What if the answer to the jewish question is that they're filled to the brim with parasites manipulating their brains to act in fucked up ways? Think about it, all the scat humor, shit everywhere in synagogues, extreme uncleanliness (Aversion to showers), paranoia, reward deficiency syndrome (mentalhealthdaily.com/2014/10/20/reward-deficiency-syndrome-causes-symptoms-treatment/) ,the fact that they can smell other jews, insectlike hand rubbing, empty eyes, bad eyes, sociopathy, insanity, fucked up sexual kinks, fuckton of chronic diseases, bad genes, bad skin/general health, etc. All these may be caused by parasites.
It's already been established that SJW's are infected by parasites found in raw fish (Lotta communists and weeabos love sushi.), which in some cases can spread to the brain and cause Frontal Lobe Disorder, among other things. Look at the behaviour of SJW's and compare it to the symptoms of FLD. This might also explain many of the problems with the Japanese population, like anxiety, depression, social withdrawal, hormonal imbalances, and a fuckton of suicides annualy. Even regular tapeworms can cause massive shifts in behaviour, so we need to be looking into all parasites known to infect humans. Especially parasites residing in our bowels, as the bowels produce and regulate many important hormones including serotonin.
Here's an interesting read; ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2683840/ We should really be researching this more. If the jewish parasites really are controlled by worms inhabiting their body, the final solution will be a million times easier. We just have to figure out what parasites cause the jew to act as he does, and subsequently find a cure. Preferably airborne, but that can wait until we've figured out how to kill it.
I wonder if the reason rabbi's suck on the infants newly circumcised, bloody penis, is to infect him with parasites.
Reminds me of a theory I had. Not parasites, but… a genetic mental illness. What if being "God's Chosen People" amounts to an unusually productive matrilineal schizophrenia variant? What if the reason Jews constantly seem to be trying to drive others insane is because they themselves can only think by painfully reconstructing the tangled wreckage of their own minds?
Noah Morris
When you hear hoofbeats do not expect a zebra. The mundane answers we have are likelier than a poetic flea upon a flea. Racial pressure, urban social patterns, these are self feeding cycles that breed organisms and societies to certain shapes. One doesn't need physical maladies to nudge in tgese directions.
Reminds me of the oddballs assuming toxoplasmosis causes gayness, despite contradictory evidence. Only tangible link I've ever seen in their logic is that thing becomes deadly with AIDs, but that isn't remotely cause and effect.
Many of the chucklefucks never touch raw fish, or are entirely vegan.
Luke Cooper
Probably a bit of both. I'm no expert on this but several generations of people heavily infested with parasites, could potentially get a ton of genetic illnesses given enough time. But I really think we should look into this. Sadly, I have to go to bed now, but if this thread still stands, I will try to dig up some more information and post it here. if the thread is gone, I'll start a new one. Good night.
Brody Mitchell
So are you saying Jewishness is a sick system that reproduces itself memetically upon its victims? When YOU hear hoofbeats, maybe you ought to be expecting a basilisk.
Joseph Price
Everything is worth investigation. The more we know, the better chance we have at defeating them. And if it actually turns out the jews are 50% worm, it would be much easier to solve this problem. And researching tjis is much more productive than just consuming thousands of news articles a day and kvetching about unnnessecary bullshit.
Ian Torres
If the infestation IS literal/physical rather than memetic/spiritual, it must be an extremely durable sort of parasite; the deviant behavior has existed among jews for millennia, overcoming every effort made by them to eliminate it and eventually consuming them utterly.
Noah Evans
Today OP didn't suck dicks. Good thread, here's a bump.
Kevin Russell
They might have a symbiotic relashionship with it. Perhaps it's a parasite that has avolved alongside the jews for millenia.
Xavier Ramirez
Absolutely! Daily reminder to go read a book. It'll give you a memory. People who like you will tell you to read books because you gain from them. People who hate you might also tell you to read books. They're right, but don't take book recommendations from them.
My takeaway from this post is don't fuck Jews. They ain't clean. And… Oh, hell, are they coprophagic, too? That might be how the parasite transmits. The Pope went off about how prone humans are to the sin of coprophagia in public that one time, and we all know HE has a Jewish "psychiatrist" gaslighting the hell into him. Did his psychiatrist exorcise him strenuously to convince him something abominable was basic human nature?
Benjamin Wilson
tl;dr:: jews are inherently evil
This is my honest opinion from involuntarily observing them grinding their shit on other boards year in year out.
Adrian Moore
You're a Jew, aren't you user?
Lucas Evans
Fuck you schlomo
Easton Williams
nope But your post would be EXACTLY what a jew would post. once you learn the nature of the jew he is EXTREMELY predicable. His only advantage is humans is they cannot comprehend how fucked in the head he is.
Samuel Miller
Come on, man. I don't hate you as much as I act like I do. How much of your theology do you REALLY know? The world spirals into the abyss and you're fucking with people on chans.
Tyler Anderson
Watch this jew He is like a octopus probing this goy crab trying get into the meat THEOLOGY well most jews hasn't read shit, they dont need to since they are genetically hardwired to act in certain manner, those perverse fantasy books are a mere reflection of your nature.
Xavier Brown
Yeah, no, stop the apologetics kike.
Ryder Brown
You know you got a god pinch on a tentacle when the jew retracts back into the abyss. But he is already in some other thread doing his thing..Learn his nature by observing and you will never be tricked by him.
Levi Davis
"The results of this detailed study show that today's Ashkenazi Jews descend from a population of only 350 individuals who lived 600-800 years ago."
Jonathan Myers
Take a hike, schlomo.
Liam Nelson
Yesss, that's right. Watch me closely if you can. Haha. But I get bored. I'm not a Jew. Whether you are or not, this has been kinda fun, so I'll give you a secret. My favorite color is grey. My favorite joke is you. Being as wild as you can is the only way you can avert my gaze, because you won't be giving me my favorite color. Yet I don't like the curse of greyface much myself… so don't count on anything.
Christopher Morgan
Very interesting theory, might also explain why Jewish behavior is spreading to gentiles as well. I don't want to give up sushi though, that's one of the most delicious foods on earth. Japs ate that for probably millenia and they were based af until very recently. Maybe their fish populations got infected due to globalism?
Isaac Cox
One well-tossed grenade in the 14th century could've solved most of our problems today. Pity.
Jaxon Young
You are not bored you are furious THIS GOY HOW CAN HE SEE ME ?!?!
Noah Rodriguez
I think I've discovered the final redpill. Parasites. "The manipulation hypothesis states a parasite may alter host behaviour for its own benefit, often by enhancing its transmission rate through the food chain. This paper reviews studies on the potential impact of one parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, on host behaviour, both on rodents, where altered responses may be proposed to benefit the parasite, and humans, where altered responses may arise as a side-effect of infection with no current adaptive significance."
