, I've done that plenty of times.
You need T2 to fit everything else on without wasting your low energy slots.
Alchemy was an earlier failure of a fix, the changes I was talking about had to do with changing the material requirements for T2 components. After the tech buff, they added some more alchemy recipes to try to deal with that which didn't help much. Then they reseeded moon materials across all the systems so tech wouldn't be almost entirely concentrated in Guristas space anymore, but they took their sweet time to do so, and by then Goons already had plenty of time to make a killing off of it.
Are you talking skill requirements? Because i was always able to fit nothing but a cloak, cyno and probelauncher in the high slots of a bomber in my times.
You're only hunting shitters in a solo bomber anyway, faggot.
why is she all naked and shit
So essentially they didn't think things through. For a Game that praises itself on having the most complex economy and their advertisements of having real actual Economy Experts working on it they sure know how to bumble it.
No power and cpu requirements.
I can't remember my fit that well, but I had a either a microwarp or afterburner, stealth cloak, bomb launcher, the hull upgrade to improve handling and something else, I think a computer for the torps.
It wasn't for that, it was for corp operations in WH, the last hold out of fun
WHs was always the only really good part of EVE
Long live GOCA
How long did you play bomber?
They are incredibly useful, we once got pushed out by russian mercs someone hired and they tried to steal our outpost while we were taking it down.
We destroyed the Badger before it could scoop it and they all bugged out.
They are also great for scouting.
I love SB its one of the few unique ship types which isn't utility or straight damage.
For years. We always felt they were more fun than useful compared to recons and T3s especially.
EVE goons on suicide watch.
Goons already left for the most part.
Didn't they flock to Scam Citizen?
Human wrecks chasing after a wreck of a game.
Pandemic Legion are a bunch of backstabbing cock-gobbling faggots.
Second only to Goons.
Not really, they were looking to hop on that at first but later on even Lowtax got butthurt over Scam Citizen turning out to be a scam and started acting like he always hated it.
I never understood all this people going serious about a 2d browser space mmo.
Goons don't have to be your audience! Goons are over!
Plus SC is supposed to be instanced, so Goons aren't going to be able to use their blobbing tactics that they relied on in Eve.
And grieving people won't be easy enough.
Just like real life! Next year you will hear news stories about how 2016 has been a recession and they just didn't know it yet.
This, the hubris of man knows no bounds.
Inflation nearly collapsed the Roman empire, at the time one of the most economically advanced countries, the emperor who solved it didn't even understand the concept behind it just that the coins needed to have silver in them.
Fast forward to the French revolution the same shit happens people go back to bartering.
Fast forward to Warsaw Germany and once again idiots are printing money to pay off debts like it works like that.
Then finally after ww2 countries realize inflation is a problem, after
Economists are basically historians who cherrypick economic history in order to ship their narrative with it.
more like goons are the only ones around this century still retarded enough to buy subscription MMO
remember when they had the entire top half all to themselves? lol.
Dat leiahair looks familiar.
Oh that phone game is finally going f2p?
And yet, the US Dollar is printed en mass, no longer backed by gold, and openly promoted as "needing" 2% inflation per year for no fucking reason.
what's wrong with kill mails?
when did this happen?
jump fatigue sucks shit through a straw
its backed by oil, but probably not for much longer