Oh god which one do i get bros?

oh god which one do i get bros?

The dubs edition

A dildo and some dubs.

Which one comes with the realistic sized "Liberator" phallus?

the pirated one

None it's fucking garbage

The one that doesn't come with the game but with the lifesize dildo of the main nigger so that you can fuck yourself.

Also dubs.

eugh.. remember when Holla Forums played video games..

It burns

not even for free? fuck paying for the piece of shit but would be nice to fk around on pirated servers with mods n shit

No but I am downloading the "beta"

Good joke

omg cuckmaster get cucked you fucking SJW
you need to kill yourself fucking degenerate

they would if the games weren't shit, which they have been post 2007

and godamn half the poses are identical, fucking lazy asshole money grubber


the fuck those are britains? I didn't look long enough for the flags, thought they were chinese or mongolian or something

The one that doesn't have a game disc inside.


When was that? Genuinely asking.

Get out. You don't belong here.

Forgot to add, brits and ottomans with a fucking MP18. Germans selling weapons to its enemy, this is such a fucking trainwreck.

Something's off about the second guy from the left. Isn't that a german weapon?

when we weren't infested with Holla Forumstards

Doesn't ring a bell, chief. Before Holla Forumsacks, Holla Forums was a thing. I know because i was one of the horde, zerg-rushing Holla Forums when mods woke up on Holla Forums

Holla Forums for having shit taste in vidya, kill yourself you fucking commie.

Hey, you shut your whore mouth. Stalin is my waifu and has a higher kill count than Hitler.
Hitler a shit, Stalin best 'stache wielding megalomaniac

We are having BF1 threads at day, i would call it shilling if this place wasn't so fucking easy to troll people with considering all the newfags.

get out of my thread.

Make me

The game is going to be complete shit, with or without niggers.

Yeah, make him, cunt.
I'm enjoying this too much

That goes without saying.After BF4, Hardline and Battlefront expecting something good from DICE or EA is for mentally ill people.

why are shilling threads not getting deleted?

Just enjoy an funpost!

cancer is not fun

I cant enjoyr you summerfags no matter how hard I try-
And Dear Lord how Ive tried

Let's talk about a better franchise from a better world war instead.

This tbh

How many times should I submit reports?
Why this thread still exists?

yes, let's


Imma let you in a secret. Repeat after me: self Policing. You bully the newfags enough and they leave. Newfags can't take bullying as well as we can. And if they can, they become one of us. It's the trial by fire every imageboard user went through (except the stoners over at 420chan)

Brave Witches SOON


everybody's getting dubs but me…
you know, I used to love the games, liked the first one, loved the second one, was blown away by 3 on PS3 at my friends house, never saw so much graphical detail crammed into a game before…
Recently got myself a PSP and played through Ghost of Sparta. Noticed it was the exact same shit as before, just on a smaller screen. They struck gold on the first game, but they should have stopped after 2 and finished the story there.

A nigger i knew complained about how "hard" GoW was. I spent the next half hour thinking of and calling him synonyms for retarded. That was a good day. Right up until he called his friends and they insisted on beating the schnitzel out of me.

for shame

I know. Sad, right? I used to think i could take three guys with ease.

Is a teaser for a new animation?
If its not I dont care, Kadokawa are kikes and their "games" are shit

The game is fucking fun.