"The first systematic investigation on small children with latent toxoplasmosis regarding their cognition compared the social background, physical behaviour and intelligence quotients of infected children with those of uninfected (seronegative) children [39]. Whilst there were no social differences between groups, the infected children had on average a lower IQ (93) than the controls (110). More recently, Flegr and colleagues investigated potential differences in personality profiles between humans with latent toxoplasmosis and uninfected controls[40–42]. Based on questionnaires measuring personality factors, differences between infected and uninfected groups were detected. For example, infected men had lower ‘superego’ and higher ‘protension’ scores, which the authors concluded implied that they had a higher tendency to disregard rules of their society and were more suspecting, jealous and dogmatic. With some tests (though not all) infected men also had lower intelligence scores than uninfected men. Infected women, on the other hand, were found to have higher ‘affectothymia’ and ‘superego strength’ scores, which were suggested to imply they were more warm-hearted, out- and easy-going, but also more conscientious, persistent, moralistic and staid. Both infected men and women had higher guilt proneness than their uninfected counterparts."
Influence of latent toxoplasmosis on human behaviour
"Toxoplasma-infected subjects have prolonged reaction times, as measured by a test of simple reaction times (Havlíček et al., 2001). The psychomotor performance gets worse with the level of development of the infection (estimated on the basis of a decrease in the concentration of specific anti-Toxoplasma antibodies). The performance of the subjects in the 3 min simple reaction time test suggests that toxoplasmosis impairs long-term concentration ability rather than maximum performance. The largest performance decrease in the test occurred in RhD negative subjects while the performance of RhD-positive heterozygotes was not influenced by the infection (Flegr et al., 2010; Novotná et al., 2008). The impaired psychomotor performance of infected subjects can explain the higher risk of traffic accidents and work accidents observed in four retrospective studies (Alvarado-Esquivel et al., 2012; Flegr et al., 2002; Kocazeybek et al., 2009; Yereli et al., 2006) and one prospective study (Flegr et al., 2009). The risk of traffic accident is again increased in RhD-negative drivers (Flegr et al., 2009). A double-blind observational study showed that Toxoplasma-infected men scored lower in clothes tidiness than uninfected men, whereas infected women scored higher (but not significantly so) than uninfected women (Lindová et al., 2006). Similarly, infected men scored lower and infected women scored higher in sociability. These outcomes match the results of the personality questionnaires. The infected rural male students scored higher in suspiciousness while infected rural female students scored lower in suspiciousness than their non-infected peers (Lindová et al., 2006), which again agrees with the results obtained with Cattell’s 16PF questionnaire. However, the very opposite was true for students of urban origin – infected male students showed lower and infected female students higher suspiciousness than their Toxoplasma-free peers. Using the method of experimental games, it was shown that both infected men and infected women were less altruistic than Toxoplasma-free subjects in the Dictator game while in the Trust game, the infected men were less altruistic and infected women were more altruistic than Toxoplasma-free men or women (Lindová et al., 2010)."
Nice try, but no. The nature of the kike is not explained away so easily as this.
Kikes are the way they are due to a combination of the physical and metaphysical. Their DNA plays a role, but so does the intangible kike revolutionary spirit. They cannot create, only destroy. They cannot appreciate beauty, only ugliness. They hate God and love Satan.
Kikes are not the way they are because of parasites. Kikes ARE the parasites.
Anthony Price
Maybe kikes are parasites because of parasites?
Effects of T. gondii on cognition in humans
In addition to congenital infections with T. gondii, postnatal infections may also affect human cognition and behavior. Two recent studies were carried out on schoolchildren. In Brazil 100 children ages 6-13 were tested for T. gondii antibodies and the results compared to their test results for reading, writing, and mathematics. Toxopositive children had a higher proportion of poor results on the mathematics subtest (p=0.009) but not on the other tests [Ferriera EC, et al. Association between seropositivity for Toxoplasmsa gondii, scholastic development of children, and risk factors for T. gondii infection. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2013; DOI: 10.1093/trstmh/trt026]. In Florida, 1,755 schoolchildren were tested for T. gondii antibodies and given a series of cognitive tests. Seropositivity was associated with lower reading skills (p=0.029) and memory capacities (p=0.017) [Mandy A, et al. Toxoplasma gondii seropositivity and cognitive functions in school-aged children. Parasitology 2015; 142: 1221-1227].
Six studies, all published since 2014, have reported on cognitive effects of toxoplasma seropositivity in adults. A study of 352 adults with a mean age of 32.2 years, being used as healthy controls in a psychiatric study, reported an association between toxo IgM, but not IgG, and impaired immediate memory (p=0.04); language (p=0.004); and visuospatial construction (p=0.001) [Dickerson F, Stallings C, Origoni A, et al. Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and cognitive functioning in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and nonpsychiatric controls. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 2014; 202: 589-593]. Another study of 180 adults with a mean age of 40.1, also being used as healthy controls in a psychiatric study, reported an effect of T. gondii on working memory [Hamdani N, Daban-Huard C, Godin O, et al. Effects of cumulative Herpsviridae and Toxoplasma gondii infections on cognitive function in healthy, bipolar and schizophrenia subjects. 2017. J Clin Psychiatry 78: 18-26].
Four studies of older adults have all reported associations between toxo IgG positivity and cognitive problems. Eighty four volunteer adults with a mean age of 70.3 were divided into groups of 42 toxo IgG positive and negative. The toxo positive group showed significant impairment in working memory and verbal memory, both immediate and delayed recall, executive function were not affected [Gajewski PD, et al. Toxoplasma gondii impairs memory in infected seniors. Brain, Behavior and Immunity. 2014; 36: 193-199]. In a subset of this same cohort the toxo positive group displayed significant impairment in goal-directed behavior as assessed by an auditory distraction paradigm [Bestse C, et al. Latent Toxoplasma gondii infection leads to deficits in goal-directed behavior in healthy elderly. Neurobiology of Aging. 2014; 35: 1037-1044]. Among 4,485 participants, mean age 69, in a national nutrition survey, toxo IgG seropositivity was associated with impairment of immediate memory (p=0.006) but not delayed memory [Mendy A, et al. Immediate rather than delayed memory impairment in older adults with latent toxoplasmosis. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 2014]. Finally, among 1,022 participants, mean age 77.5, in a longitudinal random population sample, toxo IgG seropositivity was significantly associated with a more rapid decline in executive function but not in decline of attention, memory, language or visuospatial function [Nimgaonkar]. However, a fifth study of 114 nondemented older adults reported “little evidence of an association between impaired memory function and T. gondii seropositivity” [Wyman CP, Gale SD, Hedges-Muncy A, et al. Association between Toxoplasma gondii seropositivity and memory function in nondemented older adults. 2017. Neurobiology of Aging 53: 76-82]
Psychiatric manifestations of adult T. gondii infections
Kramer in the Netherlands summarized 114 cases of symptomatic adult toxoplasmosis published between 1940 and 1964. Among these, he noted that “psychiatric disturbances were very frequent,” occurring in 24 cases. Some cases were described as having acute or subacute psychosis, and others as having “psychic alteration” (Kramer W. Frontiers of neurological diagnosis in acquired toxoplasmosis. Psychiatr Neurol Neurochir. 1966;69:43–64). Ladee et al., also in the Netherlands, noted that “the literature not infrequently focuses attention on psychoses with schizophrenic or schizophreniform features that accompany chronic toxoplasmosis or that acquired in childhood or early in adult life. . . . In several instances a neurasthenic prodromal stage is followed by an initially suspected paranoid or paranoid-hallucinatory picture” (Ladee GA, Scholten JM, Meyes FEP. Diagnostic problems in psychiatry with regard to acquired toxoplasmosis. Psychiatr Neurol Neurochir. 1966;69:65–82).
