I don't know why I listen to you fags.
Well, that's that. Amnesty it is
Other urls found in this thread:
So apparently "working across the aisle" just means caving to every demand and every bit of manufactured outrage from the left.
Read the catalog nigger.
Anyway, I'm sure he's going to "provide a path to citizenship" not amnesty. They already had a path to citizenship and they were too arrogant, stupid, and lazy to do it….why would they do it now? Pray to kek this just sets a foundation to deport those who still refuse to make whatever effort required.
unless it is go back to your 3rd world mud holes and get to the back of the line then its fucking amnesty
Do you know where you are nigger?
We read books and shit here
Granting a pathway to citizenship to illegals is akin to giving a pathway to consent to rapists. Any sort of pathway or amnesty deal (or whatever you'd like to call it) only results in giving even MORE foreigners incentive to come here illegally, because it'll once-again be demonstrated that if you come here illegally, we'll just let you stay or even get a greencard/citizenship anyway. It's all about incentives, and this sort of deal provides the WRONG incentive.
That's the point. They want you replaced asap. Trump is just another puppet of (((them))) now that all the bad goys have been removed from having any influence on his policies.
go away
did I say that you fucking faggot?
this is a simple wheels up move, it shows the RINO he's able to easily make deals that fucks them if they continue to fuck with him
additional pressure is put on the Republicans having to deal with both DACA legislation and government shutdown if they don't get their shit together. Those that oppose Trump and need to win a primary election need to make a choice and quickly, they've got about a month or two. How is this not brilliant?
The part where millions of beans get US citizenship, you disgusting cuckold.
Nigger, if these faggots get this shit through before Christmas, by the time the primaries come the whole situation will have been buried in the memory hole by the media and the normalfags will have forgotten all about it.
Your 'muh politik' bullshit is retarded and nobody that isn't some kinda cuckservative shill or policy wonk gives a fuck about this shit - we want beaners out, not beaners in, no matter how you try to justify it. You're totally out of touch.
You might as fucking well have nigger, yeah.
Then none of Trump's words matter relative to his action of urging congress to give amnesty to millions of illegals. Go away.
You go away too ABC, nobody likes your cat pictures and spamming smugs no longer works as camouflage.
I think everyone thinks smug anime girls are cringe by now. Too bad, you ruined it.
Even (((Amnesty))) is corrupted these sick days.
(((United Nations))) what a joke. (((European Union))) what a joke. (((Greenpeace))) what a joke. (((Amnesty))) what a joke.
Where do I purchase this improved Holla Forums membership? I also want my complimentary shill folder of smugs and the "report+ hotline for donald related infractions" function.
Also, does the membership cost or earn shekles?
Wew, kys pleb. Then post more sassy cats.
Have you got your wife's bull permission to use internet ?
I btfo
gotcha Chaim
Smells like cadreniggers in here.
This event only shows the true colors of our governing system. It shows that they do not hold the interests of the American people as their priority. Thus, this government is ineffective. It is now overwhelmingly obvious that there can be no change starting at the ballot box.
we have been betrayed for the last time
The only way we are going to kick the kikes is if we do it on our own…by force.
endchan pls
Reminder to filter civnat shills and sagebombers.
Below is the list of Republican legislators that have pledged to vote for or are considering voting for permanently enshrining DACA amnesty into law- extending legal protections to hundreds of thousands- if not millions- of illegal aliens.
Take 30 minutes out of your day to CALL these legislators and let them know how you, the GOP base, feels about illegal amnesty. Respectfully and professionally make it known to them that if they vote for amnesty, it will be one of their last votes before they are replaced in 2018.
