When LEGO considers Tr-8r more marketable than Finn, Rey and Captain phasma
MEME/fan characters in games
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That's Tr8-0r.
Fighting games are prone to do that.
MK was running on it before PS2 era with numerous characters, most prominent being Ermac.
Samsho made Rera into actual character.
Shlong Dong was finally made into real character in Street Fighter 4 something.
A bunch of lesser ones I can't remember.
The only good thing about Captain Phasma are the lewd pictures of her in armour.
…go on
Bikini armour
Is Tr8-0r that big a deal that it's actually acknowledged?
I think Disney actually gave him a name. It was "Nines" or something.
Take a guess.
That's not the worst name ever. Least they won't do something stupid like bring the meme soldier back and make him a major part of the story.
But how? Of all the things how did people fixate on him?
TR8-0R probably sold more toys than Finn.
He is
the only
I don't know if I hated it enough to call it shit but its a fucking remake of Ep 4 disguised as a new movie.
Nice quads, but it's not remake when it doesn't even do what original did.
Luke was a great protagonist, rei is anime piece of shit.
Or will they?!
The Rey and Finn figurines sold like shit so its not surprising.
I guess that Disney intentionally made this character a forced meme.
i know anime can do really bad female characters, but a MC?
Who cares? I didn't even bother watching the movie, because Jar Jar Abrams is a talentless hack. Better just act like Disney's Star Wars does not exist.
But he's not
BB-8 was okay, and Poe was great
The whole thing should have been a buddy cop movie with him and Finn
You forgot box art Mega Man in SFxT.
I could be remembering incorrectly, but I don't think Luke actually wins any fight on his own until the 3rd movie
Chances are if he comes back it's because test audiences react well to him over say Phantasm I mean from what I heard they hyped her up way to much to just leave in the trash and use him in place of her. But they certainly won't know what made TR8-TOR great Read: A grunt doing his job really fucking well.At least he gets to kick it with Sev probably
He wasn't a forced meme in the beginning.but the casuals picked it up way too soon for him to grow Poor TR8-TOR
Seriously? Got a pic of it? Not doubting it, egotistical Kike.
Anyways the main video is missing music and Order 66 fits pretty well I hate how they reused the joke from Indiana Jones at the end.
They'll never do a secret character better than Indiana Jones in lego star wars the complete saga
Trips Checked
At least he will occupy the same spot as Jar Jar To be beaten mercilessly until it starts to hurt slightly less.
Box-art Megs was totally left-field for almost everyone since he's a more notable joke among Capcom employees than he is among general Mega Man fans from what I remember
Plus with almost everything of his backstory being ripped from Legends I can understand the salt
That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm not buying any more Star Wars video games, I'm not watching any more movies (I didn't even see The Force Awakens because it always looked like shit to me, and every reaction to it I've ever heard has vindicated me), I don't read any more Star Wars comics, I don't buy any Star Wars toys (although plastic lightsabers aside, I never did), and I certainly won't read any more fucking herkily-jerkily Star Wars books.
Seconded. As far as I'm concerned, Star Wars died October of 2012. I thought the prequels were bad, but Disney has taught me that there are levels of hell that I had never thought possible.
It's only going to get worse, there is a fucking spin off about a gay pilot or some shit
Oh yeah, we're about to see some crazy shit. Better buckle the fuck up. The pilot from TFA is probably going to end up being gay, young Boba Fett is going to be black, and we'll never see a straight white protagonist ever again
You like spoilers, dont you squidward
Can you show any figures on these sales? Also not surprising the movie was total shit and ashamed I paid for my whole family to what this shit show.
like pottery
Thanks reddit
Raiders of the lost art joke with han.
I don't think he's calling people redditors so much as pointing out that they're using reddit-popularized derivatives.
He is right that TR8-T0R was the original Holla Forums-coined name for the storm trooper. Some other variations floated around, but it was more or less Holla Forums consensus briefly. Then TR8-T0R's status as a meme character filtered down into reddit where they simplified it to TR-8R, which was the gayest possible take on it, and became the one that Disney officially acknowledged, and thus got into all subsequent news coverage, therefore online publications.
I will admit that I do overuse them. I feel compelled to use them for non-sequitur
Got the Jetstream Sam version? And I got the name right apart from the zero instead of the O
Don't have to see a movie or play a game to know the memes. And what said was right, OP fucked up the spelling for TR8-T0R,
Please, it's a shitty forced meme for small, insignificant posters.