Many of these early reported cases are very interesting. For example, in 1951 Ström reported two cases of adult toxoplasmosis in laboratory workers. A 22-year-old woman who “often pipetted toxoplasma exudates” developed lyphadenopathy, headache, and fever. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis was confirmed by skin test. Attempts to demonstrate T. gondii by microscopy of CSF or inoculation of CSF into mice was unsuccessful. She also had psychiatric symptoms: three months after the onset of infection, she “finds it difficult to concentrate,” “cannot follow a conversation when several people are present,” and “she feels far away, as if her body wasn’t there” (Ström J. Toxoplasmosis due to laboratory infection in two adults. Acta Med Scand. 1951;139:244–252).
In another case, a 47-year-old woman who also worked in the laboratory with T. gondii presented “obviously delirious with delusions and hallucinations . . . the patients was irrational, spoke frequently to imaginary characters in the room and indicated she was going to die from toxoplasmosis.” In fact, she went into a coma and did die, and her diagnosis was confirmed at autopsy by animal inoculation of brain, liver, and spleen. Despite a normal CSF (no cells, normal protein and sugar), it was also positive for T. gondii by animal inoculation (Sexton RC, Eyles DE, Dillman RE. Adult toxoplasmosis. Am J Med. 1953;14:366–377).
Since 1966, there have been occasional similar case reports, but except for patients with AIDS in whom psychiatric symptoms are prominent, this subject has received little attention. An example of a case report was a 20-year-old male who presented with delusions, auditory hallucinations, and catatonic symptoms but was then diagnosed with toxoplasmic encephalitis based on serological tests (Freytag HW, Haas H. Psychiatric aspects of acquired toxoplasmosis. Nervenarzt. 1979;50:128–131, in German). The incidence of such cases is unknown.
Ryan Taylor
(cont) Another possible psychiatric manifestation of T. gondii infection in immunocompetent hosts is suicidal ideation. One study in the United States assessed T. gondii antibodies in 99 individuals who had made a suicide attempt; 119 individuals with a recurrent mood disorder but no history of suicide attempts; and 39 unaffected controls. There was no significant difference in T. gondii seropositivity, but those who had attempted suicide had higher T. gondii antibody titres (p=0.004) (Arling TA, Yolken RH, Lapidus M, et al.Toxoplasma gondii antibody titers and history of suicide attempts in patients with recurrent mood disorders. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2009;197:905–908). A recent study of 156 suicide attempters and 127 controls in Mexico reported similar results. There was no statistical difference in seropositivity but the titers of the T. gondii antibody was significantly higher (p=0.04) in the suicide attempters (Alvarado-Esquivel C, Sánchez-Anguiano LF, Arnaud-Gil CA, et al. Toxoplasma gondii infection and suicide attempts: A case-control study in psychiatric outpatients. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2013;201:948-52). The association between suicide attempts and higher titre to T. gondii antibodies was replicated by a study in Turkey (Yagmur F, Yazar S, Temel HO, et al. May Toxoplasma gondii increase suicide attempt-preliminary results in Turkish subjects? Forensic Sci Int. 2010;199:15-17). A third study reported an association between suicide attempts and T. gondii seropositivity in patients with schizophrenia, but the association was only significant in younger patients (Okusaga O, Langenberg P, Sleemi A, et al. Toxoplasma gondii antibody titers and history of suicide attempts in patients with schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2011;133:150-155). In 2012 a Danish study reported that women who were infected with T.gondii were significantly more likely to be suicidal and twice as likely to successfully commit suicide, compared to women not infected (Pedersen MG, Mortensen PB, Norgaard-Pedersen B, Postolache TT. Toxoplasma gondii infection and self-directed violence in mothers. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012; 69(11): 1123-1130) and in Sweden, a study of 54 adult suicide attempters reported increased seropositivity of T. gondii (OR 7.12, p=0.08) compared to controls (Zhang Y, Träskman-Bendz L, Janelidze S, et al. Toxoplasma gondii immunoglobulin G antibodies and nonfatal suicidal self-directed violence. J Clin Psychiatry. 2012;73:1069-76). Finally, a study of national suicide rates in 17 European nations reported a significant association between the prevalence of T. gondii and the suicide rate (Lester D. Predicting European suicide rates with physiological indices. Psychol Rep. 2010;107:713-4).
Three other studies are of interests regarding the effect of T. gondii on behavior and psychiatric symptoms. Holub and his colleagues in Prague divided individuals with schizophrenia into those with antibodies to T. gondii (n=57) and those without such antibodies (n=194), then retrospectively assessed their clinical histories. The patients with antibodies were found to have had an earlier onset of their illness for men, but not women; to have more severe symptoms; and to have been hospitalized for longer (Holub D, Flegr J, Dragomirecká E, et al. Differences in onset of disease and severity of psychopathology between toxoplasmosis-related and toxoplasmosis-unrelated schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2013;127:227-38).
Another study of interest was the effect of seropositivity to T. gondii on the mortality rate of individuals with schizophrenia. In an earlier study, Dickerson et al. reported that antibodies for T. gondii were associated with an increased mortality (Dickerson F, Boronow J, Stallings C, Origoni A, Yolken R.Toxoplasma gondii in individuals with schizophrenia: Association with clinical and demographic factors and with mortality. Schizophr Bull. 2007;33:737-40). However, a later study reported that this relationship was no longer statistically significant when it was corrected for age and gender (Dickerson F, Stallings C, Origoni A, Schroeder J, Khushalani S, Yolken R. Mortality in Schizophrenia: Clinical and Serological Predictors. Schizophr Bull. 2013 Aug 13). Finally, a demographic study reported a correlation between the prevalence of T. gondii and the national homicide rate in 20 European nations for the year 2000 (Lester D.Toxoplasma gondii and homicide. Psychol Rep. 2012;111:196-7).
