ITT post games that work as normalfag filters

ITT post games that work as normalfag filters

Dorf Fort's just one of those games where I like hearing about people play it through greentext stories and such but I gave it a try myself and immediately realized it simply was not for me.

It's also an autist filter.

DF main entrance barrier is it's UI.

DF with a fixed UI would essentially increase it's playerbase by 500%.

Now, would that be a good thing, or a bad thing?

Would the increased popularity include too many normalfags, or would it still mostly include "management" games enthusiasts but also dragging in people that couldn't handle the obtuse UI before?

We'll never know, because the author flat out doesn't have UI polish and redesign as one of his priorities, it's an exclusivity based on pretty much fucked priorities.

playing it is so much better. it's the only game where you could have an hour-long tale for each fortress you've lost, and every listener would be thinking "no that can't happen in a video game, you're making this up".

This summarizes the game perfectly.

But because of the UI and that I'm not much into management games I'm one of the normalfags filtered out by it.

Seeing as the game is actually fairly simple as soon as you get a bridge for your fortress and smelt metal how do you challenge yourself in dort fort, Holla Forums?

I started a fort not long ago in a glaciar. There is still soil underground for crops, but I have to use caravans for anything that requires wood, like beds or buckets. I've had dwarves sleeping in the floor for years.

Yeti monsters keep showing up and grabbing and ripping any dwarf that tries to punch them.
I've yet to find any good metal to smelt, so all I can do is build a wall with a raised bridge and wait as +10 of the big guys wait outside. The guards of the last caravan scared them off, but they keep growing in number.

It has been pretty _fun_

>Kills one of my dorfs in full steel armor, then grabs his steel leggings and starts beating my other dwarves to death with it
And that's how I learned minotaurs are not to be fucked with

It would be a bad thing for all those autists who base their selfworth on their "ability" to play DF.

theres even a pseudo maverick hunter x vile-mode after you beat the game

Try to see if you can hit a cavern layer, then you can use the underground trees.

Everybody here who indiscriminately shits on this game is a normalfag trying to fit in.
Prove me wrong.

This game is absolutely brutal (why I prefer it over BKIII despite the censoring). I still haven't managed to beat it on hard yet.


Man, you are hardcore, being able to decipher symbols. I bet you can read too.

thats the best legit way to deal with sieges, i mean until the invaders start bringing those fucking legendary level archers that can hit your dorfs in the eye through fortifications

still working on that m8


am I posting on a chinese imageboard or what? XDD

Yeah sure

Used to be the same for me and EVE. Just dive into and enjoy the ride of the noob. One day you will wake up and realize you are gud.

fuck grapes
t. sad fox


It's just not a fucking video game

shitty puzzles turn everybody off

I can't find the time or justification to teach myself to play either, but Dorf Fortress is as strictly by definition a 'game' as you can be.

1) Tool to impose a self-inflicted challenge without real consequence.

2) Clear loss state.

Whoops, forgot my game.

It's an accessible FPS by design, but if you want to separate the boys from the men, see how many people can land platinum medals on the challenge modes. The game quickly goes from Goldeneye 2 to Dark Souls with guns.

Future Perfect had some brass-balled challenges too, but I remember 2 giving me way more trouble.

You best be memin'

No. If you wanted to just fly through with a bronze or a silver, then whatever. But landing Platinums required the gittingest of gud.

Gothic and it's sequel, but mostly Gothic 1, adjusting to the controls already makes the difference.



When you actually finish the game.

I'm talking about referring to it as "Dark Souls with guns." I wouldn't really consider Dark Souls all that hard or a normalfag filter. I like Dark Souls and it does have some challenging moments, but there's way harder games out there.

When you beat the dragon in the sequel's kickstarter demo.

That's fair.

I don't think I've even played Dark Souls for more than a few seconds on my brother's account. I just use it for easy shorthand of "oh man guys this game is SO HARD" because most people don't know what I Wanna Be the Guy is.

but in our times games that require thinking make you special.

Can somebody explain why you niggers hate censorship and localization but will defend games that stupidly increase the difficulty (usually without developer consent) to the point where it breaks the game and as a means to just thwart rentals?

Do you faggots also enjoy Working Designs?

But user, IWBTG is mostly about memorization.

