What is general opinion/impression of this game, is this really worth 60 $ ?
Battlefield WW1 game
user, no game is worth sixty bucks anymore.
This game isn't even special, shitty AAA games come out constantly.
does it even have any improvements over previous games?
Fuck off and ask Reddit or some shit.
It's not even worth 60 cents.
Do any of the Battlefield games?
It's not even worth playing.
even if i get it cheaply?
it's literally shovel knight Call of Duty modern warfare
Obvious template thread.
Check dubs.
This is just Liberia the game?
Literally nignogs chimping out and killing nignogs?
nah, none of them were particularly good. Not even the originals, BF1942, BFV, BF2, etc. they were all OK games but every single one had shitty feeling player movement and were all rather gimmicky.
Would you play a samurai game with only niggers? If not, why would you play this?
what template? I posted a leaked footage
It is pretty racist Battlefield 1. Quite literally it should be called "Niggerfield, Chimpout"
I give kudos to Dice and EA on this one, they are quite clearly showing how aggressive and destructive the black race is by giving them credit for being the murderous brutes behind WW1.
didnt know it was open beta otherwise i wouldnt ask if its really worth 60$
Also shovels were preferred over trench knives because they were blunt so when you fucked someone up with them they wouldn't get stuck in their bodies and you could immediately swing at the next guy.
Afro samurai is getting a game?
nigga, Afro Samurai already has two games.
One's supposedly decent, second is an unfinished pile of garbage.
Wasn't there already a game or two?
Fucking why.
For niggers, they seem to be so fascinated with what they were, even if deluding themselves, although they should be more concerned about where they are now.
yet here they are now, being shit niggers who rely on government hand-outs
they are trying to rewrite history
Afrocentrists and Black Revisionists are fucking annoying.
I'm from Morocco and I cringe everytime I see a nigger claim the Moors or Phoenicians were black
But they can't read
How cood dey rite knowutimsayin do
it is not worth user, get BF4, there still players in it and you can get the base game + Premium for 20-30$
because normalfags still pay """"full"""" price for games. If a multiplayer only game is REALLY good then in a year after release people would still play the game right? Therefore you can get a cheaper version of the same game and with all the bugs and balance issues ironed out. If the game dies after a few weeks(Battleborn, Battlefront, Evolve or whatever) then you saved 60$(see Rainbow Six Siege, i thought i would flop hard but the community still strong).
It fucking says it in the top right of your clip.
Listen mate, you seem like you're asking this question genuinely so I can only assume you're retarded. It's a AAA game produced by the big name casualized military shooter shovelware producer that saw fit to shove some political agenda into an historical setting. It's going to be full of fucking bugs and propaganda, run like complete garbage, and the main playerbase is going to be 12 year old kids or completely fucking absent.
There will be no point in playing this game at all, even if piracy gives us working multiplayer. Don't even fucking bother keeping an eye on it.
Am i the only one who took this maxim seriously?
I imagine the costs of DVDs, paper and jewel cases are actually pretty marginal compared to developer's salaries, voice actors, sound and visual contractors, etc. Blame publishers for constantly pushing up their slice of the pie.
it's failfront reskinned to be mudshit propaganda
Literally all anyone needs to know
Probably got government money to do it
History and the past is an important part of a human being or group. Being outside Africa they don't really know what they are, beside knowing they were slaves. I'm sure the africans in Africa don't have this kind of behavior, they know and can trace their history even if it's mostly shit, even if there were some Empire. Since they don't know from where they are nor know anything else beside the place they are in, they have to do this shit and try to find a place in the world.
"We weren't always slave, see X was black,etc." It's pretty fucking sad.
Depriving a people of their history is really damaging: see Germany,Japan or Italy after WW2. Reject your history, hide it, condemn it and you got sad piece of shit ready to be molded and people who lost the will to fight.
I bet; after BF4, failhard and failfront, how many fucking money Ea still can waste on Battlefield?
No buddy, I looked at my Steam stats and noticed most of the games I bought or had been gifted were around 15€.