Owen Price
It's likely. I've been saying it for a few months now already. Remember the diatomaceous earth posts a while back? I wonder how the other anons who tried it are doing now. I've been taking it, and also apple cider vinegar to combat the intestinal merchant
Cooper Turner
Not going to work Chaim. You aren't going to play the victim this time around. No more half measures. You fuckers all need to burn.
Hunter Bell
Want me to increase your insanity and inability to comprehend reality? Try adding these variables to the mix
So how do you think that bacteria in your gut (which the lack off can increase autism symptoms, or which may be tied to your appetite, your general mood swings too), and then it also being potentially little bit linked to testosterone (which also governs your mood, your competitive behavior, your energy levels etc.) And how does it relate to your mental brain structure that usually is only capable of several archetypes (which the r/K selection archetypes overbridge, but things like the briggs meyers are categories in which people may fall into)
add in the unknown and the unresearched of these categories, add in additional variables of all sorts of expertises (can you even imagine color theory and how it affects mood? The red color in red teams making them win more, but we dont know shit how well it reacts across the spectrum of humanity) Add in age, and add in just about a thousand more small to mediocre variables.
Then you may have a chance to understand how everything works together in this giant map of incomprehensibility. What I am saying is that parasites are probably the least of your worries in order to explain the behavior of liberals.
Ethan Baker
On the off chance you're not being paid to make garbage posts to ruin the board, kill yourself anyway.
Sebastian Moore
All aspiring Führers should consider a thorough detox.
Toxoplasma gondii parasite can alter humans’ sexual desires In the study, Czech researchers compared 212 Toxoplasma-infected men and 529 Toxoplasma-infected women with 2,470 Toxoplasma-free men and 2,617 Toxoplasma-free women. They found that Toxoplasma-infected individuals expressed higher attraction to nonconventional sexual practices. But Toxoplasma-infected individuals also reported performing these activities less often than the Toxoplasma-free individuals. In particular, Toxoplasma-infected individuals were more aroused by bondage, violence, zoophilia, and fetishism than Toxoplasma-free individuals.
The most remarkable change is the fatal attraction phenomenon, the switch of infected mice’s and rat’s native fear of the smell of cats toward an attraction to this smell. The stimuli that activate fear-related circuits in healthy rodents start to also activate sex-related circuits in the infected animals. An analogy of the fatal attraction phenomenon has also been observed in infected humans. Therefore, we tried to test a hypothesis that sexual arousal by fear-, violence-, and danger-related stimuli occurs more frequently in Toxoplasma-infected subjects. A cross-sectional cohort study performed on 36,564 subjects (5,087 Toxoplasma free and 741 Toxoplasma infected) showed that infected and noninfected subjects differ in their sexual behavior, fantasies, and preferences when age, health, and the size of the place where they spent childhood were controlled (F(24, 3719) = 2.800, p < .0001). In agreement with our a priori hypothesis, infected subjects are more often aroused by their own fear, danger, and sexual submission although they practice more conventional sexual activities than Toxoplasma-free subjects. We suggest that the later changes can be related to a decrease in the personality trait of novelty seeking in infected subjects, which is potentially a side effect of increased concentration of dopamine in their brain.
you're only going to fuck with your head if you see jews as anything other than regular human scum.
Henry Torres
Did my post strike a little bit close to home Moshe?
Brayden Bennett
Last free reply you're getting out of me, you're the type of stupid where it's genuinely impossible to know if you're just dumb or being paid to disrupt the place.
Nobody said this but you. Go ahead and add to the noise level in the thread now by replying with some incoherent garbage.
Colton Gutierrez
For now I'm only posting evidence that my hypothesis has a basis in reality, but we should really look more into this. I will give more specific comparisons between the bwhaviour of the jew and the effects of certain parasites later. I'm researching this while I'm posting, so this might take a while.
All anons who are serious in figuring out what the hell is going on in the world, and how to fix it, should pay close attention to the information I'm posting in this thread, and I strongly urge you to research this on your own. Please share interesting discoveries within this topic in this thread.
We might actually have a real chance at unfucking the world here.
Luke Price
==Manipulation of Sexual Behavior in Humans by Human Papilloma Virus==
Every infectious agent is programmed with two fundamental imperatives of survival and reproduction. The exploration of infectious diseases with such perspective can offer great insights for their better understanding of the sexually transmitted infections. Parasites often alter the behavior of their host to facilitate transmission to newer hosts [1]. Many examples of host behavior manipulation in case of humans have been recently documented. One of the most fascinating and recent example comes from malaria causing protozoan Plasmodium falciparum. This parasite makes the infected human host more attractive for the mosquitoes to enhance its chances of transmission by frequent bites [2]. Toxoplasma gondii manipulates mate choice in the rats by enhancing the sexual attractiveness of the infected males [3]. Viruses are no more an exception when it comes to manipulation of the host for their own advantage. One of the most cited example is that of the rabies virus which infects the neurons in the limbic cortical areas of brain of the host and thus modulates the aggressive behavior for better transmission [4]. The chances of host sexual behavior manipulation in case of sexually transmitted infections caused by viruses are very high due to the intense selection pressure present in certain specific populations. The proposed hypothesis is intended to express the possibility of manipulation of such sexual behavior by viruses and microbes that are transmitted sexually in Human Subjects and HPV seems to be the candidate with the fairest chances of such manipulation.
Host behavior manipulation in case of sexually transmitted diseases is one such phenomenon that makes lot of sense in the light of evolution. This field is still in its nascent phase when it comes to such manipulations in case of humans as scientists across the world have just started coming with some convincing illustrations like that done by the virus of genital herpes. Herpes virus has adapted to colonize oral cavity for rapid transmission through Juicy and passionate kisses or the one that includes exchange of saliva. Most importantly changing sexual behaviors are changing transmission dynamics in ways that will shape certain pathogens for faster transmission with culture playing pivotal role in the regulation of such transmission processes. This has particularly happened in the case for transmission of herpes viruses in response to recent increases in oral–genital sex in western culture. Other than this ganglion infection in genital herpes is speculated to alter the sensory input to sex organs leading to enhanced libido and thus higher probability of virus transmission [32]. Scientists from University of California, Berkeley have documented higher levels of testosterone among the HIV positive patients during their primary stages of infection in South Africa [33]. Elevated serum testosterone above normal standards may induce higher libido and thus can lead to higher mating frequency thereby increase the chances of transmission to other host. There are two major obvious rationales for this type of manipulations. 1. Evolutionary success of sexually transmitted pathogens depends on mating frequency of the host rather than its population density. Most of the STDS have been evolved to persistence as chances of host mating with different partners are quite less in small span of time. The hosts with the highest mating success are also at the highest risk of getting sexually transmitted infections [34]. Thus there is very high selection pressure on the pathogens to adapt in a way that facilitate their transmission by altering mating frequency. 2. RNA viruses like HIV have very high mutation rate per replication and thus there are more mutational variants available within the host for the evolution of desired trait [35].