Dave Reichert (R-WA)
DC Office: (202) 225-7761
Dan Newhouse (R-WA)
DC Office: (202) 225-5816
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
DC Office: 202-225-2006
Spokane: 509-353-2374
Mark Amodei (R-NV)
DC Office: (202) 225-6155
Reno Office: (775) 686-5760
Elko Office: (775) 777-7705
Ryan Costello (R-PA)
DC Office: (202) 225-4315
West Chester Office: (610) 696-2982
Wyomissing Office: (610) 376-7630
Charlie Dent (R-PA)
DC Office: 202-225-6411
Lehigh Valley: (610) 770-3490
Berks County: (610) 562-4281
Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL)
DC Office: (202) 225-4211
Southwest Florida Office: (305) 470-8555
John Katko (R-NY)
DC Office: (202) 225-3701
Auburn Office: (315) 253-4068
Syracuse Office:(315) 423-5657
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)
DC Office: (202) 225-3635
Ottawa Office: (815) 431-9271
Watseka Office: (815) 432-0580
Peter King (R-NY)
DC Office: (202) 225-7896
Massapequa Park Office: (516) 541-4225
Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ)
DC Office: (202) 225-6572
Mays Landing Office: (800) 471-445
Tom McArthur (R-NY)
DC Office: (202) 225-4765
Burlington County Office: (856) 267-5182
Martha McSally (R-AZ)
DC Office: (202) 225-2542
Tucson Office: (520) 881-3588
Patrick Meehan (R-PA)
DC Office: (202) 225-2011
Devin Nunes (R-CA)
DC Office: (202) 225-2523
Clovis: (559) 323-5235
Visalia: (559) 733-3861
Christopher Smith (R-NJ)
DC Office: (202) 225-3765
Monmouth County: (732) 780-3035
George Holding (R-NC)
DC Office: 202-225-3032
Raleigh Office: 919-782-4400
DC Office: (202) 225-3031
Janesville: (608) 752-4050
Kenosha: (262) 654-1901
Racine: (262) 637-0510
Traitors die first
Funny how you overpaid niggers never have any arguments, merely ad hominem and spam.
It's a shame that Mexico is losing out on all those educated immigrants they almost got from America deporting the dream/criminals. After all the utter slime they've dumped on us to redeem, I thought they'd enjoy getting some value back from all their hard work.
Feel free to let them know that, I didn't make any direct threats but I informed him that for large swathes of the armed population Amnesty is a declaration of Congress being a hostile, alien occupation force and the last time there was a hostile, alien occupation force in this country was 1776, do the math.
They know perfectly well what the people want. Why do you think people seek high office? It certainly isn't patriotic ferver. Patriots enlist politicians want power and wealth. Those items are not acquired by serving the people.
They main argument for DACA was basically:
"But anchor babies can be good people too..hurr".
Daily reminder: It is mostly whites that pay for non-whites being in prison. Most of the taxes are paid by whites to sustain most prison inmates, which are mostly niggers.
But that's not an argument in favor of scrapping DACA; Mexicans are not niggers, they're taconiggers. Different creatures.
The argument for scrapping DACA is that we need to not reward illegals for crossing the border, and having them have children who become citizens is a reward for that. This is bad.
Wonder why none of the angry anons in this thread are highlighting this and/or taking action. It's almost as if this whole thread was started purely to push demoralization.
Now watch as they tell you calling them won't do anything and that all hope is lost
The thread prolly was started to demoralise but idc
Trump bought us as much time and keks over liberal butthurt as he has
Its time to do the thing we were gonna do eventually anyway
Its time to gtkrwn
Its going to be one hell of a chaotic shitshow
Besides its september, what better time than now
Trump could literally, on national tv, have a syringe with nigger sperm and personally impregnate a bunch of white women, and the assclown trumptards will defend his action as 1488 dimensional chess, to the bitter end.
It boggles my mind how the trumptards, who aren't adl kikes, think "our goy" is sitting around waiting for the right moment to pull a lever or something.
Well, he did put an end to DACA instead of expanding it or asking Congress for an open borders bill.
The dreamers will start shooting themselves soon enough. The important thing is that the flood of sewage has stopped.
Incentivized lawbreaking. It's what the Democrats want and it's what the cuckservatives want. This is the result of no less than a leadership of fifth column lawbreakers trying to bring down America.
Just like we saw Obamacare repealed and replaced. Definitely going to happen.
First post every time.
We have to give Trump time so he can explain if he's doing the christian thing or not
For some reason your indonesia typing habits made me laugh.
Trump could go on national television with the head of israel's top rabbi dangling from his fist by the beard where he proclaims an America-officiated genocide against the jews. Then later he brings his son-in-law and the rest of his family who are jewish or jewish converts and has them beheaded as a sign of commitment to America's interest. And meanwhile you would still be posting on there that he's a kike.