Fair enough.

I'm not a weeb, I could care less about localization, and the difficulty is fine. It's quite possible to consistently beat the game as I myself have done multiple times, and I'm not even that good, there are people miles better than me.

To a large degree, but you still have to have the timing to pull off the jumps even if you know what's coming.

I cede that I need a better go-to for "ballbustingly difficult game example".

Why not Battletoads then?

I try to avoid mixing my memes when I want one to serve as a concise example. I know Battletoads will fuck you up, but all I can associate it with is this era.

shh, don't question the retards or you'll get called a casual

Nigger, SOR is already a pretty western influenced for being a jap game. The fact is the game was gutted purely for political correctness (oh uh, you can't beat up a gay person! Let's rearrange the story!) and then the difficulty was ramped up to thwart rentals, and that's not how the game was designed. I always wonder why people here will defend games with boosted artificial difficulty but whine when anything else gets changed. It seems like faggots only care about how much their toys waste their time by playing to their autism and don't have any principles at all.

You aren't the first person I've argued about this by the way.

Stopped reading there. Make more excuses.

Kid, SoR3 is a censored defective product. Just because incidentally placates your autism doesn't change that enjoy a cucked version of a game.

I mean, not to be that guy, but artificial difficulty is definitely a real thing. Especially in the side-scrolling beat em up genre which was largely influenced by developers' intentions to milk the fuck out of 10 year old you's quarter supply. A lot of that intentional design theory was carried into games that weren't even for arcades, in the end.

Toady did nothing wrong

People like to shit on this one these days, but Daggerfall makes a pretty good casual filter. Challenge them to get out of the starter dungeon. They'll spend 30 minutes rerolling thier character and an hour going through the background generator, get into the dungeon, spend 30 minutes remapping the controls (most likely after 10 minutes of bitching about them), and then ragequit when they die on the first imp without a saved game.

Battletoads might not work anymore because ever since Internet video game reviewers discovered its existence casuals from all over the world have been playing it trying to prove they have balls.


That sounds like actually learning to play D&D for the first time. Hue.

I can't actually be upset about this. I've got a muh sekrit club kneejerk reaction and everything, but I can't be mad about normalfags actually challenging themselves.

It filters anyone that isn't a fucking railroad fetishist.

It's as if a bunch of neckbeards got tired of their $X0k toy train sets and decided to make a game where they can translate their real life autism to 1s and 0s. You can tell nobody involved with the game gives a shit about boats, planes or cars.

Honestly I'll give it a 14/88 but only because I get to post this.

We're reaching autism levels that shouldn't even be possible

there used to be a Holla Forums server up every weekend, what happened?

I miss playing with you faggots

Oh I'm not complaining because by my estimation Battletoads looks like an awesome game and if more people are playing it then all the better. I haven't played it myself because I'd have to fix my NES or emulate it and I'm too lazy to do both.


I see you don't spend much time on /k/.

I'm immediately worried about a future where difficulty becomes the hipster metric of how good a game is and games are filled with artificial difficulty to remain trendy.

God I love panzer general 2. I even got it working on windows 8 for my dad.

userā€¦ that's already happened. That happens like once every ten years.

SpaceChem's a good candidate. You'll hit a wall at some point, maybe sooner, maybe much later, and then it's a question of whether or not you bash your head at that wall for long enough to meet the next one. The weaker souls will give up at the first one they come across.

Infinifactory felt like a bit of a letdown by comparison. I guess it wasn't as demanding as there was often enough room for inefficiency. Space was a lot more abundant in Infinifactory, allowing you to cheese most of the assignments. There's plenty of room to optimize in both games, but the former sets the bar much higher when it comes to even the worst or simplest solutions. You just don't have enough tiles in SpaceChem to spend them wastefully.

Well, there are the railroad fetishists and those who like to sperg about logistics and expandability. Kind of scratches the same itch as Factorio in some ways.
But they're not really normalfag filters as there isn't a barrier of entry or progress, it's just that folks who aren't into those things will get bored. More so for TTD, as you're required to do something to speed up production in Factorio to advance further in any sensible amount of time.

Once you learn how to farm, how to brew, and how to see in Z-levels, the UI is a total nonissue. I don't even understand why it's a UI problem, the more core issue is that people can't stand learning about a game.