Birenne of Tart will never look this good
C'mon, who's bullshitting who, i'd wager a solid 90% or more of the people on this board saw TFA. I know this place is full of poser faggots but jeez, cut the shit for once.
nigger he was a character in the movie that the game is based on.
they didnt add god damn lankey kong
i wonder how her armor smells like, how about you guys?
The bikini armor makes her helmet look ridiculously out of place. Like she got drunk at a party and put it on for laughs.
TR8-T0R is far gayer.
What? Do you think 90% of this board watches Spiderman when it's on the Disney Channel too?
I'm disgusted by poorly disciplined faggots who pay to experience media they know is going to be shitty. At least you didn't give them $60 for a worthless video game, right?
at least in Holla Forums threads he was often referred to as tr-8r when the maymay was fresh. its cool and edgy. tr8-t0r would be more appropriate for a dj
TR8-T0R is aesthetically great because it looks exactly like it reads. TR-8R is trash that only appeals to the kind of mouthbreather who uses reddit.
Oh shit, check out this nigger. It's like a silver bullet.
Girls, girls, you're both pretty.
In what library did they screen the Force Awakens?
What was the point?
Didn't even pirate it.
Suck a dick you consumer whore.
Let's not forget all the bullshit before the movie: "she's so badass", "holy shit she's got her own action figure!"
In the movie we never see her being badass or even in command. She never use her weapon.
I see dumb faggots like you everywhere, crying on jewtube that it's called TR8-TOR.
The correct name is TR-8R you twat, even the official star wars site says it.
Phasma was meant to be the one to defeat and almost capture Finn on the forest planet. But the actress wasn't able to pull off the setpiece they wanted, and afer crowing about muh stronk womyn so hard, it would have been eating humblr pie to have a stunt performer do it in her place. So they just had a random stormtrooper do it instead.
Seriously tho, i'm fairly sure she comes back in the next movie.
They can even make Gynobusters look tolerable
Make a poll, faggot.
Poe was barely a character. He was in what, 3 scenes? He was built up through the whole movie as some great hero and we barely get to see him in action like Wedge
Finn was a surprisingly good character.
Did she even have any action scenes? I feel like all her screen time was just standing there with a gun. The least they could have done was make her look imposing or dangerous
Guilty as charged. Had no intention of seeing it, wound up going with friends anyway. I thought it was awful. Did have a good chat about what the movie did wrong after.
Finn's main problem was that the ENTIRE reason he abandons the empire first order is because his co-trooper is dead "for no reason", but then turns around and has zero issues murdering the fuck out of his "former friends".
Honestly ray or rey whateverthefcuk was god fucking awful I even would have forgiven the nigger motumbo lead but I jsut can't get it out of my head how awful she was
I never saw TFA, just liked the Holla Forums memes that came out.
No but I got this.
Did they even show her be killed off though?
In my town they are actually showing it at the local park on a big ass projector for free this weekend.
last week they did finding dory
Furthermore you can walk into my local liberty with a library card and borrow it for free for a week.
What kind of capitalist jew controlled shithole do you live in?
No, user, I'm not bullshitting you. I really didn't go watch your shitty normalfag blockbuster because I fucking hate shitty normalfag movies.
Tell yourself I'm lying if it'll protect your fragile ego.
Wow that was good.
FUCK, how did I not make that connection sooner. They both fall on their ass too.
Thanks user
So TR8-T0R came about because the actress who played Phasma could do a simple fight scene? That's almost too good to be true. Honestly she seems dumb from the get go. I get that she's a commander but did she need to go with the Oil Sheik Benz Chrome paintjob? Being a commander already makes you a target, you don't need to stand out even more.
Maybe her point was to inspire the troops.
Finn is a good character, possibly the best of the main ones, until you try to actually think about what he does and how he responds to things. Then you realize nothing he does makes any sense.
It fits so perfect
kill yourself redditfag
Why the useless mods don't ban you cunts on sight I will never know.
Who wants to bet Cap'n Phasma gets poorly edited in when they release the special DIRECTORS CUT in true Lucas Arts tradition?
