Donald Trump Wants ‘Permanent’ DACA Deal ‘Where Everybody Is Happy’
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Holla Forums virgins btfo
What's with all the shills today?
Spammers confirmed for ass blasted spics.
Enjoy getting raped in mexico.
Also bump.
didnt he also just side with dems about raising the debt ceiling? 4d chess goyim. never forget hes a kike puppet like reagan
look at this cuck
Site-wide raid.
Pic unrelated.
Proof that it works.
They can be happy in Mexico.
Look at this angry spic manlet
Why are mudbeans so goddamned short?
shills like you don't get it like does
Expect a full blown Amnesty and no wall being built just like what happened with Reagan.
Reagan as fuck
That would be insane. Republicans have nothing to gain from such a compromise.
Wait a second. Spics don't have computers they spend all their money on tacos.
that's where ur wrong, pendejo
>(((republicans))) have nothing to gain
where did all of you bluepilled 2 party cucks come from suddenly?
Why the hell do they think it's impossible to immigrate legally? Why do they insist on all these exceptions and bullshittery instead of just encouraging legal immigration?
Posting comments from Breitbart. They're not happy. Even the latinos for trump dude isn't happy. This is a dumb move.
Welcome to America wetback - enjoy it while it lasts.
A favorable deal towards illegals wouldn't make anyone who likes him happy. So he's either got something up his sleeve or a fucking idiot. Stay tuned i guess.
mejican manifest dynasty in 5 years :DDDDDDDDDDD
Sure they do. Their heads if they dont kill or reign in those uppity white goys. Well after they prove it by pulling this cuckoldry anyway.
posting in a raid thread
I'm on to your kike tactics, lefty-salt.
i guess you missed my point, civnat cuck
underrated post. the prime of america is long gone, all thats left is a shell that serves zion. you were fools to believe a puppet could maga. the only people who will do that are those who are ready and willing to lay down their lives for the ideals our forefathers had to create a new nation. thats the only choice left.
Why is it so hard for you guys to say fuck it, no more, borders closed GTFO the way Hungry and Poland are?
The Cucks are Communist who pose as red blooded Americans. So it doesn't matter to the "Republicans" that the Democrats get 40 million new voters,and the white voters get squat.
It's not hard to deport them as well.
verall, there were 1,078,168 apprehensions made in the first year of Operation Wetback, with 170,000 being rounded up from May to July 1954. In addition, many illegal immigrants fled to Mexico fearing arrest; over half a million from Texas alone
Keep throwing random arguments you have heard, i'm sure one will stick. Too bad you have to speak for the mexishits that can't even bother to learn the national language.
Don't worry, all the virtue signaling won't save your pet monkeys.
6cuck CHESS
Can't fix stupid.
politicians are kikes; white americans are made cucks by their policies
too bad ICE won't be deporting many after trump gives amnesty to them all again
i'm saying trump is a kike thats fucked america over again, and that you're a civnat cuck for championing him because >Make (multi-ethnic) America Great Again
sage for posting so much
No one will cooperate if he says fuck it and rescinds DACA and wastes his bargaining chip. The wall is the real prize.
You've already blown your cover raidshill.
We would have to deport 13k wetbacks every day for 4 years to get rid of them all.
I bet you've never made a meme in your life.
The executive branch doesn't need funding or authorization from Congress for a wall. The "negotiation" is nothing but a play put on to justify the amnesty as "great dealings".
But user he had parents of kids killed by DACA trash speak at his rallies and endorse him over and over again. Are you telling me he lied to those people? I have a hard time believing that. That would make him pure evil.
I have already won. I am also in the process of reporting more. Feel free to cry "muh 18d chess!" as I fuck their shit up even more. I am reporting and seeing results. What have you done? :^)
Daily Reminder
There has not been an 8/pol/ mod on in 8 hours.
Good work user. Report them all.
DACA is chain Amnesty.
"You can't separate families"
Conservatives were promised a wall for Reagan Amnesty. Where's that wall?
If the DOD refuses to pay for the wall with their imense budget then trump should threaten to gut the DOD budget in half.
bosting my latest shit oc
ur move jew
You actually do sound like a cuckold brah.
The wall is symbolic, little else - if you give amnesty, the wall is meaningless.
Sounds about right, only a kike would allow your kind.
Trump is going to prove to the whole world that the democrats are the real racist, and all those spic will become based spic-Amerikwans and vote Republican. The Democratic will never win another election, allowing the BASED Republican party to finally fix Murca's problems. This is 4d chess in action, folks. This is what winning feels like. ART OF THE MOTHERFUCKING DEAL!
Christ, just fucking kill me already.
Nice dubs. Horrifying graphs.
The wall will be important for when the inevitable demographic war erupts, following the collapse of the US dollar. Mexicans will attempt to take the 5 south-western states when the federal government has lost total control over the country.
Shills from T_D.
They're easy to recognize:
1. they always call others shills preemptively to deflect from the fact they're actual shills
2. they post civic nationalist bullshit
Underrated post
A lot of those illegals would (eventually) be happy back in Mexico.
the feds could offer $100 a shitskin head to be turned in at any police station, nigger, and america would be 100% white in a month. stop dreaming small
These are children confirmed. They pulled this shit back with Reagan. Gave amnesty to the illegals for the promise of fixing the porous border. It never happened and here we are over 30 years later looking to give another few million amnesty while the wall no doubt does not go up, or if it does, later presidents will weaken to the point it isn't even manned. Although Trump is truly 'muh Constitution' at this point because it is Congress and the Senate who decide immigration laws, not the President, as much as King Nigger behaved for 8 years.
lel at the people who claim civic nationalist is a stepping stone towards ethnic nationalism. Cucks never learn. A single beaner living in America is one too many.
not an artform, sage.
Your mother isn't an artform.
And in another 30 years another BASED republican will be granting millions more BASED spics amnesty.
Yeah I'm just not seeing him backstab these families who were on stage with him repeatedly telling their stories. It would be complete suicide.
Suicide of what? He's already president, he already let Carl Icahn tailor drilling regulations to personally pull his failing gas interests into the black, he has re-engaged the US war machine in Syria and North Korea, boosted the defense budget from the previous administration, and is setting the stage to legalize almost a million spic breeders. He's already done and doing what he was supposed to do.
What would happen? He doesn't get re-elected? What the fuck does he care? Bush 41 didn't get re-elected, he didn't seem to care too much when he was lucid.
I know, it's shocking isn't it. Politicians are well know for their honesty and moral uprightness. A sleazy politician who tells people what they want to hear is unthinkable .
Nah, he's making people be vocal about their disdain for DACA so Senatecuck know how bad things are going to get if they try for amnesty.
What does this even mean? They'll get voted out? Why would they care? They'll go right into six or seven figure private sector work and the spics will have amnesty. Allowing people to safely vent their frustrations through a totally controlled election system as one set of puppets is changed out for another is a feature, not a bug.
This is why the Nazis burned books.
Amnesty of nearly a million 85 IQ mestizos is a massive failure. It will not only add more people to the dem voter rolls, it will also add to the welfare rolls and give further incentive for spics to throw their children over the boarder cause there are fags that would call amnesty 'a win in my book' for an easily breakable promise.
I dont even know how you can square it off being a civic nationalist, 85% of non-whites vote and push against everything America stands for, its an oxymoron.
Youre right, any kind of amnesty will push support away from Trump, he'll find that he tries to do one of his monthly rallies and the venue is half empty.
Yep we're fucked. You should probably kill yourself.
It's not important what he says, it's important what he does.
And what he did is ending DACA, if he was such a big fan of it he could have just left it alone.
You're only as fucked as you are committed to working in the current system. If you're loyal to America and its institutions despite all evidence that you shouldn't be, than yes you're fucked. Maybe it's you who should kill yourself.
