The Holocaust will not be mentioned in any serious manner and does not even mention it as something which took place in WWII.
The Holocaust will not be mentioned in any serious manner and does not even mention it as something which took place in WWII.
Other urls found in this thread:
Abstinence education is a bad meme, but the holocaust is a worse meme (the worst meme). I don't know about the necessity of removing Greek/Roman history either, but I understand the idea behind it being refocused to instilling nationalism and that's good at least. Poland is putting on a good show lately.
Every nation should be teaching their children in this manner. There is no manner to be teaching a globalist scum version of history.
They are undoing decades of utter fucking propaganda being pushed by kikes. Drastic measures must be taken for the immediate future. After the kike sickness has been thoroughly purged, then they can resume rational history telling. Until then, fuck everything but what is good for their volk. This goes for every white nation.
Ever read Glubb? Removing bits of history is shit. Except for things that never happened like the Holocaust.
sometimes it's better to take preventative measures to ensure that improvements are made across the bord(ers).
Oh no you don't. The best thing for the white race is stable, early, and long-term marriages. Pre-marital sex wrecks that dynamic, and results in divorces and single motherhood and thus a batch of stunted white children.
Seriously how is Holla Forumsand managing to be so based recently? Did we meme too hard? They're going to be the next white country to completely rebel at this rate.
That's a lot of history of lost wars tho, amirite?
Abstinence education doesn't do shit to prevent premarital sex unless you're also marrying young enough (as you touch on) that your inevitable teenagers fucking are fucking in a marriage context. Once the hormones are there you're done and no amount of wishing it away is going to stop it. I do, oh yes I do, you goofy cunt.
Poland tends to glorify its lost wars, it fits in with its Catholicism. Seeing them as a sort of Polish martyrdom and showing the will of the Polish nation to never cease to exist.
Ooooooy veeeeeey dis is an absalute shoah! You goy bastids will be hearin from my lawya! I'll tell dah EU as well and have all of Poland reedjacated and fined!
Checked and happy for Poland.
the poles are still leeches. Like a dumb Slavic Israel.
Good, I hope they bleed the EU dry. Poland is doing more for the white race than any of those cucks with their deficits, so the money is better off in their hands anyway.
Somehow, I just know.
It is probably that Prussiaboo who posts in every thread about Poland.
reminder Hitler did nothing wrong
Regardless of your thoughts on their current state, they will be once they implement their eugenics program.
yeah, I don't agree
Excellent angle Chaim. I'm sure it will be wholly successful. Now Poles aren't white, what's next? Will you claim that Swedes were never white either? Will you claim that there was never any such thing as Caucasians in the first place? Fucking kill yourself.
Holla Forums should take a lesson from the polish government. They don't need swastikas and hitler to fight the jew. Such things only discredit the movement and scare away normies who care more about the symbols themselves rather than what they stand for.
I have one complaint.
You have no power here shlomo.
High-caste poos are Aryan, some of them even have blue eyes (the central asians could also be a link in the ancient Aryans chain, Kirghiz look like blue-eyed Japs). The brown could be melanin developed as a result of living in such a hot climate for millenia. Or as a result of living among shitskin rapists for millenia. Why do you think the classified the low caste as "untouchables"? Around poos, always refuse.
You are transparent, kike.
Polistan was jew central. Until Uncle Adolf burned and Warsaw and made the Jews fuck off.
Your statement does nothing but prove that the filthy kikes preyed upon the Poles and Adolf Hitler saw this and rescued the Polish populous from their grasp. You are a fucking disgusting money grubbing parasite and your tricks are old and stale you fucking vampire.
While whites might have ruled the central Asian steppes and north India a long time ago, their genetic influence is mostly gone, as they seem to have either been genocided or mongrelized by the local non-white populations much like the asiatic Hungarians simply got outbred and genetically assimilated by the slavs they conquered and assimilated culturally.
That ended with the partition of Poland in the 18th century between Austria, Russia and Prussia.
sure, Mr Jew.
The battle for the future is the battle for the minds of the next generation. God bless Poland.
Nobody cares about your divisive drivel, kike.
Why do filthy Jews and non-whites push this line? Not working anymore I love my white slav brothers and sisters
I just realized:
How the fuck does that happen?
It worked for them in WW1 and WW2. They are scared of a unification of east and west Europe.
I am unironically happy this happened to the whole 11 million
You are one obvious fucking kike.
Shed themselves of their precious Polishness? They will never do such a thing. It will be forced from outside or they will perish.
Trying to divide nationalists by appealing to their national loyalty over their loyalty to whites as a whole is one of their favorite tactics.
Poland pls invade Czech Republic, our fucking government does everything they can to poz our country, there are faggot parades like every month now and they keep shitting on our gun laws, while welcoming Soros and his communist training university.
You are convincing no-one.
That's what you get for being 90% atheist.
I've got a Jewish friend. Sort of. She's crazy and she tries to subtly fuck with people. I'm smarter than she is, so her mindscrew-fu is pretty weak. I find her creatively interesting and really thought-provoking in a bad way. She doesn't know she's making me more antisemitic. I don't think she even knows I caught her trying to screw with me. She's sophomoric. Her degree didn't mark her as smart as she thinks it did.
She accidentally got me thinking about cultural power. I think one of the Jewish tricks that has let them take big shits on history is infiltrating groups as "harmlessly crazy" and then deliberately dropping memes that warp subcultural norms in a way that stresses out others without quite getting them cut off themselves. They're martyrs, all of them, and anything that goes against them is a great injustice, except what they do to themselves of course. They push anything wrong in a subculture and they do it in a way that's hard to impeach them for, because they fuck with the world by fucking with themselves first. And then when things go pear-shaped they're still nepotistic, and they miraculously recover from the kind of crazy they've been playing while fucking with a particular group.
Miraculously - because it was always sham crazy for the sham suffering of a sham martyr. Hell, I've done this myself. You want a group to have a crazy in it? Be the change you want to see in the world! Go be that group's crazy. All you have to know is how to virtue signal and you can be any group's crazy, dragging them down and driving them all a little bit crazier by malignant rhetorical intensification. It isn't hard.
What does that have to do with the holocaust? Well, it gave a universal wrongness to push on, handing to the Jew a sacred stick to ram up the ass of anyone who catches them martyring themselves for a bad cause. It's the perfect Jewish trick: a bald lie that cannot be questioned or else, no matter how morbidly excessive the claims made of it. Embedding a falsehood in the sacred increased the stress level of white culture permanently. It drove us all farther into the abyss, and made our world less spiritually real.
t. shitskin shilling for kikes
You're right, it's time to dissolve the EU user, good job for figuring that out. Congrats.
the time for a white ethnostate has come! EVROPA WOMEN FOR EVOPA MEN!
the "based" Polish government doesn't think so:
Majority of the population is against all of this, you can easily see that in the comments section even on the most popular news sites, but the government works against the people using deceptions (for example they publicly claim something, then doing the opposite without it ever reaching news).