Only bought like 4 or 5 games at """"full"""" price in my life. In fact I think I can count the cancer on one hand:
It's just like battlefield 4. An uncontrollable clusterfuck where you constantly get shot by sixteen people at the time, and insane random weapons spreads, to the point where you need to burstfire at five meters. All you do is run at people and shoot and die from behind/to vehicles/random explosions/snipers sitting on the other side of the map. The game is basically what you would get if you digitized all of the niggers at once and turned them into a videogame. Chaotic bullshit that's not even fun.
sorry i dont follow AAA scene that closely like other people
Spot on. Feels just like the Battlefront beta did except with Storm troopers i didn't feel like the history of my country was being molested.
I made the webm yesterday from dicking around in the open beta, so no its not leaked footage, plus the original file name was better.
Anyways, game is meh, and its just swede cucks shitting all over history to the point where the Turks are whiter then the Birts.
Keep seeing people bitch about tanks, pretty easy to take out a light tank with a few AT grenades and a dynamite or two.
The worst thing isn`t the progressive propaganda but the fact that youa re palying a re-skin battlefield game
There`s no new mechanics, barely any trench warfare, chem attacks, gas masks foggin your vision while you make an infantary charge under heavy fire, even the maps are stupid, generic villages and fields instead of the no-man`s land wasteland of mud and corpses WWI as famous for
No effort to make the player feel like actually in a battlefield 100 years or so ago, just dumb, cheap cash in with a genius marketing, your standard EA game
and since there`s a new thread about this crap every single day clearly we are being target by said marketing
what about DLC, does it seem wrong that France and Russia arent in base game, against who is Germany fighting in the war ?
Britain, I think. And I'm pretty sure that Austro-Hungary is also DLC, but they all speak German for some fucking reason.
man does this look boring. Funny because that recent ""gameplay"" trailer sure made it look action packed and interesting.
Its shit.
Isn't this just Bad Company 2?
Don't talk shit about Bad Company 2, lost a lot of brothers in that game!
Did they use quick cuts to make it look more fun? That's a huge red flag for me.
I don't know what I was expecting. It's just another BF3 reskin. Or at least it sounds better if it were that, apparently it's a reskin of Battlefront 2015?
nah, it was supposedly all in game from third and first person, but you could just tell it was bullshit. I'd go looking for it but I just don't care enough.
it came out already?
I wouldn't be surprised if the total cost of all the physical stuff came under $100,000 for any game.
I'm no history buff, but I know damn well that's bullshit.
This, it's basically a BF3/4 reskin
WWI games should be much slower
They have to have everybody with full auto SMGs because modern "gamers" would find the actually common WW1 weapons boring.
I'm more sad about there being spray and pray SMGs and semi auto battle rifles everywhere than there being lots of nignogs
If only fromsoft would make a game about clumsily shooting with a bolt action rifle longer than you are tall and then charging to an enemy trench to beat the shit out of people with makeshift clubs and sharpened spades in between blowing things up with stick grenades
german soldiers were black
british soldiers were black
american soldiers were black
neo-history for neo-uber-betamales
there will be a special oven for all of these people who are responsible for this
I picked up Verdun, but all that is is a pixel hunting game. The attack/counter attack mechanic is quite lame since you can never press an advantage.
The only decentish WWI game I played, was the Source mod, which I forget the name of.
It's bullshit. Everything about the game shows how much they don't care about trying to make a WW1 game from blacks being everywhere to key factions being locked behind DLC to the basic gameplay that is just a copypaste of the shitty modern cod clone battlefield formula. Some higher up probably thought it might sell and told Dice to make it because they clearly have no actual passion for it.
I was ready to be impressed and have my opinion of Dice turned around because i'd love a WW1 game but all it's done is lower my opinion of them even more than I thought possible. Anyone who actually thinks this game is going to be anything but trash is a gullible retard who is going to pay full price for this shit and then keep it next to their dusty copy of No mans sky.
I'm seeing way too many black people, I'm pretty sure this isn't how WWI went down.
It's apart of the "WE WUZ" bullshit you're seeing more and more of.