The point is that no one's falling your posts. While you're making fun of chesscucks you're doing the opposite and saying that every time he gives us what we want it's because he's secretly a kike.
Typical. Dems are traitors; GOP are cucks; Trump is "compromising" by giving them everything they want and getting nothing in return other than the chance of some good press for once (hint: they won't even give him that). Oh mighty volcano gods of Yellowstone, please make today the day.
MSM would take photos of every one of those 800,000 crying kids being pulled out of degenerate public schools. That isn't going to help anything.
kys they're mostly 18+
Donald Trump should have pushed for Term Limits,and the arrest of all Amnesty supporters for violating the following law.
Except none of what you said would ever come to be, especially under trump. By the word out trumps own damn mouth, his asshole and favor is for israel.
One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.
Said by a worthless commie, but it's true. If they tried to focus on these """""kids""""" getting thrown out en masse, they'd fatigue the public far beyond the point of caring. Even the times they've spammed individual pictures of dead kids have never sufficiently motivated the American public to incite change that the fucking (((Establishment))) wants. If Republicuckolds weren't so moved by the mainstream media there would be literally 0 backlash for shipping all these fucking tacos back where they come from.
What kickbacks are they getting for destroying their political careers like this?
Wait a minute, could I sue these politicians?
Honestly, the argument against DACA should also be used with emotional rhetoric as well. Facts, cold logic and firm adherence to the law only work on those already on the path and men. What do you plan for when you want to have a child? You would need a home to nourish their growth, an income to secure their future and a family to raise them into fine adults.
A tumultuous childhood wrecks their development, how despicable is it - that these people spics have no foresight whatsoever, no sympathy to place the future of their childrens' lives not in their own hands but at the whim of others? They treat them like a currency, a tool to barter with, not a child but an object, not a child but spawn. A child is the future of your people, your progeny and yet they treat them as if it's just a simple passing of excrement.
Also the policy itself is already an argument: Deferred Action. Oh wait, wtf does that mean? Sure the kikes may twist it to meaning "oy vey that means a later date to give dem amnesty" but it just means delayed deportations.
That's what they are though.
It was an attempt.
Like I don't know that user :^)
I'm just making a framework for an argument if you're trying to convince somebody (like a woman).
If they pass Amnesty how hard would the overton window shift?
I've been noticing more and more right wing talk channels popping up on youtube,and some channels like linus tech tips have been shoving pepe into some of their videos.
OP is a cucky kike spreading fake news again….
Every day the gun in my safe looks like a more appealing career prospect than sticking around to watch the inevitable collapse.
Yup, it's over and I don't even care anymore. Nothing's going to change unless this economic system collapses. And even if that happens it'd likely precipitate a nuclear war.
There's no happy ending to our story, sorry anons.
Your post is why Trumpcucks are a problem. You people literally put all your hope and faith into Trump a shabbosgoy to save the white race. Then when Trump stabs you in the back you think the world is ending and it's all over. I get called a defeatist for not liking Trump but look into the blackhole of Trumpcucks and see the utter defeatism.
I'm optimistic and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with Trump. I expect Trump will give illegals amnesty, there will be no wall and immigration under Trump will continue at the same rates or higher than under Obama. The difference is I never put any hope into Trump and you all put false hopes into Trump and you get to watch those false hopes get shattered.
why won't someone else save me?! drumpft lied to us I don't have a pool full of gold , like, literally, like, i've been reading this stuff about soemthing called communism and…
it's just drumpf that's the problem, I know you think like me and that if you worship drumpf he will save you but he won't. i found this new thing to believe in though and this time won't be like all the others, im not delusional this time. check out this article on working class revolution and…
'christ, do I gota be like that?'
no, and the specifics that disturb you about their retardation are flaws to work on in yourself.
thank you both, and the rest in this thread, for the valuable learning experience, the instinctive feeling of disgust when looking at you will help steer the honest on the right path.
"You people literally put all your hope and faith into Trump" this is how the brain works on communism. Desperately scraping at the edges of the darkness with fire. Here's a person who's been called a defeatist, they think it's because they didn't worship properly and so here they are talking shit about worshipping while saying that all they see in others is defeat. Never quite putting it all together. They will be called a defeatist again. Fukken trump worshipers is the reason why and around and around they go, always got answers, never understanding.