Guess you better lead by example and start the revolution.
Or maybe we should just wait for good little soldiers like yourselves to finally get wiped off the face of the earth when you go for one more big war you can't win.
If Trump wanted to enrage his base and point them toward the establishment and depose them in 2018, he has them set where he wants them.
He's giving the kosher ones a noose to hang themselves. It's up to them if they use it or swallow their pride and let it fall apart. However, should they pass it how difficult would it be to pass into law, let alone enforce it when ICE is on a rampage now.
Demoralization shill. Reported.
just like all the other times this year that's been said, yet it's been proven wrong time and time again. Just wait, nigga. See what he does.
Mod is dead.
better hope so faggot because i reported your other post
>wtf i love niggers now unironicallly and you should too
go back to cuckchan
That isn't a real word.
Everybody meaning US citizens.
That's what you're telling people to do. Just go along with the system, goy. If you vote and post enough dank memes everything will just work itself out.
The system works you; you don't work the system. The system is part the problem. It has to go.
Sure, let's tear down everything to build again! Why bother fixing the problem when you can throw out the baby with the bath water.
Civil war going to go hot. Amnesty is 100% unacceptable. All illegals go back or we start slinging lead.
because the whole system of democracy and its offshoots is irreparably broken. except for democracy governing a small population like greek city-states it is a terrible system, implemented for the easy control it gives non-public people
I dont trust Trump very much, but there have been several times where I just gave up all hope for nothing with this presidency
Im waiting 6 months, if amnesty happens trump is a kike if it doesnt hes done right for now
Thats my general strategy for this administration from this moment onward, pay no attention to words, just actions
The baby is the problem.
The size of the greek states isnt what made them function, it was just that the best members of society could vote
I would be pretty content with America's ability to sort ourselves out if only straight, white, land owning males could vote
Democracy is inherently liberal
limited franchise was certainly a huge factor in their functioning but democracy is useless when you have people who live thousands of miles apart being given the same power of decision on issues which, like most, affect different areas differently and to different scales.
the reason indirect democracy was conceived was to fix this issue: to scale democracy up into a system that could well govern large nations. you can witness how poorly these systems function
the only reasonable form of democracy is that in which the franchised have direct control of any issue of policy, and this cannot reasonably be produced in any large nation
Sounds like you let your citizens get pozzed and instead of fixing the population, you would rather keep a nation unstable and give a vector for the kikes to further disenfranchise the population?
i bet you're the subhuman ilk that was bitching endlessly about literature being allowed on Holla Forums
pls no bully
Its not a matter of "pozzed" the vast majority of people are not intelligent enough to understand politics so that leads them to make irrational choices based on emotion or superstition.
Sure it is, if kikes are allowed to live. Until then, we have to work with what we have. Kikes hate unity, even CivNat makes them kevetch. I'm just looking towards a solution where the only major casualties are yiddish. Are you going to tell me that 1980s Spain could exist in current year?
are you a capitalist too? democracy is always inherently unstable and inherently gives the kikes a way in, NatSoc is the only system of government that has ever worked.
Step up, user.
What is that, Darth Vader?
my argument was that there are stable forms of government that are not democracies; rather, that democracy is one of the most unstable form of governance
you're right about the kikes though; theyre the main reason monarchical europe was destroyed
The system allowed the jews to gain power. It allows them to subvert our society, and protects them as they do it.
Absolutely. This is a National Socialist board. Maybe r/The_Donald is more your speed, cuck.
It's from episode VII, the hour long cuckporn commercial.
kylo ren kills his father, han solo
It does bro, North Korea
The jews in he (((msm))) say the same slander against NK as they did about Spain, saying how horrible it is, mocking Franco, saying he brainwashes his whole country, tortures dissenters, etc
Juche is literally chinese knockoff fascism
If having a good education system is all it takes western Europe would be in much better shape right now. Intelligence is mostly genetic anyway.
I'll agree that unchecked democracy is a pipe dream. However, a just monarchy will still listen to their people to the point they have a voice. Though at that point it's less a monarch but not a full blown democracy.
That's some anarchist thinking there, user. You should have just said might makes right and be done with it.
Trump's actual words in that article are incredibly vague and say nothing about granting amnesty to these people. There is no chance he's dumb enough to do that. Signing an amnesty bill makes him a one-term president (if he's lucky).
What if im fascist, but not natsoc? I agree with hitler with just about everything and wouldve supported him if i was a german in 1930, but i prefer Franco
All it takes is a couple of quality memes to deprogram the average normalfag into using their brain again. From there, they are the education sector's problem.
What should I be saying? BASED trump putting more BASED black men in the government and giving those BASED spic nits amnesty - that more your speed?
I'd rather keep telling the truth, Germany would have won WWII if the kikes hadn't pushed Japan to attack the US and gotten us involved. Most US industrialists supported Hitler and disliked the direction in which capitalism was heading, and now you're seeing the results. Capitalism and democracy are inherently anti-white.
Might does make right, you limpdick trumpKIKE - traditionalism is not anarchy and neither is the desire to bring down the current pozzed system and impliment NatSoc. Fuck you.
Right, but Franco won by allying with the cucks and Spain today is a marxist-SJW shithole.
So, what was the point of winning the civil war if the marxists win in the end? Compromise fucked Spain in the end.
fascism is shit because it's statism for the sake of the state rather than statism for the sake of the race like NS
yeah in my early teen years most liberal i've ever been lel i supported conversion to a direct limited democracy where informed, intelligent citizens white male landowners with 3+ generations of american forebears could vote online about policy. the biggest issues with it are ensuring that only informed citizens could vote, and ensuring that there is no vote fraud, and that there are so many policies in modern large nations that it would be almost impossible for it to work anyway.
at least the vote fraud issue could easily be solved with tying the online vote to blockchain tech. no solutions to the other two though; i havent supported such for years
What the fuck are you talking about? We, as National Socialist, want revolution; we do not want to reform the system and turn back the clock to some mythical version of America circa 1950.
Browse a few months before you post or go back to reddit or whatever cuck shithole you crawled out of.
can't tell if you're a troll or that badly in denial
Fuck your population, if you can't have what you want now then burn it all down, right?
If we could go back and fix the past, we would have. However, kikes will ensure that you will never get a chance. You are being attacked from all sides so it makes sense that you would want to deal with the immediate issues instead of dealing with the core problem. You don't think kikes thrive in a civil war/world war?
This tbh
The largest ethnic group of americans at the time, around 20-30%, we of almost pure german heritage
They almost certainly wouldve been pro german if their opinion was asked
Spain is an SJW shithole today but Franco kept the nation proud and uncucked for decades. What happened is that he groomed the prince to be his successor. The problem is that when Franco died the prince (then King) went straight to the Jews and sold out his nation to democracy.
Border security shouldn't be an issue than needs compromises. He should be asking for gibsmedat cuts in return for amnesty, not improved security.
Abso-goddamned-lutely. The modern world is rotten to the core. Burn the fucker down and build something new and better.
Oh, it's so scary. I'm a big ole cuck. Boo-hoo.
Who cares if the lemmings suffer? They deserve it.
This is the single faggiest thing ever posted on this board. The US is trash, and if you want to maintain it, you are my enemy. My population? Nigger, my population is dying out because of scum like you.
I wouldn't piss on you to put you out if you were on fire.
don't worry, it's just 8D chess, he knows that they'll not extend DACA
Then I guess I have more empathy towards the average normalfag white that will suffer for kneejerk reactions. Do you honestly think another beer hall could happen in current year when CIA niggers are rampant? The best way is to convince average normalfags to reject usury and kike ways. I'm looking out for the blue collar worker that is trying to raise a family in this fucked world.