Gotta retroactively shove diversity into everything :^)
how that works on an individual level?
Got reminded to this
What a pleasant surprise.
The Turks are white.
TFW you will never just get a WW1 game with Red Orchestra like gameplay.
nice try
The funny part is that they have British white voices too when there's only one white guy on that team
No, you dingus, ingame.
i was on a mountain that was one of the front lines in ww1 last week. they fortified the entire mountain top and most bunkers were wrecked and there was a shitload of rusted shell shrapnel and wire. cool stuff
Do we really need this thread every two days shekelstein?
Well apparently servers for the open beta are down because some bad boy hackers are on the loose.
That meme really fucking needs to die. Worst part is, it's mostly instigated by the people who were addicted to COD, but have "grown out of it" and are now "mature".
I played it a bit and it's okay. If they add a less arcadey mode to it, then I think it would be good.
Other wise Verdun is better.
I agree but all the Blops3 shilling last year made me incredibly pissed. It's totally an arena shooter guys, it's totally the best FPS in decades guys. Worst part is I know when Infinity warfare is going to be close to release they're going to be shilling it here, going OH LOOK AT THAT TOTALLY NOT GOING TO BE A ONE OFF SPACE SECTION, COD IS SO COOL
It really does. Most of them haven't even played a single cod by their lack of solid comments about it either. They could complain about shit like BOII's season pass, MW3's shitty balance and gimmicks, the tiny SMG sided maps, shotguns getting continually nerfed due to SMG maining complaints, BOIII's heavy emblem censorship, and so on. I quit after BOIII's shit, but I still enjoy a good dumb shooter and I've yet to find a replacement. I'm sure as hell not going to replace it with a game focusing on rewriting history for the sake of multicultural trash.
I regrettably bought blops3 and was angry and worried about the blatant shills here. They've done that same shit highlighting scripted one-off campaign missions as stuff that keeps happening in pretty much every trailer to date and I'm half tempted to make an image pointing it out. Also fuck blops3's 'arena style' play. It boiled down to even smaller than usual close quarters maps, people jumping around so much that only SMGs could keep up, and bullshit powers like a literal lag switch ability.
shitty hollywood action game that doesn't have an ounce of respect for victims of the great war
Kotick loves peopleretards like you.
no user, you are the retard
get out of here, double nigger
Don't tell me you stupid goi's got those games from steam.
That doesn't even try to emulate WW1 warfare.
That was some great stuff there.
Steam didn't exist yet when CoD1 came out
When UO came out I think Steam was just turning a year old
At least the theme's pretty damn good.
The Ghost in the Shell game on steam is the closest you can get to COD without being COD itself. It's like the gook rifpoff to end all gook ripoffs.
Guns feel a little weak overall. Takes too many shots to kill someone, making some weapons like the Cei-Rigotti a pain in the fucking asshole if there's more than one guy around, as it's only 10 shots. Squads are still fucking pointless, as the game has no mechanics making you work together in your squad. Fucking niggers everywhere.
Also the current open beta map is fucking balls. Maybe some better maps might make it more fun
That is litterally Battlefield 1943's theme.
Ding, ding, ding!
EA/DICE doesn't have the balls to increase the weapon damage because that would decrease the Time To Kill making the general game pace slower.
So even a lot of people over on plebbit are tearing DICE apart for the amount of niggers in this game
No they're confirmed for the base game, tho i wouldn't be suprised if DICE gave them a nigger too even though they didn't have any colonies.
They really should've just made the WW2 since it already plays like it is. But mind you, I wouldn't trust them with that either cause they'd start putting niggers in SS divisions even though they did use quite a few non whites and non germans in the SS
mind you,they're really shit tracers.
If you think the semi autos are bad try playing assault, the mp18 is useless past 30m and the M911 end up being a more effective medium range weapon. Now I don't actually mind this since it means assault isn't going to be the jack of all trades class it was in BF 3/4.
Not to mention all the 'Competitive' player would start bitching about the lower TTK like they did with Hardline.
Great first day, truly indicative of the final release.
There is a group currently DDoS'ing EAs servers.
