That is anti-semitic.


Great thumbnail faggot.

why is facebook frog angry?


Fuck off, americlap.

He's talking about pepe. Holla Forums-shills have been trying it as their property for a while now.

Once a nazi, always a nazi.

This. /thread

Because his pitiful existence won't come to an end.

Hello newfag.
Here is a piece of history for you, you gigantic utter retard that knows nothing about anything.
Pepe used to be a favorite (and actually still is) of Holla Forums.
Then once upon a day Reddit, Tumbrl and other retards like you began using it.
Holla Forums as a whole went "Fuck that! They always steal our memes and we REALLY love Pepe, no fucking way we'll have him become normalfag material".
So people began making poo memes, with Pepe being a nazi, shitting everywhere, feeding Wojack shit, raping babies and so long so forth.
People became to be disgusted by Pepe, since if you used Pepe you'll get associated with all the scat/gore/nazis.
Thus Pepe was saved from the claws of the normalfags.

So you see, Holla Forums as a whole is trying to keep Pepe as its property you fucking retarded cunt, and I won't even explain the whole cult of Kek because you're both too new and too fucking stupid to understand it or care.

I never liked "pepe". Only underaged faggots liked it, like my little 14 year old brother spouts pepe and other generic nemes.

But he really wasn't, since there are many SFW edits of pepe. Normalfags everywhere still use him.


Out with the oldfag and in with the newfag.



But he wasn't. Go to imgur or whatever the fuck and you'll still see people posting him all of the time.

I quite liked boys club as a whole when Holla Forums discovered matt furie back in 2008. I remember when that happened back then. When he became a meme passed around by Holla Forums with phrases like "feels good man" after being asked by Andy why he likes peeing with his pants all the way down. I actually bought the cheapest issue I could on Amazon ($17 at the time) when I got my first job, and still own it. Matt Furie's dead pan style of writing when approaching the absurd and surreal is really enjoyable.

I don't care if normalfags use it, the pepe they use is perverted far from his original form anway. Landwolf and Brett are funnier anyway.

You drew a nice crowd of faggots with this bait. well done.

Holla Forums as delusional as ever. Get a fucking life, you loser.

how about a dubs thread?

You're either ignorants or shills, take your pick, I won't waste my time with either.

You're just trying to shoehorn Holla Forums into everything arent you?

He just wants Holla Forums cock in his boi pussy.



Look at these trips

Here is how to explain how retarded their logic was


Is Holla Forums some sort of holy idol that I can't blaspheme against?

1. Speak for yourself retard
2. God forbid you let a stale meme die, then you have to come up with something else!
3. You know how it took years for reddit, tumblr and other retards to take notice of facebook frog? Its going to take just as long for you them to take notice of your new versions of facebook frog.

Seconding this.


Nah mate there's some faggot who keeps derailing threads by bringing up Holla Forums and getting ass hurt when he gets called out.

8ch is the domain of Holla Forums and Holla Forums uncensored (mostly). Don't like it? Go the fuck back to Reddit.

Pepe is still a normalfag meme. Once a meme is tainted, you're not getting it back.

You should put your love into memes that are untaintable.

fuck off retard

Shit's all over NYM, imgur, 9fag, etc. It's lost.

It's just a bunch of underage fags doing it on Holla Forums, just like all other pepe users such as yourself.

I wish Holla Forums smokers would just fuck off to their loony bin board and do what they do best; suck each others dicks off.

Except when I said that Pepe is being grabbed by Holla Forums I meant taking it away from rest of hatechan. And it's pretty fucking ironic you would argue like that since Holla Forums in their social justice moralfaggotry is the most normalfaggoty board here.
Get fucked, racist cuck.

Kill yourself faggot. Pepe is a normalfag meme. He's tainted forever. You only see Holla Forums posting it still because Holla Forums has been taken over by the_donald reddit.


Get out.

Well, it wasn't Holla Forums that gave up on pepe when the normalfags slaugthered him. It was Holla Forums that resurrected him, when no one else believed in him. Even /r9k/, where the pepe meme started, called it a fucking normalfag/normalfag meme.
It wasn't Holla Forumsermin that shouted pepe at a hillary speech, it was a Holla Forumsack. It wasn't Holla Forums that made Trump post a rare pepe, it was Holla Forums. It was Holla Forums that made the church of kek and researched the ancient religion of meme magic. Kek brought us that many happenings.

