Acually Looking at Post-Keynesianism

So if they aren't liberals, they're marksocs who don't believe communism is an achievable goal?

Are there any actually good Post-Keynesian writers or /lit/ for leftism? This seems pretty trash.

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btw I'm not a leftcom I just like the look of the flag :^)

Well you sound just like a leftcom


Leftcom from the other thread. Someone linked me some videos there that I still need to look at, and one short reading about Kalecki. I read the same book you posted in the OP though, it's pretty trash as an introduction and tells me nothing about how any of these ideas are justified.

Am I still a socialist if I want to abolish the "economic sphere?"

Sounds like that would make you a primitivist

Steve Keen and Warren Mosler are good examples of Post-Keynesianism

But Keynesianism ISN'T socialism, it says noting about who should own capital, it's just a theory of how money and how institutions like banking actually function in the real world today

what do you want to put in its place user?

So Rebel went so special snowflake he just went around again and became a liberal?

Not surprised tbh.

rebel has been changing ideologies twice a month

the full employment thing in the previous thread is actually pretty hilarious. Kalecki shits on the willful ignorance of bourgeois "experts" and pokes fun at them a lot. Kinda reminds me of Marx when he was poking fun at the classicals.

not a matter of agreeing with what rebel believes. I've heard this tradition has some value for lefties but I'm not sure where to start with it and being a commie I'm not really interested in their propositions for how to reform capitalism.

I really don't agree with the labeling of Kalecki as a post-Keynesian.

Kalecki theorized about many things Keynes did too, but from a Socialist/Marxist point of view and even before Keynes came to play. And in addition, Kalecki was ahead of Keynes and the Neoclassical school, for one: in the sense of acknowledging the internal contradictions of capital and its utterly failure to overcome them by itself.

Then dont worry about it, stick to furthering your understanding of Marxist economics so you can begin to think about how to apply them to the modern world.

That's what we need, not some market socialists going on liberals.

Being post-Keynesian means believing some stuff about how the economy is, not how it should be. As such, being pk is compatible with being a conservative or socialist or anarchist or whatever. (This is also true of Sraffians, btw.). So, of course that section on socialism is a mess, as being pk doesn't really cut down one's options here.

Rebel was and still is far more reactionary than a liberal, if his actual opinions have anything to do with the garbage he posts.

do you have any good starting /lit/?


No, that's not the case. You need to re-read what you put in the greentext. "Probably a minority at present- favour some form of democratic central planning". That is not marksoc. What that means is that Post-Keynesianism can appeal to BOTH MARKET SOCIALISTS AND COMMUNISTS!

It says it right there!

And as for your last question:


Rebel, what have you read by Kalecki besides that garbo Elgar book you recommended?

my point was that the majority were marksocs and even among planners, actual commies were a minority.

Kalecki is good, but as some already pointed out in this thread, categorizing Kaleck as a post-keynesian may not make much sense though he influenced the school.

Beyond that, I thought there were also positions in favor of a decentralized economy that wasn't necessarily run by markets, but I suppose whether or not an economy is "centrally" planned might be subjective.

Once again though, the article was pretty shit-tier. I was disappointed that an economist who chose to write in defense of socialism seemed to have about as clear an understanding of what socialism is as your average poster here (as evidenced by the "socialism is just our current economy+ voting" comment")

any good PK other than Kalecki?

Fuck you read Lacan

why do you think it's trash?