how do you make time for vidya? recently i've been trying to play more vidya but something always come up or i feel that i should be doing something else, how do you organize your time and play more vidya?
also general vidya playan meta thread
how do you make time for vidya? recently i've been trying to play more vidya but something always come up or i feel that i should be doing something else, how do you organize your time and play more vidya?
also general vidya playan meta thread
i wish i played less vidya and worked more when i was younger, don't waste your time anons.
I have a similar issue: i feel like i could be doing better, so i waste my time socializing on the internet instead.
but user i enjoy playing vidya i just wanna find some time, i get the weekend off but i always feel like i have to prepare for Monday its starting to get depressing and soul crushing at this point. never become a code monkey
Just close all your tabs and play a video game you dumb nigger.
I assumed I was going to be dead by the age of 20 when I was younger.
every fucking time.
Omegle, Facebook, IRC, i always find myself talking to someone.
I get lots of nudes this way aswell.
Have a free sample.
it will be over soon user just stay in there or don't
hope you making a ewhore/catfish folder to get free stuff from beta faggots.
is that my diagnoses doc.
I never followed a girl for long enough to make a folder of tbh.
I find one, abuse her psyche a bit, and move on.
Those are some manly shoulders btw, context?
I do it too, but only with males~
It's a symptom of normalfaggotry. That's your diagnosis.
Just play a video game. It's that easy.
I used males too for initial practice, but they are easy targets to be honest.
Girls have to feel compelled to give you something, and that motivation can often only come if they think you're attractive.
I do this for self gratification, yes.
care to share some abuse stories?
fug dats a thumbnail
just some random girl i met on omegle and convinced her to send nudes threw twitter dms.
fug out of here fgt b 4 i bareback you with my shotgun m9
so no daily dose.
Gee, I dunno.
Males give me more a rush, honestly.
I'm very picky about my women, it's harder to get turned on by them.
Pretty easily, I'm a NEET. Although I need to get a job soon for very important reasons.
I'm being forced out of being a NEET after the demon I _have_ as a mother had a stroke and now I barely have the time and the need to play video games.
how do i become a neet again like uuuu, can't use autism bucks, and parents will never let me in their house.
best wishes to you and your mum m9.
Y-you too
The hospital can keep her, for now, as I haven't felt THIS alive in ages.
Gladly, even tho last time i did the thread got into a heated discussion and Mark deleted it.
We ended up erping about pretty much whatever i could think of, and i was kinda bad at it, but she taught me how to improve a bit and overall we had fun.
It ended soon, but i didn't really care for it to last long.
I got what i wanted and moved on.
Pic unrelated.
My job hunt is looking good right now and I want a full-time job but I'm gonna miss vidya when I eventually finish it.
When I was working before, my first priority was to finish everything else I had to do. That'd be homework, prep for the next day, gym, etc. So those two hours I get left in the day, right before bed, to enjoy a AAA title are only two, but they are fantastic. And when I binge on the weekend, I don't feel like there's anything I would rather be doing.
Of course, you have to die inside a few times before you can get to the point where just that much vidya sates you.
you gotta take it in bursts, man. it's possible these days to take six months or so between jobs for yourself and then get to work.
Bitch or not, she still gave you a roof when she didn't need to. You might be appreciating what you have now mostly because you just needed some time away from her like most people do when they reach adulthood.
My parents don't have enough to support my weeb NEET lifestyle, so it's not as fun for me. Finding a girlfriend and wanting to move out has given me more motivation to get a job. However I enjoy anime and vidya too much to leave that behind, so I will always find time for those.
user don't do this to yourself you know how its gonna end.
I know, I'm sorry to betray wizardry. Although me and her haven't actually lost our virginities yet. I thought the same thing for a while, She did as well, but we have a lot in common and she's a really cute NEET as well. She has extreme hate for SJWs, and Jews and liberals like I do. She's a keeper for me and I've never been happier in my life.
Sorry for the shitty blogpost
remember user being gamma is our calling.
You can blogpost again when you get married
The thought of having a weeding makes me a bit anxious
I actually really don't like kids. And she stated that she doesn't really want any of her own. We're gonna raise puppers instead
Sage for continued blogposting
prioritization and time management
why not do something else
gonna try to bring the thread back on topic, any tips for organizing and time
management .