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didnt they let the bulk of ISIS fighters leave Mosul and go to Syria during the Mosul build up.
im sure these guys will pop up in Afghanistan in a few months
Yup, they struck a deal with the goatfuckers which allowed nearly 9000 of them to escape. The only reason more of them did not escape was the PMU who sealed the breach left by the Iraqi Army and the Amerikikes.
Well, we mere mortals do have a difficult time understanding why they keep protecting the jews.
The Civil War here can't start soon enough. I've dehumanized and await the bloodshed.
We know the mUSAd created and supports ISIS, but I also know state propaganda when it's vomiting vodka on my shoes. saged, filtered, reported. kys.
Stay mad, agent.
Russians should shoot them down
The same thing happened in Iraq last year
CIAniggers. Trump has no idea what's going on. I think those 3 generals have made him their bitch. Fucking disgrace.
He knows that he better fucking listen to the kikes with the biggest banks, or he's going to be JFK'd.
Yeah, cause Drumbf has direct control over every single action the military undertakes.
Does your tiny little redditor brain see "chess" and automatically dismiss the whole text only for you to sprout some irrelevant shit about the ZOG Emperor?
JFK got killed for saying America will land a moon by the end of the 60s because they had to fake it as to avoid looking like a bunch of incompetent retards in front of the commies.
Does your tiny little goon brain see sarcasm and automatically translate into smug chinese cartoons in your head?
How much longer should we have waited for Hitler, Chaim?
This is what a Shariahblue / endkike looks like. Filter and dismiss.
this, endchan is raiding us again
Trump is just using this to beat our real enimies in the middle east, Assad and Iran. Tired of winning yet?
This is all part of Trumps grand strategy guys, he IS le chess wizard
Don't forget the part where he did not also gas the kikes.
Electing Trump wasnt giving up on the waiting for Hitler idea, Trump is (supposed to be) buying us time, and isnt Hillary. The "wait for Hitler!" crowd are still waiting, while we are now in the middle of a luke-warm race war. There arent men lining up with rifles on the battlefield, and there arent organized actions taking place - but the white race is under siege from within, we are in a race war. There is no waiting for Hitler, I believe our Hitler will only be produced as a product of a full blown hot race war. See who emerges as the leader of whites in resistance to our countries becoming Zimbabwe, it wont be a politician, we wont find him through politics and voting.
The criminals in american prisons cost more than 1 trillion dollars each year to feed.
Perhaps its time for america to purge its prisons a little. Kill all prisoners KEK.
They did it in Mossul, but they did it with Raqqa too, they left a corridor open basically until the SAA showed up, only then did they moved to control the second major crossing linking Raqqa to the ISIS held area of Syria (to prevent the SAA to lay a claim the city more than anything).
That's June when they started closing it and May to compare where the SAA was the month before.
The "US backed force" took Tabbqa in early May and have been """"surrounding"""" the city since winter at least (I think they took the dam and the crossing west big crossing in February).
Ikr fam trump is god emprah 14 not 88 pbuh
Good to know where (((you))) stand.
You misspelled "MOSSAD ASSETS"
What's wrong with Iran (Airan = Aryan).
Right, the only people who stayed in Mosul were the local Iraqi sunnis who've been at war with the Shiite government since the war began. The ZOG lied and said the war was over when we pulled our regular combat units out in 2011. What a load of shit. The Iraqi civil war never ended.
Those "surges" never worked. The hajis just waited at home until us dumbfuck Americans left and then went back to business as usual. It's their home, they fight us when they feel like it, now when we want them to.
Russia should shoot them down if true. This is treason.
First week in office big dick swinging speech at the cia about eliminating the fith column, week after security breach at trump tower, looking super down in the dumps, week after pic related. Take that how you will.
Take note kike shills. This is how you do it. Subtle but still retarded
ask jfk questions, get jfk awnsers
The fuck is that?
i doubt trump gets JFK'd. mainly because JFK didn't announce his opposition to the kikes until after his inauguration. trump announced his opposition(?) throughout his entire candidacy.
Trump is so opposed to kikes that all of his children with the exception of Barron are married to kikes just so he can get close to them and use that against him.
i meant opposition loosely, hence putting the question mark after it. i remember reading an article that did a good job of articulating that trump sees the kikes as a tool to be leveraged, but it'd take me a day to find it. been over a year since i read it. anyway, i maintain hope that's the case, and that he's not 100% selllout
He's basically an honorary Jew, with nearly his entire family being converts or married to kikes. I do not trust anyone who whores out his kids to jews, much less if he goes back on his campaign promises and bombs Assad.
"We are going to knock the hell out of ISIS"
My ass.
So tell me user, how many bullets would you commit suicide with?
Well, it's not like CIAniggers have ever cared much what the elected politicians say and want.
If this is legit, it pretty much confirms what the ivans are saying.
o shit, here comes that boy. does not safe mean that there will be a bomb?
same as last year
In fact, most of the moves made by our current president have indicated a move away from supporting the overthrow of Assad, and a willingness to destroy the ISIS "Frankenstein monster."
I can believe, however, that the deep state in the U.S. government might move to evacuate Mossad agents embedded within the ISIS hierarchy.
This would be unfortunate, but not really alter the change in policy away from promoting chaos in the region.
And articles like this one do NOT help this move.
Since when has America ever moved away from enacting ZOGs demand to destabilise the Middle East?
It seems America are continuing the exact same ZOG geopolitical terraforming of the ME as Obama and Bush before him.
Since the last election.
Why do you think President Trump embedded our soldiers in with the Kurds?
The Kurds were attacking the stolen oil shipments being transported by ISIS to Turkey, to be exchanged for weapons & supplies. So the Turks were stepping up their attacks on the Kurds to keep the shipments coming.
Trump embedded our troops with the Kurds so the Turkroaches couldn't attack them without attacking the U.S., and our troops are now helping the Kurds stop the stolen oil shipments.
The problem with the frankenstein analogy, is that sure the monster die in the end, but the doctor frankenstein dies too…
In fact, one really has to wonder why they didn't.
Jewish, Muslim, and Christian rulers of the world.
Rex Mundi.