But you can't, and haven't, and won't, because they don't give a shit, you faggot.
No, really, why?
Do you not realize that the blue collar worker could set this all right if he stood as one, tomorrow? He doesn't, because he's dumb, and lazy, and apathetic, and nihilistic, and most importantly comfortable.
So long as he remains such, particularly that last one, he will never give a shit about what you have to say.
Christ nigger, you think asking for a beer hall putsch in the land of CIAniggers is bad? How the fuck do you expect to get normalfags, drowning in Jewish media and subverted from Day 1, to change?
The generation coming up has been taught about trannies since kindergarten, and their only Gods are media figures and celebrities, who they pine over rather than paying attention to their communities.
You're arguing the powers that be are too powerful to defeat directly, but you think you'll manage to win over the plebs, while they're being fed mountains and mountains of bread and kept amused with circuses that never end?
You're an imbecile, and a cuckold.
You are, my friend, the conservative. And the conservative is lower than the Jew, for he is a willing servant to the aims of the Jew.
That's not true. The President has the explicit power to bar any class of aliens. He could literally ban all non-Whites and instead the only banning we get is on non-DACA/DAPA illegals, and an Obama-era list of 5-7 terrorism-prone countries.
Hey Holla Forums the following sentence only makes sense to white people
"Why would I ever give anything to someone who makes me feel as bad as 'fearful'?"
That is why wannabe feudalists want so badly to get rid of whites.
That is why other races are inferior in a nutshell.
Whites hate what they fear and remove it. Lesser races submit to what they fear.
Stop being tyrannized into submission by other people whether they share your skin or not, mudbros.
Good thing this is a Republic.
You're either a fag or a woman, which is it?
Your average normalfag white allowed the world to become what it is.
YOU WILL NEVER CONVINCE THEM. They're about as dumb as your average nigger and as docile as your average sheep. They do not care.
Fuck them as well. See above.
We want to build something new and better, and in order to do that everything rotten needs to go.
Why? They are the ones who sold this country out. These are the people who won't think it's happening until some nigger ZOGbot is shooting their dog and putting them on a FEMA-camp bus.
It almost did under GLR, that's why the kikes killed him. 1950s was just as pozzed as today only with better demographics and more excess. You think it was easier then or now?
Rockwell was successful on the heels of WWII when anti-NatSoc sentiments were at their alltime high.
So am I, you want to coddle these people. I want to rip them out of the cave and show them the light, of courshe it's going to be blinding at first.
It's only the logical outcome of the deceptive little game you cuckservatives play. You want everything to remain the same and slowly become more pro-white but have no avenue for doing this - no vector through which an undiluted message is delivered.
You think the kikes are going to resign, maybe fuck off back to Israel when they realize they are unwanted don't you? .
I just told 6a15a3 to do so here:
this is the response:
The guy is a shill. How about you? When are you going to start the fight?
an adamant anti-racist such as yourself should love Trump, he's giving all those undocumented babies a LEGAL path to citizenship just like he said he would
if they get Amnesty Trump will have fucked over any republican who's moderate and yet not kiked like Pat Buchanan. The voters will be fucking mad,so we will get more nationalist.
to become a politician in america i'm pretty sure you have to participate in some pingpong activities so (((they))) can control you
go away
So was Rome you hedonistic kike
Listen to WLP, and read Rockwell.
CIA SassyCat guy is that you? Don't you have clopping to partake in?
This is the new 'chess' - what will you say when all those spics have amnesty and Trump could and should have veto'd it?
Too many small men obsessed on which direction his virtue signalling goes.
If he does a negative action sure. Can save mock outrage till it finally happens for once.
So far it just looks like DACA lapsed without a riot or revolt.
Thing is passed to congress which is inept. Even on this bill specifically it's been voted down every single previous time.
What you're suggesting is simply ridiculous, and I wager you know as much.
One man cannot and will not 'start the fight' - it will take organization, it will take numbers, it will take planning. When you say to someone who is noting - accurately - that there is no political solution to this, "Why don't YOU go out and do something then, hmmmm?", you're no better than the TRSodomites who come in saying "Well yeah our leader married a Jew, but what have YOU done for the movement, hmmmm?", and its retarded.
One man doesn't bring down an overarching system of destruction and degeneration. Many men do.
One man calling you to action should not illicit the response of "You go do it first and I'll follow after", but that it does is almost-certainly why nothing will change - if you're so fucking apathetic, despite being on this board of all places, that your response is constantly attempting to recover a system that was broken for more than a century, while demanding those who would call you to action to take action on their own first that you might follow, well… Its no surprise things are the way they are.
user, the average American has a memory that lasts about 2 months. By the time the shit you're talking about would matter, they won't even remember it.
Let's assume actions matter more than words.
Trump has taken action such as to present the legislature with the motivation to make DACA law.
What does that say about him, in your mind?
not when they all agree on something like 'speed up white genocide' or 'give the kikes more money'
dumb fuck.
Case in point.
Also, it should be noted: the actions of the legislature has nothing to do with their views.
Does anyone actually think that what John McCain or Lindsay Graham or Tim Kaine THINK has ANYTHING to do with their actions? I find it dubious that such people still exist.
The legislature are a bunch of corrupt pawns.
They don't think or care or agree or believe - they do what they're told. It really is just that simple.
If anyone hasn't figured that out, I suppose it would be less surprising that people still think there is a political solution to this mess.
What about NAFTA? You think most voters even know what NAFTA stands for?
Muh 6 gorillion D chess though user. Dont forget the 6 gorillion D chess.
Yeah, I suppose.
Thats the womens version of NAMBLA right?
Might as well be.
double hitler dubs confirm
This as well, these things have all been 'on the books' for some time.
Nice raid freechnigger. The God Emperor will deport EVERY SPIC and build a big beautiful wall. Are we tired of winning yet goys?
Best part is? This is actually a kind presentation of the US citizenry.
I used to think "man on the street" segments purposefully found the dumbest people possible. I ended up doing an anecdotal test of it in college asking "do you know what 5 things the 1st amendment protects." A very disappointing outcome.
What do you think about 800,000+ more based spics?
What do you expect, given the circumstances?
More than that nigger, just today.
There were dozens of threads made during the weak-sauce raid earlier.
Fact is though, there should be alotta threads about this, because its a major happening.
Personally, I've been storing up all these MAGApede posts, and made a nice little collage.
I was going to do it back when Trump touched the Jew wall, but I was too lazy - this time, I'm on top of it, and its going to be almost as amusing as those collages of all the 'Mitt will win!' posts from cuckchan back in '12.
Trump is God
At this point, it doesn't look good, but i am withholding true judgement until i see the flop.
Let's examine past predictors of future events. This exact same shit happened in the 80s with Based RayGun, is anything indicating that this will be any different?
Also, what are you doing on top of the weeping wall?
In his heart, Trump knows that spics must go.
His political career depends on it, but some bullshitting about compassion is to be expected. He knows congress will fuck it up as usual.
Nah. He's just a businessman with a hot wife, an autistic son and like two handfuls of Jewish grandchildren. Also presently POTUS, though thus far something of a disappointment if I'm honest - its not that there was any better choice, mind you, if one wants to stick to action within the context of the system, within the context of seeking a political solution, but still disappointing.
Never thought he was Hitler, but I at least thought he wasn't Reagan.
Nigger, so is everyone. Its not like saying "I'm waiting to see what happens" is some novel fucking stance - that's what everyone is doing, by definition.
Withholding judgement on something so exceedingly blatant is just baseless optimism - and it doesn't actually help Trump: helping Trump is being vocal about how much you disapprove of these actions, such that his cronies can see the discontent and adjust policy.
If I were on top of the weeping wall, I'd be taking a shit.
I'm not, so, guess I'm not.