I don't know why someone from Holla Forums criticizes Holla Forums for the usage of a meme, when Holla Forums is probably the board with the least amount of genuine OC memes. All I see are these shit smug anime girl and some S.T.A.L.K.E.R and W40k memes. Even 8ch Holla Forums makes better may may.

Fuck you and praise kek.


Is this board getting invaded by Holla Forums or goons or something? If you don't like Holla Forums, here's a solution for you, Try to do pic related.


There's consistently like one guy who is on a crusade against Holla Forums and a few angry niggers who cries about Holla Forums once in a while still around.

I want Holla Forums to leave.

Go back to your containment board.

Holy fuck I hate you fucking redditors, Holla Forums is a majority of newfags and edgy teens.

They have as large a user base yet 75% of their posting is shit posting.

Not videogames.

Maybe on halfchan people on Holla Forums pretend to hate eachother but that's not the case here newfaggot.

Could you be more of a fag?


Hey there, faggot.
Did you read pic related? That's the pic related.

I can't tell if the board drama trolls are switching IPs now to reply to themselves or if people are just too stupid to avoid replying to them. Either way bye.


We are getting support from all the good devs!

it's never over, fool

Fuck off newfag, Holla Forums is a rotting corpse of its former glory propped up by endless shit posting and mod censorship

It's funny because it's actually more popular and active than it was back in 2008.


That would be the effect of newfags.

Yeah, because it's actually active.

It's mainstream now.

Well it wasn't me that cried about pepe being property of Holla Forums. It became cancer on the chans and normalfags got bored of it and Holla Forums gave it back it's glory and everyone ia crying and calls it e-faggotry.
Even based Zyklon B did more for pepe than Holla Forums.

I have been here since September 2014, you insufferable faggot.
Also >Holla Forums is one person

Yeah buddy keep on letting people know what a fucking moron you are.

Also if numbers of the community made someplace good then 4chaim must be the fucking best.
If so why don't you go back?

Because 4chan is cucked now?

But either ways, both 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ remain consistent in one thing: fuck the jews.

Its like you lack any self-awareness

When moderators censor anyone who has even 1 differing opinion then yes they might as well be one person.

Where is this reality where Holla Forums deletes every posts that offend them?

You can see fucking commie threads there.

ITT: faggots correcting the record

Holla Forums creates Pepe.

Facebook ruins Pepe.

Holla Forums remakes Pepe to be the strongest frog ever.

do you realize most of Holla Forums userbase are 4chan veterans? (or at least used to be)

Shitskins just love outing themselves. Climb a fucking tree

Most of the first exodus was Holla Forums and Holla Forums in the first place.

Oh boy howdy are you sticking it to them by banning anyone who disagrees that nat-soc IS Holla Forums

I remember when we were discussing leaving swastikas in the banners because we didn't want to attract the stormfaggots, but decided to keep it to keep away normal faggots.

Now 2 years later newfags are claiming Holla Forums has always been nat-soc and not only that but ALL of 8ch is theirs.

Yes because the Shillary campaign is spending millions of dollars for CTR to lurk in Holla Forums telling Holla Forums they're shit because of their consistent shitposting and deflection of any discussion with

Its always see through and will get you made fun of like you were yesterday with

Very few people came from Holla Forums most of Holla Forums stayed on 4chaim UNTIL moot personally fucked with their boards, THEN they came over, and the board quickly became shit.

People left Holla Forums because they wanted to.
Faggots left Holla Forums because they were forced.

some way to generalize people by "boards"

I was lurking 4chan since 2005 and Holla Forums was definitely responsible for creating it's culture alongside /a/ and Holla Forums


Yeah, moot was being a SJW cuck,

What? But Holla Forums doesn't do that?
So you wanted to ban the swatsikas?
Holla Forums was half nat-soc, half libertarian, Ron Paul failed, now the nat-soc reigns supreme and everyone got their own board.
Hillary did spend millions of dollars to do that.
Uh, Holla Forums was the second biggest board after Holla Forums in Holla Forums.
People left Holla Forums because moot personally intervented to shut down Gamergate, just like he did try to shut down Holla Forums.

Why Holla Forums users so autistic? I think your doctors should triple your medications

But he's right.

The "normalfags" and even SJWs call Pepe nazi frogs now.

Why is every anti-Holla Forums post feels so half-hearted?

That's all it takes, user.

Not really, it's gonna make the whole thing look like paid shills.


even better!


Holla Forums used to be Libertarians, Monarchists, Traditionalists and NatSocs. People that knew their shit, good quality discussions.