Those faggot prides are being pushed from the outside, you can easily see that when most of those attending don't even speak our language.
Why even live?
Get out you kike
What holocaust?
You can be born with STDs like herpes if your mother has an outbreak when she's giving birth. I wouldn't recommend looking it up if I were you.
Why are you so mad about brainwashing programs being closed? Surely you don't think the Holocaust is a subject that needs to be taught every year from grade school all the way through college.
Not everyone was a latchkey autist manlet with no aesthetics and a squeaky voice, user. Some teenagers not only want to have sex, they do. I mean, at least you never got better, that brings me great joy.
Spotted the (((anglo))) butthurt about the Poles "stealing his job."
what is your arguement?
monogamous marriage is the best system for western civilization, this includes no sex before marriage
if men fuck women without the consent of the woman's patriarch then the rapist is hung
hitler trips confirm
the most commen dnc in poland threads is
anglo posting
germany posting
slav/white posting
Take a bath with a toaster you D&C kike faggot. God bless Poland.
A husky has blue eyes, but is it any less of a dog?
Confirmed kike. No one else could ever be this triggered by Poland.
Another confirmed kike. Only a kike would be this triggered by slavs.
More pogroms coming your way, you filthy jew.
If it didn't happen it isn't history.
Sometimes, on days like these, I wish I was a Pole. To be in the upswing rather than downfall of a culture.
Is there something special in that Prussian soil?
If it works for even a fraction, there will be more stable families.
Which then benefits the nation more.
It's the same with drugs. Banning it will not prevent some people from taking drugs. But it lowers the amount of people who do it, hence less money for cartels and less disfunctional people in your society.
These kinds of laws and education attempt to push society a certain way. It tries to show people that the ideal for the nation is stable, durable relationships. And this will benefit the nation in ways that are hard to put in graphs.
Everytime I say "I want to move to Poland", a Polish lurker replies with "Stop right there, American scum!"
I'm half Polish and half German.
I'm a good boy
also captcha was fap gib
1488? Poles hate Germans more than they hate shitskins and Jews. It's just tribal racism.
I wouldn't want a runaway. Would you want any more immigrants at this point anyway, especially during such a restructuring?
overall a good initiative, but they really should teach greeks and romans too, as well as to cover european history in at least a cursory manner.
Poland has the right idea. If they have to stay in a kike-led anti-white organization, then at least bleed it dry before it falls. I hope they apply for every single EU donation and use any loophole possible to deprive the kike of every last shekel. If your country contributes more to EU than it takes back from it, it cucks its own people by literally paying kikes to opress them with shit laws and regulations
Like pottery
b-but Polan is ran by kikes
b-but Poles are kikes
d-do not trudt P-poles
I told you fags Poland is moving in the right direction years ago.
Yes, yes there is.
I have often wondered similar things. Only the old soviet nations seem to be the ones resistant to modern day Jew brainwashing.
Perhaps it's because Communism is Jewry in it's militant form and therefore the kikes didn't feel the need to go through as thorough a brainwashing subversion campaign as it did in the western Euro nations.
A Jew commissar burning down a church and thinking he "destroyed Christianity" is woefully different than a systematic approach by the consortium of Jew forces to utterly annihilate the western european culture of Christianity and replace it with other factors in the MINDS and HEARTS of the people themselves — as was done in the west.
Birthrates are rising in Poland thanks to their "500+" program. You get 500 zloty (a month) for every beautiful white child you have.
Social programs only work in white countries.
Deal with it sholomostein
sounds good
I have a Jewish friend too, kind of. She's this sweet redhead that was all into me all of a sudden at work and despite my 'tism kept persisting untilI asked her out. When I found out 4 dates in that she's a Kike… I've been ignoring her. Yet she's persisting in wanting to be with me.
I feel paranoid, like they sent a Jewess to "marry me off" to stop my fight against (((them))). I'm not particularly attractive, she seems out of league.
Growing up I though Poland was a third world country, and Poles were poorly educated and stupid. Today I watch as my own country is turning into an actual third world hell hole, while I catch myself more and more often feeling jealous of Poland. Quite a plot twist, I never saw it coming.
They cutting out everything that isn't Polish history. That's pretty shitty, they're ignoring how their society formed and how Europe basically has to owe itself to ancient Greece.
Hitler dubs confirm the irony.
Sometimes, extreme measures need to be taken to fully instill extreme nationalistic values so that people are well prepared to combat the jew.
Hey Poland, can I come hang out for like 50 years?
She's a jew, she will always be below you. Just don't fall for any of her, don't put your dick in her either. She will scream rape if you don't want anything more than fucking.
Poland has risen and fallen. I think they finally learned not to be idiots. Good for them really.
They're cutting out everything the average, peasant level, person won't care about. Greece is irrelevant to car mechanics and office clerks. They don't deal in classical education.
Polish ethno-state. Not European.
They might just be sucking money away from them on purpose, as a joke / to weaken the EU as much as possible.
This. I often find adult people who dont know what pakt ribbentrop molotov was
Anyone who has ever been interested in a part of history will read about it. Probably starting at wikipedia and eventually going further if lust is so great. It's not like you learned anything actually good about all the greek philosophers or how they societies functioned from school. It's just battle this year that and moving on to the next period. Did you know that for example Spartans considered having children a huge social boon? I remember a story of a Spartan general being told down by a common soldier because he was childless. It was in the context of the soldier sitting at a throne and the general asking him to move. Or did you know that for Spartans society was everything? They ate together, slept together etcetera. If you were eating alone it means you were a freak, because you considered yourself better than the rest and it was not very socially acceptible to do basic alone. They don't tell you shit like that in schools.
I highly doubt. They peddle muh holocaust all the time, now even more then usual to poke at Germans. After all, (((Kaczyński)))
T-t-too l-late for that advice.
Sex has no purpose but to produce offspring. You put potential offspring at risk by having STD's. Abstinenece is the correct meme, when coupled with having children early. Now begone, Niggerjew.
The best we can do is support their cause and wrest the Jewish control from Poland one claw at a time.