Julian Sullivan
(cont) Fucked up the redtext. Sadly the study didn't have much information regarding HPV, but it did have some interesting tidbits:
The Curious Case of Candida albicans yeast: Candida albicans which is one of the most common infections among the sexually active women has evolved significantly [53].It has adapted to specially colonize vagina and these vaginal strains have also adapted to sexual transmission, specifically female-to-male transmission. The fungus can spread to the host’s male partner by colonizing his glans penis via vaginal intercourse or his oral cavity via cunnilingus [53,54].This adaption of sexual transmissibility has been also supported with evidence from Genetic studies on change in allelic frequency for the same [54].The most significant and highest level of adaptation achieved by this fungus is w.r.t to manipulation of sexual behavior in the host. Candida albicans infections have been linked with following five major aspects of human sexual behavior: 1. Early age of first intercourse, 2. Casual sex with previous unknown partners in the past month, 3. Vaginal sex during menstruation, 4. Oral sex [fellatio] 5. Receptive anal sex. Candida albicans has also evolved to cross the blood brain barrier and colonize sites in Human Brain [55]. The most bizarre adaptation is the ability of this fungus to identify various regions of Brain and its capacity to adhere differently to different neuronal tissues. This recent adaptation of recognizing various neuronal tissues has been confirmed with autopsy of macaque brains
Colonization of brain by HPV in Humans: HPV has been also successful in colonizing Human Brain as there is ample evidence on HPV as the causative agent for Retinoblastoma in Kids [57]. Colonization of the Human Brain in case of adults gives ample opportunity for hypothesized behavioral manipulations induced by Virus directly or indirectly due to immune responses which may be of adaptive advantage to the virus. Adherence of the virus to specific areas like amygdala , Hypothalamus , Limbic system and other areas of brain that regulate Sexual behavior and similar traits might help to understand the level of adaptation by the virus.
Levi Walker
Gut microbiome(gut-brain axis) is very important. there is like 10x more foreign cells in your body than human, the mother passes immunity through birth and breastfeeding so passing shit or weird immunity is entirely possible
imagine the conquerors or the microscopic realm
Gabriel Williams
Parasites turn the freakin' frogs gay
"How does male homosexuality originate? More to the point, how does it perpetuate itself? According to Ed Miller, it results from a balanced polymorphism—a delicate balancing act where too much feminization of the male brain causes attraction to one’s own sex and too little causes indifference to one’s own children. This week, I will present an alternate explanation: Greg Cochran’s germ theory.
Greg has never published his theory in a peer-reviewed journal, although it is briefly summarized in Cochran et al. (2000). In itself, this is no shortcoming. Most journals seem uninterested nowadays in real debate. But sometimes I wish he would at least pretend he was writing for a journal. He tends to be polemical, as if only political correctness—or sheer stupidity—could motivate his detractors.
His starting point is the same as Miller’s. Male homosexuality makes no sense as a reproductive strategy. It should die out for the same reason that the Shakers did (the Shakers were a Protestant sect dedicated to lifelong celibacy). This point might seem obvious. Or maybe not. The following is an exchange between a germ theory critic and Greg Cochran:
Critic: Is it not likely that human sexuality is in fact a bell curve, with "strict homosexual" on one end and "strict heterosexual" on the other end, and the majority of the people falling somewhere in between? (With the caveat that sexual preference and sexual practice are not necessarily the same thing).
Greg: No, it is not likely. Sheesh. That would make exactly as much sense as a bell curve of food preferences ranging from steak at the left to granite at the right, in which people in the middle liked steak and rocks equally well. Is an even split between a behavior that works and one that never does what you expect from biology? Do you expect half the geese to fly north for the winter? (source)
Since natural selection would tend to eliminate male homosexuality, it should be uncommon—like most genetic conditions that impair one’s ability to survive and reproduce.
First we have to say what ‘common’ means, in this context. Common means common compared to the noise in the system. So 1% is very common: no disease caused by random mutations is anywhere near that common. 1 in 10,000 is surprisingly common, but there are one or two mutation-caused diseases that are in that ballpark, like Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Turns out that the gene involved in muscular dystrophy is maybe 20 times longer than the typical gene — there are more opportunities for typos. So 1 in 7000 boys have Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy — that’s as common as a ‘system noise’ disease gets. (Cochran 2004?)
Since male homosexuality is not rare, it cannot have a genetic cause, at least not principally. There may be a genetic predisposition (with around 30-45% heritability, according to twin studies), but this predisposition is interacting with something in the environment. And this something cannot be a recent environmental change, since male homosexuality has been around for a long time.
The only remaining cause would be some kind of infectious agent that selectively alters certain parts of the brain while leaving the rest intact. There are precedents for this sort of thing.
Do we know of diseases in which there are very specific targets—in which certain cell types are damaged or destroyed while neighboring cells are left intact? Sure. In some cases, a pathogen targets a particular cell type and has little effect on anything else. Human parvovirus (also known as fifth disease) hits erythroid precursor cells (the cells that manufacture red cells) and temporarily inhibits red cell production. In type-I diabetes, it seems likely that Coxsackie virus infections (in people with a genetic predisposition, in which HLA type plays a major role) trigger an autoimmune disease that gradually (over a year or so) destroys the islet cells which produce insulin. Other cells are not much affected. (Cochran 2004?)
Such pathogens may be more common than we think. The ones that get our attention—that make us go and see a doctor—are the ones that cause discomfort. But those ones may be a small minority of all pathogens, with most of the others flying under the radar. After all, it is in the pathogen’s own interest to be discrete and not cause too much havoc. It needs a healthy home to live in, until it can spread to another host.
Greg also argues that male homosexuality should be less common in smaller communities than in larger ones—where pathogenic transmission is likelier.
We can deduce a few things about the hypothetical agent causing homosexuality. First, it has a small, but not incredibly small, critical community size. That is the size of the clump of people required to keep the agent going. Some agents, ones in which infection results in permanent immunity, need a _large_ number of people, big enough that there are new infected people showing up by the time it circles the community. Measles for example requires almost half a million people in close proximity. An agent that causes a persistent infection can have a very small community size: I'd guess that Epstein-Barr has a CCS under 50. Since some communities seem to have no homosexuality at all (Bushmen, some hunter-gatherer groups in Indonesia and the Philippines, pre-contact Polynesians) we can be sure that this hypothetical agent has a critical community size larger than that of Epstein-Barr. More like chickenpox, which has a CCS of about 300 people. Not that I'm saying it _is_ chickenpox, mind you. (Cochran 2005)
Finally, this pathogen may selectively alter sexual orientation for reasons that go beyond those of not harming the host too much. There are, in fact, a number of pathogens that alter the host’s behavior in order to enhance their chances of transmission. The protozoan Toxoplasma gondii causes infected rats to lose their fear of cats, thus enabling it to enter a cat body and complete its life cycle (Wikipedia – Toxoplasmosis). The parasitic worm Euhaplorchis californiensis forms cysts in the brains of infected killifish that cause the fish to swim near the surface of the water and make tight turns that show off their glinting sides, thus enabling the worm to enter a bird’s body (Zimmer, 2008).