I haven't really read the Trump threads since he touched the wall and I'm not burger. Can someone briefly explain what this DACA stuff is about and why everyone is sperging out about it?
what about 1776? you dont like fascism with an agrarian twist?
Trump's political career means nothing to him though.
You'd be making a much stronger case if you claimed that his ego depends on it - but even that's arguable, given Reagan still gets his necrotic cock sucked with great regularity.
If the deal actually pans out the way it looks, you are absolutely right. Trump will have made the same mistake with the dacabeans reagan made in the 80s. Until we see the deal though we dont know what it is, if there are poison pill provisions to kill it on the floor, etc.
Trump and his people are talking about the Raise Act repeatedly since Tuesday. Trump is looking set to make immigration reform be focused on instating the Raise Act and get funding for the wall, which is constantly ignored by anti-Trump shills. I mean you have to be actively be ignoring the comments from Trump and his people to not have gotten this.
Trump's political career means nothing to him though.
You'd be making a much stronger case if you claimed that his ego depends on it - but even that's arguable, given Reagan still gets his necrotic cock sucked with great regularity.
DACA was some shit Obongo put in via executive order that let illegals stay if they were such-and-such an age and shit.
Basically, it was just another amnesty program.
Trump should have removed it, campaigned on removing it, because its technically unconstitutional.
And he did… So that he could push it over to Congress, urging them to make it a law.
Now, cucks are screenching that its 99th Dimensional Chess - like they always do - while others are suggesting - accurately - that this is much like the Reagan amnesty of the mid 1980's, wherein Reagan gave several million illegal spics US citizenship.
Insufficient. We need to go further than the Founders did - they didn't even include anything about race in the Constitution.
Trump said he was going to remove taco. Now he says taco is greatest ally. Antifa is sperging out because they hate based taco now that Trump supports them.
But user, the RAISE Act is dogshit, and the wall is more symbolic than it is actually mechanically meaningful - a symbol that will be entirely ironic if he gets the funding for it by handing citizenship to millions of illegal beaner kids.
What do you think about being BTFO for the 2387th time? Though i already know the answer: You will conveniently disappear once it's obvious Trump played you little shits like every single time before, and once it goes to the next topic a while later, repeat the same process and arguments like you have posted since his nomination. You've been buttblasted for two years straight now, defeat after defeat, your burning asshole must be wider than Irma at this point.
Pretty sure this is positioning to appeal to the cuck RINOs in Congress to keep their vote and keep a majority, especially in the Senate. Congress won't actually do anything though.
worse than that thanks to chain migration he'll be giving the 'dreamers' and their entire extended family amnesty
if anything this shows just how bad this board has become
And before you start with the "but immigration is so important!", my response to you is this data showing that the majority of the US spic population is coming from the US-born population increase, not external influx.
The wall is a symbol - and if you just let the beaners stay here that're already here, that symbol loses any virtue, and much of its value.
I don't give a shit about the wall for its own sake - I care about it only as a symbol of US willingness to uphold our laws and our historic demographics.
DACA being made law, especially for the sake of wall funding, spits in the face of that… And besides - wasn't MEXICO supposed to pay for the wall?
How's it feel to be a low-IQ shitposter who posts smug animus he got off jewgle images?
You're right, should have voted for hillary.
Reagan was a Californian cuck.
Trump genuinely wants spics to go back and do the raping elsewhere.
He's trolling congress with his comments, because the republicans will not turn DACA into law. And even if they do, Trump can veto it.
Slow-ass faggot.
Really, though. This isn't his first time playing 6D chess. He may present something along the lines of needing to show effort towards becoming a citizen while being a temporary DACA recipient. Just like how in some states will require you to show you have been working to find a job if you are on unemployment. Far and few between as they are…
Trump is a Jew York cuck.
But only the criminals user. And no, being here illegally doesn't make you a criminal.
Why wouldn't they? It fits absolutely every interest they hold dear, and now they're in a tough bind - either they pass it alongside the democucks, or they look like fools because of how much shit they've been talking about it… Not that they mind looking like fools, of course, so long as the shekels keep flowing.
The Sheks Must Flow.
Can =/= Will
You are, in fact, the cuckold, user.
Maybe I am. We will see.
Never underestimate congress' ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
why does it have to be a raid?
this is a legit source
he is legit cucking on the most important issue he ran on
stop being delusional
Trumpkikes need to ask themselves if they voted for the man or the ideas he put forward during the election. Did you vote for a border wall and deportations or did you vote for le funny buisinessman who triggers liberals like all the reddit cucks?
how much of germany did the nsdap burn down?
these people are still your volk. they dont need to suffer more than is necessary (actually now that i think about it a lot of suffering is necessary)
is this what a national socialist thinks of the worker? if you dont care about these people then what could possibly be your end goal other than some type of jewish thing where you rule over the goyim?
yeah, because they were from a time where it would be considered outrageous to even fathom the thought of equality that we see today. should we add more laws in your idea of a better constitution that deal with total common sense subjects?
you cant form an ideology on "anti". having such a strong basis of anti nonwhite leaves you lacking in real substance. just get rid of the nonwhites and then be done with it - but you have to have something left once you're done with that task. you wouldnt be "going further than the founders did" by scraping the constitution and copying the nsdap except with added racial jingoism
Oh user…. Its like you really don't get it at all.
You think DACA passing is a defeat for them?
Its like you think what they believe or feel or think has anything to do with their actions as legislators… Which couldn't be further from the truth.
They'll do what they're told to do, what they're paid to do, and that's that.
Do you think the globalist financiers and businessmen behind all this shit, overwhelmingly Jewish as they are, give a shit if they have to burn a few pawns to get what they want?
They want DACA. Why? Because DACA will see an injection of several million spics, who will all vote hard left. And that's just in the short term - more and more of those spics will reach voting age over time, and their children will be spawned and raised to vote as their parents did.
Its fucking Reagan amnesty all over again - none of this has to do with emotion or belief or ideology or any of that shit, it has to do with the end result, which is more beaners to vote left, more justification for cuckservative to cuck hard as they can, more precedent for this kind of amnesty program bullshit.
This is all a farce, and you seem to be buying into it.
There can't be another amnesty, it only encourages more to come and it's far too late to be allowing this kind of shit. I really don't hear any Repub politicians even recognizing that DACA is quite literally unpopular with a large majority of Americans. This isn't looking good
all this faggot does is waffle, he's the definition of a fencesitter
nice ad hominem
Trump clearly doesn't want a second term and he's fucking us over in order to do damage control for his own image.
he's really no that smart if he still thinks cucking is a viable strategy. he will always be hated but he cares more about the people that hate him than about those who supported him and got him where he is
fucking piece of shit
False equivalency.
And they need to suffer in order to grow. Comfort is poison, and they have been far too comfortable for far too long - that's why we're in this mess.
You even admitted as much, it seems.
Man cannot grow without suffering - and White America? They aren't suffering, they're being kept very comfortable and thoroughly distracted.
Yes. Because its true - its not about what I think or feel or what have you: its about whats true.
And yes, the Average Joe America blue-collar worker?
He's lazy, and dumb, and apathetic and nihilistic and, most importantly, comfortable.
I do care user, that's your failing - you don't understand what tough love is.
Raised by a single mother, perhaps?
In any case, its simple: They need to suffer. Its requisite. Necessary, as you said above.
Because comfortable men do not fight and die for ideals. Why would they? Why do you think our following is so small?
I would ask: How could it not be?
For a people who've been gradually shifted into a mindset of apathy and nihilism, who've been dumbed-down and urged towards selfishness and sloth, surrounded by all manner of worthless distractions and falsehoods that feel nice… How could it not be the way it is?
Further: How do you think we're going to turn it around without suffering, without struggle?
