Endless Legend unveils next expansion


I like this a lot. It's basically Things Fan Asked For In The Last Expansion: The Last Expansion

clicker shit, lemme know when they release a real game instead of this microsoft windows level boring shit

This looks like an interesting game.
Last 4x game I played was Alpha Centauri.. How does this game fare compared to AC?

It takes effort to bait this badly.

And yet thanks to you he was still successful

You literally can't beat AC. If there's one pace Endless Legend isn't great, it's lack of naval battles and good AI. With this expansion, former is no longer a problem.
AI is inconsistent and sometimes stupid in combat. Not for the lack of trying. They updated the AI multiple times and it was a big feature of the free expansion. It's not horrible anymore, but it's not good either.

Everything else about the game is great, though.
Each faction plays uniquely, there are seasons that strategically matter, you can customize units and it works, artstyle is amazing and music stellar.

Wow, might give it a try.
I really like how the game and faction looks.
Lore seems pretty good also.
Thanks man

The game looks amazing and almost every race in it is very interesting, but the gameplay is too fucking shallow.

Amen to that. I wander back occasionally to see if things improved, but it isn't enough to suck me in yet.

It has really grown from just an okay game to a pretty good one with the expansions.

Besides the mentioned AI, there's still some issues such as the city-building being forced to triangles or rows of two for the districts to level up, the combat being pretty damn simple, and the AI behaviour feeling random due to lack of feedback. Like, why are these 100 pearls worth 4 dust to this faction?


I don't know which one I like more.

I still have no fucking clue what I'm doing and the Comp.Players feel like they cheat something awful. It still seems like a good game but holy hell it seems like a whole lot to get used to.

Funny I always found it too easy (assuming you survive the first 2-3 winters).

See that's always the stumbling block that kicks my shit in, suddenly all of my cities are making negative in everything, people are pissed off, and suddenly for some reason here comes another faction to kick my ass and take a city. Maybe if I sat down and forced my way through a game I'l get it, but man do you get put through the ringer if your experience with 4X games is minimal

I really want to like the game and do like it for the most part but I can never finish a game. I just get bored somewhere after my third city and lose interest in continuing. Then when I come back I want to start a new game and the same thing usually happens.

cool. Now i want to play it more alltho i'm shit at it
Favorite faction is endless hunger

I forgot how I did it but I found a good way in getting through it consistently. Its a long time since I played. I guess I'll get all the expansions in the christmas sale and play some more.

Every time with these nu4x games with no difficulty or rewarding gameplay elements.

The victory conditions are bland as fuck too. When I bothered with the space ship one, I expected something more than a text prompt of "Poochie went back to his planet".

Here's the problem with modern 4x games in a nutshell


Jesus Christ that image is bait but I don't have the energy to argue with it.


Here's a (you)
(You) can stop now.

Did I insult your favorite dime a dozen nu4x, autist?

Yeah, boobs can be a bit hard to get right. I also don't "get" the pose properly. Maybe someone should send this to Amplitude and ask what they think is right.

No, you just seem like a fag. Unlike these anons


Stay cucked summerfag.

6/10 average

If you say so user.

You seem quite upset for someone who isn't a raging cuck.

A claim without substantiation is a non-issue that can be waved away.

Awesome shitpost man.

I've eaten potatoes smarter than you.

Go back to your steam hugbox faggot.

And the French fucks said they wouldn't release another expansion. I'm hyped.
I have no money for this shit though.

Thank God for ID filtering.

I really can't get into Endless Legend, it just seems way to shallow and meta gaming.

When Civ came out it wasn't like many other games you, the point was to win of course but you also had the feeling of creating a civ and managing it.

In endless legends it just feels like a turn based strategy game with civilization flare.

Civilization is just turn-based strategy game as well?

Alright I guess I'll just argue the first 2 points a bit. Graphics are subjective and the argument that they're not inspired enough is bad. Side by side I can clearly see which game is which and I think they all look good in their own way, some of those screenshots are so shitty though,I mean goddamn why are they so zoomed out? Secondly, all these games for the most part handle combat differently like with age of wonders and the strategic map or endless legend. The combat has different mechanics that work together such as terrain and how you use cities for different purposes depending on the game or even sometimes faction. City management is also different between some of these games like how districts work in endless legend or rare buildings in age of wonders. I'm not saying all the combat is good however, just that it's not all cookie- cutter. That's all I feel like saying, if you want another response please ask.