Now it's just a nazi stormfag neo-pagan circlejerk.

That's because of the influx of pic related.

Dumb millenials that feel isolated by the radical left, so they choose the extreme opposite.

You would still find libertarians, monarchists and traditionalist and natsocs on Holla Forums.

But looking at your pic, it seems like you aren't really fond of Holla Forums in the first place.

glad to see the containment board is doing its purpose. autistic seppos flinging shit at each other like they're roleplaying as rival brazillian gaming clans.

reminder if you want to discuss dignified australian video game subjects such as the time you fingered hex in a nightclub, there's always
we're waiting cobber

Yeah you faggot some people really fucking cared for the bored as it was one of the few places you could discuss anything.
Now threads get bumplocked and others banned.

This is how every fucking thread with Holla Forums goes down.

No fucking awareness at all.

You are only dealing with half the information I doubt you were actually here when the exodus happened.


No you won't.

Holla Forums is a hugbox now. There's this one mod with a power trip that bans anyone who doesn't fall in line. Much like the Gestapo or secret police.

If you make a thread that conflicts with the Holla Forums narrative, it gets sage bombed. No quality discussion whatsoever.

This is really strange to me because I guarantee if you create a thread on Holla Forums, chance is unless it's fucking cuck porn, it's not gonna be deleted.

Bumplocked sure, but delete no.

And nowadays, Holla Forums is way more radical than even Stormfront, since even Stormfront doesn't throw down niggers and faggots as much as Holla Forums does.

I just made a thread about Soviet war heroes sometimes ago and it was neither bumplocked or deleted.

This durr Holla Forums censor shit is either overblown or false.

Half the information?
Why do you think Holla Forums want to leave for Holla Forums?

;_;7 RIP
why did everything have to go to shit

They know this though, I have seen threads were evidence of censorship was presented, then they want the archives, then you give them that, and either they ignore it or then start arguing that censorship is GOOD despite the exodus happening because of it.

Wish this was the case.

Well know your being an idiotic faggot

shill detected

yes, pol is shit and never will be good again.
just give up on the user politics discussion utopian dream and go join MPC or some bullshit like that

Did you delete everything you saved when you migrated?
That's kinda batshit next level autistic m8, you do know that right?

Also this will be my last post as I have to change a tire and get my old one fixed.

I do not want to stay in this thread arguing with you over what you determine is shitposting or why its okay to censor if you think they are shills.

WHICH IS ALWAYS how these arguments go.
You took a hard stance and wont admit you are wrong even when proof is presented.

My personal ban and a thread where they were having Stormfag meetups.

So this is your response?

I give you evidence and you call me an idiotic faggot?

Are you sure you aren't the one you are criticizing?

Maybe you should of held your horses faggot.

Typical of a faggot, no self-awareness

Oh okay then, off you go.

Your personal ban looks warranted and there's nothing wrong with them having a stormfag meetup.

Why the butthurtness?

nigger that shit should be banned on sight

Yeah sure buddy thanks for doing exactly what I said you would do.

Yeah buddy, you have made my argument for me.

He doesn't know or care about this board or its quality, all that he cares about is that the board he personally identifies with and gets self-worth from is defended.

Anyway for real this time I gtg change a tire, it was fun shitting on this kid's day.


This is the same board that rallies the whole silent armed protesters against the Federal Reverses.

You were shitposting, hard, deliberately.
What's wrong with them having a stormfag meetup?

Are you afraid of people doing shit in real life?

I'm literally saving you bandwidth for downloading some nice fisting videos later, and you've got the gall to criticise me for saving and posting thumbnails?

Wew lad. You decadent little millennial softcock. Get some glasses and embrace the small things in life for once
like thumbnails

You admitted yourself, there's no point arguing with them.
Just remember there was a time on Holla Forums when Holla Forums wasn't a hugbox.
It'll never be that way again, and they're incapable of understanding this, probably because they're from the second 4chan exodus. That group consisted of autists who sperged out over a CSS change and wordfilters, not anyone who left because of principles.

They're the type of people who take themselves too seriously, which obviously lends itself to stormfags.


Yes Moshe, paying ESL indians to shitpost is a money intensive task.

So when people take themselves too seriously, Holla Forums becomes a hugbox.

Jesus, I guess it's fine the way it is then.

Holla Forums wasn't destined to be a shitposting board where you whine about shit on the internet, it's supposed to be where you fucking take action.

Great thread guys.