If you are 3 years old you have no culture. 5 and beyond is a different story. You cannot expect someone whom has learned english and raised in the US to go back to a shithole country. However if you were already raised in those conditions and brought over to be an opurtinist that is where the line should be drawn. You can assimlate back into your country easier than someone who was raised in our society in thier most formitive years.
The demographics are shifting and the indenity politics are biting the shitlibs in the ass. Dont make the same mistake, as the people you save will vote what we want because it serves both our interests as americans.
dont bother user, 8cuck went down the shitter big time during the elections. all you have here anymore is the Holla Forumstards from 4chan Holla Forums and redditors from le_donald. it was a fun run while it lasted but its better to let the shills and normies go at it while you sit back and laugh
They are not white, thus they will go back you plebbitor cuck. Beaners will always vote for their racial group. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. I will never slacken or despair shill.
Next thing you will tell me is all whites in the worlds cannot possibly be cucks.
Fuck you redditfaggot, go back to t_d
I believe in that message but playing indentity politics gets you nowhere. You have to think about it like this, I have my white family and you have your spicnigger family. If both of our families get fucked than we go in the same direction out of survival. Most niggers vote because it suits thier interests. If we can make it so they have to survive with us as thier best option than it will be a victory for all. They need us to survive so therefore they will keep us in power.
Think of it like a game of Diplomacy, if its ideology vs power than power will always win.
Letting 800,000 be legal is not worth whatever gain we might get. Also, the entire point is not reduce their numbers. The blacks are not nearly as a threat to the spics. Spics are the biggest hurdle in voting. How do we survive with them if we are trying to remove them.
I need to clean this keyboard
You own multiple dildos, don't you?
If you were a kid and you were deported back to Germany, France, etc would you be able to function? Im taking birth to age 4 maximum hear for legal citizenship because I guarantee you that it would be very difficult to function and it would take years in an already maturing child to even learn the language fully without seeming like a foreigner. If they already can speak Spanish, cant speak English, and do nothing but tax our system than I am in full support of deportation but you have to be reasonable as these people you spared will remember what you did. Cubans dick sucked Reagan for a reason so having them do that again but for our populist ideology wouldn't be the worst thing to come out of this whole mess.
California used to be a white state that voted to the right, then amnesty happened. You're an idiot.
Give me one good reason to give a fuck about the well being or comfort of the feral child of some xenos parasite.
There are more things at play than just a singular problem. You have to look at history and the root of these issues. We have to play power not ideology. Im looking at the logos here and the grip on spics, niggers, etc are loosening if you look at the 2012 and 2008 numbers. The reason is that they have skin in the game and if you play towards power and not ideology you achieve victory while also maintaing your race in the process. Its about self survival and if you give people the better option they will usually take it out of self interest. Im not saying we gotta give up our kids to nigger rape gangs but taxes and other aspects of our platform are what sell. We are in a fight for survival so when you are actually going to go be a hero and try to commit niggercide let me know that you actually did it instead of viture signaling about it.
Cubans dick sucked Reagan out of survival, Reagan was a cuckold but having that same thing happen but with American Populism will be fun to watch as shitlibs relize city gibs wont work.
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
Logos is your friend. I want to save our people not win a presidency.
This isnt PR, PR is throwing away everything to sell. This is using our advantage to undercut our enemy to win and then adopt the rest of our platform using our power. I haven't said we just let niggers fuck everything and destroy I just think you should win and than act upon it. History is written by the victor.
Trump's presidency is more important than demographics
Praise Him
There is no "our" or "we". You're just some fatass on the internet.
The Cubans are unique because they (1960s era refugees) were actually white Spaniards who owned commercial enterprises and property in Cuba that got seized. The reason why these Cubans, as opposed to Cubans that came in during Mariel, are successful in this country is because they are entrepreneurial Europeans and not afro or native mixes like other Caribbean or continental hispanics.
The spics that are coming in to this country today are nothing like them and are far more left wing. They are decedents of natives with some euro admixture. They can be hard workers, but as a whole they are not compatible with Western society. Think of them as dumber, more violent Asians, since that is what they are originally derived from.