Thank god I'm not the only one to think that this was a tactical fucking cashgrab, and couple years from now people will see this for the shit it really is.. It's not an awful film, but it doesn't really do anything new or intuitive IMO, but it was just passable enough for people to eat it up like it's the fucking second coming of christ, because hey, it's more star wars..
I don't pay to watch kike cinema because I have some moral integrity.
I worked an internship at a library in Canuckistan as the full-time techno-master, aiding the staff with their deep dark computers.
I actually added fucking Arabic subtitles to their copy for use in a public screening. I ended up having to watch the first scene fifty fucking times just to get the .ass working correctly.
Sadly, that image he posted earlier really is one of the only pictures like that.
Artists have an annoying tendency to take an armoured character and remove most of it except the helmet.
It doesn't help that most full-on armour porn is gay.
If you got a source for this it would make my day.
Poe was great, a shame we didnt see more of him.
Hope we get to see more of him, finn and bb8 in the next mvie and less of mary sue the OC.
They're making a Battlefront 2? Yes! This is definitely going on my Snapchat story!
Her name is Rey Mixer, fam
This can't be real.
It was her name in the concept art and not mentioned in the movie because they realised that it would be too obvious
Captain Phasma was a bitch.
Anyway, I hate the new voiced lego games. IT's gay.
the memes are too good to be true.
*muffled "he fell flat on his ass…" in the distance*
I bet you watched cisbuster too
It's true but whatever. I got to spend the whole day on the computer as the video rendered shitposting and playing Shin Megami Tensei.
It's a well know fact Jews reproduce matrilineally. Jewish males not reproducing doesn't affect their numbers.
smdh fam
Is that picture unedited? I always thought that whore had Jewish facial features.
You can smell the prepubescence as everyone tries to reaffirm that they're one of the cool kids.
Wtf? She was making faces like that? That's disgusting.
user give that phrase a rest already.
I'm not the user you're thinking of, I just borrowed it.
So Rey is pretty much Star wars Korra?
Yes, except for the fact she is a 3dpd Korra and thus complete garbage.
I also had this conversation, what infuriated me the most was how easily Republic command system was turned into dust with almost no fucking retaliation, just bunch of niggers getting turned into Tang for sake of easier writing for next shillepisodes
At the library I intern'd at part of my job was to play vidya with the niglets. I ended up playing so much god damn Battlefront and Lego games.
It was literally all they wanted to play and it became increasingly obvious just how similar each game was. To give you an idea by the end of it I was practically begging the kids to play minecraft as it was the only somewhat fun game in the collection and I had a save file going wherein I was recreating some of the shit from Blame!.
No; the opposite.
ur waifu a shit
She has to go back
They're lucky she came.
Nice that you're expanding your horizons.
ah, so YOU'RE who he's talking about at the beginning of the video
katara is hotter anyway
I hadn't even gotten around to watching the show when that video was posted.
that's irrelevant, you are exactly the kind of 'fan' he's talking about
You mean someone that watched it and doesn't blindly hate whatever Holla Forums tells them to?
>[Current Year]
>still being this assblasted someone doesn't follow the Holla Forums hivemind about a show that ended in 2014
i mean that you support something so bad it almost ruins the original show by simply existing
maybe you should watch the video
Kind of hard for President Taco to complain about Trump building a wall when Mexico has one on its southern border to prevent filthy Central Americans getting in.
I seen that vid when he (you) first started spamming it on Holla Forums. I'll pass.
I have no reason whatsoever to respect the opinion of a mongoloid nigger with no respect for his language.
why are you describing korra
Read the post you stupid nigger.
Or are you just merely pretending?
if you watched the video, you'd know that it's not even about how SJW Korra is or isn't, it's about the nonsensical plot, worldbuilding, and character motivations
you're the one who brought up that shit, my argument has nothing to do with it, but if you really want me to list how SJW that series is(you don't), i can make a list that's a hell of a lot longer than that out of the first season of korra
oh yeah, and i forgot to mention the sharp decline in animation quality
remember when firebending actually caught things on fire?
Small head, artist did not considered the head size + the helmet size
Good thing you're doing the exact same thing in the opposite direction, huh?
and one more thing
the difference between many of the character flaws pointed out in that list and korra's flaws, is that the gaang actually grows from their experiences and their worldview changes accordingly
katara never calls sokka sexist again because she understands that he was just doing his best to be the male role model of the village, since all the older dudes went off to fight in the war
nobody is doing to start hating J.J. until online reviewers start telling people to hate him in droves.