You're fucking cancerous

Holla Forums is becoming mainstream, so a lot of people are going to try to undermine it.

I guess you're the sort that fence sits and gets a high on pretentious signalling/dickwaving over "muh stormfags"? Those "stormfags" aren't even that bad, get them off pol and they stop sperging out.
Don't become cynical on everyone merely because Holla Forums is shit.

I don't think you even make sense anymore.

Go change your tire.

By a lot of people of course you mean half of Holla Forums because they're afraid they'll end up being mainstream

They are already mainstream.

Even fucking CNN mentions Holla Forums now.

I doubt any of these shitposters post seriously on Holla Forums

I wouldn't give a shit if they didn't own the board, sticky their circlejerk threads and ban anyone who goes against the groupthink. Again, 8/pol/ is a shadow of its former self. I'm not alone in this, people like Weev realize that it's dogshit and let everyone know it apparently. I hadn't realized he'd stopped posting until I happened to get linked to his twitter, but it's the same deal. Shit hugbox moderation.

1. I'm not the other user
2. Holla Forums is not some fucking place to "take action." It's not some organization. It's a fucking imageboard.
You're cancerous, straight up. You take yourself too seriously, and you're part of the reason why Holla Forums is dogshit.

Holla Forums found the comics but pepe is a /r9k/ meme.

And? You can't take action by organizing on an imageboard?

Good lord that everyone else take shit seriously, except you.

Everything is fun and games, even in politics.

Well, Holla Forums made it popular.

Good thing Pepe wasn't pussified.

Holla Forums started out as /new/, a place to discuss politics. In its infancy, it was all about nigger memes and posting swastikas to trigger sensitive liberals. It was ironic.

Then /new/ got deleted. The population moved to /int/ and started their Jew jokes there.

Holla Forums got created so it all could be contained there.

Holla Forums went from ironic Holla Forums niggerjew memes to having actual good discussions on politics, events, news and history

Holla Forums's golden age was around the time of Ron Paul and "IT'S HAPPENING" threads. Holla Forums culture started to spread all over 4chan.

Then m00t destroyed the Holla Forums board, people went to Holla Forums, a bunker, hideout.

Holla Forums got bitter, jaded, and with the TGSNT documentary (Hitler wus a gud boi) became unironic Nazis even delving into Neo-Paganism (if you make a Christian thread, expect tons of shitposts and attacks from our supposed right-wing allies).

Holla Forums is stifled now. No discussion, no debates. No talking about history. Just generals and stupid shit. The "intl/leftypol" paranoia makes the old "JIDF detected" posts seem sane.

Holla Forums IS mainstream now.

The Alt-Right movement is a real thing, and they behave just like the radical SJWs.
You have 2 extreme opposites, no grey area is allowed on Holla Forums.

If you're not a stormfag, you're leftypol. That's how they think.

Holla Forums takes itself too seriously tbqh
they should let me shitpost about stormfag stuff

Again, you're cancerous.
What moot did to 4/pol/ was calculated to smoke out the most obnoxious assburgers like yourself. There's a reason why Holla Forums wasn't shit until the second 4chan exodus. People you like.

No, moot "destroyed" the board after people had gone to Holla Forums. The wordfiltering and CSS change of the board was calculated to smoke out the most obnoxious assburger shitposters who get triggered because they take themselves too seriously.
8/pol/ was fine, and was great, up until that point.

If /moot/ cleaned 4/pol/, why don't you guys go back to post on 4/pol/ then?

And I'm cancerous because I take myself too seriously?

You can find plenty of christian threads on Holla Forums, some even fucking obnoxious when you have christians shitting on pagans.
Debates happen all the times on Holla Forums, as well as history threads.

I miss the first exodus days, it's too easy to derail a thread nowadays. Just mention Holla Forums and all sorts of shit just springs out of the woodwork

I miss when hotwheels actually owned the site too, it just doesn't fell the same without him anymore no homo

No, I came here before then.
Aspies like yourself came during that time. You came here because a CSS change and wordfilters for a few days. You take yourself entirely too seriously, and for some reason 8/pol/ embraced the immigration. That was a mistake.

Again, yes. You're fucking cancerous.

Holla Forums was whining about degeneracy before there was even a Holla Forums.

And of course 8/pol/ embraced the immigration, you realize the CSS change and wordfilters are censorship right?

But it's true user.

Again, it was a calculated attempt to smoke out aspies like yourself.
It made 4/pol/ a better place, really, from what others tell me. Shame that you came here and fucked up our Holla Forums.

