Who is next?!
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What? This must be a mistake.
Twitch has some pretty funny rules now.
I hope he kills himself
How long until sjw articles about twitch's transphobia?
when did twitch turn into the people's democratic republic of twitch?
Does that mean that if you spam reports about a channel, you can get it removed? The tyranny of the majority is allowed?
It has gotten pretty strict with its ruling.
But he is a special snowflake so probably can come back whenever.
I guarantee he's going to cry wolf on Twitter saying he'll kill himself and his channel will be back up by tomorrow. Any idea what the specific reason was for closing it?
Is there any reason not to use hitbox instead?
Because nobody browses Hitbox
Anyone happen to know why?
Some Twitter faggot ignoring him or some bullshit.
It depends. If someone is streaming for views and income, they pretty much have to use Twitch. Twitch is the only way they'd get enough viewers to earn an acceptable check.
If it's just for streaming a game for one friend, or for streaming something for Holla Forums, people would be better off using Steam Broadcast, because streams are almost completely private and accessed by URL, and nobody moderates broadcasts.
Places like Hitbox have most of the same problems Twitch does, but without the user base.
I think that degenerate tranny more than deserves this.
So, we can all watch 8 year olds getting fucked in the bum without anyone getting in the middle of it?
I want an user to make a story where a tranny gets beaten, slit open and tortured. I want it to be fueled by raw black hate.
Image he livestreams
kill me
This is a SFW board.
user, please. Spoiler that shit.
spoilers next time please
Could just be suspended, some WoW streamer flashed her vagina and got suspended for 30 days but the channel had that message.
It's 2016, how dare these shitlords treat her with such little respect. She is an important figurehead for all speedrunners and should be treated with more respect than what these cis-het white male oppressors give.
He legit looks like Marfushka from the MST3K Jack Frost.
He transitioned into a 60 year old British crack addict?
His skeleton has taken full control. My prayers are with you.
At least I'm a tall and hairy guy who embraces masculinity and isn't delusional enough to think he's able to become the little girl or want to in the first place, rather than one of these "twink on crack" looking motherfuckers, but still. Resembling this abomination birthed of the modern age of madness by even one iota is too much for my liking, as a relatively-sane human being.
So what happened?
I'm not current on twitch's trivialities
That looks like they were trying to get the cat to fall. What the fuck is this shit?
Also trannies need to hurry up an kill themselves already.
Have you never looked at yourself in the mirror user? Do you… do you go to the bathroom at all?
Have you never been around for at least one GDQ?
Did you not watch the Nintendo World Championship at E3?
Do you live under a fucking rock or something?
Sorry for not being on the up and up on your favorite e-celeb cancer.
He was famous on Holla Forums years before he was a tranny, don't try to act like your ignorance is somehow excusable.
I guess this was >her last stream.
Everything from his Youtube is deleted.
This comes a few days after trying to get his ex girlfriend's attention on twitter and she completely ignores him and then posts a picture of herself with a new boyfriend.
I know Cosmo died a while ago, but is Narcissa next?
How could you look that in the mirror every morning and not kill yourself?
Do you guys seriously not know who Cosmo is?
He was a really well-known speedrunner, he was at some of the older AGDQs.
top kek'd
Whenever I think I'm ugly, I look at this thing and remember that it could be much, much worse.
Sadly, do I know who he is. It just doesn't make sense to call someone a newfag for not knowing a stupid, insane, annoying, talentless tranny.
We shouldn't be giving insane people any popularity. They should just fall off the face of the Earth. Frankly, I don't know why we have a fucking thread for him right now.
tip fucking top lel
I haven't taken a shit in seven years, send help.
I actually have a hard time with self-perception versus reality, in the sense that I often think I look as ugly as this motherfucker we're talking about or even worse, when in reality I've actually had 3DPD flirt with me first on many occasions. Fuck if I know how that works, but back on-topic, self-perception is really skewed for me so it's hard to know what shit looks like unless I see it on other people (or "horrifying mockeries of the human form", in this faggot's case).
No excuse, triple nigger.
Even if he doesn't know he can lurk.
I don't really follow speed running so it took a while for the name Cosmo to click. When the fuck did he turn into a tranny? It seems like only yesterday I saw him on some kind of event. Nintendo event I think it was?
Sucks that his hands are fucked up now and can't speed run, I'd imagine it was the only thing keeping depression at bay and without it the autism floodgates burst open.
Stop enabling faggots. I swear to fuck I will rip your nigger tits off and feed them to your dyke mother.
come on, who gives a fuck about speedrunning?
