pol, I've lost everything… my friends are gone, either dead or we no longer talk. My family is gone, same deal. My nation is gone, destroyed by marauding hordes of feral savages, and my woman is gone, she just left me because even though she "still really loves me" she "doesn't feel like being in a relationship right now".
I lost my income so I'm nearly bankrupt and I'll probably be homeless in the next 6 months unless I find a way to pay rent.
I need some advice, what do?
Inb4 kys
Well first stop blog posting, second find a mcjob and downsize.
Get some real skill and go inawoods you fagget.
that means she wants to cheat on you
dump her permanently as of right now with no sugarcoating, and tell her that you think shes a slut, because she probably is
This + learn to not sperg out at people when its not a good idea.
We've all been there before user. Just never stop bettering yourself. School, gym, music, or a hobby. Put your time into becoming a better person and it will all work out
Go back to 4chan with your shitty attempts at shilling. After you have crawled there like a snivelling bitch, they too will reject tou and you can then fuck off back to Reddit like the semitic cunt you truly and honestly are.
thats easy, tell your woman to not come back and go pound the pavement either in a few low paying jobs or a trade.
get new friends.
Make up with your family, find new work. Get after it. You're a big boy now and no one is going to do it for you. That's part of being an adult, realizing that no one has the answers for you.
I treat my girlfriend pretty badly and she still loves me and wouldn't even consider leaving me because I'm so good at everything I do. Feels so fucking good man.
not al jews can be screen writer you know
She never loved you, cut contact.
As for the rest, either get a job, or take what you have and go innawoods. As for friends don't worry about it, the more you worry about that shit the more you drive people away.
Try to make things right with your family as well, don't listen to the defoo kikes. this isn't always possible if there's a bigger underlying problem like drug abuse or insanity, both of my parents are drug addicts and I didn't find out until I was in my early 20s
If you want support, go to the hugbox called TRS. We're just here to call you a faggot.
This. And yes, go tell it to her face, too. There's a few damn good screencaps of posts on women (which someone should post, I don't have 'em), basically they go through all sorts of hoops and mental gymnastics to justify the most disgusting behavior, as in she's telling herself that she loves you but she's going to set you aside while she goes and finds someone else to have sex with. If you let her do shit like that you're a fucking cuck, and subconsciously she knows and isn't going to respect you because you didn't be the alpha and tell her what's going to happen if she does that.
Just the fact that she's doing it means that she was never committed or actually loved you in the first place anyway. If she's living with you tell her to gather up all her shit and hit the road. Get a job, apply for anything that you're confident you won't fuck up too bad, and some places will train you to do what you're applying for. If you're trying to find new people, go to a gun range often, and start shooting the shit with people that are regulars. If you're in the southern US and have Confederate ancestors, try getting involved in something like the Sons of Confederate Veterans. The guys that go and re-enact battles are good old fellas and it's pretty damn good fun. I obviously don't know where you are but if your country, state, province, etc. has something similar then go for it. White people that share interest in their history are good people to be around and befriend.
what's the issue user?
Find some manual labor construction gig with anyone willing to pay cash. I started with a guy doing carpet and tile long ago now make 20 an hour cash . Do it, get in what ever door you can and ride the kid out as long as you can. Start hanging out at Home Depot like the beaners.
If you go to a temp agency you'll probably have a 40 hour more-than-minimum wage (say 11/hr) job within a few days. It's probably the easiest way to get work, less hassle than retail places and shit like that, pays better, etc.
If she'd pull something like that then she was never good enough for you. It took my a long time to realise that with my ex. Don't worry about the other things op. It'll all work out if you stick at it; just don't give up.
Take a break from Holla Forums maybe? We'll be here when you get back.
Besides, fuck news cycles. I lived in one for five years with all other sorts of shit going and it was ridiculous. Once you get a handle on what's been going on, you will know where it's going.
Sort yourself out nigger.
Get a trade, faggot. Worlds not gonna stop expanding and rebuilding any time soon. Plus you won't have as much time to wallow and blogpost if your hands and mind are occupied.
Were you married?
Deus Vult
I urge you to find out more about life and reality than what we know is going on, something like this. user puts a gun to t. FBI .t High up politician t. Super Scientist
t. Aquano or C.I.A. Agent or whatever the country you are in calls these agencies and super sekrit laboratories, and tell them you want to know about this or that and when they start to act like they don't know, just shot man, just kill them all.
Go to work and knock up a white woman that isn't a whore like I fucking guarantee your ex is. "Don't want to be in a relationship right now" is code for "I want to fuck lots of people, you just aren't one of them".
Don't be a faggot. Better yourself and leave the bullshit behind.
Connect with a nationalist brotherhood. There are others out there, just like you. You are not alone.
This, been to a few SCV events and they were pretty good
She should be the one fearing the loss of you.
You're either a blackpill shill trying to scare us away from nationalism. Or you are an absolute retard with no social awareness or finesse when it comes to talking about his politics.
If you are serious contact some nationalist groups. Even TRS would probably help you, to be honest.
That's one hairy shoulder
Why not just learn to le code XD?
