Does anybody have the new RX 460? Its only $100. For those of you with the card, how has it been?
Graphics Cards
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Hot damn, nigga, I might have to look into that. Any graphics card would be an improvement over what I've got.
That looks like a pretty damn good budget card going by my limited dicking around in PC build-threads. I'll definitely have to keep that in mind, thanks for bringing it up.
I don't think its a god-like top tier card, but its definitely better than my current setup I think. I've seen Skyrim being played at 1080p without mods on it running at 60fps.
My 7970 runs Skyrim with a shitton of mods at 60fps, so you aint saying much.
I'm under the impression the 460 is exactly what I need.
Ah, this is just another shill thread. Good for you buddy.
Isnt that a rebranded 260x or something?
Eh, Skyrim isnt a graphically intensive game. Its basically the same as Oblivion, or the Gamebryo Fallout games.
lmao nigga
It could be re-branded, this I do not know. Skyrim can look gorgeous with proper modding and hardware. But at this point, I just want to play the game vanilla on ultra settings and get 60fps, something my A10-7870K with no GPU card has a hard time with.
Looks about comparable to the GTX 950
460 at 110$ is best value, but its a card for running WoW or CS, you're not going to play any new game at 1980x1020 even at minimum settings
I'd suggest rx 470 at 200$ so youll have a lot more options, youd run WoW well for years to come.
There aren't any new PC games justifying upgrading gaming hardware at all.
Not like that's a huge loss with things the way they are now
That's just bullshit, you shill. I blame GameWorks and the useless shit they force. Disable bullshit like tessellation and you can run shit fine and it's not like tessellation adds something.
Also it is 1920x 1080, next time read your copy shilling for dummies a little better.
And the 470 is barely any different than the 460.
PC gaming in 2016 is the most depressing thing i can think of.
This thread smells.
remember kids
amd not even once
this tbh. unless your some fag running 4k, 3 monitors of VR a card within the past 3 years should do fine. My OCd 7970 still runs games 60+ with the useless shit turned off (post fx, msaa, tessellation)
Valve and Blizz ruled PC platform for years, then microtransactions and mobile games rise happened.
That word literally means nothing now.
how's that nvidia fire going for you? getting hot over there?
I just keep playing the same online grinders I was playing for years now.
There is this trend to ugprade graphics, so even 5 years old games look decent.
Zero fucks given about "industry". Singleplayer games a shit.
I'm just at that point with a 7850 and an fx6300 that I should upgrade to new hardware soon, but my next upgrade will be focused mostly on cpu performance, storage, etc. Not fucking video games because PC gaming is pretty much dead.
you probably don't even understand how retarded you look
Spotted the poor fag
It's either a "poorfag" or a "whale", there is no win.
they actually don't, it's just your autistic self deluding itself. if i played the same repetitive shitty game over and over again, i would probably also be too ashamed to admit i wasted my life on such useless shit.
Fuck off, Ben. Just because you throw away your money and your ADD can't let you play a game for more than 2 weeks doesn't mean the rest of the world can't enjoy a good game for a long time.
Does this mean it's direct 12 compatible or is it entirely direct 12?
I'm Wangblows 7 why the fuck would I care about direct 12? It's just a fucking scam.
Is it compatible with other direct x's by chance?
Christ new cards are gonna be shit if those kikes prioritize Windows 10
I only use my laptop for Falcom, VNs and anime.
Depends on what you want to do with your computer. Play new triple A shit? Get jewVidia and learn Hebrew.
Cheap at the time, that's why.
Have fun.
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure modern cards are made to be compatible with the latest and all versions of DirectX.
Grow up
No fuck off
It's worth seeing your people be wiped out in your lifetime if it means that you get a couple extra fps in dorf fort.
Their was a few thread last week, consensus was unless you have a Skylake i7 get the GTX1060
you wot m8
that thread was horrible
there was fucking nvidia shill with (48) posts non stop defending and posting links to buy 10xx series
But the 1060 was cheaper or the same price and did better in games.
No one posted a good reason to buy the RX480.
Even the sub $200 GTX1060 3gb beats the RX480.
It's sad how bad AMD messed up
AMD need to drop the RX480 by $50 ASAP or they will lose any chance of getting market share.
nigga what the shit
hello. seems you are new here. you can include those pictures into one post that way you wont have 50 posts like the last time
time to buy new card so you can get fucked by nvidia goyworks gimping to ruin old cards performance again and again and again
I mean, it lasted me like two years. ~2014 I was running everything beautifully. That's pretty damn good for a $250 video card, before VRAM became a meme and became exponentially crazier. I have a fucking 4GB card in my damn laptop.
also optimization is lost art these days
while not optimizing helps HW sales
7th gen of consoles at least made the weaker PCs last a bit longer if nothing else
In three years I would be replacing my entry level GPU, also last thread a person ran his old 7950 vs his 670 and found this there was a 5% change only and since the GTX1060 is 15% better at the same price it seems like the 1060 is the one to get as in 3years it will still be faster
Here is your 780ti vs 290x rematch done the 780ti went from 9% to 6% better, but is still better then the 290x.