There were interesting character motivations, but they were hijacked when Nike and Byran disappeared up their own asses re: probending and the love triangle.
You don't have an argument. All you did was ask why I was describing Korra when I posted a pic in response to your nostalgiafaggotry breaking down individual eps of Avatar which you worship despite being shit half the time.
That's direction, not animation quality, you stupid nigger. Korra's animation in its first season blew everything in Avatar out of the water.
those all look like shit. I'd tell you to kill yourself if I wasn't sure you're already doing it in the long run.
man look at those filters and low framerate and cels
yeah wow so good
so episode 2
in comparison to being shit ALL the time
now i'll get down to the meat of it
okay, then why do non benders feel oppressed when before Amon the only examples of bending we see are benders being used for a sport that doesn't even pay enough to get the bills paid, in addition to technology that doesn't require bending to function at all, especially when compared to the technology and governments present in Airbender
and they broke all that shit down so they could make funny jokes about how wan just got poked in the head and learned firebending, and how tarlok and his dad could bloodbend without a full moon or waterbending poses for literally no fucking reason, or how tarlok's chi blocking makes no mother fucking sense whatsoever, or hell, even how Aang was killed by tarlok's dad when he, being the avatar, knew literally everything he was capable of before they started fighting
Tenzin and Korra (the two main characters) change drastically throughout the series, as well as their relationship to one another.
Tenzin has no respect for her at first. Later on he tells her her choices are her own to make. Korra is able to give Tenzin advice in later season and he takes it to heart and she reflects on how thoughtless she used to be in earlier seasons and does her best to rectify her behaviour to the point where it becomes natural by the end.
You won't acknowledge any of that because you're emotionally invested in hating the series and can't stop now.
no they don't
korra never listens to fucking anyone and gets literally everything handed to her through every season, like when she says 'i found rava' no you didn't bitch, you didn't do shit
or how she never learns proper spirituality and that shit just gets handed to her, just like airbending
she bullies her way through all four seasons and tenzin is one of the only characters who's worth half a shit but is woefully ignored because 'ur just a old man, u dunno! i'm da avatar!'
remember how Aang had to practice meditation and talk to Roku on a specific day of the year
well he's a big dummy! he didn't know there's a huge fuckin' sliding glass door to the spirit world and you can just go whenever you want and all you gotta do is touch that shit
The very first episode shows benders extorting locals for protection money. You fucking clown.
We see in another ep that the Triads are run by and comprised of benders.
Later we see bending police using their metalbending to wrongfully imprison hundreds of peaceful protestors under the command of a corrupt bender.
Mako and Bolin couldn't get the bills paid because they were being scammed by their manager.
So your complaint it's a sequel and sequels shouldn't exist?
You mean retroactively made the massive deus ex machina at the end of Avatar less shit?
Tarlokk's dad did need waterbending poses. As for the reason why they could do it; for the same reason waterbenders can't bloodbend 100% of the time: that's just the way it is. I don't defend it.
Tarlokk doesn't use chi blocking. If you mean Amon, his chi-blocking makes as much as Aang's spiritual block being opened by rubbing against a rock.
There's so much wrong with that I don't know where to start.
Aang wasn't killed by Tarlokk's dad. he died years later.
The Avatar doesn't know everything; he just has access to the the techniques of his previous lives when he's in the Avatar state.
Even if he did know everything from his past lives, why would that mean he'd know about a brand new type of bloodbending, when bloodbending was supposedly invented in his own lifetime by Hama?
Even if he knew about bloodbending to that extent how would he know what Tarlokk's father, who kept his abilities utterly secret could do?
Not gonna lie, 0bf694 is turbo autistic. E;R's videos are pretty cool though. If they're the same person then they should just stick to making videos.