Why anyone living in USA would want to move to Poland is beyond me. Poland is no fairytale land from chan LARPing. It's dencely populated socialist shithole with worse burocracy then USA and no guns and no free speach. Move out of poz state and big cities and its paradise compared to Poland.
I understand where you are coming from but all countries should this It reinforces the idea that your country is the best and will breed the spirit we need for the future. The poles doing this is good since it will grow their national identity (not like they need to grow it since it's already well-formed but reinforcing it in future generations is not bad). The part I like the most is taking gays out and the holocaust since if you first discover these things when you are 14+ you are more likely to question and dismiss them. The whole rise of gays in the West is because teachers are shitty fucking millenials who are pushing this shit onto children and normalising it for them.
The first reaction of every person when presented with an idea is to question it. Through constantly bringing a subject up you erode the natural disgust barrier and make children more likely to believe it.
One thing that I like is how they are the course around the military heroes they've had in history. I have a brother who's child goes to school in Britain, his (son's) courses are all centered around more domestic aspects of history. There is a course on WW1 but guess what? There is nothing about the men who died or the military during that time (it's such a fucking good place to teach children patriotism since WW1 was the last European war where it was fairly gray on both sides, at least in the way it is taught). The fucking WW1 course is about women in factories and what a hard time they had. They watch a fucking documentary where a woman complains about her hair turning orange due to the chemicals from the shells. Not once due they mention the gas attacks or the trenches because muh women have it hard.
They don't teach about the Empire in British schools at all. There is a section on 1066 and the Battle of Hastings (Normans took over England), there is a girl power section on Queen Elizabeth and the classic Hitler used his magic charisma to make all Germans hate the jews. He showed me his son's textbooks and it actually says that, the words in the book are along the lines of: Hitler used his charisma to blame the jews, and because the Germans where is such bad state after the economic crash, they all wnted an easy way out so therefore they just blamed the jews.
The final section they teach you is about the Cold War.
When are they going to open up the Extermination Camps to real investigation?
You've fucked up now. Have developed a need for kosher food and bagels yet? Be careful not to be in a room alone with a rabbi if you value your foreskin.
Purpose of sex is also bonding, you idiot
Daily reminder these are the same anti-fa who are spamming the "I hate Drumpf now", "chess cucks", and "Trumpcuck" crap.
Bonding, yes, which has the purpose of having children. If the bonding does not lead to children, it is ultimately useless and you are of no net contribution to the species unless you contribute in another way significantly. What was your point?
Fuck off already.
Be honest, why do you Jews hate Russians so much, they were so welcoming and nice to you, and all you do is try to get them killed or kill them personally, in some of the most inhuman horrific ways possible.
Long story short: because of the Czar.
Russians fought the jew since the founding of Russia. They destroyed khazaria and then destroyed the kiked polish republic. Jews were always percecuted and never welcome anywhere in Russia.
You Americans sound so fucking cringey when you pepper German phrases into your lines. Just say "people", or "folk", if you want to be autistic about it.
In your world, bonding would lead to 12 children and a very poor house.
Pole here. This is the first time I'm hearing about this. Are you sure this is not just western hysteria that has nothing to do with reality?
It's not like our government is J-aware.
After Stalin purged most of the kikes, the Eastern bloc basically became nationalism under the red banner.
Only a Christian would think everybody must be strong and resist temptation, otherwise suffer maximum consequences. No wonder Christians didn't loan money, they have zero concept of risk management thanks to psychologically having their own Personal Jesus(tm) to trust in.
This. It just sounds like LARP.
Whatever you say shlomo. As long as they take actual actions against jewish influence, they're good in my book.
And yet the Vatican is 100% Catholic and 100% pozzed. Funny how that works, retard.
Fuck off, retard. Our president even has a literal Jew as a wife and PiS like our former government is still funding anti-polish and pro-jew propaganda such as the Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
Your nose is showing, kike.
Power structures always get infiltrated. The pope is an outright commie and shouldn't even be pope in the first place. To say that the vatican goes against christian teaching means nothing. Kikes have been working to subvert the church since it's inception.
>unless they go 1488 gas the kikes and get ousted with a (((color revolution))) they're not on our side goy!
The opposite is true. A loan without the guarantee of forced repayment, and advantage of usury is just that, a risk. They chose not to partake because it was immoral.
Twelve white children, and white families are rarely poor in a country run by their own people. A modern country run exclusively by its own European people is something that has only happened once in history, and that was the Third Reich, large families were encouraged and supported.
Now begone, Niggerjew.
Damn, This kike really is showing his nose. Literally defending Usury in his post to try and diminish Christianity because he knows it's the first thing to literally codify hatred of the Christ-killing Usurous Jews into it's religious scripture.
Get gassed Kike.
You implied that the Czech Republic was doing horrible because it wasn't Catholic but largely atheist - and when I point out that Catholicism is currently pozzed shit - you retort with: "Yeah I know, it's been infiltrated from the start, but that doesn't matter".
Try and activate those almonds of yours lad, you can do it.
I said no such thing, kike. Don't put words in my mouth. I merely pointed out that atheism is a cancerous way of thought and should be discouraged by all means as it breeds immorality and nihilism.
Now you're just being dishonest - No one disputes that atheism is cancer, but honestly, what other "religious" affiliation could you be implying, especially when the Czech Republic was contrasted with the famously Catholic Poland? Was it Protestantism? Islam? Judaism?
Before we start the "no u, kike" game, start talking like an honest white man would.
Just because the instituion of the church is corrupt is no reason to abandon the faith itself. Europe is collapsing because it has abandoned Christianity and replaced it with(((philosophies))). That is the simple truth that people need to accept. No matter how corrupt the church or the government gets, as long as Europe holds true to christian teachings, it will survive.
I don't think anyone saw this coming from poland
guess they've learned their lesson and are tired of invaders from the west
It's more that conservatism has been beaten by liberalism, which implies the defeat of religion coincidentally with the rise of liberalism.
But if there were irreligious conservatism then we would not see this. Irreligious conservatism is possible, and can be even more extreme for being free of religious influence
It's because they actually lived through communism and extreme poverty. Reminder that Germany was poor as fuck prior to their awakening too. They even had to eat dogs, leading to the US derogatory "hot dog" for their sausages
Conservatism is a completely relative viewpoint. It merely implies the preservation of the status quo. European culture is centered around Christianity, without it Europe created a cultural void that is merely waiting to be filled by something else. It is only because of Christianity that Europe isn't muslim right now. All pagan nations that came into contact with islam were destroyed or even if they managed to defeat the muslims, they simply converted of their own will later specifically because they were never as adamant about preserving their faith as the Christians.