Well lets take the Cultists for example.
Forgive me if I make a mistake it has been since the games released since I played it.

You have I think 4 units, TOTAL.
So in the very beginning you are spamming 1 unit, taking over natives.
Then you take the natives and take over new natives.
While building upgrades.
That's it, I never feel like my civ is really progressing tech wise, I'm just giving generic upgrades to the same 4 units repeatedly.

Then the factions other then the Cultists are pretty much the same factions I've played before on other platforms.

Nigga just use your Natives, then you'll have more than 4 troops.



Natives are pretty boring once you get used to them.

Nigga you just described every 4x since the dawn of time.

Yeah combat isn't Endless legend's strong point but I think the customization makes up for unit variety personally. I can't speak for all factions, I only play space vikings.

Amplitude Studios are SJWs

Pure coincidence.

It's a welcome expansion, though. God knows we needed naval battles feature. It's the last thing "missing" from the game.

Besides, you don't announce an expansion like this unless you worked at it for months, before the Sega acquisition.

What's the one on the middle left?


He has none. They made a small DLC for Dungeon of the Endless that adds a nigger and a womyn heroes. That's it.

This gives me hope that they'll be able to make Endless Space 2 a great game before Sega destroys the studio.

I hadn't considered that. But I still agree with what said, it is still welcome and was probably planned as a surprise for after they said they wouldn't release any more.

Lovely, thanks user.

I know this isn't Endless Legend, but it always reminds me of the Cult.

usually you don't have to pay for your surprises but I get where you're coming from.
I didn't know that Sega bought them. If I had created a company there are a few companies I would never sell it to.
I think I'd be wary of Sega because I wouldn't want my games to become like Total War (read : shit)

If only they did all that for free. They could ride the wave of consumer goodwill for years

>Morgawr—an aquatic-based Major Faction specialising in naval warfare and the “manipulation of other creatures.”

Pandora: First Contact. It's Alpha Centurai, minus everything that made that game actually interesting and fun to play. Complete with Civ 5 bullshit. And of course, Extra Credits praised it just as the shit that would be Beyond Earth was revealed.

What's your favorite race to play?

Vaulters, definitely.

That said, Wild Walkers are ridiculously easy mode. Never piss anybody off, never go to war, and you can just build your wonder and win without a single difficult quest.

When are they going to fix online play?

Either the Dickbugs or the Roving Jews

There any rule34 of that cultist?

I wanna cum on those hips.

Only r34 I found was of drakken.

Fuck this gay earth.

I remember when I played my hardest stomp was with Broken Lords and they were a lot of fun to play. Were they overpowered when the game released? Because I remember ending up with more dust than I could spend.

At this point, EL is pretty complete as a fantasy world. Except I really fucking wish a lot of this stuff was in earlier, instead of through expansions. Fucking AoW3 was more feature complete at launch.

Shekel hoarders and manipulators are already in game. This sounds more like a faction of Aquamen.


Clean you art for fucks sake, Amplitude.

That's just embarrassing.

I never played this game online, or any 4x for that matter.

So, how's the online gameplay? Do I have to reserve 2-3 hours of my time to game with a few randos?

Will I ever enjoy a 4x that isn't Total war?

Well, since Total War is not a 4x, propably never ;^)

Yeah I feel the similar. I'm no 4x afficionado, only played civ games and this and while I enjoyed them overall, the combat always disappointed me. Wish there was one with good combat. (TW is not 4x and i don't like real time strategy)

0.02 cents have been added to your accounts.

It has multiplayer no

That would make a good FPS



Literally one hour ago I turned a mercenary army into privateers while an AI was watching, then capped one of his cities, in which he then proposed an alliance.

Pain wizards


But Cravers are also amazing.
Everytime a scout ship appears, you feel legitimate fear of what's coming.

I do remember a game however where I managed to scare them. That was funny.