As a child, I remember being told that a chicken is an egg’s way of making another egg. If Greg Cochran is right, a gay man is a vehicle that a pathogen has constructed for its own survival and reproduction. Everything else is human-centered delusion.
This is an interesting argument, but it has a few holes. First, some genetic conditions do reach incidences that are comparable to that of male homosexuality (about 3-5% of all men). Abnormal hemoglobin variants can reach high incidences in sub-Saharan Africans and other populations (8% in the case of Hb AS among African Americans). These variants are typically maintained through balancing selection where the heterozygote state provides some protection against malaria. Greg acknowledges that such selection exists but sees it as being confined to malaria protection. Yet balancing selection can exist for many other reasons. For example, one in 200 Hopi is albino, apparently because cultural selection offsets the environmental disadvantages of albinism (Hedrick, 2003).
Second, male homosexuality is frequently reported in small communities, including bands of Amerindian hunter-gatherers. Known as ‘berdaches’, these male homosexuals were described by early European explorers and appear to have existed in pre-contact times, as indicated by origin myths (Desy, 1978). One witness was John Tanner, a white captive who lived among the Ottawa of Ontario and then the Ojibwa of Manitoba until 1828:
Brandon Harris
In recent years, a variety of colorectal disorders have been recognised among male homosexuals.! In this report, the term homosexual behaviour is defined as any sexual relationship including orogenital, proctogenital or analingual sex between two or more males. A wide variety of intestinal parasites have been recovered from stools of homosexuals. Amoebiasis has been reported as a common cause of diarrhoea in homosexuals.2 , 3 Its aetiologic agent, Entamoeba histotytics, is frequently found to be the cause of diarrhoea and crampy abdominal pain in travellers who have returned from areas where sanitary conditions are poor." Previous reports have shown that homosexuals were subjected to various types of infection. In this study, six patients were treated for acute diarrhoea due to E. histolytica. Of these six, three were foreigners currently employed locally and the other three were Malaysians. All six patients considered themselves to be homosexuals. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the emergence of parasitic infections in the form of the Gay Bowel Syndrome.
This might explain the extreme promiscuity in faggots. The parasites need to spread, y'know, and what better way for intestinal parasites to spread than making the host have frequent contact with multiple anuses?
Ryan Martinez
Remember when only Jews got Epstein Barr? Then only yuppies. Now everybody gets it. Chronic infection causing extreme laziness, aversion to physical labor and couch potato behavior.
Asher Perry
Let me add this casual observation. Have you ever noticed how many Flies can be created by empty foods left in trash? How about Beer cans and empty beer bottles. Have you ever noticed how many Flies swoon around the lip if left to sit for just a couple days? Have you considered the trouble of Porks? Have you considered Grain oils such as Canola or rapeseed oil and Soybean oils that allow Non-Human DNA to be absorbed into the Bloodstream?
Bentley James
I have noticed those things and many more. Still trying to piece everything together. Reading up on the history of cats right now. Going to post interesting stuff in a little while, just have to see the whole picture a bit more clearly first. It seems like the spread of domesticated cats throughout the world has a strong correlation to the evolution and spread of sociopathic and degenerate/harmful traits and insanity in human society as a whole, as well as the rise and fall of civilizations. Scandinavians for instance didn't keep cats until between ca. 800-1000 A.D. And they are generally accepted to be the most aryan people throughout history, with a free, strong society based on actually good qualities and personal improvement rather than pointless grandeur, greed and subsequent enslavement like the "grand" civilizations like Ancient Egypt (Which had an unhealthy obsession with cats - maybe due to widespread Toxoplasmosis?) and Rome everyone keeps circlejerking about. Shortly after the introduction of cats, the vikings disappeared. I'm not going to jump to conclusions, or imply that correlation equals causation, but it's food for thought at least.
Brody Clark
HPV is related to Cancer. Metronidazole and other Anti-Fungals are another thing to think a lot about. Do any of you have hard feet or a Yellow super fucking stubborn Foot fungus? Ever tried the Tinactin spray but it wasn't enough to knock the Dam infection out?
The symbol for Jesus is a Fish? Have you ever looked at all the Fish Anti-Biotics? The Fish Anti-Fungals? What about deworming medicines for fish? What about Keflex? How about KI?
I can personally tell you I used a strategy last year, very unconventional. But some really fucking horrible foot fungus I acquired in Prison on my foot, well I destroyed that Fungus so bad that my feet were like new. Like almost a babies skin.
Unfortunately, Brain infections because of the Blood Brain Barrier, the ability to treat these infections depends on finding the right carrier or ship to get the medicine to the Brain stem and to the Meninges. Fungus is known to cause some hair loss in men.
Did you know that some Cigarette companies add MSM or organic sulfur crystals?
Did you know that Melatonin is derived in 3 places in your body? Your eyes, your gut, and your Pineal Gland?
Did you know that in Hawaii, a Pineapple producer using Monsanto pesticides caused a strange scenario where all the workers developed Parkinson's disease except the workers who smoked Cigarettes?
Parkinson's is a disorder is it not? Now how in the world would those workers not have the condition if all of the rest did? Remember the Cigarette patent listed on Google I told you about that shows MSM is added to cigarettes? Do you think the smoke could pass the Blood brain barrier? If so, could that be a transport vehicle to the brain? If not, could the base of the spine? All things to consider.
Mein Kampf mentions syphilis. Have you ever heard of Medusa? How about the female aspect of this Frog God we see so often on here Kek?
Aaron Butler
T. gondii is critically understudied, it COULD have huge implications for culture and individual behavior. It's proven to be able to alter the behavior of all known warm-blooded animals by changing brain chemistry. At first it was only relevant to making rodents more prone to being eaten by felines, completing the life cycle in the cat's guts. But there's some evidence that it is actually transmissible by blood, and if so, it is NOT a big evolutionary jump to change human behavior to enhance its numerical abundance. Great example would be homosexual sodomy, an excellent vehicle for blood-borne pathogens.
If social scientists were worth a damn, they would be looking into brain parasites as they relate to various social phenomena. For example, there are viruses that increase sociability in the host before becoming symptomatic.
one of the most fascinating things to me are endogenous retroviruses: basically viruses that were lucky enough to infect an animal or human egg, then without causing majorly evolutionarily disadvantageous mutations, they are encoded in the very genetic code of the host, to be replicated throughout the host's lifetime.
It's thought that 5-8% of the genome of "jawed organisms" represents endogenous retrovirus code. Sorry I don't have the sources written down.