Kind of whitepilled by this because if Poland, Ukraine and Hungary form a bloc they would have enough power combined to at LEAST not be fucked with too much
>implying a (((color revolituoned))) kike controlled shithole won't do their master's bidding
They don't like to talk about how right wing the ukraine thing was because they don't want the rest of us to get any ideas
Ukraine is a failed state. It is also an ethno-nationalist state, which means they don't give a single flying fuck about white nationalism. They are the personification of how kikes use ethno-nationalism to D&C whites into fighting each other.
checked, based poland
Yeah, they were so right wing that immediately after war broke out there a million flew to Russia and another million to Poland, where they became a bane in both countries. There are ukrainian faggots calling for ukrainian police forces in Poland, because they couldn't learn 90% similar language for the past 3 years. Oh you forgot how they called their resistances "Euromaidan" or "Automaidan" and always flew Ukrainian flags in unison with EU flags? They are just successful embodiment of Soros cancer and need to fuck off.
Like I was saying, they've suffered through all the bullshit. It's still sore on their minds. It's better to see things for the potential they have, than what they just look like now. Germany was a complete mess too.
World history is important to learn, just like foreign languages can be good to learn. National pride shouldn't be confused with ignorance.
It's important to study the Greeks and Romans just like it's important to study the American and French revolutions aswell as the British Empire. You need to understand these events and historical periods to understand the present. This would apply to non-European history but it's either all insignifcant (nigger "history") or irrelevant for us (chink and poo history). I'd argue learning kike history is important to understand them as an enemy though.
They brought it upon themselves by pulling of a pro EU coup d'etat so they could get schengen visas.
Liberalism might create a cultural void but that doesn't mean all societies which aren't religious will have a cultural void.
I don't think the Pagans were beaten because they were spineless liberals or anything.
That's quite right- 'the forces leading to the effects'. That's how history is actually used on image boards as well
And Frederick The Great.
It very much means exactly that. Take a look at the USSR and how long it survived without religion. Even the norks have completely forgotten about communism and turned their ideology into a cult of personality. It is the simple truth that humans without religion have nothing to drive them on to live or do good aside from barbaric animal instinct.
Basically the Russian Tsars hated Jews because they accused Jews of killing Christ, of being anti-Christian and of trying to spread liberalism, and had them under laws like blacks were in the USA under segregation.
This article doesn't have any Polish sources. Can someone provide them?
I kind of want to move to either Finland or Poland for pagan/spiritual reasons, but Finland is so cold, and Poland is so poor, and also I'd be shitting all over the hopes and dreams of more immediate ancestors by "going back"
The USSR was quite nationalist though, wasn't it? Wouldn't that fill the cultural void?
LOL. "Nationalist" in that your nation was communism. Not your people. Not your family. But always "the party". No matter what they did. Jesus Christ dude………
GTFO salt-left.
They only really worshipped the party and the party's mythology, nothing about actual Russian history or culture
Sometimes you have to go back home to help your parents out when they get old. Same concept. But YMMV.
I don't think this is historically accurate. At least in the Stalin and post-Stalin period.
That's the point. Nationalism by itself does jack shit. All that is material erodes, and so do countries, especially if they don't have a culture that they are absolutely unwilling to give up. That is why the jews have survived for so long, they were absolutely unwilling to give up their jewishness no matter what. To place one's absolute loyalty into something material be it a person (including dead ones, like Marx), a country or a technology is the pinnacle of stupidity.
Pretty much this. And the party was something very material, and naturally it eroded very quickly and disintegrated. After all, it was the party's reign of terror that kept things together, when the party became weak and unable to enforce their way of thought they were quickly overthrown.
Good, you shouldn't get involved in world politics until you have a real foundation and that foundation should be based on your own nation's history.
Only truth can be the foundation. Everything else will lead to petty nationalism.
Are you trying to imply that what they wrote on paper is actually what they believed? Do you not understand that the Jews created marxism and used their cultural proclivity of Talmudic necessity to abrogate them literally of anything and everything which would constrain them in any way. They literally held NO ideals, only to that which served the party full of Jewish Commie oligarchs? It's a Jewish system made for Jews and run by Jews for the sole benefit of Jews. And you think that stupid shit they wrote to use as propaganda is what they actually believed?
If they thought that rounding up the entirety of all the white people in Russia and forcibly breeding them with stupid subhuman Africans would produce a more submissive and obedient 'communist' subject — they literally would have no problem with that. Now go back and re-read that. And now look at Europe. Because they're doing it. And just as the jew commies did it in their favor in Russia, they're trying to do it now in Jew-led Europe. It's always been about killing the white goyim so that they Jews can rule the fucking world.
Pick fucking one you mouth-breather.
Not good.
Not good.
Everything else is great.
But this is fucking dangerous, I read a similar thing done in Brazil, where they would only teach Brazilian history and "World History" only after the French Revolution, nothing ever before it.
Leftists did this there to "erase the World before Leftism".
This is incredibly dangerous.
Simple facts in education have little value in a post information age anyway. And no one is going to forget about ancient rome. But they may lose touch with something like the history of poland.
Holy shit Poland Ball is not fuckin about!
And why the fuck should they decline? They bleed EU kike machinery dry while strengthening their own economy.
Does this mean they'll be closing down Auschwitz soon?
It's not likely but they may start emphasising the anti germany aspect and downplaying the pro jew aspect
You rightfully feel paranoid, because not only is that not uncommon around here but it actually seems to be the case.
Say, were you ever in some sort of GIFTED and TALENTED program, by any chance?
I was! Buck38 iq. They thought I was gonna be a doctor. Too bad, I'm an underacheiver.
Remember that Poles fucking HATE the soviets. If things keep going down this path, there's a very good chance that Poland could expose the Soviet involvement in the creation of the holocaust just out of spite.
No because Russian Nationalism is based HEAVILY around the Orthodox Church. Something the Kikes went to great lengths in trying to destroy.
Poland should come out and say the holocaust is Communist Fraud. Everything and anything PC & commie would implode. I mean EVERYTHING.
Poland could be like Pontius Pilatus who washed his hands.
If the Holohoax is disproved officially you could rebuild Christianity because that 100lb lead weight of guilt would be removed from Christian's necks.
I don't really see the point in supporting christianity simply because the kikes hate it. It's not a religion that stemmed from us and it has an entirely different metaphysical worldview from our ancestors. The jews hate christianity because it's a jewish heresy that converted many of the underclass jewish laborers that upper class rabbis despised because they thought field work was for gentiles. Why do you think many of their great figures were rabbis that used rhetoric instead of heroes like gentiles?