And even if you manage to play it's a mediocre game at best. Not worth your time to be honest.
Yeah, a bunch of script kiddies are DDOSing the servers right now.
Let's look back at the finest hour of the COD franchise.
Yeah but like with neo Battlefront, I might as well milk it while its free.
Its a game for antique farm equipment if you catch my drift.
Short Answer: No.
Long Answer: No, here's why
-Only 6 maps; Battlefield 2, released 10+ years ago, shipped with 13 in the base game.
-Dice doesn't know what made Bad Company 2 successful, meaning they made a decently fun game on a fluke, and the likelihood of Battlefield 1 living up to expectations is about the same as the planets aligning.
-It's EA, meaning they will jew all your shekels for content / gameplay that should have shipped with base game.
-Origin, and also probably has the stupid browser launch window.
-They have managed to fuck up every single launch past Bad Company 2.
-Battlefield 3 and 4 took years of patching and bug fixing after launch to make it to barely playable levels, which was pointless by then because the majority of the players had already gotten fed up and left.
-I'm not going into the muh diversity and stronk womyn shit. Plenty of anons have said it already and said it better.
You are paying money 60$ for what is at best, half the content.
I don't know about the full release but the beta at least doesn't have the retarded browser menu bullshit. It's a moot point though since the game is unplayable because EA's servers can be brought down by script kiddies.
this is honestly worse than I ever imagined. like, the idea of it always bothered me, but seeing it in action is somehow worse
What I fucking mind, is the fact that they speak German. Only the officers/brass spoke fucking German. Standard infantry/plebs spoke their own countries languages mostly. Wonder if I could complain to dice for not recognizing our incredible suffering and oppression as an ignored nation, lumped into germans in the game.
There's a certain alpinid strain going on in the northern parts, which makes those regions roughly equivalent to greeks. The rest of the country is shitskin dunecoon arab-tier though
its literally the worst game ever made.
I'm actually mildly considering this game, so I have one question for anybody who has played the demo/seen sufficient footage.
Is this the same kinda cawadooty shit they've been doing for the past few years, or would I ACTUALLY get some trench warfare in this game?
Or hell, maybe even some kind of game mode where people run out of trenches, fight in the middle, and if they get too close to either side, they get shredded by machine gun fire.
Either way, is this ACTUALLY looking like some kind of WW1 game, or is it not?
No trench warfare. It's cawadoody. Everyone has automatics, there's way too many fucking vehicles, and you can hipfire lewis guns.
There's not even trenches in it. Stick with Verdun.
Its cawadoody, rush mode in the beta is the closest you'll get to assaulting a trench line.
Apparently they're gonna have a mode kinda like RO2s campaign map for multiplayer where it will be back and forth depending on which team wins and from what i've gathered it will be assaulting trenches and shit.
I mean, everything else should be more upsetting, but I find this to be the most unacceptable shit I've ever heard. Fuck them. I don't know why I thought these people could do anything right.
They literally try to play it off by naming the gun "Lightweight Lewis Machinegun" or some shit.
bf1 should die in a fire
What a piece of shit, it stutters like crazy as well.
I mean, I agree with your conclusion, but that right there is the salt of somebody bad at FPS games.
It's more of a
Oh boy this is gonna be a clusterfuck
If you saw him first, you're able to fire more bullets at the opponent, thus incuring more RNG rolls.
Even with RNG, the attacking player has an overwhelming advantage. What's more likely is that there's no RNG involved, since it's fucking hitscan with a small crosshair on netcode that's been refined constantly for the past decade.
Like, really. I don't play modern shooters because they aren't good. But they ARE fair as shit, so if you can't beat 12 year olds, then you have a serious mental deficiency.
You seriously haven't played Battlefield 4/1 if you think the fucking bullets you fire land in the same postal code as the target you were aiming at. It's not even hitscan, and Battlefield netcode is known to be shit. What if I'm using a slow rate of fire weapon? What if I can get five high damage shots off while the other guy can get 20 low damage shots off? If two or three of my shots miss, I'm completely shit outta luck, if ten of his shots miss, it doesn't even fucking matter. I consistently do well at shooters where my fucking shots go where I aim them, I'm mediocre at games that use sixteen different, mostly insane spread values to lower the skill ceiling.