Sebastian Wright
Praziquantel kills tape worms in fish. Might be a decent thing to have in your survival kit? Especially if you eat alot of Pork?
What about at the base of your spine anons? If you get syphilis, you need an anti-biotic shot at the base of your spine. Penicillin - K I believe?
Anyways, despite all of these evil Jewish Mexican posts clogging the thread, this deserves a bump
Tyler Price
Great example would be homosexual sodomy, an excellent vehicle for blood-borne pathogens
And if you use Methamphetamine cut with MSM as was explained earlier in this thread as a possible vechicle to drive non- Human DNA around your Blood, then you can see how Ghosts and the dead souls can enter into this timeline/ realm.
user I…
Anthony Miller
what if these jewish question threads are just (them) making Holla Forums look like the kind of sites that get their parent sites TLD removed or threatened
first they take out the d.aily s.tormer now Holla Forums is filled with the jewish question threads (cuckchan is a goddamn nightmare now). nat generals were an effective containment thread to introduce newfags to stormer and keep this edgy teen retard bait manageable but times are changing.
Dominic Richardson
I think I've actually solved this thing. Toxoplasmosis may have a much bigger effect on humanity than I thought possible. And it might be directly responsible for much of the evil in the world. First let us look at the similarities between the behaviour of cats and that of subhumans/degenerates (much more prevalent in kikes, but it's clear the other shitskins are affected by this as well.) Sadism - both cats and shitskins, especially jews, love inflicting pointless suffering on their prey, and very often kill without reason. Egoism/sociopathic behaviour - Cats and shitskins really only care about themselves. They don't give a shit about you unless you can be beneficial to them somehow. Rape/promisquity/pedophilia, etc: Both cats and subhumans can often be seen roaming the streets looking for victims to rape, there's also a much higher rate of pedophilia and other fetishes in subhumans and cats. Two good examples: Grown male cats raping kittens - youtube(.)com/watch?v=kxfypU_Asbo Cats having group sex on street (Maybe this parasite is why jews in particular love cuckolding.) youtube(.)com/watch?v=rA83Fj5XK0k Have you ever wondered why subhumans both hate and fear dogs so much? And why dogs often react to them the same way they react to cats? Maybe they have the ability to detect this parasite somehow. Dogs really are mans best friend.
Isaiah Campbell
(cont) Chinese people are extremely sadistic towards dogs, they love torturing them before eating them. This parasite may also be a good explanation for this. Female cats also don't give a shit about their offspring. This is also seen in modern feminists. And have you ever wondered how jews/chinese/niggers/mexicans/muslims/faggots/feminists etc. almost seem like they share the same mind? How they all seemingly attack at the same time and the same predictible way? It's almost like they can read eachothers thoughts somehow. A parasite infestation is the only thing I can think of that could cause this. There's a reason chinese are called ant people. And there's a reason niggers chimp out in giant hordes. Have you ever wondered why all subhumans act in ways that don't benefit anyone/anything or themselves? (The only ones that benefit from their action are jews, most likely because they have developed a symbiotic relationship with this parasite, but they too are headed towards their doom in one way or another. If white men go instinct, so does the jew.) This is not an evolutionary trait. I also don't think this could be achieved with brainwashing and propaganda. It's not easy to disable survival instincts. There's also the fact that subhumans don't appear to have any free will at all. Also look at the genetics of subhumans. The more their behaviour matches the behaviour caused by this parasite, the more fucked up their DNA gets. Toxoplasmosis is prevalent in many, prehaps even most, cases of schizophrenia, and the jews have MUCH higher rates of schizophrenia than any other race.
Adam Rodriguez
It's hard to say, but they act like parasites themselves. The NS party in Germany had classified them as a biological parasite, since, functionally, that is how they behave.
And pretty much everything they ever said was right and needs no improvement, so I tend to just go with their answers.
Jeremiah Miller
Pic shows prevalence of cat and dog ownership. The most cucked countries in the world sure have a lotta cats. Lots of dog people in the US, though. That may explain the increasing divide of the population.
Toxoplasmosis may also be an explanation for the neurotic and erratic behaviour in subhumans (again, this is much more prevalent in jews), which is also a trait shared by cats. Both cats and subhumans are also extremely lazy, often only doing the bare minimum of work required in all circumstances. This parasite may also explain the strange behaviour of cat owners, the fact that many people feel relaxed just by seeing images of cats, why they worshipped cats in ancient Egypt, why cats are so damn popular in places like Japan, where a large percentage of the population show the more typical behavioural changes caused by the parasite (Extremely introverted, tame males and extremely extroverted and "dominant" females), a fetish for anime girls with cat ears/tails/paws, many strange fetishes in general, and a high occurence of depression/suicidal behaviour. The general populace in Japan also seems very easy to control. This parasite may also be the reason why cats "tamed" themselves. This offered the parasite a better chance of surviving and spreading. This parasite also causes reproductive problems in animals, which may be one of the factors contributing to the sudden decline in fertility in the west. "Another interesting finding was the high seroprevalence (66.7%) among female cats with reported reproduction problems, such as abortions and stillbirths: significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the estimated overall prevalence." Source for quote: journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1040638712461787 I think cat allergies may be a defense mechanism against this parasite, especially considering that cat allergies are most prevalent in Scandinavian countries, where the people most closely resemble the original Nordic/European races (White Nordid and Red Nordid). I can't find statistics on cat allergies in the Middle East, but I guess it's very low, considering a lot of places are swarming with cats, istanbul is actually known for this. This absence of cat allergies in the Middle East, may indicate that the more Armenid (The original jews/gypsies/tatars etc.) genes an individual posesses, the less likely he is to be allergic, and will generally posess more subhuman traits. The last part should be obvious to all who frequently visit this site. The more jewish someone looks, the more jewish he acts. As the age-old saying goes: The nose knows. If only someone would kicnap a really jewy jew and perform a thorough parasite cleanse on him to see if he changed his ways.
Jordan Richardson
The ultimate point of all such things is sexual honor and it's necessity. We need to purge all manner of dishonorable people so that the gene pool can be clean.
Alexander Martinez
Have you ever wondered why God has so much sympathy over sinners? Because sinners are degenerate and need him and his forgiveness.
Now, have you ever wondered why Jews are the chosen race? And why God has such compassion and mercy over them?
Because unlike sinners, who are degenerate because of their twised morality; Jews need to be degenerate for survival. Degeneracy runs in their genes.
They aren't spreading parasites of any sort. Or have any parasites in effect. They are simply degenerate.
Degeneracy and Mental Sickness are similar in manner, but not similar in being. The mentally sick require treatment, but the degenerate do not, because degenerates are so within their own reasoning.
Pride isn't a mental sickness caused by a parasite. Pride is a symptom of degeneracy.
The only cure is either to convict them morally, or to wipe them out.