He said after Stalin. In 1968 there were waves of anti-semitic and anti-zionistic rhetoric sweeping the country.
Don't feel like teaching children about the British bombing Dresden? Ok. Have it your way Poland.
WTF does Christianity have to do with the holohoax? I really don't want to make accusations, but your post coming across as part of a /christian/ astroturf effort. Just a reminder that Holla Forums is a Kekite board.
Do not have anything to do with kikes. You've been misled. Once you realized she's a kike, you're not really that attracted to her, are you? Of course you're disappointed, but thank God you discovered before it was too late.
Kikes are physically repulsive. Trust your instincts.
It's more that /christian/ cross boards here because a majority of /christian/ are traditionalists.
Heiled for Truth.
Jewish female sexual aggression is a strange thing. Jews basically have the genders flipped. The men are meek and quiet. The women are basically sexual predators - hyperaggressive and always on the prowl in an attempt to seduce the goyim with blatant showing of sexuality.
Perfect example in recent history is (((Laura "me and my wife's tire" Loomer))). Remember the video at a party where she's trying to get some aryan chad to fuck her and she keep talking about her khazar milkers? That's exactly the sort of shit I'm talking about. I've dealt with this first-hand too, but luckily it was after I was already redpilled and knew to steer clear.
lol so it's been the UK and Germany pulling that wagon all along and Brexit made the EU a complicated Germany -> Poland gibs program
Call them welfare leeches, but at least they aren't suicidal. I'm much rather have western europe send money to polska than spend in on taking care of more shitskins. Might as well give it to white people if the cucks are going to waste it anyway
Nope, because Russia today still considers itself the legitimate successor to the Soviet government - this is also why Poland will never-ever beg Putin for gibs, but is more than happy to grandstand against Germany at this current point in time. You're deluding yourself if you honestly believe the Polish government will seek to open the Soviet Pandora's Box in, the current year, when it comes to WW2 atrocities.
Don't get your hopes up. I'm Polish and the current ruling party is our own version of neoconservatives. They are buying votes giving gibsmedats and paying lip service to the Christians but have no real desire to fix any of the major problems. We are not getting out of the EU any time soon, relations with Russia are sour as ever and when the US government gonna invade some irrelevant Dumpfuckistan we are going to get drag along as always. To Americans or Western Europeans our government may seem red pilled but that's because your politician are even more fucked up than ours and the main stream media loves to paint as the ebul fascists who kill on sight the poor Nigerian doctors fleeing the brutal civil war in Syria just because of the color of their skin.
In CY+2, Poles have a greater right to call themselves white than Bongs.
inb4 (((people's revolt)))
Interesting post. It is like social suicide bombing only they are spared from the "social death" through jewish favoritism.
Is Poland Government intentionally doing everything possible that goes against EU multiculti spirit without outright POLEXITing?
Meanwhile in Cucknada
That region is the most anti polish and bluepilled in the whole nation.
Abstinence education doesn't work, you idiot. Unless you're getting your kids married off in their teens, they're gonna fuck outside of marriage. Teenage sex is something normalfags do and you can't stop them. In the past, girls were married off shortly after puberty began. That isn't the case anymore.
Looks like Polacks don't like pretty colorful things.
Sure, there always are some degenerates, but these days people, who otherwise could have been brought up to be decent, are jewed out of their mind and think teenage sex and having numerous partners as something fine, if not outright desireable.
Yes, people were getting married sooner. Let's go back there, rather than enable the inner-nigger.
Ok, Shlomo, I will gladly switch sides with you. Living in Poland is so fucking awesome!
pierdolony idiota
NO no, bad goy.
Why would we, when we betrayed Russia. It might be considered a successor to the Soviet government, but Russia, foreseeing the fostering anti-Soviet sentiments, let us Poles take the crown for taking down the communist government through peaceful revolutions, although Hungary did all the real muscle work, and even bombed their own white house after electing a "democratic" goof ball president like Yeltsin, taking down the Soviet government all to appease the peoples and especially us Poles thinking "hey, we gave you all this shit, if you don't want to be communist we'll throw all this shit off but still remain at friendly terms, right?", then there were (((sudden))) news of Katyn (with German bullets found, mind you) to soften us up for a (((German))) dominated European market, where commie like centralization REMAINS, with a kike fag agent like Wałęsa applauding this while claiming we should unite with Germany later on.
We might be uppity, but we aren't retarded, we know Russia was more than nice to us, the strife between Kaczynski is related to his brothers death more than anything, its a personal vandetta.
Don't bring Katyn into this. It's just one in an endless line of Soviet executions. Germans were squeamish about killing even hardcore NKVD commies. It was a coordinated story yes, but the story was true.
This also…
You mean Ukraine?
Close down? No. Reopening it.
Good maybe they can talk about the atrocities of the communist USSR.
Communists tried to destroy religion in eastern Europe and replace it with the state. Many slavs know (((who))) decided that. Pogroms on kikes were a thing in 1946 until the commies stopped it and blamed nationalism followed by "Your brotherly soviet goberment has restored normalcy to your sector"
Didn't they just try and get more holocaust reparations from germany not a week ago?
Really, nice one mate.
Only thing better they can do is shut down all the holohoax camps.
how about just reopen them in full force and import all western rapefugees ?
Did you get that from Lord Molyneaux on Twitter?
No, I found it on here.
kys faggot every euro that isn't Polish gibs goes to settle rapefugees they need to leech much, much more.
Give her the dick and then go full 1488 immediately afterwards and dump her.
I thought Poles believe they died in the Holocaust too
One of the first things communists do when they take over is purge all the intellectuals, idealists, artists and dreamers from a country, because those are the people that would get most disillusioned by communism.
28-year-old priest, from Wroclaw in east Poland, has developed a large following in his native country among nationalists.
He has repeatedly denied Polish antisemitism or the role which Poland played in the Holocaust, accusing Jews of “anti-Polish narrative building” as part of a “Holocaust industry”.
In 2016, he was reported to have referred to Jews as “a cancer which swept Poland”. On his blog he has also referred to Islam as “the enemy” and to “the destruction of the ‘white man’.”
Who drew this shit? What a shitty leftist caricature.
Not sure if thos deserves a thread, of someone thinks so, feel free to make it.
On Topic:
V4 should expand to V5, Hungary's neighbor Slovenija. Big support for Poland and Hungary.
So is Poland Japan tier in terms of things like crime?
The reason they are removing "ancient" Greek and Roman history is because it is fake. Mostly all forgeries of legitimate history. Forged by medieval Catholics for various reasons.