I manage to get MVP in Insurgency just fine so I'm pretty sure it's not my lack of skill.
you can play as a spy in bf1?
…honestly, I haven't played anything after Battlefield 2. I was just talking about my experience with cawadootys which, by and large, where fucking excellent from a technical standpoint. I wish Modern Warfare 2 got a kind of revival that Smash Bros. Melee got. That game is all sorts of competitively viable. and it also happened to have the best maps.
Still, just like user here:
I'm only judging it on tone. The people who sound like butthurt 14 year olds USUALLY are. If you happen to be decent, and the newer Battlefields were worst than I thought, than carry on.
The second "than" was a "then". I always get those mixed up.
I'm not even surprised that it is literal dog shit, yet I am surprised at how they made it worse than BF4 and Battlefront at the same time.
To be fair the Kaiserreich did have African Colonies and colonial troops with nogs.
I don't know if that's what they did in this case or how prevalent they are in this game because i'm not playing this shit.
Sure you can heal and rez but you simply cannot win with the default gun if the enemy sees you within a second of your first shot at him.
germany had literally hundreds, two thousand if we're generous, of african soldiers. something like ninety or so served on the european front. the rest were kept in africa to defend the reich's colonies
Yeah, but facts don't seem to matter much to DICE. The so-called "Harlem Hellfighters" were mostly used as construction crews and only served in combat rolls for less than 3 months, but they're the literal posterboy for the whole game.
On top of that, DICE et al. keep claiming that the Germans gave the Harlem Hellfighters their nickname because of how hard they fought, but there is almost zero historical evidence to support this. The only time it's ever been mentioned in historical literature is in a single work of nonfiction about blacks in WW1, written by a black guy.
Virtually the entire depiction of non-whites in BF1 is simply fabricated history.
Any fun videos released yet on why and how it's so shit?
I'm sure Mandalore will make one soon.
It's DICE Stockholm, so it's really no surprise.
I just think the funniest part is that the default skins for the Ottomon Empire are whiter than the Brits or the Germans. Someone on the dev team definitely is aware of the "Turks are white" meme and decided to rustle some jimmies with it.
There's also the fact that the only faction specific item is the frag grenade. Stick for the germans and ottomons, pineapple for the brits. Just odd as fuck that they would bother with that and not anything else.
Dices' netcode, if it hasn't changed from BF4, favors the more laggy person. The only way to beat this is if you are rocking 0-10 ms ping. The game will always adjust to make the person with higher ping = the lower one and this almost always means higher ping will hit you first.
I could cheese it with the M40a5 in BF4 constantly with 100-200ms ping 1 hit killing everyone because the game would give me favoritism since my ping was retard high.
I don't see how this is bad in any way at all. If people are so blind and deaf that they don't see or hear their entire squad getting beaten to death in the same room, that is entirely their problem. Pulling off any successful melee killstreak in any game is nice, excluding those with instant-kill melee that don't have any drawback or vulnerability animations.
You'd think that's the case, but there are very few sound ques in the game. I spawned on my sqadmate on the rooftop of some building, walked down and melee/shot like 3 enemies that had no fucking idea that there's a hostile sniper just up the stairs.
Good goys praise Battlefields sound design but in games like Insurgency it's immediately obvious if it's an AK being fired or an M16.
The brits are all lizard people, that's how they change shapes.
thats a nice review highlighing the bad things
Played the game a bit. It's pretty mediocre.
No shit Sherlock.
I never had any hope for it. Fuck it I wouldn't even care at all if it wasn't for the political subversion tactics.
Well it's made by Swedes, right? Those fuckers always stay out of wars. Usually by selling their resources to the bad guys so they don't get invaded. No I'm not kidding.
This has got the be the most disappointing and insulting Battlefield game of recent years, and I wasn't even looking forward to it in the first place.
