Whats going on with luigi?

Whats going on with luigi?

Other urls found in this thread:


He died for our sins?

stop making threads

No, just yours, user

forgot to post source


sage for making a mockery of our LORD




Am I glad he's frozen in there and that we're out here, and that he's the sheriff, and that we're frozen out here, and that we're in there and I just remembered we're out here. What I wanna know is where's Luigi?


fuck you

Fuck both of you

Not this time bby

A bunch of weebs made the same thing, just like anime itself.

How about we work together?
Someone get a good princess peach crown on the floor next to Asuka

I'm glad you were late

We just need Kum susser tod in some Mario game soundfont and this would be perfect

Fuck y♂u
I fixed it

we need a drawfag to do this part

found this

Good enough for me, once adds Peach's crown I'll mash em together.

There's this.

I blame OP.



use this its better



Ice barrage can't hit anywhere near 75.


Ice barrage + gmaul spec


Didn't realize Holla Forums would like this so much. here's a touch up

Son, i am disappoint.

oh whoops

That'd be more than one splash you cheeky cunt

why do you even exist?


I meant withouth the white background, so you don't have to cut it to use it…

People need to step up their game. Took me 5 minutes in gimp. And that's only because I touched up the edges.

Can anyone link the BBC article? I haven't seen it.

It's after Evolution of combat, just add a 0

We don't discuss such heretical filth.



7 years in Openshot
If someone wants to update with Peach's crown be my guest.

That's the stuff

This. Someone had to say it.


don't do hyperspeed walking kids

great minds think alike, eh?




All these anons getting OCucked

my bad


Asuka needs blonde hair though.

that's a special kind of pathetic


So these are the types of threads that gain traction here now? Is it time to abandon this Holla Forums too?

Why can't people just talk about different types of video games and have real discussion? Why do you faggots destroy things?



Go shitpost somewhere else you mentally stunted autist.

Heh, good enough.

Go fuck yourself and go back to reddit, newfag.

Woke levels 9000

Meh, there's nothing particularly noteworthy happening right now in games. I don't see these threads as pushing out other discussion, I see it as keeping this board from becoming a ghost town like /vr/.

Why don't you make a video game thread if you're so great?


Kill yourself.

what the fuck is this

You could be talking about Rouge System, Arma, DCS World, Master of Orion, fun extra games like Real Lives, 4x games, 'shmups and tons of other shit

Yet you choose mediocre regurgitated bullshit.

Why? Don't you faggots get bored? You don't like trying something new? I thought this was your hobby.

if you're going to be so butt hurt about a photoshop thread you can at the very least do it correctly

cmon step it up


You've grown strong, Yoshi.

fuck off m8 make your own super cool thread if you're so great

I do, and so do other anons here. They get ignored for overwatch and shitpost threads like this one.

Kill yourself you underaged trashmonkey


Why do you think I'm here?

Probably not the kind of crap that deserves a fan-translation by now.

maybe that's because anons aren't obligated to go to your shit threads

m-mine was pretty good too right? youtube poops aren't completely dead are they?

keep posting

I sure am glad that we're out here.

No user, it's time for you to leave.

So you willingly admit to only being here to destroy the place?

Instead of screaming about how one thread is and not getting anything done, why not just report it?


I just remembered we swooced right in here

I don't think Mark will do anything

I do exactly that, with little to no positive results. Now die.

fuck off ya mouth breathing cuntflap

What I wanna know is, where's Bowser?

Shitposting in the thread about how bad it is will work less than reporting it.

ok, here's a (you)

user, I post in other threads, this thread is fun since OC gets made and laughs are had. Also are you the same autist that posts those meta threads on how Holla Forums is lost or something?

thats a mama Luigi to you

He should actually do something about you. People are posting OC and you're derailing the whole thread. How about you create a thread about a game you like? There's no guarantee you will get replies, though.

in the malt shop with the secret bitch

I think you may have a problem. I like certain games I want to talk about, but there isn't enough people who played the game that I can make a thread with lively discussion.


And there's the problem. Faggots here don't actually like video games. I guarantee you if you tell me what the game is, I'd play it or at least give it a shot.


Well that's either because
All more likely reasons than "everyone on Holla Forums but me hates video games" or whatever you believe to be true

And here we go, you've outed yourself as one of those faggots
>>>/reddit/ is that way.

This projection is outstanding.

To be fair there was another "paste this image on things" thread with that old guy from the simpsons just yesterday, that even started with "what's," but then again that one died a relatively quick death, since that was an old man staring angrily which is a bit harder than half of the thread going "look it's a cross let's put it over that picture from evangelion." I am complaining a little too, but the fact something's getting made makes up for it.