Poland is superiorly red-pilled and the Holocaust isn't even the half of it from what I'm seeing here.
Google "phantom time" theories and the work of Fomenko if you want more detailed info.
She doesn't even seem happy. She's like:
This is more "poolan stronk" than redpilled. No ancient history? Fuck em.
Only in the sense that poles do not steal from each other.
russians dindu nuffin man
for all their history, during ww2 they were just the nicest ever, then went back to pre ww2 when they were dindu nuffins again
It was cuck nationalism
Worship the party and stalin or gulag.
Not traditional nationalism
We won a lot of wars as well.
Battle of Vienna against the Turks and Wonder of the Vistula against the Communists were probably the ones with the most impact. Yes they were battles, but in the end both wars were won by winning these battles.
That's because of your corrupting influence. You made mentally ill people associate with rainbows.
Poland should just use Jew tactics against Cuckmany and Russia. Say shit like how Cuckmany tried to eradicate Polish people (which is true if you believe the modern propagandised and jewised version of history) so they can't fight it at all. Russia is gommie kike and still shit with muh hate speech laws and crack down on nationalists. They should pay until Russia is bankrupt ten times over.
Poles and other Slavs were way more brutal to Jews than Germans when they got the chance.
I dont see a problem with teaching history strting by the formation of your nation, and then working from there into how it relates to history from other places. Its time people stop lyng to themselves, history has a shitton of fabrications, many of wich are beyond the ability to be proven false or true, such as the number of persians in thermopilae and stuff like that. Fun fact, did you know jews dont believe in history outside their holy book? They literaly make it up as need it, if you can, take a look at the shit they teach in history classes in Israel, it will blow your mind and you will understand why they are becoming more and more schitzophrenic and dangerous to the planet.
It is quite interesting alone reading history "textbooks" given in high school and then doing your own research. Information well proven beyond a doubt before ww2 is somehow confused or misplaced when given to students today.
Somehow, absolutism and the balance of powers is just a passing paragraph or two but the evils of the ww2 dictators are blown out several chapters each year from junior high to graduation in high schools.
Uh, what?
so many skulls
up for good discussion
This is demonstrably not true. From Portugal and Holland to the Prohibition era United States, making something taboo (without other community enforced morality) only makes it more popular.
Abstinence-only sex education works because it reintroduces visible consequences for the action of sexual intercourse. You can't hide being pregnant and the external pressure of avoiding becoming a social pariah keeps people in line.
I think the Poles are pissed that the Holohoax shit completely overshadowed the Eastern bloc of countries that got fucked over by the Soviets, and the Kikes managed to monopolize the entire bullshit of WW2 to them and them only.
female/normie mentality in a nutshell tbh
That was a call for 1 trillion USD as a general WWII reparation in response to the EU claiming that if Poland doesn't accept Fuhrerin-aspirant Merkel's plan to move around the rapefugees they would be fined.
Sure we are. If idiots give us money, why reject it?
Besides, it's not like EU gibs are really hurting the "developed" countries, unlike kike economics.
t. kurwa
Poland is not as great as you think, give us some time to fix our economy and corruption.
And to elect Korwin into our government.
We should use this against (((them))) and their movements.
Lets see, The Holoclause, Andy Frank, Auschwitz-Birkensau (kosher sausage brand?), Religion of Cuck™ic Art, Mosques, the electrical sockets, let me guess:
Boshena in her catholic school in the United Kingdom doing a rehearsal of the Christmas play?
Wew. Second kebab removal incoming.
Wait, is that seriously where we get the term "hot dog"? Source?
Does your butthurt force you to search for these threads and make your inferiority known in them?
I heard more than a few times that Jewish girls, more than most races, prioritize wealth of a partner over everything else. Not honor, not kindness or empathy, not devotion, etc. Shekels.
You a richfag? Or maybe appear to her as one?
Mieszko wasn't the first polish King he was just the Duke of Poland, because Poland at that time was just a Dutchy of the Holy Roman Empire.
His son Bolesław I was the first polish King who crowned himself during the Interregnum in Germany, with the blessing of the later Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II and Pope John XIX.
The problem is that Ancient Greece is the Holocaust of Present Day Greece, you criticism them for anything or point out a problem and they start how 2000 years ago they had a civilization that was at the top of the world and how everyone else just got a civilization in Europe by copying the Greeks.
Also what value has knowledge of some place far away, when you don't even know the history of the place you are currently living in? Cities in Europe are full with historic buildings that once belonged to people important to their region, yet few young people knew who they are and what they managed to archive.
That's probably the exact reason why history should be about local history first and then world history second, priority-wise. You can't tell why you should know anything about other cultures without you've told some fundamental things about your own, or so it goes.
Calling Greek culture the cradle of western civilization isn't an overstatement. The economic boom and pragmatism combined with an open mindedness in the hands of a mercantile culture that wasn't the Jewish scourge founded a lot of advancements never seen before. Reason was getting hot back then, and hopefully it will once again. Science is the new religion, and we've forgotten the 'natural' part of 'natural sciences'.
Whoever presents history defines what has been important. Poland obviously needs to rediscover their heritage and become a bit more secular in the worldly affairs.
Probably will get booed at by the leftists, thanks to the globalists. National war, as I see it, is a bit far stretched as things looks now, since why would UN be bombing them for what reason, exactly? It's fucking Poland. Hopefully we will get to see how nice and quiet it actually gets there.
Ha! Like I always say. I call them gene harvesters.
That's because making something taboo doesn't work if you enforce it with slaps on the wrist. If there had been a death penalty or something similarly final on getting caught bootlegging, it would have worked just fine.
It's because Poles were the focus and start of the war but the selfish Jewish bastards made it all about themselves. To quote former US president Harry S. Truman, The Jews, I find are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the under dog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire. I've found very, very few who remember their past condition when prosperity comes.
The former president had no idea how right he was. After everything that has happened the Jews have learned nothing, they will always learn nothing and their selfishness will be their undoing that will bring the wrath of the entire world upon them.
Poles know the Communists controlled by the Jews wiped out a lot of nobles in their population. The Communists tried to blame Hitler for it, but even the kikes have to give Katyn to the Communists now, though they tried.
If something so much worse than Katyn happened in that area, you'd think there'd be at least be as much evidence. No gas chambers at Katyn or insanely orchestrated killing devices, just bullet to head.
Fuck off.
Dude, we have a word for that, literally: żydokomuna (judeo-commune)
Also saying that Hitler would be against eugenics program is be stupid.
