I've been playing the first three again on an N64 emulator with a SNES controller, shooting for 100% with every character. They're both easier and harder than I remember
Anyone else been playing these recently?
I've been playing the first three again on an N64 emulator with a SNES controller, shooting for 100% with every character. They're both easier and harder than I remember
Anyone else been playing these recently?
What's the best version of the first 4 Tony Hawk Pro Skater games?
I think the PSX label looks better than the N64 one, more recognizable as well
The N64 versions are the worst, they couldn't hold all the songs on the cart if I can remember.
not posting the webm.
Playstation version was superior in every way.
THUGPRO > THPS4 > THUG2 > THUG > THPS3 > THPS2 > THPS1 > American Sk8land > Downhill Jam > THAW
I'm playing the N64 due to already having Project 64 and no PS1 emulator set up when I felt like playing them
The one I played the most was THUG, never played THUG 2 even though I'd have liked to
all the tony hawk games are ported to the pc except thps1, thps5 and a bunch of handhelds and spinoffs
can you teach me the way of the thug series,is it really that gud.
THPS 1-3 I haven't encountered any problems on P64
What is nostalgia
Was that version any good?
i don't know about anyone else but in my opinion its the best version.
I genuinely can't tell if you approve or think I'm being a faggot, but
well at least your not using the shit n64 controller.
And the navigation in the games isn't too complicated beyond hitting left and right, it isn't like Super Mario 64 where a gamepad actually does suck
Okay to break it down, all THPS games except THPS1, handhelds and THPS5 were on the PC
THPS2, kicks off some cool shit
THPS3, now this is key-defining game, if any skating game is moving a single feature, it's absolute trash
The absolutely BEST OF THE BEST. No casual shit, difficulty cranked up to the maximum, requiring you having to actually play the damn game
A interesting turn of the pro skater series, now you're some no name shitter trying to make his name as the best skater with your friend Eric Sparrow
For some reason, you and tony hawk along with people from Jackass fuck around
A mod of THUG2
Allows you to customize how the game works, whether or not you want to enable hopping off your board or manuals in the game and other neat things
After THUG2, it gets more or less worse as with anything inbetween THAW and THPS5
I don't know why you're emulating THPS2 and THPS3 when they were ported to the PC
Even with nostalgia, THPS1 is tame when THPS3 exists
Jesus, what a stupid line.
I still have my copy of THPS4 on PS2 and THUG on Gamecube.
I'm planning on downloading the better PC ports now that I've been reminded of them and doing a 100% run through from THPS1 in a day or two.
Should I do a single character 100% or do it for every playable character?
TH3 was on the ps2 and gamecube, you'd get a far better experience playing it on PCSX2 or dolphin.
Downloads for all PC ports:
Just do a single character 100% and move on, there's not much replay value other than not playing Chad Muska
Haven't played him, what's so bad?
doing all characters 100% has no purpose other than playing the game over and over
OP just stop what you're fucking doing.
Go and play the Dreamcast versions of 1 and 2. Demul is easy as fuck to set up compared to PJ64, plus it's better than the N64 versions with their piddly ass edited songs and muddied textures. Also use a fucking analog stick, the games were designed with 3D movement in mind.
After that emulate the PS2/GC versions of THPS3. It's setting those up in emulators than than the PC versions which will have tons of compatibly issues.
Yes it's better than the N64 version, play that instead
I can tell you right now most of those are going to have major compatibility issues, even with modding. You're better off emulating them, at least there you'll better chance at emulating analog controls.
Just stop and use a fucking analog controller you nigger. Do you regularly brag to people that you inconvenience yourself because that makes a game better to play?
Why the fetishism over analog controls? I find it easier to use a gamepad compared to an analog stick.
This is a downside, reaching the highscores in THPS4 required boring and repetitive spine transfer bullshit that was not fun at all in my opinion.
In the first contest level of N64 THPS1 you could jump over the half pipe with a backflip above a girder and pull off a lot of points, it felt nice finding those places.
In THPS4 in order to reach highscores you have to do the same Spine Transfer / Revert / Manual bullshit over and over in every single map specially the later ones, it gets stale quickly.
Because the games were designed with it in mind you fucking casual faggot
git gud.
Torrent thug 2 and then download the thugpro mod. It inserts about 90 percent of the levels from the entire series in as playable. Its still being updated (the thing auto updates if you let it). Great great project. And I've been playing plenty of tony hawk cause of it. You dudes should check it out.
This is why I didn't like THUG.
Dreamcast port of THPS1 is fucking awful. They got the aspect ratio wrong so everything is squashed.
Dreamcast port of THPS2 is bretty gud though, best choice if you don't have an XHUEG to play 2X on.
I like how you forgot to mention THPS5. It's a thing that exists. Sadly.
5? They stopped making them after the terrible game with motion controls, don't be ridiculous, they'd never do that. That never happened
You're right, I faked the WebM in Unreal 3 myself. I fooled the entire internet. I even fooled Activision!
meant for
Wall riding is in every version though.
Shit, I meant game. I was doing wall rides in THPS1 just a few days ago.
Seriously just pirate the PC versions after the first one, you can find most of the downloads simply by googling. Follow these guides to get the best experience.
I don't have anything wrong with the console versions for Nostalgia reasons but if you're already emulating them on PC you might as well play the PC versions with fan patches for the best experience and widescreen.
