I think we can all agree.
The Wall better be goddamn built or at least 90% completed by 2020 or fucking else.
I'm pretty sure the 10K or so us can signal amplify
to a good MILLION or more in swing states
I think we can all agree.
The Wall better be goddamn built or at least 90% completed by 2020 or fucking else.
I'm pretty sure the 10K or so us can signal amplify
to a good MILLION or more in swing states
Wall doesn't mean jack shit if amnesty for illegals becomes legal.
I'm getting the feeling this is the new D&C.
Why do all these people suddenly say "wall doesn't matter, here look at some bullshit math"?
If the wall didn't matter, then why did we rally behind Trump during election cycle, The Wall being a main issue???
I don't think you (or Trump) realize just how costly and near impossible building a wall on the southern US border will be. Y'all seem to think it's a nice, flat swath of straight land.
It would be better (and cheaper) to just shoot all brown people on sight.
We need BOTH. A wall is necessary because it's a physical structure, and not just a policy. A hardline policy on immigration can be overturned at the stroke of a pen in 2024 when the next president comes along. But a wall, if built, is much harder to get rid of. Remember, all policies on immigration and deportation will be GONE when Trump leaves office. We need things that are PERMANENT, or its all for nothing.
so clever
NO ONE WHO is legit pro-white cares about the wall it was all deportations.
The only thing where the wall comes in as very important is if the antiwhite elites cause civil wars and other shit in south america. Causing a huge surge of refugees. Just like Syria -> Europe
you have to go back
because the Kikes want race war. Sectarian violence is a great smokescreen to impose a new regime, its what they did in the Middle east and its what they are doing now in the United States. The Kikes are financing the Alt-Right for this very reason. Trump is merely a burning man Effigy. His roll is actually to inciting racial violence but not in the way the left is accusing but more as the inverse. Trump the a recipient of hate in a vulgar display of Chutzpah, but ever the loyal shabbos goy as he is abused publicly. Its to deliberately cause cognitive dissonance. Read the Turner Diaries, William Luther Pierce was not advocating in support of race war. He was saying that Jews are going to bring about the conditions for race war to leverage it against the white man and that we need to prepare for this tragic inevitability.
you have to go back
No, a race war is inevitable and the kikes are trying to stack things in their favor by suppressing whites.
Why should I unite with people that steal my land, rape my women, and kill my brothers? Fuck you.
The budget delay means it won't even get started this year. Getting pretty concerned…
ITT people who believed it would get built.
The only reason they would build it is for the publicity and photo ops when an empowered trans poc gets to smash it on the day they tear it down. Never to be considered again.
Trump is more likely to come for the guns than build a wall.
Well at the moment the jews have been gearing up all the non-whites to be against the white man.
The only response from the white man has been to be distracted and misdirected into championing zionism.
Even non-whites realise zionism is anti-human.
Where in your schizophrenic mind did I ever say that?
Stop being such a helpless fatalistic victim of circumstance. Its only "inevitable" as long as (((Liberal Democracy))) reigns supreme, segregation would certainly help prohibit this issue. Kicking the Jews out of Hollywood would also help.
Its not bullshit math, you slime, its very simple and legitimate math - the majority of Hispanic population increase over the last 2 decades came from within, not without.
Because the wall on its own is meaningless - it was more a symbol than anything else.
And this move eliminates its symbolic value, AND its mechanical value… Are you retarded?
Lol I make over a hundred grand a year faggot. You probably live with your parents or a bunch of roomies while paying a shit ton of college debt for your snowflake degree
But its not bullshit math, you slime, its very simple and legitimate math - the majority of Hispanic population increase over the last 2 decades came from within, not without.
Because the wall on its own is meaningless - it was more a symbol than anything else.
And this move eliminates its symbolic value, AND its mechanical value… Are you retarded?tarded?
But its not bullshit math, you slime, its very simple and legitimate math - the majority of Hispanic population increase over the last 2 decades came from within, not without.
Because the wall on its own is meaningless - it was more a symbol than anything else.
And this move eliminates its symbolic value, AND its mechanical value… Are you retarded?tarded?
the NEEDS to have high speed rail on top of it so that the politicians would be forced to keep it maintained and not allow them to take it down to virtue signal.
Oh, did your proxy rotation shillsoftware fuck up a bit there? Thanks for letting us know the wall isn't important though.
Seeing plenty of (1)'s spouting some bullshit. Like this fucker for example
Yes, Trump is going to come for the guns, when even king nigger only made feeble attempts to do so. Despite carrying heat himself and being consistently pro gun, despite his first born being even more extreme in his support of guns rights.
Hell, I don't think even Yael or her (((husband))) have made particularly much over the gun issue.
I'm not happy about the state of Holla Forums at the moment, but I'm loving the fact that the shills are being forced into overdrive. That's the best barometer you could ask for that things are moving in a positive direction and/or we're doing something right.
Truth be told I don't actually care about the Amnesty, Israeli butthurt is the entire reason i voted for Trump. I love it, Israel getting shafted over Syria was the best day of my life.
Don't have to beat somebody up, AND you don't have to accept the retarded drivel of civic nationalism (a.k.a. "just fuck my ethno-state up, fam").
go fuck yourself newfag
With regards to the image:
It's pretty much impossible to get other races on board against Jews. Muslims are simply too anti-west for that to happen. Asians are controlled by Jews, other than to some extent Japan.
Also, there's nothing extremist about genociding non-whites; it's entierely humanitarian if done by sterilization.