Not Korwin - a friend or a student of his would be better. First, he's waaay too offesive and second, he's an old fart, he'll die too soon.
always wanted to visit europe, never thought my trip would be restrained to Poland ha ha. thats okay though dont wanna get bombed by a mudslime. I bet tourist dollars dropped like a fucking rock for most european countries
At least they found a use for the Christmas tree ornaments. Everyone is a winner. They all received a gold ball.
There is not even such a thing as "premarital" sex. Marriage means to join. If you had sex with a woman, then you married her. This has always been my logic on the matter. That kikery stinks worse than (((gender))).
Indeed. Many anons did.
It's not just about christ insanity. It's about the fact that there was still European content in it. Kikes didn't start kiking yesterday or a hundred years ago. Every time they have consolidated power they have pulled our race down. Our race was pulled down from real tribalism originally by the imposition of christ insanity.
We are going to have to get all that shit back, too, to undo the damage of skykike-ism.
"Nationalism" as a raceless commie is just like "Religion" as a raceless abrahamic goy–a joke.
Kek. That's a lot like a baby trying to use it's first toy sword.
so spartan = japane侍e?
Wanna see something more leftist than that?
They were originally called hot dachshunds, later shorted to hot dog.
Full redpill would be to teach that races are not equal, race-mixing is a crime and how unproductive, useless third-world populations are in White countries.
Full redpill would be explicitly denouncing jews, cucks and psychopathic traitors as being behind White replacement efforts + effort to abolish natural genders to replace them with made-up ones.
Yep, another civnat mouth breather.
Checked! Yeah, that is just pathetic. Typical Polack politicians.
Go on about communism but (still) shut up about (((what))) was behind it. Go on about Stalin but they sure didn´t give back German territories Stalin gave to Poland.
They should threaten to blow up Auschwitz unless they get gibs.
Also, not denouncing the crime of race-mixing. It doesn´t matter to the civnat that these work or doesn´t, they just want to virtue-signal that they are moral without being too controversial.
Removing Greek and Roman history is a terrible idea. Both had a HUGE influence on western civilization (for better or worse) and white people cutting them out of a history textbook is flat out retarded.
Same thing apply to "civic nationalism". Even worst in fact, look at how OP call this full redpilled even thought it isn´t by a long shot, "civic nationalism" attacks standards even here.
France is the largest country in Europe.
It's a known Jew tactic. That's how they took over the upper classes in European countries for example.
Is this him?
You grossly overestimate the chastity of your average person.
Dunno what the big deal is about that shit, we just did logic puzzles and riddles.
Its a shill.
I have a similar story, I'm not that tall, don't work out, I'm decent with math but my politics around normies are classical liberal. But back in July which was my last year of Community College I had two chicks glomb onto me in the library no less.
One was a Mexican Jew and the other looked Scandinavian but I found out she was also Jewish, they both knew each other well. At first I thought no harm in talking to them as I don't have many people to talk to in real life. Around the third encounter outside the library both their language started becoming sexual and to my appearance. I thought at first their derision of my physical was part of joke between them as I've noticed this from other women so I talked back and blew them off to find out that they were both trying to come onto me in public in front of the library like nymphs. I gave them both firm hugs and just went on my way to class but when I was hugging the blonde looking one she said, I want to see you erect. Now looking back on it I know what they were doing, to the Jew race has no matter. They were trying to see who I had sexual attraction to, whether it was the more European looking one or the Spic kind. If it was the blonde they could probably see I knew of race and had a preference and was thus possibly dangerous. Being a random user with a car living at home I don't know what kind of danger I could possibly be but they felt I was worth something.
On the fourth encounter she gives me her number, the fifth a little physical with kissing, sixth I drive her around town, seventh she wants the Spic to come with me and her and just go driving and hiking. So on the drive they're talking I'm focusing on the road when the blonde puts her hand on my pants and the Spic one puts her hand on the top of my head feeling my hair. What are you all doing?, being on the chans a lot I don't underestimate anyone, to me practically anyone could be a threat. They stop and I make a comment to change the mood about politics, turns out they're both Republicans, which I think is great and we talk about the election, talk about Trump, they seem for him too which is difficult to find in women in California like that.
So we get to our destination to go hiking. We hike for a while but the blonde tires out and wants to sit down, I put down a blanket they both sit down on it, we begin to eat. I sort of want to start a fire to show my skill from watching Internet videos so I tell them I'm going to get some wood because its getting cold. So I go off into the thicket collecting fallen wood and dried shrubs.
Once done I come back and they're on their phones doing whatever, there's a camper down the way that's just moved in. I start a fire in the pit, keep it going well and its nice. Out in the woods with two chicks, one I find attractive. We talk for a while and then it comes to family. The Spic starts off talking about hers, whatever, I thought knew the blonde brought her just to be safe or whatever. Then the blonde talks about her family, then she mentions her mother's last name, Margolis, I make the remark almost as a reflex, "are you Jewish?" and then when she says "Yes" she sees the uncontrolled disgust in my face, suddenly her attitude has changed. I couldn't control myself, I thought of this board, my posts, what I was looking at. She saw it as well, as if I wasn't just some random guy, anymore, almost as if I knew about (((them))). The Spic chimes in with "I'm Jewish to". I take control of myself and respond, "Heh, what a coincidence?", they both sort of laugh and we continue on to eat and drink. I'm finally about to go to sleep when the blonde Jew crawls over and says "hey if I didn't ask, you wouldn't fuck me right?", I'm tired but now astute, "you can do us both right now, you're in command". I stand up, I say with strong principle since I sort of belief this even today, "I don't have sex before marriage". The one who looked liked she's sleeping stands up starts laughing. I walk away from their cackling together and go and sleep in the car, with the doors locked.
I wake up and (((they))) wake up, I pack the car ready to drive them home. On the way home I start talking about Israel, wow both have gone, imagine my shock. Near home the Spic one asks, "Do you like Jews?", I respond with "I don't know to much about Jews", and they explain to me all the basic crap, mention the Holocaust as well. I drop them off with nothing interesting and go on my way. I receive a text later that night from the blonde, "I'm not ready to get married but I'll look you up when I am so you can do me". I delete it with disgust along with both their numbers, I play busy and don't want to get involved with them anymore with the excuse being school. They try to push a bit but then basically the semester is over and I haven't gotten back to either of them, heard nothing since too.
You're done for user.
You could have just used a condom and asserted your dominance. But then again if you developed feelings before you (((knew))), you might get wrecked.