The good:
The bad:
I don't even give a shit that the amount of black people in the game is proportionally wrong. If the game was good, then I wouldn't care, but this game is fucking garbage. Verdun is a masterpiece compared to this pile of shit. I sincerely hope that this and the new CoD flop so hard that they cause their respective series to be canned forever.
niggering everywhere
sand niggers everywhere
shitty ui everywhere
seems like most of this shit is ported from starwars battleshit
why is Ea so shit
I could've sworn this exact thread was made but with this as the op vid.
That Verdun game was pretty good
i already thought seven nation army was a completely garbage, absolute shitpile of a song, and then they made an even worse mix of it
delusional nigs are lucky tintype cameras existed, they make everyone look black.
oh wow is there a single english person there ?
why would you use farm equipment for construction work? smh tbh
I played a couple of games on xbox one.
I like the dynamic weather, the class system (thank god the assault guy is not the medic anymore). I hate the size of the maps, they're too big.
how can a map in FPS game be too big?
What is general opinion/impression of this thread, is this really worth checking dubs?
But the Swedes sold their Iron to the Germans…
we wuz nazis and shiiet
There is still suck a thing as inflation. I don't know the ratings of you americucks but I recall 60$ has been the price tag for games for ten years. It could conceivably have reached the point where 60$ today was 50$ ten years ago.
So can someone actually explain to me how BF1 does any "revisionism" ?
White europeans replaced by blacks?
The amount of niggers running around
No, you should lurk moar.
I am going to say it isn't worth the money.
I hate this shit. The only way I could get a semi-realistic WW1 experience was playing as a scout with a Gewehr 98.
Bolt action is so much fun but when everyone is running around with semi-autos and full-autos that were not standard issue, rare as fuck, and only developed near the end of the war it makes the whole effort of playing bolt action moot.
They could easily fix this shit show of a game.
>optional base the campaign around Cpl. Hitler or a commonly drafted young man
Look. I literally just fixed the game, God forbid they actually do any of this because then it would be fun.
It's shit. But the worst part about its being shit is that one of the biggest gripes beside WEWUZ, the horrendously ahistorical use of masses of early semi-automatic rifle prototypes & historically scarce submachineguns, would otherwise be excellent material for a weird war game.
I'm a junkie for Forgotten Weapons. Beside that, I fucking love schizophrenic technology stuff like Rise of Legends Vinci using clockwork & cloth screw drives alongside steam boilers, Iron Grip: Warlord mashing together Napoleonic flash & guerilla warfare with WW2 shock tactics and WW1 human waves along with some really neat dieselpunk tech with a thin boilerplate veneer, I love anything that takes place in that kind of hazy near-WW2 setting with 1943-45 technology using horribly confused 1930s department store tank design ethics. I'd love to have anything more in these veins, really.
And now we enter into this shitpile and I kick myself for using the monkey's paw. An 'alternative interpretation' of WWI contrived by at least one flare-nosed literal Marxist Swede, which is essentially the same old tired Battlefield gameplay (or at least the newer run-and-gunnier version of it, I only dabbled a tiny bit with BF2 & 1942 so I can't speak on the matter of whether it's okay or shit) except the assault rifles are traded for early SMGs and the semi-autos are (mostly) converted bolt actions with funky side-mounted gas systems. And the machineguns are still bog standard machineguns, except they take up more screenspace because they're chunky water cooled hulks.
They could've made an honest-to-god Great War FPS with big stupid servers and period accurate weaponry, with the main divergence being that battles take place in those rare periods of very early and almost accidental combined arms in their infancy. Or they could've made some new IP ala Strangereal to do weird war stuff with that wouldn't be subject to the same backlash over ahistoricity, at least as long as they didn't blanda the game up. Instead, they do this stupid shit. Whose bright idea was it? Not Daniel Berlin and the negros, but whose brainchild is this overall? Who is to blame?
Why is a guy with a social science master's working as a lead game designer?
Oh wait, DiGRA, right?
Servers as big as in Planted Side 2 with trench maps and historical weapons
A man can dream, shame that it will never happen
I don't think so. He started as a tester and worked his way up.