Aspies who do not support censorship such as myself, who flock to an anti-censorship site as Holla Forums.

Really well calculated move there, moot.

And really, you should go back to posting to 4/pol/, since you think moot did a good thing. I browse both boards.

Holla Forums actually makes leddit more right-wing, after their candidate Bernie Sanders failed.

This poor racemixed child of 8ch and reddit can't decide if he's going to be progressive or not.
Someone save him.


You aren't a regular from this place?

If you cared about "real censorship" you'd have come here before then.
Instead, you flocked here because you got some funny wordfilters and CSS changes for a few days.

You are a fucking retards who takes yourself too seriously. You are the reason 8/pol/ is shit. You need to fuck off.

I come by from time to time, if only to look for some more vidya recommendations or to pass the time

I'm actually first exodus so I did come before then.

And the reason people left 4chan is because moot started interventing on GG, it's because they took things too seriously.

Wow, so just come here to shitpost on Holla Forums.

calm down dude its just an imageboard

Yeah, sure you did. That's why you were sperging out about "muh wordfilters" and "muh CSS" just a few posts ago. And why you think Holla Forums is a place to "take action."
Fuck off, retard. You're not fooling anyone.

ヾ'_____ ||    |   | ||o   .|   | ||    |   |   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ____ | ハ ,,ハ.||  .| |  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |(・Д・)||o | | .< OKAY HOLD UP |/  つ  | |  \______   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

First exodus? The CSS changes on Holla Forums were not even close to First Exodus. What the fuck have you been drinking?

Duh, moot got legit pissed off and tried to censor shit.

If moot didn't take thing seriously, nobody else would.

I'm first exodus because moot fucked up 4chan forever by intervening on GG.

It's actually more about majority of people just wanting to discuss videogames, and a handful of Holla Forumsniggers wandering of off their closet-commie hugbox and getting triggered when people don't end up circlejerking with them.

Not really, but you have to admit Holla Forums is in a pretty sad state considering you can derail threads with ease. I guess the board fracturing really did pay off for those shills

Again, purposely fucking with a board to smoke out aspies like you is not "taking anything seriously." It's a tactic to rid the board of cancer like you, and it worked. The side effect was that all the cancer (you) came here.

No, you aren't. You were sperging earlier about the reason you came is because of the wordfilters and the CSS change.

Back from changing my tire, well at least halfway.
Its nice to see other anons come out of the wood work calling you by your true name.

It's been filtered on multiple boards.


The people who are anti-Holla Forums just go a tirade every times Holla Forums is mentioned.

Then I guess leaving 4/pol/ is not taking anything seriously since it's just an imageboard?
In what way? Now 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ are nearly the same in political opinions.
Duh, because moot started putting up censorship.

Proud to be cancer then, considering I don't even know what the fuck you are complaining about.

Are you discussing video games in this thread?

Or are you just shitting on Holla Forums?

Ha ha jesus christ.

the main problem is that despite the fact that alternatives exist, you never stay true to your word and don't actually "go". You just vent a little a bit ,try to create some board drama and then just fuck off back to your actual hugbox to tend to your irritated colon ; rinse and repeat in a few weeks/months


You have given yourself away so many times yet instead of realizing you are in the wrong you just double down.
Every single fucking time it plays out like this.


You left because you took it too seriously, since it is just an imageboard.
8/pol/ bans anyone who goes against the groupthink, they sticky their shitty circlejerk threads and all that.
Again, fucking with a board is a time-honored tradition. So yes, you are the cancer.

To be honest I'm not sure who's shilling who anymore- hell, I can't even tell the shills from the over enthusiastic Holla Forumslacks anymore. It's all just gone to shit sometime after the Third Exodus, but if I were to make a guess I'd say it was the Infinity Next fiasco that truly fucked shit up

Except I don't cry and whine, I just provide evidences to the contrary while you call me cancer.

I don't post on 8/pol/ anymore. Haven't for a while, because it's shit. Haven't posted on 4chan since september/october of 2014.
Yeah, they pretty much hit the nail on the head. Sad.

How? So leaving an imageboard is taking thing too seriously?
Uh, but they actually don't?
So why the fuck do you leave for Holla Forums then? Just stay on 4chan.

So basically you have no experiences on either boards.

Also, just a friendly reminder that this is months after the second 4chan exodus, probably around the time I quit posting on 8/pol/. So yeah, they got it right.

Just believe the ones who have better arguments.