Like, name an issue that actually has to do with the interface. All the controls are literally presented to you on the screen.


Anything Holla Forums talks about is already super normalfag shit

I wont mention any games either, dont want you casuals becoming aware of them

I've already played all your games, user.

Fuck off gook.
Learn how to be propperly.

I'd say the filter game have to fit a genre because genres are based of preference. So basically Action FPS would be something like this.

How is that filtering anybody?

You're as bad as competitive smash fags. Timesplitters is a good game, but it doesn't fit the criteria.

What's the most recent game you can think of that fits this criteria?



The revamped military screen put me off DF for a long time. Admittedly that was compounded by various military bugs in the same version. The combination of the two made it incredibly difficult to even be sure when you had finally set things up correctly. With most of the bugs fixed, that screen is still a clusterfuck, but it's something you can get passed.

porn games
especially ones featuring children

But, in each hour, there's so much wacky, entertaining shit going on that makes you that much more drawn to the game.

Hell, some of my happiest vidya memories was that of playing DF all day.

It isn't really a normalfag filter, as they love the stories at least from DF.
They just can't play it.

Personally, I like the UI. I realize that's horrible to say, but honestly, it works very well for what it is. Makes keyboard shortcuts insanely fast, and none of that memorization crap is necessary as it is all stated right on the side.

The military UI, now, that's shit.

where's the car r34

Anything with furries in it. I imagine it'd be pretty entertaining to watch people go from slightly amused to mildly concerned and then run away screaming at the first nude scene.


normalfags/casuals complain about RNG.

It's like you niggers never had cutting edge Atari technology when you were 5yo. Call me when ALL games goal was simply to achieve the high score. Fags.

You're either autistic or normal.


I really wish adventure mode was better
it has alot of stuff to do and you can interact with the world on a level not seen in any game ever, but the controls are so ass and unlike fortress mode, there's no way in-game to know what the keybinds are.


organizing shit is where it starts to get really messy, if you want something specific done theres going to be quite a few extra steps


Unreal World

The movement system would make even the newer strains of normalfag who are familiar with roguelikes want to vomit.


About as anti-normalfag as it gets.

I hate it when developers increase the difficulty just so it will take longer for people to beat it, like Working Designs did with Popful Mail. The thing is, that rarely, if ever, happens any more whereas censorship is still running rampant in the industry.

I like some of the games they brought over, particularly the Lunar games, but I hate how the butchered the scripts. At this point I'm starting to wonder if a half-machine translation, a la the Gagharv trilogy, would be preferable to what they did.

Well I think I'll be a good thing. The game requires that level of autism that normalfags can't have
Look at rimwolrd. Is using a proper visual that doesn't let you happily spoon your eyes out and the community is ok, good mods too. Not shilled or made as a meme game by normalfags
Look at GSG. No matter how dumbed down paracocks will make them, they will always be special autism level so the community is ok and good mods too. Not shilled and not made as a meme game by normalfags

The managing system of DF is perfect to keep normalfags at bay even with the "best freedom game ever" the austismo necessary is too big4U if the Dev could actually use a proper UI it will only improve the game for a mod community
no the newibe visual pack doesn't count

I'll say CoC just because most people seek it out as a fetish game, so right there most normalfags don't/won't have access to it.

But seriously, CoC has better RPG elements than Fallout 4. I downloaded it for monster-girl porn, ended up falling in love with it's story.

The rollercoaster ride you experience from start to finally kicking in the door to Lethice's fortress and raping/killing her is really something else.

I actually got a little emotional at the end of it all, as I looked at all the friends and lovers I had racked up along the way.

Half fetish game, half love story. And I loved every minute of it.

Interesting how a stupid fetish game has better combat gameplay than Skyrim.
And better roleplaying mechanics

Are you me? Did I make this post?

Did you play RWM for Sudden Strike or were you one of the LRM types?

Do you now play Men of War and dream about it being the same scale as Sudden strike?

Though honestly, I did get one of my normal fag friends to play OFP meanwhile all my other friends laughed and said it was shit compared to CoD:MW. Fucking normalfagsā€¦

Dude seriously. With only walls of text, a few basic cand tiny-ass sprites, CoC told a better story than most modern RPGs.