As Uncle A said:
Hard times created strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.
The hard times are coming - and that can only be a good thing, in the long run.
I guess what it comes down to, user, is that I do care - more than you. I don't care if they struggle, I don't care if they suffer - so long as it brings them out of whatever comatose state they espouse as to be able to defend themselves during the hard times ahead.
You? You seem to want to coddle them, like a mother who thinks a scraped knee or a broken wrist is the end of the world.
Me? I'm like the father who sees the scrape, sees the break, and smiles, because I know something you apparently don't - wounds heal, glory is eternal, conflict is natural law, and chicks dig scars.
There's a difference between old school Freemasons and the Masons on today.
For you
What are you talking about?
I've been to a city - its rife with filth and garbage, human and otherwise.
They don't keep us from anything, and anything they do is motivated by the almighty shekel. There's no virtue in that.
I would seek to give them something genuinely virtuous to pursue, rather than justifying this slavish existence for the sake of being welcoming to those who I've no real reason to welcome, until they get their heads right.
Trump and his people are talking about the Raise Act repeatedly since Tuesday. Trump is looking set to make immigration reform be focused on instating the Raise Act and get funding for the wall, which is constantly ignored by anti-Trump shills. I mean you have to be actively be ignoring the comments from Trump and his people to not have gotten this.
The constitution is bad because the people who wrote it were bad and did not have the best interests of the white race in mind.
Nigger when 50+ cuckporn and anti-nazi threads pop up on a NatSoc board, I'm pretty sure it's a fucking raid.
when the normies get wind of this and turn on trump will you lable them 'shills' too?
We've been over this.
You a bot or just stupid?
It was a brave experiment to create a government not run by kings supposedly imparted with wisdom from the heavens. But it didn't scale well. As the population grew and financiers got richer, the system stayed the same and is now thoroughly corrupted. It has to come down.
Not nearly enough.
They're lemmings. My volk are whites of sound spirit, not the morbidly obese half judaized/half negrified orcs that make up a majority of American whites in name only.
Weishaupt, Washington, Robespierre: they're all cut from the same cloth. All of them aided in the destruction of traditional Europe. The Founding Fathers should have been dragged from their Masonic lodges and hanged in the streets.
But I have several useful trades and smoking weed is degenerate, it promotes sloth through overt comfort.
And you didn't address my points at all.
You suggested lemmings keep us from rolling around in filth and garbage - but they don't, and in fact, many of them ARE filth and garbage. And whatever good they do, they do in order to be paid - again, there is no nobility in this.
So… Do you have an argument? Do you have anything?
Because all I'm seeing is histrionics and empty rhetoric, and so I'm forced to ask, why are you acting like a Jew?
alright you got me with the mein kampf quote. i cant remember exactly what this was about, but my stance against "burning it all down" is only because i would favor a more strategic burning, if that makes sense. i'm not trying to "coddle" any white people. your single mother or whatever accusations dont apply to my feelings towards the people themselves, but maybe you have a point about my feelings towards the structure of the nation. maybe we have different ideas of what "burning it all down" really means.
maybe i'm trying to make strong men without making the times so hard that we lose all of what our ancestors have passed down to us (things like technology, knowledge, etc. there isnt much left of tradition or culture other than whats been written down). i think the things like that must be protected and preserved; the people themselves will always be able to endure and come back stronger in a short amount of time
how many people can forge an axe in the same way that the pre-christian europeans people did? even the videos on youtube where they forge and smith with "traditional methods" and "from scratch" rely on so much modern equipment, infrastructure in the economy, etc. how many of these people could do it minecraft style? the way i see it, until the primitive technology guy can get there we are still heavily dependent on these things that are around us. that's sort of what i mean
kill yourself cadrenigger
Shlomo's favorite Goy right here.
The lemmings are the ones rolling around in filth and garbage, and they want everyone else to do the same.
Absolutely, we don't want them. Or goal is to turn lead into gold, not to spray paint a pile of shit gold
What the fuck are you talking about, kike?
The Lemmings he was referring to were Blue Collar Workers, folks like Line Men, Welders, Electrticians. not the Old Christcuck sows you just posted. You know those stupid faggots that work for a living.
Its makes sense - you're a conservative, and you're a coward.
Don't take that last bit too hard, as most men are cowards - they fear discomfort.
Regardless of what you're trying to do, that is what you are doing.
It means destroying the system which currently governs us, because it is sickly and foul.
This is just cucky bullshit m8, no offense.
What our ancestors have passed down to us is actively being destroyed, right now, and the system isn't only failing to stop it, its aiming to accelerate it wherever possible.
And besides - you never really lose that much in such context user. Technology, culture - these are both derivatives of blood.
My intent is to secure the blood, and if necessary, I will sacrifice that other shit, gladly.
Not so user, not so at all - quite the opposite, in fact.
Blood can be destroyed utterly - and once it is gone, all that nifty shit that derives from blood? Poof, gone.
But that other shit? That can all be reacquired, so long as the blood from whence it derives carries on.
You're all mixed up, putting the cart before the horse.
Right now? Probably not many - why would they? They don't need to. Again, the poison comfort.
But if everything went to shit? The proportion of the population who had learned how to do such things would, by requisite, skyrocket.
That which you seek to defend acts to ensure you will never reach the goal you have set.
And if we were without, what then?
Would you curl up in a ball, or go figure out what you had to do to survive?
Would fight, or die?
And moreover, regardless of what you think you'd do: What would you think of those, assuming you did what was necessary to survive, who did not? Would you still be so concerned about those who would not fight, would not struggle?
Would you suggest that struggle and conflict, that suffering, should be with-held because it might harm or hamper the weak?
Guess that answers my question, even if you didnt.
But many of those people DO work for a living user - that's how they survived long enough to become 'old christcuck sows' in the first place, in most cases.
And you still argue like a Jew.
And? A lemming is a lemming is a lemming.
Like most of us?
Just so we're clear, someone needs to post the Pierce lemming graphic.
Here. Also
America is 60% white, probably less because beaners and mongrels can say they're white on the census.
If anyone's a shill it's the one promoting 800,000 more illegal immigrants getting amnesty.
Actually, once the Boomers are accounted for, we're less than 50% nonspic White. Ive run the numbers.
dont forget the us counts most arabs as white
Indeed, and not just them.
But, thats nothing - 90% of the Boomers are White. IIRC they account for about 15-17 percentage points of the ol' 62% figure.
I'd fucking filter that faggot. He won't give you a straight answer and would rather throw out flowery prose about how a White man can survive the vacuum of space on the purity of his genes. It's nothing more than Varg posting.
On a side note, you might want to learn how an Alternator works. The Romans managed to get steam turbines prototypes built, granted they were toys, that's a significant step ahead of the game. I will be damned if I have to throw away everything I know to appease some fucking Astaru LARPer who demands that I sit in a grass hut for the sake of "purity of blood". I'm fine with getting dirty.
oh Gee, I wonder who the kike is behind the scenes, influencing?
I never suggested that, I suggested a White man can survive here on Earth without a great many of the bells and whistles we've become accustomed to.
Of course, you've yet to present an argument that wasn't histrionic Jewry, so I suppose I should just assume that you're a worthless kike and move on.
I love technology - but I love my people more.
Unlike you… Then again, they aren't your people, are they? No, I rather doubt they are, because when I see someone who acts like a Jew, quacks like a Jew, well, its probably a god damn Jew.
but are you aiming to sacrifice too much of the lead? maybe it's inevitable that a certain amount gets lost, and maybe many of them simply cannot turn into gold and must be used at most simply for heat, but wouldnt keeping more base metals equate to a larger amount of gold in the end?
you're just a big bag of assumptions, arent you?
of course. i thought that was implied but i guess that kind of thing needs to be declared now. i'm talking about things past that. what do you do after the blood is secured?
no, i'm saying that for a race that finds much benefit in carts it is useful to not entirely destroy the whole cart if it isnt necessary. obviously the horse is what's important, but does that mean we should forget about and neglect the cart? what about chariots?