I wish I had some advice. I lost my marriage-material white blonde gf 5 years ago because I was an alcoholic and a drug addict. I absolutely couldn't go one day without getting shitcanned. When I tried, my mind would spiral out of control.
Now that I'm finally free of it, my life is fucked up. I lost my EASY AS FUCK office job, and I'm now doing manual labor in Arizona - or as I call it, the surface of mars. I'm nearly destitute, and I'm living with my boss, who took pity on me because I was homeless. I'm planning on packing up and leaving tomorrow, because I overstayed my welcome. The project I was hired for is almost done, so I'll have no job, no home, and only about $800 to my name.
You have a fantastic opportunity to re-evaluate and change your life… For the better!
What do:
Self improvement!
Evaluate what skills you have that are applicable with making an income.
If you have none, do not fret dear user, all is not lost! As others have said, find some junk tier job ether where you are or in a lower cost of living area (MO, AR, ect) and seek a trade or sub school for specialized occupations.
Really take a hard look at what you ~Need~ to survive, see if you an cut that cost down to sub $300 or even high $200s a month before factoring possible rent. Trimming the fat now will help you on your journey to true independence and economic freedom!
I'm sure I could come up with more, but sadly I'm drunk as fuck at the moment.
Other anons, please build upon this if you would be so kind.
this is a board of peace, definitely do not go on nigger killing spree followed by an hero.
You need to see how liberating being free of stupid shit (and people) actually is on the one hand, and acknowledge your flaws and work on them on the other.
Honestly, it's really not a bad thing, unless you've already got kids and are being dragged through a messy divorce or something. Just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.
That is rough. Alcohol is pretty bad. Maybe the Worst aside from Heroin. Are you still a motivated person?
go to 4pol to post this garbage, sage and reported
Yeah don't do this.
Don't kys, you have nothing to lose. You know what to do.
kek, is the fbi outsourcing bait posts to india now?
welcome to the club
Stop thinking in ZOGbucks. Learn to make everything yourself without (((zogbucks))). Like your food from growing plants in a creative mannerlike hidden inna woods or by dumpster diving. The best thing you can do now is buy tools to gather food with and get the hell out of that desert hellhole. Essentially prep for being a eternal camper. That means getting a sleeping bag, multipuprose knife, firestarter that works more than once, and a way to keep dry. Read >>>/pdfs/ if you can on camping. If you can use your current adress to get food stamps and buy as much dry food and non perishables as you can. If you have a car put it there. Otherwise just buy as you travel away from arizona.
Remember always travel with as little as you need so it is easier to walk long distance. Do you really need that second knife? Or that fifth water bottle? Or that game console? Sage for possible bait thread.
This is a bit too far IMO, as long as OP has a car already paid for and can afford insurance he should keep it
If he has to make payments or its an expensive car though he could be better off selling it and getting a cheaper used car, you can actually get decent running cars on craigslist for under $1500 in most places, especially where it doesn't snow and road salt isn't used
Living out of a vehicle is also much more practical, it also gives you more options for food/cooking
You can get a cheap propane stove and cook dried goods like rice/beans along with other foods for extremely cheap
I recently got a very similar portable camping stove from brandsmart for $15 on sale actually and have used it several times when power has gone out with no issues, you can get gas canisters at walmart and sporting goods/outdoors stores for $2-3 each and they seem to have atleast 4-6 hours of burn time, you can also save money by buying a 5gal plastic water jug (like used for coolers) and using it as your main water source, it costs $1-3 to refill at most places or you can do it for free with tap water if you can access a water source
Do you fucking know how much mandatory car insurance is? One guy said he had 800$. You are not paying for car insurance but for two months with that. At best with a shitty craigslist car you would get one month but he would strike a fucking crappy deal to find a car under 800$.
fucking boomers with their cheap insurance
It would last longer than a month assuming OP isn't a retard and can identify basic issues and i have literally sold/bought dozens of cars on craigslist (mostly ones i fixed and sold for a profit), its not hard at all to find ones even under $1000 that run fine
Like $73 a month for me and i don't even have a perfect driving record and have 2 cars insured, not a boomer either at mid 20s, if i pay for 6 months at a time its $395 or around $65/mo*
didn't mean to greentext the whole thing
Where in the hell is this? The cheapest I can find around my area is 350$ ish a month and that's with a spotless record and several 'classess' ontop of that. All for a shitty 2002 car. Like what the actual fuck?
BTW search for small local insurance companies (like Velox, direct general, allstar, titan) and prices are generally much cheaper, shop around and feel free to ask plenty of places for quotes as well
Insurance rates and what is considered minimum liability insurance varies wildly by state as well, some states don't even require any form of insurance at all (NH, VA)
Is that you Jocko?
join the fucking beaners at that time OR man up and become successful like a real white man
OP may have lost his alpha status in her eyes.
To keep a women you have to be on your A-game all the time. Here she senses OP weakness and THUS her love for him is gone.
Women don't love unconditionnally like men do.
I was going to say "THIS", but seeing this comment makes me want to say "get a virgin next time"
THIS! Shoot up a random school.