Your waifu is so fucking hideously ugly that you actually have to be brainwashed to find her attractive
guns exist but aren't used
plot hole
no, i mean that they changed it from 'benders learned from animals/the moon' to 'lol everything that lion turtle said, and everything that every culture in airbender taught is a lie, you get magic by asking for it, that's all you have to do' and if that's not a deus ex machina to you then i don't know what to tell you
amon's chi blocking makes no sense because he blocks all of korra's chi pathways except air even though that's not how it works, and even if it was, why wouldn't he block her air pathway, she's the fucking avatar
they had already had a court session about the guy where aang was present that detailed every crime he'd committed and how he did them
and then aang fucking got his shit wrecked
but not korra, because pussy pass
she can beat anyone she wants except she can't because she needs that fucking airbender bitch to accomplish anything
you wanna talk about deus ex machina? holy fucking SHIT
no jinora, you are the spirits
And even then she needs to make everything look like literal cancer for you to like her
also, why does his chi blocking even look like that?
katara and ty lee, and even amon's OWN SUBORDINATES, showed that that's not what chi blocking looks like
What an argument!
Oh shit man, I didn't think you'd go full Holla Forums. Never go full Holla Forums.
"Tenzin, what should I do?"
"General Iroh is there anything you can do?"
"Varrick, can you tell us what to do?"
"Katara what I do?"
She asks for help and advice all the time and in the second half of the second season all the way through to the finale, takes it.
Yes, she did. She got over her mental fear of reliving being suffocated and managed to meditate into the spirit world, reconnecting with Raava.
I can't believe how assblasted Holla Forums still is about the shit season one finale. No, she didn't learn spirituality in seson one and it was shit. She did learn it in the back half season two and three.
Utter horseshit. She spends seaosn one as Mako's sidekick, most of season two begging people for help, season three helping Tenzin on his quest to find airbenders and most of the final season on her own.
You're right; he didn't. And neither did Korra until the guy secretly in league with Satan told her about it because no recent Avatar had a casual need to speak with a progenitor from ten thousand years back.
Where? If yoou meant the giant turrets on ships, we saw in season one those are used to focus bending attacks.
We literally see Wan learning firebending from a dragon. All the turtles do is "lend the power of the elements". Other humans even say that Wan uses fire unlike anyone had ever seen. All they could do was throw it like a stone.
You don't know what a deus ex machina is you fucking autist. This is the background of a mythical story, and the rules are established from the start. Now if say, the lion turtle had never appeared and showed up to give Aang unheard of powers in the second last episode of the entire series, that would be a deus ex machina.
How would you know? Aang was open to all the elements when he was blocked. Korra was only opened to three.
Because it didn't exist. I'm not defending that ending. It's almost as terribly written as avatar's ending.
No, they detailed witness talking about bloodbending, and hearsay. Sokka even admits it's bullshit that they're convicting him.
Now who's talking annout SJW shit? Are you fucking joking? Aang got tossed into a wall and then destroyed they guy in a heartbeat. Amon toys with Korra for ten episodes and she never gets the better of him, unlike Mako, a guy, who can resist him for no reason.
So shes too strong and'' too weak? Do you ever wonder why no one takes Holla Forums seriously?
Jinora is a shit character and ruined season two's ending..
i have never been to Holla Forums on this or any other website
try again
and oh
you're that 'b-b-but they didn't knoooooow until the writers invented all these shitty plot devices that retroactively makes the gaang stupid' guy
I hate how Lego games nowadays just use the dialogue straight from the movei. The old style pantomimes were funnier, now it feels like missing the point.
Because he's not blocking chi paths. he's severing them.
didn't diablo III have a my little pony easter egg?
tf2 has meme hats
also memerlands 2 is full of ebin memes
and that isn't the same somehow, sure
Borderlands 2 had really fucking weird shit in it.
Why are you avoiding addressing all the points you were so confident about?
Are you still certain that we never saw nonbenders being oppressed? Are you still certain Korra never asked for advice? Are you still certain there were guns? Or that Amon's chi blocking has to work the same way as Ty Lee's? Or that establishing how Lion Turtles work after we've already seen them is a deus ex machina? Or that Tarlokk's father didn't use bloodbending forms? Or that Aang was killed by him? Or that Korra had an easier time against Amon than Aang had against his father? Or how about how Avatar's animation was superior? You never addressed that either. Should be pretty easy on an image board, right?
Meme hats don't count as an easter egg, the shit they have hidden outside the play area is.
Oh god, I've been arguing with a literal autist.
