I'm not linking it since it CNN and they can eat shit.
CNN Celebrates: "Why Trump caved to Pelosi and Schumer"
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone wanted disaster relief funding. I really don't see how running the government for longer gives the Dems an advantage, it just means they'll have to filibuster for longer.
I don't understand how this gives democrats leverage.
You know what I love the most about the lying press?
Over and over again, they keep returning to their base perspective: that they are smart and their opposition is dumb.
And over and over again, they have been proven to by wrong on both points.
What makes you think pelosi and schumer are not going to be sitting in jail by decenber?
Republicucks wanted a government shutdown to push for reforms at the negotiation table related to governmental budgeting. Trump went to the enemy and signed all sorts of deals with them to not have to go shutdown and extend the governmental budget by 3 months. Still willingly funding king nigger policies with this extension.
Common sense.
Not everyone who posts things you don't like is a shill, faggot. I'm just along for the ride, so I'll wait and see.
Guess you could say you're a "fellow traveler" huh.
Not only that, but Trump gave democrats debt-ceiling leverage for the coming debates on immigration(DACA) and health care that didn't exist before. They won't move an inch and Republicans will be forced to concede over and over again or risk defaulting. Which they'll never let happen.
In fact during the meeting yesterday in the White House between Trump, Republicans and Democrats. The Republicans wanted an 18 month extension on the debt ceiling, the democrats refused to even budge.
Brutal. #rekt
How about we just default instead of kicking the can down the road and giving amnesty to criminals in the process? Fuck this "trading support" nonsense. If Trump makes 800,000 illegal spics citizens his approval rating will include only the 5% who are blind followers. Fuck this stupid incompetent fucking clown.
Literally a shill thread. Sage.
Gee moshi two threads?
You do know trump gave contributions to Schumer kike?
Go back to 4chan, kike.
reminds me of the pic of him and romney
keep your enemies closer.
typical kikes.
You do know trump gave contributions to Schumer kike?
But they already risk defaulting now, and the Republicucks already caved on DACA.
Putting all the stakes in December also makes it dangerous for Dems, do they really want to be responsible for shutting down the government and ending the gibs?
that is irresponsible as fuck. if they had gotten an 18 month extension that means they would have continued with continuing resolutions and not had a budget. the republicans haven't even bothered to put forward a budget, allowing them a full 18 months to continue with their bullshit would be the worst possible decision
Oy, it's proper election marketing goy. Why do you hate Amerikah?
But now the democrats will get to continue with their bullshit…
And Trump gets to point and say, see?
Kill yourself
remember that you posted this in 5 years when they are finishing their speaking tours and living rich on some island
Which one is it?
I didn't tell him to move that piece. I'm simply commenting on the match before us.
Too bad he actually said that mobile.twitter.com
Retard, sage doesn't move a thread it just doesn't bump a thread.
passing a budget /= raising debt ceiling
Holy fuck did you not even read the FAQ before you even posted, posting functions are readily available knowledge. Sage does nothing, it does not bump the thread the thread's position on the page is decided by the creation and posting in other threads, the thread was one page 1-2 when I posted and your bumps do fuck all since most Anons use the catalog to browse, and most Anons keep tabs of the treads they keep an eye out for. Bumping shouldn't be a concern until it hits page 5-7 and even then it doesn't need a bump until 10-15.
It doesn't. CNN are faggots and so are shabbos goy budget hawks.
You can tell that he's playing 33D chess under the table, whenever Romney is not looking. Based.
They just want citizenship for as many not whites as possible
Dumbshit, we know what the technical function is.
Lurk moar.
Lurk moar yourself.
great eye
I thought you were talking about a lift at first, I need to spend less time on /fit/.
Just here to see how bad the Verrit Ferret scripts are today.
Those poor indonesian fingers, typing all that garbage..
This Trump is done I think. Also, no one likes Romney anyway.
What did the Democrats get exactly? Can anyone tell me or are they just trying to split his base?