That attitude is common in insecure women, who try to find a man who isn't threatening, without being too much of a faggot, so that they can later create a good worker-drone, because a total beta isn't useful for a woman in the long term because they can't face life's challenges effectively. So, a decent enough guy who seems like he can be turned into a golem is a good choice for a certain type of psycho bitch, and it seems logical if jewish women opt for such a strategy tendencially.
If they are above the man's league the man will be extra loyal. He if was on her league, or had some major brass-balls/confidence, she wouldn't be able to turn him.
They're whiter than the average "British person" these days.
Severely underrated.
Full on execution for any and all drug usage may be effective, but just throwing people in profit prisons over it doesn't do much.
((( (((British))) person))) ))))
I am in control.
What the fuck
You are being influenced by me.
One of my earliest red pills was when I realized throughout all of my history courses in school 99% of the focus was on slavery/"civil rights" and the holocaust. The only reason for this kind of repetition is brainwashing.
Are you high, nigger?
Think carefully about what you're doing right now.
It doesn't work, you're better off taking a different angle. You sound like a hopeless incel employing this reasoning.
Limiting partners, yes, trying to keep women virgins, it's not going to happen outside the black and white mind of a desperate frustrated Rodger tier robot.
Absolute nonsense. The thing is, it can't happen in a vaccuum - you can't teach girls not to fuck around, whilst they have weak-willed parents and are exposed to rampant sexualized jewish media.
But the notion that young women in times past were invariably getting dicked by the time they were 12 by other 12 year olds and shit? Nonsense… Then again, we also used to marry women off much younger, so they'd be getting dicked by their husband instead of running around looking for some strange to gain popularity in the retarded cesspool that is modern youth education.
>np r.org/sections/thetwo-way/2010/02/abstinenceonly_education_works.html
The researchers developed a curriculum that was designed to get middle schoolers in the 6th and 7th grades to put off having sex until they were more more mature and could handle the consequences.
There were no lectures. It was an interactive program. The young people had discussions about resisting peer pressure, through role playing and games.
Unlike previous programs it did not define abstinence as delaying sex until marriage.
Two years after completing the program, a survey showed that the abstinence training was effective in getting 67% of the kids to delay having sex. That's compared to 48% of students in another group who only received basic health information.
Other studies have shown that abstinence only programs are not effective.
If it can work on niggers, I suspect you're full of shit.
Now watch you selectively argue this one away.
Tell me more
You're also assuming white people are as naive and stupid as blacks. No, you're just confirmation-biased out the fucking ass. The more intelligent somebody is at a younger age the more difficult it will be to explain to them why they should do something if they believe they're capable of managing that risk.
It's easy to manipulate naive, low IQ individuals, and shame on you for using such a retardedly low sampling of BLACKS as an example of what would apply to whites.
The way you reduce a number of sex partners women have is through the long-game. Men need to start en masse denying women who have accumulated large partner counts and that meme needs cultural penetration. Right now we don't even have that. We have pieces of shit like Laci Green who have far more purchase in the minds of kids than some stuffy teacher.
When society starts setting an example as a whole and women who have had many partners end up getting denied marriage and that becomes prominent enough to demonstrate to kids, you will start to see changes.
You're making a lot of assumptions, but at this point, you've raised one counter-point to my point, both using similar sources - except that I even included the bit that noted that 'other studies have shown…' which fits in line with your claim.
Also, did you actually read your source, and mine?
My source:
Your source:
Just sayin'.
Have anymore sauce?
Or maybe abstinence-only education works, even on degenerate 'muh dik' blacks, and you just don't want to admit it.
So, children/teenagers you mean?
Seems legit.
You're almost-certainly on the same page as Laci Green on this abstinence thing though, you do realize that right?
Nice retarded sophistry there, go back to r9k Elliot.
You're an idiot if you think that protocols that work on the lowest possible denominator work with precocious teens who actually have more than a few neurons to rub together.
How fucking dumb were you as a kid or how out of touch with that demographic are you that you don't realize how non-retarded teenagers think.
And please, don't ply the sophistry of " lol all teenagers are retarded". The ones that would be the most resistant to such a program would be the ones who demonstrate enough mental competency to believe they can mitigate their own risk factors.
Dealing with relatively intelligent people vs relatively unintelligent people is a completely different proposition. You are demonstrating your lack of understanding in trying to think that applicability to morons translates to applicability to people who aren't.
I am polish and this makes me so happy
"AFD for Germany, that shits for me, the muslims must leave, 1488"
Also there is a pubmed article that proves that aggressively state mandated abstinence only education in the curricula actually saw greater numbers of teen pregnancies.
But you know, it's a study from 2005 and a study in 2010 involving a few hundred people is more meaningful. You can do your own legwork if you want to find it. Nothing disgusts me more than pieces of shit who beg the question and expect other people to prove their dishonesty wrong.
Nice non argument, faggot.
Given how 'western civilization' is currently turning out, I can't say I blame the poles.
That applies equally to Romania and Bulgaria and the like and they're still in shit. Probably because communists are still running them tho
I am unironically horny right now. It is the first time in my 26 years of life that i became horny out of sheer excitement.
Use them like they are using your race. Give them nothing, but take from them everything.
Drink with them until they fade out, then when they wake up tell them you had sex. Let them believe they used you successfully. Then fuck up their twisted subhuman lives by emotionally attacking them, cheating on them, asking them to come back while being apologetic, THEN SCREW THEM (metaphorically) OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN!
Break them! Make them hate your mere existence, and then, finish it off by saying that you never actually laid with them because their pussies were not clean, or their face is fucking ugly and your dick didn't work while looking at them, or that you put a pillow on their face while fucking them because they are so ugly, or tell them they are so fat you thought they made better pillows that sex partners.
Would you date a young girl who lost her virginity to a Mexican?
Not true. Take a look at most of the H1B poos in Tech. They are fair skinned. Very few dark skinned ones make it. The Northern part of India's population had their IQ raised by Aryan blood. Southern poos.. well, they still shit in fields.
I don't want to suffer so no, a divorce is horrible for a man and in Canada, the Judges suggest to you to commit suicide. That's the tipping point. I also don't want a girl that had any other men gamete into her or have been intimate before. Dating a girl who dated before is fine, dating is necessary to choose at all, sex is not.
women lie and or are retarded as well. I've looked into some surveys on pregnancy before and there was actually some consistent amount that claims to be a virgin, depite being pregnant. Only by the second pregnancy does the percentage claiming to be virgins actually fall to zero.
That definitely takes place in the Britain, Quality Street is a British brand candy.
Probably introducing at a later grade just not making it the main focus. Tough to preach nationalism when you don't know your own history.