So fuck the working class? Fine, so fucking be it. Go fucking live in you thatch roof huts. I will build what I need.
I haven't assumed anything, merely commented based upon the input provided.
Learn from past mistakes, and rebuild… Though, in all likelihood, we'll just make the same mistakes again in a few centuries, or at least, similar ones.
Conflict is, as always, natural law.
But it IS necessary, user, that's the point.
If you want to go with that metaphor, the cart is not even a cart - its a pile of dead plague rats sewn together with used African condoms and plutonium thread.
Its horrible, its killing the horse more and more each day.
If one were even to argue that there was some value in this conceptual cart to begin with, whatever value it might have had is long since gone. Yet you want the horse to keep dragging it along, because, hey, we might need those rats someday!
The cart is already gone m8.
If you want to build a real cart, let alone a chariot, first you need to get that fucking pile of shit away from your horse, before it dies, and then you are fucked - you aren't going to build a cart if there is no horse to pull it, and even if you did, somehow, there's still no horse to pull it.
Because you let the horse die instead of cutting the reins, letting the pile of worthless shit fall away, so that you can get the horse back in shape and ready to move forward once more.
No, user, the strong build carts - the weak allow them to become piles of dead plague rats, pulled by ever-more-poisoned and sickly horse. The weak are those who will not cut the reins, out of cowardice, out of fear.
No, you won't.
I dunno where you cooked up this shit about 'thatched roofs' and such, I wager its just another attempt to distract and shift topic because you have no argument.
Here are the facts: Struggle, suffering, conflict, is inevitable - and beneficial, is the process via which evolution transpires.
And the White American working class needs to struggle, needs to suffer, needs to embrace conflict, or they will simply die. No amount of rhetoric will change this, no amount of whining, no amount of politicking, none of it.
You will not turn a pile of plague rats and plutonium into a functional cart with working wheels to which you can attach a horse and get work done - your horse will simply become more and more sickly, and eventually, someone will come along, shoot your weak horse, and put a mule in its place. An Aztec mule, by the look of things in the US today, and that's that - you're done, you're a minority, you're hated by everyone around you, and you fade into the ashes of history, while humanity stagnates and dies on this rock.
OR!… You can stop trying to find a way to convert dead rat flash into wood and nails, cut the reins, come what may, and work to advance, work to achieve something worthwhile, work to build a new cart.
You? You're just a whiney contrarian faggot, who thinks the bells and whistles are what matter, not the blood which created them, from which they derive.
You can lose the bells and whistles, and the blood will endure, and build new and better ones… But if the blood dies? Game over faggot, you don't build shit, your line ends after 10+ millennia, with you, watching some Jew media on your niggertech, wondering what could have been…
Not all working class people are lemmings, obviously. I have now idea why you think I believe that. But being a working class lemming doesn't make you better than a white collar lemming. All lemmings are trash. There are also white collar people who aren't lemming, as well.
what about things like plumbing and electricity? is that just rats and condoms too? are we also better off being temporarily rid of those things as well until we can rebuild them?
I Argue what really fucked us was social institutions that catered to the fat fuck and made these lemmings. Your absolutely Fucking right in that regard. However does living on a subsistence exist really spark ambition? We live in a world that punishes White Ambition. There's a whole lot of shit I want to build, and I will find a way.
The blood is the only thing that matters, yes. But what are you arguing about really? The path we are on is the one where everything comes crashing down.
Plumbing is a fairly ancient concept. It's a matter of drive if you want to get the community together to lay down terracotta pipe for sewage and smelt and draw out copper pipe for potable water. Electricity is well understood concept and we could do it all again if you remember the basics.
The fuck are you going on about, other than stating the fucking obvious?
also this
is a big reason why i'm in favor of removing all nonwhites from the earth. so say hypothetically all nonwhites were removed and this type of thing did repeat itself. would your stance of "burning it all down" be to the same extent? would you be as worried about the horse?
and i guess as seen in i'm more concerned about preserving vital infrastructure (or at least gradually rebuilding it instead of completely destroying it and then starting over from scratch). i cant see myself caring all that much for the government structure as long as the people still remain.
yes, but is it really necessary to go that far? in what scenario would this destruction happen other than from some type of massive bombing campaign or something? how destructive would an all out race war in america even be? and once it ended should we then start tearing down every building before starting to rebuild anything?
i think he's trying to make the point that we should not just simply "burn it down", but entirely and literally burn everything to dust completely so that absolutely nothing at all remains of the past (sounds like communism/abolitionism/etc), because even things like plumbing are just "plagued rats and african condoms" and if you say otherwise then you're weak and afraid of struggle.
blood is the only thing that's important, and somehow it will be easier to do the 14 words if we first destroy everything. or do we destroy everything afterwards?
The Spics and Niggers will be the first to simply tear themselves apart. Most of your power plants and water treatment facilities are also well outside of town. Most of that sort of carnage is going to be in the superfluous cities. You don't see a lot of Niggers working trades these days and the Spics simply chew at the infrastructure. It's not theirs, they coast on White Ambition.
The idea of a "compromise" where border security funding is granted alongside amnesty is… interesting. It's a race between two horses. Horse A is incentivized lawbreaking (Democrats). Horse B is border infrastructure (Republicans). The question is whether we want these horses to race against each other.
That basically coincides with the absolute annihilation of humanity. And frankly, it doesn't sound like that guy has ever changed Timing Belts on a four banger on a FWD vehicle.
I think you've played too much Metal Gear, lad.
Compromise should only be allowed when dealing with well-trusted allies, not with enemies and traitors. This whole ordeal with giving congress time to retaliate is further proof that Trump is getting weaker and/or betrayed those who voted for him. Unless he's really that fucking naive in thinking the people need more examples of the government/establishment is working against us, he knows damn well that congress will find a way to screw him out of both deporting the DREAMers and the wall. He keeps this up, we may end up with another civil war after all if people get pissed enough.
What's really worrying is that since the Charlottesville hoax, he's been doing a lot to try and prove he's not a racist, possibly thinking that he can change the MSM and libcuck's minds, but nothing he does will ever change their minds due to how much they are indoctrinated and/or payed to be against him and our ideology. It really is looking more and more like a Regan presidency, with the only solace that the campaign gave a wake up call to whites of what's really going on (but are showing signs of becoming complacent under the Trump presidency).
the same thing with the shills everday, pinky.
The "average normalfag" is living in a system that screws them over every single day, and tells them it is their fault for being alive, and that they have a choice in their perpetual suffering. Refusing to reform a broken society because there will be a time in which people must suffer more in the process is like saying you don't want to disinfect a wound, because the antiseptic burns. I know exactly what kind of person you are, you believe you have a stake in the system, and anyone who threatens the system threatens the little you have. Congratulations, you are the very definition of the blue-pilled: "These people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so in-erred, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."
And you think we aren't? Unlike you we have come to the understanding that in order to save them, we cannot just "beat the bad guys", because the bad guys will always be there, even when we aren't. We must ultimately create a culture that breeds its own heroes to fight the battles of tomorrow after we're dead and gone. This was the shortcoming of the Founding Fathers. They created a good system, but they failed to ensure that it self-replicated its values into the next generation. We're not playing to win the fight today, nor tomorrow, we're playing to win the long game, and the long game cannot be won by putting bandaids on this failed society. We care about the blue collared worker, his family, his grand children, his great grand children, and every single one of his descendents whose faces we will never see. If he has to suffer so that the 100 generations after him do not, then so be it. If you weren't so selfish perhaps you could develop some degree of foresight past your nose.