That's why we're here and not on a gamefaqs forum. People on Holla Forums like niche (or at least marginally more niche) games, not mainstream trash like those piece of shit overwatch threads that litter the catalog.

C'mon user, I know you can see eye to ye with me on this.

That old man Simpson thread started off decent but went to hard on the meta.

Man, resorting to this line, are we?
Let's try something.
How about you link us to the threads you've created since you're this asshurt people are not as "excited" for video games as you seem to be. Let's see it.


here ;

If you actually cared about video games, you'd be playing them right now.

I'm playing Men of War as we speak

Phantom crash for the original xbox and snake's revenge for the nes. I don't know if people consider the latter good, but I had it as a child so I told myself I'll beat it one day.

No, you're speaking with us as we speak.
You can't do both at the same time unless you have some kind of speech to text posting bot.

Snake's Revenge is better than the first Metal Gear


I guess you've never heard of a dual monitor setup

Don't worry, I'll be fine.


Are you being sincere here? Those are all the threads you've posted? Because those got replies. Now maybe not the replies you wanted ("OH, MY GOD, THANK YOU FOR POSTING ABOUT THIS VIDEO GAME, OP, SLURP SLURP"), but you got some replies.
How about being less asshurt about an OC thread and putting more effort into making better OP posts?

It didn't get 400+ replies, that's why. This thread did. The overwatch thread did.

oh shit its this guy again. I remember this user, he got buthurt when we called supreme commander an autist starcraft and he thought multiplayer games were inherently bad


Oh how I wish ID filters still fucking worked.

This thread got 400+ replies already? Motherfucker, are you from the future? Do you even realize the only reason it's at 120+ posts right now is because of you?

I hate the game as much as you do, but I don't get asshurt about people wanting to discuss a game I dislike in one thread.

Now post the rest of your threads, you little nigger. By now, we all know you posted something and it didn't get any replies and you saw Overwatch, got triggered like the little bitch you are, and are now derailing an OC thread.

But user, it WILL get 400+ replies

Not sure who you're talking about, but that guy was half right. It's not autistic just because it requires more effort and attention. God forbid a game is challenging or engaging. SupCom is a good game, and Starcraft is simplified trash.

And that's a bully for you. I want to know more about this ASAP.

Offtopic, but I've always wondered how the Metal Gear timeline would have proceeded past Snake's Revenge given everything else that canonically happened prior.


Delete your cache.

Then why didn't you say will instead of did?
Is English your first language?

What I don't understand is how MG1 makes Big Boss out as the bad guy. He literally didn't do anything wrong.

Are we at 400+ replies already?
Is this the 401st reply? Am I seeing things?


You're presuming too much. You can't expect anyone to like anything niche because they're just that - niche. Even in places where niche games are supposedly discussed more, individual titles won't see much discussion. At best you'll have a several tiny threads about each individual niche title or a general thread to contain niche titles of specific genre/franchise.
Singular containment thread mostly used for porn dumps or just shitting on the game. Will eventually go the way of UT threads when it is no longer flavor-of-the-year.

I wonder why people didn't want to talk about it.
Discussed to death, better to slide it in a general RTS thread.

Now THIS is some self-entitlement right here.

And shit taste to top it all off.


You're really bumming me out man. Surely we can change this together.


Why do you continue?
You are at 17 posts already. Do you know you are almost 1/10 of a thread you dislike.
Are you doing this just to make the thread reach the bumplock faster? Is this your idea of helping?




I was mad, but now I'm not anymore. You guys have calmed me down.

Want to talk about Super Mario on the CD-i?

Can someone combine these?


Now we're talking.


Thread needs more Luigi

1 million hours in ms paint.


Kill yourself and watch your asshurt over discussion of games you personally dislike and the lack of 400 replies to your thread go down in board history, you fucking autist.

No one owes you posts or replies. Niche games are called niche games because they're fucking niche. I'm going to play something now before you become half of the thread. What I do know is that I will never spend my night getting mad at people enjoying themselves or enjoying something I personally dislike. God forbid people have different tastes than my superior really autistic ones! The whole board is shit! They are! Not me. I'm the better one. Yeah!

Cmon now user. Otherwise decent job.

What the fuck did you expect? That every fan of every niche title would congregate onto one mongolian slideshow picture forum? C'mon son, you'd be lucky if anyone of them stumbled onto this place.

oh god what have I started

The same thing that killed the Grandpa Simpson thread.

And he literally didn't do anything right, either - least, as far as anyone knew back in 1987. Big Boss was portrayed as the villain because, as this game's twist, he kept misleading Solid Snake into risking his life so he wouldn't be able to take him down. And since this was the first game in the series we had no reason to think that Big Boss was anything more than a hero gone rogue as opposed to a random soldier brainwashed into becoming a body-double of another fallen hero, betrayed by most of his former allies.