That's like not being aware of Notch or Anthony Burch or Chelsea Van Valkenburg or Chris-chan. It doesn't matter how much of a disturbing piece of shit he is, there's just no fucking way that you could use Holla Forums for any significant amount of time over the last 4~ years and not see the bastard's face at some point, especially during his tranny drama.
That's fucking sad. He deserves it but damn, Dutch white trash is a whole 'nother tier of white trash.
Does he have a job?
So is this what the whole tranny facade is about? Trying to get the attention of his ex? Brilliant plan.
And now you know why the inquisition hunted witches and all sorts of faggotry.
I knew this guy who had his mind utterly destroyed by his borderline ex, and after she cut ties with him he decided to BECOME an idealized version of what he wanted her to be. He became a gay, then trans, furry fox with her name, and that was his online persona.
burn everything
I knew a guy who jumped off a balcony at a party to try and get a girls attention. He broke his leg and she didn't even give a shit which was funny.
please tell me he's kill for real this time
Some shitty ideals there.
I think this is an appropriate time to get off the computer and really appreciate the fact as I insane as I am, I'm still not that guy.
Good job retard, have fun cleaning up cat brains.
I didn't even have any internet between 2008 and 2012, and even I know who this freak is.
Kill yourself.
Imagine getting beat so badly at a game you became a tranny
You'll grow out of being an enormous queer.
How long does he have, Holla Forums?
Four months.
I still can't get over this SHAMEFUR DISPRAY
Seriously how do you even fuck up that hard.
So we can laugh at him. Also, since 4cucks/h8chan have entered the mainstream/normalfag consciousness, that means some of his supporters will browse here just to see if we do talk about their favorite e-celeb's most recent meltdown. And if they make a post or comment defending him then we bully them the fuck out.
what an abomination
I thought the whole tranny thing was because someone beat his Ocarina of Time world record.
Going trans because of an ex girlfriend is even worse lmao
Saved, very nicely put. It really nails how I feel about fucking degenerates spamming shitty emoticons. Now I know why they trigger me so much.
Within six months.
You fuckers are generous, I give him 2 months.
The self pitying circle allows one to sustain themselves in near suicidal depression for long enough, without a negative change in livelyhood or an outsider pressure he's only going to die due to hormone/surgery related problems so give or take 5-10 years
Stop pretending it should be treated as a man and not as an abomination.
Nah, he went trans after
Handed his ass to him so hard at the Nintendo World Championship that he had no choice but to change his identity.
In reality it might have to do with Soylent.
This…thing is nowhere near Burch, Chelsea, or Chris. Not even by /cow/'s standards and last i checked pickings were slim. I get your obscure garbage is obscure, but it's still trash, at least Chris and Burch were entertaining, /this/ is just painful.
Still pretty fucking kekworthy that he got fucked so hard at video games that it literally beat the man out of him :^)
What did he do, did he show his weiner on stream?
You mean her wiener, you transphobic shitlord.
That hurt to type
Looks to me like they were trying to save it, but fucked up.
All of his genders are arbitrary
why is it crying, why did it take pictures of itself crying?
thingken of run
That ugly fuck looks better actually.. huh, penguin looks better too.
First morph didn't go so well, so I ran it through again.
why dont u losers get a job instead of picking on people online morons
All his videos have been removed as well, even the one that went up yesterday of just mumbling a song for 30 minutes over and over again.
What do you think we are… Indians or Chinese?
how long until THE FINAL DELETION?
I actually liked cosmo back in his pre-total-fag days.
he was genuinely good and knowledgeable at the games he played.
Now he's some depressed tranny who makes shitty vlogs and arts
even the uploads on his old channel are all privated
So why did this faggot stop speedrunning? RSI? Isn't there stretches you can do to treat that? Or is that just Carpal Tunnel?
we used to just call these insecure retards faggots now its unacceptable (or too acceptable i don't even know anymore) and they go and do this kinda shit.
nah they were trying to save it with the appliances that they had close to them.
His final OoT speedrun is legendary, and a lot of his in-depth explanations are good. No idea how much of it was his own work, but the presentation was nice. Shame really.
its always halloween, why else do furries and trannies exist?
The fact that you didn't even need to edit his eyes is the icing on the cake.
The one good thing Cosmo did in his life was make all the little gayboys that ever considered going MtF realize what a bullet they dodged literally
Sounds like what Holla Forums did to the 4am threads.
No great loss tbh
Spoiler that shit m8