The problem is everyone antiTrump attacks both Trump and Trump supporters personally, instead of emphasizing you're supposed pro-white stance and how his actions have harmed them. When you adopt the same language as shills is it any wonder that you get lumped in with them? Also, you are making the same exact mistake that magapedes make in focusing to much on Trump as a personality. You're to busy wanting to win the argument that "Trump is a kike" and failing to realize that such a point is hardly worth celebration. You may as well celebrate every act of white genocide because that is all it ultimately amounts to. And so what if tomorrow if the entire board turns on Trump, then what? Should we just spend the rest of the year writing more fanfics about everything is satanic jewish plots and pat ourselves on the back for being just so god damned redpilled?
your shit's fucked up and you sound retarded
You know what to do.
There are no laws.
There is no morality.
The world is yours user.
I'm guessing the way the jew got amnesty out of Reagan was by convincing him he needed the extra bodies to win a war against Russia. Trump is surely getting the same spiel now. Look at the billions of dog-eating chinks! Look at the millions of inbred bums in the Middle East! White Americans can't possibly help Israel grow unless they unite with retarded, inbred, chihuahua eating bums in Mexico. And ultra-subhuman super-retarded niggers.
I miss Obama. Now I'm going to have to watch people defend amnesty because Trump is doing it.
Even though he could simply create incentives for white births, easily
But Isn't the best first step to get rid of the subhumans and especially the Jews? That would at least give us a kind of safety net. What would our problems today be if we didn't have the whole white genocide and kikery business going on? We might become decadent trash but at least we won't have to worry about our genes being destroyed by other races. As long as the white race remains there is hope for a better future, but with subhumans around there is always the chance that they'll end up destroying us when we're at a low point.
To me it just seems like priority number one to get rid of the nonwhites. Everything else is more or less dependent on that.
Trump has deported a couple of thousand illegals. Meanwhile he's about to give amnesty to nearly a million illegals possibly more at this point.
America is less white than the day Trump took office. We've got literally nothing out of him.
It takes 18 years to grow a soldier though. With amnesty millions of shitskins will be allowed to join the military right away.
This is the only thing that matters. No more 4d chess bullshit.
That's why I refuse to get rid of my longitudinal car. Fuck removing motor mounts and working through a fender well every 40,000 miles. Oh, you just gotta bend the chassis a little to get the crank pulley out. Shit.
One thing I know for sure, is that any Republicans who vote for this will have a target on their backs in the midterms. Whatever congress passes in the meantime, if we can get enough of the cucks out in 2018, the new uncucked congress could just repeal the law passed by the old. In that case, a DACA style bill could be repealed immediately following the election, with conservatives being able to claim a mandate.
I think we should prepare the memes for congressmen whom we can safely assume will vote for a cucked bill. If we're successful in memeing the midterms, we will have gained control of Congress, and Trump would have no excuse to cuck under those circumstances. We could then decide how to meme him in the 2020 election, depending on if the results are to our liking.
I've always fully believed in Trump ever since the shit he pulled off with Syria ended up well. But this is different. Even normie Trump supporters are flipping shit. What it looks like is the barbarians are at the gate and the man we trusted to guard it is about to let them in. He better say something to his people, his real people. They are very upset.
And how do you get rid of them when ZOG prevents you?
Furthermore, there is another problem that needs to be addressed: Even if we eliminated the jews and non-whites in our country, there are still more, many of which are outside of our theoretical reach. We can't just ask Russia "pretty please hand us over your kikes", instead we will need to ensure that when we are old, our children and grandchildren understand jews as we understand them, so that when foreign propaganda is fed to them to try and weaken their culture, that they reject it. If we fail to instill this understanding into them, the process will repeat and our work will be undone.
Maybe at the core, the situation is no different. Trump did say that he doesn't tell his enemies what he's doing. So far he's said both "pass DACA legally" and "Mexicans, get ready to leave". He can't tell the people too much about what's really going to happen if he can't tell his enemies. It is admittedly stressful to watch.
This. Party politics is totally corrupted and will never lead anywhere. If you see someone on TV that person has been approved for your viewing. Burgerland is nearing whites in minority and how many illegal immigrants are there? 5% of the population or something?
Even if every illegal immigrant was thrown out yesterday it wouldn't help. It's time for you colonials to detach themselves from the idea of the United States as a federation and nation. It's dead. Prepare for retaking a couple of states, and if that fails for coming home to Europe.
Oh we're not nearing, we're absolutely a minority now. Once all the boomers die off, we're looking at -40% true whites in this country, in ten years 30%. We're becoming Brazil FAST.
Good point. We /Brazil/ by 2100 if this keeps up
Stop believing the media lie that Republicans and Democrats are opposing forces. Both are Communists, but are different brands of Communists. Democrats are all Bolsheviks, and the Neocons are all Trotskyists. That's why voting for establishment candidates is never a question of whether or not you want to be fucked, but rather do you want to be fucked slowly over the next decade, or immediately in the next twelve months. The direction we move never changes, only the speed at which we travel. Thus is the illusion of choice maintained while actually offering no choice at all.
Read Pat Buchanan's books. Uncle Pat is required material for all Holla Forumsacks. He had these traitors pegged dead to rights decades ago. There was a massive Communist infiltration into our educational system and state department sixty years ago, and the Jew-controlled Commie-sympathetic media crucified McCarthy for calling a stick a stick and trying to stop it. McCarthy did nothing wrong: remember that. Joseph McCarthy did nothing wrong.
Every single Neocon is a traitor, both racially to their people (those that aren't outright Jews) and civically to the Republic they swore an oath to stand for. The Democrats are equally bad in terms of actions, but the Neocons are worse because they lie about what they are and what they stand for. The Democrats are at least (usually) open and honest about their sympathies and revolutionary inclinations. But the RINOS lie. They lie through their teeth, all day every day. They hate white people, they hate Christianity, and they hate European blood. They want our people erased from this continent and replaced with a stupid brown class of undergoy worker. They think the only way to the future is to recreate Babel, and unite the world under a singular order, and racial and cultural differences are an obstacle to their goal. Both sides genuinely believe they are saving humanity by browning it out into a morass of rootless mystery meat. Peace on Earth, after "the people" becomes the only name or identity we have or know.
Don't believe anyone in the mainstream establishment isn't for this. Nobody has set foot in the White House in fifty years who isn't for the ethnic and cultural displacement of WASPs and European Catholics. People praised Bannon for being "based" and celebrated his ascension to the Oval Office as an adviser, but he showed his true colors after Charlottesville; colors most oldfags already knew about, considering where Breitbart got it's startup money from. Never forget, the real rebels and people on our side don't get invitations to the nice parties or offers of positions of influence. Names like Hobbes are anathema in the halls of political academia, Rockwell was struck from all records and unpersoned after his death, and Buchanan will die poor and alone in an apartment somewhere, never receiving the recognition he deserves or should have as a writer, patriot, and statesman.
Those who hunt the Leviathan are not welcome in establishments owned by Freemasons and staffed by worshipers of Moloch. I won't advocate for violence against anyone or anything in particular, but I will say this much: this affair will not have a peaceful end. Historically, they never do. Be ready for it. It is your duty to do so.
How the fuck can you get anything done as the President when everyone is fucking against you
lad we brazil by 2040. LA already is brazil-tier and all the white people live in the hills.
Then again, it’s not a coup when you use the military to restore the power of a constitution that isn’t being followed. I don’t think there’s a word for that in the English language, because it hasn’t ever happened in a republic before. And no, Trump won’t be the one to do it, but perhaps his successor will. Maybe I will. You never can tell these days how things will work out. Then again, they probably won’t let me become president because I don’t have a family and I don’t fear my own death.