No, only seeing 157 replies (as of this post).

New and Improved


Fix shinji to be Wario
then make asuka into waluigi

Clearly we need to bring Wario into this

You know, I actually did. I guess I was very wrong. That's a major letdown.

The last touch needs shinji to be Baby Bowser

Oh, this also works

Luigi / The Exorcist crossover when?


aren't you the same faggot who got butthurt about the thready about SammyClassicSonicFan turning 18 and kept saying you wanted to make Holla Forums great again or some bullshit yet had no idea who Sammy was?
fucking rulefags are boring as fuck

something that cannot be reversed

good shit, fam.

I need the source on that remix for Karma, user.

Don't let me down man.


This is getting out of hand.

People are actually using my shitty oc, I'm flattered.


An attempt was made.

Why are you quoting someone from two years ago? Boy, this thread sure has a lot of time travelers.

I'm only giving this to you because I already tried seeing if it'd be possible to find the source by searching and you can't, even if you knew the name of the song.


just look for emil.

I rike it




Thanks fam.


another low effort attempt








Now all we need is someone to make porn of this.

Not cool user, not cool.

I'm keeping this one; You glorious fucker.




Is Luigi the bottom or the top in this pic?

Luigi is power bottom

Is the creator of that comic fucking retarded?


My mind says "CAESAAAAAAAR" but my body can't stop laughing

No clue, but the art style alone, along with the huge amount of text, made me immediately think he was a SJW. He's not, shockingly enough.

mah nigga


eh here's a better one

God bless you user

an effort was made

You talk about mediocre regurgitated bullshit but these games have been discussed so much that more discussion is mediocre regurgitated bullshit
Now fuck off

A shitty attempt was made.

We need a Justice cover.

Well they did make Ensign Sue Must Die, so I'd expect some level of recognizance when dealing with self aggrandizement.

Ladies, please, this is the best version around.

Now where's one with joseph finding the aftermath?
would attempt but I'm on mobile

What did they mean by this?

Source of the original game?

ten years in ms paint

For you

did a b8
tried to make a bigger template with cleaner edges & with no red around edges

already done

why is he in one of those "anti-masturbation cross" things that christian churches hand out?

So, how many hours until this gift of kek is ruined by normalfags?


Fucking nice I love you.

I forgot about this one, pretty good.


oh the ironing




thanks for making my day



Dr. Mario, I'm Luigi.

You can't just slap Luigi cross on everything.


That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

Does this imply that there are two Marios?

Mario is a double nigger

I don't get it


Ping, please.



You better not take credit for that you fat sack of AIDS.


this is begging for a

Eh, you niggers better know this album

And it's dead, thanks faggot



This thread is alright.

Fuck me in the ass

AAC sucks ass.

Waters of mushroom kingdom?

No super mario brothers! They'll expect one of us in the wreckage.

I'm done


You can't upload matrovska files, and webms only support vp9, which shits on the video.

Delete this, you consorter of normalfags
You better not be taking credit for this

it's kind of a tradition now


I'm pretty shit with ffmpeg.

Do the L U I G I, 1 2 3 4 5

ffmpeg -i image.png -i audio.ogg -r 1 -c:a copy output.webm

it just works

das it mane




I can really imagine some kind of sleeping entity trapped in a glass cross as a jRPG final boss




make a gun and shoot yourself

Source on the music?

Topless - Tegan Toppa Gurren Lagann



PHIL.AMF from Crusader - No Regret


Why was I censored for disagreeing?


You were probably being a faggot.

probably because you are a fag


You can't express yourself like a big boy yet user

Ominous parallels, you say?

godamn, as if the game soundtrack wasnt good enough


Much thanks, user.


Fuck off, Stormnigger.



Giant detected, still butthurt Thor kicked your asses.


Ok I just got a really good idea keep the thread alive for five episodes while I charge up

Yeah whatever…

And what about Dragon Slayer?


deepest lore


Original song?

what does it all mean

Luigi is the burden we all must bear.


Jesus was nailed to Luigi for our sins

I want to bear Luigi and be nailed.

Luigi is our savior

>Send 'em all back to Africa

Tell pandafag. I didn't make it.

You're a faggot.




ill do it

2 million hours in ms paint.net

You know what must be done now, don't you?



Checked it for curiosity and they made a female doctor

Comic disregarded.


Remember, folks.

Let go. Begin again. Just like with the ebay memes involving the fat breathing doll.

not bad


Amazon related items chain


luigipg when?


Thank you, this turned around the shitty evening I had.