Or in other words, dealing with two different parties full of Jews and Communists, Trump chose the least Jewish and Communist option he had. So this narrative about Trump ultracucking is false (at least on THIS topic), and this Pelosi-Schumer story is CNN autofellatiating themselves, as usual.
The real takeaway here is why the establishment needs to burn. Nothing is ever going to get done when you have to choose between two different breeds of pinko commie offering you worst/less worse solutions. I hope to hell they fuck up everything, and Trump can't even get started on the wall until a year before the end of his term. I want to waterboard the normies with the reality that nooses and tar pitch are the only things that are going to make changes in Washington D.C. The swamp can't be drained. Just burned to the ground.
successful normie here, you're a loser that happens to be edgy
Don't breed, I wouldn't want my boys fucking your whore-ish daughters
Actually, now that you mentioned it, I think everything can wait until after we helped the people in Texas. Horrible hurricane, we need to help people in this catastrophe.
This is actually a case of the chess meme. You see those disloyal Republicans that keep rebuking Trump? Their donors are going to be very unhappy with them if they can't deliver the goods, and Trump has show he can make this a reality by choosing to deal with the other side. This is a warning shot across the bow, either the Paul Ryan types start playing ball with the President, or they will be the ones who fail to get anything done, being summarily dumped in 2018.
because trump is a little bitch
Wow, they got hurricane relief. And Trump got the debt ceiling raised like he wanted without getting any Republicans in trouble with their constituents.
So now we know for sure that amnesty is fake news. Thanks for clearing that up, CNN!
What's the name of the woman in the middle? I wouldn't mind seeing her "B-double-O-B-S".
Disregard this. Found her - Brooke Baldwin.
Hi, Shariablue, i see you bumping all the anti-trvmp threads to keep them visible.
Tactic noted.
You just glow too much.
The woman got so offended she became aroused. Top kek.
The black guy is obviously an ass man.
He probably wants his two terms to be the greatest period of economic growth in history. This can't be done without increasing slave labor and stealing resources from the Middle East, according to the advisors who print the money.
Bumped from Wednesday
Only the commoners go to jail.
This. Making 800,000 liberal illegals legal is just fucking over all future elections and securing nobody who so much as campaigns on what Trump did gets in again. There's no excuse for that, deport them. Life isn't fair, resources are finite, we can't afford to set aside 800,000 AMERICAN jobs to make room for 800,000 illegals just because the illegals were brought in by their parents.
CNN is a criminal organization that utilizes its worn spot in the dusty corner of American culture to threaten and intimidate people who dare to make wrestling gifs that make fun of their ultracuck flaccid assholes. Hey, Muzzies: you seen 'em? GO GET 'EM! Ah fuck now they're just raping Chris Cuomo. Nobody wants to watch that. Just like CNN.
The best thing that could happen for America is for Kim Jun Un to drop a nuke on Washington, with no survivors.
got a few kikes kvetching here over antifag: 8ch.net
noticed these bumps when I started posting the faggot's address.
yea, I linked that like a faggot. I'm going to bed now
Good on him for not cucking.
I always wanted to say that picture reminds me this.
How can I become a Rothschild?
Btw has anyone played the new Hitman episode where you have to eliminate a rothschild?
Good work, Ben
Picture looks reversed in this case. One is a taller billionare in his space arm around the collar, the other won't even raise his head to make eye contact.
This is probably along the lines of the romney picture, the bannon whiteboard, or walking outside the whitehouse steps with a memo in hand with ICE/wall planning start dates fully visible.
It's pretty impossible to damage trump as apparent by now. Pelosi and Schumer will lose savoir status and risk being murdered by antifa as traitors.
kekewhat amuses me with these kikes is how they thing they've got power over anyone
>That's SEXIST
I love how they start blundering around when he asks them how is it sexist. Bunch of dumb fucks.
Can't wait to see their faces when he backs out.
Hitler made deals with the SPD in Germany. Then he became the führer. (SPD actually kinda helped make this happen by accident)
Too bad Trump isn't fucking Hitler.
This. If it's news, it's probably fake news. Word twisting is their specialty.