Worthless cuban shitskin detected.
All nonehites must die
Gas yourself cubankike
Point out what I said that was wrong.
You can't.
But those Cubans were adults or at least teenagers with some children. What I am talking about is having that worker mentality put through the grinder of American Populism. These spics are coming into this country from all ages. I want the 5 and up to be deported but those below that standard to be welcomed with open arms as if not nobody will because they cant speak Spanish and don't want to live in a third world country. The same thing will happen and the thing about spics is they are stubborn as fuck for their self interests so having them in our pocket isn't a bad move strategy wise.
I didn't even finish reading the first sentence, and I'm not going to either. Fucking cubans always asking so much of others.
No one cares
Well congratulations Trump you just bought yourself a single term and will go down in history as a fucking joke for everyone to laugh at.
Then why are you still here redditkike? We can save this board yet despite what you get paid.
Yeah it's not like half his family isn't Jewish
If he dares have a rally after this shit I hope the crowd drowns him out with chants calling him out and he's forced to leave the stage red-faced and shamed.
There is no "We" faggot. No one gives a fuck what you think.
Why are you so upset friendo? WE can all enjoy the fun of this thread despite whatever CTR wants to call themselves now.
You misunderstand. The indians you are importing are not white. This isn't an argument about culture, its an argument about race.
They use America as a cash bank. If the jobs ever ran out, they would go back to their jungles. Some are militant deluded faggots who are still mad that Spain, France, and America BTFO'd them at different times and took territory, so they want to "reconquer" their lands. Even though these lands were captured by Spaniards in the 1500s. The vaunted Aztecs didn't even get past the Rio Grande iirc.
So you have bloodthirsty natives running around in your country, taking advantage of it. These natives will pose a problem as time goes on and they continue to import their savage families straight from the jungles of Central America. You northern euros have no idea what awaits you if you let them take control.
Gtfo endchan kike
We are not talking about Indians we are talking about young spic children who are basically Americans as if they go back to their country they will be fucked for life. If I was a German but I came to America at age 2 illegally then I went back to Germany I would be so fucked you would have no idea. I don't think its the right thing to do nor do I feel its the best strategy for staying in power/gaining more of it. The line after that is very clear and they will go back by force.
You're not having fun, you're trying too hard for that.
You call yourself an user?
go back to reddit you fag
I'm not a massive faggot if that's what you mean.
Fuck off Carlos. There are thousands of people not from there that retire there and love it. Spics with english language skills and familiarity with Western culture can easily do the same work in Mexico as they do in the US and get paid quite a bit more than a dirtspic with zero english. Ex-pats love their brown pets too and rich ones start foundations that pour money into the Indio community. And allll the Dreamers in my hood have second homes in messico, they're just pissed they might have to go back before they get more free money for a third home.
Yeah. It will be amusing to watch a utterly mad Aztlan face off with Mexico itself, who can only watch in abject horror as their disgusting spawn crosses the Rio Grande in search of more sacrifices (as they ran out of humans and niggers).
Praisus Trumpus Wumpus Vultus Wultus
You are talking about indians.
These people are genetically not white. They will naturally prefer their own people over whites. Niggers can be Americans too, have they changed all that much since they were brought here out of the jungles of Africa? Culture can change, but race (genetics) cannot.
If you are a white person (not even necessarily German), you wouldn't be have a problem. All you would need to do is learn the language and local culture and you would be fine.
You are playing with fire by letting these jungle bunnies in. I thought you would have learned from the nigger problem the US has thanks to slavery.
What the fuck are they then? They dont speak Spanish and they aren't forced to work on farms to survive. What the fuck would you call them? It's the only thing you can do as nobody will take them and you will see a return in that gratitude because they will come to that realization themselves.
But they aren't going to live where the rich fucks are they will be dealing with what the average citizen of Mexico has to deal with and its fucking shit. I have friends who live there and they fucking hate it for a reason. Im not a fucking spic and im glad because this shit is fucking autism at this point. These kids who were 2 and are now like 6 or 8 have made America their home despite what the law which I agree with says, its how we function as human beings like it or not and we have to find the solution that lets us win in the end.
I would have a problem since my homeland was America and I am putting on a show to survive. It would feel out of place and fuck up my life pretty good if I was like 10 or so.