The Founding Fathers were Fascists and proto-National Socialists. The economic miracle Hitler enacted to reverse the degradation of the Wiemar Republic was originally theorized by Benjamin Franklin in his letters and pamphlets on economics, and further refined but not totally implemented by Lincoln and his Greenbacks.
What our system has mutated and twisted itself into is the very sort of corruption the Founding Fathers originally wanted to break away from: our problems today are the very same ones England suffered centuries ago. Imperialist war policies, civics that actively punished law abiding citizens, and a nigh-omnipotent Jewish central bank casting a long shadow across most of the known world. History does not repeat itself, but it does often rhyme. There is nothing new under the sun. America today is the British Empire of yestercentury.
Our Founders would tell you the same thing ba6028 said: either you break away from the Leviathan and create your own sovereign nation independent of it with isolationism and autarkial policies, or you burn it to the ground and start over. We don't have the luxury of starting a white ethnostate somewhere else; there's nowhere else to go. So we have to destroy the establishment, throw out the lawbooks, and start over from the beginning. Will we make mistakes? Yes, always. But by the grace of God, we will not be making the same mistakes as our fathers and forefathers did. And that's what progress is really all about. Learning from the past and internalizing those lessons.
>The system allowed the jews to gain power.
A system is only as strong as the men who uphold it. America was founded as an ethnostate, and it remained as one for over a century before the end of the Civil War destroyed it. The lesson to be learned is not that we must search for a better system; rather that we must be better men.
This person is a Jew, and you can tell he is, because any system that is not perfect is automatically discarded and attacked. What the shill will not admit, of course, is that every system will eventually fall to entropy and corruption, given enough time. So he gives himself rhetorical fiat to attack all things proposed while never actually taking a stand for anything himself: a classic postmodern centrist.
There are only three systems that have ever worked in the history of all of our races, in the sense of not only allowing civilization to exist, but actively defending it and encouraging it to flourish. Those systems are the Republic, the Monarchy, and the Autocracy. You can take one, two, or even all three at once if you wish, but you must have at least one, or the survival and prosperity of your society will be measured in decades, not centuries.
Even if we (rightfully) draw a line between Rome and the Holy Roman Empire as being two different civilizations, that still gives Rome a lifespan of over seven centuries before it inevitably fell to internal corruption and vice. By criticizing and attacking it, 01e605 shows their rank ignorance of the cycle of civilizations. It was exceptionally long-lived, and no other civilization would come as close to conquering the entire drawn map until the late 19th century. Rome is the high water mark of what white civilization can accomplish: if allowed to flourish and prosper freely, we can nearly quadruple the expected lifespan of any society or civilization we found.
Imagine a breed of man who, simply by being himself and following his ways, could stretch their lifespan into the high 300s, and linger in their prime for two whole centuries or more. That is what the white races are to civilization. The Jews are right to fear us.
Lol you see the same crap in these threads about DACA. They say he isn't granting them amnesty then turn around and say that we need them "BASED SPICS" as citizens. They want all of us dead and they aren't even honest enough to admit it.
You mean so faggots like you can spam threads calling him a jew and fed?
What the last 2 years have already shown us is that the revolution will not start in America or UK as everyone promoted from these regions are indeed jews or feds.
Completely jewed and screwed and the least likely groups to do anything to contest the JWO
Why the fuck is he trying to appease people who fucking hate him no matter what? All it does is make his base hate him as well.
a literal agent of chaos was cucked into submission in less than a year. You can't topple this shit from the top down.
It's sad how stupid the modern GOP is. Trump is literally saving the GOP from literally importing its own destruction. All they're doing is importing more voters for the Democrats and their own unemployment. They'll never vote for them, countless times Republicans from presidents to such gave them everything even amnesty and for what? It led to a disaster like Obama who made the debt bigger than ever and most of all caused the most race baiting ever that created the current state of identity politics and destruction of American society.
Oh well.
I don't believe in cucking out but varg is an interpol agent that won't bite the hand that feeds him. IE the kikes.
The Republican establishment are just as much a bunch of Communists as the Democrats are. They're just a different breed of commie, is all. Do you really think Kasich or McCain aren't down for White Genocide? Have you been paying attention at all to what these people have been saying and, more importantly, doing for the past thirty years? Or are you just listening and believing to what the media tells you?
These people aren't stupid. They know exactly what they're doing. They can't keep their secrets in a nation full of white men: the truth will eventually come out, and when it does, they know they'll all be killed. They'll happily replace us to save their own skins, and tell themselves they're doing the world a favor by getting rid of skin color difference racism to justify it in their own minds.
These people aren't pretending like they were two or three decades ago. They're quite open about it now, with what they intend to do and why. If you still can't see it, then you must be blind.
What a fine little Neocon.
Corrupted cuckservatives are telling him that he can win their votes by doing this. He needs slightly more votes than he has, so they're dragging him under with that method.
He ought to just arrest them. If they aren't clean as a whistle, and I'm pretty sure the people in question aren't, it ought to be special elections time.
You T_D cucks really know how to wear out a welcome, don't you? Even talking about Trump doing something shitty is "shilling," now? Not blackpilling about it, just the act of bringing it up?
Go hang out at a Trump fanclub on Reddit if you can't accept the reality that he was never our guy. Trump's a Democrat from thirty years ago who loves Jews. We didn't vote for him because he'd gas kikes. We voted for him to shift the frame of the Overton Window, and so we could have more time to prepare for the civil war that is obviously coming in the near future. What he actually does was of relatively little consequence. What matters is that he takes power to begin with, so the white working class can be shown through his failures that Democracy is not the solution to their problems.
Once again, we all stand reminded that by pretending to be idiots for the sake of humor, we attract those who mistakingly believe they are in good company. People like you coming in here and shitting on anyone who dares to critcize Trump's decisions and policies are why taking the MAGA jokes and Kek references too far was a mistake.
This is the same shit that happened when he bombed Syria.
Holla Forums and everyone else who supported him needs to be reminded that him being put into office was just one step in a larger chain of events that needs to continue with or without him.
As we speak, they are erasing white history and trying to make people forget of a time when people stood up against tyranny
especially whites
Suddenly bumped since Wednesday
I believe Trump wants everyone to be happy, that very altruistic white perspective I've tried to grow out of. I can empathize with Trump on this but I know looking at the past what this means for my own survival and people. Not everyone can be happy, not everyone can have it all, if that is his belief truly then it will pull all into the abyss by it until something makes it out.
Trying to make everyone happy is implicit Communism and is therefore a lie.
Hi, Shariablue, i see you bumping all the anti-trvmp threads to keep them visible
Tactic noted.
And (((you))) too, i almost forgot.
Sure. You spent thousands of dollars and years on a waiting list to come to america while illegals walk over the border with gibs for life. On top of that the country now hates you because you're a spic.
Yes goy, cover your ears and take some more soma, that's it, just happy thoughts, atta goy
Looks like posts from this board.
well at least the accelerationalists should be happy that Trump is doing so poorly
man it's going to be one hell of a day when we're invading russia to kill their jews
i could only offer russian (jews?) bitcoin bounties for dead jews
i wonder if that would be enough to end them?
once the fight begins dont stop until there are no non-whites left, don't give them the chance to succeed in genociding whites the next time
Legals should make an effort to earn some keep and lynch their illegal breatheren while writing gigantic signs saying "These curs are why legal latinos leave mexico! Leave or die!"
It will start in south africa or sweden is my bet
And the 14k illegals entering every day during the same 4 years user?
It looks like the accelerationists were right. A hillary even the lemmings could be induced to fight against, with trump, too many will still believe the propaganda about him. At least the 2a/patriot/paleololbergs are against him now. Cops and oathcucks though won't be, not that they were likely to be anyway.