The thing to remember about the wall is it only stops illicit foot traffic, which hasn't been the primary entry method for illegal immigrants in decades. They come in on a day trip at approved border crossings, they overstay their visa, etc. The wall doesn't stop any of that, so if amnesty is going to be granted, no real step up in deportations [and if there was one, you wouldn't be able to miss it], no action of retroactively revoking the citizenship of anchor babies and any children they subsequently had, then all the wall is is a large taxpayer gift to whatever Israeli firm Trumpstein is going to give the contract to.
Trump won't come for the guns. Hillary would've. Her "leadership" would've been a constant parade of engineered school shootings leading predictably to a Canadian refugee crisis.
Why are you even here?
The Wall & Deportations are BOTH treatments for the symptoms, not the cures for our disease. Both of them are good things to have, but neither of them will fix the problem.
Nonwhites will continue to come here as long as there are enough Americans willing to give them jobs and/or gibbs for doing so. THESE are the people that must be stopped, because their actions are what is driving the inflow.
We need to pass laws that penalize businesses/individuals who hire non-citizens. We need to continue pushing race consciousness. We need to end this "sanctuary cities" meme. We need people to start giving a fuck about our own countrymen who need us. Even the traditional "left" SHOULD be on our side here, importing cheap labor is bad for the workers.
Not to sound like a broken record, but the root disease is the same thing it always has been, (((their))) complete domination of the emotional narrative.
Holy fucking shit you can't possibly be serious, why do you halfwitted shitstains not even fucking bother trying to fit in anymore
It is right and good that you disagree! All are welcome! Come join the noise!
Tell me how walling us in with tens of millions of spics is far better than ejecting them from the country?
I don't really believe the audacity of you kikes. Everyone wanted the fucking wall. Not because it stops anyone, there are boats and planes and shitlibs who will smuggle people, but as a symbol.
Now you're trying to retroactively shill it as if no one really cared about the wall. Good luck with that.
Anyone else starting to wonder if all this deep state paralysis is BS?
I was reading about how he is restricted in what he's allowed to read. I'm thinking "wtf? How can they do that?" Then it hit me - they probably can't.
He wants to keep his base support while not actually accomplishing the things his base wants for reasons someone else can speculate about. The point is he needs an excuse why he can't really do things we would think he can clearly do.
So "deep state".
Kike detected
You dumbfuck there will be no wall this term, you have to understand Trump is a businessman and a TV celebrity obsessed with ratings I bet he will throw bones at you faggots once in 2018 and for 2020 he will keep blaming congress and promise there will be wall this term and hymies will again flood this place saying 'Deep state has been purged you guise pls vote for god emperah'
I've been submitting my reports up and down this thread.
A) the wall matters
B) deportation matters
C) white family formation matters
Compromise is the signature of the jew. We must be 100% victorious or be 100% eradicated trying.
I think diversifying the fed should be a top priority. The most important win. Without it, Rubio will tear down that wall on his first day while Congress does what they do best - wait to be burned down by patriots.
Guess I'm a jew now
i really like this picture, post more spooks like this if you got em
No Wall + No Deportations + More War For Israel = No Re-Election
I'm starting to lose my patience with this cunt.
You pretty much just suggested a racial purge within a nation, since forced integration simply leads to racial segregation anyways.
>implying they don't have control of what goes into all of his (((info))) briefings
obvious shill is obvious
There was no need for someone like Trump to exist and popularize some of these issues, therefore it makes sense that he was genuine.
However, his sincerity is irrelevant even now because the situation is quite clearly as bad as we've all feared. They run the show, and the ballot box will not be enough to bring them down. Continued shill presence here is merely further evidence that we've become a problem worth throwing some $$$ at.
I think I get what you might be trying to say but honestly think a bit more about what you actually wrote.
user Trump let his daughter marry a Kike and is good buddies with BB Netanyahu. The best think about Trump was it buy's us a bit of time because he at least need to pretend to be right wing. Where as Hillary or Jeb would have been seen as a "referendum" on our very existence as a species. Also (re: third pic) Jews own all the Gold.
That's what I was trying to say. Trump was a sincere civic nationalist, which is at least one step backwards from the brink.
trump presidency is the thing we do before race war
Don't give me none of that shit I am Canadian, all forced integration and assimilation we've tried for over a hundred years have been nothing but failure after failure, the reserves was simply an "I give up" solution. Even now we English and French hate each other, and even though nobody openly talks about it in the cities the hate between Natives and Whites is real and still alive with very few exceptions in terms of tribes. Only trashy poor whites stick anywhere in a Nigger ghetto and these ghettos still seperate by race with white trash on a couple blocks and the natives on an exact opposite side of a main road.
No policies, no forced attempt to make this happen (talking in the cities here not the reserves). It just happens, and a civil intervention is a soft purge via deportation and forcing a more clear cut segregation.
Your first mistake well, second after that gook pic was thinking that the president has the power to do anything (or, really, congress either for that matter). You can conclude where, on that continuum of power to effect change, "the people" stand. Blame it on
or whatever (all true btw). He can't really do anything even if genuinely wanted to…so speculating on his motives and intentions is pretty much moot.
>You're w-we're??? in this alone.
That said, even if I'm the last white man alive, I'll probably still think:
>Donald really did have the best intentions t heart.
This is the inspirational pill of self-empowerment.
What's the name of this place you raging reddit Mongoloid?
Kill yourself civickike scum.
=Holla ForumsCUCKS BTFO
Kill yourself kike
Yep, the last attempt at a peaceful resolution. A clear conscience will help maintain determination once the slaughter begins.
sorry to hear that
when you say "we", I assume (you) are talking about your fellow Jews?
Losing the ability to be a participant in white society scares them to death.
"the swamp" is the levers of power being gradually jammed up with brown people until there are brown people pulling them
if anything Trump shows how radical the changes must be since voting obviously isn't going to stop this genocide
He got called edgy for being a tryhard, not for claiming to want DOTR