I never said they were easter eggs freindo ;^)
though it does appear that I misread the OP, they say meme CHARACTERS and not just MEMES
hats are not characters, my apologies
Right now the /clang/ part of me and the part of me that hates Maymaylands 2: Electric Cuckaloo are at odds
Nah, you were right. I simply replied in the wrong thread.
would fug femclaptrap
You're a faggot that would never sacrifice anything for you waifu, not even your laifu.
It's ok user, you can admit that you have the objectively worst taste in waifus possible. Nobody is going to judge you for wanting to stick your dick into an absolute fucking abomination just because noone else would let you.
those aren't just unflattering stills either, she's got her mouth half open for the entire fucking movie, daisy ridley can't act, she has no track record before this movie and just got forced upon everyone
finn wasn't even bad and his actor was okay, he didn't exist just to be the best like reye
I wouldn't even really mind Finn being lead because at least he gets his ass handed to him by a stormtrooper while having a fucking lightsaber no less.
finns character actually has traits and weaknesses, giving him the illusion of some fucking depth. on a technical level there isn't actually anything horrendous about finn, and he would have been a much better lead easily
And who's your waifu, a generic moeshit slut who probably takes Tyrone up to the hilt every week?
To be honest some of the art was downright shit.
- Tusken Raiders fight: Rekt, saved by Obi-Wan
- Cantina fight: Rekt, saved by Obi-Wan
- Duel at Bespin: Mega-rekt, saved by Leia
You're correct. The rest are shootings and other battle heroics.
I still see Finn figures on discount in my area. Embarrasing.
I don't remember anything interesting about BB-8.
Poe was interesting and I'm ok with him hitting Finn. I always liked that the bad guys were Nazis (but cool nazis like the original trilogy, not these emo cuckolds that ep7 introduced) and the rebel alliance had diversity (non-humans).
There's a theory that the original script had Finn as a white guy so the stronk womyn could fight patriarchy. When Finn was switched to a black guy they should have made them a couple and made him more alpha to match the current narrative. But they didn't, which is weird.
It was in the movie too :(
I rewatched Ep3 last weekend. I noticed that the wookies again yell like Tarzan.
What about the old stuff?
Problem with buying retro games is that their original companies no longer exist so christ knows where that cash is going to.
I bet you also payed to watch FemBusters at the theaters, mega-faggot
Looks to me like the movie is about all the races coming together and standing up against the jews
Best chapter of that mini-series.
Not even the prequel movies had director's…
… never mind.
The last name is shown in the "The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens". The jokes about Race Mixer started immediatly but it's not clear how canon this is. Rey's previous name while under development was Kira but the Mixer part could be a last-minute thought of the artist.
What went wrong Holla Forums?
Who's that guy
The parts that make the man
Korra is a great game
-Platinum Games marketing
That animation looks like flash-tier ass.
You shouldn't be using motion blur in an anime-styled show.
Why is TR8-T0R the single greatest thing to come out of Nu-Star Wars Holla Forums?
Because he's the only good thing
To true.
Go back to Halal land, sandnigger.
You are the physical embodiment of cancer, lurk more and maybe you will understand this websites culture someday.
I misspelled one word, that does not mean I have bad spelling, I noticed as I was rereading my post looking for errors and I attempted to edit it, upon pressing "o" my keyboard apparently didn't register the input and I clicked New Reply assuming that it would have and this thread is so dead, stale and shitty it was not worth deleting my post, fixing the mistake and posting again so fuck you, you fucking faggot retard.
And since who fucking cares about quality anymore I might as well bump this thread so people can see my destruction you.
You must be Muham-Mad.
If Mark wanted to be based for once he'd ban these Redditfags but let's face it he's not going to since he'd rather count shekels than reddit tears. It has an always will be TR8-T0R. Holla Forums Holla Forums created him first, the first OC came from there. It is where he was born.
Go back to fucking goats.
To be fair even in the first thread there was debate around wether it was TR8-T0R or just TR8-0R, what wasn't the normalfag spelling TR8R anyway?
user. All your shit excuses on why LoK was good is solely focused ignoring/cheapening established canon in ATLA. Which if you are than makes every character in Airbender like fucking idiots for not learning new techniques like a sponge.
Also no, Fuck you and your bullshit on learning fast because time skip. Every avatar pre Korra traveled the world to learn to bend a new element from scratch. Korra bent 3 fucking elements like a pro when she was fitst revealed as a kid. So don't bullshit me about time skip.