Justin Anderson
The thing is, if the typically jewish/subhuman/degenerate traits are actually caused by a specific parasite or mix of parasites that govern their behaviour, we could potentially rid the world of jewry far easier and more effectively if we figured out a way to kill the parasite. It could in theory be possible to design a highly contagious virus that specifically targets certain pathogens. Hitler only bought us time, and he knew it. it's up to us to finish the job, and if we don't do it very soon, we may not get another chance, ever. The jew won't stop until all life is eradicated. We can't wait for a new Hitler. It's too late for that, and the European spirit has been trapped by the jew/toxoplasmosis. If my theory is correct, it also goes without saying that the same pathogen may be the thing subduing the European spirit. It's also apparant that individuals with a predominance of Nordid genes show less, if any, characteristics typical of jews. Generally speaking, the whiter you are, the better you are. When I say white, I'm not just talking about the skin color, but the phenotype as a whole. But even the 'whitest' man in the world may succumb to degeneracy if he somehow becomes ill/unhealthy. Why does this happen? How can a formerly pure, godd, strong hardworking individual very rapidly turn almost demonic when his immune system is compromized? Maybe it's because this gives parasites/viruses time to grow in number and slowly take over the body. it's still only a theory, but it's the only thing I've thought of so far that actually makes sense. That or demons, but even if there were demons, they had to have a way to get foothold in this world, maybe a tiny subtle single-celled amoeba that can affect all warm-blooded animals, including reptiles and some insects, is found everywhere in the world and slowly takes over the hosts body and mind. Seems like a good way for Yahweh to achieve its dream of total control over the world. Think about it, the world started going to shit not long ago, about the same time when they started spraying chemicals everywhere and intensively. Nowadays it's fucking crazy. It wasn't even close to this bad just five years ago. Oh, and all you anons should start watching the sky. People are way happier, more energetic, friendly, imaginative and cooperative on days when there's no (((contrails))) in the sky. Just some food for thought.
Luke Watson
UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL PARASITES IN NATURE see just how much they have in common with jews
Kikes aren't a "chosen race"; they lost that priviledge long ago when they rejected Jesus Christ as their savior. That's the whole point of the NT.
Connor Powell
its funny how when the goy ants catch wind of the kike ants theres is a shoah for the kike ants and they get btfo
its crazy how these ants used to be like the other ants until they evolved to jew the other ants. notice how demonic those parasite ants look now.
they are EXACTLY like jews
Hunter King
Eli Rogers
Thomas Edwards
This is what happened when neanderkikes attempted to breed with cro-mag.
Aaron Nguyen
Brandon Gomez
Kikes are mixed individuals, so yes they partially have Neanderthal DNA, but they get this from Europeans. They're a mongrelised race, hence why the live in North Africa/the Middle-East, between the negro and modern day Aryan, in the land where great Aryan civilisations once lived (before mixing with the negro slaves, and later giving them rights - sound familiar?)
Leo Green
Nope, the kike-suppressed science is coming out. Kikes have a higher admixture of neander. Cromag was doing it's own thing when neander attempted to rape humans again for the last time before they got their asses wiped out.
Colton Wood
Nope. It's the trauma of circumcision. If you notice a strange pattern of behavior that is very common among a given population, it is best to look to what childhood experience most or all the members of that population experience. School severly damages most westerners, and it is an experience almost everyone has in common.
Shortly after being born, jewish babies are strapped to a table and sexually tortured. They have no conscious memory of this but non is necessary. Trauma does not work with memory. It is stored in the subconscious. Experiencing this trauma traps part of the psyche of the child at the early infant stage, and many infant behaviors become a permanent part of the peson as they grow up:
- The obsession with powerful women (strong mom to protect from the evil man) - Feeling that a grave injustice has been commited against himself (projected out to his people since all have it in common) - Obsession with scat, piss and the genitals (early infant behavior) - Paracistism (like the infant, which is completely dependant on the parents - A compulsion to degrade innocence (a mirror of what has been done to them) - Their thing with touch and rubbing their hands (touch is a major way for infants to explore the world - Obsession with survival (money obsession) - Feelings of not being good enough (parental abandonment) - Fear of masculine authority (because it is a male surgeon who tortures the infants) - Facility with lying (like a small child, it is easy for them to believe what is in their heads) - Compulsion to exagerate stories (like small children) - Vulgar tastes, needless excess (like blacks, most of whom stop evolving spiritually at the child stage) And the list goes on and on…
The tragedy is that if the jews stopped practicing mutilation on their infants, and waited until the teens when they could use anasthetics, they would lose their jewish identity within a few generations, because new jews would not feel this hatred for the wold and fear of the foreigner the way the mutilated ones do.
Tyler Cook
Shlomo, please.
Isaac Campbell
So your thread is basically this:
Parasites cause shift in behaviour. Shift is not linked to sjw or jew. If you want to prove if the shift is linked to sjw or jew, you would need to do a quantitive research but I doubt anyone will give funding for such a topic lol.
First conduct if something is credible or not, what OP posted is simply not credible since it makes leaps in logic and leaves the thing that needs to be proven unanswered. Therefore it's a conspiracy theory.
Levi Smith
I agree with your paragraph entirely. For those anons just delving into biology now, parasites are most successful (in mammal hosts anyway) when they do not kill the host and in fact when the damage to the host is nominal at best. For example, the worst damage a parasite might cause to a host is in the damage to its society (increased aggression etc) that might even benefit the individual in limited situations. Likewise, a parasite could cause an individual to be more paranoid or greedy far beyond reason. There are numerous studies now showing that persistent parasite infection in a population changes the genetic history of that population. Both studies showing forced reinfection of all the individuals and studies showing persistent reinfection of some of the individuals show significant genetic changes in the populations. In fact parasite infection, and parasite resistance could cause speciation, whether or not those parasites further down the line get eliminated entirely from the respective populations.
Nathaniel Hill
You don't have to wonder, it is known.
Ethan Flores
(1) another defeatism shill There are already studies enough to find enough causal links. The fact you are telling us not to try should only embolden those capable of putting in the work.
Brayden Hughes
Kikes are the problem, not Jews.
Michael Flores
Goodluck proving that correlation with 'sjws' or jews, or convincing anyone that this research is needed.
It's flawed, most of the parasites mentioned in the article that OP linked are detectable with proper diagnosis. If experts found out there were significant (significant in quantitative analysis context) differences between ehtnicity and likelihood of infection it would be reported. To be infected with a parasite requires an interaction that makes you infected. The parasite often doesn't chose its human host. Of course certain conditions of the body can be more prevalent in other ethnicities which can cause some parasites to be in a better environment to breed. Other than that no major differences as far as I'm aware.
Henry Harris
But what if you are the addled with parasites?
Brody Richardson
Toxiplasmosis is catladies/liberalism. Homos is child molestation