The team is based in Stockholm. Like any good mainstream Swede, it is their moral duty to shoehorn in diversity at every turn. It doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense, it is inaccurate, nor if it helps the story of the game at all.
If you want to read about this terrible condition Sweden is suffering from, read a book called "The New Totalitarians" by Roland Huntford.
Do you support SJWs?
Nigger I don't support shitty fucking games.
BF1 could be full-on 14/88 and I still wouldn't touch it.
Like I suspected: nothing.
are you trying to get a rise out of someone?
it's not a ww1 game if you just copy cod4 gameplay and reskin weapons into ww1 counterparts
I was watching some gameplay and I saw maybe 2 white men and 40-50 black men.
what are you guys, fucking gay?
user, you're on Holla Forums. You already know the answer.
Well it wasnt, at least not on eastern and ME front
The BF1 beta is free, Verdun isn't.
Sorry for being a jew
This is what puts me off the most. If I'm remembering correctly, there are currently just as many SMGs in the game as there are shotguns, which seems pretty bizarre.
I don't know why I expected anything new and interesting from dice.
This just looks like regular battlefield
Also Afro samurai is amazing
wew lad who would've thought that it was going to be another epin raelistics sinematik NotReskin normalfag FPS
I honestly wonder how Dice managed to make their games more dumbed down than ever before.
Battlefield series right now kinda resembles it
You're kidding me. I'm no expert in WW1 or history at all, but I remember if nothing else that was a major component, as well as chlorine gas being the first time it was ever used, even shocking the germans that used it.
That's what I mean, the fact that this game plays like just another dumbass generic ebin military FPS and doesn't show any fidelity to its source. It's a shame since not much games capture on that extremely grueling war, since WWI was everybody throwing all sorts of weapons and armies getting really confused and shocked while using them.
Pic kinda related, with tanks behaving like BF4 tanks and normalfags not knowing how to counter them + 2 random decent players as gunners you can dominate a server, taking the fun from the enemy team.
What a question!
But the brits ARE roaches
Someday, anons. Someday.
the funny thing is there was a single black regiment in WWI. Just one. The Harlem Hellraisers
They will not get a campaign
I played it, and the game is just a retextured battlefield 4 with more black people and the ability to do a bayonet charge. Why are battlefield games always the same? Even COD is better at being different than the previous game.
They probably thought the Battlefield brand would fill in the rest of the blanks by itself, but it just doesnt work for what is more of a WW2 game than a proper WW1 game.
Because people don't like change, even for CoD anymore. Hell even CoD players hate change for anything that isn't MW2 again, thats why they gravitate to the new Battlefield games.
Proven concept that sales, they dont want to take risks and experiment because they dont need to
Come back when you know what the fuck you're talking about.
I mean it was in the western front, eastern front was highly mobile, same with ME front, and African front was full on gorilla warfare
Kek, nice one
Is there a single english person in england anymore?
its long been said turks make nothing, nice to see you prove it again lol
I want to fuck that snake.
Something that bothers me immensely is that they have the graphical fidelity and sound design ready to give you the most fucking awesome experience and they throw all of that away for german niggers, muslim women and automatic guns.
Never really though about it, but were artillery crews just straight deaf after the war was over? Just shooting a normal rifle without ear protection fucks up your ear plenty, artillery must just about make your ear bleed.
never underestimate a leftists devoution to cuckoldry
Cowadoody 2 was the shit, stfu
Also the mods are pretty neato
4 was the best. It was also a time before the Kotick did nothing wrong.
Well, Metal gear is better than call of duty.
What the fuck dude, I know you like cinematics but if you want to feel like Rambo why don't you just, you know, play Rambo
Nobody said CoD:UO wasn't the best. That's arguable but CoD:UO certainly was awesome
Kill yourself
Silly user, Rambo is a movie.
fuck you too annon
I have played literally every BF game since BF2. I have bought all but Hardline which I still played a little.
I'm not buying this. I'll admit I love the WW1 motif. It is basic Battlefield and pretty good. Just not good enough. I love the setting, I just hate how boring the gameplay is. It's not pure shit even if it does try to go all "We wuz Victorians and Sheeeit". It's a good game. But not a great game.