So since the 1060 is 15% better now at the same price, I won't cry in 3 years when it's still 10% better then the RX480.
Why should you buy the worse performing RX480 when in 3 years of so called downgrades the same price GTX1060 will be still better overall!
Why lie?
Calculate percentage difference
between V1 = 88 and V2 = 74
( | V1 - V2 | / ((V1 + V2)/2) ) * 100
= ( | 88 - 74 | / ((88 + 74)/2) ) * 100
= ( | 14 | / (162/2) ) * 100
= ( 14 / 81 ) * 100
= 0.17284 * 100
= 17.284% difference
Most games have a 10-20% difference over the RX480
So why would you buy the RX 480 as even if the 1060 "downgrades " it will still be better then the 480 and have cost the same price.
I would like you to justify the 480 cuase you just call shill but do nothing to backup why to get a 480 while I am posting proof of my claims
Nice bullshit bro, how about you link some price comparisons and the fps results of games instead of math that has no real correlation to anything.
But you didn't, you just made yourself look like a bigger ass.
So you cannot give any reasons to get a 480 over a 1060. Good to know.
But does it run Crysis?
Only in Yiddish.
Random video I found in 2 seconds of searching. Why should I buy a 1060 3gb at $240+ when I can buy a 470 at $190 and get the same performance in DX12 games and a couple FPS less in everything else?
Oh look what is this, also in stock to buy.
Cause the 3gb 1060 is $199.99 and beats the the RX480. Why in hell would you buy a RX470.
As you can see in that video, it gets all of 2 FPS less in nearly every game for less money, and is tied in DX12 games.
I bought a EVGA 1070 sc and I feel dirty. At least the card looks nice and runs well for now.
The gtx1060 3GB beats a RX480
A RX470 won't beat a RX480
The secret is to not be a faggot who gets new hardware every year unless there are significant changes that warrant the upgrade which is essentially never the case.
Hello, Mr. Merchant.
Supporting the Indian poo in the street JEW and buying worse products for the same money.
The AMD Jew got you good.
Oh hey nVidia shill, how many sheckels do you get per post?
Post reasons with proof why to buy a RX470 or RX480, atm the GTX1060 have been show to be the best card to buy with independent graphs and benchmarks.
So far all pajeets have offer is no you.
No namefags please
Make me stop. Do it.
you should all have a 50 dollar motherboard attached 8320 and 380 and waiting 5 years
Why have no Pajeets given a reason to buy the RX470 or 480 yet?
Guess the GTX1060 is the one to buy at least the nVidia shills showed the card was the better option, AMD shills just threw a hissy fit.
What is the best GTX1060 to get?
It is the perfect card for a budget rig. Plop it down next to 16GB of RAM and a FX-8350 or higher CPU and you will get 60fps in any game running at 1080P with graphics on medium or high. If this was the time for me to build and I didn't have fuck-all for cash then I'd buy the other parts used on Ebay and get this card.
That being said, we are probably going to see the RX 490 very soon and that will also be worth watching if you have a higher budget.
CPU-limited console port trash needn't be discussed in this thread. You could run it on a HD 7970 or a Titan X and not see the massive difference that should exist.
Nice try, you dumbass shill!
Fuck off
Are all these "shill" spammers communists or something. Feels like all they talk about is how you should never spend money because its bad.
more than what your parents pay in your weekly allowance
It's anyone's guess when AMD's, I assume 490, performance card and the 1080 ti come out, because my 780 doesn't handle 1440p well. I hope Nvidia's gpus don't increase in cost, $1000+ is stretching it.
These new GPU's that come out every year are the biggest scam, the older GPU's are able to handle console graphics it's just devs don't optimise and we're forced to upgrade every few years or so.
HairWorks is of in Withcer 3 and Rise of the Tomb Raider uses Pure Hair which is an AMD technology and the the 3GB GTX1060 still beats the 8GB RX480
Now who is being a disingenuous shill Pajeet.
Rise and Battlefront are AMD tech games and Hairworks is off in Withcer 3
Holy shit AMD cannot even win in games they pay to optimize for their cards.
Its worth going on Craigslist and seeing if you can people who need cash for PC parts. Ive gotten good deals that way. Seriously worth it if you live near colleges or universities too, semester is starting soon and people need cash for books.
Craigslìst near me only has RX480 and the likes for sale none of the new GTX series cards.
I guess people are realizing they made a huge mistake.