Awwwww poor fucking spics.
Say hello to the people of Aztlan. Indoctrinated by leftist politics, radicalized by identity politics, and enabled by absurdly generous social services; at first the Aztek sought to drive the whites out of supposed 'ancestral land.' The state of Jefferson, the Free City of Las Vegas, they even tried taking Colorado from the Great Plain Federation at one point. But then they restored the old Mexica religion and… Well, let's just say they fixed their nigger problem. More niggers were enslaved in border wars with New Africa.
Mexico itself can only stare in horror as the monster they helped create looks down at Mexico City in envy. Reports from the Spetznaz grow grimmer every year, and the mass of Chinese and Russian bought arms and armor standing behind the Great Wall of Mexico will not be enough to stop the Red Menace.
I understand your black pill dissolutions.
what you fail to see is the great opportunity.
This potentially a 3rd way platform legitimizer.
This victory will leave the mass mind of the left open. The defeated will be open
to more extreme ideas. Ideas that are already there.
All you have to do is sockpuppet "awakening".
this counts as an effort post for me
Remind me, who was that Kosher right-wing German politician who got upset when all his voters left and started voting for Hitler instead?
Too bad you wasted it on muh pr.
Why, you'd still be white, you could still make it work.
Jesus Christ you enormous cuckold…
There is one nuance you don't get. Americans aren't Germans, Trump isn't really American. Real ethnic Americans have to be from the UK pre-1776, only the English and Ulster Scots count.
advocating a sock puppet campaign to awaken left and right to the third way is PR now?
That's an awfully strong word to be wasting on a pathetic argument.
Allow me pontificate, defeatist like.
During the elections, Trump said he wanted to bring in (to stay) Europeans. How would you go accomplishing that? The answer is simple: make the US immigration transfer easier as well as having a path for our brothers ready.
so this is a Trump-apologist thread?
Wait, just for the sake of argument, what if it's an illegal Mexican from one of the German communities?
i found that argument very strange too
Too bad no one cares what you think.
This is the single most cuckolded thing I've ever seen posted.
Trump also said he believed in the race horse theory, but gave up on that shit before the election had even finished.
They can fuck off back to Mexico.
He seems more sensible than you do.
America is fucked because of traitors like you.
So what, America should only be home to whites. You seem to think otherwise, civic cuck.
There's nothing sensible about being afraid.
((( )))
>we must (((deport))) whites
we all know you're talking about yourself, nonwhite scum. fuck off.
chesscucks are delusional.
I am English from Norman
you're one of us brother
That doesn't mean DACA stays.
Repealing it would mean no NEW kinds get to use it to stay.
Frankly, both repealing it AND kicking all the illegals out was a dream. The population of the US simply wouldn't support such a move yet.
So the more obvious choice is - repeal DACA, but give amnesty to all the kids who are in…
do not repeal it
>reddit spacing
except for that last few lines
just fuck off pro-amnesty kike
IDs man
Retards like you is why we can't have nice things.
fuck off t_d
user is your brain broken
If you're truly so retarded to think that you were going to get a pure white america and DOTR today and the Trump was going to do everything you wanted, despite the current political climate and opposition, then you are beyond naive.
Even the most retarded and brain-washed liberal cuck has more mental capacity than you.
Read nigger. In user's example it's a German kid getting deported back to Germany for entering illegally.
he's right ya know
Those who aren't a problem, aren't the problem.
Keep your head down, and get the fuck out of the way.
I know spaniards, specifically german-iberians, and they aren't a problem (t. employ one; He insisted on helping spics, I let him get is ass burned and slapped his lessons in front of his face; He did self improve). I know spaniards, specifically white spanish muslims, and they're shit.
Regardless, those who agree to have gratitude, and who agree to be agreeable, will be shot second. Get out of the way, less you will yourself to be first.
If they stay, they still will be. Granted, if they stay just a little longer, they can delay systematic eventuality just a little longer.
If they stay, they will boom faster, die sooner, take more with them, some of which might actually do some useful work. But if they happen to succeed, they'll soon all be dead shortly thereafter, including all of mexishit through south america.
We already have one up
Suddenly bumped since Wednesday