Would love to see more games in this setting and the Napoleonic wars.
Having played both Betas I preordered Titanfall 2 instead.
Swedes, the kings of Cucks.
Also nice double dubs.
Fucking trash. Battlefield has been dead since Bad Company drove it into the ground.
Bad Company 1 was at least funny. Bad Company 2 brought back my paddles.
read Infantry Attacks by Rommel. A large percentage of his battle were highly mobile and generally the more mobile and flexible army won the day. Only a few times (more as the war dragged on though) did his armies end up bogged down in trenches and then it was up to the artillery to blast the enemy artillery so they could move up again
people have been cramming cotton in their ears to protect against ear damage since cotton was a thing
It's okay and all pretense of "an accurate representation of the Great War" got thrown out the window the moment SMGs and Semi-Automatic rifles were added as class-specific weapons. Biggest problem is the light-tank being fast as fuck, durable, and having shotshell which eviscerates infantry.
Not going to buy it, obviously. Six maps plus the fact that France is fucking DLC turned me off from it permanently.
There is a fucking horse standing perfectly immobile on top of a crater during a heavy firefight and it is literally the first thing we see. Fuck, at least animate the horse to make it look like it gives a damn about its surroundings (I don't even care if it stays in place still).
But if it's a feature instead of a bug/developer laziness, then I want a fucking game based on that horse. Clearly, it has lived an interesting life.
titanfall 2 looks fun, I'd get it if it wasn't Origin
The guns feel good at least. I like the way the default rifle for the medic feels.
But the rest of it is very mediocre. Not enough really there to hold me through the beta, and not enough shown to make me consider a $60 price tag.
Maybe if it goes on sale for $30, and still has a very active community, I'd consider it. But I've got BF4 if I feel like playing a Battlefield at this point.
Don't fall for it. Nobody will play it.
this is the way they shill now
go fuck yourself EA
I'm not sure if I'll buy it. The KANGZ shit in a war that killed tens of millions of white men and 5 niggers is like making a Holocaust movie where you focus almost exclusively on Atheists. It would make for the most trolly times, though.
Re gameplay, it's the same CoDified Battlefield experience as usual post-2142, now with even less teamplay. I didn't play BF4 or Hardline, so maybe these tanks with infinite ammo you can repair yourself without getting out of aren't new, but they're bullshit.
I haven't played this game in two years. Back then it played like a shlocky beta.
Has it actually changed enough to be worth playing now?
Yes, The africans in german forces were stuck in africa because of entente naval superiority.
Going through the little village around C and clearing rooms and shit is insanely fun. I'm digging this game to be honest, all we wuzzin' aside.
infinite ammo and repair was added in BF4 but they were super fucking slow and doing either disabled the vehicle as your ammo reloaded or you repaired your vehicle.
The game is pre hardlinefuckup BF4, cant wait for it to fail so Hardline gets fixed.
like they are supposed to do?
+1 for Verdun being an awesome game if you're looking for WW1 gameplay
the gameplay is ok i guess, its basically a ww2 shooter in ww1 skin with KANGZ, tanks swivel retarded fast thats my biggest issue, get a fucking AT rocket raifu for yer assault, thank me later, also tank hunter biplane is fking lol
Battlefield is and has been COD for over half a decade by now.
and the entente africans were stuck in africa because nobody wanted rapey borderline retards in their home country.
French brought africans near the end of WW2 where they did shitload of crimes and even raped italian women
Verdun sucks. Conceptually it's pretty good but every single round turns into machine gunners camping your spawns and xXxquikSkopexXxs sniping from a mile back like faggots
I'm usually
not one to bitch about realism in video games, but holy shit that is retarded.
In WWI, blacks came from european colonies and were used as cheap ass cannon fodder, so they got one thing right. Still full of shit though.
Look at the bright side, this game has nigger nazi's. Now the blacks had power + oppression over da jews too. Rewriting history is fun.
I meant the light-tank being faster than it should be and durable makes it also having devastating shotshell kinda broken