I only realized the final Lethice fight had actually been implemented a while ago, so I picked the game up again after a few months and it all came rushing back.

Like I said, it really makes you fall in love with every character you meet.

*few basic click mechanics

I like it too. Once you get muscle memory for building a door, or ordering a bunch of arrows be made, or whatever, you can navigate the menus most of the time without even looking at them. Feeling the wall between the player and the game world break down is pretty nice.

it could still be vastly improved. for example there is no way to just grab every door you want to place and put them down one button press at a time. youll have to do through the motions for each individual door. do you want a tiled floor? oh boy.

i mean checker pattern, christ

this sounds exactly like me perhaps we are the same person?

dragon quest is pretty anti-normalfags

Don't cross the memes.

It's finally done? I better get back and kick her ass than. I remember I got stuck trying to beat my doppelganger and quit.

You'll need to DL the updated version from fenoxo's page.

Oh, and have plenty of lust reducing items and a stack of marble's milk for good measure.

Will do. I always did pure human runs when I played after my first time trying it. No matter what though I never find everything. How do you get that faggot dragon egg to hatch? What's up with that weird harpy thing in her mountain spring? Can I corrupt the farm for my corruption run?

To hatch it you basically have to use 5 transformative items on it.

I usually use

-Masturbate (jizz will make the dragon the opposite of whatever your gender is)
-Purified Succubus milk
-Hair extension serum

for sexiest female dragon.

The weird harpy, Minerva, can be romanced as usual and she'll reveal some backstory. It was meant that you'd be able to purify her through, but Fen never ended up writing the scenes.

And yes, if your corruption is high enough, you can put slaves on Whitney's farm effectively corrupting it.

Best FPS.
Hardest FPS.

That game gave me PTSD.


I know a Chad in real life who says Deus Ex and SS are some of his all time favorite games.

And that's a good thing, drooling retards like you are a cancer, and the reason why everything turn to shit once people like you touch it.


Luckily it can be disabled with a simple search and replace in the RAW-files. Gay animals are ridiculous as are straight elves.

Dubs of truth spotted.
And basically all flight sims for that matter. Not only you need to invest in at least a cheap plastic stick, but also actually spend some time practicing the basics and maybe have a fetish for specific planes. Man I love that game btw

I played the first deus ex shortly before MD came out and.. well it's easy to see why. It was pretty amazing. The point is you guys are supposed to post obscure games, not the most popular, widely acclaimed shit


me too

There was a similar issue with FFXI.

After EQ2 and WoW were released, the game developers realized they needed to tone down some of the bullshit and make things easier when it came to leveling as well as reducing spawn time for monsters in various areas.

After this, a lot of people realized they'd been basically playing the game wrong. For those unfamiliar, the basic setup people would do is getting 6 people together to fight mobs that could be about 6 levels above them or more. Because of this people targeted simple creatures (crabs, mandragoras, and worms) since there big attacks were relatively easy to mitigate. This was the norm for ages and a good leveling group may get about 5k an hour at max level (another function was if you killed something soonish after the last then you got an exp chain going which increased gains of exp).

After new areas with lower respawn time for mobs came out, people noticed you could just fight things 1-3 levels above you and it was all dramatically easier. You didn't need super high gear requirements just for leveling. You didn't need even need a set tank in the parties. At that point, a decent exp party could get 20k-40k an hour.

It took understanding more about how stats worked in the game to get how to really fly through things. Like initially, ideal party setup was 1 support, 1 healer, 3 damage dealers, and 1 tank. After the great period of learning, the ideal party was 1 healer/support, 2 support/healer (you can sub another class to get some abilities), and 3 damage dealers.

A lot of people never even really gave the game much of a chance because of how difficult it felt to progress in the game. So I'd say it fits a bit.

so what you're saying is that you find SoR III hard enough to be unplayable even on normal, the minimum difficulty required to get an ending.

Maybe you should just kys, gitting gud is out of the question.

The most recent developer update says financial trouble might start in the future so you better hope Nigoro will either get their shit together or start writing the eulogy for La-Mulana 2.

any FPS with no iron-sights. Even CS:GO to an extent.


Spotted the redditor, lads.