Or reading the thread:
THPS1: N64 for speedrunning, Dreamcast for accuracy to PS1 but with better graphics, ngage (lol) for THPS2 levels in THPS1 engine
THPS2: 2X on Xbox for both THPS1 and 2 levels or PC for extra characters
THPS3 forward: PC or Xbox, especially with a dualshock connected to your PC.
Some games have exclusive levels in specific versions, like the PSP version of THUG 2 and THP8, but they're getting ported to thug pro so just play that for most anything like the other user suggested, unless you're a purist or looking to play the campaigns.
Somehow missed that post when reading through.
Most of the top speedruns have been on the PC version.
THPS1 didn't have a PC port.
user, I already went over this. Aspect Ratio problems. Garbage port.
How. The games was in 4:3 which applied to every version
the game is made in unreal 2.5
How is a good fucking question. Everything is vertically squashed in the game. Unless that's just my emulator fucking up, but I have a friend with the real hardware and he said he noticed how squashed it was last time he played.
If I were to guess, I think their code is rendering the game at 5:4 internally and then tries to scrunch it down to 4:3 when it outputs to video.
Don't be silly user, Unreal 2 didn't have those amazing ragdoll physics.
you're right. wikipedia listed it as unreal 2.5, but clicking the reference sent me to a listicle from the developers that said it was made on unreal 3 and integrated "the latest updates from the next gen version of the engine"
sorry for quoting wikipedia in my reply, the retards fucked it up and made me look stupid for trusting them to proof read at face value.
I thought you were just making a joke about the quality of the game. I have some dev experience with Unreal 2 and 3, so the differences between them in my mind are gigantic. I didn't think anyone could honestly look at an Unreal 3 game and say "yeah, that's Unreal 2 + modifications."
If it's 5:4 internally then being output at 4:3, then its being stretched not squashed
Post pics, both emulated and hardware, because I'm skeptical.
I actually played a lot of ngage tony hawk, it was a pretty solid port
go ahead and bully me, ngage had some legit worthwhile gems you couldn't play anywhere else of course you could count them on one hand and also emulators
5:4 is taller than 4:3, so it gets squished down. If you were taking 4:3 and making it 5:4 then it would be stretched vertically.
I don't have access to a real Dreamcast, but here's emulated PS1 (Mednafen via RetroArch) vs emulated Dreamcast (Demul).
Also the main menu says "Tony Hawk's Pro Skateboarding" which is the EU game title but this is (should be) an NA ISO (downloaded from emuparadise).
I just realized I did single session instead of free skate on the Dreamcast screenshot, hence there being a timer in one but not the other.
Also, I disabled dithering in Mednafen because I hate that shit, in case you were wondering why it's not there.
Thread theme
Also take note at the more restricted field of view on Dreamcast. Shit port, don't play.
Xbox versions are the best.
Not when PC ports exist. Though 2X does seem pretty good all things considered.
I don't understand at all why everyone says THPS4 was the last good one when it was the one to move away from the arcade two minute timed challenges with gaps/combos and replaced it with the shitty "Hey bro go ollie over all the security guards :^)" open world shit.
that's because that particular site has the pal version listed as ntsc. the ntsc version is still pretty squished though since they only set the aspect ratio to what the game is rendered at rather then it's output as with the pal version. (most likely 512x480/576) even though on dc hardware it supposedly bars the sides it in a little bit it wasn't enough to completely fix the stretched look.
Also on a more technical level it is "stretched" not "squished" since analog ntsc/pal video does not have width defined by pixels, only the rows are (480/576). the digital video ntsc/pal formats have all sorts of widths like 720, 702, 640, 512, 352, 320 but with a height that is fixed. most consoles would render a game at a certain resolution with variable width (512x480 for example) and then for the analog output it stretches (usually done with analog circuitry) the width of the rendered output to fill the screen. there are games that render with different smaller heights (like 440) but they don't usually stretch the video when they do that, instead they usually just add black bars to the top and bottom while keeping the output centered, or in some cases when it's at least as low as 240 it doubles the height (older game systems usually outputted in a weird yet common hacky 240p format which was the standard thing to do up until the dc-era)
on that note has anyone figured out a way to make an aspect ratio patch for the dc version of thps1?
Overrated as fuck. Better Pro Skater 1 song coming through.
Sheeeeit. I had suspected as much but wasn't sure.
I saw this game in an advertisement for child abuse charity, nspcc. the neglected kid is sitting in the corner whilst his dad plays on THPS for the ps1.
Suicidal Tendencies is an inseparable part of skating's personality. It always works.
It was a crushing feeling, but getting to skate FDR Park made the day bittersweet.
The THPS games immortalized Love Park well, but FDR park is fucking massive in real life, and people go big there because it's all you can really do. Even though it's a very early version of FDR, it doesn't have all the additions it has today, how many of you got any use out of the pyramid or the boob ramps? Why were the back bowls so tiny? The Funbox on the west side is also pretty useless in-game, but it's pretty much the higher ground where everyone starts their line IRL.
THPS does a decent job at replicating famous skate spots like the Leap of Faith or the Carlsbad gap or the Gonz gap, but I guess it goes to show it's hard to express how fucking mental FDR park actually is.
RIP Love Park.
Found it. This is amazing.
holy shit